Chichkov ApplPhysA 1996
Chichkov ApplPhysA 1996
Chichkov ApplPhysA 1996
Abstract. Laser ablation of solid targets by 0.2—5000 ps precise material processing, since in this case the energy
Ti : Sapphire laser pulses is studied. Theoretical models deposited into the solid and the heat-affected zones are
and qualitative explanations of experimental results are minimized. We discuss and demonstrate advantages of the
presented. Advantages of femtosecond lasers for precise femtosecond-pulse lasers. We hope that our results can
material processing are discussed and demonstrated. stimulate new investigations in this field. In Sect. 1, char-
acteristic features of the low fluence laser ablation of metal
PACS: 81.15 targets in three different pulse duration regimes: fem-
tosecond, picosecond and nanosecond are considered.
The experimental setup and results are presented in
Sect. 2.
Efficient use of lasers for precise material processing is
impossible without a thorough knowledge of the funda-
mental laws governing the interaction of laser radiation 1 Theoretical background
with matter. For this goal systematic studies of the laser-
matter interaction are necessary. Due to the recent pro- During the interaction of low intensity short laser pulses
gress of laser systems, especially those based on the chir- with metal targets the laser energy is absorbed by free
ped pulse amplification (CPA) technique, such systematic electrons, due to the inverse Bremsstrahlung. Then the
studies have become possible in a very broad range of evolution of the absorbed laser energy involves thermali-
laser parameters. With CPA systems the laser pulse dura- zation within the electron subsystem, energy transfer to
tion can be varied from about one hundred femtoseconds the lattice, and energy losses due to the electron heat
to several nanoseconds leaving other laser parameters transport into the target. If we assume that the thermaliz-
unchanged. This allows to perform a very detailed analy- ation within the electron subsystem is very fast and that
sis of different nonstationary laser-matter interaction pro- the electron and the lattice subsystems can be character-
cesses. As an example, recent investigations of the damage ized by their temperatures (¹ and ¹ ), the energy trans-
threshold [1], of the ablation threshold [2], and of the e i
port into the metal can be described by the following
high-intensity laser ablation [3] can be mentioned. Note one-dimensional, two-temperature diffusion model [7, 8]:
that such systematic studies have just begun, much more
should be done for the understanding and demonstration L¹ LQ(z)
of the potential of femtosecond laser systems for precise C e "! !c (¹ !¹ )#S, (1)
e Lt Lz e i
material processing.
Recently several experiments [4—6] comparing laser L¹
ablation of solid targets by femtosecond and nanosecond C i "c (¹ !¹ ) , (2)
i Lt e i
pulses have been performed. In [4] and [5, 6] advantages
of femtosecond lasers for precise material processing with Q(z) "!k L¹ /Lz, S"I(t) Aa exp (!az) . (3)
dye and excimer laser systems have been demonstrated. In e e
this paper, we present our results on ablation and hole Here z is the direction perpendicular to the target surface,
drilling with a commercial, 10 Hz, femtosecond Ti : Sap- Q(z) is the heat flux, S is the laser heating source term, I(t)
phire laser system which provides laser pulses at 780 nm is the laser intensity, A"1!R and a are the surface
with a pulse energy of up to 100 mJ and a variable pulse transmissivity and the material absorption coefficient,
duration in the range of 0.2 to 5000 ps. Experiments are C and C are the heat capacities (per unit volume) of the
e i
performed in a low fluence regime, slightly above the electron and lattice subsystems, c is the parameter charac-
evaporation threshold. This regime is most interesting for terizing the electron-lattice coupling, k is the electron
thermal conductivity. In the above equations a thermal Note that the problem of the hot electron relaxation
conductivity in the lattice subsystem (phonon component) dynamics in metals after the excitation by a femtosecond
is neglected. The electronic heat capacity is much less than laser pulse has been intensively studied during the last
the lattice heat capacity, therefore electrons can be heated years [14—16]. It has been shown that the time scale for
to very high transient temperatures. When the electron the fast electron cooling and a considerable energy trans-
temperature (in units of energy) remains smaller than the fer to the lattice is of the order of 1 ps.
