Advanced Optics Homework 1 - : Problem 1. Prove The Following Equations
Advanced Optics Homework 1 - : Problem 1. Prove The Following Equations
Advanced Optics Homework 1 - : Problem 1. Prove The Following Equations
Problem 2. (9.2 in textbook of both 4th ed. and 5th ed.) In Section 9.1 we considered
the spatial distribution of energy for two point sources. We mentioned that for the case
in which the separation 𝑎 ≫ 𝝀, I12 spatially averages to zero. Why is this true? What
happens when a is much less than l?
Problem 3. (9.3 in textbook of both 4th ed. and 5th ed.) Return to Fig. 2.25 (Fig. 2.22
in 4th ed.) and prove that if two electromagnetic plane waves making an angle θ have
the same amplitude, E0, the resulting interference pattern on the yx-plane is a cosine-
squared irradiance distribution given by
Locate the zeros of irradiance. What is the value of the fringe separation? What happens
to the separation as θ increases? Compare your analysis with that leading to Eq. (9.17).
[Hint: Begin with the wave expressions given in Section 2.7, which have the proper
phases already worked out, and write them as exponentials.]
Problem 4. (9.4 in textbook of both 4th ed. and 5th ed.) Will we get an interference
pattern in Young’s Experiment (Fig. 9.11 in 5th ed.) (Fig. 9.8 in 4th ed.) if we replace
the source slit S by a single long-filament lightbulb? What would occur if we replaced
the slits S1 and S2 by these same bulbs?
Problem 5. (9.10 in 4th ed. or 9.13 in 5th ed.) White light falling on two long narrow
slits emerges and is observed on a distant screen. If red light (𝜆0 = 765 nm) in the first-
order fringe overlaps violet in the second-order fringe, what is the latter’s wavelength?
Problem 6. (9.12 in 4th ed. or 9.18 in 5th ed.) With regard to Young’s Experiment,
derive a general expression for the shift in the vertical position of the mth maximum as
a result of placing a thin parallel sheet of glass of index n and thickness d directly over
one of the slits. Identify your assumptions.
Problem 7. (9.13 in 4th ed. or 9.19 in 5th ed.) Plane waves of monochromatic light
impinge at an angle θi on a screen containing two narrow slits separated by a distance
a. Derive an equation for the angle measured from the central axis that locates the mth
Problem 8. (9.15 in 4th ed. or 9.21 in 5th ed.) To examine the conditions under which
the approximations of Eq. (9.23) are valid:
(a) Apply the law of cosines to triangle S1S2P in Fig. 9.11c (Fig. 9.8c in 4th ed.) to get
(c) In light of Eq. (9.17), show that if (r1 - r2) is to equal a sin θ, it is required that
𝑟1 ≫ 𝑎2 /𝜆.
Problem 9. (9.17 in 4th ed. or 9.23 in 5th ed.) It is our intention to produce interference
fringes by illuminating some sort of arrangement (Young’s experiment, a thin film, the
Michelson Interferometer, etc.) with light at a mean wavelength of 500 nm, having a
linewidth of 2.0 ×10-3 nm. At approximately what optical path length difference can
you expect the fringes to vanish? [Hint: Think about the coherence length and revisit
Problem 7.55 (problem 7.39 in 4th ed.)].