Helical Pile-To-Pile Cap Connections Subjected To Uplift Forces: Improving Future Practice

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Sundar Chiluwal, The University of Toledo, OH, 567-970-1840, Sundar.Chiluwal@rockets.utoledo.edu
Serhan Guner, The University of Toledo, OH, USA, 419-530-8133, Serhan.Guner@utoledo.edu

Abstract. Although significant research has been conducted on helical piles, there is a lack of research and official
design provisions on the helical pile-to-pile cap connections. These connections may govern the global response of
pile cap systems—especially in tall and light structures where uplift forces dominate the response. To improve future
industry practice, the objective of this study is to understand the influence of pile-to-pile cap connections on the global
behavior of concrete pile caps and develop recommendations for their efficient design. For this purpose, 108 high-
fidelity nonlinear finite element simulations are conducted to quantify the influences of bracket type, embedment
depths, longitudinal reinforcement percentages, shear span-to-depth ratios, and loading conditions on the load,
deformation, cracking, and failure behavior of concrete pile caps. The results indicate that the design configurations
involving single bracket type may result in premature concrete cracking around the anchorage zones with a 25%
reduction in the uplift load capacity. The investigations also confirm that high reinforcement percentages and low
shear span-to-depth ratios result in higher load resistance in all bracket types, and that the load capacities of the double
and studded bracket types are similar. For applications requiring the use of lower embedment depths, it is
recommended that either double or studded bracket types be used. The research findings have applicability to both
helical and micro piles given that both include similar connection types.

Keywords: Helical pile, helical pile-to-pile cap connections, single bracket type, double bracket type, studded
bracket type, longitudinal reinforcement (ρx), embedment depth (he), shear span-to-depth (a/d) ratio


Tall and light structures may experience significant uplift forces at their foundations due to large
overturning moments from wind or other lateral loads. Helical piles (e.g., Fig. 1a) can provide a cost-
effective, practical, and resilient solution for resisting significant uplift forces. In order to realize the full
potential of helical piles, it is imperative that the helical pile-to-pile cap connections (see Figs. 1b, c and d
for examples) are properly designed to resist the applied forces. However, there is a lack of research and
associated knowledge on the influence of pile-to-pile cap connection detailing on the global response of
pile caps.

Bracket Single Bracket Double Bracket Studded Bracket




(a) Helical pile (b) Single bracket (c) Double bracket (d) Studded bracket
Fig. 1. Helical pile-to-pile cap connections with different bracket types

The geotechnical literature primarily focuses on the axial load behaviour of isolated piles, and consistently
demonstrates the suitability of helical piles for load cases including the tensile uplift loads (e.g., Elkasabgy
and El Naggar 2013; Cerato and Victor 2009; Livneh and El Naggar 2008; El Naggar et al. 2007; Youssef

160 © 2019 Deep Foundations Institute

et al. 2006) and the compression loads (e.g., Elsherbiny and El Naggar 2013). The structural literature, on
the other end, exclusively focuses on the behaviour of traditional pile caps supported by socketed piles,
subjected to compression loads (e.g., Cao 2009; Suzuki and Otsuki 2002; Suzuki et al. 2000; Otsuki and
Suzuki 1996; Adebar et al. 1990). There is a lack of understanding and official design guidelines for creating
safe and efficient helical pile-to-pile cap connections. An experimental study conducted by Diab (2015)
demonstrated that the connection behavior might govern the entire system response. In another study,
Labuda et al. (2013) investigated the failure of an Olympic-size swimming pool supported by helical piles
and found that the pool collapsed due to the connection failure under uplift water pressure. These examples
highlight the importance of understanding and explicitly accounting for the connection response when
designing foundation systems.


