Cicek 2015
Cicek 2015
Cicek 2015
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This paper presents the results of laboratory model tests of a surface strip footing on unreinforced and reinforced sand beds to investigate the
effects of reinforcement length. Multiples of footing width B were employed in the tests, namely B, 2B, 3B, 5B and, in some tests, even 7B. The
type and number of reinforcements were also varied to determine whether these parameters had an influence on the optimum reinforcement
length. The comprehensive results from laboratory model tests on strip footings supported on a woven geotextile and different Geogrids are
presented. The load–settlement and Bearing Ratio values obtained from the model test program were compared. Based on the results, the length
of footing required to achieve optimum improvement was determined for different numbers of reinforcement layers and different reinforcement
types. It was also observed that the improvement obtained by reinforcing the subgrade was different for low settlement ratio values and large
settlement values.
& 2015 The Japanese Geotechnical Society. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Geotextile; Geogrid; Strip footing; Sand soil; Settlement; Bearing capacity
0038-0806/& 2015 The Japanese Geotechnical Society. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
662 E. Cicek et al. / Soils and Foundations 55 (2015) 661–677
the settlement and two types of closely spaced footings, one with Somwanshi, 2009, etc). Thus, the effect of reinforcement type has
square shapes and the other with circular shapes, on unreinforced not been investigated thoroughly. However, the performance of
and reinforced soil. Toyosawa et al. (2013) investigated the reinforced soil foundation depends on the interaction between the
influence of the model footing diameter and embedment depth soil and the reinforcement. One of our aims was to investigate the
on the bearing capacity of circular shallow footings by centrifugal effect of different reinforcement types; however, only very limited
model testing in order to determine a model footing size and information was found in the literature about this. For that reason, in
embedded depth against particle size in a model ground. Asakereh this study different geosynthetic types were used to determine the
et al. (2013) conducted laboratory tests on footing constructed on load–settlement behavior of strip footing on reinforced sand.
unreinforced and geogrid-reinforced sand with a circular void One problem with model tests is obviously the scale effect. In
subjected to a combination of static and repeated loads. The reinforced foundation studies the parameters related to geometry are
variables examined in the testing program include the number of commonly normalized by dividing the distances by the width of the
geogrid layers, the location of the void within the soil, the footing B such as first reinforcement depth ratio (u/B), vertical
amplitude of cyclic load, and the number of load cycles. Abu- spacing ratio (h/B) and total depth ratio of reinforcement (d/B)
Farsakh et al. (2013) performed tests to determine the behavior of whereby the scale effect is considered to be minimized. Chen
geosynthetic-reinforced sandy soil foundations and studied the (2007) conducted finite element model analysis and experiments
effect of different parameters contributing to their performance and based on the results of the FE analysis they concluded that the
using laboratory model tests. The ultimate bearing capacity of a scale effect is mainly related to “reinforced ratio” of the reinforced
circular footing, placed over a soil mass reinforced with horizontal zone. The reinforced ratio is proportional to the tensile modulus of
layers of circular reinforcement sheets, was determined with the reinforcement and inversely proportional to the vertical spacing of
limit analysis in conjunction with finite elements and linear reinforcement if the same soil is used. Consequently, this ratio also
optimization by Chakraborty and Kumar (2014). The critical incorporates the effects of the number of reinforcement layers,
positions and corresponding optimum diameter of the reinforce- reinforcement depth, etc. It was also concluded that if we can keep
ments to achieve maximum bearing capacity were established, and the total depth ratio of reinforcement (d/B) and the “reinforced ratio”
a marked improvement in the bearing capacity is evident in the the same in laboratory model tests as those used in actual full scale
case of two layers of the reinforcements rather than a single layer reinforced soil foundations, the model test results can be extra-
of reinforcement. All these studies show the importance of polated to the performance of actual full scale reinforced soil
reinforcement for the bearing capacity of foundations. foundations. Additionally, Sireesh et al. (2009) and Moghaddas
Several researchers have investigated the degree of improvement Tafreshi and Norouzi (2012) reported that large-scale tests carried
achieved with different reinforcement lengths. Guido et al. (1986) out by Milligan et al. (1986) and Adams and Collin (1997) indicate
determined the optimum length of reinforcement layer as L¼ 2.5B that the general mechanisms and behavior observed in the model
for a square footing on Geogrid reinforced sand. Das et al. (1994) tests are reproduced on a large scale. They claim that their study,
found the optimum reinforced length for strip footing for reinforced which is based on small scale tests, provides qualitative insight into
sand and reinforced clay to be L¼ 8B and L¼ 5B, respectively. the basic mechanism that establishes the behavior of bearing
Ghosh et al. (2005) stated that the optimum reinforcement length is capacity responses of the reinforced sand bed overlying subgrade.
between L¼ 5B and L¼ 7B. Dawson and Moghaddas Tafreshi These results show that although the correlation between scaled
(2010) and El Sawwaf and Nazir (2010) found the optimum model tests and full size foundations are not perfect, model scaled
reinforcement length to be L¼ 5B. As seen from the studies in the tests are helpful to understand the mechanism of reinforced
literature, there is no unique value proposed for the reinforcement foundations.
