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Language is the tool of human to communicate and interact with others human. It

means that language is the way of human to express or delivering the massage.

Language is needed to be understood what the goals it is going to be and to convey

ideas and information through oral or written. language itself is able to be learnt and

studied by brace of science, it is called linguistic. According to Bauer (2012:3) as cited

in (Yastanti & Warlina, 2018) “linguistics is the word meaning ‘relating to language’

as well as word meaning ‘relating to linguistics’. In other word, linguistics and

language will not be able to separate because linguistics is a part of language, they

have connection so closer between them. Linguistics is a scientific of language which

has pattern including morphology, syntax, phonetics, phonology, semantics and


Morpheme is defined as the smallest meaningful unit in a language (Lim Kiat

Boey, 1975: 37). Words are composed of morphemes. Morphemes that can exist

meaningfully independently are called free morphemes, while morphemes such as –er

and –s that cannot exist meaningfully independently are called bound morphemes.

Bound morphemes must be attached to free morphemes. Bound morphemes are also

called affixes, which can be divided into prefixes, infixes and suffixes. English has

only two binding morphemes, namely prefix and suffix.

The song lyrics which have been chosen are song lyrics from a singer named

Keshi in his album called Bandaids released in 2020. The album contains five songs:

“Less of You”, “Alright”, “Blue”, “Right Here”, and “Bandaids”. Some of the songs

by him went viral and heard millions of time, so the researcher listened to the Keshi’s
songs and read the lyrics. After listening and reading the song lyrics by Keshi, the

researcher found many words that contain affixes especially derivation and inflection.

The researcher are interested to analyze. The researcher decide to choose Keshi’s

album as the object of research because this research aims to describe the derivations

and inflections to the readers.


Based on background and reason of the problem above, the problem can be stated as


1. How is the affixation(s) processed in the song lyrics of Keshi’s Album?

2. What are the classifications of inflectional and derivational morpheme in the song

lyrics of Keshi’s Album?

3. What is the most dominant between derivational and inflectional morpheme in

Keshi’s Album?


1. To understand the affixations processed in the song lyrics of Keshi’s Album

2. To know the classifications of inflectional and derivational morpheme in the song

lyrics of Keshi’s Album

3. To know what is the most dominant between derivational and inflectional

morpheme in Keshi’s Album


The writer takes preliminary research from the article Derivational and Inflectional

Morpheme Analysis on the Song Lyrics of Lady Gaga “A Star is Born” Album, Ira
Nur Aprianti , Aseptiana Parmawati Volume 3, No. 3 May 2020, IKIP Siliwangi. The

writers concerned with the morphological of linguistics analysis of inflectional and

derivational used in Lady Gaga’s album song lyrics entitled “A Stars is Born”. From

the previous analysis that had been done in one week, it can be concluded that forms

of Affixes were found on the lyrics song of A stars is born’ album. The kinds of

affixes are derivational affix and inflectional affix. There are 14 data or 58,3%

derivational affixes 10 data or 41,7% that inflectional found in “A Stars is Born”

album. The most dominant that used on the album is derivational morpheme.


1. Linguistics

Linguistics is general science of language which describes about many languages.

Linguistics is a study of the structure and development of language in general or

particular language. The word linguistics is derived from Latin “lingua” it means

language, while the suffix “ics” indicates the name of a science (Rustamaji, 2015).

It means linguistics makes language as the object of study. Communication

requires using a language that contains linguistics, the conclusion linguistics is the

study that concern with language. Linguistic is the science of language as the

subject, and covers several aspects, such as phonology, morphology, syntax, and

semantic (Karlinda et al., 2014). Based on the theory, linguistics is a basis for the

study of human language from various aspects, such as sound, word, and grammar

rules. Linguistics is the word meaning relating to language’ and a word that means

‘relating to linguistics (Yastanti & Setiawati, 2018). The theory defines linguistics

is study that learns more specifically about language, that is human language.
2. Morphology

Morphology is the branch of linguistics that studies how words are structured and

how they are put together from smaller parts. Morphology in linguistics refers to

the mental system involved in word formation or the branch of linguistics that

deals with words, internal structure, and the word is formed (Aronoff & Fudeman,

2011). It means that morphology is studies about words that concern the internal

structure and the word forms.

