Concrete Materials and Structural Integrity Research Unit

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Annual Report 2013

Concrete Materials & Structural Integrity Research Unit

Department of Civil Engineering
University of Cape Town


Professor Mark Alexander

Professor Pilate Moyo

Associate Professor Hans Beushausen

Concrete Materials & Structural Integrity Research Unit

University of Cape Town
Department of Civil Engineering

Tel: +27 (0) 21 6502603

Fax: +27 (0)21 6897471

1 INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW ........................................................................... - 1 -
2 HIGH-LEVEL OBJECTIVES ................................................................................... - 2 -
3 RESEARCH AND STUDENT TRAINING ...................................................................... - 3 -
4 AREAS OF RESEARCH ........................................................................................ - 4 -
4.1 Concrete materials and concrete construction ........................................................................... - 4 -
4.2 Structural Integrity and health monitoring, and loading on bridges and structures ................................. - 4 -
4.3 Research topic areas ......................................................................................................... - 4 -
5 IMPACT OF RESEARCH – HIGH LEVEL ..................................................................... - 5 -
6 STUDENTS REGISTERED AND PROGRESS ................................................................. - 6 -
6.1 Post Graduate students – details and research topics.................................................................... - 7 -
6.2 Undergraduate students (final year dissertation students in our areas of research) ............................... - 11 -
7 PUBLICATIONS 2013 ....................................................................................... - 13 -
7.1 Books .......................................................................................................................... - 13 -
7.2 Refereed/peer reviewed journals ......................................................................................... - 13 -
7.3 Proceedings of refereed international conferences ..................................................................... - 14 -
7.4 Proceedings of other conferences and symposia ........................................................................ - 15 -
7.5 Papers accepted or submitted for publication or presentation: ....................................................... - 16 -
8 AWARDS, PRIZES, AND APPOINTMENTS DURING 2013 ............................................... - 16 -
10 COLLABORATIONS AND LINKAGES ...................................................................... - 18 -
10.1 International Collaborations ................................................................................................ - 18 -
10.2 Visiting Scholars and Researchers.......................................................................................... - 19 -
10.3 Industrial Linkages ........................................................................................................... - 20 -
11 CONFERENCES, WORKSHOPS, SEMINARS............................................................... - 21 -
12 ACTIVITIES OF AND COLLABORATION WITH HRAs .................................................... - 23 -
13 LAB AND OTHER EXTERNAL WORK UNDERTAKEN .................................................... - 23 -
15 ORGANISATIONAL ARRANGEMENTS ..................................................................... - 25 -
15.1 Governance ................................................................................................................... - 25 -
15.2 Organogram ................................................................................................................... - 25 -
15.3 Staff active in the research unit for 2013 ................................................................................ - 25 -
15.4 Staffing challenges........................................................................................................... - 26 -
16 MAJOR FUTURE RISKS/OPPORTUNITIES................................................................ - 26 -
16.1 Risks ........................................................................................................................... - 26 -
16.2 Opportunities ................................................................................................................. - 26 -
17 FINANCIAL STATEMENT 2013 ............................................................................ - 27 -
18 BUDGET FOR 2014 ......................................................................................... - 28 -
19 APPENDICES ................................................................................................ - 29 -


The Concrete Materials and Structural Integrity Research Unit (CoMSIRU) is a long-standing research
entity in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Cape Town. It attracts annual
industry support and funding, interacts with industry to set and monitor research priorities, and
produces a steady stream of scientific, technological and human resource outputs.

The Research is strongly informed by the needs of owners and managers of large stocks of
reinforced concrete infrastructure such as Eskom, the South African National Roads Agency,
Department of Water Affairs and Environment, etc. Technology transfer activities (in the form of
scientific papers, easy-read monographs, short courses and seminars) aimed at such entities, as well
as the general cement and concrete industry and associated sectors of the economy, are also an
important component.

The Research Programme is closely integrated with the postgraduate teaching programmes in Civil
Infrastructure Management and Maintenance and Structural Engineering and Materials in the
Department of Civil Engineering. Research students generally undertake a suite of postgraduate
courses to improve their knowledge and to prepare them for their research work. Most students
undertake an MSc (Eng) degree by way of 60 credits (min) of advanced coursework and a 120 credit
research dissertation. Recently, there has been an encouraging increase in the number of doctoral
research students.


CoMSIRU takes as a foundational philosophy the importance of developing high-level human

resources for industry, academia and research. Research is a vehicle towards this goal, and not
merely an end in itself. This means that our research and activities will always be student-centred.
We will endeavour to foster a collaborative attitude, critical thinking, and independent thought
among students and encourage them to work in teams wherever possible. We will also regularly
bring them into contact with industry and its needs so that they can better understand how their
own research influences engineering practice.

In view of this, the high-level objectives of CoMSIRU are:

2.1 Materially expand and improve the pool of high-level skills in concrete materials
and structural engineering, in South Africa
Our first responsibility is to educate and train students in the knowledge and application of concrete
and concrete structures. This is done mainly via the pool of high-level research students (Masters
and Doctoral) in our teaching and research programmes. We aim to expand and improve intellectual
capacity for the concrete industry.

2.2 Influence the culture and practice of design

This needs to be done by creating a fundamental understanding in students and practitioners of the
critical importance of materials in structural/civil design of infrastructure.
To do this we will undertake research aimed at the following aspects:
 Performance design.
 Life-cycle design.
 Materials and durability-based design.
These are considered points of departure from conventional design philosophies.
In addition, our post graduate courses and technology transfer activities will have a strong
component of materials engineering and performance.

2.3 Improve management of the infrastructure

This will involve:
 Creating awareness of this topic among students and engineers.
 Developing improved understanding of deterioration mechanisms and maintenance/repair
 Mounting a ‘Civil Infrastructure Management and Maintenance’ programme from 2013 to
more directly address this important issue.

