WK4 - Emilio Jacinto & Apolinario Mabini
WK4 - Emilio Jacinto & Apolinario Mabini
WK4 - Emilio Jacinto & Apolinario Mabini
woman. He must not see her as an object, nor pat time. That Content of the topic
whenever a Katipunero sees a woman, he will remember his - In Auguts 1896 the head of the printing press of the Diario de
mother who nurtured him.” Manila, having discovered that some of his employees
- The twelfth principle gives importance to every action that belinged to a secret society, handed them over to the
one has to make. “A Katipunero must not do the things that he constabulary for the corresponding investigation
does not want to be done by him.” - Resources have to the usual methods of torture, and not only
- The thirteenth rule is about one’s knowledge on how to have the Katipunan but also the Masonic brotherhood and other
a right character in dealing with life. “A Katipuneros’ life is societies already dissolved, like the Liga and Cuerpo de
not measured by what is his status in life nor with the things Compromisarios, were discovered
he possess. Instead, it is in his character and his love for the - Warned in time, Bonifacio and his followers were able to flee
native land. to the mountains, and from there ordered the people’s councils
- The Last shows the idea of the author’s desire. It emphasizes to rise or join them so as not to fall in the hands of the
the hope he has for everyone and believes that every sacrifices constabulary
that a Katipunero make will always be worth it. - The Spanish authorities, following the advice of the friars,
- Kartilya ng Katipunan is a set of principles that shows the path decided to teach a terrible exemplary lesson and for this
on how each and every one of us must live of lives by living to purpose seized not only the katipuneros but the Masons as
the fullest through good values. I believe that this Kartilya ng well and all those who had belonged to the dissolved societies.
Katipunan was made to change the thoughts of every - Convinced that the insurrection could not be the work of the
Filipino’s unacceptable behavior. Katipunan was not just an unlettered but rather of the country’s educated class, they also
organization working towards the freedom of the Filipinos. ordered the arrest of all the prominent Filipinos in every
They built on the ideological and political foundation province
constructed by men and women who sacrificed themselves - The fate of the captured was cruel and horrible. The
because of their love for the country and for the people. Just Katipuneros had managed to put themselves beyond reach of
like Rizal who pushed Filipinos to think critically with full the persecution in time and only those who were not, were
understanding, this code of conduct was made to inform arrested
people of what they deserve to know for making their lives - Since the latter were tortured to compel them to admit their
better. Going back to the past, the journey to freedom is long complicity in the insurrection and they knew nothing about it,
and hard. The price of bravery and principle is high. Back then, they could not escape these sufferings
they thought that the day of real freedom will forever remain a - Many died as well as a result; many were executed under
dream. And through Kartilya ng Katipunan, Filipinos were sentence of courts-martial; many others, shot without any trial
united to fight for what they own. Kartilya ng Katipunan at all; and still others, suffocated in grim dungeons. Thos who
became an oath the every Katipuneros must follow to show suffered only imprisonment and deportation were lucky
their determination in being a part of the people who wanted a Rizal’s Heroism
change. - Rizal was exiled to Dapitan. It was during this time that the
- And while we have different interpretation with what was insurrection happened to break out
intended by Bonifacio, there is one thing that everyone can - Although Rizal’s banishment to Dapitan eliminated all
agree on: Kartilya ng Katipunan was meant to guide us in possibility of his active participation in the movement, he was
living our everyday life to the fullest. More importantly, it found guilty of having been its chief instigator because had it
highlights the importance of having the right attitude towards not been for the articles he had published La Solidaridad and
other people. for his novels, the people would never have taken to politics.
