Disciplines and Ideas in The Social Sciences

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Q3 DISCIPLINES AND IDEAS IN SOCIAL SCIENCES relationship between social hierarchy, its structure vis-a-vis evolution, and
W1 EMERGENCE OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCES how individuals are just another product of the whole historical process.
The primary purpose of this subject is to come to terms with our origin, and
DAY 1 DISCIPLINES OR BRANCHES IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES comprehend what makes each of us a different being. Anthropology has
various subfields, like, cultural anthropology, linguistic anthropology, etc.
What is Social Science?
Social Science is a vast discipline that aims to discover human society and its
different constructs and their connection with human relationships. At the
same time, it also carries out extensive studies about how people tend to
organize, behave and affect change in the world surrounding them. It tries
to reveal underlying social issues that closely form our experiences, which
subsequently can clarify a great deal about the functioning of our society. It
lies purely within its realm to explain, for instance, the different reasons
that contribute to the steep rise in the unemployment graph. It is a fulcrum
of the very philosophy according to which governments function and
formulate policies.
Understanding Social Sciences
Social sciences help to explain how society works, exploring everything from Archaeology
the triggers of economic growth and causes of unemployment to what To put it more simply, Archaeology encompasses the study of the material
makes people happy. This information is vital and can be used for many culture, i.e. the remains of past human life and associated activities from
purposes. Among other things, it helps to shape corporate strategies and the specific past by collecting its residual remains, found during the
government policies. excavation process and involves a subsequent analysis of these recent or
Social science as a field of study is separate from the natural sciences, which prehistoric materials. As a student, you will explore primitive cultures and
cover topics such as physics, biology, and chemistry. Social science examines extinct societies. Being one of the most popular branches of social sciences,
the relationships between individuals and societies, as well as the research in Archaeology involves building a comprehensive understanding
development and operation of societies, rather than studying the physical of the evolutionary origins, for example, the examination of nomadic people
world. These academic disciplines rely more heavily on interpretation and and also learning about the past culture and their art forms. It also entails
qualitative research methodologies. the tiring but interesting work of going on field trips. The course aims to
inculcate critical perspectives in students about the cultural influences of
History is also sometimes regarded as social science, although many the past about the present.
historians often consider the subject to share closer links to the humanities.
Both humanities and social sciences study human beings. What separates Criminology
them is a technique: humanities are viewed as more philosophical and less Many describe working as criminologists as exciting, unpredictable and
scientific. Law, too, has some ties to social sciences, as does geography. interesting. What they often fail to say is that it’s an occupation that
requires an individual to be a detail-oriented, logical thinker and have the
Anthropology ability to look at the big picture. Criminologists may do some of their studies
One of the significant academic branches of Social Sciences, Anthropology and research alone, but spend a great deal of time working with law
encompasses the study of different aspects of the human condition and enforcement agencies at the local, state and federal level. They may spend
delves deep into a societies’ cultural moorings, and how over the years part of their day in an office studying certain behavioral patterns of a
culture has shaped human behavior. Furthermore, a student will learn the criminal or maybe out in the field helping to investigate a crime and

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searching for evidence. Criminologists may also go to crime scenes, question use to extract historical information and make your interpretations
witnesses, or attend autopsies. Their basic duties include: accordingly. You can work as an independent historian and make
 Conducting Research perspectives about the past of a region by critically sifting through the
 Developing Theories information.
 Investigating Crime Scenes Linguistics
 Composing Reports As the branches of social sciences analyze the relationship of human beings
Economics with society, Linguistics is an indispensable area of study amongst these
Often termed as the study of disciplines as it peruses upon how a language is formed, its main origins as
choices and optimum utilization of well as evolution. It explores the roots of every language, be it official ones
scarce resources, Economics or local dialects and indigenous languages and understands their role in
emphasizes understanding the way defining the culture and traditions of a specific society.
people spend and utilize their available resources to satisfy their increasing Political Science
demands. Economics is all about the distribution, production and As human civilization discerned the role of government for the smooth
consumption of resources. You will learn about markets, prices of products functioning of every society, Political Science emerged as a significant field
and factors that come into play to determine the monetary value, stock of study focusing on different systems of governance as well as political
trades, working of financial institutions like banks, trade relations between ideas and discourse. This area of study is even more prominent in the
countries and how the global economy works and much more. The students contemporary era where every country has its style of governance and
gain skills to implement their theoretical as well as mathematical knowledge Political Science will help you gain a quintessential perspective of politics
in a more practical way and build habits to study deeply about the current and governance at the local, national and international levels!
