Leave System Sap Fiori
Leave System Sap Fiori
Leave System Sap Fiori
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This SAP Fiori product contains the front-end components of a bundle of transactional apps for Human Capital Management
(HCM) that run on the SAP Fiori launchpad.
SAP Product (Official Name) SAP Fiori 2.0 for SAP ERP HCM
Release 2.0
Setup of SAP Fiori System Landscape for SAP Business Suite Installation Requirements
The back-end components of the apps are delivered with the following SAP product:
SAP Product (Official Name) SAP Fiori 2.0 for SAP ERP HCM
With the transactional app Approve Leave Requests (Version 3) you enable managers to approve or reject leave requests for
their direct reports, easily and exibly from their SAP Fiori My Inbox app . Key information for the approval decision is
available at a glance, including a team calendar that shows overlapping leave requests.
Key Features
Browse all requests submitted for approval in a personalized inbox
View details for speci c requests, including the leave requested, the available balance and any comments relating to the
View a team calendar that shows overlapping leave requests if there are leave con icts
Allows manager to view leave overlaps for an employee over a speci c period
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View attachments
Navigation Targets
This app enables users to access other apps directly (for example to display detailed information).
Linked apps have to be already available in your system landscape or you have to implement them along with this app.
Required Back-End Product (Product Version Stack) SAP Fiori 1.0 for SAP ERP HCM (07 (07/2017))
The front-end components of this app (such as the user interface) are delivered together with the components of other apps as
part of this SAP Fiori product:
Front-End Components Delivered with (Product Version Stack) SAP Fiori 2.0 for SAP ERP HCM ( Initial State )
For more information, see the app implementation document of this app.
Related Apps
From a business perspective, the following apps are related to this app:
Starting with the initial delivery date, the app is delivered with each support package stack of the respective SAP Fiori
product. This document only lists support package stacks in which the app has been enhanced or changed. If the app was not
changed in a particular support package stack, then this support package stack is not mentioned in this document.
SAP Fiori for SAP ERP HCM 2.0 SPS 0 (Delivery Date 07/2017)
Initial delivery.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 3
Setup of SAP Fiori System Landscape for SAP Business Suite Installation Requirements
The SAP product version in the back-end system serving as the basis for the app must be the following:
Required Back-End Product (Product Version Stack) EHP7 FOR SAP ERP 6.0 - SPS 01 (08/2013)
Each SAP Fiori app consists of front-end components and back-end components:
The front-end components of the app consist of the user interfaces and content required for launching the app on the
SAP Fiori launchpad. These components have to be installed on your front-end server.
The back-end components of the app mainly consist of the OData services required for the app. These components have
to be installed in your back-end system.
The front-end and back-end components of the app are delivered with the following SAP product versions as part of the listed
software components. The required software components for the app are contained in the listed product instances:
App Required SAP Product Version Available Instances Containing Software Component Required for
Component (Support Package Stack) Software Component App (Support Package)
Front-End SAP Fiori 2.0 for SAP ERP HCM UI for ERP HCM > NW750 UIHR002 100 (0005 )
Components ( Initial State )
Back-End SAP Fiori 1.0 for SAP ERP HCM HCM ERP 605 INT GBX01HR5 605 (n/a )
Components (07 (07/2017))
For more information about the installation of front-end components, see http://help.sap.com/ ori_implementation.
On the front-end server, the following SAP notes must be implemented for this app:
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Implementation Tasks
The following sections list tasks that have to be performed to implement the required components of the app. The tables
contain the app-speci c data required for these tasks.
You can nd the data required to perform these tasks in the SAP Fiori apps reference library at:
For more information about how to activate the OData service, see Front-End Server: Activate OData Services .
For more information about how to activate the SAPUI5 application (ICF service), see Front-End Server: Activate ICF Services.
To de ne the access of single users to this app in the SAP Fiori launchpad, technical content is delivered, such as catalogs and
example roles.
You can nd an overview of the delivered technical content for this SAP Fiori app in the SAP Fiori apps reference library.
For more information about how to proceed with this content, see Enable App for Access in SAP Fiori Launchpad.
Front-End Server and Back-End Server: Assign OData Service Authorizations to Users
You must assign OData service authorizations for the app to your users.
Several authorization default values are connected to the OData service. To ensure that all these default values are
assigned to a user, you have to follow the instructions given under the documentation links provided.
Make the assignment on the back-end server and on the front-end server :
On the back-end server, a dedicated authorization role (PFCG role) for the OData service is delivered as an example. You
can copy this role and adjust it to your needs.
On the front-end server , you must assign the OData service authorization to a new or existing role, such as a business
role that has been adjusted according to your needs.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 5
OData Service (Version Number) Back-End Server: Delivered Authorization Role (PFCG Front-End Server : Assignment to
Role) Authorization Role
HCMFAB_LEAVE_REQUEST_APR_SRV In addition, this role contains authorizations to display OData service authorization must be
(0001 ) the related business data. assigned.
