Effect of Feeding Azolla
Effect of Feeding Azolla
Effect of Feeding Azolla
Sixteen crossbred weaned female kids (4-5 months) having body weight 12.82±0.65 kg were
divided into four experimental groups (T1, T2, T3 and T4) of four each. The kids subjected to different
groups were fed for three months. The kids of control group (T1) were fed total mixed ration consisting
berseem hay and concentrate mixture in the ratio of 60:40 to meet out the requirements as per feeding
standards ICAR, 2013. In the total mixed ration (TMR) of kid’s groups T2, T3 and T4, the concentrate
mixture was replaced with sundried Azolla on equi-weight basis at levels of 10, 15 and 20 percent,
respectively. A metabolism trial was conducted after 30 days of feeding for 6 days including 2 days
adoption period to determine feed intake, nutrients digestibility, nutritive value and nitrogen balance.
Nutrient digestibility, body weight gain and dry matter, DCP & TDN intake in goat’s kids are not affected
by replacing 15% concentrate mixture with sundried Azolla in their berseem hay based total mixed
ration. Nutritive value of TMR in terms of DCP & TDN percent are not affected at 15% replacement of
concentrate mixture with Azolla. Nitrogen balance was not affected up to 15% replacement level. There
was net saving of Rs. 7.90 and 5.16, for feed cost per kg weight gain of goat by replacing concentrate
mixture with Azolla. It was concluded that dried Azolla can be incorporated up to 15 % of the concentrate
mixture of kids to economize the ration without any adverse effect.
Inadequate availability of good quality feed as it can readily colonize areas of fresh water, and grow
in developing country like India, is considered as a at great speed doubling its biomass every two to three
major constraint to the prevalent livestock production days.
system. The conventional feed ingredients, particularly Azolla is very rich in proteins, essential amino
protein supplements are expensive and are not always acids, vitamins (vitamin A, vitamin B 12 , Beta
available at affordable prices for livestock feeding. Use Carotene), growth promoter intermediaries and
of animal protein feed ingredients in animal’s diet is minerals like calcium, phosphorous, potassium,
not preffered by the livestock farmers. This leads to a ferrous, copper, magnesium etc. and on a dry weight
search for cheap and easily available alternate protein basis, is constituted of 25-35% protein content, 10-
sources. Aquatic plants have long been used in many 15% mineral content and 7-10%, a combination of
developing countries as a feed source for livestock amino acids, bio-active substances and biopolymers
and poultry. Recently there is an increased emphasis (Kathirvelan et al., 2015). Carbohydrate and oil
on the use of aquatic plants in livestock rations because content in Azolla is very low. Thus the biocomposition
the protein and other nutrient content in them are of Azolla, makes it one of the most economic and
comparable to certain leguminous plants. efficient feed substitutes for livestock. Moreover,
Azolla is a floating fern in shallow water. It Azolla can be easily digested by livestock, owing to
floats on the surface of water by means of numerous, its high protein and low lignin content. Azolla has been
small, closely overlapping scale like leaves, with their successfully tried as a feed for broiler chicken (Balaji
roots hanging in the water. Azolla form a symbiotic et al., 2009; Dhumal et al., 2009; Bolka, 2011), goats
relationship with the blue green algae, which fixes (Samanta & Tamang, 1993) and buffalo calves (Indira
atmospheric nitrogen and convert to plant nitrogen. et al., 2009). Azolla was also used in diets for sows
This had led to the plant being dubbed a “super plant”, (Leterme et al., 2010) and as partial replacement of
protein source for growing fattening pigs (Becerra et ICAR, 2013. The concentrate mixture was comprised
al., 1995). Furthermore, it was also tried as a protein of Maize grain (50), groundnut cake (35), wheat bran
supplement for Rabbits (Sadek et al., 2010). According (12), mineral mixture (2) and common salt (1 part). In
to Ambade et al., (2010), milk yield was increased by the total mixed ration (TMR) of kid’s groups T2, T3
15 to 20% after feeding azolla in the diet of dairy cows. and T4, the concentrate mixture was replaced with
Sanginga and Van Hove (1989) reported that the main sundried Azolla on equi-weight basis at levels of 10,
character influencing the value of azolla as its feed is 15 and 20 percent, respectively. The body weights and
its amino acid composition. Singh et al. (1983) feed intake were recorded at 15 days intervals for two
conducted growth cum digestibility trial on crossbred consecutive days to find out growth rate and feed
heifers and concluded that the sun-dried Azolla could intake during different period of experiment. A
replace concentrate mixture in the diet to the tune of metabolism trial was conducted after 30 days of
100 per cent. Nik-Khah and Motaghi-Talab (1992) feeding for 6 days including 2 days adoption period
reported that the Azolla can be incorporated in the to determine feed intake, nutrients digestibility,
concentrate mixture of lactating cows at the level of nutritive value and nitrogen balance. During the trial
up to 35%. They also indicated that the differences representative samples of feed offered, residue left,
between milk yields and milk constituents (fat, protein, and feces and urine voided were preserved and
ash, lactose and total solids) were not statistically analyzed for proximate principles (AOAC, 2005) and
significant (P>0.05). Gavina (1993) revealed that there fiber fractions (Van Soest et al., 1991). Data were
was no significant difference in the average final analysed statistically (Snedecor and Cochran, 1994).