2.4 Embed durability and sustainability in all aspects of concrete structural/civil
This will require us to:
 Develop a more inclusive and integrated approach to design and management of
infrastructure, in which a long-term, life-cycle approach is promoted.
 Consider resource efficiency for civil infrastructure in terms of design and construction
 Consider ways of practical implementation of sustainability in structural/civil design,
through re-thinking the design process.

2.5 Promote structural health monitoring as a key tool for structural performance
This will include:
 Developing and implementing strategies for monitoring and evaluating structural
performance based on appropriate sensing and data analysis procedures.
 Developing and implementing structural rehabilitation and retrofitting based on as built
behaviour of structures.
 Developing strategies for transfer of structural health monitoring technology.

2.6 Influence Codes of Practice

We will need to:
 Actively participate in writing and editing codes of practice and specifications, and drafting
new test methods.
 Assist engineers with interpretation and application of codes using alternative philosophies
and approaches.
In addition to the above aspects, CoMSIRU’s objective is to educate and develop students mainly at
the postgraduate level. We intend to materially increase the pool of high-level expertise and human
resources in our areas of expertise.


As indicated under ‘HIGH-LEVEL OBJECTIVES’, CoMSIRU takes as a foundational philosophy the
importance of developing high-level human resources for industry. Research is a vehicle towards
this goal, and not an end in itself. Therefore, student education and training are our top priorities,
and our activities are focused on these priorities.


CoMSIRU has two broad areas of research. These intersect in key loci to permit interdisciplinary

4.1 Concrete materials and concrete construction

 Performance of cementitious materials.

 Deterioration studies on concrete structures.
 Durability studies on concrete structures.
 Development of durability-based design philosophies and practice.
 Development and verification of service life models.
 Repair and rehabilitation materials and methods.
 Sustainability of concrete construction.

4.2 Structural Integrity and health monitoring, and loading on bridges and structures

 Full-scale structural performance monitoring and assessment of concrete structures.

 Dynamic-based structural integrity assessment.
 Repair and strengthening of RC structures.
 Vibration serviceability of civil infrastructure.
 Bridge live loading.

4.3 Research topic areas

The research areas pursued in 2013 were:

 Studies on modern concretes and materials.
 Concrete mix design improvement through efficient use of supplementary cementitious
 Service life models and prediction of service life.
 Performance-based specifications for concrete structures.
 Durability performance of concrete structures.
 Development of the Durability Index Approach to improve quality of concrete construction.
 Studies on durability index testing and correlations with other international approaches.
 Structural monitoring and performance assessment of concrete structures.
 Dynamic based condition assessment of RC structures.
 Railway bridge reliability assessment based on monitoring.
 Vibration serviceability of concrete floors and footbridges.

 Ambient vibration testing of concrete dams.
 Bridge loading.
 Strengthening of RC structures using fibre reinforced polymers.
 Repair and rehabilitation studies in concrete materials and structures.
 Cracking behaviour of concrete overlays and patch repairs.
 Studies on concrete sustainability issues.


The impact of research carried out in CoMSIRU, and more broadly in the postgraduate teaching and
research programme in Concrete Materials and Structural Integrity at UCT, involves the following:

 A growing change of mind-set to durability of concrete infrastructure in South Africa. The

discourse around this issue has changed markedly over the last 10 to 20 years, as indicated by
incorporation of some of our research outcomes into specifications and codes of practice
nationally, and a much greater concern with durability.
 A sounder approach to condition assessment and strengthening of concrete structures. This
aspect of the Research Unit’s work has grown substantially in the last 10 years.
 Input into national codes and standards, where research findings are being reflected.
 Publications, specifically the series of Monographs that is produced and regularly supplemented
by new Monographs. As far as scientific papers are concerned, the output of the Unit is

substantial, and the vast majority appear in internationally respected journals and
 Local and international involvement and exposure of researchers in seminars, symposia,
conferences, etc. In addition, researchers serve on or lead local and international
organisations or technical committees of relevance to their areas of research.
 Existence of a laboratory and resources of national importance in concrete and concrete
structures. This is particularly to be seen in the light of the reduction and loss in national
agency resources, and to a significant degree, industry resources in these areas.
 Our Masters and Doctoral graduates are in high demand.


In 2013, CoMSIRU had the following registered students: 9 doctoral, 31 masters, as well as 7 MEng.
There were also 23 undergraduate dissertation students who worked in our areas of research for
their final year projects.


Registration Total Female Male Black/Indian White Foreign

PhD 9 3 6 9 0 9 0
MSc (Eng) 31 3 28 18 13 17 14
MEng 7 0 7 6 1 3 4

Grand Total 47 6 41 33 14 29 18


Graduation Total Female Male Black/Indian White Foreign

PhD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
MSc (Eng) 8 0 8 4 4 4 4
MEng 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grand Total 8 0 8 4 4 4 4

6.1 Post Graduate students – details and research topics


MGA – Mark Alexander; HB – Hans Beushausen; PM – Pilate Moyo; VC – Vernon Collis

Super- Degree Year first Progress on
Name super- Title of Research project
visor registered registered project

R Prediction model for
MGA _ PhD 2004 Completion
Heiyantuduwa concrete durability.
A Framework for the
R Muigai MGA PM PhD 2009 Design of more Submitted
Sustainable Concrete April 2014
Development of a
M Otieno HB MGA PhD 2009 corrosion rate prediction
model for marine
tidal/splash exposure
A Service Life prediction
model based on Anticipated
R Gopinath MGA HB PhD 2011 Carbonation induced Completion
Corrosion for South 2016
African Conditions.
Time dependent bridge
network reliability
M Kabani PM HB PhD 2011 Completion
assessment with health
Dynamic characterization
of concrete dams using Anticipated
P Bukenya PM HB PhD 2011 Completion
operational modal
analysis. 2015