In addition, this role contains authorizations to
display the related business data.
SAP Note: 2434370 is prerequisite for implementing Approve Leave Requests (Version 3) SAP Fiori app.
This con guration task is only relevant when you are using the request database for your leave request approvals.
In general, the SAP Fiori My Inbox app only receives the work items generated via the work ow. Historically, the customers
can choose to create the leave request based on work ow or request database via the Rule Group con guration in the back-
end system. To receive the non work ow based work items in the SAP Fiori My Inbox app, you have to activate in table T77S0
the switch PTMW FABFI. With the switch active (X), the Inbox shows the non work ow items.
On the screen Task: Maintain enter the value Workflow Template for Task Type and 27000001 for Task.
In the following screen, choose the menu Additional data Classi cation Create
In the Create Classification/Lock Ind. screen, classify the work ow as a General Task by choosing the
radio button in the section Classification.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 6
Choose the tasks TS12300097 and TS21500003 and set the Visualization Type as Intent-Based
Do not use the Task TS21500003 as template for other work ows.
Choose the task TS12300003 and double-click on Visualization Parameter in the dialog structure on the left
ACTION approve
For the APPROVAL / REJECT Button to appear in the SAP Fiori My Inbox, the following con guration steps has to be done:
In the SAP Customizing Implementation Guide go to SAP NetWeaver SAP Gateway Service
Enablement Content Work ow Settings Maintain Task Names and Decision Options
Con gure the Approve/Reject actions for the following work ow templates as shown below:
Work ow ID Step ID
WS33700137 0000000038
WS12300111 0000000038
WS21500001 0000000038
WS27000001 0000000010
Create/Choose the entry for the work ow template (for example Work ow ID: WS21500001, Step ID: 0000000038,
Step Description: Leave Request)
Double-click Decision Keys in the Dialog Structure on the left pane and add the following entries for the decision keys:
1 Approve POSITIVE
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SAP delivered a standard BAdI Implementation HCMFAB_LEAVE_APPROVAL_INBOX to in uence the logic of
APPROVE/REJECT buttons. If Customers want in uence the behavior, consider implementing the BAdI:
implementation for the same lter. Please deactivate the implementation delivered in the old release.
As a last step in the process you have to create a Target Mapping in the SAP Fiori Launchpad Designer. Create the target
mapping as shown below in the catalog of your Inbox Tile. For an instance, if you’re using the My Inbox for Manager app as
described in the SAP Fiori Library create the following target mapping in the technical catalog SAP_FND_BC_MANAGER_T for
the instances Approve Leave Request:
More Information
For more information about app implementation, see http://help.sap.com/ ori_implementation App Implementation
Information for SAP Fiori .
You can extend the app according to your business needs for different aspects. For this purpose, the following extensibility
options are available:
You can extend the app by customizing the team calendar for your business needs.
You can extend the app by displaying additional information about leave requests and employees who sent the leave
You can enhance the properties of the additional elds for a speci c leave type.
You can extend the app by adding additional elds to the header and the icon tab or to add a sections tab in the details
You can de ne the relations between employees using this app and other employees (for example to determine direct
reports) and can extend the information displayed in the employee data.
Extensibility Entities
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Common BAdI for all HCM SAP Fiori Apps (HCMFAB_B_COMMON)
You can use this BAdI to enhance HCM SAP Fiori apps delivered with software component UIHR002. You can de ne who
is a colleague of the employee, who is a direct report of a manager, who is an employee reporting to a manager and who
is a manager of an employee. You can also extend the employee information shown in the employee data, the
determination of the employee picture and the office address. Besides, you can check whether an employee is a
Since the BAdI is also relevant for settings of team calendars used in other HCM SAP Fiori Apps, you have to specify
in the BAdI interface that the information is relevant to this app.
You can use this BAdI to customize the team calendar. You can add or remove elements from the UI like the employee
photo or the lter button. You can de ne which event types, which calendar views and employee descriptions are
displayed in the team calendar.
Since the BAdI is also relevant for settings of team calendars used in other HCM SAP Fiori Apps, you have to specify
in the BAdI interface that the information is relevant to this app.
You can use this BAdI to extend the entities of the team calendar control:
Note that the entries affect the team calendars in all apps that use the team calendar control.
You can use this BAdI to display additional information about the leave request, the employee who sent the leave
request and to enhance the properties of the additional elds that are con gured for the speci c leave type.
Extension Points
To add additional UI elements to the app, the following extensibility entities are available on the different layers. You have to
extend each of these entities according to your speci c business needs:
If there are additional elds available in the OData service, you can display these elds on the UI. For more information, see the
extensibility documentation for the respective SAP NetWeaver release on your front-end server at
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 9
http://help.sap.com/ ori_implementation Extensibility Information for SAP Fiori Extending the UI Layer UI Extensibility
Work ow Checking the SAP-Enabled Extension Options Extension Points .
