SK Year 6 Cefr Unit 1 - Its An Emergency

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UNIT 1: It’s an Emergency!


Week CLICK ----> Class  6 Time  

Day Choose an item. Attendance      
Date  21-Mar-22 Lesson 6 Focus Reading
Theme Topic
World of knowledge UNIT 1 : IT'S AN EMERGENCY
Language/ Grammar focus Introduction to past simple & past continuous
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital
Content Standard
texts by using appropriate reading strategies
Main skill
Learning Standard 3.2.3 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided
by other known words and by context
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital
Content Standard
Complementary texts by using appropriate reading strategies
skill 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of simple longer
Learning Standard
MAIN LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
respond to the sentences in the target language. Give prediction based on the pictures.
Success Criteria: Pupils can
read and understand 3 out of 5 phrases and sentences Search 5 words in the text and use context clues to guess
from linear texts correctly. meaning
21st Century Activities &   Assessment
Resources CCE / EE
Think-Pair-Share worksheets Bubble Map Questions 
  Science &
  Communication Flashcards . Observation 
Learning Outline
1.Write electricity on the board and have pupils brainstorm uses of electricity in small
groups. Play as language game in class.
2.Elicit different meanings of the word power, including as a synonym for electricity.
Pupils discuss the questions.
3.Talk to the pupils about prediction skills in reading by looking at photos or illustrations
and encourage prediction based on the pictures.
4.Pupils analyse the text to decide on the text type. Pupils further analyse the text to
Lesson Delivery identify different features of it. Pupils search for words in the text and use context clues
to guess meaning.
5.Pupils look for detail in the text to answer questions. Pupils re-read the text to find
something interesting and tell their partner.
6.Guides pupils to lead a discussion about our increasing need for and reliance on
electricity and power as we use more and more electronics
7.Cooler memory game activity- play quick memory game. Divide pupils into pairs, each
Post Lesson pair get a piece of paper. In 1 minute, pupils have to list out the words they learnt in
lesson 1
Reference Academy Stars Year 6, Pupil’s Book: Page(s): 8–10, Exercise(s): 1–4;1
Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.
Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities were given to non-achievers
*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to : Click and choose reason here >

Week CLICK ----> Class  6 Time  

Day Choose an item. Attendance      
Date  21-Mar-22 Lesson 7 Focus Writing
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friends UNIT 1 : IT'S AN EMERGENCY
Language/ Grammar focus Past simple & continuous for interrupted actions with when
4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range of
Content Standard
Main skill purposes in print and digital media
Learning Standard 4.2.3 Narrate factual and imagined events and experiences

Complementary Content Standard 2.3 Communicate appropriately to a small or large group

skill Learning Standard 2.3.1 Narrate short basic stories, events and experiences
MAIN LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
read and answer at least 2 questions correctly. Write 2 sentences relate to their life.
Success Criteria: Pupils can
write and narrate an appropriate imagined story using
narrate at least 4 sentences correctly.
the prompts.
21st Century Activities &   Assessment
Resources CCE / EE
Think-Pair-Share Textbook Bubble Map   Language Questions 
  Communication . .  . Observation 
Learning Outline

1. Briefly review the text from the previous lesson by asking some true/false
questions. Then have pupils discuss the questions.
2. Pupils see and analyse the new language by refer to textbook page 11 Activity 1.
Personalisation – Pupils relate the new language to their own lives. Ppls think of
own sentence. Write and read to their friend.
3. Elicits past continuous and past simple. Pupils read and choose the correct words in
activity 2. Pupils use prompts to make sentences in activity 3. Have a volunteer to
read out the sentence. In pairs, they take turn to match and say the sentence.
Lesson Delivery 4. Pupils work in pairs. They cut a piece paper into 6, 8 or 10 equal small pieces of
paper using a grid. On each small piece of paper, write a sentence in the past
simple. Teacher write an example on the board to show pupils what to do.
5. In pairs put the small papers together in a pile. In turns, they take two papers from
the pile and try to make a sentence using the target language (e.g. I was xxx-ing
when xxx.) Pupils write the sentences in their notebooks.
6. Ask ppls tell the class any funny sentences they made.
7. In group, pupils write the sentences on the manila card and correct the mistake.
Post Lesson
8. Displays their work on the class board.
Reference Academy Stars Year 6, Pupil’s Book: 10-11, Exercise(s): 1–3;3, Teacher’s Book: 26-27

Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.
Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities were given to non-achievers
*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to : Click and choose reason here >

