ÑZMVH$ Àma ( H$ H$M'©H $ - ( R.NR - NR.) ( ( ZM Gìm V Narjm /$adar, NR - Gr.Amo. DM (Uá' - Àma ( H$ NMR 'H $

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of Printed Pages : 20 PCO-01

Bachelor’s Preparatory Programme (B.P.P.)

(For Non 10+2)
Term-End Examination
February, 2021


Time : 2 hours Maximum Marks : 50

ñZmVH$ àma§{^H$ H$m`©H«$_ (~r.nr.nr.)

({~Zm 10+2)
gÌm§V narjm
\$adar, 2021

nr.gr.Amo.-01 : dm{UÁ` _| àma§{^H$ nmR²>`H«$_

g_` : 2 KÊQ>o A{YH$V_ A§H$ : 50
PCO-01 1
General Instructions :

Preparatory Course in Commerce (PCO-01) Questions 1 – 50

(i) This is an objective type question paper. Options for the correct answer must be marked
only in OMR sheet.

(ii) All questions are compulsory.

(iii) The question paper consists of 50 questions, each of which carries one mark.

(iv) Each question has four alternatives, one of which is correct. Write the Sl. No. of your
correct alternative/answer below the corresponding question number in the OMR sheet
and then mark the rectangle for the same number in that column. If you find that none
of the given alternatives is correct then write 0 and mark in column 0.

(v) Do not waste time in reading the whole question paper. Go on solving questions one by
one. You may come back to the left out questions, if you have time at the end.

PCO-01 2
gm_mÝ` {ZX}e :

dm{UÁ` _| àma§{^H$ nmR²>`H«$_ (nr.gr.Amo.-01) àíZ 1 – 50

(i) `h EH$ dñVw{ZîR> àíZ-nÌ h¡ & àíZm| Ho$ ghr {dH$ën Ho$db OMR erQ> _| {b{IE &

(ii) g^r àíZ A{Zdm`© h¢ &

(iii) Bg àíZ-nÌ _| 50 àíZ h¢ {OZ_| àË`oH$ àíZ EH$ A§H$ H$m h¡ &

(iv) àË`oH$ àíZ Ho$ gmW Mma {dH$ën h¢, {OZ_| go EH$ ghr h¡ & Amo.E_.Ama. erQ> _| {ZX}emZwgma
ghr {dH$ën /CÎma H$m H«$_m§H$ g§JV àíZ g§»`m Ho$ ZrMo {bI| Am¡a {\$a Cgr H«$_m§H$ Ho$ Am`V
na Cgr H$m°b_ _| {M• bJmE± & AJa Amn nmE± {H$ H$moB© ^r {dH$ën ghr Zht h¡ Vmo 0 {bI|
Am¡a H$m°b_ 0 _| {M• bJmE± &

(v) nyao àíZ-nÌ H$mo n‹T>Zo _| g_` ~~m©X _V H$s{OE & EH$ Ho$ ~mX EH$ àíZ H$mo H$aVo OmBE & `{X
~mX _| g_` aho, Vmo ~Mo hþE àíZm| H$mo Xþ~mam XoIm Om gH$Vm h¡ &

PCO-01 3
1. Which of the following is an external user of financial statements ?
(1) Board of Directors
(2) Managers
(3) Employees
(4) Government

2. Which of the following is not a business transaction ?

(1) Purchase of goods for resale amounted to < 20,000
(2) Purchased a laptop for personal use
(3) Paid rent for office premises < 4,000
(4) Paid salaries and wages amounting to < 40,000

3. Purchase of goods on cash is recorded in

(1) Purchase Book
(2) Purchase Return Book
(3) Cash Book
(4) Journal

4. Bank overdraft is a
(1) Short term liability
(2) Long term liability
(3) Contingent liability
(4) Mid-term liability

5. According to the cost concept

(1) assets are recorded at the value paid for acquiring them
(2) assets are recorded by estimating the market value at the time of purchase
(3) assets are recorded at lower of cost or market value
(4) None of the above