length. If one was to accept the conclusions of the previous studies, This study presents the laboratory model experiments of a
the optimum length of reinforcement layer for maximum bearing surface strip footing on unreinforced and reinforced sand beds
capacity lies anywhere between L¼ 2B and L¼ 8B. Therefore, in to investigate the effects of reinforcement length where the
this study we investigated this range of reinforcement length. In reinforcement length was chosen to be a multiple of footing
most of the studies published in the literature, experiments were
conducted in dense sand conditions. However, in real projects,
typically loose to medium dense sands require improvement. We
therefore conducted our tests on medium dense soil. Obviously the
sand placed above the reinforcement will be properly compacted in
the field. However, if we reproduced this in our tests, it would be
difficult to judge which portion of the improvement is affected
because of the compacted top layers and which part of the
improvement is due to the contribution of the geosynthetic
reinforcement. Therefore, we also installed the sand above the
reinforcement in the same way as the foundation soil below the
In most studies in the literature, one type of geosynthetic was
used. Only a few studies have compared the behavior of different
reinforcement types (Guido et al., 1986; Chen, 2007; Latha and Fig. 1. Grain size distribution curve for sand grain diameter.
E. Cicek et al. / Soils and Foundations 55 (2015) 661–677 663
width. The type and number of reinforcements were also curvature (Cc) of 1 and an effective particle size (D10) of
varied to see whether these parameters had an influence on the 0.22 mm. The soil can be classified as poorly graded (SP)
effect of reinforcement length. The comprehensive results from according to the Unified Soil Classification System. The
laboratory model tests on strip footings supported on a woven specific gravity was 2.65. The maximum and minimum dry
geotextile and different geogrids are presented. The load– unit weights of the sand were found to be 16.5 and 13.9 kN/
settlement and Bearing Ratio values obtained from the model m3, and the maximum and minimum void ratios were 0.906
test program were compared and the difference between the and 0.606. In all model tests, the average unit weight and
behavior at small and large settlement ratios was compiled. relative density of the sand were kept constant at 15 kN/m3 and
46%, respectively. This relative density was achieved in the
2. Laboratory model tests test tank using a sand raining technique. The height of raining
to achieve the desired density was determined a priori by
2.1. Materials performing a series of trials with different heights of raining.
The friction angle of the sand was determined by a direct shear
The soil used in the present investigation was dry sand with test and an unsaturated triaxial test to be 381. Fig. 1 shows the
a coefficient of uniformity (Cu) of 2.5, a coefficient of grain size distribution curve of the sand soil.
Table 1
Properties of geosynthetic reinforcements.
Fig. 2. Tensile strength-strain curves of reinforcements; (a) Geotextile, (b) Geogrid 1, (c) Geogrid 2, (d) Geogrid 3.
664 E. Cicek et al. / Soils and Foundations 55 (2015) 661–677
Latha and Somwanshi (2009) and Dash et al. (2001) state accuracy of the measurement. It should be noted that some
that aperture size and flexibility of geosynthetic materials are tests were conducted more than once and the results obtained
important parameters to be considered in the designs. were compared. It was observed that under the same condi-
Therefore, we also used different reinforcement types and tions the same results were obtained. Laser displacement
also discussed the effects of the aperture size. Accordingly, in sensors were placed at each corner of the footing and LVDTs
the laboratory tests, four different reinforcement types were were placed on either side of the model foundation. This
used, one of which was a woven geotextile and three of which assured that the load had not been applied eccentrically. The
were Geogrids of different types. The properties of all the results from the laser sensors and LVDTs were almost
reinforcements taken from manufactured firms are shown in identical. The load applied on the strip footing was measured
Table 1 and Fig. 2. by a load cell with the help of a data logger. Fig. 3b shows the
laboratory test equipment (Cicek, 2011).
2.2. Experimental set-up As can be seen in Fig. 3a, the following parameters were
investigated: the depth of the first reinforcement layer “u”, the
Fig. 3a shows a schematic diagram of the test set-up. The vertical spacing between consecutive layers of reinforcement
model tests were conducted in a steel tank. The dimensions “h”, the total number of reinforcement layers “N”, and the
were 100 cm (width), 50 cm (length) and 100 cm (height). width of the geosynthetic reinforcement “L”.
