Student Handbook
Student Handbook
Student Handbook
2020 ‐ 2021
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................... 3
PROGRAM EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES ......................................................................................... 3
PROGRAM STUDENT OUTCOMES ..................................................................................................... 4
PROGRAMS OF STUDY ......................................................................................................................... 4
GENERAL REGISTRATION RULES FOR ALL CLASSES ................................................................. 7
REQUEST FOR SPECIAL PERMISSION NUMBER (SPN) .............................................................. 8
REQUEST FOR PRE‐REQUISITE OVERRIDE ................................................................................... 9
TAKING A COURSE AT ANOTHER SCHOOL .................................................................................. 10
TRANSFERRING INTO THE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING ........................................................... 10
UNDERGRADUATE FACULTY ADVISORS...................................................................................... 11
CIVIL ENGINEERING CURRICULUM (CLASS 2019, 2020, AND 2021) ................................. 12
CIVIL ENGINEERING CURRICULUM (EFFECTIVE CLASS 2022) ............................................. 12
FALL AND SPRING JUNIOR YEAR COURSE SCHEDULE ............................................................. 15
FALL AND SPRING SENIOR YEAR COURSE SCHEDULE ............................................................ 16
DEPARTMENTAL ELECTIVES ........................................................................................................... 17
TECHNICAL ELECTIVES ...................................................................................................................... 18
SCIENCE ELECTIVES ............................................................................................................................ 23
CO‐OP INTERNSHIP APPLICATION FORM ................................................................................... 25
PROPOSAL FOR COOPERATIVE (CO‐OP) EDUCATION INTERNSHIP .................................. 26
COURSES DESRIPTION (REQUIRED COURSES) .......................................................................... 31
COURSE DESCRIPTION (DEPARTMENTAL ELECTIVES) ......................................................... 33
THE BS/MS FIVE (5) – YEAR PROGRAM ....................................................................................... 35
FE/EIT EXAM INFORMATION .......................................................................................................... 38
STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS ............................................................................................................. 40
The Department of civil and environmental engineering offers a four‐year undergraduate curriculum
leading to the Bachelor of Science degree, a professional degree. A dual‐degree program also is offered
leading to a B.S. degree in civil engineering and a B.S. or B.A. degree in any liberal arts and science
major. There are two joint BS/Master’s programs available: a BS‐MS five‐year program and BS‐MBA five
year‐program. Details for these two joint BS/Master’s programs are available at‐Masters‐programs. A Co‐op Program is available for students who are
interested in obtaining practical experience before graduation with engineering firms and government
This handbook is intended to inform and update the undergraduate civil and environmental engineering
students regarding academic policies, procedures and requirements that are particular to civil and
environmental engineering students. This handbook also is intended to provide faculty advisors with
codified information necessary for student advising and counseling.
All faculty advisors and civil engineering students should carefully read this Student Handbook as well as
the University Academic Policies and Procedures and Degree Requirements posted on this link and published in the current New Brunswick
Undergraduate Catalog located on the web at‐ug_current/.
It is the responsibility of the student to be familiar and be cognizant of this student handbook and
University Policies and Procedures.
Consistent with the stated mission of the University, the objectives of the civil engineering program are
to provide students with a broad and thorough education in civil and environmental engineering
fundamentals, applications, and design. The education will prepare graduates for the practice of civil
and environmental engineering at the professional level with confidence and skills necessary to meet
the technical and social challenges of the future and for continuing their studies at the graduate level. In
1. Graduates will experience successful careers in the civil engineering profession that incorporates
life‐long learning leading to professional licensure and/or advanced degrees.
2. Graduates will communicate effectively in oral, visual, and written means and have professional
and ethical responsibility in the practice of civil engineering.
3. Graduates will demonstrate a record of individual and team accomplishments in developing
creative and sound engineering solutions to practical problems that meet professional, societal,
sustainability, and global challenges.
Attainment of student outcomes prepares graduates to enter the professional practice of civil
engineering. Each student in the civil engineering program is expected to demonstrate the following
outcomes by the time of graduation:
1) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles
of engineering, science, and mathematics.
2) an ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with
consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social,
environmental, and economic factors.
3) an ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
4) an ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and
make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global,
economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
5) an ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create
a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.
6) an ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and
use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
7) an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.
The objective of the undergraduate civil engineering program is to provide broad and thorough
education to students in civil and environmental engineering fundamentals, applications, and design in
order to prepare graduates for the practice of professional engineering. To enable the graduates to
meet challenges posed by an ever‐changing society and advancing technology, the program intends to
provide a broad background in many of the different areas of civil and environmental engineering, and
sound exposure to engineering sciences, humanities and social sciences. The civil engineering
curriculum is ABET accredited.
Student may concentrate in one of the five areas of civil and environmental engineering. The first three
years (6 semesters) are identical for all five areas. Changes take place in the senior year. A variety of
departmental and technical electives and the “capstone” design courses, permit the student to
concentrate in areas of personal interest. A total of 128 credits is required for the undergraduate
degree in civil engineering. The curriculum for civil and environmental engineering is shown on page 12.
A. Electives for Civil and Environmental Engineers
1. Departmental Electives are 300/400 level civil and environmental engineering (180: ___)
courses listed on page 17. Of the two departmental electives required, the student must
take in the spring semester of the senior year at least one “capstone” design course listed
below (more than one course may be taken). Before taking a capstone design course,
students are required to take at least two courses from the same specialty area. The
capstone courses are:
180:407 Construction Projects
180:426 Structural Design
180:431 Design of Environmental Facilities
180:438 Transportation Engineering II
180:474 Geotechnical Engineering
2. Technical Electives are those upper level technical courses appropriate for civil and
environmental engineers. The CEE curriculum currently requires one (1) elective. Starting in
Fall 2019, the CEE curriculum will require two (2) technical electives to be chosen from
among those listed on pages 18‐20 of this handbook. Any extra departmental elective
course may be used as a technical elective. A student may take Special Problems in Civil and
Environmental Engineering (180:491, 492, 493, 494), as technical electives with approval of
a professor supervising the work, to a limit of 3 credits in the senior year. This course is
generally limited to seniors with GPA of 2.7 or higher. The student must fill out a form to
receive approval (page 23). Special Problems in Civil and Environmental Engineering
(180:491, 492, 493, 494) can be accepted as a departmental elective with special approval
from the undergraduate director.
3. Humanities/Social Science Electives are intended to serve the objectives of a broad
education, and to make engineers fully aware of their social responsibilities and better able
to consider related factors in the decision‐making process. The CEE curriculum requires 18
credits of Humanities/Social Science. Electives which must include Expository Writing
(355:101) and Microeconomics (220:102). Microeconomics (220:102) will not be required
starting with Class of 2020 and will be replaced with the science elective as is shown on
page 13. At least 6 credits must be at an advanced level (300 level or higher). A list of
acceptable Humanities/Social Science Electives courses is provided on the School of
Engineering website at
4. General Electives may be almost any course taught for credit at Rutgers University qualifies
as a general elective. There are, however, a few exceptions in certain subject areas . See the
School of Engineering website for details:
List of the courses that are NOT acceptable AS General Electives:
Chemistry 01:160:110 Through 140
Computer Science 01:198:107, 110, 170
English 01:355:096 Through 099, 01:355:155, 01:355:156
Exercise Science 01:377:171 THROUGH 180
Mathematics 01:640:011 Through 115
Any University course with an "E" Credit Prefix
5. Graduate Courses may be taken as departmental or technical electives by qualified
undergraduate students. In order to qualify, the student be senior and have a cumulative
Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.0 and must obtain approval of the course instructor or
Graduate Program Director.
