Collins Aerospace Publications Registration Process
Collins Aerospace Publications Registration Process
Collins Aerospace Publications Registration Process
If you have an existing account, please login and skip to page 5 of these instructions.
Please register with your personal company email address. We are unable to accept residential addresses or PO
boxes, please provide the location of the business.
Requests that contain information that cannot be verified will require additional research and information and
may delay the process or be denied.
Once you have completed the form, select "Submit" at the bottom of the page.
When your customer portal account has been created successfully you will
receive an email with the following information:
Upon selecting the link within the email you will be redirected to the "Terms of
Access" page. Failure to approve the terms and conditions within 14 days will result
in the account being locked.
Select the "Technical Publications and Training" checkbox, and then "Submit" at
the bottom of the page.
If you have not heard back from our team within 5 business days, please c ontact
your local field support representative for assistance.
To maintain access to your account, you will need to login every 90 days or your
account will be locked. If your account is locked, please contact our Help Desk for