Steel I profiles were made at the top, bottom and in the middle
of the tank to prevent undesirable movements of the back and 2.3. Test procedure
front sides of the box. A 1 cm thick glass plate at the front face
of the tank allowed the failure surfaces in the sand to be Before starting the experiments, the sand was dried and
observed. Tempered glass was chosen because it is stronger. uniformly mixed. All the sand necessary to conduct all the
The inside walls and the edges of the tank were polished in tests was prepared at the same time to ensure uniformity and
order to reduce friction as much as possible. The boundary avoid discrepancies in the results due to changes in the sand
conditions of the tank were chosen such that it would not affect condition. The sand was placed into the test tank using the
the results of the experiments. The dimensions were chosen raining technique described in the literature to assure uniform
based on literature studies and the results of the finite element density. As a measure of assuring the density, the sand placed
analysis conducted prior to the model tests. into the model box was weighed consistently. This assured that
The model foundation was a steel plate with a thickness of the weight of the sand occupying the predetermined space
2.5 cm. It had a width of 10 cm (B) and a length that was always had the same weight and, therefore, the same density.
almost the same as the length of the tank. The footing was The height of the free fall in the raining technique was
centered in the tank, with the length of the footing parallel to determined a priori by performing a series of trials with
the width of the tank. The plane strain condition existed in different heights to achieve the desired density. This height
all tests. was then kept constant for all the filling operations.
The footing was placed on the surface of the sand bed and First, the unreinforced soil was tested. Reinforced soil model
the load was applied using a hydraulic jack. Loading continued tests were then conducted. The reinforcement configuration
until a settlement equal to about 100% of the footing width was chosen based on the information obtained from the
was achieved. For settlement measurements two different types literature survey to achieve the maximum benefit from the
of equipment were chosen, namely, LVDT and laser sensors. reinforcement. The variables chosen for the tests are shown in
All sensors were checked before each test to ensure that they Table 2. Several tests were repeated and the variance in the
showed the true deformations. Also the results obtained from results for the same parameter configurations was found to be
the LVDTs and laser sensors were cross checked to assure the negligible.
Fig. 3. Test set-up: (a) Schematic diagram, (b) photo of the test set-up.
E. Cicek et al. / Soils and Foundations 55 (2015) 661–677 665
Table 2
Variables chosen for the laboratory model tests of reinforced foundation soils.
1 1, 2, 3 Geotextile
3 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Geotextile
5 1, 2, 3 Geotextile
7 1, 2, 3 Geotextile
3 1, 2, 3, 5 Geogrid 1
1 1, 3, 5 Geogrid 1
5 1, 3, 5 Geogrid 1
1 2, 3 Geogrid 2
3 1, 2, 3, 5 Geogrid 2
3 1, 2, 3, 5 Geogrid 3 Fig. 4. Load–settlement behavior of strip footing on unreinforced sand.
kept constant at h/B ¼ 0.4 and the depth of the first reinforce- 3.2.1. Effect of reinforcement length for different reinforcement
ment layer below load plate was also kept constant at u/ types for N¼ 3
B ¼ 0.35. These parameters were chosen as optimum values In this series, only the effect of reinforcement length and
based on the literature survey. reinforcement type was investigated. It is a known fact that the
First, the effect of reinforcement length for different number of reinforcements has a major influence; however, in
reinforcement types was investigated on two different numbers this test series the number of reinforcement layers was kept
of reinforcement layers (N¼ 3 and 1). constant as N ¼ 3. The load (q)–settlement (s) results and
Fig. 5. Behavior of different number of reinforcement layers for multi layered reinforced sand with Geotextile; (a) q–s graphs, (b) BR-L/B graphs.
Fig. 6. Behavior of different number of reinforcement layers for multi layered reinforced sand with Geogrid 1; (a) q–s graphs, (b) BR-L/B graphs.
Fig. 7. Behavior of different number of reinforcement layers for multi layered reinforced sand with Geogrid 2; (a) q–s graphs, (b) BR-L/B graphs.
E. Cicek et al. / Soils and Foundations 55 (2015) 661–677 667
Fig. 8. Behaviour of different reinforcement length for reinforced sand for N¼ 1; (a).Geotextile, (b) Geogrid 1.
Bearing Ratio at different values of s/B ratio of reinforced sand results of this test series are shown in Fig. 7. The behavior
for a geotextile and two types of Geogrids are shown in reported for Geogrid 2 was similar to the behavior reported for
Figs. 5–7. Geogrid 1 and geotextile reinforcement.
In Fig. 5a, the load–settlement curves are given for the L/B ratios In summary, it can be stated that if three layers of reinforcement
of 1, 3, 5 and 7 for a geotextile reinforcement. It can be seen that are used under a footing, in all conditions geogrid reinforcement
even a reinforcement length equal to the footing width affects the provides higher Bearing Ratios than geotextile reinforcement.
load–settlement curve. For L/B¼ 1, however, there is still a point There is also a difference between the improvements provided by
where the load settlement curve changes its slope. For L/B values the two different geogrids. This difference can be attributed to the
greater than one, the curve does not show such a failure point until geometry of the grid (opening size etc.) and the material properties
very large settlements. In addition, when we compare the behavior of the grid. The change in the Bearing Ratio values between 2 and
of unreinforced soil and reinforced soil at L/B, it is seen that at a 10 is the result of changes in the reinforcement type, length of
low level of settlement (s/B¼ 0.1), the reinforcement does not reinforcement and the magnitude of settlement.