Week CLICK ----> Class  6 Time  

Day Choose an item. Attendance      
Date  21-Mar-22 Lesson 8 Focus Listening
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friends UNIT 1 : IT'S AN EMERGENCY
Language/ Grammar focus Past simple & continuous for interrupted actions with when/while
Content Standard 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
Main skill Learning Standard 1.2.2 Understand with little or no support specific information and
details of longer simple texts on a range of familiar topics
Content Standard 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
skill 1.2.1 Understand with little or no support the main idea of longer
Learning Standard
simple texts on a range of familiar topics
MAIN LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
listen and understand with support the main idea of
Listen and answer 3 out of 5 the questions correctly.
simple text.
Success Criteria: Pupils can
listen and discuss the questions with at least 1
Give idea on the topic.
suitable answer.
21st Century Activities &
Resources   CCE / EE Assessment
Think-Pair-Share worksheets Bubble Map  Values Questions 
  Communication Flashcards .  . Observation 
Learning Outline

Pre-lesson 1. Elicits and review vocabulary by sharing experience about emergency time.

2. Pupils look at the pictures tb pg 13. Ask questions related. Ppls match
words and pictures before listening. Pupils listen for the main idea and
check their answers in Activity 1.
3. Pupils listen to audio 1.4 to answer the questions. Pupils answer the
Lesson Delivery questions then listen again for detail to check their answers and write in
4. Pupils read and discuss the questions in pairs. Teacher conduct class
5. Elicit the Values from pupils and discuss this question with the class.
Post Lesson 6. Class discussion, ppls vote on the most popular job based on the 3 pictures.

Reference Academy Stars Year 6, Pupil’s Book: Page(s): 13, Exercise(s): 1–5, Teacher’s Book: 26-27

Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.
Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities were given to non-achievers
*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to : Click and choose reason here >

Week CLICK ----> Class  6 Time  

Day Choose an item. Attendance      
Date  21-Mar-22 Lesson 9 Focus Speaking
Theme Topic
World of stories UNIT 1 : IT'S AN EMERGENCY
Language/ Grammar focus Past simple & continuous for interrupted actions with when/while
Content Standard 2.3 Communicate appropriately to a small or large group
Main skill Learning Standard 2.3.1 Narrate short basic stories, events and experiences
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital
Content Standard
Complementary texts by using appropriate reading strategies
skill 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of simple longer
Learning Standard
MAIN LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
respond to the sentences in the target language. read and fill in at least 4 spaces correctly.
Success Criteria: Pupils can
Listen to the story and identify the pictures correctly. Write and narrate at least 2 suitable sentences.
21st Century Activities &
Resources   CCE / EE Assessment
Think-Pair-Share worksheets Bubble Map  Language Questions 
  Communication Flashcards .  . Observation 
Learning Outline

Pre-lesson 1. Use the clock/clock face to show different times. Ask pupils to tell their partner
what they were doing at that time yesterday/on Saturday/etc.
1. Introduce the pupils to the dictionary in the Pupil’s Book tb pg 134. Elicits the
definition for the words. Then refer to dictionary.
2. Introduce ppls to the dialogue. Activity 1-Listen and say. Play audio 1.3, ppls listen
and follow. Divide class in to two, ppls act out the dialogue. Then read in pairs.
Lesson Delivery 3. Activity 2- Pupils read and complete the text with when or while. Read the
4. Pupils match actions and activities.
5. Pupils work in pairs. They take one or two ideas from Activity 3 or from the unit,
or they use their own ideas to create a story. Pupils make detailed notes about
their story in pairs and practice telling their story.
1. Choose some pupils to tell their stories to the class. Class decide which story is most
Post Lesson exciting/interesting/frightening etc. If you have a large class or time is short, pairs
could tell their stories in larger groups.

Reference Academy Stars Year 6, Pupil’s Book: p:12, Exercise(s):1–3, Teacher’s Book: 28–29

Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.
Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities were given to non-achievers
*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to : Click and choose reason here >

Week CLICK ----> Class  6 Time  

Day Choose an item. Attendance      
Date  21-Mar-22 Lesson 10 Focus Language Art
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friends POETRY : MESSING ABOUT
Language/ Grammar focus Adjectives: describing personalities (e.g. cheerful, angelic)
Content Standard 5.3 Express an imaginative response to literary texts
5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and intelligibly through creating simple
Main skill Learning Standard stories and simple poems , other imaginative responses as
Complementary Content Standard 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly
skill Learning Standard 2.1.5 Ask about and describe personality.
MAIN LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
recite the poem with guidance List out 5 adjectives
Success Criteria: Pupils can
describe their personality using at least 1 suitable
create a simple jazz chant.
21st Century Activities &
Resources   CCE / EE Assessment
 Creativity and
Think-Pair-Share worksheets Bubble Map Questions 
  Communication Flashcards .  . Observation 
Learning Outline

Pre-lesson 1. Pupils recap the events from the poem.