weight, feed consumption and feed conversion Chemical analysis showed that Azolla meal contained
efficiency of pigs fed diets containing Azolla up to 40 (%DM) 22.93% crude protein, 11.63% crude fibre,
per cent. Sreemannaryana et al. (1993) incorporated 2.82% ether extract, 15.59% ash, 47.03 % NFE,
10, 15 and 20 per cent of Azolla in commercial feed 40.47% NDF and 32.55% ADF (Table 1). All the diets
mixture of New Zealand and Russian Grey Giant were iso-nitrogenous.
rabbits and observed highest average daily weight gain
of 27.3 g in 20 per cent inclusion level compared to
control, 10 and 15 per cent levels. Tamang and
Samanta (1993) indicated that the sun-dried azolla can
be incorporated up to 20 per cent of concentrate
mixture of goat kids without any deleterious effects
on the performance, digestibility of various nutrients,
carcass characteristics, haematological and
biochemical parameters
In view of the above facts, the objective of
the present study was to evaluate the use of Azolla
meal as feed supplement in the diet of kids.
Chemical composition (%DM basis) of sun-dried Azolla, berseem hay, concentrate mixtures and different total mixed rations
Attribute Berseem Hay Conc. mix. Azolla TMR-I TMR-II TMR-III TMR-IV
Effect of different levels of Azolla on feed intake (DM basis) and growth performance in goats during progressive period of age
Parameter Treatments CD
Feed intake
DMI (g/d)
Day 1 - Day 30 434.17±5.63 433.66±13.64 419.33±7.78 409.91±6.72 NS
Day 31 - Day 60 465.41±2.07 469.58±12.93 455.17±8.04 453.92±11.07 NS
Day 61 - Day 90 518.25±3.47 520.00±12.85 503.87±8.43 493.50±8.70 NS
Day 1 - Day 90 480.16±2.22 484.21±12.75 469.57±8.97 458.72±8.85 NS
DMI (%BW kg) (g) 3.27±0.05 3.28±0.07 3.22±0.10 3.17±0.10 NS
Growth Performance
Initial B. wt. (kg) 12.73±0.22 12.80±0.65 12.88±0.70 12.88±0.64 NS
Final B. wt. (kg) 17.12a±0.21 17.35a±0.70 17.02ab±0.74 16.67b±0.57 1.41
B. wt. gain (kg) 4.40ab±0.04 4.55b±0.08 4.17a±0.08 3.80c±0.07 0.23
DWG (g/d)
Day 1 - Day 30 51.67a±0.96 48.33a±2.15 44.91ab±2.08 41.69b±0.98 5.13
Day 31 - Day 60 46.66a±1.36 53.33a±2.36 49.16a±2.09 40.83b±0.83 5.51
Day 61 - Day 90 48.33a±0.96 50.00a±1.36 46.95a±1.39 42.12b±0.79 3.59
Day 1 - Day 90 48.89a±0.45 50.55a±0.96 46.95a±1.39 42.22b±0.79 2.98
FCR (DMI/kg gain) 9.82a±0.13 9.58a±0.19 10.01a±0.12 10.87b±0.79 0.68
Cost/ kg gain (Rs) 127.26 119.36 122.10 130.00 -
Net Saving - 7.90 5.16 -274 -
no significant differences among them. The daily increased level of Azolla in the experimental diets, at
weight gain of kids during progressive period of age the same time body weight gain also reduced with
were significantly (P<0.05) less when 20% concentrate increased level of Azolla in the diet. There was net
mixture was replaced with sundried Azolla in the saving of Rs. 7.90 and 5.16 for 1 kg body weight gain
berseem hay based total mixed ration. However, up to by replacing 10 and 15% concentrate mixture with sun
15% replacement daily weight gain did not differ dried Azolla, respectively, in TMR of growing goats.
significantly. Better FCR was performed by the kids Nutrients digestibility, nutrients intake,
fed 10% sundried Azolla (T2) followed by T1 (control) nutritive value and nitrogen balance in growing goats
and T3 (15% Azolla) which among themselves did not under different dietary treatments has been presented
differ statistically. The FCR value was significantly in Table 3. The dry matter digestibility decreased with
(P<0.05) poor in kids fed 20% sundried Azolla in place increasing level of Azolla in the diet. This may be due
of concentrate mixture of their total mixed ration. to diarrhoea in the experimental kids fed on TMR
Though the total dry matter intake decreased with containing higher levels of Azolla. Highest digestibility
Nutrients digestibility, nutrients intake, nutritive value and nitrogen balance in growing goats under different dietary treatments
Parameter Treatments CD