The Use of Low Clinker Anticipated

G Nganga MGA HB PhD 2012 Cementitious Materials in Completion
Concrete. 2016
The Optimisation of Mix 2013.
Design Parameters and Anticipated
P Arito HB MGA PhD 2013 Constituents to Minimise Completion
Cracking in Patch Repair 2016

The Influence of Sewer

Environment Parameters Commenced
M Kiliswa MGA HB PhD 2013
on the Deterioration of 2013.
Concrete Sewer Pipes.
Concrete mix design and
manufacturing techniques Graduated
M Martin HB MGA MSc (Eng) 2010
using durability End-2012
MGA – Mark Alexander; HB – Hans Beushausen; PM – Pilate Moyo; VC – Vernon Collis

Super- Degree Year first Progress on
Name super- Title of Research project
visor registered registered project

Long term performance of

corrosion damaged RC
S Gregan PM HB MSc (Eng) 2010 beams, patch repaired
and externally
strengthened using CFRP.
Assessing the
M Chilwesa HB PM MSc (Eng) 2010 performance of concrete
repair mortars/overlays.
Mix Design Optimisation –
The Effect of Mix Design
M Angelucci HB MGA MSc (Eng) 2011 Parameters and Mixture
Properties on Concrete
Dynamic performance of
E Leo PM HB MSc (Eng) 2011 concrete-concrete
composite bridges.
The influence of cracking
J Kanjee HB MGA MSc (Eng) 2011 on Durability and Service

Prediction and testing of Graduated

N Kizito HB PM MSc (Eng) 2011
tensile relaxation of Mid-2013
The Integration of Non-
destructive Test Methods
S Starck HB PM MSc (Eng) 2011 in the South African
Durability Index
Assessing the long term
availability of
construction aggregates Graduating
B Walker MGA VC MSc (Eng) 2011
of the Cape Town area Mid- 2014
from a sustainable
Design and Specification,
including Service-Life
J Kessy MGA HB MSc (Eng) 2011 Prediction Models and Graduated
Experimental methods – Mid-2013
an International
The use of construction
K Wickins MGA VC MSc (Eng) 2011 and demolition waste in
the Cape Peninsula.
modelling of arch dams Graduated
M Nzuza PM HB MSc (Eng) 2011
for performance Mid-2013
MGA – Mark Alexander; HB – Hans Beushausen; PM – Pilate Moyo; VC – Vernon Collis

Super- Degree Year first Progress on
Name super- Title of Research project
visor registered registered project

The Influence of substrate

M Talotti HB PM MSc (Eng) 2012 moisture preparation on Mid-2014
overlay bond strength.
Crack resistance of
concrete subjected to Graduated
T Dittmer HB PM MSc (Eng) 2012 restrained deformation. End-2013

L Mutale HB MGA MSc (Eng) 2012 Performance-based tailor Graduation
made concrete. Mid-2014
Critical Review of the
South African Durability Graduating
Z Mukadam MGA HB MSc (Eng) 2012
Index Tests, with Possible Mid-2014
The effects of aggregate
grading and packing on Anticipated
M Loseby MGA HB MSc (Eng) 2012
the transport properties Graduation
of concrete. 2014

Behaviour of concrete Graduating

M Vezi PM MGA MSc (Eng) 2012
arch dams. Mid-2014
The effect of varying
patch sizes on
T Dladla PM HB MSc (Eng) 2012 Graduation
strengthened beams with
Strengthening of
S Mundeli PM - MSc (Eng) 2012 Reinforced Concrete Mid-2014
Impact behaviour of
strengthened RC
F Mullagee PM - MSc (Eng) 2011 Graduation
structures: Experimental 2014
Design of footbridges for Graduating
T Townshend PM - MSc (Eng) 2011
vibration serviceability. Mid-2014

Dynamic behaviour of Anticipated

A Ruiters PM - MSc (Eng) 2011 strengthened RC beams: Graduation
Numerical study. 2014
Deterioration Mechanism
Analysis of Bridges and Commenced
T Mbanjwa PM HB MSc (Eng) 2013
Culverts in the Western 2013
Cape, South Africa.
The Effect of Cyclic
Wetting and Drying Commenced
G Golden MGA HB MSc (Eng) 2013
Regimes on Corrosion 2013
Rate in RC Structures.
MGA – Mark Alexander; HB – Hans Beushausen; PM – Pilate Moyo; VC – Vernon Collis

Super- Degree Year first Progress on
Name super- Title of Research project
visor registered registered project

The Influence of Curing on

Restrained Shrinkage Commenced
N Bester HB MGA MSc (Eng) 2013
Cracking of Bonded 2013
Repair and Service Life
M Tsoana HB PM MSc (Eng) 2013 Extension of Reinforced 2013
Concrete Structures.
Review of Methods of
N Makaring PM MGA MSc (Eng) 2013 Analysing Safety of Large 2013
Concrete Arch Dams.
Durability of Reinforced
Concrete Structures in
O Alao MGA HB MSc (Eng) 2013 Marine Environment – 2013
Case Study: Cape
Fatigue Reliability of Pre-
stressed Reinforced Commenced
Y Amesu PM MGA MSc (Eng) 2013
Concrete Box-Girder 2013
Railway Bridges.
Behaviour of FRP
Strengthened RC Beams
P Habimana PM HB MSc (Eng) 2013 with Concrete Patch 2013
Repairs under Impact
An Investigation into the
Application of Impact Echo
E Okwori PM MGA M (Eng) 2013 Techniques in Non- 2013
Destructive Testing of RC
Piles/Slender Members.
Developing a Framework
K Emma- for Embodied Energy Commenced
PM HB M (Eng) 2013
Iwuoha Assessment of Concrete 2013
Rehabilitation Options
Vibration serviceability of Graduated
A Khan PM - M (Eng) 2012
floors: Design guidelines end 2013
Management of railway Graduated
R Kayonga PM - M (Eng) 2012
bridges end 2013
Effect partitions on Graduated
W le Roux PM - M (Eng) 2011
vibration of slender floors end 2013
Management of highway
L Leukes PM - M (Eng) 2011 bridges using Struman end 2013
Risk-Based Bridge
Management Strategies: Commenced
J Kamara PM MGA M (Eng) 2013
Literature Review and 2013
- 10 -
6.2 Undergraduate students (final year dissertation students in our areas of research)