UI Controller Hooks
To plug in and execute custom code, the following hook is available in the controller code:
If there are additional UI controller hooks available in the controller code, you can add own code. For more information, see the
extensibility documentation for the respective SAP NetWeaver release on your front-end server at
http://help.sap.com/ ori_implementation Extensibility Information for SAP Fiori Extending the UI Layer UI Extensibility
Work ow Checking the SAP-Enabled Extension Options UI Controller Hooks .
More Information
For a general description of the extensibility options and procedures of SAP Fiori apps, see
http://help.sap.com/ ori_implementation Extensibility Information for SAP Fiori .
With the transactional app Approve Time Events (Fiori 2.0), as a manager, you can manage the time events of your direct
reports from their SAP Fiori app My Inbox.
Key Features
Browse all requests submitted for approval in the inbox
View details for each request, including type of the event, date and time of request submission, comments from the
requester, and any additional information con gured for the event type
Required Back-End Product (Product Version Stack) SAP Fiori 1.0 for SAP ERP HCM (08 (12/2017))
The front-end components of this app (such as the user interface) are delivered together with the components of other apps as
part of this SAP Fiori product:
Front-End Components Delivered with (Product Version Stack) SAP Fiori 2.0 for SAP ERP HCM ( 01 (01/2018) )
For more information, see the app implementation document of this app.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 10
Related Apps
From a business perspective, the following apps are related to this app:
SAP Fiori for SAP ERP HCM 2.0 SPS 01 (Delivery Date 01/2018)
Initial delivery.
Setup of SAP Fiori System Landscape for SAP Business Suite Installation Requirements
The SAP product version in the back-end system serving as the basis for the app must be the following:
Required Back-End Product (Product Version Stack) EHP7 FOR SAP ERP 6.0 - SPS 01 (08/2013)
Each SAP Fiori app consists of front-end components and back-end components:
The front-end components of the app consist of the user interfaces and content required for launching the app on the
SAP Fiori launchpad. These components have to be installed on your front-end server.
The back-end components of the app mainly consist of the OData services required for the app. These components have
to be installed in your back-end system.
The front-end and back-end components of the app are delivered with the following SAP product versions as part of the listed
software components. The required software components for the app are contained in the listed product instances:
App Required SAP Product Version Available Instances Containing Software Component Required for
Component (Support Package Stack) Software Component App (Support Package)
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 11
App Required SAP Product Version Available Instances Containing Software Component Required for
Component (Support Package Stack) Software Component App (Support Package)
Front-End SAP Fiori 2.0 for SAP ERP UI for ERP HCM > NW750 UIHR002 100 (1 )
Components HCM ( 01 (01/2018) )
Back-End SAP Fiori 1.0 for SAP ERP HCM ERP 605 INT GBX01HR5 605 (n/a )
Components HCM (08 (12/2017))
For more information about the installation of front-end components, see http://help.sap.com/ ori_implementation.
On the front-end server, the following SAP notes must be implemented for this app:
Implementation Tasks
The following sections list tasks that have to be performed to implement the required components of the app. The tables
contain the app-speci c data required for these tasks.
You can nd the data required to perform these tasks in the SAP Fiori apps reference library at:
For more information about how to activate the OData service, see Front-End Server: Activate OData Services .
For more information about how to activate the SAPUI5 application (ICF service), see Front-End Server: Activate ICF Services.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 12
To de ne the access of single users to this app in the SAP Fiori launchpad, technical content is delivered, such as catalogs and
example roles.
You can nd an overview of the delivered technical content for this SAP Fiori app in the SAP Fiori apps reference library.
For more information about how to proceed with this content, see Enable App for Access in SAP Fiori Launchpad.
Front-End Server and Back-End Server: Assign OData Service Authorizations to Users
You must assign OData service authorizations for the app to your users.
Several authorization default values are connected to the OData service. To ensure that all these default values are
assigned to a user, you have to follow the instructions given under the documentation links provided.
Make the assignment on the back-end server and on the front-end server :
On the back-end server, a dedicated authorization role (PFCG role) for the OData service is delivered as an example. You
can copy this role and adjust it to your needs.
On the front-end server , you must assign the OData service authorization to a new or existing role, such as a business
role that has been adjusted according to your needs.
OData Service (Version Number) Back-End Server: Delivered Authorization Role (PFCG Front-End Server : Assignment to
Role) Authorization Role
HCMFAB_TIMEEVENTS_APR_SRV In addition, this role contains authorizations to display the OData service authorization must be
(0001 ) related business data. assigned.
In addition, this role contains authorizations to display
the related business data.
You have implemented the SAP Fiori app My Inbox and the SAP Note 2520847 .
This con guration task is only relevant when you are using the request database for your time events.