increase the Bearing Ratio (Fig. 5b). An increase in the Bearing
Ratio of strip footing for s/B41 is observed. It can be seen from
Fig. 5b that the BR increases with the increase in the width of the 3.2.2. Effect of reinforcement length for different reinforcement
reinforcement layer. BR linearly increases with reinforcement types for N¼ 1
length until L/B¼ 5. At L/B45, the reinforcement length is not To see whether the bearing behavior was influenced by the
as effective for Bearing Ratio anymore. It is seen that L/B¼ 5 is the number of reinforcements, laboratory model tests were also
optimum length for geotextile reinforcement at every settlement conducted with a single layer of reinforcement. The load (q)–
ratio (Fig. 5b). As the L/B ratio increases from one to five, the rate settlement (s) results at different values of s/B ratio of
of the increase of Bearing Ratio increases with larger settlement reinforced sand for different reinforcement types are depicted
ratios. in Fig. 8. It can be noticed again from these figures that the
To investigate the effect of different reinforcement types, the Bearing values were found to increase with the increase in the
tests were repeated with two different Geogrid reinforcements. width of the reinforcement layer. However, when the geotex-
First, tests were conducted for Geogrid 1 with reinforcement tile reinforcement length was taken to be the same as the
lengths of L/B¼ 1, 3, 5. In this series, the test with L/B ¼ 7 was footing width (L ¼ B), the behavior of the load–settlement was
not included, since it has been reported that no improvement found to be almost the same as that of unreinforced soil up to
occurs when the L/B ratio is over 5. The results of this test significant settlement values. However, for Geogrid reinforced
series can be seen in Fig. 6. A short reinforcement with a soil, the Bearing Ratio increased for s/B values greater than 1,
length equal to the footing (L/B ¼ 1) increases the bearing as can be seen in Fig. 9.
capacity for small settlement ratios. This behavior is in The Bearing Ratio and load–settlement behavior for L/B ¼ 7
agreement with the behavior observed for geotextile reinforce- and L/B ¼ 5 were found to be quite similar. For a single
ment. Similar to the observations made for geotextile reinfor- reinforcement layer, the reinforcement length had different
cement and also for Geogrid 1 reinforcement, no sudden effects on loading values at smaller and bigger settlement
change in the load settlement curve was observed for L/B ¼ 3 ratios. Also, it can be concluded that at small settlement ratios
and 5. It can be seen from Fig. 6b that the BR increases with up to s/B ¼ 0.25, the optimum reinforcement length ratio is L/
the increase in the width of the reinforcement layer. B ¼ 5. For bigger settlement ratios, an increase in Bearing
To investigate whether different types of Geogrids showed Ratio was observed for a reinforcement length of L ¼ 7B but
different behavior, tests were conducted for another Geogrid the increase in the loading value was small. As seen in the
type (Geogrid 2). The reinforcement length ratios (L/B) were figures, different behaviors in Bearing Ratio values were
chosen as 1 and 3 since a major change had been observed as observed between small and large settlement ratios. For small
the L/B ratio increased from 1 to 3 in the previous tests. The s/B values, almost no change in BR was observed with
668 E. Cicek et al. / Soils and Foundations 55 (2015) 661–677
Fig. 9. Comparison of reinforcement length—bearing ratio for different reinforcement types at different settlement ratios (N ¼1); (a) s/B ¼0.05, (b) s/B ¼ 0.25, (c) s/
B ¼0.4, (d) s/B¼ 0.5.
increasing L/B ratio. For larger settlements, an increase was has apertures whereas the geotextile does not. Considering the
seen when the L/B ratio increased from 1 to 3. above mentioned two variables, it can be predicted that for one
Adams and Collin (1997) conducted large- and small-scale layered models for small length and settlement ratios, big
tests to investigate the effect of a single layer of reinforcement. aperture size has an important effect and better interaction
They stated that by using a single layer of reinforcement, the between the soil and reinforcement improve Bearing Ratio.
pressure producing a settlement of 0.50% of the footing However, as the reinforcement length was increased the
diameter B was measured to be between 92% and 119% of membrane effect became more prominent and the improve-
that for the unreinforced case. In our experiments where a ment provided by the geotextile reinforcement exceeded the
single reinforcement layer was used, similar changes were improvement caused by the geogrid. As can be seen from
observed. However, our results were different for different Fig. 9, when the large settlement ratio (s/B ¼ 0.5), the
reinforcement types and lengths. The test results indicated that difference between the geogrid reinforcement and geotextile
the failure types of one layered models did not change with was almost negligible for all reinforcement lengths. This can
reinforcement length. For example, for a reinforcement length also be interpreted as the membrane effect becoming the
dominant factor at large settlement values.