In the theme of improving the future practice of helical pile connection design, the objective of this study
is to understand the effectiveness of the commonly-used bracket types (e.g., Fig. 1) and predict their load,
deformation, cracking, and failure behavior using state-of-the-art high-fidelity nonlinear analysis methods.
For this purpose, 108 high-fidelity nonlinear finite element (NLFE) simulations are conducted to understand
and quantify the influences of bracket type, embedment depths (he), longitudinal reinforcement percentages
(ρx), shear span-to-depth (a/d) ratios, and the loading conditions (uplift and compression). A significant
emphasis is placed on understanding the behavior of connections under tensile uplift (i.e., pullout) loads, as
opposed to compression loads, and identifying undesirable failure modes and design configurations.


A foundation strip representative of commonly-used pile cap configurations (e.g., strip footings, grade
beams, or a segment of pile caps) was designed, following the CRSI (2015) and Guner and Carriere (2016)
recommendations. The strip is supported by two helical piles to create a one-way stress flow and better
isolate the pile cap response (see Fig. 2). Helical piles are terminated with one of the three bracket types;
namely, single bracket (see Fig. 2a), double bracket (see Fig. 2b), and studded bracket (see Fig. 2c). The
square helical pile shaft supports the pile cap strip with dimensions of 2100 mm x 800 mm x 600 mm,
where the compressive strength of the concrete is 20.7 MPa. The single bracket type has a Grade 50 plate
with a size of 254 mm x 254 mm and 19-mm thick. The double and studded bracket types have plates with
the same dimensions and properties to facilitate comparisons with the single bracket type. The studs are
No.6 steel rebars of Grade 60. The pile cap strip supports the column load anchored by the bolts of Grade
105 steel, spaced 400 mm, with the length and the diameter of 460 mm and 38 mm, respectively.

Influencing parameters investigated include: three he for single bracket type [i.e., 460 mm (top), 300 mm
(middle), 140 mm (bottom)]; one he for double bracket type [i.e., 460 mm (top)]; two he for studded bracket
type [i.e., 300 mm (middle), 140 mm (bottom)]; three ρx for all bracket types [i.e., minimum 0.2% (5-#5
rebars) from ACI (2014), 0.4% (7-#6 rebars), and 0.8% (10-#7 rebars)]; and three a/d ratios for all bracket
types [i.e., 1.68, 1.42, and 1.11] (see Fig. 2). When also considering two loading conditions, 108 pile cap
design configurations were created [i.e., 3 x 3 x 2 x (3+2+1) = 108].

Anchor bolt Effective depth (d):
Column Grade 60 reinforcement
530 mm
Base ρx= 0.2%, 0.4% or 0.8%

600 Pile shaft

Shear span (a):
890, 750 or 590
(b) mm
2100 mm Embedment depths (he):
(a) 140, 300 or 460 mm 60 mm
254 mm
he: 140 or
340 160
300 mm
19 mm mm mm

Single bracket Double bracket Studded bracket

Fig. 2. Helical pile-to-pile cap connections for (a) single bracket type; (b) double bracket type; and
(c) studded bracket type


A two-dimensional, continuum-type, plane-stress element is used for the finite element modeling through
a computer program VecTor2 (VTAG 2019). The formulation is based on the Disturbed Stress Field Model
(Vecchio 2000), which is an extension of the Modified Compression Field Theory (MCFT) (Vecchio and
Collins 1986). The MCFT employs a smeared, rotating crack approach within a total-load, secant-stiffness
solution algorithm and allows the consideration of the coupled flexure, axial, and shear effects.

One sample numerical model created is shown in Fig. 3a, where the concrete was modeled using a four-
noded rectangular element with 8 degrees of freedom (see Fig. 3b), and the longitudinal reinforcement was
modeled using a two-noded truss bar (see Fig. 3c) with 4 degrees of freedom.