SAP Fiori My Inbox app receives only those work items that are generated via the work ow. You can choose to create time
events based on work ow, or based on request database via the Rule-Group con guration in the back-end system. To receive
the non-work ow based work items in the My Inbox app, do the following:
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 13
In the table T77S0, activate the switch PTMW FABFI. When the switch is active(X), the non-work ow based work items are
displayed in the My Inbox app.
1. Execute the transaction code PFTC. On the Task:Maintain screen, enter the following values:
Task - 27000003
2. Choose Display button or press F7. On the screen, navigate to Additional data Classi cation Create .
3. On the Create Classi cation/Lock Ind. screen, classify the work ow as a General Task by choosing the radio button in
the section Classi cation.
The Work ow 13600347 and Task 13600230 are available as of the following HRSPs.
Release HRSP
605 A3
606 88
607 77
608 54
These standard work ow and tasks are to be used exclusively for Time Events. If your system does not have the
mentioned HRSPs or higher, create a custom work ow and tasks, and use instead of 13600347 and 13600230.
Custom Task
You can copy the standard task 21500003 to create a custom task. You may wish to adjust the Workitem Text to
Custom Work ow
You can copy the standard work ow 21500001, and make the following changes, to create a custom work ow.
1. On the Work ow Builder – Display ʻPT_TIMCORWDA’ screen, assign the created custom task as Task in the Step 38
(000038) Approval Process.
2. Choose the Binding(Exists) button, and ensure that the binding is as follows:
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 14
3. c. Select Agent Assignment, and on the Standard Task: Maintain Agent Assignment screen, verify that the con guration
is as follows:
Name ID General
If the assignment is different, on the same Standard Task: Maintain Agent Assignment screen, choose Attributes, and
select General Task in the Task popup.
The con gurations speci ed for the work ow 13600347 and task 13600230 should be performed for the custom work ow and
custom task respectively.
2. Choose the following tasks and set the Visualization Type as Intent-Based Navigation.
3. Choose the task TS27000001 and double-click Visualization Parameters on the left pane.
ACTION approve
To ensure that the APPROVAL / REJECT Button to appears in the Inbox, con gure the Approve/Reject actions through
Customizing activity.
2. Navigate to the Customizing activity Maintain Task Names and Decision Options under SAP NetWeaver SAP Gateway
Service Enablement Content Work ow Settings .
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 15
Work ow ID Step ID
WS13600347 0000000038
WS27000003 0000000010
5. Double-click Decision Keys in the left pane and create the following entry in the Change View “Decision Keys”: Overview
1 Approve POSITIVE
7. Repeat the steps 4, 5 and 6 for the Work ow templates WS27000003 and WS13600347.
SAP delivered a standard BADI Implementation HCMFAB_CICO_APPROVAL_INBOX to in uence the logic of
APPROVE/REJECT button. If you need to in uence the behavior, please consider implementing the following BADI:
You must set up the task visualization parameter for the task TS27000001.
3. Choose Display.
TS27000001 WD_ABAP
5. Select the Edit button and enter the Task Visualization parameter as follows.
APPLICATION LeaveRequestApprover
Create a target mapping in the FIORI Launchpad Designer. Create the target mapping as shown below in the catalog of your
Inbox Tile. For an instance, if you’re using the My Inbox for Manager app as described in the SAP Fiori Library, create the
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 16
following target mapping in the technical catalog SAP_FND_BC_MANAGER_T for the instances Approve Time Events:
More Information
For more information about app implementation, see http://help.sap.com/ ori_implementation App Implementation
Information for SAP Fiori .
You can extend the app according to your business needs for different aspects. For this purpose, the following extensibility
options are available:
You can extend the app by adding additional elds to the Header section.
You can extend the app by displaying additional information in the Information section.
Extensibility Entities
You can use this BAdI to enhance the Employee, Time Event, and Additional Fields information con gured for the speci c
event type. You can implement the following methods to enhance the standard information.
Extension Points
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 17
If there are additional elds available in the OData service, you can display these elds on the UI. For more information, see the
extensibility documentation for the respective SAP NetWeaver release on your front-end server at
http://help.sap.com/ ori_implementation Extensibility Information for SAP Fiori Extending the UI Layer UI Extensibility
Work ow Checking the SAP-Enabled Extension Options Extension Points .
UI Controller Hooks
To plug in and execute custom code, the following hooks are available in the controller code:
If there are additional UI controller hooks available in the controller code, you can add own code. For more information, see the
extensibility documentation for the respective SAP NetWeaver release on your front-end server at
http://help.sap.com/ ori_implementation Extensibility Information for SAP Fiori Extending the UI Layer UI Extensibility
Work ow Checking the SAP-Enabled Extension Options UI Controller Hooks .
More Information
For a general description of the extensibility options and procedures of SAP Fiori apps, see
http://help.sap.com/ ori_implementation Extensibility Information for SAP Fiori .