Based on Lieber, morphology is about word formation, with the ways new words

are invented within the language of the world, and the way forms of words are

diverse depending on how they are used in sentences (Yastanti et al.2020). The

theory defines morphology is known as word formation, word formation may

happen through the process of affixation and words have innovation depending on

how it is used in a sentence.

From all the definition about morphology above, it means that morphology studies

about words. It is not only about the meaning, but also the structure from each


3. Morpheme

A small part which has a meaning and grammatical function is called morpheme.

According to Katamba, morpheme is the minimum meaning unit of language that

has grammatical function (Erlinawati, 2018). In other words, the smallest

grammatical unit in language is a morpheme. Morphology that investigated words,

internal structure and how they are formed is the definition and study of

morpheme (Aronoff & Fudeman, 2011). It means morpheme is part of morphology

that study of word, internal structure and how it formed.

4. Derivational

In linguistic, derivational is process of word formation. Derivational morpheme

involve the creation of one lexemes from another, like selector or selection from

select (Aronoff & Fudeman, 2011). It means that derivational morpheme changes

the word class and changes the meaning of the word itself by adding prefix or

suffix. Select is adjective by adding -tion at the end selection is changed to noun.

Rahmayani, stated that derivational morpheme makes explicit the assignment of

the word class to make it an adjective, adverb, or another part of speech

(Nurngaini, 2019). It means that derivation changes the class of word and also

changes the meaning by adding prefix or suffix. For example, heart to heartless,

heart is noun by adding less the word class is changed from noun to adjective.

5. Inflectional

Some affixes when attached to the root words cannot change the part of speech

and cannot produce a new word. They only have certain grammatical function

(Aryati et al., 2016). Inflectional morpheme not used to produce new words in the

language, but to show aspects of the grammatical function of a word. It used to

indicate a word is plural or singular, whether it is past tense or present, and it is

comparative or possessive form (Yule, 2010). It means that inflection does not

change the class of words and still have the same meaning. Example, show, shows,

showed in which by adding suffix –s as a grammatical function of plural, by

adding suffix –ed it is past tense they have the same meaning.

6. Song Lyrics
A song is part of poem or number in verses set music and intended to be sung.

Songs are composed of a lot of lyrics. A good song has good lyrics. Composer

interprets a poem from the mood of the atmosphere into music. Lyrics can

describe someone expression by writing the lyrics using beautiful language, and

someone who writing the lyrics can send the message to the hearer by their song.

Song is part of a poem that can be expressed in the form of songs to be played by

singing (Triyono, 2019). The lyrics of the song are abstract and can hardly be

talked about, emphasizing articulation, meters, and can also be symmetrical. Song

lyrics are a collection of words that make up a song, consisting of words

combined into a choir (Yastanti & Setiawati, 2018). It means that song lyric is

combined of words with melody sequences to produce beautiful sounds. From

definition above the researcher conclude that the relationship between music with

elements of song lyrics is one form to communication. Through the lyrics of songs

in the form of messages or sentence serve to create imagination to the audience

and create a variety meaning.


Table 1: Table of Affixation in Keshi’s Album

N Title of Songs Types of Affixes Total

o Prefix Suffix

1. Bandaids -ed 2

-ing 7
2. Right Here Over- 1

-ed 2

-s 5

-ing 2

3. Blue Un- 1

-ing 6

-s 16

-ed 1

4. Alright -ing 2

-s 6

-ed 2

5. Less of You -s 7

-ed 2

-ment 1

-ing 4

Total 66

VII. Classification of derivational and inflectional morphemes

In this part is classification of derivational and inflectional affixes that are found on

lyric song Keshi’s album. The researcher would like to classified derivational and

inflectional morpheme appears in table 2.

Table 2: Classification of Derivational Morpheme

N Word Root Word Process Derivation

1 Terrfying Terrify Terrify + ing Verb  adjective

2 Replacement Replace Replace + ment Verb  noun

3 Being be Be + ing Verb  noun

4 moved move Move + ed Verb  adjective

5 Falling fall Fall + ing Verb  adjective

6 Wanted want Want + ed Verb  adjective

7 Burning Burn Burn + ing Verb  adjective

8 Crying Cry Cry + ing Verb  adjective

9 Thinking Think Think + ing Verb  noun

10 Needed Need Need + ed Verb  adjective

11 Unknown Know Un + know + n Verb  adjective

The researcher found affixes which can be divided into four based on the function

of the word formed. The first suffix is verb forming, it happens when another part of

speech such as adjective and noun changes to be verb. The second is noun, it occurs

when another part of speech such as adjective and verb becomes noun. The third is

adjective, it happens when the other part of speech such as noun and verb become to

adjective. See table 3 and 4.