of L ¼ B geogrid-1 provided better improvement than geotex-
tile reinforcement for small settlement ratios. However, in the
case of L¼ 5B, the opposite was true: the geotextile provided a
3.2.3. Comparison of reinforcement lengths for different
greater Bearing Ratio than geotextile reinforcement. This reinforcement types
indicates that the effect of reinforcement depends also on the To compare the effect of reinforcement length for different
properties of the Geosynthetics. On examining the differences reinforcement types of one- and three-layered reinforced soils,
between the parameters that can create this difference, one can Figs. 9 and 10 were prepared, respectively. Fig. 9 shows the
easily come to the conclusion that the stress–strain behavior reinforcement length versus Bearing Ratio behavior for a
and the material geometry are different. From Table 1, it can geotextile and a geogrid where a single reinforcement layer
be seen that the tensile strengths of Geogrid-1 at 2% and 5% was used. In this case, at small settlement ratios geotextile
strains are higher than the tensile strengths of the geotextile at reinforced soil did not affect the footing bearing capacity, but
the corresponding strains. However, the ultimate strength of Geogrid reinforced soil increased the Bearing Ratio by approxi-
the geotextile is higher than that of the Geogrid. The most mately 30%. In geotextile reinforced foundations, the Bearing
obvious difference in the material geometry is that the geogrid Ratio increased with increasing reinforcement length. This
E. Cicek et al. / Soils and Foundations 55 (2015) 661–677 669
Fig. 10. Comparison of reinforcement length—bearing ratio for different reinforcement types at different settlement ratios (N¼ 3); (a) s/B ¼0.05, (b) s/B ¼ 0.2, (c) s/
B ¼0.3, (d) s/B¼ 0.4.
increase in Bearing Ratio at small settlement ratios was most under certain conditions an improvement can be achieved with
significant when the reinforcement length was increased from reinforcement length equal to the footing width. However, it also
L¼ 3B to L¼ 5B. At large deformations (s/B¼ 0.5), Geotextile shows that footings reinforced with different lengths of reinforce-
and Geogrid behaved similarly. ment have different load–settlement properties. It was also
As the number of reinforcement layers changed, different observed that increasing the reinforcement length beyond L¼ 5B
types of geosynthetic reinforcements distinctly affected the does not provide any additional improvement.
Bearing Ratios. The Geotextile had a larger Bearing Ratio than
the Geogrid in only one condition: for one-layered reinforced 3.2.4. Effect of number of reinforcement layers for different
sand and a reinforcement length of L/B ¼ 5. reinforcement types
Fig. 10 shows the reinforcement length versus Bearing Ratio In this series of tests, the effects of the number of reinforcement
behavior for two different types of geogrid and a woven layers were investigated. As reported in the previous item (Sections
geotextile at N ¼ 3. It is clearly seen that for all reinforcement 3.2.1 and 3.2.2), the results of a single reinforcement layer and
lengths, the bearing capacities of foundations with Geogrid three layers of reinforcement were given. To enhance the relation-
reinforced models are greater than those of the geotextile ship between the bearing behavior and number of reinforcements,
reinforced models. For both types of Geogrids, similar some designs with 2, 4 or 5 reinforcement layers were tested. To
behavior at all settlement ratios was observed. Again, for both understand the combined effect of the number of reinforcements
geotextile and Geogrid reinforcements, the Bearing Ratio value and reinforcement length, tests with different reinforcement lengths
increased with increasing amount of settlements. (L=B, 3B, 5B and 7B) were carried out. Other parameters were
The results obtained in this study, support the findings El taken as constant. The above test results will be evaluated based on
Sawwaf and Nazir (2010), who stated that for the best improve- the number of reinforcements. First, the results of tests conducted
ment in a footing behavior resting on reinforced sand, an adequate with geotextile reinforcement will be evaluated.
size for each reinforcement layer should be provided and an
optimum number of layers should be used. Huang and Tatsuoka Effect of number of reinforcement layers for geotextile
(1990) reported that the strain restraining effect of a short reinforced soil. First, the reinforcement length was taken to
reinforcement with a length equal to the footing width can be be the same as the footing width (L=B=10 cm) and the number
successfully used to reinforce sand. Our study supports the fact that of reinforcement layers was chosen as N=1, 2 and 3. In the
670 E. Cicek et al. / Soils and Foundations 55 (2015) 661–677
Fig. 11. Behavior of different number of reinforcement for reinforced sand with Geotextile; (a) q–s graphs, (b) BR-N graphs (L/B¼ 1).
figures, N=0 shows the unreinforced results. Using a single of reinforcements was chosen as N ¼ 1, 2, 3. When the number
reinforcement layer, similar behavior with unreinforced soil of reinforcement layers increased, the curve of load–settlement
was seen in the tests (Fig. 11) and no specific increment in BR changed in a similar fashion to the cases observed for other
was seen. At small settlement ratios (s/B ¼ 0.05–0.15), BR multiple reinforcement layer applications (Fig. 14a). In
increased the most when the number of reinforcement layers Fig. 14b, it can again be observed that for most of the
was taken to be N ¼ 2 and therefore, this value can be taken as settlement ratios, an increase in the number of reinforcement
the optimum value. For bigger settlement ratios (s/B 40.2), the layers increased the Bearing Ratio. Again, the only exception
BR values increased as the number of reinforcement layers was the result obtained at the very low settlement ratio (s/
rose. As the number of reinforcements increased, the soil B ¼ 0.05) where the Bearing Ratio gave a peak value for a
started to fail at bigger settlement values. For example; in single reinforcement layer.