B. Dual Degree, Double major, and Minor Programs:
Minors, majors, and dual degrees provide students with the opportunity to broaden skill sets
outside of engineering. These programs are offered in conjunction with various other
undergraduate schools at Rutgers University, including the School of Arts and Sciences and the
School of Environmental and Biological Sciences. For more information about these programs,
C. BS/Master Degree Programs
There are two special joint programs offering the opportunity for engineering students to obtain
a Master’s degree within one calendar year of completing the baccalaureate degree
requirements. Qualified School of Engineering students are eligible to apply for admission to
these accelerated Master's Programs in their junior year.
BS/MS Program
The BS/MS program in civil and environmental engineering enables top Rutgers undergraduate
engineering students to be accepted into our graduate program in an expedited way. In
addition, it gives those students the possibility to receive an MS degree in a shortened time
frame. It is strongly recommended students use the James J. Scholars program. This highly
intensive academic program gives students more research experience and better prepares them
for research and development careers or further graduate study. An application form is
available on page 37 of this handbook.
BS/MBA Program
The BS/MBA accelerated program requires student to apply to the Rutgers Business School
(RBS) for admission in their junior year. Admission to the BS/MBA requires 3.3 GPA and top 75th
percentile score on the GMAT or GRE exam plus one semester of calculus and statistics (with
grades of ‘B’ or better). For more information, see
For more information, see‐Masters.
D. Co‐op Internship
The internship provides the student with the opportunity to practice and/or apply knowledge
and skills in various civil and environmental engineering professional environments. This
internship is intended to provide a capstone experience to the student’s undergraduate
experience by integrating prior course work into a working engineering environment. The
experience also motivates the student for further learning. The credits earned are for the
educational benefits of the experience. The co‐op internship normally counts as a technical
elective but may count as a departmental elective with the approval of a professor supervising
the work and the undergraduate director. Details are presented on page 24.
1. The average course load is about 15‐18 credits per semester. Students should maintain a
normal load of engineering‐related courses as specified on their program sheet. The
minimum load per semester is 12 credits and the maximum is 20 credits. Special permission
from the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs is required for course loads outside these
2. Students are not allowed to register for any course without the proper prerequisites, unless
approval is received from the instructor and their advisor. A chart of prerequisites for the
CEE program can be found on page 14.
3. Students who fail any required course must repeat it. A letter grade of F is a failing grade. In
some cases, students can apply to have the F removed from the GPA:‐repeat
4. All CEE courses, including all Department and Technical Electives, must be taken at Rutgers
for the first time. Students who fail a CEE course may repeat it elsewhere. Permission to
take the course outside Rutgers must be obtained from the faculty advisor and Associate
Dean of Academic Affairs. Authorization forms are available in room EN B‐100:‐courses.
5. Students may register for at most one Pass/No Credit course per semester for a total of two
during the entire time at RU‐SOE. Obtain the Pass/No credit form from the School of
Engineering website at‐repeat
6. 180:243 Mechanics of Solids, 440:222 Dynamics, and 640:244 Differential Equations are
prerequisite courses for many courses in the junior year. Make certain to complete these
courses before the Fall semester of your junior year.
7. Seniors must carefully review their progress towards the Civil and Environmental
Engineering degree. It is important that the student review his/her academic record to
ensure that they have completed the necessary classes required for graduation. The student
is urged to obtain a complete transcript from the Registrar (free of charge ‐ and check the curriculum sheet against it to find out what
courses remain to satisfy the degree requirements. Students should also check Degree
Navigator. The Office of Academic Affairs, in B‐100 of the Engineering Building is available
for assistance with regard to degree audit.
8. Seniors with GPA of 3.0 or higher may enroll in the graduate level courses with permission
of the instructor, CEE Graduate Director.
To better manage enrollment in CEE Undergraduate Courses for CEE undergraduates, SOE
undergraduate students, and (SEBS) Bioenvironmental Engineering students, Students will request to
be added to a waiting list for the course. A Special Permission Number (SPN) will be issued by the CE
Undergraduate Program Administrator, Linda Szary, Depending on enrollment
demand, student seniority, CEE/SOE instructional resources, and SOE/Rutgers space availability,
students will be issued a SPN no later than 3 weeks prior to the beginning of a term. The waiting list
period should be shorter in most cases. The CEE Undergraduate Director will be managing enrollment in
consultation with the CEE Faculty, Department Chair, Undergraduate Program Administrator, and B100
SOE Deans.
The procedure for obtaining a Special Permission Number (SPN) to enroll in a closed CEE Undergraduate
Class is based on a waiting list enrollment demand system. The CE Undergraduate Program
Administrator manages the course waiting list. The steps to obtain an SPN are given below.
Step 1. The student sends the following email message to the CEE i and cc’d individuals in the
format shown below.
TO: CE Undergraduate Program Administrator (Linda Szary,
CC: CEE Undergraduate Director (Prof. Najm,
CC: Student’s CEE Class Advisor (see page 11 of this Handbook)
HEADER: Student Name, Student ID#, Course Name & ID#, SPN Request
BODY: I am requesting a SPN for Course Name & ID# for TERM (e.g. Fall 2019). [If
you have special reason(s) you should be allowed to enroll please state.]
Step 2. Student will be placed on a waiting list for the course. The CEE Undergraduate Director
will review the request and make a decision no later than 3 weeks prior to the session
start date.
Step 3. Once approved, CE Undergraduate Program Administrator, Linda Szary, will issue the
course Special Permission Number to the student via email.
General guidelines from the Office of Academic Affairs for pre‐requisites and co‐requisites for SOE
Undergraduate Classes are found at Follow the steps below to
obtain a Pre‐Requisite Override Number for CEE Undergraduate Classes.
Step 1. Student meets with the course instructor requiring the pre‐requisite(s) course to discuss
the reason for the override and on what basis the student should be able to enroll in the
Step 2. If the CEE course instructor agrees to the student enrolling in the course without the
pre‐requisite course(s), then the student sends the following email message to the
course instructor and cc’d individuals in the format shown below.
TO: CEE Course Instructor
CC: CEE Undergraduate Director (Prof. Najm,
CC: CE Undergraduate Program Administrator (Linda Szary,
CC: Student’s CEE Class Advisor (see page 11 of this Handbook)
HEADER: Student Name, Student ID#, Course Name & ID#, Pre‐Requisite Override
BODY: I am requesting a PRO for Course Name & ID# for TERM (e.g. Fall 2013). The
reason(s) I should be allowed to enroll without the pre‐requisite course(s)
(NAME OF COURSES) is/are because (list your reasons).
Step 3. The CEE Undergraduate Director will review the request and send to the SOE B100
Deans for review and approval.
Step 4. Once approved, CE Undergraduate Program Administrator, Linda Szary, will issue the
course Pre‐Requisite Override number to the student via email.
Students may take certain courses at another institution over the summer or winter sessions (not
during the spring or fall terms) and transfer the credit (not the grade) to be applied towards your
Engineering degree at Rutgers. A grade of C or better is required for the credits to be eligible for
transfer (the grade does not transfer into the transcript/GPA). Courses eligible to be taken outside of
RU during the summer/winter include first and second year courses of the engineering curriculum:
math, physics, chemistry, humanities/social science electives, tech electives, sophomore level
introductory major courses. Junior and Senior level major courses may NOT be taken outside of RU
unless failed first at RU or unless there is some extenuating circumstances. Taking a junior/senior level
major course outside of RU requires the approval of the civil engineering undergraduate director. For
more details, see‐courses
Advising of students transferring to Rutgers School of Engineering is directed by Assistant Dean Robert
Ciervo, School of Engineering, Office of Academic Services, EN‐B100. Email: Assistant Dean Robert Ciervo To be eligible to apply, ensure that you will have completed the appropriate
courses by the time you intend to begin your studies at Rutgers. Generally we look for the equivalent of
our first year ‐ 2 semesters of calculus, 1 semester of calc based physics, Matlab computer
programming, 2 semesters of chemistry. Some other relevant courses to take are: engineering
mechanics‐statics, micro economics, English Composition. For more details see
Student advisees with last names beginning in the indicated alphabetical range are
assigned to one designated CEE faculty member throughout the 8‐semester
undergraduate curriculum while at Rutgers.