MGA – Mark Alexander; HB – Hans Beushausen; PM – Pilate Moyo

Super- Degree
Name Title of Research project
visor registered

Experimental Modal Analysis and Finite Element Modelling (FEM)

D Bartlett PM BSc (Eng) of Precast Beam-Slab Composite Structures
Influence of Relative Humidity on Steel Corrosion in RC
C Bedingfield MGA BSc (Eng) Structures

C Chibulu HB BSc (Eng) Influence of Fine Fillers on Concrete Overlay Bond Strength

M Coleman PM BSc (Eng) A review of Dynamics-Based Damage Detection in Composites

M Dalton HB BSc (Eng) The Influence of Concrete Mix Parameters on Durability Indexes

Influence of Relative Humidity on Steel Corrosion in RC

W Galvaan MGA BSc (Eng) Structures
Technical and Economic Optimisation of Use of Admixtures with
S Maharaj MGA BSc (Eng) Western Cape Binders
Investigation of Different Methods of Measuring Porosity in
D Manning MGA BSc (Eng) Cement-Based Materials (not completed)
The Influence of Curing on Strength and Permeability of
T Martinez HB BSc (Eng) Concrete

M Masamba PM BSc (Eng) A Fatigue Life Assessment of the Olifants River Bridge

The Influence of Curing on Strength and Permeability of

R McKinley HB BSc (Eng) Concrete
Concrete Design for Sustainability in Residential and Small
K Moyaba MGA BSc (Eng) Commercial Buildings – How Can ‘structural Form’ Contribute to
Better Solutions?
Evaluating the Quality of Concrete Construction in UCT’s New
C Naidoo HB BSc (Eng) Engineering Building
Comparison of the South African Bridge Design Code with
A Robinson PM BSc (Eng) Eurocode, using Traffic Loading
Technical and Economic Optimisation of Use of Admixtures with
M Senthumule MGA BSc (Eng)
Western Cape Binders

R Talotti HB BSc (Eng) Engineering Properties of Commercial Patch Repair Materials

T Thuku HB BSc (Eng) Durability Properties of Commercial Patch Repair Materials

A v d Merwe MGA BSc (Eng) Rainwater Harvesting in an Industrial Area of Cape Town

W v d Westhuizen MGA BSc (Eng) Thermal Properties of Cements

- 11 -
MGA – Mark Alexander; HB – Hans Beushausen; PM – Pilate Moyo

Super- Degree
Name Title of Research project
visor registered

B Wang PM BSc (Eng) Damage Detection of Steel Frame Structure by Modal Testing

Testing the Compressive Strength of Existing Structures:

N Waters HB BSc (Eng)
Influence of Core Sample Dimensions on Strength Results

A Welihockyj PM BSc (Eng) Dynamic Loading of the Kalbaskraal Railway Bridge FE Model

R Wylie PM BSc (Eng) Research into the Structural Properties of Repaired Structures

- 12 -


Refereed Books/ International Other Accepted/Submitted

Journals Chapters Conferences Outputs For publication

24 8 1 9 1 5

33 10 2 15 1 5

44 13 5 9 3 14

7.1 Books

ALEXANDER, M.G., BERTRON, A., and DE BELIE, N. (Eds.). Performance of Cement-Based Materials
in Aggressive Aqueous Environments. State-of-the-Art Report, RILEM TC 211 – PAE. Springer, 2013,
449 pp.

7.2 Refereed/peer reviewed journals

GITHACHURI. K. and ALEXANDER, M.G. “Durability performance potential and strength of blended
portland limestone cement concrete”. Cement and Concrete Composites, Vol 39, May 2013, pp.
(Online March 2013, http://dx/

NGANGA, G., ALEXANDER, M.G. and BEUSHAUSEN, H. “Practical implementation of the durability
index performance-based design approach”. Construction and Building Materials. Construction and
Building Materials. Vol 45, (2013) pp. 251-261.
(DOI information: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2013.03.069.)
(Online 6 May 2013, at:

MUIGAI, R., ALEXANDER, M.G., and MOYO, P. “Cradle-to-Factory Gate Environmental Impacts of the
Concrete Industry in South Africa”. SAICE Journal, Vol 55 (2), Aug 2013, pp. 2-7.

OTIENO, M.B., BEUSHAUSEN, H. and ALEXANDER, M.G. “Effect of chemical composition of slag on
chloride penetration resistance of concrete”. Cement and Concrete Composites, (2013). DOI

- 13 -
GAYLARD, P.C., BALLIM, Y. and FATTI, L.P. “A model for the drying shrinkage of South African
concretes”. Journal of SAICE, Vol 55(1), April 2013, pp. 45-59.

NGANGA, G. and GOUWS, S.M. “The oxygen permeability index test: its application and addressing
the variability issues”. Concrete Beton (Jnl. of CSSA), No. 134, Aug 2013, pp. 6-12.

GAYLARD, P.C., FATTI, L.P. and BALLIM, Y. “Statistical modelling of the shrinkage behaviour of
South African concretes”. Accepted for publication, S A Statistical Journal, 15 November, 2013.

BEUSHAUSEN, H. and CHILWESA, M. “Assessment and prediction of drying shrinkage cracking in

bonded mortar overlays”. Cement and Concrete Research, Vol 53, 2013, pp. 256-266.