economic affairs of the world. In terms of its scope, it is one of the
important branches of social sciences. Psychology
Another vast area of study amongst the branches of social science,
Geography Psychology investigates deeper into the
While the basic meaning of Geography is often associated with maps, its science of mind and human behavior. It is a
scope lies beyond that. Geography is one of the fundamental branches of unique amalgam of both theory and
social sciences as it studies lands, their salient features, crucial phenomena experiments and is an intriguing discipline for
that impact the earth along with the human population and the relationship those inclined towards the intricate human
between the study of land and the human population. It brings a unique mind and its multifarious aspects. There are
crossover of many disciplines like Geology, Environmental Science, numerous branches of Psychology itself
Population Studies, Oceanology, Earth Sciences and more! ranging from Child Psychology to Social
History Psychology, Industrial Psychology,
There is nothing more complex and broader for research than the study of Depression Counselling, Psychotherapy and
History. It straddles into different territories of time and explores every much more!
aspect of it, trying to reconstruct the past for understanding of the present Sociology
through various resources available. While exploring the branches of social Concerned with the study of society in the individualistic as well as
sciences, History is an appealing one for those inclined towards the study of structural context, Sociology is somewhat of a similar specialization to Social
renowned historical events and as you reach higher levels of study, you’ll be Sciences but skims down its essential focus on different societies, their
presented with opportunities to specialize in your area of interest. You’ll origins and evolution since ancient times. As one of the popular branches of
learn different methodologies, applications, and instruments that you can Social Sciences, it covers societal constructs like religion, class, caste as well
Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences | Page 2
as social mobility, to name a few and further studies the role of an 2. Social science can help us make sense of our finances.
individual in society at different levels and in terms of varied aspects. i Social science is not just important for the future but for what’s happening
now. We all resent paying to withdraw our money from cash machines.
History of Social Sciences
Charges can accumulate per year. Social scientists found that this doesn’t
The origins of social sciences can be traced back to the ancient Greeks. The
just depend on where we live, but that minority ethnic people are more
lives they led, and their early studies into human nature, the state, and
likely to live in areas where they’re forced to pay.
mortality, helped to shape Western civilization.
This put pressure on banks to ensure we all have access to machines that
Social science as an academic field of study developed out of the Age of
don’t charge. A range of social scientists – not just economists but also
Enlightenment (or the Age of Reason), which flourished through much of
psychologists, sociologists, and political scientists, for example ‐ can help us
the 18th century in Europe. Adam Smith, Voltaire, Jean-Jacques Rousseau,
understand the economic crisis and weigh up decisions we make for
Denis Diderot, Immanuel Kant, and David Hume were among the big
ourselves and those which governments make on our behalf. Without this
intellectuals at the time who laid the foundations for the study of social
kind of analysis, we may feel like pawns in a global game of chess.
sciences in the Western World.
With the knowledge and understanding that social science offers us, we will
Individuals began to take a more disciplined approach to quantify their
feel empowered to act for ourselves and to influence decisions being made
observations of society, and over time, similar aspects of society, such as
on our behalf.
linguistics and psychology, were separated into unique fields of study.
3. Social scientists contribute to our health and well‐being.
From sports sociologists to public health experts,
1. What is social science?
from those interpreting medical statistics to those
2. What is the difference between social science and natural science?
evaluating policies for our care in old age, social
3. Explain the difference between each branch.
scientists are working hard to make sure that our
4. Among these branches, which do you see yourself pursuing? Why?
health, leisure, and social care services work to the
5. Explain: Humanities, Social Science, and Natural Science.
best effect.
DAY 2: BENEFITS OF SOCIAL SCIENCE Social geographers, for example, have shown that
1. Social scientists help us imagine alternative futures. those of us who do not follow eating advice are not simply weak‐willed or
Social science can open up debate and give us a say in shaping our collective ignorant. Our eating habits are influenced by a whole range of
future. The social sciences developed as a field of study during the circumstances. Some unhealthy choices may seem rational: if the person
nineteenth century. Social science helped people understand the doing the shopping knows that others will simply not eat the healthy option
consequences and application of the new technologies of the age, such as and it will just go to waste, they may simply not buy it.
steam power. So, it’s no good just giving people a booklet on healthy eating. Effective
The growth of railways and factories not only transformed the economy and nutritional advice needs to be tailored to people’s everyday lives and
the world of work but also changed forever the way people organized their contexts.
