@ Sarbreenar
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the mpl HD d thc p h w character pnrry. This published adven-
ture use the low-level threat8 PI the ddauk; DMa wishing to mn
H y h s AUumen-Holy Justiceof Tv, Rcvermd Judge,high paest thb adventure with higher-level p6 should COMUII the A w n .
of Raven BlufFa temple of Tyr--ia a hard bur jw man. All hh lik dix, whete midJevel and hiph*levelvariants of their opponents
he has followed the way of Tyr, god ofjueticc. He has a repcation are compiled.
M a man not to be allled with: his rulings may always be lust, but
they are not alwap merciful. A very succeaaful adventurer in his
youth, he 8cttled in R a m Bluff a decade ago, married, and
to rlsc in the hierarchy of the Silver H&, the local Temple of Tyr.
Upon the recent wartime death of SiMs Melandor, the ranking
local prelate of Tyr,H y h wan cham to lead the Silver Halls. He
is capable, honasble, and remoneleaa.
Now, Hykm hw a problem. His son, eight-yenr*old Mikhail,
has been kidnapped. Mikhail is his only &Id, the apple of his eye.
Having lart hla wife only a yw ago,Hyknx simply must have his
son bedr. Althcugh it p aS@M~ everything he scando I&, he has
agreed to pay a ransom worth hundreds of thousands of gold
pieus. The dmp& point for the lsMOm is the Suuggling Squid
Inn in the town of Tanma, nome twenty miles north of Ravens
Bluff. The r a m m must be delivered at midnight, two days fmm
tdav. Shce word ofthe kidnapping and the msom lealrcd out,
H y b know8 chat every thief and W i t in the Vast probebly has
his or her eyes on the ransom. He has thmfm decided to agree to
a aubccrhgc, M much M chat p a ~ a i n ihis t name. Should he en-
awt the ransom delivery to his fellow pricaaof, ’T they uarld be
sure to draw much unwanted attention and would probably loac
the ransum. So, he har accepted the kidnappns’demand IOsend a
fsbc ransom with his own people nnd enmust the actual ppymmt
to a party of adventuren, whose relative anonymity ah& both
protect them nnd allow them fo deliver the ranunn safely,
The PCI arcwpplied with a q o n , atemofdraft hones,and
the cheat containing the ransom. The Pcc must deliver the ran-
unn to the applnted spot, defend@ it from any thicvea who fig.
ured out the mth of the matter and attempt to waylay them en
mute. At the rendervoua with the kidnappen, the parry must cake
p m n u t h to make a m Mikhall is handedover bpfely by the kid-
nappen. Part One ends when the Pcc recover young Mikhall. Parr
Two deals with the PCI’&om to crack down the Lidnappaacne
by one and bring them to justice. In the proces, they gdually
lepm that the kidnapping &.onlythe fint parr ofaplor srpinn the
temple of Tp;they must mikc quickly If they are to prevent the
hnder o f h e kkhnpemfmm cmnplctinghis p h Encountem One:
Note that this sdvenrun is u n d l y lethal. However, it is pa.
siblc for even a low-levelpamy of advennuen to survive and tri, The Job
umph if they think quickly and avoid blundering into the various
craps and ambushu that await the unwary. By the mne token, t of an advenrunng der~c.Now,however, he k m k a wreck.
even an experienced group of characten should find the adventure ias obviornly not slept since his son was kidnapped and has a
a challenge; the focs they face are clever and well.prcpared, and ired Imk about hrm, far different from the aura of complete
many &NPCa wish to intercept the ~ n r a hn t e n w b idencc that he usually radiates He stands and welcomes you
look before they leap will pmpcr; thaK who blunder about w i l l “I ha& you all for respanding w quicklv. As you may have
have a very hard time indeed. d. my son has heen kidnapped. 1 need Someone to unobtru-
The original tournament this module is baaed upon emptalal y deliver the ratworn and recover my 8on. Unfortunately,
“tien” of NPCI, M chat the DM could gauge the Iml dthrmt by
' I
- A-
Ilewmlb @Xn.congIU5;
unth the PCS for the kidnappers m the ones being hunted down. If
taken alive, the characten will be charged with being Acceuories
***hramrrofW,quut; kd(x21. speCialabilitles(at "A& che F~st"toK&appingandMurdq nfmbeingiarppd of
will, unless o t h e r w k noted): devcr "U*biliq(at will), de- all honors,titles, and posscssio~,the minimum they will
tect I* (at will), hdd penon, hd, wad, **impmdin(prnnk- receive b ten yem hard labor. If they're lucky, they won't wind up
lia (once every ren day#), **k&ddloudlr5, **mmw)nod in primn with pople they Knr there in their huotcdap.. .
(once every three Qp),**me& of ae.Ancient Hu-
rhltlhemWaeIdkfiOmcheI C & l O h M they BWCdpU.but
pLnned the whok thhg that way. &rbolomew iadupcrpw. He
will make any kind of threat or promise to atny alive. The PCs
-- v ' ' -
old debts (partially me). If preaaed, she says she gave most of it to
Bartholomew to help pay for his mercenary army (partially m e ) . Fi.
nally, she claims LO have buried it “where no one will ever 6nd it”
(also partially m e ) and tries to hsrgain with the Pcs:her kedom in
exchange for her share ofthe raman. If this doesn’t work, she clam
up and rrfuses to tell them any more about it.