1. Drill on the alliteration in the poem e.g. Mad Mickey, Fat Fred
2. Pupils brainstorm adjectives that start with the same letter as their first name e.g.
Lesson Delivery Angelic Adam, Funny Farah, Sleepy Sarah
3. Pupils take turns to talk about their names and adjectives.
4. Pupils chant their new names with actions.

1. Each pupil gets a race template. (See Appendix 1)

Post Lesson 2. Pupils fill out the race template with adjectives using the first letter of their names.
3. In pairs, pupils do peer-assessment and count the stars collected.

Reference Anthology of Poems for Year 4,5, and 6, Messing About by Michael Rosen Page: 27

Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.
Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities were given to non-achievers
*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to : Click and choose reason here >

Week CLICK ----> Class  6 Time  

Day Choose an item. Attendance      
Date  21-Mar-22 Lesson 11 Focus Reading
Theme Topic
World of stories UNIT 1 : IT'S AN EMERGENCY
Language/ Grammar focus Direct speech, e.g. Lena said, ‘I was playing badminton at 5 o’clock.’
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital
Content Standard
texts by using appropriate reading strategies
Main skill
Learning Standard 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of simple longer
4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and style for a
Content Standard
Complementary range of purposes in print and digital media
skill 4.3.1 Use capital letters, full stops, commas in lists, question marks
Learning Standard
and speech marks appropriately at discourse level
MAIN LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
respond to the sentences in the target language. Read and answer questions
Success Criteria: Pupils can
use capital sentences, commas, full stops, question
marks and speech marks in at least 3 sentences read and answer at least 3 questions correctly.
21st Century Activities &   Assessment
Resources CCE / EE
Think-Pair-Share Textbook Bubble Map  Language Questions 
  Communication Flashcards .  . Observation 
Learning Outline

Pre-lesson 1. Elicit the topic of the text pupils read at the beginning of the unit. Read the
sentences you prepared and ask pupils to vote if they are true or false.
1. Activity 1 , Pupils look back at the article, complete the activity individually
and compare answers with partners. Pupils find and analyze direct speech
in the text.
2. Ask pupils to read the text in detail to find more examples of direct speech in
the text. Focus on punctuation as well as use of direct speech.
3. In pairs, pupils ask each other some questions: What were you doing at 8
Lesson Delivery o’clock yesterday evening? How did you feel? What else happened to you
yesterday? Pupils notes their answers.
4. Pupils report on one or two answers in their notebooks using direct speech, e.g.
Hasan said, ‘I was having dinner at 8 o’clock.’ Ask fast finishers to write more
5. Activity 2, read out the questions and notes. Pupils read for detail to match the
questions to the notes. Check answers as class. Elicits information in each
Post Lesson 1. Finish the lesson with a quiz or reading race.
Reference Academy Stars Year 6, Pupil’s Book: p:9, 14, Exercise(s):1–2, Teacher’s Book: 32
Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.
Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities were given to non-achievers
*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to : Click and choose reason here >


Week CLICK ----> Class  6 Time  

Day Choose an item. Attendance      
Date  21-Mar-22 Lesson 12 Focus Writing
Theme Topic
World of stories UNIT 1 : IT'S AN EMERGENCY
Past simple & continuous for interrupted actions with when/while;
Language/ Grammar focus
Direct speech
4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range of
Content Standard
Main skill purposes in print and digital media
Learning Standard 4.2.3 Narrate factual and imagined events and experiences
4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and style for a
Content Standard
Complementary range of purposes in print and digital media
skill 4.3.3 Produce a plan or draft of two paragraphs or more for a
Learning Standard
familiar topic and modify this appropriately in response to feedback
MAIN LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
narrate a newspaper article using the prompts. produce a draft of two paragraphs.
Success Criteria: Pupils can
narrate a newspaper article based on the given produce a draft of newspaper article with at least 2
prompts and format suitable paragraphs.
21st Century Activities &
Resources   CCE / EE Assessment
Think-Pair-Share Textbook Bubble Map  Language Questions 
  Communication Flashcards .  . Observation 
Learning Outline