7.3 Proceedings of refereed international conferences

MUIGAI, R.M. and ALEXANDER, M.G. “A review of performance-based sustainability design method
for concrete structures”. Proceedings, 1st Int. Conference on Concrete Sustainability, Japan, May

KABANI, M., MOYO, P. and ALEXANDER, M. “Challenges in reliability based bridge life-
cycle management”. 11th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability, New York,
June 2013.

MOYO, P., HATTINGH, L. and OOSTHUIZEN, C. “Ambient vibration measurements at Kouga dam –
getting much more information than expected”. ICOLD 2013 International Symposium, Seattle,
Washington, August 2013, pp. 2507-2514. ISBN 978-1-884575-63-1.

MOYO, P., HATTINGH, L. and OOSTHUIZEN, C. “Dynamic based condition assessment of reinforced
Concrete bridges over dam spillways”. ICOLD 2013 International Symposium, Seattle, Washington,
August 2013, pp. 372-379. ISBN 978-1-884575-63-1.

VEZI, M.M., MOYO, P. and OOSTHUIZEN, C. “Dynamic modelling of arch dams in the ambient state”.
SANCOLD 2013, Thaba ‘Nchu, South Africa, November 2013, pp. 230-238. ISBN 978-0-7972-1463-7.

BUKENYA, P., MOYO, P. and OOSTHUIZEN, C. “Experimental modal identification of a South African
concrete arch dam”. 5th International Conference on Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil
Engineering Structures, Ouro Preto, Brazil, October 2013, pp. 133-138.

- 14 -
ALEXANDER, M. and SANTHANAM M. “Achieving durability in reinforced concrete structures:
durability indices, durability design and performance-based specifications”. Keynote paper at
International Conferences on Advances in Building Sciences & Rehabilitation and Restoration of
Structures, Feb 2013, IIT Madras, Chennai, India, 21pp.

BALLIM, Y. “Case studies in the use of optical microscopy for diagnosis of concrete damage and
deterioration”. International Conferences on Advances in Building Sciences & Rehabilitation and
Restoration of Structures, Feb 2013, IIT Madras, Chennai, India, pp. 45-59.

ALEXANDER, M.G. and NGANGA, G. ‘Reinforced concrete durability: some recent developments in
performance-based approaches”. Keynote paper, ISCC 2013 (International Seminar on Cement and
Concrete), Nanjing, China, September 2013, 13 pp.

7.4 Proceedings of other conferences and symposia

NGANGA, G. and ALEXANDER, M.G. “Practical application of on-site durability testing for RC
structures”. ACCTA Conference (International Conference on Advances in Cement and Concrete
Technology in Africa 2013), Emperor’s Palace, Gauteng, Jan. 2013.

ARITO, P., BEUSHAUSEN, H., ALEXANDER, M.G. and OTIENO, M. “The use of sacrificial anodes in
extending the service life of RC structures in South Africa”. ACCTA Conference (International
Conference on Advances in Cement and Concrete Technology in Africa 2013), Emperor’s Palace,
Gauteng, Jan. 2013.

Oral Presentations:

ALEXANDER, M.G. “Corrosion in reinforced concrete – aspects of cracking, durability, and service
life”. Anna Maria XIV Workshop, Holmes Beach, Florida, November 2013.

ALEXANDER, M.G. and KILISWA, M. “Performance testing and specification of concrete”. TECON
Seminar, Concrete Society of Southern Africa, October 2013.

ALEXANDER, M.G. Presentations on corrosion inhibitors, durability specifications, and carbonation at

Workshop on Concrete Durability, IIT Madras, Chennai, India, February 2013.

ALEXANDER, M.G. and MUIGAI, R. “Performance-based durability design and sustainability”.

Presented at Totally Concrete Expo, Sandton, June 2013.

- 15 -
7.5 Papers accepted or submitted for publication or presentation:

BEUSHAUSEN, H. and BURMEISTER N. “The use of surface coatings to increase the service life of
reinforced concrete structures for durability class XC”. Submitted April 2013 to Materials and
Structures, accepted July 2013.

BEUSHAUSEN, H, GILLMER, M and ALEXANDER, M. “The influence of superabsorbent polymers on

strength and durability properties of blended cement mortars”. Submitted April 2013 to Cement
and Concrete Composites, accepted 2014.

BEUSHAUSEN, H, GILLMER, M and ALEXANDER, M. “The use of superabsorbent polymers to reduce

cracking of bonded mortar overlays”. Submitted April 2013 to Cement and Concrete Composites,
accepted 2014.

OTIENO, M.B., ARITO, P., BEUSHAUSEN, H. and ALEXANDER, M. “Corrosion propagation of steel in
concrete – induction and sustenance”. Submitted 2013 to ACI Materials Journal.

OTIENO, M.B., ALEXANDER, M. and BEUSHAUSEN, H. “Resistivity versus corrosion risk in cracked RC
structures”. Submitted 2013 to ACI Materials Journal.

MUIGAI, R., ALEXANDER, M. and MOYO, P. “A review of life-cycle assessment studies on concrete
frame buildings”. Renewable and sustainable energy reviews, 2013. RSER-D-12-00160R1.


Prof Alexander is President of RILEM (International Union of Laboratories and Experts in

Construction Materials, Systems and Structures, France) for 2012-2015.

Mr Mike Otieno, PhD student and Carnegie research scholar, was appointed to a lectureship at the
University of the Witwatersrand from March 2014.

Dr Chris Oosthuizen (Panel Member) is currently Chairman of the ICOLD Technical Committee on
Dam Surveillance. He received the SANCOLD 2013 Award for an outstanding contribution to Dam
Engineering in South Africa.

Dr Sifiso Nhleko was awarded the C V Raman International Fellowship for African Researchers, by
the Indian Ministry of Science and Technology.

