Detailed Lesson Plan in Bio10

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Lesson Teacher JOSEPHINE ROSE P. BALA Learning Area BIOLOGY

Plan Date MARCH 31, 2022 Quarter 3

A. Content Standard 1. the influence of biodiversity on the stability of ecosystems
2. an ecosystem as being capable of supporting a limited number of
B. Performance Standard Write an essay on the importance of adaptation as a mechanism for the
survival of a species
C. Learning Competencies Explain how species diversity increases the probability of adaptation and
(Write the LC code for each) survival of organisms in changing environments (S10LT-IIIh-41)
Objectives At the end of the lesson, 80% of the students should be able to

 Define Biodiversity and Stability.

 Explain how species diversity increases the probability of adaptation
and survival of organisms in changing environments;
 analyze how biodiversity affect the stability of an ecosystem; and
 Categorize organisms according to their biodiversity values
D. Values Infused The lesson teaches appreciation, participation, and curiosity in the class
discussion towards the attainment of the set objectives.
E. Science Process Skills The lesson develops the following science process skills of the students:
Developed (if any) Defining, Describing, , Explaining, and suggesting.
A. Topic Biodiversity and Stability
B. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages Acosta, H. D., et al (2015). Science Learner’s Material. Department of
Education. [p.328]

3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Department of Education. K to 12 Most Essential Learning Competencies.
Learning Resources (LR) [p.396]
Mendoza R. N., Rosario M. A. (2020). Science Quarter 3- Module 8:
Biodiversity and Stability. Department of Education.

A. Other Learning Resources

III. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
IV. A. Motivation
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Preliminary activities
presenting the new lesson “Good morning, class!” “Good morning, ma’am!”
(ELICIT) “How are you?” “We are fine ma’am”
“Okay, that’s good!”
“May I check the attendance first. “Present ma’am”
Please say present when your name
is called.”

Recalling the previous lesson

“Before we formally start our lesson (Volunteers will be recognized)
for today, may we have a simple “Last meeting, we were able to
sharing of what you have learned in learn about how evolution
your previous topic?” through natural selection can
result to biodiversity.”

“Okay, thank you! Anything more “We also learned that Natural
class?” selection is a mechanism of
evolution. Species of today have
been shaped by natural selection.
“Wow! Seems like you learned a lot ”
on your previous lesson. With that, I
hope you’re ready to learn new
concepts with me today”

“To give you a hint on what we are

going to talk about this time, I
prepared an activity titled, “Decode
Me!”. In here, I will be presenting
sequence of numbers and you will
going to decode them in order to
find out the hidden word. ”

Here is a sample for you to follow.


“Is that clear now class?” “Yes ma’am!”

“So let us start with the first group of
2-9-15-4-9-22-5-18-19-9-20-25 “BIODIVERSITY ma’am”
“Very good!”

19-20-1-2-9-12-9-20-25 “STABILITY ma’am”

“That’s right!”

“So the two words we are going to

deal with today is Biodiversity and
Stability. Listen carefully as we find
out how these two words are related
to each other.”
B. Establishing a purpose for “First, May I have a volunteer please
the lesson (ENGAGE) to read our objectives.”

At the end of the lesson, students

should be able to: (One student will read the lesson
 Define Biodiversity and Stability. objectives.)
 Explain how species diversity
increases the probability of
adaptation and survival of
organisms in changing
 Analyze how biodiversity affect
the stability of an ecosystem;
 Categorize organisms according
to their biodiversity values

“Thank you!”
C. Presenting “Biodiversity is very important
example/instances of the because it sustains through the flow
new lesson (ENGAGE) of energy the food web on Earth and
contributes to environmental
stability. Stability of an ecosystem
can be described as the resilience to
withstand changes that may occur in
the environment. There are many
changes that occur in the
environment which may be a result
of natural or human activities. These
changes may severely reduce
biodiversity and result to the
instability of the ecosystem.”
D. Discussing new concepts and “For your next activity titled,
practicing new skills “Unscrabble the Letters”, you are
(EXPLORE) going to unscrabble the letters I will
be presenting in order to unlock the “Yes ma’am!”
word. Are you ready?”
“Here is the first word”

“Nicely done Grade 10! Take note of

the words because we will be
unlocking them now.”
E. B. Lesson Proper
F. Developing mastery (leads to “Starting to what is Biodiversity?”
Formative Assessment)
(EXPLAIN) “Biodiversity is a term that describes
how varied living things are in a
specific area.