Fig. 11, one-layered geotextile reinforced soil started to fail at
s/B ¼ 0.1, for N ¼ 2 at s/B E1.5 and for N ¼ 3 at s/B E 2. Effect of number of reinforcement layers for Geogrid
In Fig. 12, the effect of the number of reinforcement layers 1 reinforced soil. In this series, the reinforcement type was
was studied for L/B ¼ 3 and the number of reinforcements was Geogrid 1. First, the reinforcement length was taken to be the
chosen as N ¼ 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Fig. 12a shows that the same as the footing width (L ¼ B ¼ 10 cm), similar to the case
behavior of the load–settlement curve slopes changes accord- reported in Section ( for Geotextile reinforcement. The
ing to the number of reinforcements. When one and two number of reinforcement layers was chosen as N ¼ 1, 3 and 5.
layered reinforcements were used, there was a point where In Fig. 15a it can be noticed that the one-layered and multi-
the load settlement curve changed its slope. However, for layered Geogrid 1 reinforced soil had different load–settlement
N 4 2, the curve did not show such a failure point until very curves. Single-layered reinforced and unreinforced soils
large settlements. For N ¼ 5, the slope of the q–s curve clearly showed similar behavior to the geotextile reinforced soils.
changed and it produced a different effect from the others. In However, for three- and five-layered Geogrid reinforced soils,
Fig. 12b, it can be seen that the number of reinforcement unlike the geotextile reinforced soils, a reduction in the vertical
layers for N ¼ 4 produced the optimum behavior and took the load was measured after a certain settlement ratio. Fig. 15b
biggest Bearing Ratio values for the great majority of shows that the Bearing Ratio had maximum values for three-
settlement ratios. The only exception was observed for a layered reinforced sand at most of the settlement ratios,
very low settlement (s/B ¼ 0.05). It can also be derived from including very low settlement ratios. When we compare these
Fig. 12b that for N ¼ 4, the increases in Bearing Ratio with results with the results obtained for the test where geotextile
increasing s/B value were much greater than for other reinforcement was used, it can be stated that different load-
numbers of reinforcement layers. settlement behaviors for Geogrid 1 and Geotextile reinforce-
In Fig. 13, the effect of the number of reinforcement layers ments were observed (Figs. 11 and 15).
is shown for L/B ¼ 5. The number of reinforcements was Figs. 16 and 17 show the behavior of a number of
chosen as N ¼ 1, 2, 3. In these tests, the settlement behavior reinforcement layers for L/B=3 and 5, respectively. While
was studied up to a settlement ratio of s/B ¼ 0.2. It can be seen their behavior was quite similar, the slope of the load–
that the maximum Bearing Ratio for N ¼ 1 occurs at s/B ¼ 0.05 settlement curve changed with the number of reinforcement
and 0.1. However, for s/B ¼ 0.15 and 0.2 the maximum BR is layers for both reinforcement lengths. For both reinforcement
for N ¼ 3. lengths, it was observed that at small settlement ratios (s/
To see whether a reinforcement length of larger than 5B B o 0.2), the Bearing Ratio was at its maximum when the
would provide any further benefit to the Bearing Ratio, tests number of reinforcement layers was N=3; however, at bigger
with a reinforcement length of L/B ¼ 7 were conducted. For settlement ratios (s/B 4 0.2), the BR increased with the
these tests, geotextile reinforcement was used and the number increase in the number of reinforcement layers.
E. Cicek et al. / Soils and Foundations 55 (2015) 661–677 671
Fig. 12. Behavior of different number of reinforcement for reinforced sand with Geotextile; (a) q–s graphs, (b) BR-N graphs (L/B ¼3).
Fig. 13. Behavior of different number of reinforcement for reinforced sand with Geotextile; (a) q–s graphs, (b) BR-N graphs (L/B ¼5).
Fig. 14. Behavior of different number of reinforcement for reinforced sand with Geotextile; (a) q–s graphs, (b) BR-N graphs (L/B ¼7). Effect of number of reinforcement layers for Geogrid the BR values can be seen for a reinforcement length of L¼ B. It
2 reinforced soil. To determine whether the Geogrid type can be noticed that for three-layered reinforcement, the behavior
would have an influence on behavior, a second type of Geogrid was similar to the results of the Geogrid 1 reinforced tests.
(Geogrid 2) was used in the tests. The numbers of reinforcement Similar behavior, namely a reduction in stress at higher load
layers tested were N=2 and 3. In Fig. 18, the load settlement and settlement ratios, was also observed for 2 layers of reinforcement.
672 E. Cicek et al. / Soils and Foundations 55 (2015) 661–677
Fig. 15. Behavior of different number of reinforcement for reinforced sand with Geogrid 1; (a) q–s graphs, (b) BR-N graphs (L/B¼ 1).