Loading: Uplift or compression y

n m

i j
y j

i x

Fig. 3. (a) NLFE model developed in the study for the single bracket type; (b) Plane-stress
rectangular element used; and (c) Truss bar element used

Tables 2 and 3 show the component properties in terms of their strengths and dimensions. VecTor2
incorporates several second-order material behaviors (Wong et al. 2013; Akkaya et al. 2019) as listed in
Table 4, including the material responses shown in Figs. 4a and 4b as examples. A very fine mesh with a
size of 20 mm x 20 mm was used where each helical pile was restrained with four hinges, to better isolate
the pile cap response. A displacement-controlled analysis was employed, which is advantageous when
simulating the post-peak response, ductility, crack patterns, and failure modes. A monotonic loading was
applied uniformly with a displacement increment of 0.2. Sample models of double and studded bracket
types are shown in Fig. 5.

Table 2. Continuum region properties Concrete stress-strain Steel stress-strain

f’c fy Thickness -fc curve curve f
Region Description Color
(MPa) (MPa) (mm) fu Tension
1 Concrete 20.7 - 800 -fp
2 Helical Pile 552 44
3 Bracket Plate - 345 260 -εu -εsh -εy
5 Anchor Bolts - 724 57 εy εsh εu εs
Table 3. Truss bar properties
Compression -fu
fy -εp -εc
Truss Description Color
(a) (b)
Longitudinal 0.2%, 0.4%
1 414
bars or 0.8% Fig. 4. Two of the material behaviors
models used

Table 4. Concrete and reinforcement material models

Material Behaviour Default Model Material Behaviour Default Model
Compressive Base Curve Hognestad Concrete Dilation Variable-Isotropic
Compression Post-Peak Modified Park-Kent Cracking Criterion Mohr-Coulomb (Stress)
Compression Softening Vecchio 1992 Crack Width Check Agg/5 Max crack width
Tension Stiffening Modified Bentz 2003 Crack Slip Walraven
Tension Softening Linear Hysteretic Response Bauchinger Effect (Seckin)
Confined Strength Kupler/Richart Dowel Action Tassios (Crack Slip)
Buckling Akkaya et al. 2019

(a) (b)
Fig. 5. Numerical models representing top he with a/d ratio of 1.68 (a) Double bracket type; and (b)
Studded bracket type


The overall uplift responses of all three bracket types are shown in Fig. 6. The maximum load capacities
obtained are the same as all bracket types except the bottom he of the single bracket type, which provided
a 15% less load capacity (see Fig. 6a) due to connection failures. A similar trend is observed for the failure
displacements, with the bottom embedment depth sustaining failures under smaller deformation levels.

(a) Single Bracket (b) Double Bracket (c) Studded Bracket

Load (kN)

Top Middle
Middle Bottom

Displacement (mm)
Fig. 6. Simulated responses for a/d ratio of 1.68 and ρx of 0.4% subjected to uplift

Figure 7 presents all 54 simulation results in terms of load capacities, he, a/d ratios, and ρx percentages
subjected to uplift. The slopes of three blue lines (i.e., bottom he) in Fig. 7a are significantly lower than
those of red (i.e., middle he) and gray lines (i.e., top he), which shows that the capacity increase is much
smaller in bottom he when a/d ratio is reduced (i.e., pile cap is made deeper) or ρx percentage is increased
as compared to other he. When the he is changed from bottom to middle, the capacity increases by an average
of 32%. The further increase in he from middle to top does not affect the capacity, as shown by the
overlapping of red and gray lines in Fig. 7a. The double bracket behaves similarly to the middle or top he
of the single bracket, as their load capacities are similar (see Fig. 7b). For studded bracket type, the gray
lines overlap the blue lines, which shows that the change in he does not influence the load capacity (Fig.
7c). Also, the capacity of the bottom or middle he for studded bracket type is found to be similar to those of
the middle or top he of the single bracket type (compare Figs. 7a and 7c). If the bottom he must be used, the
change of the bracket type from single to studded can improve the global capacity by an average of 29%.

(a) Single Bracket (b) Double Bracket (c) Studded Bracket

ρx% he
Load (kN)

Top Middle Bottom


1.68 1.42 1.11 1.681.42 1.11 1.68 1.42 1.11

a/d ratio
Fig. 7. Interaction among different parameters subjected to uplift.