Pre-lesson 1. Play a mime game to review the words in Working with words. (tb page 15) or
brainstorming list of adjectives.
Lesson Delivery 2. Read out the examples adjectives ending with -ing or -ed. Extend this activity with more
examples if relevant, such as bored/boring; shocked/shocking.
3. Distributes newspaper article. Ask ppls to highlight the headline and underline any
direct speech. Next, pupils read the jumbled sections of the newspaper article and
decide which paragraph(s) are the introduction/main body/conclusion.
4. Distributes worksheet workbook pg 14-15.Pupils order the pictures to tell a story.
Pupils organise ideas into the main sections (introduction, main body, conclusion).
5. Pupils write a newspaper article. Pupils include adjectives, direct speech, and interrupted
6. Ppls should narrate a story based on picture prompts for the Speaking Assessment.
7. .Have pupils choose an adjective from Step 2 to make a sentence about their
Post Lesson newspaper story.
8. Remind pupils to bring their writing to the next lesson.
Academy Stars Year 6, Pupil’s Book: p:15, Exercise(s): 3 & Working with words, Workbook:
p:14-15, Teacher’s Book: 32-33
Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.
Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities were given to non-achievers
*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to : Click and choose reason here >

Week CLICK ----> Class  6 Time  

Day Choose an item. Attendance      
Date  21-Mar-22 Lesson 13 Focus Listening
Theme Topic
World of stories UNIT 1 : IT'S AN EMERGENCY
Language/ Grammar focus Should(n’t) for giving advice
Content Standard 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
Main skill Learning Standard 1.2.2 Understand with little or no support specific information and
details of longer simple texts on a range of familiar topics
Complementary Content Standard 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly
skill Learning Standard 2.1.3 Explain and give reasons for simple advice
MAIN LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
explain their rescue plan. listen and identify the rescue plans.
Success Criteria: Pupils can
explain and give at least 1 suitable reason for their listen and identify at least 2 advantages and
rescue plan. disadvantages
21st Century Activities &
Resources   CCE / EE Assessment
Think-Pair-Share worksheets Bubble Map  Language Questions 
  Communication Flashcards .  Values Observation 
Learning Outline

Pre-lesson 1. Review homework by asking pupils to review each other’s writing using the
questions in Activity 5 on p.15 of the Workbook.

1. Pupils share their ideas for how to ask for help in an emergency. Ppls read and
analyse a short text to identify parts of a problem.
2. Pupils anticipate problems based on pictures to predict what they will hear.
3. Pupils listen for detail to see if they were correct in Step 2.
Lesson Delivery 4. Ppls work in pairs. Set up this activity as a role play, where one pupil plays the part
of Mike Dobbs, and the other pupil gives him advice to solve the problem using
expressions such as I think you should(n’t)… because… Remind pupils to explain
the reasons for the advice they give.
5. Ask some pupils to perform their role play to the class.

Post Lesson 1. Class discussion and share ideas.

Academy Stars Year 6, Pupil’s Book: p:17, Exercise(s): 1-4, Workbook: p:15, Teacher’s Book:
Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.
Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities were given to non-achievers
*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to : Click and choose reason here >

Week CLICK ----> Class  6 Time  

Day Choose an item. Attendance      
Date  21-Mar-22 Lesson 14 Focus Speaking
Theme Topic
World of stories UNIT 1 : IT'S AN EMERGENCY
Reporting verbs (ways of speaking (e.g. whisper) & questions in the past
Language/ Grammar focus
(e.g. how did you feel?)
Content Standard 2.3 Communicate appropriately to a small or large group
Main skill Learning Standard 2.3.1 Narrate short basic stories, events and experiences

Complementary Content Standard 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts

skill Learning Standard 1.2.5 Understand more complex supported questions
MAIN LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
narrate a short story. listen and match the sentences.
Success Criteria: Pupils can
make and narrate the sentences using appropriate
listen and match at least 2 sentences correctly.
ways of speaking.
21st Century Activities &
Resources   CCE / EE Assessment
Think-Pair-Share worksheets Bubble Map  Language Questions 
 Creativity and
  Communication Flashcards . Observation 
Learning Outline

