Philippine Environmental Movement
Philippine Environmental Movement
Philippine Environmental Movement
The movement is centered on ecology, health and human rights. Humanity is the participant in
Use scientific methods to monitor energy use, pollution and climate changes, as in green accounting.
An overview on what Ecology movement is
Since environmental issues are becoming more embedded in social work education, theory,
and practice. However, there is much work to be done to build on the foundations that
the ecological movement, ecological social workers, and green social workers have provided.
Green social workers recognize the political nature of ecological interventions that challenge the
exploitation of the earth's peoples, flora, fauna, and physical ecosystems. Green social workers'
analyses and actions are centered on an extensive critique of neoliberal capitalism that prioritizes
profit making over the biosphere. Many vested interests will seek to condemn green social
workers' involvement in ecological matters and portray their doing so as a political concern that
remains outside the bounds of professional practice.
In conclusion
It can be inferred that democratization of the country through the adoption of the 1987 Constitution
is the primary political opportunity taken advantage by the environmental movements in the Philippines.
Furthermore, the UN framework on sustainable development and its subsequent adoption in the
Philippines gave the movements the opportunities to partner with the other sectors of the society to
strengthen their institutional base. The partnership of the movements with the mass media is essential in
the continual support to the movements for they serve as the avenue to ignite the consciousness of the
Filipino people over the environment.
In the Philippines
The Philippines is such a fascinating country; it is rich in natural wonders, but most of its natural
resources are suffering due to environmental challenges. Thus, the environmental organizations in the
Philippines thrive to protect its wonders and conserve its beauty.
There are 12 notable and inspiring environmental groups in the Philippines that do their best to better the
country’s environment and provide its citizens with a healthy environment. Further, these are the groups
and learn about their objectives and plans to conserve the environment.