6. Valuation of stock at lower of cost or net realisation value is an example of

(1) Consistency Convention
(2) Conservatism Convention
(3) Realisation Concept
(4) Matching Concept

PCO-01 4
1. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gm {dÎmr` {ddaUm| H$m ~mø Cn`moJH$Vm© h¡ ?
(1) {ZXoeH$ _§S>b
(2) à~§YH$
(3) H$_©Mmar
(4) gaH$ma

2. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gm EH$ ì`mdgm{`H$ boZXoZ Zht h¡ ?

(1) nwZ{d©H«$` Ho$ {bE < 20,000 Ho$ _mb H$m H«$`
(2) ì`{º$JV Cn`moJ Ho$ {bE EH$ b¡nQ>m°n (Laptop) IarXm
(3) < 4,000 H$m`m©b` ^dZ H$m {H$am`m {X`m
(4) < 40,000 doVZ Ed§ _µOXÿar Ho$ ^wJVmZ {H$E

3. _mb H$m ZH$X H«$` [aH$m°S>© {H$`m OmVm h¡

(1) H«$` ~hr _|
(2) H«$` dmngr ~hr _|
(3) amoH$‹S> ~hr _|
(4) OZ©b _|

4. ~¢H$ AmodaS´>mâQ> h¡ EH$

(1) AënH$m{bH$ Xo`Vm
(2) XrK©H$mbrZ Xo`Vm
(3) àmg§{JH$ Xo`Vm
(4) _Ü`md{Y Xo`Vm

5. bmJV g§H$ënZm Ho$ AZwgma

(1) n[ag§n{Îm`m| H$mo CÝh| àmßV H$aZo Ho$ {bE Xr JB© am{e na [aH$m°S>© {H$`m OmVm h¡
(2) n[ag§n{Îm`m| H$mo CÝh| H«$` H$aZo Ho$ g_` Ho$ AZw_m{ZV ~mµOma _yë` na [aH$m°S>© {H$`m OmVm h¡
(3) n[ag§n{Îm`m| H$mo CZHo$ ~mµOma _yë` AWdm bmJV, Omo ^r H$_ hmo, na [aH$m°S>© {H$`m OmVm h¡
(4) Cn`w©º$ _| go H$moB© Zht

6. ñQ>m°H$ H$mo CgH$s bmJV AWdm {Zdb àm{á _yë`, Omo ^r H$_ hmo, na _yë`m§H$Z H$aZm EH$ CXmhaU h¡
(1) EH$ê$nVm H$m H$Ýd|eZ
(2) AZwXmadmX H$m H$Ýd|eZ
(3) dgybr H$s g§H$ënZm
(4) {_bmZ H$s g§H$ënZm

PCO-01 5
7. Abram commenced business on 1st April, 2017 with a capital of < 3,00,000. On 31st
March, 2018, his assets were worth < 4,00,000 and Liabilities < 25,000. Find out his
closing capital.
(1) < 3,75,000
(2) < 1,00,000
(3) < 4,25,000
(4) None of the above

8. Business transactions are recorded

(1) In chronological order
(2) Weekly
(3) At the end of the month
(4) None of the above

9. Real accounts are related to

(1) Assets
(2) Expense
(3) Income
(4) Liabilities

10. Total of Sales Return Book is recorded in

(1) Sales Return Account — debit
(2) Sales Return Account — credit
(3) Sales Account — debit
(4) Sales Account — credit

11. Bank Reconciliation Statement is prepared by matching

(1) Entries in Passbook with entries in bank column of Cash Book
(2) Entries in Passbook with entries in cash column of Cash Book
(3) Entries in Passbook with entries in bank column and cash column of Cash Book
(4) None of the above