Pre-lesson 1. List out vocabulary in previous lesson or words with -ed/-ing adjectives. Check the
meaning in tb page 134.
1. Pupils refer vocabulary panel pg 16, work with definitions and use the dictionary at the
back of the book -pg 134. Remind them to use this dictionary when they need to,
especially when they are reviewing the lessons at home.
2. Pupils look at the pictures activity 1&2. Pupils match the sentences to pictures and then
listen to check their answers.
3. Pupils listen and decide how the speaker is speaking then practice speaking in different
Lesson Delivery
4. Pupils listen to the reporter’s questions and choose the best answers. Pupils listen
again to the questions. They write the questions they hear next to the answers
5. Pupils act out the emergency in small groups. Ppls act as well as they can, showing
emotion and using different voices. Encourage creativity in this activity.
6. Depending on time available, ask some groups perform to the class.
1. Write a quote on the board from the story, using correct punctuation. Ask pupils to say the
Post Lesson
spoken text in different voices (e.g. whisper, shout, etc.)
Academy Stars Year 6, Pupil’s Book: p:16, Exercise(s): 1-6, Workbook: p:15, Teacher’s Book:
Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.
Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities were given to non-achievers
*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to : Click and choose reason here >

Week CLICK ----> Class  6 Time  

Day Choose an item. Attendance      
Date  21-Mar-22 Lesson 15 Focus Language Art
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friends POETRY : THE SANDWICH
Language/ Grammar focus Nouns
Content Standard 5.3 Express an imaginative response to literary texts
5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and intelligibly through creating simple
Main skill Learning Standard stories and simple poems , other imaginative responses as
4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and style for a
Content Standard
Complementary range of purposes in print and digital media
skill 4.3.2 Spell most high frequency words accurately in independent
Learning Standard
MAIN LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
make own sandwich Spell the ingredients
Success Criteria: Pupils can
make sandwich List out the ingredients
21st Century Activities &   Assessment
Resources CCE / EE
Think-Pair-Share worksheets Bubble Map  Language Questions 
 Creativity and
  Communication Flashcards . Observation 
Learning Outline
1. Give lyrics to pupils to sing along. (Refer to the guidebook)
Pre-lesson 2. Pupils listen to a short song about sandwich.
1. Pupils recite the poem aloud with guidance.
2. Pupils call out the ingredients found in the poem.
Lesson Delivery 3. Each pupil gets The Silly Sandwich template. (Appendix 1)
4. Pupils write down 10 ingredients they wish to put in their Silly Sandwich.
5. Pupils draw the ingredients on The Silly Sandwich template.
Post Lesson 1. Pupils present and explain their choice of ingredients.
Anthology of Poems for Year 4,5, and 6, The Sandwich by Tony Bradman: p: 28-29
http://www.youtub UDqQSwdBjM
Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.
Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities were given to non-achievers
*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to : Click and choose reason here >

Week CLICK ----> Class  6 Time  

Day Choose an item. Attendance      
Date  21-Mar-22 Lesson 16 Focus Language Awareness
Theme Topic
World of knowledge UNIT 1 : IT'S AN EMERGENCY
Past simple & continuous for interrupted actions with when/while;
Language/ Grammar focus
Direct speech
4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and style for a
Content Standard
range of purposes in print and digital media
Main skill
Learning Standard 4.3.1 Use capital letters, full stops, commas in lists, question marks
and speech marks appropriately at discourse level
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital
Content Standard
Complementary texts by using appropriate reading strategies
skill 3.2.3 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided
Learning Standard
by other known words and by context
MAIN LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
use capital letters, full stops and commas
Fill in the blanks at least 6 out of 10 correctly.
appropriately in independent writing.
Success Criteria: Pupils can
read and understand 3 out of 5 phrases and sentences
Complete the puzzle
from linear texts correctly.
21st Century Activities &
Resources   CCE / EE Assessment
Think-Pair-Share worksheets Bubble Map  Language Questions 
  Communication Flashcards .  . Observation 
Learning Outline

Pre-lesson 1. Review language from Unit 1. Divide pupils in to group, brainstorming and list out
words and meaning in unit 1.

2. Pupils present the list and read out aloud in the classroom. Do gallery walk to
check the spelling and the meaning correctly.
3. Distributes worksheet from workbook page 16-17. Pupils complete the sentences
Lesson Delivery
and fill in the blanks.
4. Check and discuss the answer by group and class.

5. Ask pupils to think about their learning and performance in this unit. They then
complete the self-assessment worksheet. Pupils should do this in English (see
Post Lesson below).
6. Collect the worksheets from pupils and review them to note pupils’ responses. If
there are any areas of concern, prepare a review of these in upcoming lessons.

Reference Academy Stars Year 6, Pupil’s Book: p:16, Exercise(s): 1-6, Teacher’s Book: 34-35

Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.
Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities were given to non-achievers
*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to : Click and choose reason here >

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