Dr. Nenad Gucunski, Chair 848‐445‐2232/2569 WH 304C
Dr. Husam Najm, UD 848‐445‐7980 WH 428G
Dr. Najm’s Advising Hours, M,F 12‐2 PM
Advisors: Class of 2021
Dr. Jing Jin (A‐F) 848‐445‐8563 WH 420F
Dr. Husam Najm (G‐N) 848‐445‐7980 WH 428G
Dr. Xiang Liu (O‐Z) 848‐445‐2868 WH 428D
Advisors: Class of 2022
Dr. Qizhong Guo (A‐F) 848‐445‐2983 WH 328F
Dr. Trefor Williams (G‐N) 848‐445‐2880 WH 420E
Dr. Franklin Moon (O‐Z) 848‐445‐2870 WH 428F
Advisors: Class of 2023
Dr. Hani Nassif (A‐F) 848‐445‐4414 WH 322E
Dr. Nicole Fahrenfeld (G‐N) 848‐445‐8416 WH 328D
Dr. Monica Mazurek (O‐Z) 848‐445‐2871 WH 322F
Advisors: Class of 2024
Dr. Hao Wang (A‐F) 848‐445‐2874 WH 428E
Dr. Yook‐Kong Yong (G‐N) 848‐445‐3219 WH 322D
Dr. Jie Gong (G‐N) 848‐445‐2881 WH 420D
Students are encouraged to see their advisors as often as necessary, but are required to see
them at least once a year. The Chairman and the Undergraduate Director also are available for
discussion of individual or departmental matters. GENERAL ADVISING AND SCHEDULING ARE
CONDUCTED WITH THE CLASS ADVISORS ABOVE. Please send an email to your class faculty
advisor to schedule an appointment.
Class of 2019, 2020, and 2021
Fall Spring
160:159 Gen Chem for Engrs 3 160:160 Gen Chem for Engrs 3
160:171 Intro to Experiment. 1 640:152 Calculus II: Math/Phys 4
355:101 Expository Writing I 3 750:124 Analytical Physics Ib 2
640:151 Calculus I: Math/Phys 4 440:127 Intro Comp for Engrs 3
750:123 Analytical Physics Ia 2 440:221 Eng’g Mech: Statics 3
440:100 Eng’g Orient Lecture 1 ______ Hum/Soc Elective 3
______ Hum/Soc Elective 3 Total 18
Total 17
355:302 Scien. & Tech. Writing 3 220:102 MicroEconomics 3
640:251 Multivariable Calculus 4 640:244 Differential Equations 4
750:227 Analytical Physics IIa 3 180:216 Intro CADD 3
750:229 Analytical Phys IIa Lab 1 180:243 Mech of Solids 3
440:222 Eng’g Mech: Dynamics 3 ______ Hum/Soc Elective (300+) 3
______ Hum/Soc Elective (300+) 3 Total
Total 17
960:379 Basic Prob & Statistics 3 180:320 Elem Structural Design 3
180:305 Construction Eng’g 3 180:345 Prop Materials Lab 1
180:318 Elem of Structures 3 180:364 Transportation Eng’g 3
180:387 Fluid Mechanics 3 180:372 Soil Mechanics 3
180:389 Fluid Mechanics Lab 1 180:374 Soil Mech Lab 1
635:407 Mech Prop Materials 3 540:343 Eng’g Economics 3
Total 16 Total 14
180:411 Reinforced Concrete 3 180:482 Prof Issues in CE 1
180:421 Reinforced Concr’t Lab 1 _______ *Design Project 4
180:429 Water&Waste Wtr Eng 3 _______ Departmental Elective 3
180:430 Transportation Plan’g 3 _______ Technical Elective* 3
180:473 Foundation Eng’g 3 _______ General Elective 3
______ Science Elective 3 Total 14
Total 16 Total Credits: 128
*Departmental electives 407, 426, 431, and 438 will be offered each year to satisfy the design
project requirement.
Effective with the Class of 2022
Fall Spring
160:159 Gen Chem for Engrs 3 160:160 Gen Chem for Engrs 3
160:171 Intro to Experiment. 1 640:152 Calculus II: Math/Phys 4
355:101 Expository Writing I 3 750:124 Analytical Physics Ib 2
640:151 Calculus I: Math/Phys 4 440:127 Intro Comp for Engrs 3
750:123 Analytical Physics Ia 2 440:221 Eng’g Mech: Statics 3
440:100 Eng’g Orient Lecture 1 ______ Hum/Soc Elective 3
______ Hum/Soc Elective 3 Total 18
Total 17
355:302 Scien. & Tech. Writing 3 640:244 Differential Equations 4
640:251 Multivariable Calculus 4 180:216 Intro CADD 3
750:227 Analytical Physics IIa 3 180:243 Mech of Solids 3
750:229 Analytical Phys IIa Lab 1 ______ Hum/Soc Elective (300+) 3
440:222 Eng’g Mech: Dynamics 3 ______ Science Elective 3
______ Hum/Soc Elective (300+) 3 Total 16
Total 17
960:379 Basic Prob & Statistics 3 180:320 Elem Structural Design 3
180:305 Construction Eng’g 3 180:345 Prop Materials Lab 1
180:318 Elem of Structures 3 180:364 Transportation Eng’g 3
180:387 Fluid Mechanics 3 180:372 Soil Mechanics 3
180:389 Fluid Mechanics Lab 1 180:374 Soil Mech Lab 1
635:407 Mech Prop Materials 3 540:343 Eng’g Economics 3
Total 16 Total 14
180:411 Reinforced Concrete 3 180:482 Prof Issues in CE 1
180:421 Reinforced Concr’t Lab 1 _______ Design Project* 4
180:429 Water&Waste Wtr Eng 3 _______ Departmental Elective 3
180:430 Transportation Plan’g 3 _______ Technical Elective 3
180:473 Foundation Eng’g 3 _______ General Elective 3
______ Technical Elective 3 Total 14
Total 16 Total Credits: 128
*Departmental electives 407, 426, 431, and 438 will be offered each year to satisfy the design
project requirement.
Fall Schedule Major Courses – Junior Year
8:40 – 10:00
Section 02
10:20 –11:40 (180:318) (180:318)
12:00 – 1:20
(180:389) (180:389) (180:389)
Section 01 Section 03 Section 04
1:40 – 3:00 (180:387) (180:387)
3:20 – 4:40 (180:305) (180:331) (180:305) (180:331)
5:00 – 6:20
6:40 – 8:00
8:00 – 9:30
Spring Schedule Major Courses – Junior Year
8:40 – 10:00
(180:345), 02
10:20 –11:40 (180:364) (180:364)
(180:345), 04 (180:345), 05
12:00 – 1:20
6:40 – 8:00
8:00 – 9:30
Fall Schedule Major Courses – Senior Year
1:40 – 3:00
(180:421) (180:421)
Section 04 Section 06
3:20 – 4:40
Section 01
5:00 – 6:20
Spring Schedule Major Courses – Senior Year
8:40 – 10:00
1:40 – 3:00
(180:407) (180:407)
3:20 – 4:40 (180:448) (180:448)
5:00 – 6:20 (180:482)
6:40 – 8:00
8:00 – 9:30
School of Engineering
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
The School of Engineering policies state that each student must graduate with a minimum 2.0 grade
point average in ‘major’ courses. Major courses for Civil Engineering are defined as: All 180:XXX courses;
960:379; 540:343; 635:407; technical electives, science elective.
For more details, see:‐calculation.
All departmental and technical electives must conform to guidelines published in Departmental Advising
Handbooks or be approved by the student's departmental academic advisor.