- Rizal was shot on the 30th December 1896 as the principal
The Philippine Revolution: Chapters 9 and 10 instigator of the movement, and those really guilty of giving
(Apolinario Mabini) cause for the Filipinos to hate the very name of Spaniard were
About the Author praised for their patriotism
- Filipino revolutionary leader, educator, lawyer and statesman - The judgement is incorrect. If Rizal had not existed, somebody
who served first as a legal and constitutional adviser to the else would have played his role
Revolutionary Government, and then as the first Prime - Rizal had not started the resistance, yet he was condemned to
Minister of the Philippines upon the establishment of the First death: were he not innocent, he would not be a martyr
Philippine Republic. - In contrast to Burgos who wept because he died guiltness,
- He is regarded as the "Utak ng Himagsikan" or "Brain of the Rizal went to the execution ground calm and even cheerful to
Revolution". show that he was happy to sacrifice his life, w/ch he had
- Mabini performed all his revolutionary and governmental dedicated tot eh good of all the Filipinos, confident that in love
activities despite having lost the use of both his legs to polio and gratitude they would always remember him and follow his
shortly before the Philippine Revolution of 1896. example and teaching
- Less than a year afterward I heard that the Katipunan has - Rizal’s Sacrifice is voluntary and conscious
spread all over the province of Manila and was beginning to - God grant that they will know how to render to him the only
branch out into Cavite and Bulacan. I foresaw the horror tribute worth of his memory: the limitation of his virtues
which would follow its discovery by the authorities, but, The Uprising
having been unable to obstruct (its activities) before, much - Such cruelties could do not no less than arouse general
less could I do so now when I was already ill and was, besides, indignation, and, rather than suffer them, the rebels preferred
considered by the society’s leaders as a very lukewarm patriot to die fighting even though armed only with bolos
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- Magdiwang and Magdalo forces mentioned - Both parties are acting in bad faith
- Cavite: Upon receiving Andres Bonifacio’s order to rise, the - No public announcement of any specific covenant on the
katipuneros, helped by their friend, were able to surprise the political reforms hoped for by the people
constabulary barracks and kill the Spain officers and sergeant - The Spanish government believed that with the voluntary
in command. With the handful of arms thus captured, the expatriation of some leaders and the unconditional surrender
citizens of Noveleta under the command of Don Artemio of some others, peace would soon be restored but it was
Ricarte threw back the force of General Blanco on the 9th wholly mistaken
November 1896, while those Kawit under the orders of Don - Only the grant of the reforms sought by La Solidaridad could
Emilio Aguinaldo the town mayor and of Don Canditato have restored a spirit of peace byt precisely to avoid such
Tirona who died in the encounter were able to retake on the concessions the Spanish government was using all the means
11th of the same month the powder-magazine of Binacayan suggested by diplomatic guile and skill. And so it came about
which had fallen to the Spaniards a few days before that many of the discontented remained afield with
- On the basis of these gains the two people’s councils took forebodings of grave and unpredictable events
provincial jurisdiction the towns of kawit Imus, Bacoor, Perez - Because I had been a member of the Liga Filipina and one of
Dasmarinas Silan Mendez Nunez and Amadeo falling under the compromisarios
Magdalo and the remaining towns in the province under - I too was indicted and imprisoned as one of the instigators of
Magdiwang the rebellion
- Invited by some friends Andres Bonifacio went ot cavite to - However, I had suffered a paralytic stroke six months before
unify the endeavors of the two but Magdalo already paid little the uprising and I attributed to this circumstance my not
heed to his authority and orders having been beaten up and shot together with Don Domingo
- Don Edilberto Evangelista a Manilan who was a civil engineer Franco and others
