Experiment No.3: Surface-Grinder
Experiment No.3: Surface-Grinder
Experiment No.3: Surface-Grinder
Performing general maintenance activities on various types of machines in Machine Tools &
Machining (MTM) laboratory.
To define the assigned machine
To enlist safety precautions for the machine
To explain maintenance diagram
Assigned machine:
A surface grinder is a machine tool used to provide precision ground surfaces, either to a critical
size or for the surface finish.The machine consists of a table that traverses both longitudinally and
across the face of the wheel.
1. Finish workpieces that must show high surface quality (e.g., low surface roughness)
2. High accuracy of shape and dimension.
Safety instructions for Using surface Grinder machine:
Avoid operating the grinder at speeds above the manufacturer’s recommended limit.
Replace the wheel device if it is damaged.
Do not grind on side of wheel unless wheel is specifically designed for such use.
Special training is required before using the surface grinder
Abrasive wheel machinery shall not be operated without the appropriate guards in place
Hold work securely while grinding
Make sure the main power of the machine has been turned off and the machine has
complete stopped before starting maintenance service.
Clean the table with soft cloth at the end of daily operation.
Prevent dust and chips from entering into guideways.
Avoid of any abnormal maintenance.
Always wear safety equipment and make sure you use the operator’s recommended
eyewear or safety goggles, Gloves, Safety Helmet, Ear plugs before operating the
grinding machine.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Electrical System:
All mechanical systems are operated with help of some electrical systems composed of electrical
First of all machine is electrically turned on after that workpiece is carefully adjusted on
magnetic chuck for the required grinding or surface finish operations.Handling wheels are used
to adjust the locations longitudinally & cross-feed hand wheel & operation in this way is being
carried out.
AH Model:
Figure 6
Figure 8
Figure 9
The following lubricants are to be used for lubrication purposes:
Figure 10 lubricants
G8-MEM-17-9: After performing this lab session, we came to know about the
precautions, Warnings and necessary notes to be understood and what they are,
before operating the machine
G8-MEM-17-41: Systematic diagrams of surface grinder were observed and
maintenance was done in the light of those diagrams.
G8-MEM-17-12: Maintenance diagrams related to the lubrication were studied
and observed that which parts required which type of lubricant and after how
much duration of lubrication become must at those certain points.