12. A debtor account shows a ________ balance.

(1) Credit
(2) Debit
(3) Debit or credit
(4) None of the above

PCO-01 6
7. A~am_ Zo < 3,00,000 H$s ny±Or Ho$ gmW 1 Aà¡b, 2017 H$mo ì`dgm` àmaå^ {H$`m & 31 _mM©, 2018
H$mo CgH$s n[ag§n{Îm`m± < 4,00,000 H$s VWm Xo`VmE± < 25,000 H$s Wt & CgH$s A§{V_ ny±Or
(Closing capital) kmV H$s{OE &
(1) < 3,75,000
(2) < 1,00,000
(3) < 4,25,000
(4) Cn`w©º$ _| go H$moB© Zht
8. ì`mdgm{`H$ boZXoZ [aH$m°S>© {H$E OmVo h¢
(1) H$mbH«$_ _|
(2) gmßVm{hH$ ê$n _|
(3) _mh Ho$ A§V _|
(4) Cn`w©º$ _| go H$moB© Zht

9. dmñV{dH$ ImVo g§~§{YV hmoVo h¢

(1) n[ag§n{Îm`m| go
(2) ì``m| go
(3) Am` go
(4) Xo`VmAm| go

10. {dH«$` dmngr ~hr H$m `moJ [aH$m°S>© {H$`m OmVm h¡

(1) {dH«$` dmngr ImVo Ho$ S>o{~Q> nj _|
(2) {dH«$` dmngr ImVo Ho$ H«o${S>Q> nj _|
(3) {dH«$` ImVo Ho$ S>o{~Q> nj _|
(4) {dH«$` ImVo Ho$ H«o${S>Q> nj _|

11. ~¢H$ g_mYmZ {ddaU V¡`ma {H$`m OmVm h¡ {_bmZ H$a Ho$
(1) nmg~wH$ _| Xr JB© à{d{ï>`m| H$m amoH$‹S> ~hr Ho$ ~¢H$ H$m°b_ _| Xr JB© à{d{ï>`m| Ho$ gmW
(2) nmg~wH$ _| Xr JB© à{d{ï>`m| H$m amoH$‹S> ~hr Ho$ amoH$‹S> H$m°b_ _| Xr JB© à{d{ï>`m| Ho$ gmW
(3) nmg~wH$ _| Xr JB© à{d{ï>`m| H$m amoH$‹S> ~hr Ho$ ~¢H$ H$m°b_ Ed§ amoH$‹S> H$m°b_ _| Xr JB© à{d{ï>`m| Ho$
(4) Cn`w©º$ _| go H$moB© Zht

12. EH$ XoZXma H$m ImVm Xem©Vm h¡

(1) H«o${S>Q> eof
(2) S>o{~Q> eof
(3) S>o{~Q> AWdm H«o${S>Q> eof
(4) Cn`w©º$ _| go H$moB© Zht

PCO-01 7
13. Depreciation is a process of
(1) Valuation of asset
(2) Allocation of cost
(3) Both of valuation of asset and allocation of cost
(4) None of the above

14. Three days are added for ascertaining the date of maturity. These are known as days
(1) Maturity
(2) Grace
(3) Payment
(4) None of the above

15. Goods damaged should be credited to

(1) Trading Account
(2) Goods Damaged Account
(3) Sales Account
(4) Profit and Loss Account

16. Purchase of office equipment worth < 2,200 has been debited to the General Expenses
Account. It is
(1) Error of Omission (2) Error of Commission
(3) A clerical error (4) Error of Principle

17. Machinery owned by a firm should be classified as

(1) Fixed Assets (2) Current Assets
(3) Liquid Assets (4) None of the above

18. Return Outwards appearing in the Trial Balance is deducted from

(1) Purchases (2) Sales
(3) Return Outwards (4) None of the above

19. Prepaid insurance is shown as

(1) An asset (2) A liability
(3) An expense (4) An income

PCO-01 8
13. _yë`õmg EH$ à{H«$`m h¡
(1) n[ag§n{Îm Ho$ _yë`m§H$Z H$s
(2) bmJV {Z`VZ H$s
(3) n[ag§n{Îm Ho$ _yë`m§H$Z Ed§ bmJV {Z`VZ XmoZm| H$s
(4) Cn`w©º$ _| go H$moB© Zht