“Biodiversity describes how varied

life forms in different ecosystems.
Did you know that the Philippines is
known for its very rich biodiversity?
According to Department of
Environmental and Natural
Resources (DENR) There are more
than 52, 177 described species of
which more that half is found
nowhere else in the world. On the
other hand, our country is also
considered as a biodiversity hotspot.
This is because our country is
continuously experiencing an
alarming rate of environmental
destruction like damage of coral
reefs, forests and other similar
important resources.”

“Every organism has a unique

ecosystem within which it lives-its
natural habitat. This is where its
basic needs to survive are met: food,
water, shelter from the changing
weather and climate and place to
breed its offspring. Habitats are
constantly changing and evolving.
Animals living within must
constantly adapt to environmental
changes, big or small.

“Class, What is adaptation?”

“May I have a volunteer?” (Volunteers will be recognized)
“Adaptation is all about survival.
When the environment
dramatically changes, some
animals move to other places,
others die, and some develop
adaptations over generations to
“Yes you are right!In other words, it survive.”
is the ability of the species to cope
up with the environment”

“Let us now move on to the different

ways on how animals adapt to their
Number 1 is the Structural or
Physical or using body structures to
help an animal survive. We have 4
types which is the comouflage,
mimicry, chemical defense, and body

So, what is comouflage? Anyone?

“Comouflage is a defense
mechanism or tactic that the
organisms use to disguise their
appearance, usually to blend in
with their surroundings.”

“Will you give examples of animals

that uses this defense mechanism?” Expected answers:
“Very good!” Gecko
“Next, what is mimicry?”
“Mimicry is the ability of an
organism to imitate and copycat
another species in terms of
sound, appearance, smell,
behavior or location to protect
itself. It also refers to the
resemblance of an animal species
to another species or to natural
“Examples are?” objects.

Expected answers:
Praying mantis
“Very good!” Butterfly
Worms that are found on leaves
“Next, what is chemical defenses”
Chemical defenses include
substances utilized by prey which
are harmful to invading
“Examples are?” organisms.

Expected answers:
“Very good!” Skunk
“How about body coverings?”
“Body coverings- cover the body
and protect animals from
“Will you give examples?” external factors.”

Expected answers:
“We now go to another type of Snails
Adaptation which is the Behavioral
or how animals respond or act to life
needs. Behavioral adaptation could
be instinctive or happen naturally.
We have, Hibernation. What is
“Hibernation is when animals
bare sleep as a response to cold
“Example is a female polar bears weather and survive the cold
build their dens beneath masses of winter.”

“Next is migration. What is

migration?” “Migration is a behavioral
adaptation that involves an
animal or group of animals
travelling from one place to
“Example are the birds that seeks another and then back again
out for places that have warmth, when seasons change.”
food and are safe for breeding.”

“Lastly, what is Learned behaviors?”

These animal behaviors are
obtained and acquired by
interacting with the environment
and cannot be passed on to the
next generation except by
teaching. Examples are
swimming, playing, walking,
jumping, etc.
“Examples are Ducklings walking
after their mother, tigers that help
their cub to become a successful
predator, and a dog on a

“So that is all about the ways on how

animals adapt to their environment.
Are there questions class?”
“None ma’am”
“If there are no question, I’m the
one who is going to ask. Can you
imagine a world where there is only
one type of animal, a tree or a bird
for example? “No ma’am”
“Me too, I can’t imagine what will
happen to the world if that happens.
You have learned that more diversity
means better chances of survival.
High biodiversity means healthy
ecosystem. Healthy ecosystems can
better withstand and recover from a
variety of disasters.

