L T P C Continuous Internal Assessment End Exam Total
L T P C Continuous Internal Assessment End Exam Total
L T P C Continuous Internal Assessment End Exam Total
History of Python, Features, Advantages, Environment setup and Interaction using Command prompt,
IDLE, Script mode, IPython Notebook.
Basic Syntax: Keywords, Identifiers, Variables.
Data Types: Strings, Numbers, Booleans, Date and Time, Lists, Tuples, Dictionaries
Operators: Arithmetic Operators, Comparison (Relational) Operators, Assignment Operators, Logical
Operators, Bitwise Operators, Membership Operators, Identity Operators.
Conditional Statements: if, if-elif-else
Loops: for, while
Control Statements: break, continue, pass
Functions: Defining Functions, Calling a Function, Function Arguments: Required arguments, Keyword
arguments, Default Arguments, Variable-length arguments, Anonymous Functions, The Return
Statement, Scope of the Variables in a Function - Global and Local Variables.
Modules: Defining module, namespacing, Importing modules and module attributes, from. Import
statement, Module built-in functions, Introduction to Packages.
Error and Exceptions: Difference between an error and Exception, Detecting and Handling Exceptions,
Raising Exceptions, Assertions, Built-in Exceptions, User Defined Exceptions
Classes and Objects: Overview of OOP terminology, Creating Classes, Creating Instance Objects,
Inheritance, Overriding Methods, Overloading Methods, Operators, Data hiding.
Files and Input/ Output: Opening and Closing Files,VReading and Writing Files, Renaming and
Simple Files, Directories
with pylab:inBasic
plotting, Labels, legends and customization, More advanced plotting
Matplotlib: Matplotlib basics, Contour plots, heatmaps and 3D plots.
NumPy: Basic array methods, Reading and writing an array to a file, Statistical methods, Polynomial,
Linear algebra, Matrices, Random sampling, Discrete Fourier transforms
SciPy: Physical constants and special functions, Integration and ordinary differential equations,
Interpolation, Optimization, data-fitting and root-finding.
General scientific programming: Floating point arithmetic, Stability and conditioning, Programming
techniques and software development.
Text Books :
1. Learning To Program With Python- 2011 Richard L. Halterman
2. Learning Scientific Programming with Python, Christian Hill, Cambridge University Press
Reference Books :
1. Python Programming-An Introduction to Computer Science 2nd edition-John Zelle 2010
2. Python -The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide! , Andrew Johansen
3. Core Python Programming, Wesley J. Chun, Pearson.
Web References:
1. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/python3/
2. https://realpython.com/
Question Paper Pattern:
Sessional Exam
The question paper for Sessional examination is for 30 marks, covering half of the syllabus for first
Sessional and remaining half for second Sessional exam. Question No1which carries 6 marks contains
three short answer questions of two marks each. The remaining three questions shall be EITHER/OR type
questions carrying 8 marks each.
End Exam
Question Paper Contains Six Questions. Question 1 contains 5 short Answer questions each of 2marks.
(Total 10 marks) covering one question from each unit. The remaining five questions shall be
EITHER/OR type questions carrying 10 marks each. Each of these questions is from one unit and may
contain sub-questions .i.e. there will be two questions from each unit and the student should answer any
one question.
1. Python IDLE, Ipython notebook tools can be used to develop programs in UNIT-1 & UNIT-5.
2. Scope for develop type questions for assignment from UNIT-V
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