Fermi energy, the electron heat capacity and the The significant evaporation occurs when C ¹ be-
i i
nonequilibrium electron thermal conductivity are given comes larger than o), where o is the density and ) is
by C "C@ ¹ (where C@ is a constant) and k "k (¹ )· the specific (per unit mass) heat of evaporation. Using (7),
e e e e e 0 i
¹ /¹ (where k (¹ ) is the conventional equilibrium ther- we can write the condition for strong evaporation in the
e i 0 i
mal conductivity of a metal) [9—11]. Expressions for the form
coupling constant c are given in [7, 12] and results of
recent measurements in [11, 13, 14]. F 5F exp (az) , (8)
a th
Equations (1—3) have three characteristic time scales q ,
e where F Ko)/a is the threshold laser fluence for evapo-
q and q , where q "C /c is the electron cooling time,
i L e e ration with femtosecond pulses. Then the ablation depth
q "C /c is the lattice heating time (q @q ) and q is the
i i e i L per pulse ¸ is
duration of the laser pulse. These parameters define three
different regimes of the laser-metal interaction which we ¸ K a~1 ln (F /F ) . (9)
call femtosecond, picosecond and nanosecond regimes. a th
The logarithmic dependence of the ablation depth on the
laser pulse fluence is well known for the laser ablation of
Femtosecond pulses organic polymers. Recently the logarithmic dependence of
the ablation depth per pulse has been demonstrated for
First we consider the case when the laser pulse duration is metal targets with femtosecond KrF-laser pulses [5].
shorter than the electron cooling time, q @q . For t@q , Due to the very short time scales involved in the
L e e ablation with femtosecond laser pulses the ablation pro-
which is equivalent to C ¹ /tAc¹ , the electron-lattice
e e e cess can be considered as a direct solid-vapor (or solid-
coupling can be neglected. In this case (1) can be easily
solved. Since the general solution of this equation is quite plasma) transition. In this case the lattice is heated on
complicated, we neglect the electron heat conduction term a picosecond time scale which results in the creation of
in our formulas. This can be done when the following vapor and plasma phases followed by a rapid expansion in
condition is fulfilled D q (a~2, where D "k /C is the vacuum. During all these processes thermal conduction
e L e e e into the target can be neglected in a first approximation.
electron thermal diffusivity. In this case (1) reduces to
These advantages of femtosecond laser pulses allow very
C@ L¹2 /Lt"2I a exp (!az) (4) precise and pure laser-processing of metals (and other
e e a solids) which is experimentally demonstrated below.
and gives
2I a 1@2
¹ (t)" ¹2# a t exp (!az) . (5) Picosecond pulses
e 0 C@
Here I(t)"I is assumed constant, I "I A, and Now we turn to the discussion of ablation with
0 a 0 picosecond laser pulses when the following condition is
¹ "¹ (0) is the initial temperature. At the end of the
0 e fulfilled q @q @q .
laser pulse the electron temperature is given by e L i
At a time tAq which is equivalent to C ¹ /t@c¹ ,
e e e e
2F a 1@2 (1) for the electron temperature becomes quasistationary,
¹ (q )K a exp (!z/d) , (6)
e L C@ and (1—3) reduce to
where ¹ (q )A¹ is assumed, F "I q is the absorbed L/Lz (k L¹ /Lz)!c(¹ !¹ )#I a exp (!az)"0, (10)
e L 0 a a L e e e i a
laser fluence, and d"2/a is the skin depth. t
The evolution of the electron and lattice temperatures 1 t!h
¹" exp ! ¹ (h) dh#¹ . (11)
after the laser pulse is described by (1—3) with S"0. Initial i q q e 0
conditions for the electron and lattice temperatures are i i
given by (6) and ¹ "¹ . After the laser pulse the elec-
i 0 Here (2) for the lattice temperature is written in the inte-
trons are rapidly cooled due to the energy transfer to the
lattice and heat conduction into the bulk. Since this elec- gral form. These equations describe heating of metal tar-
gets by the laser pulses with q Aq . When the condition
tron cooling time is very short, (2) can be written as L e
t@q is fulfilled, (11) can be simplified due to the quasi-
¹ K¹ (q ) t/q (here the initial lattice temperature is
i e L i i
neglected). The attainable lattice temperature is deter- stationary character of the electron temperature. Neglect-
ing ¹ , we get
mined by the average cooling time of the electrons 0
qa"C@ ¹ (q )/2c and is given by ¹ ^ ¹ (1!exp (!t/q )) ^ (t/q ) ¹ .
e e e L i e i i e
C@ F a As can be seen from this expression, in the picosecond
¹ ^¹2 (q ) e K a exp (!az) . (7)
i e L 2C C regime the lattice temperature remains much less than the
i i
results of laser ablation of a 0.3 mm thick silicon target are In Fig. 6 the ablation of a 0.8 mm AlN target with: a) 10,
demonstrated with: a) 10, b) 100, c) 5]103, and d) 104 b) 103, and c) 3.5]104 laser pulses is illustrated. The
pulses. Redeposition of the ablated material on the target laser parameters in Figs. 4, 5 and 6 are approximately the
surface is much stronger than in the case of metal targets. same as in Fig. 3.
Closing this section we summarize the main features absence of the liquid phase allows better control during
of femtosecond laser material processing: very rapid the drilling process. Therefore, the reproducibility
creation of vapor and plasma phases, negligible heat of our results with femtosecond laser pulses is very
conduction and the absence of liquid phase. The good.
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