14. n[anŠdVm H$s {V{W kmV H$aZo Ho$ {bE VrZ {XZ Omo‹S>o OmVo h¢ & BÝh| H$hm OmVm h¡
(1) n[anŠdVm Ho$ {XZ
(2) [a`m`V Ho$ {XZ
(3) ^wJVmZ Ho$ {XZ
(4) Cn`w©º$ _| go H$moB© Zht

15. _mb H$s hm{Z H$mo H«o${S>Q> {H$`m OmZm Mm{hE

(1) ì`mnma ImVo _|
(2) _mb hm{Z ImVo _|
(3) {dH«$` ImVo _|
(4) bm^-hm{Z ImVo _|

16. H$m`m©b` CnñH$a H$m < 2,200 H$m H«$` gm_mÝ` ì`` ImVo H$mo S>o{~Q> {H$`m J`m & `h h¡
(1) bmon Aew{Õ (2) boImH$m`© H$s Aew{Õ
(3) boIZ (clerical) Aew{Õ (4) g¡Õm§{VH$ Aew{Õ

17. EH$ \$_© Ho$ ñdm{_Ëd dmbr _erZar dJuH¥$V H$s OmZr Mm{hE
(1) ñWm`r n[ag§n{Îm`m| Ho$ ê$n _| (2) Mmby n[ag§n{Îm`m| Ho$ ê$n _|
(3) Vab n[ag§n{Îm`m| Ho$ ê$n _| (4) Cn`w©º$ _| go H$moB© Zht

18. VbnQ> _| Xr JB© {ZJ©V dmngr H$s am{e KQ>mB© OmVr h¡

(1) H«$` _| go (2) {dH«$` _| go
(3) {ZJ©V dmngr _| go (4) Cn`w©º$ _| go H$moB© Zht

19. nyd©XÎm ~r_m {XIm`m OmVm h¡

(1) EH$ n[ag§n{Îm Ho$ ê$n _| (2) EH$ Xo`Vm Ho$ ê$n _|
(3) EH$ ì`` Ho$ ê$n _| (4) EH$ Am` Ho$ ê$n _|
PCO-01 9
20. A bill of exchange has ________ parties.
(1) Two (2) Three
(3) Four (4) Five

21. Double entry system of book-keeping is a system of

(1) Complete records
(2) Reliable records
(3) Providing true financial position
(4) All of the above

22. A donation received for special purpose is to be taken as

(1) Capital expenditure
(2) Revenue expenditure
(3) Capital receipts
(4) Revenue receipts

23. Which of the following is a nominal account ?

(1) Rameshwar Account
(2) Sales Account
(3) Machinery Account
(4) Outstanding Rent Account

24. A basis of accounting according to which accounts are prepared for cash and credit
transactions is called
(1) Cash basis
(2) Accrual basis
(3) Mixed basis
(4) Dual basis

25. Which of the following expenses are shown on the debit side of Profit and Loss
Account ?
(1) Freight Outwards
(2) Wages
(3) Sales
(4) Rent received

PCO-01 10
20. EH$ {d{Z_`-nÌ Ho$ ________ njH$ma hmoVo h¢ &
(1) Xmo (2) VrZ
(3) Mma (4) nm±M

21. ~hrImVo H$s Xmohar à{d{ï> àUmbr h¡ EH$

(1) g§nyU© [aH$m°S>m] H$s àUmbr
(2) {dídgZr` [aH$m°S>m] H$s àUmbr
(3) ghr {dÎmr` pñW{V àXmZ H$aZo H$s àUmbr
(4) Cn`w©º$ g^r

22. EH$ {deof CÔoí` hoVw àmßV hþB© XmZ H$s am{e _mZr OmVr h¡ EH$
(1) ny±OrJV ì``
(2) Am`JV ì``
(3) ny±OrJV àm{ßV`m±
(4) Am`JV àm{ßV`m±

23. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gm EH$ Am`-ì`` ImVm h¡ ?

