Experiment No. 2: Aim: Study & Application of Linear Measuring Instruments Objective
Experiment No. 2: Aim: Study & Application of Linear Measuring Instruments Objective
Experiment No. 2: Aim: Study & Application of Linear Measuring Instruments Objective
Measure the internal diameter, external diameter, height & depth of a given object with the
help of various linear measuring instruments.
A) Vernier Caliper
Vernier caliper is used to take internal as well as external linear dimensions of a product such
as length, width, diameter, height, thickness etc.
The vernier caliper is made out of 440C grade stainless steel. It is suitable because of its
superior wear resistance, hardness and a high ultimate tensile strength which makes it able to
withstand high stresses. In addition its ability to resist corrosion makes it a popular choice.
Least Count:
It is the smallest measurement which can be taken by vernier caliper.
Smallest measurement on main scale is 1 mm and total 50 divisions on vernier scale. Least
Types of errors
Checking for zero error Observed reading Corrected reading
3.14 cm
(No zero error
correction required)
The two zero marks coincide no zero
Reading = 3.14 cm
3.17 cm – (+0.03)=3.14
(The positive zero
error is subtracted
Zero mark on vernier slightly to the
Reading = 3.17 cm from the reading)
right – Positive zero error of +0.03 cm
3.11 cm – (-0.03)=3.14
(The negative zero
It is a precision measuring instrument having accuracy of 0.01 mm and working on screw and
nut principle.
Working principle:
Micrometer is working on screw and nut principle. Spindle of the micrometer are having
threads of 0.5 mm pitch. The spindle is moving in fixed nut. Thimble is joined with spindle. On
the periphery of thimble 50 divisions are marked. By rotating the thimble to 1 rotation (50
divisions), spindle can be moved forward or backward by 0.5 mm. So when thimble revolves by
one division it moves forward or backward by 0.5/50 = 0.01 mm. This is the accuracy of
measurement by micrometer.
Outside Micrometer:
Different parts of outside micrometer are explained as below:
Body or Frame: It is a U or C shaped frame made out of light alloy steel, cast steel or malleable
cast iron.
Anvil and Spindle: Fixed anvil is on left side of the frame whereas spindle is having threads of
0.5 mm pitch. Spindle and anvil are made out of high grade tool steel and job is held in between
Spindle clamp or lock nut: Lock nut is provided to hold the spindle at specific location.
Least Count:
1. Study the given Micrometer and recognize its various parts.
2. Understand the Micrometer and Calculate its Least Count.
3. Check for Errors, if any.
4. Read the instrument for at least three random spindle positions
Types of errors
Checking for zero error Observed reading Corrected reading
2.25 mm
(No zero error
2.32 mm –
(+0.07)=2.25 mm
(The positive zero
error is subtracted
Zero mark on datum line can be seen– Reading = 2.0 + 0.32
from the reading)
Positive zero error of +0.07 mm = 2.32 mm
2.23 mm – (-0.02)=2.25
(The negative zero
error is added to the
Zero mark on datum line cannot be seen Reading = 2.0 + 0.23
– negative zero error of -0.02 mm = 2.23 mm
Range: __________________ mm
Least Count (L.C.):____________________ mm
Error of Micrometer = __________________ mm
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Government Polytechnic Porbandar 2.6
Linear Measurement Metrology & Instrumentation (3341905)
Observation Table:
Object Sr. Main Scale Division of Micrometer Total Average Corrected
Feature No. Reading Circular Scale Scale (C’=A+B) (C) Reading
(A) Matching with Reading (C-Error)
Main Scale (B=n*LC)
Vernier height gauge is similar to vernier caliper but in this instrument the graduated bar is
held in a vertical position and it is used in conjunction with a surface plate. The vernier height
gauge is designed for accurate measurement and marking of vertical height above a surface
plate datum. It can also be used to measure differences in heights by taking the vernier scale
reading at each height and determining the difference by substraction.
Working principle:
Vernier height gauge works on the vernier principle.
Least Count:
1. Clean the working platform and put the vernier height gauge on it.
2. Fix the measuring jaw of the vernier height gauge.
3. Clean the measuring jaw of the vernier height gauge.
4. Loosen the locking screw of the height gauge.
5. Clean the measuring surface of the item being measured with clean cloth (or soaked
with cleaning oil.
6. Make the measuring jaw and platform surface gently touch.
7. Get the reading from the vernier height gauge.
Types of errors:
Procedure to find the error is similar to that of in vernier caliper.
Range: __________________ mm
Least Count (L.C.):____________________ mm
Error of Vernier Height Gauge = __________________ mm
These are a range of gauges that are used to measure a bore's size, by transferring the internal
dimension to a remote measuring tool.
