National Cadet Corps (N.C.C) - (Code: 076) Class IX (2022-23) Max. Marks - 70

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C) – (CODE: 076)
Class IX (2022-23) Max. Marks - 70
Common Subjects
Unit-1 : The NCC
Aim: To acquaint cadets with the aims and objectives of NCC
Scope: Introduction, aims, organization and general information about NCC
 Aims and Objectives of NCC
 Organization and Training and NCC Song
 Incentives of Joining NCC

Unit-2 : National Integration and Awareness

Aim: To inculcate sense of patriotism, secular values and motivate cadets to contribute towards nation building
through national unity and social cohesion
Scope: The concepts of National Interests, Objectives and integration, Unity in diversity and cultural heritage of India
 Religions, Culture, Traditions and Customs of India
 National Integration: Importance and Necessity
 Problems/ Challenges of National Integration
 Images/ Slogans for National Integration

Unit-3 : Civil Affairs

Aim: To train Cadets to assist Civil administration in performance of selective duties during disasters
Scope: Basic information about civil defense organization and its duties, maintenance of essential services and
providing assistance to civil administration in various types of emergencies during national disasters
 Types of Emergencies/ Natural Hazards
 Role of NCC during Natural Hazards/ Calamities
 Fire Service and Fire Fighting

Unit-4 : Drill
Aim: To inculcate a sense of discipline, improve bearing, smartness, ant turnout and to develop the quality of
immediate and implicit obedience to orders
Scope: All important basic aspects of drill including ceremonial drill, drill with arms and words of command
Drill without Arms
 General and Words of Command
 Attention, Stand at Ease and Stand Easy, turning and inclining at the halt
 Saluting at the halt
 Getting on parade, dismissing and falling out
 Saluting on the March Individual word of command

Unit-5 : Weapon Training

Aim: To give elementary knowledge about rifles
Scope: Basic knowledge about rifle and firing
 Characteristics of a rifle/rifle ammunition and its fire power
 Stripping, assembling, care and cleaning and sight setting
 Loading, cocking and unloading
 The lying position and Holding
 Aiming, range and figure target
 Range precautions and safety precautions

Unit-6 : Adventure Training

Aim: To inculcate a sense of adventure and develop confidence, courage and determination
Scope: To expose cadets to various adventure activities
 Trekking including selection of route and administrative planning
 Cycle expedition including selection of route and administrative planning
Unit-7 : Personality Development and Leadership
Aim: To develop an all-round dynamic personality with adequate leadership traits to deal/ contribute effectively in all
walks of life
Scope: Basic subjects of leadership with emphasis on self-awareness, life/soft skills, time management and character
 Introduction to Personality development
 Factors influencing/ shaping personality: Physical, Social, Psychological and Philosophical
 Self-Awareness-know yourself
 Self-confidence, courage & self-conviction
 Problem solving skills
 Importance of group and team work
 Effective use of time
 Coping with stress/ emotions
 Sociability: Social Skills
 Characteristics of healthy personalities – ethics/ values

Unit-8 : Social Awareness Community Development

Aim: To teach cadets the values and skills involved in providing voluntary Social Service
Scope: Understanding of social service and its needs, knowledge about the weaker sections of our society and their
requirements, about NGOs and contribution of youth towards social welfare
 Basics of Social Service, and its needs
 Contribution of youth towards social welfare
 Civic responsibilities
 Drug abuse and trafficking
 Causes and prevention of HIV/AIDS, Role of Youth
 Corruption
 Provisions of child Act

Unit-9: Health and Hygiene

Aim: To instill respect and responsibility towards personal health and hygiene
Scope: Basic information of the human body, maintenance of health and hygiene, sanitation, disease and an
elementary knowledge of First Aid and Nursing
 Hygiene and sanitation (Personal and Food Hygiene)
 Physical and mental health
 Infectious and contagious diseases and its prevention
 Basics of first aid in common medical emergencies
 Wounds and fractures
 Introduction to yoga and exercise

Specialized Subject (Army)