graduated from the University of Ghent in Belgium put his - In the event I was covered by General Primo de Rivera’s
services at the disposal of the insurrection and directed all the amnesty proclamation and set free by virtue thereof after
entrenchment and defense works which would give the having been confined for almost none months in the prisoner’s
Spanish forces so mush trouble. General Polavieja at the head section of the San Juan de Dios hospital in Manila
of considerable force, bodily decided to overrun the province - Months afterwards, I moved to the town of Los Banos and
of Cavite and Edilberto who was conducting the defense of the thence to Bay in the province of La Laguna where I drafted a
Sapote reiver, died fighting heroically on the 17th February scheme for the organization of a general uprising, which I
1897 judged to be imminent in view of the general restlessness
- From then on the Spanish forces were able to take one after - Declaration of war between the United States and Spain
the others in towns within the jurisdiction of the Magdalo - Annihilation of the Spanish fleet in the Philippines by Admiral
council whose members were finally compelled to withdraw to Dewey on the 1st May 1898
San Francisco de Malabon there to meet with the latter on the - Aguinaldo’s return to the Philippines
most appropriate measures for the defense of the province - Proclaimed to the people the readiness of the United States to
Bonifacio’s Execution help the Filipinos regain their natural rights
- Bonifcaio went off with his two brothers to the mountains of - Everyone thought that Aguinaldo had formal agreement with
San Mateo but (Mr. Aguinaldo sent after him) two companies US
of soldiers were sent after him with orders to arrest him. - This impression was confirmed by the vague and equivocal
Bonifacio resisted and as result he was wounded thrice and statements of the American commanders
one of his brothers and three of the soldiers were killed. The - Aguinaldo asks Mabini for help regarding the agreement
soldiers were able to take Bonifacio and his other brother to - June 12, 1898- “declaration of independence”
Naic, thence to Maragondon and afterward to Mount Bunti’s - No contract or any writing just verbal assurances about the
where the two brothers were shot agreement
- Such a crime was the first victory of personal ambition over - Mr. Aguinaldo had accepted because he ardently desired to
true patriotism return to the islands, fearful that other influential Filipinos
- Failure of Insurrection in Cavite should (rob him of glory and) reach an understanding with the
- Many manila laguna and Batangas were demoralized and quit American in the name of the people
- Central government withdraws to Biak-na-Bato, Bulacan - I realized also that the proclamation of independence which
- Don Pedro A. Paterno offered himself to General Primo de was being made that day was premature and imprudent
Rivera as a negotiator with the leaders of the insurrection for because made that day was premature and imprudent because
what they called an honorable peace the Americans were concealing their true designs while we
- Spain offered money, safe conduct and passage to the were our manifest.
revolutionary chieftains American Forces
- Accepted the offer to purchase arms - Forces of US under Gen. Anderson and Gen. Merritt arrives in
- Aguinaldo – 400,000 in Hing Kong, remaining – 200,000 Cavite making relationship troublesome
- For this part Mr. Aguinaldo promised to order all the people in - Manila siege is delayed because Aguinaldo cannot make up
arms to surrender and turn over their weapons to the Spanish his mind in strategy
authorities - Without stronghold, Gen. Merritt and his men attacked Manila
- To all appearance the pact of Biak-na-Bato gave the leaders of neglecting Filipino
the Revolution an advantageous way out of an indefensible
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- Fil commanders wanted to treat this as hostility but Mabini wholly vanish among the classes of North-American society,
advised Aguinaldo to avoid conflict to avoid facing two the distribution of powers made in that Constitution would not
enemies at once permit an unjust policy to become permanent. God grant that
- Phil. Gov. in Cavite moved to Malolos, Bulacan and created the Americans do not, forget the father of their country, or
the new congress defraud his fond hopes!”