(1) am_oída H$m ImVm
(2) {dH«$` ImVm
(3) _erZar ImVm
(4) ~H$m`m {H$am`m ImVm

24. boImH$aU H$m dh AmYma {OgHo$ AZwgma ZH$X Ed§ CYma XmoZm| àH$ma Ho$ boZXoZm| Ho$ {bE ImVo V¡`ma
{H$E OmVo h¢, H$hbmVm h¡
(1) amoH$‹S> AmYma
(2) CnmO©Z AmYma
(3) {_{lV AmYma
(4) Xmoham AmYma

25. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-go ì`` bm^-hm{Z ImVo Ho$ S>o{~Q> nj _| {XImE OmVo h¢ ?
(1) OmdH$ ^m‹S>m
(2) _µOXÿar
(3) {dH«$`
(4) àmßV hþAm {H$am`m

PCO-01 11
26. Accounts are divided into
(1) Personal Accounts
(2) Real Accounts
(3) Nominal Accounts
(4) All of the above

27. Debit means

(1) An increase in asset
(2) An increase in liability
(3) A decrease in asset
(4) An increase in proprietor’s equity

28. The primary qualities that make accounting information useful for decision making
(1) Relevance and freedom from bias
(2) Reliability and comparability
(3) Comparability and consistency
(4) None of the above

29. Use of common unit of measurement and common format of reporting promotes
(1) Comparability (2) Understandability
(3) Relevance (4) Reliability

30. Agreement of Trial Balance is affected by

(1) One sided error only
(2) Two sided error only
(3) Both (1) and (2)
(4) None of the above

31. Favourable bank balance means

(1) Credit balance in Cash Book
(2) Credit balance in Passbook

(3) Debit balance in Cash Book

(4) Both (2) and (3)
PCO-01 12
26. ImVo ~m±Q>o OmVo h¢
(1) ì`{º$JV ImVm| Ho$ ê$n _|
(2) dmñV{dH$ ImVm| Ho$ ê$n _|
(3) Am`-ì`` ImVm| Ho$ ê$n _|
(4) Cn`w©º$ g^r

27. S>o{~Q> H$m AW© h¡

(1) n[ag§n{Îm _| d¥{Õ
(2) Xo`Vm _| d¥{Õ
(3) n[ag§n{Îm _| H$_r
(4) ñdm_r Ho$ ñdËd (B©{ŠdQ>r) _| d¥{Õ

28. do _w»` {deofVmE± Omo boIm§H$Z OmZH$mar H$mo {ZU©` boZo _| ghm`Vm H$aVr h¢, do h¢
(1) gwg§JVm Ed§ nydm©J«h go ñdV§ÌVm
(2) {Z^©aVm Ed§ VwbZmË_H$Vm
(3) VwbZmË_H$Vm Ed§ g§JVm
(4) Cn`w©º$ _| go H$moB© Zht

29. _mn H$s g_mZ BH$mB© H$m Cn`moJ VWm [anmoQ>© H$aZo H$m g_mZ ê$n A{^d¥{Õ H$aVo h¢
(1) VwbZmË_H$Vm H$s (2) g_PZo H$s
(3) gwg§JVm H$s (4) {dídgZr`Vm H$s

30. VbnQ> H$m {_bmZ à^m{dV hmoVm h¡

(1) Ho$db BH$har Aew{Õ Ûmam
(2) Ho$db Xmohar Aew{Õ Ûmam
(3) (1) VWm (2) XmoZm|
(4) Cn`w©º$ _| go H$moB© Zht