- 16 -
Mr Mfundo Vezi, a Masters student in CoMSIRU, attended the South African National Committee on
Large Dams (SANCOLD) conference in November, 2013. He was the recipient of the SANCOLD award
for the best paper prepared and presented by a young engineer.


9.1 Durability test methods

Durability test methods that have been under research development for more than a decade are
now within the SABS system for acceptance as national standards.

9.2 Number of student graduates and publications

There have been an excellent number of student graduates and publication outputs over the past
year, as can be seen under the relevant headings.

9.3 New approaches

New approaches from the research continue to be used in major national construction projects. For
example: the structural health monitoring work is now being used in evaluating a growing number of
large concrete dams; evaluation and strengthening of major railway bridge infrastructure is being
brought into the research effort; deterioration and durability studies are increasingly being carried
out on affected infrastructure.

9.4 The State-of-the-Art-Report of RILEM TC-230 (Chaired by Associate Prof Hans Beushausen)
on performance based specifications for concrete durability will be published in 2014, summarizing
developments in performance-based design approaches worldwide. This document is intended to
serve as a reference guide for development and application of durability specifications.

- 17 -

CoMSIRU has strong links with the University of the Witwatersrand. A portion of the research
programme is jointly administered with Wits University and certain joint funding arrangements

CoMSIRU also has strong links with the University of Stellenbosch through students undertaking
courses at UCT and Stellenbosch (movement both ways), and via research links.

10.1 International Collaborations

Prof Santhanam from IIT Madras is an Honorary Research Associate of CoMSIRU. Visits by
researchers between IIT Madras and UCT are regularly undertaken. Co-supervision arrangements
are also in place. Student exchanges are beginning to occur. IIT Madras has significant strengths in
analytical areas that UCT finds valuable.

Prof A Bentur, Technion, Haifa, Israel. A new Student and Staff Exchange Agreement is now in place
between CoMSIRU and Technion in Israel, having been negotiated in 2011-12. The first two UCT
students took up these arrangements in late 2012/2013. Prof Bentur also teaches on our PG courses

Prof Oded Rabinovitch, Technion, Haifa, Israel. A new link has been established between CoMSIRU
and Technion in Israel, specific to Structural Integrity research.

Prof Steffen Marx, University of Hanover Germany. A new link has been established between
CoMSIRU and University of Hanover.

Other active international collaborations are:

Prof Karen Scrivener EPFL Lausanne Lausanne

Prof Sidney Mindess UBC Vancouver
Prof Douglas Hooton University of Toronto Toronto
Prof Frank Dehn MFPA University of Leipzig
Dr Peter Taylor Iowa State University Iowa
Prof James Brownjohn University of Sheffield UK
Dr Giovanna Concu University of Cagliari Italy
Prof Oded Rabinovitch Technion Israel
Prof Barbara De Nicolo University of Cagliari Italy
Prof Alvaro Cuhna University of Porto Portugal

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10.2 Visiting Scholars and Researchers

Professor Karen Scrivener of EPFL, Switzerland, visited CoMSIRU in January 2013 and gave a one-day
CPD course on cement chemistry, well-supported by Industry.

Professor Alexander Taffe of BAM, Berlin, Germany, visited CoMSIRU in January 2013 and presented
one-day workshops on non-destructive testing of concrete structures in Cape Town, Johannesburg
and Durban.

Professor Steffen Marx of TU Hanover, Germany, visited CoMSIRU in February 2013 and presented
two-day workshops on the design of concrete bridges in Cape Town, Johannesburg and Durban.

Professor Joost Walraven of TU Delft, the Netherlands, visited CoMSIRU in February 2013 and
presented two-day workshops on the design of precast concrete structures in Cape Town,
Johannesburg and Durban.

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10.3 Industrial Linkages

Industrial linkages Personal contact Nature of Linkage

Mr B. Perrie,
Personal contact is maintained. C&CI closed
Cement Industry, via other TCI staff,
1. at the beginning of 2013 and was replaced by
TCI Ms M. De Jager (Library),
and Information Centre

Mr E Auger, Personal contact is maintained. One of our

2. PPC
Mr S Crosswell THRIP Industry Partners.

Personal contact is maintained. Contact is

3. ESKOM Mr T Courtney had with other ESKOM staff when particular
problems arise.

4. Dept. of Water Affairs Dr C Oosthuizen Research on dam safety.

Regular contact is had directly with the

5. AfriSam Mr M McDonald Cement Company, in order to review their
needs and help set priorities.

Water Research
6. Mr W Nomquphu Research on dam safety.

Sika is sponsoring projects on the

Mr W Smithers,
7 Sika performance of protective coatings for
Mr P Adams
concrete structures in UCT.

Mr Craig Mills Regular contact is had directly with the

8. Lafarge Mr Sibu Hlatshwayo, Cement Company, in order to review their
Mr Des Maharaj needs and help set priorities.

Regular contact is had directly with the

Mr Pieter Fourie,
9. Sephaku Cement Company, in order to review their
Mr Hennie van Heerden
needs and help set priorities.

