Lesson 3 Raymart Chelsea
Lesson 3 Raymart Chelsea
Lesson 3 Raymart Chelsea
Group B
Scrambled Word Answer Clues
eterea design, invent, imagine
eevaltau assess, judge, appraise
yanaelz separate, compare, organize
yaplp practice, implement, show
sundeadnrt explain, discuss, define
emreremb recall, name, list
The words in Groups A and B are shown and arranged in a logical order.
hierarchical structure
Group A Group B
1. Evaluation Create
2. Synthesis Evaluate
3. Analysis Analyze
4. Application Apply
5. Comprehension Understand
6. Knowledge Remember
Level: Evaluate This app gives you quick access to fun science and
engineering content, pictures and videos from all over
App: Science360 the world. Which teachers and students can use to
pique their interest in science's wonders.
2. Fill out the Venn diagram to show the similarities and differences between the original and the
revised taxonomy.
Read a research or study related to revised Bloom’s Taxonomy. Fill out the matrix below.
1. Formulate learning outcomes reflecting the different levels of the revised taxonomy..
2. Surf the internet and explore one app for each category or level of thinking. Explain how you can use
each in the teaching-learning process..
Level: Create
Level: Create Nearpod is a simple-to-use tool for preparing
App: Nearpod lessons for teachers.
Lesson plans, presentations, and assessments
that are interactive
digital information Teachers can use Nearpod
to construct digital lessons plans, share them
with students in class, and keep track of
individual progress . Lessons are made up of
slides created by the teacher, text, video,
photos, websites, questions, quizzes, and
other media can be included. Assignments
and polls the instruction is understandable to
the students. Teachers can either let students
work at their own pace or lead a class students
can follow the lecture in a synchronized
session real-time.
Level: Evaluate Showbie is a free educational software for
App: Showbie both students and teachers.
that simplifies the process of creating and
completing tasks, and
Easy assessments and grade storage Students
may submit work.
their homework through Showbie. It has the
potential to voice messages from kids and/or
instructors assignments.