Subject Course Number Course Name
14:180:301 Civil Engineering Analysis
14:180:331 Elements Env Engineering
14:180:382 Hydraulic and Environmental Enginieering
14:180:406 Construction Engineering Management
14:180:407 Construction Projects
14:180:413 Theory of Indeterminate Structures
14:180:417 Masonry and Wood Design
14:180:426 Structural Design
Civil Engineering
14:180:431 Design of Environmental Engineering Facilities
14:180:434 Land Development‐Elements of Urban Infrastructure
14:180:438 Transportation Engineering II
14:180:443 Advanced Hydraulics
14:180:448 Elements of Hydrology
14:180:474 Geotechnical Engineering Design
14:180:491 Special Problems in Civil Engineering
14:180:492 Special Problems in Civil Engineering
14:180:493 Special Problems in Environmental Engineering
14:180:494 Special Problems in Environmental Engineering
1) Student is required to take at least one of “capstone” design courses
(407, 426, 431, 438, 474)
2) For course description of these course, see pages 33‐34
School of Engineering
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Refer to Undergraduate Catalog for Course Descriptions
Course must carry at least 3 credits
Excluded are individual study, recitation special topic and seminar courses
Any Civil and Environmental Engineering Elective Courses (14:180:___), including 491, 492,
493 and 494 are acceptable as technical electives.
Subject Course Number Course Name
11:115:301 Introductory Biochemistry
Biochemistry 11:115:321 Ethical Issues in Biochemical Research(NB)
11:115:403 General Biochemistry
11:117:413 Unit Processes in Bioenvironmental Engineering I (NB)
Bioenvironmental 11:117:414 Unit Processes in Bioenvironmental Engineering II (NB)
Engineering 11:117:462 Design of Solid Waste Treatment Systems (NB)
11:117:474 Air Pollution Engineering (NB)
01:119:115 General Biology I
01:119:116 General Biology II
14:125:201 Introduction to Biomedical Engineering (NB)
Biomedical Engg 14:125:208 Introduction to Biomechanics (NB)
14:125:255 Biomedical Engineering System Physiology (NB)
Chemical Engg 14:155:201 Chemical Engineering Material and Energy Balance (NB)
14:155:208 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics (NB)
01:160:209 Elementary Organic Chemistry
Chemistry 01:160:307 Organic Chemistry I
01:160:308 Organic Chemistry II
Subject Course Number Course Name
14:180:301 Civil Engineering Analysis (NB)
14:180:331 Elements Env Engineering (NB)
14:180:382 Hydraulic and Environmental Enginieering (NB)
14:180:406 Construction Engineering Management
14:180:406 Construction Engineering Management
14:180:407 Construction Projects
14:180:413 Theory of Indeterminate Structures
14:180:426 Structural Design
Civil Engineering
14:180:431 Design of Environmental Engineering Facilities
14:180:434 Land Development‐Elements of Infrastructure
14:180:438 Transportation Engineering II
14:180:443 Advanced Hydraulics
14:180:448 Elements of Hydrology
14:180:474 Geotechnical Engineering Design
14:180:491 Special Problems in Civil Engineering
14:180:492 Special Problems in Civil Engineering
14:180:493 Special Problems in Environmental Engineering
14:180:494 Special Problems in Environmental Engineering
01:198:112 Data Structures
01:198:205 Introduction to Discrete Structures I
Computer Sci 01:198:206 Introduction to Discrete Structures II
01:198:211 Computer Architecture (NB)
01:198:323 Numerical Analysis and Computing (NB)
01:198:336 Principles of Information and Data Management (NB)
14:332:231 Digital Logic Design
ECE 14:332:252 Programming Methodology I
14:332:373 Elements of Electrical Engineering
Environmental 11:372:371 Air‐Photo Interpretation
Resources 11:372:442 Applied Principles of Hydrology
11:375:302 Elements of Water and Wastewater Treatment
11:375:307 Elements of Solid Waste Management and Treatment
11:375:333 Environmental Law I
11:375:334 Environmental Law II
11:375:405 Fundamentals of Water and Wastewater Analysis
11:375:409 Environmental Statement and Impact
11:375:421 Air Pollution
11:375:430 Hazardous Wastes
11:375:444 Water Chemistry
14:440:301 Introduction ot Packaging Engineering (NB)
14:440:302 CAD For Packaging Engineering (NB)
14:440:371 Packaging Evaluation Methods (NB)
14:440:373 Packaging Manufacturing (NB)
General 14:440:378 Sustainable Packaging (NB)
Engineering 14:440:392 Undergraduate Research in Engineering
14:440:403 Safety Engineering in Packaging (NB)
14:440:404 Innovation and Entrepeneurship (NB)
14:440:406 Packaging Printing and Decoration (NB)
14:440:468 Packaging Machinery (NB)
14:440:471 Distribution Packaging (NB)
01:450:241 The City: Intor to Urban Geography
01:450:250 Cities
01:450:321 Geographic Information Systems
01:450:322 Remote Sensing
01:450:370 Climate Change and Society
01:450:414 Geographical Hydrology
01:450:417 Coastal Geomorphology
01:460:100 Planet Earth (NB)
01:460:101 Intorductory Geology
01:460:201 Earthquakes and Volcanoes (NB)
01:460:202 Environmental Geology (NB)
01:460:203 Building and Maintaining a Habitable Planet (NB)
01:460:204 The Water Planet (NB)
01:460:206 Dinosaurs (NB)
01:460:207 Oil and Gold: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly (NB)
01:460:208 The Last 11,000 Years (NB)
Geology 01:460:209 Exploration of the Oceans (NB)
01:460:210 Rocks and Minerals (NB)
01:460:211 Fundamentals of Sedimentary Geology (NB)
01:460:101 Introductory Geology I: Physical
01:460:301 Mineralogy
01:460:302 Petrology
01:460:303 Paleontology
01:460:414 Hydrogeological Processes
01:460:428 HydroGeology
14:540:201 Work Design and Ergonomics (NB)
14:540:210 Engineering Probability (NB)
14:540:311 Deterministic Models in Operations Research
ISE 14:540:410 Linear Programming
14:540:421 Industrial Organization and Management
14:540:433 Quality Engineering and Statistics
14:540:461 Engineering Law
Landscape Arch 11:573:232 Fundamentals of Environmental Geomatics (NB)
Marine and 11:628:401 Science in Shoreline Management (NB)
Coastal Sciences 11:628:451 Physical Oceanography (NB)
14:635:203 Introduction to Materials Science & Engineering (NB)
14:635:204 Processing I (NB)
14:635:205 Crystal Chemistry and Structure of Materials (NB)
14:635:206 Thermodynamics (NB)
14:635:303 Phase Diagrams (NB)
14:635:304 Ceramic Compositions (NB)
14:635:305 Processing II (NB)
Material 14:635:306 Processing III (NB)
Science & 14:635:307 Kinetics of Materials Processes (NB)
Engineering 14:635:309 Characterization of Materials (NB)
14:635:312 Glass Engineering (NB)
14:635:314 Strength of Materials (NB)
14:635:316 Electronic, Optical And Magnetic Properties Of Materials (NB)
14:635:320 Introduction to Nanomaterials (NB)
14:635:321 Structural, Mechand Chem Apps of Nanostruct and material (NB)
14:635:322 Photonic, Elect and Magnet Apps of Nanostruct and mterial (NB)
14:635:330 Introduction to Nanomaterials (NB)
14:635:340 Electrochemical Materials And Devices (NB)
01:640:250 Introductory Linear Algebra (NB)
01:640:300 Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning (NB)
01:640:311 Introduction to Real Analysis I (NB)
01:640:312 Introduction to Real Analysis II (NB)
01:640:321 Introduction to Applied Mathematics (NB)
01:640:325 Differential Equations in Biology
01:640:336 Differential Equations in Biology
01:640:338 Discrete and Probabilistic Models in Biology
01:640:339 Mathematical Models in the Social Sciences
Math 01:640:348 Cryptography
01:640:350 Linear Algebra
01:640:403 Introductory Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable
01:640:411 Mathematical Analysis I
01:640:412 Mathematical Analysis II
01:640:421 Advanced Calculus for Engineering
01:640:423 Elementary Partial Differential Equations
01:640:424 Stochastic Models in Operations Research
01:640:426 Topics in Applied Mathematics
01:640:428 Graph Theory
01:640:429 Industry‐Oriented Mathematics: Case Studies
01:640:432 Introduction to Differential Geometry
14:650:210 Introduction to Aerospace Engineering (NB)
14:650:231 Mechanical Engineering Computational Analysis and Design (NB)
14:650:342 Design of Mechanical Components (NB)
14:650:350 Mechanical Engineering Measurements (NB)
14:650:351 Thermodynamics
14:650:361 Introduction to Mechatronics (NB)
MAE 14:650:388 Computer‐Aided Design in Mechanical Engineering (NB)