10. Transnet Mr Josiah Mpofu Research on railway bridges and structures.

11. NNR Dr. Sifiso Nhleko Research on nuclear structures.

Misc. Consultancies, Queries, specialist lab work, limited

12. Contractors, Public Various consultancies carried out.

- 20 -


Organiser (O)/ Title of Conference/ No of

Attendee (A) workshop/seminar & Venue Attendees

International Conference on Advances in Building

2013 MGA/YB
Science and Rehabilitation and Restoration of 250
Structures, Feb. 2013, IIT Madras, Chennai, India.

Keynote paper, ISCC 2013 (International Seminar on

2013 MGA(A) Cement and Concrete), Nanjing, China, September 400

ACCTA Conference (International Conference on

2013 MGA/GN/PA (A) Advances in Cement and Concrete Technology in Africa 150
2013), Emperor’s Palace, Gauteng, Jan. 2013.

2013 MGA (A) Anna Maria XIV Workshop, Holmes Beach, Florida, 45
November 2013.

2013 MGA/MK (A) TECON Seminar, Concrete Society of Southern Africa.

October 2013 (4 main centres)

Workshop on Concrete Durability, IIT Madras, Chennai,

2013 MGA/YB (A) 100
India, Feb. 2013.

2013 MGA/PM (A) Totally Concrete Expo, Sandton, June, 2013. 80

Corrosion of Steel in Reinforced Concrete: Influence of

2013 MGA/MO (O) Cover Cracking and Concrete Quality, Cape Town, June 140

Design Principles for Precast Concrete Structures, 200

2013 HB (O)
JHB/DBN/CT, February 2013.

Cement Chemistry for Engineers, Cape Town, February

2013 MGA (O) 50

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SANCOLD 2013, Thaba ‘Nchu, South Africa, November 250

2013 PM (A)

5th International Conference on Experimental Vibration

2013 PM (A) Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures, Ouro Preto, 400
Brazil, October 2013.

ICOLD 2013, International Symposium, Seattle,

2013 PM (A) 1000
Washington, August 2013.

Strengthening of Existing Concrete structures using

2013 PM (O) 100

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CoMSIRU has three Honorary Research Associates:

Prof Manu Santhanam, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Madras, Chennai, India
Prof Santhanam spent a sabbatical period of 6 months at UCT in 2010. During this period, he
worked with us on aspects specifically related to durability performance-based specifications, and
provided valuable input for the current revision of SANS 10100. He also interacted extensively with
the postgraduate students. Currently, he is a co-supervisor for an MSc project on particle packing
and its influence on concrete durability.

Mr Vernon Collis, Independent Consultant, Cape Town

Mr Collis provides much of the intellectual background to the projects on sustainability being
undertaken in CoMSIRU. He co-supervises several MSc students, as well as providing oversight and
supervision to several final year thesis students. Through his practical work, he also feeds in
opportunities for students and staff to be involved in unusual external work.

Dr Sifiso Nhleko, National Nuclear Regulator

Dr Nhleko holds a BSc (Honours) degree in Civil Engineering, as well as an MSc degree in Structural
Engineering, both received from the University of Cape Town. In 2008 he joined the Department of
Engineering Science at the University of Oxford, where he obtained his PhD in the field of Structural
Dynamics. He is currently employed by the National Nuclear Regulator of South Africa, as a Civil and
Structural Engineer.


Major external work carried out by Prof Alexander in 2013, included, inter alia:
 Conclusion of work on the shotcrete linings of the Gautrain Tunnel, with a successful arbitration
 Input into several contracts for windfarms, specifically temperature issues in large concrete
 Work for Lafarge Mauritius on aspects of their concrete mixes and materials

Prof Moyo regularly consults industry on vibration problems, integrity assessment finite element
modelling and calibration.

A/Prof Beushausen is very active in a wide range of external work – much of it related to durability
assessments, structural evaluations, and development of repair and maintenance strategies for
reinforced concrete structures. Much of this work is also channelled through the laboratory with PG
students being involved.

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The Department of Civil Engineering, via CoMSIRU, launched a new postgraduate specialisation
programme in Civil Infrastructure Management and Maintenance (CIMM) in February 2013. The
programme offers a broad suite of knowledge and skills including asset management, project
management, maintenance, repair and rehabilitation of civil infrastructure. This programme
accords with the South African Government’s Immoveable Asset Management Act of 2007, the South
African Government National Development Plan, vision 2013 and National Infrastructure
Maintenance Strategies proposed by the Department of Works, 2006, the Department of Water
Affairs, 2008, and the Department of Transport, 2008.

The program seeks to train high level human recourses [MSc, MEng and PhD] to address human
capital shortages in this area. This should stimulate research and development in Infrastructure
Management and maintenance, leading to innovative solutions to address challenges associated with
infrastructure management and maintenance. Thus there is potential to create jobs in this sector
as the number of professionals and innovative solutions grow. To date a total of 18 postgraduate
students: 3 MSc(Eng) and 15 MEng students (by coursework) have registered on the programme. In
addition there are more than 40 students enrolled in CIMM courses for continuing professional
development (CPD).

The following courses were offered in 2013:

CIV5116Z: Durability & Condition Assessment of Concrete Structures

CON5016Z Project Planning and Implementation

CIV5067Z: Advanced Infrastructure Management

CIV5115Z: Bridge Management & Maintenance

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15.1 Governance

CoMSIRU is overseen by its three directors, Professor M Alexander, Professor P Moyo and Assoc
Professor H Beushausen. Regular meetings are held by these three directors to discuss teaching,
research, administration and budget issues. CoMSIRU is serviced administratively and financially by
a Research Administrative Finance Officer, Ms E Yelverton.

15.2 Organogram




PG Students Laboratory Staff

MSc & PhD [Note: line management of lab staff
handled by department]

Undergraduate Thesis

15.3 Staff active in the research unit for 2013

Prof M G Alexander (Team Leader); Prof P Moyo; A/Prof H-D Beushausen; Mr V Collis (Pr. Eng, Hon.
Res Assoc.); Prof M Santhanam (Indian Institute of Technology Madras); Dr S Nhleko (National
Nuclear Regulator) Mr C May, Mr L Adams and Mr D Ferus (Laboratory Assistants); Ms E Yelverton
(Research Administrative Finance Officer).

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15.4 Staffing challenges

Elly Yelverton will be retiring at the end of 2014 and Mark Alexander at the end of 2015. Plans need
to be put in place to have a smooth transition, with a minimal amount of disruption. The
appointment of a part-time administration assistant and a full-time laboratory assistant have
assisted greatly in coping with the increase in workload over the past years, due to the larger intake
of students.