The uplift capacity of all bracket types increases with higher ρx and lower a/d ratios (as shown by the
increasing slopes in Fig. 7). For the single bracket type, the capacity increases by an average of 24% and
19% when the ρx is increased from 0.2% to 0.4% and 0.4% to 0.8%, respectively, and the capacity increases
by an average of 17% and 19% when the a/d ratio is decreased from 1.68 to 1.42 and 1.42 to 1.11,

respectively. Other bracket types exhibit similar increase of capacity for he and a/d ratio change within a
range of ±5%.


The overall compression responses of all three bracket types are shown in Fig. 8. The maximum load and
deformation capacities obtained are the same as all bracket types.
(a) Single Bracket (b) Double Bracket (c) Studded Bracket
Load (kN)

Middle Middle
Bottom Bottom

Displacement (mm)
Fig. 8. Load-displacement responses for a/d ratio of 1.68 in ρx of 0.4% subjected to compression

Figure 9 presents all 54 simulation results in terms of load capacities, he, a/d ratios, and ρx percentages
subjected to compression. The overlapping nature of lines with different colors demonstrates that the
compressive load resistance is independent of the changes in he. This can be attributed to the absence of
connection failures subjected to compression loading. The load capacity of all bracket types increases with
the increase in ρx and decrease in a/d ratios. This increase is more pronounced for the lowest ρx, as apparent
from the bilinear nature of the solid lines in Figs. 9a, 9b, and 9c. When the a/d ratio is changed from 1.42
to 1.11, the capacity increases for ρx of 0.2, 0.4, and 0.8 percentages are 43%, 29%, and 19%, respectively.
For the single bracket type, the compressive capacity increases by an average of 24% when ρx is increased
from 0.2% to 0.4%, or 0.4% to 0.8%, while the capacity increases by an average of 21% and 29% when the
a/d is decreased from 1.68 to 1.42, and 1.42 to 1.11, respectively. The double and studded bracket types
show similar increases in the load capacities within a range of ±5% for similar changes in he and a/d.

(a) Single Bracket (b) Double Bracket (c) Studded Bracket

ρx% he
Top Middle Bottom
Load (kN)


1.68 1.42 1.11 1.681.42 1.11 1.68 1.42 1.11

a/d ratio
Fig. 9. Interaction among different parameters subjected to compression


Dominant concrete cracks are predicted around the connection zone for the bottom he of the single bracket
type subjected to uplift loads (see Fig. 10a). Connection concrete cracks are concentrated over a small area
and extended along the bottom longitudinal reinforcement. This type of failure is found to be the least
preferable failure mode in this study because it results in a premature failure with no to very little
redistribution of stresses. For the middle or top he, concrete cracking only along the top longitudinal

reinforcement are predicted (see Fig. 10b). This type of behavior provided better load redistribution and
higher displacement ductility. Other parameters (i.e., ρx and a/d ratios) are found to not change the failure
modes of the single bracket type. This confirms that he is the most influencing parameter for the single
bracket type. For the double bracket type, the crack patterns are predicted to be the splitting of concrete
along the top longitudinal reinforcement in most of the cases (see Fig. 10c). In the configuration involving
higher ρx of 0.8% (see Fig. 10d), additional minor anchorage cracks are predicted, yet these cracks are found
to not influence the global response of the pile caps in any significant way. For the studded bracket type, a
similar cracking behavior is obtained (see Figs. 10e and 10f).

For all the bracket types subjected to compression loads, most of the failure modes involved splitting of the
concrete along the bottom reinforcement (see Fig. 10g) where the cracks initiate from the tip of the anchor
bolts and propagate to the helical pile anchorages. For the lowest a/d ratio of 1.1 with ρx of 0.4% or 0.8%,
shear failures are predicted (see Fig. 10h). No signs of anchorage cracks are predicted in any of the brackets.