With the transactional app Employee Lookup (Version 2) you can search for an employee using the employee name and view
reporting line and communication data of the selected employee.
Key Features
Search for employees
View organizational and communication details of employees and get in contact with them
An employee who is concurrently employed can use the app for a chosen personnel assignment.
Required Back-End Product (Product Version Stack) SAP Fiori 1.0 for SAP ERP HCM (07 (07/2017))
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 18
The front-end components of this app (such as the user interface) are delivered together with the components of other apps as
part of this SAP Fiori product:
Front-End Components Delivered with (Product Version Stack) SAP Fiori 2.0 for SAP ERP HCM ( Initial State )
For more information, see the app implementation document of this app.
Starting with the initial delivery date, the app is delivered with each support package stack of the respective SAP Fiori
product. This document only lists support package stacks in which the app has been enhanced or changed. If the app was not
changed in a particular support package stack, then this support package stack is not mentioned in this document.
SAP Fiori for SAP ERP HCM 2.0 SPS 0 (Delivery Date 07/2017)
Initial delivery.
Setup of SAP Fiori System Landscape for SAP Business Suite Installation Requirements
The SAP product version in the back-end system serving as the basis for the app must be the following:
Required Back-End Product (Product Version Stack) EHP7 FOR SAP ERP 6.0 - SPS 01 (08/2013)
Each SAP Fiori app consists of front-end components and back-end components:
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 19
The front-end components of the app consist of the user interfaces and content required for launching the app on the
SAP Fiori launchpad. These components have to be installed on your front-end server.
The back-end components of the app mainly consist of the OData services required for the app. These components have
to be installed in your back-end system.
The front-end and back-end components of the app are delivered with the following SAP product versions as part of the listed
software components. The required software components for the app are contained in the listed product instances:
App Required SAP Product Version Available Instances Containing Software Component Required for
Component (Support Package Stack) Software Component App (Support Package)
Front-End SAP Fiori 2.0 for SAP ERP HCM UI for ERP HCM > NW750 UIHR002 100 (0000 )
Components ( Initial State )
Back-End SAP Fiori 1.0 for SAP ERP HCM HCM ERP 605 INT GBX01HR5 605 (n/a )
Components (07 (07/2017))
For more information about the installation of front-end components, see http://help.sap.com/ ori_implementation.
On the front-end server, the following SAP notes must be implemented for this app:
Implementation Tasks
The following sections list tasks that have to be performed to implement the required components of the app. The tables
contain the app-speci c data required for these tasks.
You can nd the data required to perform these tasks in the SAP Fiori apps reference library at:
For more information about how to activate the OData service, see Front-End Server: Activate OData Services .
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 20
For more information about how to activate the SAPUI5 application (ICF service), see Front-End Server: Activate ICF Services.
To de ne the access of single users to this app in the SAP Fiori launchpad, technical content is delivered, such as catalogs and
example roles.
You can nd an overview of the delivered technical content for this SAP Fiori app in the SAP Fiori apps reference library.
For more information about how to proceed with this content, see Enable App for Access in SAP Fiori Launchpad.
Front-End Server and Back-End Server: Assign OData Service Authorizations to Users
You must assign OData service authorizations for the app to your users.
Several authorization default values are connected to the OData service. To ensure that all these default values are
assigned to a user, you have to follow the instructions given under the documentation links provided.
Make the assignment on the back-end server and on the front-end server :
On the back-end server, a dedicated authorization role (PFCG role) for the OData service is delivered as an example. You
can copy this role and adjust it to your needs.
On the front-end server , you must assign the OData service authorization to a new or existing role, such as a business
role that has been adjusted according to your needs.
OData Service (Version Number) Back-End Server: Delivered Authorization Role (PFCG Front-End Server : Assignment to
Role) Authorization Role
HCMFAB_EMPLOYEELOOKUP_SRV In addition, this role contains authorizations to display the OData service authorization must be
(0001 ) related business data. assigned.
In addition, this role contains authorizations to display
the related business data.
More Information
For more information about app implementation, see http://help.sap.com/ ori_implementation App Implementation
Information for SAP Fiori .
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 21
You can extend the app Employee Lookup (Version 2) according to your business needs for different aspects. For this purpose,
the following extensibility options are available:
You can extend the app by adding columns and cells to the table of search results, to the table of colleagues, and to the
table of direct reports.
You can extend the app by adding actions and elds to the employee details object header.
You can extend the app by adding additional elements to the manager quick view and the office info quick view.
You can de ne the relations between employees using this app and other employees (for example to determine direct
reports) and can extend the information displayed in the employee data.
Extensibility Entities
You can use this BAdI to enhance HCM SAP Fiori apps delivered with software component UIHR002. You can de ne who
is a colleague of the employee, who is a direct report of a manager, who is an employee reporting to a manager and who
is a manager of an employee. You can also extend the employee information shown in the employee data, the
determination of the employee picture and the office address. Besides, you can check whether an employee is a
Since the BAdI is also relevant for settings of team calendars used in other HCM SAP Fiori Apps, you have to specify
in the BAdI interface that the information is relevant to this app.