1. The rods are pressed closer and inserted into the hole to be measured.
2. The rods then open out to touch the metal surface of the hole on both sides.
3. They are then locked in position by means of a locking screw.
4. The telescopic gauge is then taken out from the hole.
5. The dimension across the tips is measured by micrometer or vernier caliper.
1. To accurately detect the maximum distance between the two anvil heads, move the
head of the gauge around while making the measurement to insure you get the
maximum reading.
Observation Table:
Object Reading at Reading at Reading at Average
Sr. No.
Feature Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 (C)
1 D1
2 D2
3 D3
4 D4
Bore gauge is used to check bore diameter by comparative method.
1. Measure the bore diameter with the help of vernier caliper or inside micrometer.
2. Select the range of parts required, anvils, spacers and 50mm distance piece.
3. Assemble the dial bore gauge with selected parts as explain above.
4. Zero the gauge: This is accomplished by measuring across the gauge with an outside
micrometer set to the precise bore size. When the zero aligns with the needle you're
5. Insert the gauge into the bore to the depth you need. Rock it back and forth until it's
properly inserted in the pipe.
6. Look at the reading: This is the lowest reading, which is taken when the gauge is
square on the bore, and the indicator needle reverses its direction. It can be either more
or less than the zero mark, and will indicate an oversize or undersize bore.
1. Keep all components dry and clean with a soft micro fiber cloth.
2. Return all items to the presentation case after use.
Observation Table:
Object Required Deviation at Deviation at Deviation at Average
Sr. No.
Feature Diameter Section 1-1 Section 2-2 Section 3-3 (C)
1 D1
2 D2
3 D3
4 D4
Study selection and wringing of slip gauge.
Slip gauges are rectangular blocks of high grade steel with exceptionally close tolerances. It can
also be made of tungsten carbide. These blocks are suitably hardened through out to ensure
maximum resistance to wear. They are then stabilized by heating and cooling successively in
stages so that hardening stresses are removed, After being hardened they are carefully finished
by high grade lapping to a high degree of finish, flatness and accuracy. For successful use of slip
gauges their working faces are made truly flat and parallel. The slip gauge having a cross
section of about 9mm X 30mm for sizes upto 10mm and 9mm X 35mm for larger sizes.
Set (M-112/1)
Range (mm) Increment (mm) No. of pieces
1.001 to 1.00 0.001 9
1.01 to 1.49 0.01 49
0.5 to 24.50 0.5 49
25.00 to 100.00 25.00 4
1.0005 - 1
Total 112/1 Pieces
1. One slip gauge is oscillated slightly over the other gauge with a light pressure
2. One gauge is then placed at 900 to other by using light pressure and then it is rotated
until the blocks one brought in one line.
In this way air is expelled out from between the gauge faces causing the gauge blocks to
adhere. The adhesion is caused partly by molecular attraction and partly by atmospheric
1. Remove protective coating applied to it with petrol.
2. Clean gauges to be used with soft linen cloth.
3. During the actual use, the fingering of lapped faces should be avoided.
4. Use the standard wringing process for assembly.
5. If during wringing process, any sign of roughness or scratching is felt the process of
wringing should be stopped and faces examined for burns or scratches.
6. After use of slip gauge, it should not be left wrung together.
Select most appropriate Slip gauges from M-112/1 set for following dimensions.
Aim: Calibration of Vernier Calipers & Outside Micrometer with the help of slip gauge.
1. Vernier Caliper
2. Outside Micrometer
3. A set of slip Gauges
1. Check the Micrometer for smooth running over its whole range.
2. Clean its anvils carefully.
3. Set the micrometer on its stand horizontally with anvils upwards.
4. Allow the micrometer to cool to the ambient temperature for 10 minutes.
5. Close the micrometer anvils and take the zero error reading.
6. Clean the slip gauges which are to be used for measurements.
7. Take reading with various slips starting from minimum to maximum at equal intervals.
8. Tabulate the readings and plot the graph of normal reading (slip gauge reading) v/s
9. Interpret the graph.
10. Report the same procedure for vernier caliper.
Outside Micrometer
Range = ________________mm
Least count = ________________mm
Zero Error = ________________mm
Correction = ________________mm
Vernier Caliper:
Range = ________________mm
Least count = ________________mm
Zero Error = ________________mm
Correction = ________________mm
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Government Polytechnic Porbandar 2.18
Linear Measurement Metrology & Instrumentation (3341905)
Observation Table:
Sr. Slip Gauge Vernier Error Sr. Slip Gauge Vernier Error
No. Value Caliper mm No. Value Caliper mm
mm Reading mm Reading
mm mm