F.Y.B.Sc. Sem II Practical I: Department of Zoology C.K.Thakur ACS College, New Panvel
F.Y.B.Sc. Sem II Practical I: Department of Zoology C.K.Thakur ACS College, New Panvel
F.Y.B.Sc. Sem II Practical I: Department of Zoology C.K.Thakur ACS College, New Panvel
Sem II Practical I
Aim: To mount and observe placoid scales of cartilaginous fish.
Requirements: Shark skin, 10% KOH, test tubes, test tube holder, watch glass, slide,
1. Take a piece of skin of shark in a watch glass and remove attached muscles with
the help of forceps.
2. Transfer the skin into a test tube containing 2-3 ml 10% KOH. Boil for a few
3. Allow the test tube to stand for a few minutes. Decant the supernatant leaving a
few drops in the test tube. Pour this residual KOH into a watch glass.
4. Place a drop from it onto a slide.
5. Observe under low power of a compound microscope.
Observation for Placoid scale:
1. Each scale has a flat base plate embedded in the dermis.
2. From the base plate of these primitive scales arise sharp, trident spines.
3. These tough, microscopic scales cover the skin and are protective in function.
4. They are found only in cartilaginous fishes (elasmobranchs) i.e., sharks and rays.
5. Structurally they show inner core of pulp, middle layer of dentine and enamel
covering and hence modification of the same develops teeth in elasmobranchs.
Requirements: Sciaena, watch glass, slide, blunt forceps, dissecting and compound
1. Pluck a scale from the body of the fish with forceps and rinse with water.
2. Observe under the dissecting and low power of compound microscope.
Requirements: Sciaena (Dhoma)/Sole fish, watch glass, slide, flat, blunt forceps,
dissecting and compound microscope.
1. Pluck a scale from the body of the fish preferably with blunt forceps and rinse with
2. Observe under the dissecting and low power of compound microscope.