You can add additional information to the search suggestion list of the search eld.
You can add additional information to the colleagues and direct reports information shown in standard.
Extension Points
To add additional UI elements to the app, the following extensibility entities are available on the different layers. You can extend
each of these entities according to your speci c business needs:
UI Back End/ABAP
ColleaguesBlock.view.xml colleaguesTableColumnsExtension - -
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 22
UI Back End/ABAP
DirectReportsBlock.view.xml directReportsTableColumnsExtension - -
EmployeeDetails.view.xml extensionEmployeeDetailsActions - -
SearchResultList.view.xml searchResultTableColumnsExtension - -
If there are additional elds available in the OData service, you can display these elds on the UI. For more information, see the
extensibility documentation for the respective SAP NetWeaver release on your front-end server at
http://help.sap.com/ ori_implementation Extensibility Information for SAP Fiori Extending the UI Layer UI Extensibility
Work ow Checking the SAP-Enabled Extension Options Extension Points .
UI Controller Hooks
To plug in and execute custom code, the following hooks are available in the controller code:
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 23
If there are additional UI controller hooks available in the controller code, you can add own code. For more information, see the
extensibility documentation for the respective SAP NetWeaver release on your front-end server at
http://help.sap.com/ ori_implementation Extensibility Information for SAP Fiori Extending the UI Layer UI Extensibility
Work ow Checking the SAP-Enabled Extension Options UI Controller Hooks .
More Information
For a general description of the extensibility options and procedures of SAP Fiori apps, see
http://help.sap.com/ ori_implementation Extensibility Information for SAP Fiori .
With the transactional app My Bene ts (Version 3/Fiori 2.0) you can provide a quick and easy overview of the bene t plans in
which an employee is enrolled, ensuring that the employee has all the details of the bene ts offered by their company at their
Key Features
An employee who is concurrently employed can use the app for a chosen personnel assignment
Display the bene t plans in which you are enrolled by plan categories
Display eligible bene t plans for which you have not yet enrolled
Display plan details of a selected bene t plan, for example, your coverage, pre-tax cost, and so on
View the bene t overview or detailed information for any given date
Access links to bene t plan documents to nd information on the de nition of bene t plans
Open the Bene ts Summary statement as a PDF that can be downloaded locally
Technical Features
In addition, this app supports the following technical features and options. Some of these features require additional
components or settings in your system landscape:
This app also runs in standalone mode. To use this feature, see Running Apps in Standalone Mode.
Required Back-End Product (Product Version Stack) SAP Fiori 1.0 for SAP ERP HCM (08 (12/2017))
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 24
The front-end components of this app (such as the user interface) are delivered together with the components of other apps as
part of this SAP Fiori product:
Front-End Components Delivered with (Product Version Stack) SAP Fiori 2.0 for SAP ERP HCM ( 01 (01/2018) )
For more information, see the app implementation document of this app.
SAP Fiori for SAP ERP HCM 2.0 SPS 01 (Delivery Date 01/2018)
Initial delivery.
Setup of SAP Fiori System Landscape for SAP Business Suite Installation Requirements
The SAP product version in the back-end system serving as the basis for the app must be the following:
Required Back-End Product (Product Version Stack) EHP7 FOR SAP ERP 6.0 - SPS 01 (08/2013)
Each SAP Fiori app consists of front-end components and back-end components:
The front-end components of the app consist of the user interfaces and content required for launching the app on the
SAP Fiori launchpad. These components have to be installed on your front-end server.
The back-end components of the app mainly consist of the OData services required for the app. These components have
to be installed in your back-end system.
The front-end and back-end components of the app are delivered with the following SAP product versions as part of the listed
software components. The required software components for the app are contained in the listed product instances:
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 25
App Required SAP Product Version Available Instances Containing Software Component Required for
Component (Support Package Stack) Software Component App (Support Package)
Front-End SAP Fiori 2.0 for SAP ERP UI for ERP HCM > NW750 UIHR002 100 (1 )
Components HCM ( 01 (01/2018) )
Back-End SAP Fiori 1.0 for SAP ERP HCM ERP 605 INT GBX01HR5 605 (n/a )
Components HCM (08 (12/2017))
For more information about the installation of front-end components, see http://help.sap.com/ ori_implementation.
On the front-end server, the following SAP notes must be implemented for this app:
Implementation Tasks
The following sections list tasks that have to be performed to implement the required components of the app. The tables
contain the app-speci c data required for these tasks.
You can nd the data required to perform these tasks in the SAP Fiori apps reference library at:
For more information about how to activate the OData service, see Front-End Server: Activate OData Services .