Unit 1: Armed Forces
Aim: To acquaint cadets with the Armed Forces
Scope: Introductory and general information about the Armed Forces
• Basic organization of Armed Forces
• Organization of the Army
• Badges and Ranks
• Honors and Awards
• Modes of entry into Army

Unit 2: Military History

Aim: To provide knowledge of renowned Military Generals, PVCs and Indo-Pak Wars
Scope: Introduction to biographies, famous Indian battles and gallantry awards
• Biographies of renowned generals (Carriappa/Manekshaw)
• Study of battles of Indo-Pakwar 1965, 1971 and Kargil
• War movies

Unit-3: Map Reading

Aim: To teach cadets elementary map reading
Scope:Basicunderstandingofmapsheetsandmapreadinginstrumentsanddevelopment of capability to use them to
carry out simple Map Reading
• Introduction to types of Maps and conventional signs.
• Scales and grid system
• Topographical forms and technical terms

Unit-4 : Field Craft and Battle Craft

Aim: To teach cadets elementary field craft and battle craft
Scope: Basic field craft and battle craft
• Introduction
• Judging distance
• Description of ground
• Field signals
• Use of ground and movement
• Selection of formations (Section formation)

Unit-5: Communication
Aim: To introduce cadets to the latest trends in the field of communications
Scope: Types of communications and future trends
• Importance of communication
• Means of communication

Specialized Subject (Navy)

Unit-1: Naval Orientation
Aim: To impart training on Naval Organization.
Scope: History of Indian Naval Organizations, Rank structure, Indo-Pak War- 1971etc.
• History of the Indian Navy (Gallantry Award Winners)
• Organization of IN- NHQ, Commands and Ships
• Organization on Board a Ship
• Survival and Rescue-Life Safety Items onboard Ship, Life Raft
• Life Boats and Distress Signals

Unit-2: Naval Communication

Aim: To impart basic knowledge of Naval Communication.
Scope: Introduction to visual communication.
• Introduction to Naval Communication
• Phonetic Alphabet - Introduction and use

Unit-3: Seamanship
Aim: To impart basic knowledge about Seamanship.
Scope: Introduction to rigging, anchor work, parts of boats and accessories etc.
• Rigging
• Bends and Hitches: Reef Knot, Half Hitch, Clove Hitch,
• Rolling Hitch, Timber Hitch, Bowline, Round Turn and
• Two Half Hitches and Bow Line on the Bight and its basic element

Unit-4: Ship and Boat Modeling

Aim: To provide knowledge about Ship Modeling
Scope: Materials used in different types of models
• Principles of Ship Modeling
• Reading of a Ship Drawing of a Model
• Views in blueprint
• Measurement of superstructure and hull

Specialized Subject (Air Force)

Unit-1: General Service Knowledge
Aim: To impart basic knowledge of IAF Scope: History and Organization of IAF
• Development of Aviation
• History of IAF

Unit-2: Air Campaigns

Aim: To impart basic knowledge of Air Campaigns
Scope: History and Motivation.
• Indo-PakWar-1971
• Operation Safe Sagar

Unit-3: Aero-modeling
Aim: To provide knowledge about Aero Modelling
Scope: History of aero modelling, materials used in different types of models
• History of Aero-modelling

Unit-4: Principles of Flight

Aim: To introduce principles of flight
Scope: To impart knowledge about basic principles on which aviation is based
• Introduction
• Glossary of Terms

Unit-5: Parts of Aircraft

Aim: To provide knowledge of Aircraft Parts
Scope: Knowledge about the parts of aircraft to be flown
• Parts of Aircraft

Unit-6: Aircraft Particulars

Aim: To provide knowledge of Aircraft Instruments
Scope: Knowledge about the aircraft to be flown including checks and procedures
• Aircraft Particular Type, Specific
Unit-7: Airfield Layout
Aim: To provide knowledge of Airfields
Scope: Knowledge about the airfields to be flown including checks and procedures Airfield Layout