Fig. 16. Behavior of different number of reinforcement for reinforced sand with Geogrid 1; (a) q–s graphs, (b) BR-N graphs (L/B¼ 3).
Fig. 17. Behavior of different number of reinforcement for reinforced sand with Geogrid 1; (a) q–s graphs, (b) BR-N graphs (L/B¼ 5).
After approximately s/B¼ 0.5, the reinforced soil showed failure Fig. 19 shows the load–settlement and BR behavior of
behavior. At s/B40.5, increasing the number of reinforcement Geogrid 2 reinforced soil. Here, only one reinforcement length
layers from 2 to 3 did not change the Bearing Ratio. The BR was tested, namely L ¼ 3B, to understand the effect of still
values changed with different settlement ratios. At large settle- another type of reinforcement. The number of reinforcement
ment ratios (s/B40.5), the Bearing Ratio values decreased with layers for this type of Geogrid was chosen as N ¼ 1, 2, 3 and 5.
increasing settlement ratios. For example, when three layers of For L ¼ 3B and N ¼ 5, the load–settlement curve showed
reinforcement were used, the Bearing Ratio fell from 2.76 to 2.17 almost linear behavior (Fig. 19a). At small settlement ratios
as the s/B value increased from 0.4 to 0.6. (s/B r 0.3), the BR was at the maximum for N ¼ 3 but at
E. Cicek et al. / Soils and Foundations 55 (2015) 661–677 673
bigger settlement ratios, the BR increased with an increasing reinforcement layers. At small settlement ratios (sr 0.3B), the
number of reinforcement layers (Fig. 19b). When the values of BR value was at the maximum for N ¼ 3 but BR values
settlement ratios increased, the BR rose. For example; at s/ increased at the bigger values of s/B in Fig. 20b.
B ¼ 0.05 BR ¼ 2.15; at s/B¼ 0.15 BR ¼ 3.01; at s/B ¼ 0.4
BR ¼ 4.51 and at s/B ¼ 06 BR ¼ 7. Additionally, with an
increasing number of reinforcement layers, the difference Comparison of number of reinforcement layers for
between Bearing Ratios also increased. For example, at s/ different reinforcement types. To investigate the effect of the
B ¼ 0.05, the BR increased 1.5 times when the layer of reinforcement length on different numbers of reinforcement
reinforcement changed from N¼ 2 to N ¼ 3 but for greater layers for different reinforcement types, the tests results of the
settlement ratios (for example s/B ¼ 0.6), the BR value Bearing Ratio and number of reinforcement layers behavior
increased 1.9 times. were compared in Figs. 21 and 22. These comparisons were
made for cases where the length of reinforcement was equal to
strip footing width (L=B) in Fig. 21 and cases where the length Effect of number of reinforcement layers for Geogrid of reinforcement was three times that of footing width (L ¼ 3B)
3 reinforced soil. In this series of tests, the reinforcement in Fig. 22. Fig. 22 shows that at small settlement ratios (s/
type was Geogrid 3 and only one reinforcement length B ¼ 0.05–0.3), Geogrid 1 reinforced systems had more max-
(L ¼ 3B) was used to investigate the effects of the number of imum BR values than other reinforced models and the
reinforcement layers. Fig. 20 shows the load–settlement and maximum BR occurred for N ¼ 3. However, at bigger settle-
BR behavior of Geogrid 3 reinforced soil. In Fig. 20a, the ment ratios (s/B Z 0.4), Geogrid 2 reinforced sand had max-
load–settlement curve of one-layered reinforced soil is almost imum BR values to a greater degree than the other reinforced
the same as with the unreinforced soil. However, the curves of systems. The Bearing Ratio values of Geotextile reinforced
load–settlement changed with an increase in the number of soils were smaller than those of the other reinforced types at all
Fig. 18. Behavior of different number of reinforcement for reinforced sand with Geogrid 2; (a) q–s graphs, (b) BR-N graphs.
Fig. 19. Behavior of different number of reinforcement for reinforced sand with Geogrid 2; (a) q–s graphs, (b) BR-N graphs (L/B ¼3).
674 E. Cicek et al. / Soils and Foundations 55 (2015) 661–677
Fig. 20. Behavior of different number of reinforcement for reinforced sand with Geogrid 3; (a) q–s graphs, (b) BR-N graphs (L/B¼ 3).
Fig. 21. Comparison of different reinforcement types to behavior of BR-N for L/B ¼1 at different settlement ratios: (a) s/B ¼0.05, (b) 0.2, (c) 0.4, (d) 0.5.