Table 3. Classification of Inflectional Morpheme

N Word Root Word Process Inflection

1 Waited Wait Wait + ed Verb  verb

2 Things Thing Thing + s Noun  noun

3 Pieces Piece Piece + s Noun  plural noun

4 Mistakes Mistake Mistake + s Noun  noun

5 Leaving Leave Leave + ing Verb  verb

6 Reasons Reason Reason + s Noun  noun

7 Voices Voice Voice + s Noun  noun

8 Eyes Eye Eye + s Noun  noun

9 Stays Stay Stay + s Verb  verb

10 Gets Get Get + s Verb  verb

11 Ended End End + ed Noun  noun

12 Questions Question Question + s Noun  Noun

13 Overdue due Over + due Adjective 


14 Listened Listen Listen + ed Verb  verb

15 Laughs Laugh Laugh + s Verb  verb

16 Knees knee Knee + s Noun  noun

17 Friends Friend Friend + s Noun  noun

18 Waiting Wait Wait + ing Verb  verb

19 Racing Race Race + ing Noun  noun

20 Faces Face Face + s Noun  noun

21 Changes Change Change + s Verb  verb

22 Places Place Place + s Noun  noun

23 Phases Phase Phase + s Noun  noun

24 Hours Hour Hour + s Noun  noun

25 Month Month Month + s Nou n  noun

Table 4. Morphemes Distribution Table

Morphemes Occurrence Percentages

Derivational morpheme 11 30,56%

Inflectional morpheme 25 69,44%

Total 36 100%

Table 3 and table 4 show that the most dominant is inflectional morpheme which

occurs 25 times and 69,44 % than derivational morpheme which occurs 11 and 30,56 %

in the song lyric of Keshi’s album. Inflectional functions do not change the part of

speech and do not create a new word. The suffix that found in table classification

inflectional morpheme are suffix -ing, -ed, and -s. The result above the researcher

concludes there are 11 words that indicated as derivational morpheme which change

the part of speech and 25 words that indicated as inflectional morpheme.


Based on the results and discussions above, the researcher found derivational and

inflectional morpheme in the song lyric of Keshi’s album Bandaids. Based on the data

above the researcher can know the difference between derivational morpheme and

inflectional morpheme. The researcher found the affixation in Keshi’s album. it can

be concluded that there are 8 verb, 9 adjective and 19 noun. In the first song lyric
Bandaids with suffix -ing 7, -ed 2. In the second song lyric Right Here with prefix

over- 1, suffix -ing 2, -s 5, -ed 2. The third song lyric Blue with prefix un- 1 and suffix

-ing 6, -ed 1, -s 16. In the fourth song lyric Alright with suffix -ing 2, -s 6 -ed 2. The

last or the fifth song lyric Less of You with suffix -s 7, -ed 2, -s 2, -ment 1 and -ing 4.

Total words that the researcher found is 36 words that contain affixation in Keshi’s


The total of classification derivational morpheme that seem in the song lyric of

Keshi’s album are eleven (11) words. There are 11 derivational morpheme that contain

in 4 song lyrics that the researcher found. Inflectional morpheme is the most used in

the song lyric of Keshi’s album. Inflectional morpheme is the most dominant than

derivational morpheme. Inflectional morpheme which occurs 25 times and 69,44%

while derivational morpheme which occurs 11 and 30,56 % in the song lyric of

Keshi’s album Bandaids.


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Morpheme in Song's Lyrics of Adele Album. IJEAL (International Journal

of English and Applied Linguistics), 99(99), 32-37.

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Analysis on the Song Lyrics of Lady Gaga's A Star is Born Album.

Professinal Journal of English Education, 3(3), 322-328.

Aronoff, M., & Fudeman, K. (2011). What is morphology? (2nd ed).

Derivational and Inflectional Morphemes in Songlyrics of Lewis Capaldi Unpris

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