Unit-8: RT Procedure
Aim: To provide knowledge of wireless communication.
Scope: Knowledge about the communication is required for flying aircraft
• RT Procedure
Class X (2022-23) Max. Marks - 70
Common Subject
Unit-1 : The NCC
Aim: To acquaint cadets with the aims and objectives of NCC
Scope: Introduction, aims, organization and general information about NCC
 Aims and Objectives of NCC
 Organization and Training and NCC Song
 Incentives of Joining NCC

Unit-2 : National Integration and Awareness

Aim: To inculcate sense of patriotism, secular values and motivate cadets to contribute towards nation
building through national unity and social cohesion
Scope: The concepts of National Interests, Objectives and integration, Unity in diversity and cultural heritage
of India
 Freedom Struggle and Nationalist Movement in India
 Unity in Diversity
 Famous Leaders of India
 Contribution of Youth to Nation Building

Unit-3 : Civil Affairs

Aim: To train Cadets to assist Civil administration in performance of selective duties during disasters
Scope: Basic information about civil defense organization and its duties, maintenance of essential services
and providing assistance to civil administration in various types of emergencies during national disasters
 Civil Defense Organization and its duties/ NDMA
 Role of NCC during Natural Hazards/ Calamities
 Fire Service and Fire Fighting

Unit-4 : Drill
Aim: To inculcate a sense of discipline, improve bearing, smartness, ant turnout and to develop the quality
of immediate and implicit obedience to orders
Scope: All important basic aspects of drill including ceremonial drill, drill with arms and words of command
Drill without Arms
 General and Words of Command
 Attention, Stand at Ease and Stand Easy, turning and inclining at the halt
 Saluting at the halt
 Getting on parade, dismissing and falling out
 Turning on the march and wheeling
 Individual word of command

Unit-5 : Weapon Training

Aim: To give elementary knowledge about rifles
Scope: Basic knowledge about rifle and firing
 Characteristics of a rifle/rifle ammunition and its fire power
 The lying position and Holding
 Aiming, range and figure target
 Trigger control and firing a shot
 Range precautions and safety precautions
 Short range firing

Unit-6 : Adventure Training

Aim: To inculcate a sense of adventure and develop confidence, courage and determination
Scope: To expose cadets to various adventure activities
 Trekking including selection of route and administrative planning
 Rock Climbing

Unit-7 : Personality Development and Leadership

Aim: To develop an all-round dynamic personality with adequate leadership traits to deal/ contribute
effectively in all walks of life
Scope: Basic subjects of leadership with emphasis on self-awareness, life/soft skills, time management and
character building
 Introduction to Personality development
 Factors influencing/ shaping personality: Physical, Social, Psychological and Philosophical
 Critical and creative thinking
 Communication skills: group discussions/ lectures
 Effects of leadership with historical examples
 Problem solving skills
 Interview Skills
 Importance of group and team work
 Effective use of time
 Coping with stress/ emotions

Unit-8 : Social Awareness Community Development

Aim: To teach cadets the values and skills involved in providing voluntary Social Service
Scope: Understanding of social service and its needs, knowledge about the weaker sections of our society
and their requirements, about NGOs and contribution of youth towards social welfare
 Literacy enhancement and poverty alleviation
 Contribution of youth towards social welfare
 Civic responsibilities
 Drug abuse and trafficking
 Causes and prevention of HIV/AIDS, Role of Youth
 Corruption
 Social evils viz. dowry/ female foeticide/ child abuse and trafficking etc.
 Traffic control organization and anti-drunken driving
 Provisions of child Act

Unit-9: Health and Hygiene

Aim: To instill respect and responsibility towards personal health and hygiene
Scope: Basic information of the human body, maintenance of health and hygiene, sanitation, disease and an
elementary knowledge of First Aid and Nursing
 Structure and functioning of the human body
 Infectious and contagious diseases and its prevention
 Basics of first aid in common medical emergencies
 Wounds and fractures
 Introduction to yoga and exercise