14:650:449 Introduction to Mechanics of Composite Materials
14:650:458 Aerospace Structures
14:650:460 Aerodynamics
14:650:462 Power Plants
14:650:474 Solar Thermal Energy Collection and Storage
14:650:477 Environmental Control of Buildings
Ecology and Natural
11:216:421 Wetland Ecology
01:750:228 Analytical Physics IIB (NB)
01:750:305 Modern Optics
01:750:313 Modern Physics
01:750:326 Computer‐Based Experimentation and Physics Computing
01:750:327 Modern Instrumentation
Physics 01:750:341 Principles of Astrophysics I
01:750:342 Principles of Astrophysics II
01:750:351 Thermal Physics
01:750:361 Quantum Mechanics and Atomic Physics
01:750:381 Mechanics I
01:750:382 Mechanics II
01:750:385 Electromagnetism I
01:750:386 Electromagnetism II
10:762:306 Principles of Urban Planning
10:762:316 Physical Design and Site Planning
10:762:413 Urban Revitalization
Planning and Public
10:762:420 GIS for Health and Planning
10:762:440 Principles of Real Estate
10:762:451 Environmental Policy and Regulation
10:762:473 Transportation Policy
SCM & M Science 33:799:460 Introduction to Six Sigma and Lean Manufacturing (NB)
01:960:382 Theory of Statistics
01:960:384 Intermediate Stat Analysis
01:960:401 Basic Statistics for Research (NB)
01:960:463 Regression Methods
01:960:467 Applied Multivariate Analysis
01:960:476 Introduction to Sampling
01:960:483 Statistical Quality Control
01:960:484 Basic Applied Statistics
School of Engineering
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
List of Acceptable Courses for the Required Science Elective
(180:491, 492, 493, 494)
(1) Student must be in senior standing with a cumulative GPA of 2.70 or better;
(2) Has not received previous credit for the course; and
(3) Has approval from a supervising professor.
Name___________________________________________ Class__________________
Research Topic:
Number of Credits Registered:__________________ Cr. Term:______________
Supervising Professor’s Name:_________________________________________
____________ . _____________. ______________. ____________ . _____________ .
Official Use
Special Permission Number:_____________________________________
Catalog Description: The internship provides the student with the opportunity to practice and/or
apply knowledge and skills in various civil and environmental engineering
professional environments. This internship is intended to provide a capstone
experience to the student's undergraduate studies by integrating prior course
work into a working engineering environment. The experience also motivates
the student for further learning. The credits earned are the educational benefits
of the experience.
Eligibility: Open only to cee junior (Summer only) and senior (Summer, Fall, Spring)
Prerequisites: Students must satisfy the following criteria to be eligible to enter an internship:
(i) Completed a minimum of 90 credits with a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.5.
(ii) Completed a minimum of 18 credits in the major, with a major cumulative grade point
average of at least 2.5.
(iii) The Internship can be taken at the summer going into the junior year. The workload should
follow a standard credit definition, i.e., 4 hours of work per week per credit for 14 weeks or
56 total hours per credit. The student must spend a minimum of 12 to 15 hours per week to
earn these 3 credits.
(iv) Students electing to participate in the Co‐op Internship program for Pass/No credit cannot
designate any additional Technical Electives as Pass/No Credit.
Registration for the co‐op course is by special permission only. To receive special permission to register,
you need to submit the following to the Undergraduate Administrator in the CEE department.
1. The student should have a faculty advisor for his/her internship.
2. A written proposal must be submitted to the faculty advisor by the student. The written
proposal should include educational and professional benefits from the internship, anticipated
engineering responsibilities at work, and expected project tasks if already known, how the
internship will be evaluated (about 150‐250 words)
3. An offer letter from the company/firm that is offering the internship that shows the type of
work and the duration of the internship. The letter should be on the company letter head. The
registration is by special permission only.
To receive a ‘PA’ grade and credits for the co‐op, the student should submit a final report. The final
report shall include project description, daily log and progress reports, any calculations, drawings, plots,
photos, etc... that you worked on. Sample reports are available in the department office to help you
with your final internship report. The final report should be submitted to the faculty advisor before the
end of the semester in which the co‐op is registered.
Rutgers University‐School of Engineering
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Semester of Enrollment:
Length of Internship(s):
Total Hours:
Academic Credits:
Faculty Advisor:
Plan for Evaluation:
A written summary of work experiences will be submitted by the student at either the end of
the employment period or any time prior to the end of the semester for which the experience
will be credited. The Faculty Advisor will meet with the student, evaluate the summary, and
assign a grade.
The summary may include particular experiences of the student and general descriptions of the
tasks achieved during the period of employment.
______________________________________________ Date:________________
______________________________________________ Date:________________
Faculty Advisor
______________________________________________ Date:________________
Undergraduate Director ‐ Civil/Env. Engg. Dept.
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
School of Engineering
Dr. Perumalsamy N. Balaguru received his PhD from The University of Illinois‐Chicago.
His areas of research include concrete structural systems; composite materials;
construction management.
Dr. Balaguru’s office is located in Weeks Hall on Busch Campus, Room RWH 322C. He
can be reached by email at or by phone at 848‐445‐2877.
Dr. Nicole Fahrenfeld received her PhD from Virginia Tech. Her areas of research lie at
the interface of environmental chemistry and environmental microbiology to promote
water quality and sustainability\with applications in natural and engineered systems.
Dr. Fahrenfeld’s office is located in Weeks Hall on Busch Campus, Room RWH 328D. She
can be reached by email or by phone at 848‐445‐8416.
Dr. Jie Gong received his PhD from the University of Texas at Austin. His areas of
research include building information modeling, remote sensing for highway asset
management, visual sensing and computing for construction process visualization and
Dr. Gong’s office is located in Weeks Hall on Busch Campus, Room RWH 420D. He can be
reached via email at or via telephone at 848‐445‐2881.
Dr. Nenad Gucunski received his PhD from The University of Michigan. His areas of
research include soil‐structure interaction; nondestructive testing; numerical methods;
soil and structural dynamics; earthquake engineering.
Dr. Gucunski’s office is located in Weeks Hall on Busch Campus, Room RWH 420C. He
can be reached by email at or by the phone at 848‐445‐
Dr. Qizhong (George) Guo received his PhD from The University of Minnesota. He also
holds a Professional Engineer’s license. His areas of research include hydraulics and
hydrology, urban stormwater and flood management, inland and coastal water
environment restoration, green and sustainable water infrastructure.
Dr. Guo’s office is located in Weeks Hall on Busch Campus, Room RWH 328F. He can be
reached by email at or phone at 848‐445‐2983.
Dr. Jing (Peter) Jin received his PhD from The University of Wisconsin Madison. His
areas of research include Transportation Engineering, Intelligent Transportation
Systems, Traffic Operations, Traffic Sensing, Traffic Flow theory and Network
Modeling, Urban Data Analytics traffic operations and management.
Dr. Jin’s office is located in Weeks Hall on Busch Campus, Room RWH 420F. He can
be reached by email at or by phone at 848‐445‐8563.