family lives and leisure. Today nanotechnology and advances in medical 4. Social science might save your life.
research will have a significant impact on the way we live. Some psychologists spent time in a steel factory to work out what needs
They present us with a bewildering range of ethical, legal, and social issues. doing to create a safer environment. Accidents at work happen even in the
But it isn’t enough to rely on the scientists. We also need social scientists to best-regulated companies that provide staff training and take all necessary
analyze and criticize what’s going on. That way we will make informed precautions.
choices that shape the future. A top‐down enforced safety regime simply doesn’t work. It’s when people
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see unsafe work practices as unacceptable and take decisions as teams that parents, particularly parents of younger children, are more concerned that
workplaces become safer. Employers need to see people as individuals who their children enjoy school than that they are academic stars.
take their lead from those with whom they identify. These principles have
By working with students of all ages to understand their perspectives on
also been shown to work in crowd control.
schooling, researchers have discovered new
When those responsible for crowd management are trained in techniques insights into what makes effective schools,
that take this into account, there’s virtually no trouble. and what makes for effective school
5. Social science can make your neighborhood safer.
One common myth is that if you take measures to reduce crime in one We just need to listen to children, provide
neighborhood the criminals simply move on, leading to increased crime in structured opportunities for them to give
another area. Sociologists worked closely with police to reduce crime their views, and prepare adults to listen.
through a method involving scanning for crime patterns.
8. Social science can change the world for
They were able to identify patterns that regular police work had not picked the better.
up, so avoiding guesswork and lost time. A technique called situational We can generally agree that the world needs
crime prevention developed by the same team is now regularly used by the to be a safer place where all people can enjoy basic dignity and human
police, working with the public and private sectors to prevent crime. rights. This is the case even when we can’t always agree on what we should
Together they make things more difficult for would‐be criminals. do to make this happen. Social scientists working in interdisciplinary teams
have made their mark in the area of human welfare and development.
For example, in one area there was a serious problem of lead being stolen
from community building roofs. By working with dealers in the scrap metal They are concerned with the social and economic advancement of humanity
market, and persuading them to keep records, it then became too risky to at large. They work with government institutions, UN organizations, social
buy what might be stolen lead. services, funding agencies, and the media.
6. We need social scientists as public intellectuals. They are influencing the work of strategists, planners, teachers, and
In our fast-changing world, there is a place for the social scientist as a public program officers in developing and growing economies, like India, to
intellectual. Social scientists must make their work interesting and engaging influence development so that it impacts the lives of the poorest members
to the rest of us. of society. For example, social scientists are cooperating to explore the
impact of legislation to guarantee minimum wages for rural unskilled
They need to explain not only why social science is relevant but do it
manual laborers on the love of women.
compellingly. Then we will want to listen, read and find out more. Perhaps
more social scientists will have to become active listeners, talking more They found the new law provided opportunities for some women to
often to the public, each other and to scientists. become wage earners where none had existed before, reducing the risk of
hunger and the chances of avoiding hazardous work. But they also identified
Then we can get all the disciplines around the table together. In a
barriers to women benefitting from the changes, including harassment at
knowledge‐based world, we need people who can integrate a variety of
the worksite.
different types of knowledge, and that come from different intellectual
roots and from a range of institutions to work together. Those working in development studies are then able to support women’s
ability to benefit by looking for creative solutions to such problems.
7. Social science can improve our children’s lives and education.
All societies and all governments want to show they are doing the best for 9. Social science can broaden your horizons.
children. Yet too often education reform seems to take place without regard For debates about feminism, peace, ecology, social movements, and much
for the best interests of the learners. Education research shows that many more, social science offers each of us new perspectives and new ways of

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understanding. Whether your idea of relaxation is visiting a museum, What Is Social Studies?
watching soaps, or chatting online, social science encourages a fresh look at Social studies can also be referred to as social sciences. It’s a field that deals
our everyday activities and culture. with human behavior, relationships, resources, and institutions.
Social scientists are making an impact on museums across the world, to Aim And Purpose Of Social Studies
make them more inclusive, abler to challenge prejudices, inspire learning The main goal of teaching social studies is to teach students to become
and be more relevant in contemporary society. good citizens. We are living in a diverse society — one that requires
knowledge of social studies to
One example is their work to involve local communities and international
succeed. With a social studies
visitors alike in engaging with exhibitions on a range of social justice issues
background, children become adults
through programs including art workshops and residencies.
that can participate civilly in our
10. We need social science to guarantee our democracy. democratic society.
Social science offers multiple perspectives on society, informs social policy,
and supports us in holding our politicians and our media to account.