Unit-10 : Environment Awareness and Conservation

Aim: To sensitize the cadets on natural resource conservation and protection of environment
Scope: Basic understanding of environment in general and waste management in particular, energy
conservation, pollution control and wildlife conservation in particular
 Natural resources – conservation and management
 Water conservation and rain water harvesting
 Waste management
 Pollution control water, air, noise, soil
Specialized Subject (Army)
Unit-1:Armed Forces
Aim: To acquaint cadets with theArmed Forces
Scope: Introductory and generalinformationabout theArmed Forces
• Basicorganization of ArmedForces
• Organizationof theArmy
• BadgesandRanks
• HonorsandAwards
• Modes of entry into Army

Unit-2:Military History
Aim: To provide knowledge of renowned Military Generals, PVCs and Indo-Pak Wars Scope:Introduction
tobiographies, famousIndian battlesand gallantry awards
• Indian Army WarHeroes
• Study of battles of Indo-Pakwar 1965, 1971 and Kargil

Unit-3:Map Reading
Aim: To teach cadetselementary map reading
Scope:Basicunderstandingofmapsheetsandmapreadinginstrumentsanddevelopment of capabilityto
usethem tocarry out simpleMapReading
• Introduction to typesof Mapsand conventionalsigns.
• Topographicalformsand technicalterms
• CardinalpointsandTypesofNorth
• Types of bearings and use of service protractor

Unit-4 : Field Craft and Battle Craft

Aim: To teach cadets elementary field craft and battle craft
Scope: Basic field craft and battle craft
• Introduction
• Judging distance
• Description ofground
• Observation,camouflage andconcealment
• Fieldsignals
• Use of groundandmovement
• Selectionofformations (Section formation)

Aim: To introducecadetsto thelatest trendsin thefield of communications
Scope: Typesof communicationsand futuretrends
• Means of communication

Specialized Subject (Navy)

Unit-1:Naval Orientation
Aim: To imparttraining on Naval Organization.
Scope: History of Indian Naval Organizations,Rank structure,Indo-Pak War- 1971etc.
• RankStructure and Badges- PBORto MCPOandEquivalent
• RankStructure and Badges- Officersandequivalent
• Mode of entry into IN

Unit-2: Naval Communication

Aim: To impart basic knowledge of Naval Communication.
Scope: Introduction to visual communication.
• Semaphore, use of semaphore, introduction of various letter position, Reading of semaphore message,
• Transmission of semaphore message
Aim: To impartbasicknowledge about Seamanship.
Scope: Introduction torigging, anchor work,partsof boatsand accessoriesetc.
• Rigging
• Fundamentalsof Steering- Steering orders, reportsand alterationofcourse
• PartsofaSail- typesofsails
• Partsof Whaler and Oar- Pullingorders
• PartsofaCadetClass Dingy- sailingterms

Unit-4: Navigation
Aim: To impart basic knowledge to Naval Communication. Scope: Introduction to visual communication
• Uses of Maps and Charts and its purpose
• Instruments required for chart work
• Markings on Chart, Light houses, buoys

Unit-5: Ship and Boat Modelling

Aim: To impart basic knowledge about Ship Modelling to cadets
Scope: Basic knowledge about reading of Diagrams and constriction of Ship Models
• Practical Training on Static Models
• Preparation of hull construction
• Preparation of super structure

Specialized Subject (Air Force)

Unit-1 :Air Campaigns
Aim: To introduce Air Campaigns of Air Force
• Indo-PakWar-1971
• Operation Safe Sagar

Aim: To in traduce various aircrafts of the Air Force
Scope: Types, roles, variants of aircraft of the IAF
• Fighters
• Transport
• Helicopters

Unit-3: Aero-modeling
Aim: To provide knowledge about Aero Modelling
Scope: History of aero modelling, materials used in different types of models
• Materials used in Aero-modelling
• Types of Aero-models
• Flying/ Building of Aero-models

Aim: To give basic knowledge of Atmosphere
Scope: Use of basic knowledge of Atmosphere
• Atmosphere

Aim: To give basic knowledge of Air Navigation
Scope: Use of Maps and fundamentals of Map Reading from the air
 Maps

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