Ivan All of Me
Ivan All of Me
Ivan All of Me
This research focuses on denotative and connotative meaning in John Legend song which the title
is All of Me. This research is examined the denotative and connotative meaning in All of Me
song lyrics. Descriptive qualitative method was implied in the research. The data in this
research are all English words, phrases, and sentences that support the occurrence of
denotative and connotative meaning. The source of data of this research is lyrics in All of
Me song. The steps of collecting data in this research are reading the lyrics in All of Me,
underlying sentences which is belongs to denotative meaning and connotative meaning,
classifying the data that had been underlying into denotative and connotative meaning. The
result shows that the use of denotative meaning and connotative meaning in the lyrics is equal.
There is no dominant to one another.