For more information about how to activate the SAPUI5 application (ICF service), see Front-End Server: Activate ICF Services.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 26
To de ne the access of single users to this app in the SAP Fiori launchpad, technical content is delivered, such as catalogs and
example roles.
You can nd an overview of the delivered technical content for this SAP Fiori app in the SAP Fiori apps reference library.
For more information about how to proceed with this content, see Enable App for Access in SAP Fiori Launchpad.
Front-End Server and Back-End Server: Assign OData Service Authorizations to Users
You must assign OData service authorizations for the app to your users.
Several authorization default values are connected to the OData service. To ensure that all these default values are
assigned to a user, you have to follow the instructions given under the documentation links provided.
Make the assignment on the back-end server and on the front-end server :
On the back-end server, a dedicated authorization role (PFCG role) for the OData service is delivered as an example. You
can copy this role and adjust it to your needs.
On the front-end server , you must assign the OData service authorization to a new or existing role, such as a business
role that has been adjusted according to your needs.
OData Service (Version Back-End Server: Delivered Authorization Role (PFCG Role) Front-End Server : Assignment to
Number) Authorization Role
HCMFAB_MYBENEFITS_SRV In addition, this role contains authorizations to display the OData service authorization must be
(0001 ) related business data. assigned.
In addition, this role contains authorizations to display the
related business data.
More Information
For more information about app implementation, see http://help.sap.com/ ori_implementation App Implementation
Information for SAP Fiori .
You can extend the app according to your business needs for different aspects. For this purpose, the following extensibility
options are available:
You can add additional elds in the header section on Details screen
You can add additional elds under the General Information section on the Details screen
UI Back End/ABAP
View Extension Point Design Time: Gateway Entity Design Time: Extension Run Time: Superc
Include Be Rede ned
Method: ENRICH_
Method: ENRICH_
You can use this BAdI to populate the data for the custom elds that are added to the Bene t Entity.
Extension Includes
In addition to the extension includes described above, the following extension includes are available:
For more information about extension includes, see the extensibility documentation for the respective SAP NetWeaver release
on your front-end server at http://help.sap.com/ ori_implementation Extensibility Information for SAP Fiori Extending the UI
Layer UI Extensibility Work ow Checking the SAP-Enabled Extension Options Extension Includes .
More Information
For a general description of the extensibility options and procedures of SAP Fiori apps, see
http://help.sap.com/ ori_implementation Extensibility Information for SAP Fiori .
With the transactional app My Leave Requests (Version 3) you can enable employees to create and submit leave requests
quickly and exibly, using their desktop or mobile device. The app lets users track the status of their requests and view their
current leave entitlements.
Key Features
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 28
Create leave requests, including partial day leave
Select the leave period using an integrated calendar that shows non-working days, working days, public holidays,
approved leave, rejected leave, and leave pending approval
Display a summary of employees leave entitlement, leave taken so far, and available balance
An employee who is concurrently employed can use the app for a chosen personnel assignment.
Technical Features
In addition, this app supports the following technical features and options. Some of these features require additional
components or settings in your system landscape:
This app also runs in standalone mode. To use this feature, see Running Apps in Standalone Mode.
Required Back-End Product (Product Version Stack) SAP Fiori 1.0 for SAP ERP HCM (07 (07/2017))
The front-end components of this app (such as the user interface) are delivered together with the components of other apps as
part of this SAP Fiori product:
Front-End Components Delivered with (Product Version Stack) SAP Fiori 2.0 for SAP ERP HCM ( Initial State )
For more information, see the app implementation document of this app.
Related Apps
From a business perspective, the following apps are related to this app:
Starting with the initial delivery date, the app is delivered with each support package stack of the respective SAP Fiori
product. This document only lists support package stacks in which the app has been enhanced or changed. If the app was not
changed in a particular support package stack, then this support package stack is not mentioned in this document.
SAP Fiori for SAP ERP HCM 2.0 SPS 0 (Delivery Date 07/2017)
Initial delivery.
Setup of SAP Fiori System Landscape for SAP Business Suite Installation Requirements
The SAP product version in the back-end system serving as the basis for the app must be the following:
Required Back-End Product (Product Version Stack) EHP7 FOR SAP ERP 6.0 - SPS 01 (08/2013)
Each SAP Fiori app consists of front-end components and back-end components:
The front-end components of the app consist of the user interfaces and content required for launching the app on the
SAP Fiori launchpad. These components have to be installed on your front-end server.
The back-end components of the app mainly consist of the OData services required for the app. These components have
to be installed in your back-end system.
