Executive Summary

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Humans' everyday lives have changed over the last few decades. According to Ahmed

(2021), the development of information technology and the Internet has contributed to broad

access to information. Technology plays a vital role in changing the way people do their

business. This is especially true in terms of the transportation service.

At present, the need for transportation services continues to increase. Competition

between companies in this line of business is very tight. And one of the thriving businesses in

the industry is the car rental business. To make ends meet in this endeavor, every company

continues to innovate and improve services to its customers (Hidayat et al., 2019). The rapid

spread of COVID-19 is having an enormous impact on the travel and tourism industry affecting

the car rental market in parallel (Lynch, 2021). MarketandResearch (2020) predicted that the

emergence of the pandemic in the travel, Philippines will have a significant impact on all areas

including car rental with demand for travel-related services dramatically weakened, resulting in

double-digit declines in transactions, value sales, and the number of cars in operation in early


However, quite the opposite, Statista (2020) reported that 6.0% of Filipino are booking

cars costing 6,500 pesos per transaction when the pandemic started because of limited

transportation. Over the past few decades, car rental organizations have been maintaining their

business by utilizing the conventional strategy for promoting their business by distributing

notices in papers and broadcasting commercials on TV channels and different methodologies. In

addition, all client records are stored in hard copy or soft copy depending on the method the

company uses. If the company uses a more traditional method, the staff will store everything in
hard copy and file it into the cabinet of their company. This method is very time-consuming

when it comes to filling and retrieving information and is certainly not secure. If the company

uses a slightly modern method, the company will use a computer to key in their customers '

information in excel format and store it in computer storage. This method is less time-

consuming and slightly secure when compared to the traditional method but still requires the

admin to manually key in all client information. (Su Mon et. al, 2020)

Regardless of whether to use mobile technologies in the car rental industry, traditional

ways of dealing have proven to work, but not in terms of speed and reliability. Thus, some car

rental companies started building its website and mobile app to enable customers to make online

vehicle reservations. According to a survey on mobile apps conducted by Rakuten Insight in

September 2021, 74 percent of respondents from the Philippines purchased an item through a

mobile app and 30% of those transactions carried through an app were ordering ride-hailing

services or booking a taxi (Statista, 2021). As a result, anyone can easily notice that companies

are trying to revolutionize their businesses to adopt the mobile technology that has been growing

rapidly in recent years. Grab, the market leader of car aggregators and top ride-hailing service

availed in the Philippines through a mobile application has already been able to capture the

metropolitan regions. Thus, the new players are focusing on establishing themselves in the non-

metro cities to tap into the un-catered market. In Region I alone, Google Maps listed 20 different

car rental businesses in different places in the region. Among those cars, rental companies

include Gerrys Tricycle Shop and Buk Cartrike, which has its own mobile app, is in Vigan City,

Ilocos Sur, Marcelo Transport Services in Alaminos, Pangasinan, and Charles Rent a Car and

Truck Freight Services in Dagupan, Pangasinan.

Similarly, Uncle John’s Car Rental, a new player in the business that emerged in La

Union, was established in 2020 and is servicing areas within La Union, Pangasinan, Manila, and

Baguio City. The company owns 4 cars – Accent, Honda, Elantra, and Fortuner. The business

started with 3-5 customers in 2020 and had increased to 40-50 loyal customers towards the end

of 2021. At present, travel and car rental booking activities at Uncle John’s can only be done by

online reservation thru their Facebook page, via phone call, and by word of mouth (referrals).

Like most car rental businesses, Uncle John’s and its customers are bounded by terms and

conditions outlining the responsibilities of all parties involved including terms on damages

incurred while the contract is active.

Uncle John’s, among others, is now looking for opportunities that can make them stand

above their competitors in the market. Since the car rental business is full of challenges and

competition, Uncle John’s car rental does not want to miss any chance to improve its services

and present them better than its competitors.

Therefore, in this work, the researchers aim to propose an android base management and

monitoring system that is secured and allowed the users to make a reservation of the vehicle that

is desired. The mobile car rental system includes features such as a register and login page, a list

of vehicles, and a mobile car rental system database.

The proposed prototype shall also contain features such as customers renting a car based

on the location, time, and date, and choosing the type of vehicle they want. Customers can also

report complaints and suggestions. The application will also include cashless options ranging

from cash on delivery to e-wallet. The above activities can be done directly through an android

smartphone. This method is more efficient and easier to use because it makes it easier for

customers to rent a rental car at any time without having to call or come directly to the place,
making it more cost-effective, time and energy. The company can also confirm car rentals and

can monitor the traveling fleet that is operating.

Statement of Objectives

The main objective of this study was to develop a system that enables common people to

easily find a form of transportation using android base management and monitoring systems.

Specifically, it sought to accomplish the following:

1. To determine the requirements of Uncle John’s car rental mobile application from

customers’ and the company’s perspectives in terms of:

1.1 Functional Requirements

1.1.1 Technical Details

1.1.2 Data Manipulation

1.1.3 Data Processing,

1.2 Non- Functional Requirements

1.2.1 Compatibility

1.2.2 Reliability

1.2.3 Accessibility

1.2.4 Maintainability

1.2.5 Serviceability

1.2.6 Security

2. To design and develop android-based management and monitoring system for a car rental

using the agile model.