Dr. Meiyin Liu received her PhD from The University of Michigan‐Ann Arbor. Her
areas of research include understanding the behavior of mobile objects like workers
and heavy machinery equipment for construction safety, heath, and productivity.
She can be reached by email at
Dr. Xiang Liu received his PhD from The University of Illinois at Urbana‐Champaign.
His areas of research include railway engineering, freight transportation,
infrastructure asset management, and transportation big data.
Dr. Liu’s office is located in Weeks Hall on Busch Campus, Room RWH 428D. He can
be reached by email at or by phone at 848‐445‐2868.
Dr. Ali Maher received his PhD from The University of Michigan. He is an ASCE
Fellow and his areas of research include soil/site improvement; soil composite
materials; geo‐synthetics, environmental geo‐technology and soil dynamics.
Dr. Maher’s office is located in the CAIT Building on Busch Campus, Room 211E. He
can be reached by email at or by phone at 848‐445‐2951.
Dr. Monica Mazurek received her PhD from The University of California‐Los Angeles.
Her areas of research include air quality engineering; organic geochemistry;
analytical chemistry for environmental systems; sustainability systems engineering.
Dr. Mazurek’s office is located in Weeks Hall on Busch Campus, Room RWH 322F.
She can be reached by email at or by phone at 848 445‐
Dr. Franklin Moon received his PhD from Georgia Institute of Technology. His areas
of research include sensing technologies, structural identification, structural health
monitoring, numerical modeling, and estimation of service life.
Dr. Moon’s office is located in Weeks Hall on Busch Campus, Room RWH 428F. He
can be reached by email at or by phone at 732‐445‐
Dr. Husam Najm received his PhD from The University of Michigan. Dr. Najm holds
both a Professional Engineer’s and Structural Engineer’s license. His areas of research
include structural system design; bridge design; concrete materials.
Dr. Najm’s office is located in Weeks Hall on Busch Campus, Room RWH 428G. He can
be reached via email at or phone at 848‐445‐7980.
Dr. Hani Nassif received his PhD from The University of Michigan. He also holds a
Professional Engineer’s license. His areas of research include reliability analysis; design,
analysis, and field testing of bridges; advanced high‐performance materials; structural
modeling and analysis.
His office is located in Weeks Hall on Busch Campus, Room RWH 322E. He can be
reached by email at or by phone at 848‐445‐4414
Dr. Hao Wang received his PhD from The University of Illinois at Urbana‐ Champaign.
His areas of research include innovative and sustainable infrastructure material,
computational modeling and mechanics of structure material; pavement design,
maintenance, and management.
Dr. Wang’s office is located in Weeks Hall on Busch Campus, Room RWH 428E. He can
be reached by email at or by phone at 848‐445‐2874.
Dr. Ruo‐Qian (Roger) Wang received his PhD from Massachusetts Institute of
Technology. His research focuses on developing numerical models to connect big data
and decision‐making in coastal engineering, natural hazards, water resources and
renewable energy systems.
Dr. Wang’s office is located in Weeks Hall on Busch Campus, Room RWH 328E. He can
be reached by email at or by phone at 848‐445‐4288.
Dr. Trefor P. Williams received his PhD from The Georgia Institute of Technology. He
also holds a Professional Engineer’s license. His areas of research include construction
management; traffic engineering; decision support systems; neural networks; computer
aided analysis; expert systems.
Dr. William’s office is located in Weeks Hall on Busch Campus, Room RWH 420E. He can
be reached by email at or by phone at 848‐445‐2880.
Dr. Yook‐Kong Yong received his PhD from Princeton University. He holds a Professional
Engineer’s license from New Jersey. His areas of research include structural behavior and
mechanics; structural dynamics; computational mechanics; frequency control devices;
piezoelectric devices, magnetostrictive devices.
Dr. Yong’s office is located in Weeks Hall on Busch Campus, Room RWH 322D. He can be
reached by email at or by phone at 848‐445‐3219.
NTT Faculty
Dr. Sougata Roy received his PhD from Lehigh University. His areas of research include
bridge and infrastructure engineering; design of steel and composite structures; fatigue
and fracture; full scale physical and computational simulations.
Dr. Roy’s office is located in CAIT Building on Busch Campus, Room 108. He can be
reached by email at or by phone at 848‐445‐2882.
Dr. Robert Miskewitz (Environmental Engineering)
Adjunct Faculty
Howard Kliger received his PhD from The University of Delaware. His area of research includes
engineering mechanics.
Mohammad Arafa received his PhD from Rutgers University and currently works at an engineering firm,
Severud Associates in New York City. His area of expertise is structural engineering.
Joseph Lifrieri received his PhD from NJIT and his area of research includes geoenvironmental and
geotechnical engineering.
Alfred Brenner is a Vice President at Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson Inc. His expertise includes land
surveying, land development, and construction management.
Joseph Palka, Jr., PE, P.P., Executive VP, Toll Brothers. Head of land development department. His
expertise includes land development, planning, and project management.
14:180:216 Introductory Computer‐Aided Design and Drafting (3 cr)
Principles of computer‐aided design and drafting (CADD): graphic entities, hatch patterns,
layering, part file creation, and information extraction. Two‐dimensional drafting and pictorial
drawings using a CADD system. Introduction to three‐dimensional modeling and surface
revolution. Descriptive geometry. CADD applications in civil engineering. Lec. 1 hr, lab. 3 hrs,
rec. 1 hr.
14:180:243 Mechanics of Solids (3 cr)
Axial force, shear, moment, and torque in structural members; stress, strain, and stress‐strain
relations; principal stresses and strains; torsion of circular shafts; bending of singly symmetric
beams; compound loading; buckling of columns; statically indeterminate systems.
Prerequisites: (14:440:221 or 14:440:291) and (01:640:152 or 01:640:192 or 21:640:235 or
50:640:221). Corequisite: 01:640:244.
14:180:305 Construction Engineering (3 cr)
An introduction to construction and the construction industry. Topics include construction
contracts, scheduling, estimating, and cost control. Prerequisite: 14:180:243.
14:180:318 Elements of Structures (3 cr)
Structural analysis of statically determinate trusses, frames, cables, and arches. Computation of
deflections in trusses and plane frames. Influence lines for beams and trusses. Introduction to
indeterminate structures. Prerequisites: 14:180:243, 14:440:222.
14:180:320 Design of Steel Structures (3 cr)
Design of bolted and welded connections; design of components of structural systems in
tension, compression, bending, and combined axial and bending loads. Use of computers for
design and detailing. Lec. 2 hrs., rec. 1 hr. Prerequisites: 14:180:243, 318; 14:440:222.
14:180:345 Properties of Materials Laboratory (1 cr)
Mechanical properties and behavior of structural elements under a variety of load conditions.
Prerequisite: 14:180:243.
14:180:364 Transportation Engineering I (3 cr)
Principles of transportation engineering with application to various modes; planning, selection,
formulation, and administration of transportation systems. Economic, environmental, and
political constraints; land‐use studies; applications. Prerequisite: 14:180:243.
14:180:372 Soil Mechanics (3 cr)
Elements of engineering geology; mechanical and hydraulic properties of soils; soil‐water
systems and fluid flow; stresses in soils; compressibility, consolidation, and settlement; shearing
resistance; lateral earth‐pressures; slope stability; bearing capacity; numerical methods and
computer applications. Prerequisites: 14:180:243, 387.
14:180:374 Soil Mechanics Laboratory (1 cr)
Engineering classification of soils and rocks. Laboratory studies of physical properties and shear
strength of soils such as Atterberg limits, compaction, permeability, unconfined compression,
and direct shear tests. Lab. 3 hrs. Corequisite: 14:180:372.