16.1 Risks

Risks to CoMSIRU in the coming years encompass: staffing changes (retirement of Prof Mark
Alexander and Ms Elly Yelverton); Civil Eng. Department decisions about staff appointments, in
particular to fill Prof Alexander’s post; sustained funding from our major funders, and also
additional funders currently being approached (mainly construction companies); and possible
prolonged downturn in the civil engineering and construction industries.

16.2 Opportunities

Opportunities involve: expansion of the CIMM Programme (subject to staffing continuity); expansion
of involvement of postdoc students in CoMSIRU; expansion of laboratory capacity to handle
increasing external work from industry; and possibility to rejuvenate the staffing if Prof Alexander’s
post is filled in the areas of CoMSIRU.

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Balance as at 1 January 2013 R 2,075,140
INCOME Source Bursaries Expenses Total
Investment Fund (Interest) R0 R 12,620 R 12,620
TCI R0 R 53,980 R 53,980
TESP R 119,140 R 105,860 R 225,000
SIKA R 37,500 R 32,500 R 70,000
AfriSam R0 R 800,000 R 800,000
PPC R 182,350 R 817,650 R 1,000,000
THRIP* R0 R 11,380 R 11,380
Transnet R0 R 1,200,000 R 1,200,000
WRC R 250,000 R 227,800 R 477,800
NRF R 100,000 R 40,000 R 140,000
URC R 97,500 R 164,000 R 261,500
UEC/DHE Equipment Grant R0 R 3,500,000 R 3,500,000
Non-CoMSIRU Units contrib. to admin R0 R 22,400 R 22,400
Industry (Lab work) R 282,570 R 1,109,530 R 1,392,100
Courses/Workshops R0 R 54,950 R 54,950
TOTAL R 1,069,060 R 8,152,670 R 9,221,730

*THRIP cannot be used for bursaries - shortfall in bursaries paid via HR using income from industry (lab) work

Description Total
Bursaries R 786,490
Assets (Equipment) R 4,874,040
Salaries (student bursary top-up via HR) R 681,950
Consultancy (academics payments via HR)/Subventions R 633,540
Admin Asst/Finance Officer/Lab Staff R 360,340
Computers/Computer consumables R 86,610
Equipment & Repairs R 105,930
Chemicals/Workshop Sundries R 179,310
Stationery/Telephone/Postage/Printing R 115,790
Local Airfare R 71,110
Local Subsistence and Travel R 73,440
Foreign Airfare R 201,410
Foreign Subsistence and Travel R 250,500
Bakkie/Vehicle hire R 94,060
Refreshments/Entertainment R 55,570
Cost Recovery R 453,240
Other (Books, Memberships, Conference Venue Hire, Miscellaneous) R 126,780
TOTAL R 9,150,110
Add funds carried forward from 2012 R 2,075,140

Balance as at 31 December 2013 R 2,146,760

- 27 -
18 BUDGET FOR 2014

Balance as at 1 January 2014 R 2,146,760
INCOME Source Bursaries Expenses Total
Investment Fund (Interest) R0 R 40,000 R 40,000
TCI R0 R1,000,000 R1,000,000
TESP R0 R 100,000 R 100,000
SIKA R 30,000 R 40,000 R 70,000
PPC R 300,000 R 700,000 R 1,000,000
THRIP* R0 R 400,000 R 400,000
Transnet R0 R 1,200,000 R 1,200,000
WRC R 150,000 R 100,000 R 250,000
NRF R 100,000 R 60,000 R 160,000
URC/EBE R 80,000 R 100,000 R 180,000
Non-CoMSIRU Units contrib. to
R0 R 25,000 R 25,000
Industry (Lab work) R 450,000 R 900,000 R 1,350,000
Courses/Workshops R0 R 55,000 R 55,000
TOTAL R 1,110,000 R 4,720,000 R 5,830,000

Description Total
Bursaries R 660,000
Assets (Equipment) R 750,000
Salaries (student bursary top-up via HR) R 850,000
Consultancy (academics payments via HR)/Post Docs/Subventions R 1,130,000
Admin Asst/ Finance Officer/Lab Staff R 568,000
Computers/Computer consumables R 70,000
Equipment & Repairs R 130,000
Chemicals/Workshop Sundries R 200,000
Stationery/Telephone/Postage/Printing R 100,000
Local Airfare R 70,000
Local Subsistence and Travel R 75,000
Foreign Airfare R 250,000
Foreign Subsistence and Travel R 250,000
Bakkie/Vehicle hire R 100,000
Refreshments/Entertainment R 65,000
Cost Recovery R 500,000
Other (Books, Memberships, Conferences, Miscellaneous) R 130,000
TOTAL R 5,898,000
Add funds carried forward from 2013 R 2,146,760

Balance as at 31 December 2014 R 2,078,760

- 28 -

Eight post graduate students graduated during 2013. A condensed version of their research as
represented by Abstracts from their theses is available on the CoMSIRU website The dissertation titles are:


Matteo Angelucci Mix Design Optimisation – The Effect of Mix Design Parameters and
Mixture Properties on Concrete Durability.

Thomas Dittmer Crack resistance of concrete subjected to restrained deformation.

Justine Kessey Assessing the age at cracking of concrete repair mortars/overlays

subjected to restrained drying shrinkage

Emmanuel Leo Dynamic performance of concrete-concrete composite bridges.

Nicholas Kizito Prediction and testing of tensile relaxation of concrete.

Mbongeni Nzuza Thermo-mechanical modelling of arch dams for performance


Simon Starck The Integration of Non-destructive Test Methods in the South

African Durability Index Approach.

Kyle Wickins The use of construction and demolition waste in the Cape

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