Semantic Analysis of Tiffany Young's Song
Semantic Analysis of Tiffany Young's Song
Semantic Analysis of Tiffany Young's Song
Semantic is the study of meaning in language. Semantics in the linguistics term has various
definitions. Katz (1972: 1) states “Semantics is the study of linguistic meaning. It is concerned with
what sentence and other linguistics object express, not with the arrangement with their syntactic part
or with their pronunciation”. Based on etymology, the word semantics originally comes from greek
word semantikos means ‘significant’; semainein means ‘to show signify’; or ‘indicated by sign’; from
sema means ‘sign’. Palmer (1976: 1) states “Semantic is the technical term used to refer to study of
meaning”. In this century the study of meaning has expanded to include not only the symbols referent
relationship but also the behavior that results from language habit. Alfred Korzybski (1877-1950)
believes that “(general semantics) language influenced not only our thinking but also all human
behavior. Semantics is appropriate to be used in investigating the meaning of the lyrics of Tiffany
Young’s song as literary work. Because Semantics deals with the meaning of language used by people
in order to convey the actual meaning.
The definition of meaning is simply derived from the word “mean”. There are some definitions of
meaning as suggested by semanticist. Lyons (1977: 4) says “meaning is a word of the ordinary
everyday vocabulary of English”. The expert of language have classified meaning from different
points of view based on their deliberations such as lexical and contextual meaning. Meaning is
categorized into some reference. Kreidler stated also that there are several dimensions of meaning in
lexical meaning that includes reference and denotation, connotation, sense relations, lexical and
grammatical meaning, morphemes, homonymy, polysemy, lexical ambiguity, sentence, and meaning.
On the other hand, contextual meaning is discussed with the term pragmatic meaning. Contextual
meaning itself can not be separated from literal and non-literal meanings.
Richards (2002: 307) states lexical semantics is the subfield of semantics concerned with the
meaning of words. According to Cruse (1987: 84), Semantic relation needs to be at least systematic in
the sense that it recurs in a number of pairs or sets of related lexical units (it will be recalled that the
expression lexical form together with a single distinguished sense). Chaer (1990: 62) states,
describing lexical meanings is an adjunctive form derived from the form of a noun lexicon. The unit
of the lexicon is lexeme which is a meaningful unit of language. Lexical meaning can be interpreted a
lexicon, lexeme or word because there are have the similarity. Lexical meaning can also be considered
as the meaning contained in a dictionary (Chaer, 1990: 63). Djajasudarma (1993: 34), expressing the
lexical meaning is the meaning of the word that corresponds to what we encounter in the lexicon
(Chaer, 2007: 290) states “contextual meaning is the meaning of lexeme or word inside a context”.
Context in linguistics carries the importance of disambiguation of meaning as well as in
understanding the actual meaning. Contextual meaning is the type of meaning which is determined by
the context in which the word is used. Charles W. Kreidler (1998: 41) stated that “Semantic is
considered with aspect of meaning in language”. Kadmon (2001: 9), uttered his opinion about
contextual meaning as follows :
“Besides that, we talk about the” context of utterance. “each utterance occurs in a context. This
context includes previous utterances. The speech situation, including the location, the speakers,
addressees, various salient objects, and more. It includes various topics in the conversation, about the
world in general and about the subject matter of the conversation in particular. It includes assumptions
that interlocutors make about the beliefs and intentions of each other”. It can be concluded that
context can found in any situation to utter the assumption about the topic that was discussed. Parera
(2004: 227) states, context is a situation that is formed because there are settings, activities, and
relationships. If there is an interaction between the three components then the context is formed.
Song consists of lyric or poems that unite the instrument or melody. It is a poem in line stanzas
(Oxford, 1993). Song is a collection of several poems and being set to music. Lyrics now is the name
of the short poem usually divided into stanza and direct expressing the poet’s own thought and
sentimental (Reaske, 1966: 846).