Social scientists are monitoring how the transformation from traditional to Social studies connect students with
digital media is examining the move away from traditional journalism and the real world. In today’s
politics to where we as citizens try to be community journalists, presenting interconnected world, students must
our accounts online. The work brings together specialists in media and be prepared to interact with people
communications, sociology, and politics. of all cultures and communities, and
Individual citizens may feel empowered by this but there are risks in turning social studies prepare them for this.
away from traditional journalism, including fewer opportunities for in‐depth The Importance Of Social Studies In The School Curriculum
analysis and critique of powerful interests. This work by social scientists is All children who go through the school curriculum become something when
critical in protecting a modern and transparent democracy. Just think about they graduate. And no matter what that something is, they will need to
what might happen without it!ii interact with others from different cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds.
ACTIVITY 2 Students must study how society works, and how people work in a society
1. Why did you choose Humanities & Social Science (HUMSS) strand? for it all to work once they enter society after graduation.
2. For each benefit mentioned, replace the word “social science” with Eight Reasons: Why Is Social Studies Important For Students?
your name and complete the sentence. Then explain how or what Students learn skills through social studies that help them succeed in further
action you are willing to do? education as well as life. Here are all the amazing ways learning social
For example: studies benefits students and society together:
1. Marco will help you imagine the alternative futures. How? I will do
1. Better Reading And Learning
debates, I will study, present, analyze, and critic to help people
Social studies are one area in education where content integration is key.
understand the concerns of new technologies.
Students are given reading material that corresponds with the current
DAY 3: IMPORTANCE OF SOCIAL STUDIES learning topics. Giving reading materials in context helps students become
better readers. They also become better learners because they are asked to
“The primary purpose of social studies is to help young people make
use analysis, critical thinking, and writing to show understanding.
informed and reasoned decisions for the public good as citizens of a
culturally diverse, democratic society in an interdependent world.” 2. Citizen Responsibilities And Values
How can we expect young people to contribute positively to society, engage
Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences | Page 5
in discourse, and thrive in a democratic society if they are not exposed to have an appreciation for and understanding of the way the world works.
the topics and aspects of history and life that made society the way it is? Learning about history is what makes it possible to learn from the past and
Students need an understanding of history, political science, culture, and all plan for the future.
humanities to be able to understand why it is important to be a good
Making Sense of the World: Social Studies for Young Students
One of the reasons for teaching young people social studies is for them to
3. Cultural Understanding be able to participate civilly in a democratic society. Students start as early
Students should be exposed as kindergarten to understand the world around them, and schools should
to cultures far beyond what follow suit and start teaching social studies concepts such as
they experience personally communication, critical thinking, and culture as early as possible.
every day. Not every student
Qualities of Purposeful Social Studies
has the opportunity to
1. Meaningful
interact with other cultures
Social studies should be meaningful to students. Teachers should embrace
daily. We need students to learn about, understand, and appreciate cultural
the natural interests of students and plan topics around those interests.
differences if we expect them to have meaningful interactions with people
of all backgrounds in the future. 2. Integrative
Integrating all aspects of life is key to a successful social studies curriculum.
4. Economic Education
Not only should current events and other classes be integrated, but also
Economics is a crucial part of social studies, whether studied on its own, or
aspects of daily life as well. Every moment is a teachable moment.
as a part of history, anthropology, or political science. By learning
economics, young people understand how their financial decisions have an 3. Value-Based
impact on their future, as well as the future of society. Key values of democracy are opportunity, equality, justice, and freedom of
speech. These values should be echoed throughout all parts of social
5. Critical Thinking
Critical thinking is a part of social studies — students are taught to evaluate
decisions (theirs and others) and make connections between influences and 4. Challenging
circumstances. Young people get the opportunity to learn from mistakes Teachers can challenge children in social studies classes in ways they aren’t
through social sciences. or can’t be challenged in other classes. The in-depth critical analysis should
be implemented — getting students to think and reflect will help them
6. Real-World Understanding
engage and challenge them to care about what’s going on around them.