For all simulations, widespread concrete cracking is found to provide a more favorable global pile cap
response than those from concentrated concrete cracking (e.g., Fig. 10a).



along top
(a) Bottom Embedment (b) Middle Embedment



cracks along anchorage

top rebar cracks
(c) ρx = 0.2 or 0.4% (d) ρx = 0.8%



along top
anchorage rebar
(e) Bottom Embedment (f) Middle Embedment

All Brackets
Common to

Cracks Minor shear

along bottom cracks

(g) All Configurations other than (h) (h) a/d = 1.1 with ρx =0.4 or 0.8%

Fig. 10. Failure modes and crack patterns


This study performed 108 high-fidelity NLFE simulations to quantify the influences of key design
parameters on the load, deformation, cracking, and failure response of concrete pile caps supported by
helical piles. The analyses investigated: the influences of three bracket types (i.e., single, double, and
studded); three embedment depths (he = 140, 300, and 460 mm); three longitudinal reinforcement
percentages (ρx = 0.2, 0.4 and 0.8); and three shear span-to-depth ratios (a/d = 1.68, 1.42 and 1.11).

The results of the numerical investigations demonstrate that the helical pile-to-pile cap connections may
govern the entire system capacity for the load conditions involving uplift forces. As such, it is recommended
to perform an explicit check of the connection capacity in addition to the structural and geotechnical checks
for the global pile cap and helical pile capacities. The findings of this study are also applicable to micro
piles which incorporate similar connection details. Detailed conclusions and recommendations are provided
below for uplift and compression load cases.

Uplift Behavior

• Connection (anchorage) failure is predicted only for the bottom he of single bracket type, which
decrease the global tensile load resistance of the pile cap by an average of 25%. It is recommended that
the bottom he should be avoided for the most efficient design when the single bracket type is used.
• The analysis indicates that he is the most influential parameter, which also dictates the effectiveness of
ρx and a/d ratio on the uplift load resistance for the single bracket type.
• The uplift load capacity increases by an average of 29% when he is changed from bottom to middle for
the single bracket type.
• The uplift load capacity remains similar when he is changed from middle to top for the single bracket
type. Therefore, it is still recommended to use the middle he.
• The uplift load capacity increases by an average of 22% when ρx is increased from 0.2% to 0.4% or
0.4% to 0.8% for the single bracket type.
• The uplift load capacity increases by an average of 18% when the a/d ratio is decreased from 1.68 to
1.42 or from 1.42 to 1.11 for the single bracket type.
• The double bracket type has only one he, which provides satisfactory response with no anchorage
failure. The load capacity increases similar to the single bracket type for ρx or a/d ratio changes.
• The studded bracket type has two he positions, and the change in he does not influence their capacities.
Any one of these embedment depths could be used for efficient design. The load capacity increases
similar to the single bracket type for ρx or a/d ratio changes.
• For the configurations involving bottom he, the change of bracket type from single to studded improves
the pile cap capacity by 29%. Therefore, if the bottom he is required, the studded bracket type is
• To maximize the uplift load resistance, high ρx percentages and low a/d ratios should be used for all
bracket types, along with the middle or top he for the single bracket type.
• Overall uplift behavior of double and studded bracket types is comparable to middle or top he of single
bracket type, and the load capacity obtained for these brackets are similar within a range of ±5%.

Compression Behavior

• No anchorage failure is predicted for compression loads in any of the bracket types.
• The compressive load capacity increases by an average of 24% when ρx is increased from 0.2% to 0.4%
or from 0.4% to 0.8% for the single bracket type.
• The compressive load capacity increases by an average of 25% when the a/d ratio is decreased from
1.68 to 1.42 or from 1.42 to 1.11 for the single bracket type.
• The double and studded bracket types exhibit load capacity increases similar to the single bracket type
for similar changes in ρx or a/d ratios.
• To maximize the compressive load resistance, high ρx percentages and low a/d ratios is recommended,
regardless of the he for all bracket types.


The authors would like to thank Helical Piles and Tiebacks Committee of the Deep Foundation Institute
(DFI) for providing funding for this study.


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