settlement ratios. At s/B o 0.2, the maximum BR of geotextile maximum BR values for N¼ 4 at all settlement ratios. When the
reinforced models occurred when the number of reinforcement settlement ratios increased, the behavior of the Bearing Ratio
layers was two. However, when the number of reinforcement values changed and the maximum BR occurred as the number of
layers increased, the BR values rose. reinforcement layers increased. This effect can be seen for all
In Fig. 22, the larger BR values of Geogrid 1 reinforced systems reinforcement types. As the number of reinforcement layers
than other reinforced models can be clearly seen. Particularly in the increased, the increment of the Bearing Ratio values rose and it
case of N¼ 5, the increment of the Bearing ratio was clearer. At the had a linear effect. At s/Br0.15 for N¼ 3, the Geogrid 2
small settlement ratios s/B¼ 0.05 and 0.1, the maximum Bearing reinforced model had the maximum Bearing Ratio. However, at
Ratio values of strip footings on Geogrid reinforced sands occurred s/BZ0.2, the Geogrid 1 reinforced models had the maximum BR
for N¼ 3 but strip footings on geotextile reinforced soil had value. For N¼ 5, the maximum BR occurred for Geogrid 1
E. Cicek et al. / Soils and Foundations 55 (2015) 661–677 675
Fig. 22. Comparison of different reinforcement types to behavior of BR-N for L/B ¼ 3: (a) s/B ¼0.05, (b) s/B¼ 0.2, (c) s/B ¼ 0.4, (d) s/B ¼0.6.
reinforced sand but the minimum BR value occurred for Geogrid that a maximum threshold exists for the effect of the rigidity of
3. It can be seen from Fig. 22 that the maximum and minimum BR reinforcement and so using a more rigid reinforcement does
values occurred for different geosynthetic types at different not always lead to better results in terms of BCR (bearing
settlement ratios and with different numbers of reinforcement capacity ratio) for footings on reinforced sand. In our study we
layers. came to a similar conclusion for different reinforcement types
A comparison of Figs. 21 and 22 reveals that the behavior of for multi layered reinforced sand at L ¼ 3B. However, it was
BR-N was different for L=B and L=3B. In general, the found in our study that apart from the tensile strength of
maximum Bearing Ratio for L/B=3 occurred when Geogrid reinforcement, its layout and configuration play a vital role in
1 reinforced systems were employed. A similar effect can be increasing the bearing capacity.
seen with small settlement ratios for L/B=1, but at bigger The results of the test showed that at larger settlements, larger
settlement ratios (s/B 40.3), the Geogrid 2 reinforced systems Bearing Ratio values were obtained. There are two possible
had larger values for Bearing Ratios. Geogrid 3 showed the reasons for this. One possibility is that as the settlement increases,
minimum BR values at bigger settlement ratios (s/B 4 0.4) for the membrane effect becomes more important. However, it is also
all values of number of reinforcement layers. possible that the densification of the sand as the load acting on the
Yamamoto and Kusuda (2001) stated that the deformation footing increases is a factor. As Dash et al. (2001) reported, better
properties of reinforced foundations are totally different from improvement in the performance of footing is obtained by filling
those of unreinforced foundations. They further stated that the the reinforcements with denser soils because of dilation induced
reinforcing effects are more largely influenced by the width of load transfer from soil to reinforcement. By applying this argument
reinforcement and the number of layers than the stiffness of to our test results, it can be stated that the medium dense sand used
reinforcement. Similarly our experiments showed that signifi- in our test became denser under the increased vertical load, the
cant improvement was achieved for N Z 3 and L ZB. One of higher Bearing Ratio at larger settlements is attributed to this.
the major contributions of our study was to show that
significantly different behavior and Bearing Ratio values are 4. Conclusion
obtained for small and large vertical settlements.
Boushehrian and Hataf (2003) have performed tests to The reinforced soil foundations are known to be beneficial
investigate the bearing capacity of circular and ring footings in terms of increasing the bearing capacity. As such they are
on reinforced sand along with numerical analysis and found more frequently used in practice on loose to medium dense
676 E. Cicek et al. / Soils and Foundations 55 (2015) 661–677
sands and soft to medium stiff clay foundation soils. In the different effects on the Bearing Ratio for smaller and bigger
literature, most of the research has been done where the settlement ratios.
foundation soil is dense sand. In this research the aim was to The behavior of BR-N was different for L ¼ B and L¼ 3B.
gain a closer approximation of real needs in practice and The maximum Bearing Ratio for L/B ¼ 3 occurred when
therefore model tests were conducted on medium dense sand. Geogrid 1 reinforced systems were employed. A similar effect
As known from the literature, there are many parameters was observed in the case of small settlement ratios for L/B ¼ 1,
that affect the degree of improvement achieved by reinforcing but at bigger settlement ratios (s/B 40.3), the Geogrid 2
the foundation soil. The bearing capacity can be affected by reinforced systems had larger Bearing Ratio values. Geogrid
various factors such as type of reinforcements, as well as the 3 had the minimum BR values at bigger settlement ratios (s/
number of reinforcement layers and lengths. Therefore in this B 40.4) regardless of the number of reinforcement layers.
study all these variables were taken into consideration.
In the literature, the improvement in the bearing capacity Acknowledgment
due to soil reinforcement is typically reported. However, from
a practical point of view, as engineers it is important to provide The authors thank the Bogazici University Research fund
a reasonable factor of safety against failure, and also limit the and the Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey
amount of vertical settlement. As such, it is important to note (TUBITAK) for the doctorate scholarship.
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