“Biodiversity can be quantified in

many different ways. The two main
factors that should be taken into
account when measuring diversity
are richness and evenness. Richness
is a measure of the number of
different kinds of organisms or
species present in a particular area.
The more species present in a
sample, the “richer” the sample.
However, diversity depends not only
on richness, but also on evenness.
Evenness compares the similarity of
the population size of each of the
species present. More diverse and
evenly distributed ecosystems mean
more stable ecosystems.

“Keep in mind that if the ecosystem

has equal number of species, it is
evenly distributed, more diverse,
stable and has more chance of
survival. But if the ecosystem has
unequal number of species, it is not
evenly distributed, less diverse,
not stable and has less chance of

“Okay so let us answer the table in

page 14 of your module. We can see
that the answer in number 1 is
already provided as a sample. So let
us all answer number 2.” Volunteers will be recognized
“What are the names of the
“coconut trees, mango trees, and
avocado trees ma’am”
“How many coconut trees?”
“How many mango trees?” “10”
“How about avocado?” “3”
“So to get the percentage of the
abundance of individual species, we
need to divide the number of
individual species by the total
number and then multiply to 100%.
Get ready with your calculators”
For the coconut trees, we have
x 100% =
15 “66.67%”

For the mango trees, we have

x 100% =
And for the avocado tree, we have
x 100% =

“Very good class! But based on this,

what can you say about the
“No ma’am, it is not evenly
evenness of the species?
“You are right, since we have here distributed”
different numbers, we consider this
as not evenly distributed”

“How about the richness of the

species? “The richness of the species is
“Very good! And lastly, how about less diverse”
the stability of the species? Is it
stable or not stable? “Not stable”

“Nicely done Grade 10!” I believe

you have understood our lesson for
today. With that, I assume that you
are now ready to answer
Assessment 1. Let us again answer it
all together.
Presenting to you, question number
(See attachment 1)
1. A
2. A
3. A
4. A
“God job, Grade 10 students!” 5. B
G. Finding practical applications “Now, we now go to the benefits of
of concepts and skills in daily biodiversity to us, humans.
living (ELABORATE) Biodiversity actually benefits us in
many ways. The greates value to
humans, however, comes from the
ecosystem services it provides.”

“It is being categorized into 3,

namely; Direct Economic Value,
Indirect Economic Value, and
Aesthetic Value. Let us first talk
about Direct economic value. We
can say that we are benefited
directly when the products are
sources of food, medicine, clothing,
shelter and energy. We have an
example here which is a coconut
tree. And what can we get from a
coconut tree? Can you give some? Expected answers:
“Very good!”

“2. is Indirect Economic Value. This is

if there are benefits produces by the
organism without using them.
Examples include certain species
that maintain the chemical quality of
natural bodies of water, prevent soil
erosion and floods, cycle materials in
the soil and absorb pollutants such
as mangroves.”

“And last but not the least, Aesthetic

Value. A lot of species provides
visual or artistic enjoyment, like a
forested landscape and the calming
beauty of a natural park. Examples
are Banaue Rice Terraces in Ifugao
and Hundred Islands in Alaminos
City, Pangasinan.

“So are there questions about the 3 “None ma’am”

categories of biodiversity values?

H. Making generalizations and “Okay, so for your next activity, I will

abstractions about the be presenting pictures and you will
lesson (ELABORATE) tell me what category it belongs.
Note that an organism can be in a
“Yes ma’am”
multiple category. So are you ready?