14:180:387 Fluid Mechanics (3 cr)
Fluid properties, statics and kinematics; concepts of system and control volume; mass,
momentum, and energy conservation principles; laminar and turbulent flows in conduits and
channels; boundary layer theory; drag and lift; ideal fluid flow. Prerequisites: 14:440:222,
14:180:389 Fluid Mechanics Laboratory (1 cr)
Experimental applications and demonstrations; measurement of fluid properties; applications
of mass, energy, and momentum principles; energy losses; forces on immersed bodies; flow
measurement devices. Corequisite: 14:180:387.
14:180:411 Reinforced Concrete (3 cr)
Strength theories for the analysis and design of beams, slabs, columns, and floor systems in
flexure, diagonal tension, torsion, serviceability, and load factors, including computer
applications. Prerequisites: 14:180:318, 320.
14:180:421 Reinforced Concrete Laboratory (1 cr)
Experimental stress analysis of concrete structures, including test to failure of beams, plates,
and prestressed elements; control testing and design of concrete mixtures. Lab. 3 hrs.
Corequisite: 14:180:411.
14:180:429 Water & Wastewater Engineering (3 cr)
Design principles for water and wastewater engineering systems, water supply and distribution,
wastewater collection and disposal, water treatment, and wastewater treatment. Prerequisites:
14:180:387, 389.
14:180:430 Introduction to Transportation Planning (3 cr)
Discusses the various aspects of transportation demand forecasting problems. Introduces the
classic four‐step modeling process and the new activity‐based modeling approach. Students will
have the chance to use some of the state‐of‐the‐art transportation planning software packages,
such as Cube, VISUM, and TRANSCAD to conduct case studies of transportation planning
problems during labs. Prerequisites: 14:180:364, 01:960:379.
14:180:473 Foundation Engineering (3 cr)
Subsurface exploration; bearing capacity, settlement, and design of shallow foundations; design
of rigid and flexible retaining structures; bearing capacity, settlement, and design of deep
foundations. Lec. 2 hrs., rec. 1 hr. Prerequisites: 14:180:372, 374.
14:180:301 Civil and Environmental Data Analysis (3 cr)
Civil and environmental data tools in analyzing problems and creating solutions and designs.
Tools include, as examples, data streaming and cleaning, programming languages and software
for graphics, statistical analysis and modeling. Tools vary with current engineering practices.
Prerequisite: 440:127, 640:251
14:180:331 Elements of Environmental Engineering (3 cr)
Engineering management of the environment with particular emphasis on chemical
contaminants in water, wastewater, and air. Effects of energy‐related pollutants and industrial
emissions on environmental systems. Federal regulation and management of chemical
14:180:382 Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering (3 cr)
Basic concepts of viscous flows; conservation laws (mass, momentum, and energy); pipe flows
and open‐channel flows; water distribution systems; hydraulic modeling (stream and marine
pollution); air, stream, and marine pollution problems. Computer applications.
Prerequisite: 14:180:387.
14:180:406 Construction Engineering Management (3 cr)
Construction planning, scheduling, and control. Use of computer‐based information systems for
project management. Value engineering. Critical path method and PERT scheduling techniques.
Computer‐drawn scheduling networks. Schedule compression. Resource allocation leveling and
optimization. Project organization and financial control. Decision‐
making.Prerequisites:14:180:305, 01:960:379.
14:180:407 Construction Projects (4 cr)
Application of skills and theories of construction engineering management to actual projects.
Students are assigned to a project and work with managers to budget, schedule, and control
operations. Topics include utilization of heavy construction equipment, computer simulation of
construction, and information technology in construction. Prerequisites: 14:180:305, 406.
14:180:413 Theory of Indeterminate Structures (3 cr)
Force method for solving simple indeterminate structures. Classical methods of slope‐deflection
and moment distribution. Formulation and algorithms for matrix method. Application of
computers for analyzing indeterminate trusses and frames. Prerequisite: 14:180:318.
14:180:417 Masonry & Wood Design (3 cr)
Introduction to masonry and wood terminology and materials as well as ASTM‐related
specifications. ASD and LRFD design of structural elements such as masonry and wood beams,
lintels, and columns. Reinforced and unreinforced masonry design. Masonry and wood shear
wall design. Introduction to prestressed masonry. Connection design. Sustainability and energy
efficiency, fire rating, and cost analysis. Prerequisite: Open to senior civil engineering majors
14:180:426 Structural Design (4 cr)
Design of steel or concrete structures; prestressed concrete design of beams and slabs. Design
project with working drawings for a bridge or high‐rise building. Economic and ethical
considerations. Comprehensive report. Lec. 3 hrs., lab. 3 hrs. Prerequisites: 14:180:318, 320,
14:180:431 Water Resources and Environmental Engineering Design (4 cr)
Analysis and design considerations for water resources and environmental engineering
facilities, such as stormwater green infrastructure, water supply and wastewater treatment
plants; physical engineering management of solid and hazardous wastes; resource recovery;
economic and ethical considerations. Comprehensive report. Prerequisites: 14:180:387, 389,
14:180:434 Land Development‐ Elements of Urban Infrastructure (3 cr)
Introduction to urban infrastructure; introduction to civil design plans then a review of the
function, alternatives, design and construction of civil infrastructure elements such as grading,
hydrology, storm‐water management, grading and earthwork, erosion and sediment control,
storm and sanitary sewer systems, dry utilities, curb and flexible pavements, improvements to
existing infrastructure.
14:180:438 Transportation Engineering II (4 cr)
Training in state‐of‐the‐art transportation planning and operations software such as HCS,
Synchro, VISSIM, and CUBE. Students will work in teams to conduct traffic studies at given
sites/corridors. Traffic improvement alternatives will be used to address the identified
transportation problems. Such alternatives to study may include redesigning geometric layout,
signal optimization, adding traffic signs and control, and ITS (intelligent transportation)
equipment and systems. Lec. 3 hrs., lab. 3 hrs. Prerequisite: 14:180:364.
14:180:443 Advanced Hydraulics (3 cr)
Hydraulic engineering fundamentals: boundary layer, surface roughness, resistance in viscous
flows; design of erodible and nonerodible canals; gradually varied flow, backwater analysis in
rivers; computational methods; hydraulic jump; hydraulic applications in channel transitions
and controls; flow over spillways; pollution problems in rivers and streams. Prerequisite:
14:180:448 Elements of Hydrology (3 cr)
Hydrologic cycle; weather and hydrology; precipitation; evaporation and transpiration; stream
flow and subsurface hydrology; stream flow hydrographs; unit hydrograph theory; stream flow
routing; computer simulation of hydrologic processes; probability concepts in hydrology;
models for frequency distribution of floods; time series analysis. Prerequisite: 14:180:387.
14:180:471 Elements of Environmental Geotechnology (3cr)
Geotechnical aspects of analysis design and construction of waste containment systems.
Prerequisite: 14:180:372.
A. Program
The goal of the CEE BS/MS is to allow academically qualified students to receive the BS and MS
degrees in a shortened time frame (5 year or 5 years and summer). This highly intensive
academic program gives students more research experience and better prepares them for
research and development careers or further graduate study. Completing the BS/MS or is
possible if you take graduate‐level courses in the senior year in addition to completing all of the
undergraduate degree requirements. (Courses cannot double‐count for both undergraduate
requirements and graduate credit).
B. Eligibility
In order to be admitted to the BS/MS, students must:
1) Have a 3.2 cumulative GPA or higher.
2) No GRE exam scores are required.
3) Apply after the end of spring exams but before September 15th of senior year.
3) Have completed all of the requirements for general, humanities and social science
4) Submit two (2) letters of recommendation and a personal statement. At least one of your
letters must be from you research advisor.
C. Curriculum
The BS/MS program requires the student to take at least six (6) graduate course credits in their
senior year. These credits can be research credits or can be course credits or a combination of
both. The BS/MS program requires the student to take 30 graduate course credits in addition to
the 128 undergraduate course credits in to graduate. BS/MS students can take up to six (6)
credits of 400 level courses.