Studying social sciences gives students an understanding of the real world
around them. Students learn about places, cultures, and events around the 5. Active
world, what conspired to make them the way they are, and can make Get students active and engaged with debates, discussions, role-playing,
conclusions about how the rest of the world works. projects, and simulations. This is one area of the school where kids should
get into it!iii
7. Political Skills
From social studies classes, students learn about government, political ACTIVITY 3
ideas, country economy and resources, and more. Students gain political 1. As a HUMSS student, how do these importance, reasons, and qualities
skills by analyzing and evaluating existing systems and imaging the future of affect your decision?
the place in which they live. 2. In your school or home activities, how does the process of “analyze,
think and write” benefit you?
8. Respect History
3. How would you say your interaction with your community or different
History is what made the world the way it is, and people must study it to
culture/background be described by those who know you?
Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences | Page 6
4. HUMSS desires to study and serve our community for the better. How changing their minds in ways that render them false. So, social science is not
can your actions reveal these characters on a day-to-day basis? just hard science—it is a very hard science. And we’re up to the task. Every
day. Striving for the next breakthrough. Cumulatively more effective in
DAY 4: WHY SOCIAL SCIENCE? explaining human behavior than ever before.
Because Social Science Is a Form of Service that Improves Quality of Life for Social science is needed today more than ever. We are interconnected in so
People Around the World many ways. Some interconnections yield understanding and improve
If you are reading these words, chances are you are a social scientist or relationships. Others have more questionable consequences. Social media,
someone who cares about social science. Either way, I am grateful to you for example, offer numerous platforms for people who seek attention at the
and everyone who devotes significant parts of their lives to social science’s expense of understanding. Social science, at its best, provides a
development and practice. counterbalance to such forces. Social scientists have abilities to help us
evaluate hypotheses about our world not by whether they draw likes or
Social science is a distinct and valuable form of service. Social science helps
clicks, but by their correspondence to rigorous reasoning and detailed data.
us understand ourselves, our relationships with others, and our
Social science allows us to sort conjectures about the consequences of our
relationships with the world. The insights that we provide change people’s
actions by their fidelity to carefully recorded observations. By providing this
lives every day. For example, a wide range of public and private sector
service, we give people around the world a greater capacity to understand
organizations are using our insights to take on a broad array of very big
one another and build better tomorrow.
problems. These problems include global poverty, national security, child
development, and neighborhood safety. Around the world, social science Social science, in my view, is a distinct form of service to society, particularly
discoveries are helping entrepreneurs, first responders, and many others when societies need a path to shared understanding. The social sciences, in
provide essential services with greater precision and efficiency. all of their glorious incarnations, can offer that path by producing findings
and insights that are intersubjective – that is, seen as legitimate from many
Today, the social sciences provide insights in so many areas. From neurons
perspectives. Intersubjectivity can be a powerful ally when fighting
to neighborhoods, and from neighborhoods to nations. At each level, social
problems such as poverty or seeking to improve educational outcomes –
scientists are making amazing discoveries. This is particularly true of young
contexts where we do need to understand where the rubber hits the road.
scholars. Methodologically and demographically, our newest generation of
The social sciences, when conducted rigorously and honestly, produce
social scientists is more diverse and powerful than ever before. Working
inquiries and insights whose validity can span the great variety of beliefs
together, multiple generations of basic and applied social scientists are
and commitments that characterize many human societies.
giving students and practitioners new capacity to better manage the
challenges and opportunities of our time. There are other times when societies cannot agree on what their challenges
are or about what outcomes are most desired. Here, too, social science has
Studying humans is difficult. Our objects of study tend to argue back.
an essential role. If we want to see it, social science can offer important
Human beings sometimes prefer explanations that produce a good feeling
clues about why people disagree. It can validate the existence of multiple
at a particular moment over explanations that offer a surer path to our
points of view and reveal commonalities in situations that first appear to
aspirations but make us feel less good.
entail only conflict. In all such cases, it can offer a distinct source of hope for
A related challenge is that, unlike quarks, leptons, or cells, our objects of people who want to find new ways to manage shared problems.
study can sometimes read the predictions that we are making about their
In closing, I am grateful to everyone who devotes significant parts of their
behavior. Some of them, upon reading our predictions, can change what
lives to the development and practice of social science. Because working
they are going to do. In many of the social sciences, we need to make
together, we have a tremendous capacity to improve the quality of life for
predictions that are not only accurate at the moment that we make them,
our families, our communities, our nation, and people around the world. iv
but also able to survive the affected parties reading about them and

Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences | Page 7

First, rewrite 10 sentences that captured your attention. Then, write an
essay on why Social Science or HUMSS is important; its impact & future.

Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences | Page 8


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