- Malolos Congress - End and Fall of the Revolution
- The first agenda are the proclamation of independence - Philippines could not stand the American forces
prematurely made in Kawit and the decision to draft a - Gen. Ricarte – South Manila, Gen. San Miguel – East Manila,
constitution for the establishment of a Philippine Republic were in Malolos during American attack
- Mr. Arellano had not yet assumed office as Secretary of - Filipino commanders devalued military instruction and
Foreign Affairs, his deputy, Don Trinidad H. Pardo de Tavera, discipline
had taken over the business of the department, so that I was - Filipino General Staff did not study movements and strategy
them simply Mr. Aguinaldo’s private adviser. - Aguinaldo was not able to practice being head of the
- Mabini advised not to draft a constitution but it was bitterly government adequately, commanding Manila in Malolos
rejected - Bureaucracy was not followed
- He was referred to as the “Devil’s advocate to the President” The Rise of Gen. Luna
for instilling “tyrannical” ideas to Aguinaldo - Aguinaldo appointed Gen. Antonio Luna as commander of
- War vs. Unfitness forces in Manila when telegraph lines were already cut
- Arellano eventually stepped down as foreign affairs secretary - However, forces have already retreated to their old
and Mabini accepted it in the interest of knowing US emplacements and communication became slow and
Government before the proposed constitution come to fruition hazardous
- However, time was not on their side as the Treaty of Paris - Luna resigned as the war minister disapproved him but
1898 was already in effect. This gave the US Government total returned when the central government was pushed to evacuate
legislative power until the Philippines won’t surrender to Nueva Ecija
according to Gen. Otis - Luna formed forces in Calumpit composed of veteran soldiers
- “leaving our political fate at its mercy, the American would no of the former native army and imposed a very strict military
longer have any doubts about our unfitness because, but not disciplinary system to stop demoralization
defending our freedom, we would be showing our little - But many commanders, jealous of their authority, withheld
understanding and love for it.” from him the effective cooperation that was necessary
The Malolos Constitution - This led to the cashiering by brute force if commanders who
- The constitution was promulgated amidst Mabini’s refusal. did not recognize his authority, or the court-martialing of those
The Aguinaldo approved its promulgation even though under who abandoned their posts in the face of the enemy, or the
the situation of Philippines asked for total surrender disarming of troops that disobeyed his orders
- Mabini prevented aggression from the Philippines - In spite of all these obstacles, Luna would have succeeded in
- The US Republic imposing and maintaining discipline if Aguinaldo had
- The ratification of the Treaty of Paris was delayed due to supported him with all the power of his prestige and authority,
Democrat’s disapproval but the latter was also beginning to grow jealous, seeing Luna
- US President McKinley staged a Coup in response to this slowly gain ascendancy by his bravery, audacity, and military
- US Forces started actions that led to outbreak of hostilities. skill
Together with the likely complications with Spain, it was - All those affronted by his actuations were inducing Aguinaldo
ratified on Feb 6, 1989 to believe that Luna was plotting to wrest from him the
- Philippines was sold for 20 million USD supreme authority
- Sen. McEnery – not an annex but a pre-autonomous - Calumpit bridge had fallen down due to lack of ammunition
government - Luna seeks Mabini’s help to convince Aguinaldo to engage in
- Sen. Bacon – declared to renounce all purpose of exercising Guerilla Warfare
sovereignty and give Philippines independence - I promised to do what he wanted, while making it clear to him
- VP Hobart – agreed with McEnery as tie-breaker that I doubted I would get anywhere because my advice was
- The Administration’s Objectives hardly heeded in military matters inasmuch as, not being a
- Philippines is not a state or an annex military man but a man of letter, my military knowledgeability
- Philippines is USA’s Property which can be disposed at any must be scant, if not nonexistent.
point of time The Fall of Gen. Luna
- “Undoubtedly President McKinley destroyed the Spanish - The cabinet was reorganized having Pedro Paterno as
tyranny, by, apparently, only in order to replace It with another Mabini’s successor as Prime Minister
in the American manner.” - Promise of Mabini to Aguinaldo was not achieved for it is just
- “It is interesting to observe that the Republican Party, led by a then Mabini was able to talk with Aguinaldo
Lincoln in its beginnings, freed many millions of slaves in the - While all those who are against Gen. Luna were inducing
United States, while, led by a McKinley in its greatest period Aguinaldo to believe that Luna was plotting to wrest from him
of vigour and prosperity, it made the United States the the supreme authority
absolute owner of many millions of Filipinos.” - Some weeks later Mr. Aguinaldo sent a telegram asking Luna
- “Immortal Washington, speaking of the Constitution of the to see him in Cabanatuan for an exchange of views, but when
United States, said that so long as the civic virtues did not Luna arrived in Cabanatuan he met not Aguinaldo but death
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