The front-end and back-end components of the app are delivered with the following SAP product versions as part of the listed
software components. The required software components for the app are contained in the listed product instances:
App Required SAP Product Version Available Instances Containing Software Component Required for
Component (Support Package Stack) Software Component App (Support Package)
Front-End SAP Fiori 2.0 for SAP ERP HCM UI for ERP HCM > NW750 UIHR002 100 (0000 )
Components ( Initial State )
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 30
App Required SAP Product Version Available Instances Containing Software Component Required for
Component (Support Package Stack) Software Component App (Support Package)
Back-End SAP Fiori 1.0 for SAP ERP HCM HCM ERP 605 INT GBX01HR5 605 (n/a )
Components (07 (07/2017))
For more information about the installation of front-end components, see http://help.sap.com/ ori_implementation.
On the front-end server, the following SAP notes must be implemented for this app:
Implementation Tasks
The following sections list tasks that have to be performed to implement the required components of the app. The tables
contain the app-speci c data required for these tasks.
You can nd the data required to perform these tasks in the SAP Fiori apps reference library at:
For more information about how to activate the OData service, see Front-End Server: Activate OData Services .
For more information about how to activate the SAPUI5 application (ICF service), see Front-End Server: Activate ICF Services.
To de ne the access of single users to this app in the SAP Fiori launchpad, technical content is delivered, such as catalogs and
example roles.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 31
You can nd an overview of the delivered technical content for this SAP Fiori app in the SAP Fiori apps reference library.
For more information about how to proceed with this content, see Enable App for Access in SAP Fiori Launchpad.
Front-End Server and Back-End Server: Assign OData Service Authorizations to Users
You must assign OData service authorizations for the app to your users.
Several authorization default values are connected to the OData service. To ensure that all these default values are
assigned to a user, you have to follow the instructions given under the documentation links provided.
Make the assignment on the back-end server and on the front-end server :
On the back-end server, a dedicated authorization role (PFCG role) for the OData service is delivered as an example. You
can copy this role and adjust it to your needs.
On the front-end server , you must assign the OData service authorization to a new or existing role, such as a business
role that has been adjusted according to your needs.
OData Service (Version Number) Back-End Server: Delivered Authorization Role (PFCG Front-End Server : Assignment to
Role) Authorization Role
HCMFAB_LEAVE_REQUEST_CR_SRV In addition, this role contains authorizations to display OData service authorization must be
(0001 ) the related business data. assigned.
In addition, this role contains authorizations to
display the related business data.
More Information
For more information about app implementation, see http://help.sap.com/ ori_implementation App Implementation
Information for SAP Fiori .
You can extend the app My Leave Requests (Version 3) according to your business needs for different aspects. For this purpose,
the following extensibility options are available:
You can extend the UI of the app by adding elements to the different views.
You can add columns and cells to the entitlements table and the leave request overview table.
You can de ne the relations between employees using this app and other employees (for example to determine direct
reports) and can extend the information displayed in the employee data.
Extensibility Entities
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 32
You can use this BAdI to enhance HCM SAP Fiori apps delivered with software component UIHR002. You can de ne who
is a colleague of the employee, who is a direct report of a manager, who is an employee reporting to a manager and who
is a manager of an employee. You can also extend the employee information shown in the employee data, the
determination of the employee picture and the office address. Besides, you can check whether an employee is a
Since the BAdI is also relevant for settings of team calendars used in other HCM SAP Fiori Apps, you have to specify
in the BAdI interface that the information is relevant to this app.
You can use this BAdI to customize the team calendar. You can add or remove elements from the UI like the employee
photo or the lter button. You can de ne which event types, which calendar views and employee descriptions are
displayed in the team calendar.
Since the BAdI is also relevant for settings of team calendars used in other HCM SAP Fiori Apps, you have to specify
in the BAdI interface that the information is relevant to this app.
You can use this BAdI to extend the entities of the team calendar control:
Note that the entries affect the team calendars in all apps that use the team calendar control.
BAdI: Enrich Entities of My Leave Request (Version 3) SAP Fiori App (HCMFAB_LRQ_ENRICH)
Extend AbsenceTypeAdditionalField
Extension Points
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 33
To add additional UI elements to the app, the following extensibility entities are available on the different layers. You have to
extend each of these entities according to your speci c business needs:
UI Back End/ABAP
Display.view.xml displaySectionsExtension - -
Overview.view.xml entitlementsToolbarExtension - -
Overview.view.xml entitlementsTableColumnsExtension - -
Overview.view.xml overviewToolbarExtension - -
Overview.view.xml overviewTableColumnsExtension - -
Overview.view.xml overviewCalendarLegendExtension - -
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 34
UI Back End/ABAP
If there are additional elds available in the OData service, you can display these elds on the UI. For more information, see the
extensibility documentation for the respective SAP NetWeaver release on your front-end server at
http://help.sap.com/ ori_implementation Extensibility Information for SAP Fiori Extending the UI Layer UI Extensibility
Work ow Checking the SAP-Enabled Extension Options Extension Points .
More Information
For a general description of the extensibility options and procedures of SAP Fiori apps, see
http://help.sap.com/ ori_implementation Extensibility Information for SAP Fiori .
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 35