3. To determine the level of usability of the android-based management and monitoring

system by using Post-Study System Usability Questionnaire (PSSQU)


Research Design

This study is a descriptive-developmental method research design. Descriptive research

design, according to Shuttleworth (2012) is a valid method for researching specific subjects and

as a precursor to more quantitative studies. Descriptive research aims to accurately and

systematically describe a population, situation, or phenomenon. It can answer what, where,

when, and how questions, but not why questions. A descriptive research design can use a wide

variety of research methods to investigate one or more variables. Unlike in experimental

research, the researcher does not control or manipulate any of the variables, but only observes

and measures them. In this study, the researchers will describe the functionality, non-

functionality, and level of usability of the proposed android-based management and monitoring


Meanwhile, Rayanto & Rusmawan (2020) stated that Developmental Research involves

the production of knowledge with the ultimate aim of improving the processes of instructional

design, development, and evaluation; involves either specific problem-solving or general inquiry

procedures. Developmental research techniques not only expand the empirical methodologies of

the field but also expand the substance of instructional technology research. Developmental

research is a situation in which someone is performing instructional design, development, or

evaluation activities, studying the process, and providing consistent criteria or empirical

evidence for their effectiveness.

This method of research is also contemplated as the most suitable since the study dealt

with the development of the proposed android-based management and monitoring system.

Time and Place of the Study

This study was conducted during the 1st Semester of the school year 2021-2022

until the 2nd Semester of the school year 2021-2022 at Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State

University Mid La Union Campus is in San Fernando City, La Union.

Table 1. Distribution of Respondents


Clients of Uncle John’s Car Rental 90 29

IT Professionals 3 3

Car Rental Business Owners 2 2

Total 95 34

The total estimate of their clients in the past 6 months. In estimation, it ranges from 90-to 120

clients. The researchers then considered a minimum average of 90 clients in six months and used

the Rao soft software in calculating the sample population of Uncle John’s car renters allowing a

10% margin error with an 80% confidence level and 50% standard deviation. The table shows

the result of 29 clients of every third to be identified by the owners. In addition, the researcher

considered total enumeration when it comes to IT Professionals and owners taking into account

their small population. As a result, the study will have 34 respondents composed of thirty-nine
(29) clients of Uncle John’s Car Rental, both two (2) car rental business owners and three (3) IT


Data Analysis

The data gathered were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The data gathered through a

questionnaire were treated using frequency counts. Thereafter, the weighted mean was used to

obtain the average response in the questionnaire.

This study also applied document review and narrative analysis to a transcript of


Scale Statistical Range Descriptive Equivalent Rating

5 4.20-5.00 Very Much Usable
4 3.40-4.19 Moderately Usable
3 2.60-3.39 Usable
2 1.80-2.59 Slightly Usable
1 1.00-1.79 Not Usable



This study aimed to develop a system that enables common people to easily find a form

of transportation using android base management and monitoring systems. Specifically, this

study achieved to answer the following objectives: 1) to determine the functional and non-

functional requirements of the android-based management and monitoring system Uncle John’s

Car Rental: an android-based management and monitoring system using Agile Model

Development, and 2) to design and develop android-based management and monitoring system
for a car rental using the agile model, and 3) to determine the level of usability of the developed

Uncle John’s Car Rental: an android-based management and monitoring system.

This study is a descriptive-developmental research study using a survey method.

Document review and formal and informal interviews were utilized in data gathering the

functional and non-functional requirements of the study while survey questionnaires were used

to validate the usability of the Uncle John’s Car Rental: an android-based management and

monitoring system. Agile Model Development was used to serve as a guide for the development

of the mobile application. Frequency count and weighted mean were the statistical tools used to

analyze the data.


1. The functional requirement of Uncle John’s Car Rental: android-based management and

monitoring system are the server-side (Visual Studios, Firebase, and JavaScript) under

technical details, login and logout module, Car selection and register function under data

manipulation and text messaging feature under data processing. Likewise, the following

are the non-functional requirements of Uncle John’s Car Rental: an android-based

management and monitoring system: compatibility (Hardware and software

requirements), reliability (support system), accessibility (Data and Internet-capable),

maintainability, serviceability (night mode), and security feature. Both functional and

non-functional requirements are necessary to fully use the mobile application.

2. Through the use of Agile Model Development, the features of Uncle John’s Car Rental:

An Android-Based Management and Monitoring System was developed based from the

client’s required features for the developed system.

3. The responses in the Post-Study System Usability Questionnaire (PSSUQ), as rated by

five (5) respondents composed of owners and (3) IT professionals, and (2) Car Rental

Business owners came up with a mean rating of 3.76 with the descriptive equivalent of

moderately usable.


Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn:

1. The main features of the system include the functional and non-functional requirements

given by the respondents. It covers the system requirements (technical details, data

processing, and data manipulation), compatibility, reliability, accessibility,

maintainability, serviceability, and security of Uncle John’s Car Rental: an android-based

management and monitoring system. The requirements needed are necessary to develop

the android-based management and monitoring system of Uncle John’s Car Rental

because, without the necessary applications and requirements, the system would not meet

the criteria of being a fully functional instruction material for clients who would be the

future users of the Mobile App.

2. The Agile Model Development is suitable for the development of Uncle John’s Car

Rental android-based Mobile Application. The researchers had conducted a beta test and

put the application to test by (3) IT Professional which established the application to be


3. The level of usability of the developed system as perceived by the respondent is 3.76

which is described as moderately usable. The use of PSSUQ is advisable to assess the

level of usability of the developed system and alike.


Based on the conclusions of the study, the following recommendations are offered:

1. The features of Uncle John’s Car Rental android-based management and monitoring

system may be enriched according to changing needs and requirements of the users. This

includes the simplicity and speed of the application, and it can be repaired and


2. Future researchers may use Uncle John’s Car Rental android-based management and

monitoring system in the development of their app since it was proven suitable in the

development of such.

3. The researchers recommend that the developed Uncle John’s Car Rental android-based

management and monitoring system may be adopted by the Municipality of San

Fernando City, La Union that gives the people the ease in finding a form of transportation

through the use of the developed app.


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