As long the PCa stand up for themselves, they get to keep
their prisoner. The Baron asks only that the PCs promise that Sil.
monwill be w e d over 10 the R a v m Bluff authorities to stand trial
for her crimes.
Treat the Baron politely: 100 XP each.
Question Bartholomew: 100XP each.
Get a document from the Baron explaining what happened to
Bartholomew: 50 XP each.
Capture Silmon alive: 300 XP each.
Insist on keeping custody of Silmon: 200 XP each.
By and large, the only enemies the P C s have to fight in this en-
counter a n rhwe of their own creation (Silmon is the obvious ex-
ception). If they run afoul of the border guards and have to fight
their way to the capital, things will go badly for them. Not only will
they probably be killed or at the very least brought to Karon in
chains (the laals ate very god at using ambuahea, mu,tripwires,
and other wicks to overpower an arrogant armed force, having just
had experience on Bartholomew’s mercenaries), but they will al.
most certainly arrived too late to speak with Bartholomew. Silmon
a h will have departed, and they will not encounter her again-he
makea her way down to %urlagol and takea ship to distant parts.A lowing encounter overtakes them when they are two nights out
raid on the jail is a bad idea, but it’s just p s i b l e clever Pcs may from Ravens Bluff.
bring it off.If so,they must look for treachery from Bartholomew, Silmon had attempted to summon Nivers to Bartholomew’said
who will seek to slay them ot escape at the first opportunity. If they after he was captured. but the elven sharpshooter did not get the
fail to capture Silmon, assume that the descriptions and clues they message in time. While traveling upriver, she discovers the PCs.
gave Hyhos before leaving Ravens Bluff are enough for them to with Silmon in tow, on their way back downriver to Ravens Bluff.
identify a few possible suspecta and that checkq out one of these “One Shot“ has heard of the pcs’exploiu by now, as has m a t of
l e d them to Cslagor’s tower. Finally, if the Pcs refuse to save Sil. Ravens Blurt, and decides not to wait for the party to come after her
mon from the Baron, she refuses to answer any questions. She is but to eliminate them first. Accordingly, she slips quietly into sniper
tried that same evening of complicity in the rebellion (plenty of position up one of the great trees that line the river banks at this
people saw her fighting at Bartholomew’sside in the early attacks) point and draws a bead on the lookout. Since she is an elf, she can
and mtenced to hang the next day. Unless the Pcs come up with do so virtually noiselessly. If the first shot completely disables the
some plan to get her away from the very ~ a ~ h fguards v l or can wn- only guard, she takes her time, shooting the other FCs one by one in
vince her to help them (difficult but MI abmlutely i m p i b l e ) , she their sleep (a kindly DM might allow a falling guard the chance to
goes to her death without speaking and her stash of the loot be- cry out on a successful Constitution check). If on the other hand
c o w one of the legendw lost treasuwa ofthe Vast. that first shot stirs up a hornet‘s nest of Pcsleaping to their feet, run-
ning about, and shooting wildly into the dark, she takes her time, re-
Encounten Fiue: loads, and fires again. The darknew and foliage provide her with ex-
cellent cover as she slips from tree to nre; in addition it will be hard
Quannels in initially for the characters to fisure out where the act& ate coming
the Dank
from (they are likely to look at ground level, for a start; it will take a
successful Tracking or Intelligence check, at a -5 penalty, to estab-
lish the general position of the sniper). As long as the PCs are
The trip back down the Fire River is at first uneventful, unless the milling about, shouting, and offering her excellent targeu, she con-
DM wants to have the FCs encounter a few wandering humanoid tinues to take pot-shou at them. If they seem to be getting vx) clme
bands (fragmentsof Warlord M y r b ]elan’s now-scatrered army
- --
or all get under cover, she slips away, only to return an hour or so
that assaulted Ravens Bluffthe Drevioua summer).Silmon is a model later and trv again from a different direction. Nivers is not above
prisoner who does everything . p i b l e to lull their suspicions and hooting their OMS in order to prevent their escaping her, and she
win their sympathy; she even does her best to fight off attackers if
the camp is assaulted. Aak the Pca for watchcs each night; the fol-
will stalk them all nieht if newarv. If it becornea too danzerous,
slips away and comes back again the next night or day. She will even
. she
1. ab quickly as it came, the iighming L) gone and yu
gain All IS quiet wirhm the tower You can nee the ch
?E .)f Dor and one of the pard+-tm hadly lurnr for y
uhich one-still smoking where they lie wlstcd o
' at thc far end of rhc hall. You can smell the a m i
ow's End dutrict known locally as 'The Shutrers"--a run
What's h a w e d here is that Suns orend the concealed door in
wn area of warehouser and bat-rental sidlls The Touer c the panrm. &kng off a durin liphmn;g girph that struck dead all the
k o r itsclf is unimpastng: a stone budding only about thirr Buardc except Randeau (the sixth and Ian m the cham; he made hu
:t h h h on a back alley bciween Helhsvryn'3 Walk and Re, savmg throw). Any InagIciai item that the City Watch contlngent
ila Way. T h e windows arc all shuttered. and there is hut were wearing did not save against the multiple electrical strikees.
de &or. The door M of black iron, whilr the tower 15 q Opning the cabinet also rriggrred a mechanical mp, withdrawing
First Floor
Summoning Pentagram
m n , Ravens B W P
. .%.