Disciplines and Ideas in The Social Sciences
Disciplines and Ideas in The Social Sciences
Disciplines and Ideas in The Social Sciences
Q3 DISCIPLINES AND IDEAS IN SOCIAL SCIENCES relationship between social hierarchy, its structure vis-a-vis evolution, and
W1 EMERGENCE OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCES how individuals are just another product of the whole historical process.
The primary purpose of this subject is to come to terms with our origin, and
DAY 1 DISCIPLINES OR BRANCHES IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES comprehend what makes each of us a different being. Anthropology has
various subfields, like, cultural anthropology, linguistic anthropology, etc.
What is Social Science?
Social Science is a vast discipline that aims to discover human society and its
different constructs and their connection with human relationships. At the
same time, it also carries out extensive studies about how people tend to
organize, behave and affect change in the world surrounding them. It tries
to reveal underlying social issues that closely form our experiences, which
subsequently can clarify a great deal about the functioning of our society. It
lies purely within its realm to explain, for instance, the different reasons
that contribute to the steep rise in the unemployment graph. It is a fulcrum
of the very philosophy according to which governments function and
formulate policies.
Understanding Social Sciences
Social sciences help to explain how society works, exploring everything from Archaeology
the triggers of economic growth and causes of unemployment to what To put it more simply, Archaeology encompasses the study of the material
makes people happy. This information is vital and can be used for many culture, i.e. the remains of past human life and associated activities from
purposes. Among other things, it helps to shape corporate strategies and the specific past by collecting its residual remains, found during the
government policies. excavation process and involves a subsequent analysis of these recent or
Social science as a field of study is separate from the natural sciences, which prehistoric materials. As a student, you will explore primitive cultures and
cover topics such as physics, biology, and chemistry. Social science examines extinct societies. Being one of the most popular branches of social sciences,
the relationships between individuals and societies, as well as the research in Archaeology involves building a comprehensive understanding
development and operation of societies, rather than studying the physical of the evolutionary origins, for example, the examination of nomadic people
world. These academic disciplines rely more heavily on interpretation and and also learning about the past culture and their art forms. It also entails
qualitative research methodologies. the tiring but interesting work of going on field trips. The course aims to
inculcate critical perspectives in students about the cultural influences of
History is also sometimes regarded as social science, although many the past about the present.
historians often consider the subject to share closer links to the humanities.
Both humanities and social sciences study human beings. What separates Criminology
them is a technique: humanities are viewed as more philosophical and less Many describe working as criminologists as exciting, unpredictable and
scientific. Law, too, has some ties to social sciences, as does geography. interesting. What they often fail to say is that it’s an occupation that
requires an individual to be a detail-oriented, logical thinker and have the
Anthropology ability to look at the big picture. Criminologists may do some of their studies
One of the significant academic branches of Social Sciences, Anthropology and research alone, but spend a great deal of time working with law
encompasses the study of different aspects of the human condition and enforcement agencies at the local, state and federal level. They may spend
delves deep into a societies’ cultural moorings, and how over the years part of their day in an office studying certain behavioral patterns of a
culture has shaped human behavior. Furthermore, a student will learn the criminal or maybe out in the field helping to investigate a crime and