D. Timeline for BS/MS Program
Spring of Junior year: Learn about the BS/MS program and get information from your advisor.
September 15th : Deadline to apply to the CE BS/MS program.
Senior year: Take at least two (2) graduate courses or take one (1) graduate course and three
(3) research of Advanced Topics (180:601) or (180:602) with a research advisor.
Fifth year: Take the remainder of master’s courses (Research/Elective/Core Graduate Courses)
in the fall and spring of the fifth year.
Summer following fifth year: Complete your three (3) credits Special Project.
Please Note:
1) Students need to graduate with a B.Sc. at the end of the spring semester of their senior year.
2) Continuation in the BS/MS program is contingent on receiving no more than one C grade in
the graduate courses in the senior year.
1. Students apply to the graduate program office of civil and environmental engineering.
2. Students need to fill out the B.S. ‐ M.S. Degree Application Form (you can download it from
the web), provide a brief personal statement, and two letters of recommendation.
Once students are admitted to the B.S. ‐ M.S. program and they maintain their department's
requirements. Then during the spring semester of their studies they will receive official notice
from the graduate program that they have been admitted. After that, they will receive an
official letter from the Office of Graduate and Professional Admissions.
Rutgers undergraduates who have a GPA of 3.2 or higher and have completed (or are
completing) their sixth semester are eligible to apply to the B.S. ‐ M.S. program. Students
usually apply during their sixth semester or right before their seventh semester. The interested
student must have completed 96 credits of coursework at the end of their sixth semester of
undergraduate study.
In addition to the possibility of completing your graduate studies in a reduced time frame, the
B.S. ‐ M.S. program offers the following advantages:
The GRE requirement is waived for students in the B.S.‐M.S. program. Please note that
SoE still recommends that you take the GRE exam, as it is required for application to
national fellowships, as well as by graduate programs at other universities.
Students do not need to submit a formal application to the Rutgers Office of Graduate
and Professional Admissions. The application will be processed internally and, even
though students do not submit an application to OGPA, they will receive an official
admissions letter from OGPA a few weeks after they have been notified by the
department that they have been admitted.
It is highly recommended to take the FE exam in the spring semester of the senior year
The Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam is generally your first step in the process to
becoming a professional licensed engineer (P.E.). It is designed for recent graduates and
students who are close to finishing an undergraduate engineering degree from an
EAC/ABET‐accredited program. The FE exam is a computer‐based exam administered
year‐round at NCEES‐approved Pearson VUE test centers.
The FE exam includes 110‐questions. The exam appointment time is 6 hours long and
Nondisclosure agreement (2 minutes)
Tutorial (8 minutes)
Exam (5 hours and 20 minutes)
Scheduled break (25 minutes)
To take the exam, you need to register with NCEES
Go to to create MyNCEES account
Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three
attempts in a 12‐month period.
The FE Examination is $175 payable at the time of the online registration
Passing this exam does not ensure that the student will be certified as an Engineer
Intern (E.I.T). To obtain certification, the student must file an application with an
engineering licensing board and meet that board’s requirements for certification.
The New Jersey board does not require examinees to submit an application or an
additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an FE exam. After passing
the FE exam, the NJ Licensing Board requires to file a separate application to become
certified Engineer‐In‐Training (EIT). Link to download the NJ Board EIT instructions and
Test Center Locations and Dates
Choosing the exam location and date is typically the last step of the exam registration
How to Prepare for the FE exam
Reviewing the FE exam specifications, fees, and requirements
Reading the reference materials
Understanding scoring and reporting
Viewing the most up‐to‐date FE exam pass rates
Special accommodations are available for examinees who meet certain eligibility criteria
and sufficiently document their request.
Reference Materials and Exam Preparation
The NCEES FE Reference Handbook is the only reference material that can be used
during the exam.
o You will be provided with an electronic reference handbook during the exam.
o For access prior to your exam, you may either purchase a hard copy or download
a free electronic copy.
o Register or log in to MyNCEES to download your free copy of the FE Reference
NCEES offers practice exams. These practice exams contain questions that have been
used on past exams and questions written just for study materials to give you extra
The NCEES practice exams now come in paperback print copies. Online practice exams
are no longer available. If you have already purchased an online practice exam, you will
have access to the exam until the exam is completed or until your purchased time
FE exam results are typically available 7–10 days after you take the exam. You will
receive an email notification from NCEES with instructions to view your results in your
MyNCEES account. Results include information specific to your licensing board regarding
how you should proceed based on your performance.
Calculator Policy
The only calculator models allowed in the 2018 exams are:
o Casio: All fx‐115 and fx‐991 models
o HP: All HP‐33 and HP‐35 models
o TI: All TI‐30X and TI‐36X
ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) Student Chapter
The Rutgers ASCE Student Chapter
represents The American Society of Civil
Engineers (ASCE) on campus. Here at Rutgers, we provide students with
a Civil & Environmental Engineering career fair day, professional
engineers from industry that come in and review student resumes, as
well as shadow days at top engineering firms. In addition to this, we
have two
teams, a
canoe team
and a steel
bridge team
themselves design and then compete with
other universities in the northeast area
every year. For more information, visit our
American Water Works Association (AWWA) Student Chapter
The Rutgers AWWA
Student Chapter
represents The
American Water
Works Association (AWWA) on campus.
Here at Rutgers, we provide students with
numerous networking opportunities on
campus with environmental engineers from
various local engineering firms, such as
Hatch Mott MacDonald and CDM Smith.
There is also an opportunity every year to
compete in a water filter design competition
with other engineering students. For more
information, visit our Facebook page at
Engineers In Action Student Chapter
The Bridges to Prosperity University Chapter stems from a non‐
profit organization called Bridges to Prosperity (B2P). B2P is an
international non‐profit organization that works alongside
community members, industry partners, and university students
to build footbridges in isolated communities in the developing
world. B2P provides isolated communities with access to
essential health care, education and economic opportunities by
rivers. Since its
foundation in
2001, B2P has supported or constructed over 200
footbridges in 20 countries, serving nearly one million
people. Our chapter consists of students who, with the
help of Bridge Corp members, design these footbridges
and then travel to the developing country to build
them with the local community. For more information,
visit our homepage on Facebook,
Engineers Without Borders‐USA (EWB‐USA)
EWB‐USA is a non‐profit
humanitarian organization
established to partner with
developing communities worldwide
in order to improve their quality of
life. EWB‐USA supports community‐driven development
programs worldwide by collaborating with local partners to
design and implement sustainable engineering projects, while
creating transformative experiences and responsible leaders.
To ensure sustainability of its projects, communication with
communities is maintained for no less than five years.
The Rutgers Chapter is involved in several projects. Three of
the four projects are international projects in Guatemala,
Kenya, and Tanzania. The last project is local in our own
Camden, NJ. Visit our official website for more information:
Chi Epsilon – Civil & Environmental Engineering Honors Society
Chi Epsilon is the national honor society for Civil & Environmental Engineering students. This society
recognizes the top third of the junior or senior class who display the qualities embodied by their four
pillars: Scholarship, character, practicality, and sociability.
Scholarship: recognize excellence and achievement in academic and professional endeavors
Character: uphold the integrity and responsibility of the civil engineering profession through our service
Practicality: advance the civil engineering profession through innovative and impactful solutions
Sociability: connect our members while engaging the broader community
NASTT – North American Society of Trenchless Technologies
The North American Society of Trenchless Technology (NASTT) is
an engineering society of individuals, public organizations and
private companies with strong beliefs in the practical, social and
environmental benefits of trenchless technology. Founded in 1990, NASTT
represents more than 1,600 members throughout the U.S.A and Canada who all
promote better and more responsible
ways to manage our underground
infrastructure. Trenchless technology
is a progressive civil engineering
process for the installation,
replacement or renewal of
underground utilities with no or
minimal excavation and surface
disruption. Learn more information about our organization at and