1. Fish
1. Direct Economic Value

2. Mt. Mayon 2. Aesthetic Value

3. Indirect/Direct Economic

4.Water cycle 4. Indirect Economic Value

5. Direct Economic Value

6.Pagsanjan Falls
6. Aesthetic Value

7. Direct Economic Value
8.Plants 8. Indirect Economic Value

9. Aesthetic Value

9.Badoc Island

10.Direct Economical Value


J. Evaluate learning “Very good class! I believe you are
(EVALUATE) now ready to answer this last
activity, the assessment 2 in page 17 “Yes ma’am”
in your module.”
(See attachment 2)
1. A
2. C
3. C
4. B
5. A
“Impressive, Grade 10 students!”
L. Additional activities for “For your assignment is kindly
application or remediation accomplish the activities that Ma’am
(EXTEND) Marife required you to answer.”

“And that ends our discussion for

today. I hope you learned and
enjoyed the lesson with me. If there
are questions, do not hesitate to
beep me on my messenger account
or in our gc. “

“Goodbye, Grade 10! Stay safe and

enjoy the rest of the day!” “Goodbye ma’am”
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?
H. MODE OF DELIVERY  Online Distance Leaning using Synchronous Teaching-Learning.
 Google Meet was used as an audio-visual online platform (virtual
classroom) for the discussion of the lesson.
 The teacher utilized digital teaching-learning tools and
applications such as laptop, cellphone, and MS PowerPoint
Presentations in the delivery of the lesson.

Prepared by:


Student Teacher
Checked by:


Cooperating Teacher
Attachment 1
Assessment 1
Directions: Read and answer the following questions. Write only the letter of your
choice. Use a separate sheet of paper for your answers.
1. Which of the following shows the evenly distribution of species in an ecosystem?

A. 5 coconut trees, 5 mango trees and 5 pomelo trees

B. 10 duhat trees, 3 chico trees and 2 santol trees

C. 10 acacia trees, 4 mahogany trees and 1 pine tree

D. 12 avocado trees, 2 durian trees, 1star apple tree

2. Which of the following ecosystems is MORE DIVERSE?

A. forest C. grassland

B. garden D. vacant lot

3. What would happen to the number of coconut trees if there were a sudden increase in the
population of Cocolisap, insects that feed on the leaves of young coconut trees that results to
yellowing and fading of the leaves?

A. There would be a decrease in the survival rate of coconut trees.

B. There would be an increase in the population of Cocolisap.

C. There would be an increase in the survival rate of coconut trees.

D. There would be no changes in the survival rate of coconut trees.

4. What makes an ecosystem LESS DIVERSE?

A. It has few numbers of different life forms.

B. It has high index of diversity.

C. It includes many different forms of life.

D. It can withstand environmental changes.

5. Why is it better for an ecosystem to have high biodiversity rather than low biodiversity?

A. Ecosystem with high biodiversity is more unstable towards environmental changes.

B. Ecosystem with high biodiversity can withstand environmental changes.

C. Ecosystem with low biodiversity is more stable than ecosystem with high biodiversity.

D. Ecosystem with low biodiversity adapts better to climate-driven environmental changes

than more diverse ecosystem.
Attachment 2
Assessment 2
Directions: Read and answer the following questions. Write only the letter of your
choice. Use a separate sheet of paper for your answers.

1. The beauty of a landscape is an example of

A. aesthetic value C. scientific value

B. economic valued D. social value

2. Which of the following is NOT a direct economic value from biodiversity?

A. clothing C. flood protection

B. food D. shelter

3. Biodiversity can affect the of ecosystems and the of populations.

A. existence and life C. stability and sustainability

B. life and existence D. sustainability and stability

4. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of biodiversity?

A. agriculture C. ecotourism

B. deforestation D. medicine

5. Pangasinan is known for its beautiful places and beaches that make it more attractive to
tourists. Which of the following classifications of value of biodiversity is described?

A. aesthetic value C. direct economic value

B. social value D. indirect economic value

Answer Key
Assessment 1
1. A
2. A
3. A
4. A
5. B

Assessment 2
1. A
2. C
3. C
4. B
5. A

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