31. AZwHy$b ~¢H$ eof go VmËn`© h¡

(1) amoH$‹S> ~hr _| H«o${S>Q> eof

(2) nmg~wH$ _| H«o${S>Q> eof

(3) amoH$‹S> ~hr _| S>o{~Q> eof

(4) (2) VWm (3) XmoZm|

PCO-01 13
32. When a firm maintains a Cash Book, it need not maintain
(1) Journal Proper
(2) Purchase (Journal) Book
(3) Sales (Journal) Book
(4) Bank and Cash account in the Ledger

33. Simple Cash Book records

(1) All transactions
(2) Cash and Bank transactions
(3) Only cash transactions
(4) Only credit transactions

34. The financial statements consist of

(1) Trial Balance
(2) Profit and Loss Account
(3) Balance Sheet
(4) Both (2) and (3)

35. If the insurance premium to be paid is < 5,000 and prepaid insurance is < 1,000, the
amount of insurance premium shown in Profit and Loss Account will be
(1) < 6,000 (2) < 1,000
(3) < 4,000 (4) < 5,000

36. Incomplete records mechanism of book-keeping is

(1) Scientific
(2) Unscientific
(3) Unsystematic
(4) Both (2) and (3)

37. Deepak wants to buy a building for his business today. Which of the following is the
relevant data for his decision ?
(1) Similar business acquired the required building in 2005 for < 10,00,000
(2) Building cost details of 2011
(3) Building cost details of 2003
(4) Similar building cost in August 2013 < 25,00,000

PCO-01 14
32. O~ EH$ \$_© amoH$‹S> ~hr aIVr h¡, Vmo Bgo aIZo H$s Amdí`H$Vm Zht hmoVr
(1) _w»` OZ©b
(2) H«$` (OZ©b) ~hr
(3) {dH«$` (OZ©b) ~hr
(4) ImVm-~hr _| ~¢H$ Ed§ amoH$‹S> ImVo

33. gmYmaU amoH$‹S> ~hr _| [aH$m°S>© {H$E OmVo h¢

(1) g^r boZXoZ
(2) ZH$X Ed§ ~¢H$ boZXoZ
(3) Ho$db ZH$X boZXoZ
(4) Ho$db CYma boZXoZ

34. {dÎmr` {ddaUm| _| em{_b h¢

(1) VbnQ>
(2) bm^-hm{Z ImVm
(3) VwbZ-nÌ
(4) (2) d (3) XmoZm|

35. `{X ~r_m àr{_`_ H$s ^wJVmZ H$s OmZo dmbr am{e < 5,000 h¡ VWm nyd©XÎm ~r_m H$s am{e < 1,000
h¡, Vmo bm^-hm{Z ImVo _| {XIm`r OmZo dmbr ~r_m àr{_`_ H$s am{e hmoJr
(1) < 6,000 (2) < 1,000
(3) < 4,000 (4) < 5,000

36. ~hrImVm| H$s AnyU© [aH$m°S>© {d{Y hmoVr h¡

(1) d¡km{ZH$
(2) Ad¡km{ZH$
(3) Aì`dpñWV
(4) (2) d (3) XmoZm|

37. XrnH$ AmO AnZo ì`dgm` Ho$ {bE EH$ ^dZ H«$` H$aZm MmhVm h¡ & {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gm CgHo$
{ZU©`Z Ho$ {bE gwg§JV h¡ ?
(1) g_ê$n ì`dgm` Zo 2005 _| Amdí`H$ ^dZ < 10,00,000 _| IarXm Wm
(2) 2011 H$s ^dZ H$s bmJV H$s am{e
(3) 2003 H$s ^dZ H$s bmJV H$s am{e
(4) AJñV 2013 _| Eogo hr ^dZ H$s bmJV < 25,00,000 Wr

PCO-01 15
38. If the insurance of one month is still to be paid, the adjustment entry will be
(1) Debit outstanding insurance account and credit insurance account
(2) Debit profit and loss account and credit insurance account
(3) Debit insurance account and credit profit and loss account
(4) Debit insurance account and credit outstanding insurance account

39. Choose the correct chronological order of ascertainment of the following profits from
the Profit and Loss Account :
(1) Operating Profit, Net Profit, Gross Profit
(2) Operating Profit, Gross Profit, Net Profit
(3) Gross Profit, Operating Profit, Net Profit
(4) Gross Profit, Net Profit, Operating Profit

40. Which of the following is not an error of principle ?

(1) Purchase of equipment debited to purchase account
(2) Repairs on the overhauling of second hand plant purchased, debited to repairs
(3) Cash received from Mohini posted to Sohini
(4) Sale of old machinery credited to Sales account

41. Wages of workmen employed for setting up new machinery should be debited to
(1) Expenses Account (2) Wages Account
(3) Machinery Account (4) Cash Account

42. Capital Account is classified as a

(1) Real Account (2) Personal Account
(3) Nominal Account (4) Impersonal Account

43. Which account will be debited if Mohit commenced business with cash ?
(1) Cash Account (2) Drawings Account
(3) Capital Account (4) Proprietor Account

44. The last step in accounting process is

(1) Recording the transaction
(2) Communicating to the users
(3) Analyzing and Interpretation
(4) Preparing the source documents

PCO-01 16
38. `{X EH$ _hrZo Ho$ ~r_o H$m A^r ^r ^wJVmZ {H$`m OmZm h¡, Vmo BgHo$ {bE g_m`moOZ à{d{ï> hmoJr
(1) AXÎm ~r_m ImVo H$mo S>o{~Q> H$a| VWm ~r_m ImVo H$mo H«o${S>Q> H$a|
(2) bm^-hm{Z ImVo H$mo S>o{~Q> H$a| VWm ~r_m ImVo H$mo H«o${S>Q> H$a|
(3) ~r_m ImVo H$mo S>o{~Q>> H$a| VWm bm^-hm{Z ImVo H$mo H«o${S>Q> H$a|
(4) ~r_m ImVo H$mo S>o{~Q> H$a| VWm AXÎm ~r_m ImVo H$mo H«o${S>Q> H$a|

39. bm^-hm{Z ImVo go {ZåZ{b{IV bm^m| H$mo kmV H$aZo Ho$ ghr H$mbH«$_ H$m M`Z H$s{OE :
(1) àMmbZ bm^, {Zdb bm^, gH$b bm^
(2) àMmbZ bm^, gH$b bm^, {Zdb bm^
(3) gH$b bm^, àMmbZ bm^, {Zdb bm^
(4) gH$b bm^, {Zdb bm^, àMmbZ bm^

40. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gr Aew{Õ EH$ g¡Õm§{VH$ Aew{Õ Zht h¡ ?

(1) CnñH$a H$m H«$`, H«$` ImVo H$mo S>o{~Q> {H$`m J`m
(2) H«$` {H$E JE nwamZo g§`§Ì Ho$ OrUm}Õma Ho$ {bE H$s JB© _aå_V H$m ì`` _aå_V ImVo H$mo S>o{~Q>
{H$`m J`m
(3) _mo{hZr go àmßV hþB© ZH$X am{e gmo{hZr Ho$ ImVo _| {XIm`r J`r
(4) nwamZr _erZ H$m {dH«$`, {dH«$` ImVo H$mo H«o${S>Q> {H$`m J`m

41. Z`r _erZ bJmZo Ho$ {bE {Z`wº$ {H$E JE l{_H$m| H$mo Xr J`r _µOXÿar S>o{~Q> H$s OmZr Mm{hE
(1) ì`` ImVo H$mo (2) _µOXÿar ImVo H$mo
(3) _erZar ImVo H$mo (4) amoH$‹S> ImVo H$mo

42. ny±Or ImVm dJuH¥$V {H$`m OmVm h¡ EH$

(1) dmñV{dH$ ImVo Ho$ ê$n _| (2) ì`{º$JV ImVo Ho$ ê$n _|
(3) Am`-ì`` ImVo Ho$ ê$n _| (4) Aì`{º$JV ImVo Ho$ ê$n _|
43. `{X _mo{hV Zo ZH$X am{e Ûmam ì`dgm` àmaå^ {H$`m Vmo Bgo {H$g ImVo H$mo S>o{~Q> {H$`m OmEJm ?
(1) amoH$‹S> ImVo H$mo (2) AmhaU ImVo H$mo
(3) ny±Or ImVo H$mo (4) ñdm_r Ho$ ImVo H$mo

44. boImH$aU à{H«$`m _| A§{V_ gmonmZ h¡

(1) boZXoZ H$mo [aH$m°S>© H$aZm
(2) Cn`moJH$Vm©Am| H$mo gy{MV H$aZm
(3) {díbofU VWm {Zd©MZ
(4) òmoV ànÌ V¡`ma H$aZm

PCO-01 17
45. Discount for purchasing in large quantities is normally referred to as
(1) Trade discount
(2) Prompt payment discount
(3) Cash discount
(4) Bulk discount

46. The Standard format of Journal includes

(1) Assets Column (2) Liabilities Column
(3) Narration Column (4) Ledger Folio Column

47. A statement showing assets and liabilities of the business as at the end of an
accounting year is called
(1) Trial Balance

(2) Balance Sheet

(3) Ledger
(4) Journal Proper

48. The other name of Journal is

(1) Ledger Account
(2) T-shaped Account
(3) Day Book
(4) Cash Book

49. Discount received is a kind of deduction from

(1) Accounts Payable
(2) Accounts Receivable
(3) Cash Account
(4) Discount Account

50. The process of recording transactions in different journals is called

(1) Posting
(2) Entry making
(3) Adjusting

(4) Journalizing
PCO-01 18
45. ~‹S>r _mÌm _| H«$` H$aZo na àmßV hþB© Ny>Q> (H$Q>m¡Vr) gm_mÝ`V`m H$hbmVr h¡
(1) ì`mnm[aH$ Ny>Q>
(2) erK« ^wJVmZ Ny>Q>
(3) ZH$X Ny>Q>
(4) WmoH$ Ny>Q>

46. OZ©b Ho$ _mZH$ àmê$n _| em{_b h¡

(1) n[ag§n{Îm`m± H$m°b_ (2) Xo`VmE± H$m°b_
(3) ì`m»`m H$m°b_ (4) boOa \$mo{b`mo H$m°b_
47. dh {ddaU Omo EH$ boIm df© Ho$ A§V H$s ì`mdgm{`H$ n[ag§n{Îm`m| Ed§ Xo`VmAm| H$mo Xem©Vm h¡,
H$hbmVm h¡
(1) VbnQ>
(2) VwbZ-nÌ
(3) ImVm-~hr
(4) OZ©b {deof

48. OZ©b H$m Xÿgam Zm_ h¡

(1) boOa ImVm
(2) T-eŠb (AmH¥${V) dmbm ImVm
(3) X¡{ZH$ ~hr
(4) amoH$‹S> ~hr

49. àmßV hþB© H$Q>m¡Vr h¡ EH$ àH$ma H$s H$_r H$aZm

(1) Xo` ImVo _|
(2) àmß` ImVo _|
(3) amoH$‹S> ImVo _|
(4) H$Q>m¡Vr ImVo _|

50. {d{^Þ OZ©bm| _| boZXoZm| H$mo [aH$m°S>© H$aZo H$s à{H«$`m H$hbmVr h¡
(1) IVm¡Zr
(2) à{d{ï> H$aZm
(3) g§emoYZ H$aZm
(4) OZ©b à{d{ï> H$aZm

PCO-01 19
aµ\$ H$m`© Ho$ {bE OJh

PCO-01 20

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