MAT137 Weekly Guide
MAT137 Weekly Guide
MAT137 Weekly Guide
1 Set Notation
Elements and Sets
Typically, we use lowercase letters such as x, y to denote elements (things).
We use uppercase letters such as A, B to denote sets (a bag of things).
Set Compliment
Ac stands for the set complement of A.
It contains ’everything’ except for the things in A.
Set Containment
We use the symbol ⊂ or ⊆ to denote contained in.
For example, A ⊂ B means set A is contained in set B.
This means every element x in A, x is also in B.
Then we arrive at the property of transitivity for set containment:
If A ⊂ B and B ⊂ C, Then A ⊂ C
If we interpret set A, B, C as bags, then the statement basically says:
If bag A is inside bag B, but bag B is inside bag C,
then bag A must be inside bag C.
Set Equality
Two sets are equal only when A ⊂ B and B ⊂ A.
2 Proof Techniques
Want to prove a statement P is true for many things (everything in set S).
Example statement:
∀x ∈ S, P is true. (where S is a set, ∀ means for every)
2. Use the properties to prove P is true for this specific x you picked.
Want to prove a statement P is true.
Instead of proving P directly:
1. Suppose P is false.
3. Conclude P is true.
Want to prove the statement: If A is true, then B is true. ( A ⇒ B )
1. Suppose A is true.
3. Conclude A ⇒ B is true.
Want to prove: A if and only if B. ( A ⇐⇒ B)
1. Prove ( A ⇒ B ) is true.
2. Prove ( B ⇒ A ) is true.
3. Conclude A ⇐⇒ B is true.
Want to prove something exist, which makes the statement P to be true.
Example statement:
∃x ∈ S, P is true. (where S is a set, ∃ means there exists at least 1)
Set Containment
Want to prove a set S1 is contained inside S2 : S1 ⊂ S2 .
Method 1: Instantiation.
3. Conclude S1 ⊂ S2 .
1. Suppose S1 6⊂ S2 .
2. Immediately conclude ∃x ∈ S1 , x 6∈ S2 .
4. Conclude S1 ⊂ S2 .
Set Equality
Want to prove 2 sets are equal: S1 = S2 .
1. Prove S1 ⊂ S2 .
2. Prove S2 ⊂ S1 .
3. Conclude S1 = S2 .
Want to prove a statement Q is not true.
Proof By Cases
Split into cases, and prove the statement in both (all) cases.
Type 1: Want to prove the statement: (P or Q) is true.
1. Consider the following two cases.
Case 1: P is true. Case 2: P is false.
(We need prove (P or Q) is true in both cases.)
2. In case 1: In case 2:
Conclude (P or Q) is true. Use the new assumption P is false,
prove Q is true.
Conclude (P or Q) is true.
3. Conclude (P or Q) is true in both cases.
Important Note:
Alternatively, we can do the reverse, and split into the following 2 cases:
Case 1: Q is true. Case 2: Q is false.
Sometimes P and Q are very different statements, and only one of the
above 2 case splits can lead to a proof.
Question 1
Prove the following statements are Equivalent:
1. A ∪ B = B
2. A ⊂ B
3. A ∩ B = A
4. B c ⊂ Ac
To prove several statements are equivalent,
we typically prove a loop of implications.
In this case, let’s try to prove 1 ⇒ 2, 2 ⇒ 3, 3 ⇒ 4, 4 ⇒ 1.
In general, we can take any order of number we like.
Suppose .
Since x ∈ A, .
Since A ∪ B = B, .
Thus x ∈ .
Thus 1 ⇒ 2 is true.
Suppose .
First, we prove: A ∩ B ⊂ A.
Let x ∈ be chosen randomly.
The statement we need to prove changes to: x ∈ .
Next, we prove A ⊂ A ∩ B.
Let x ∈ be chosen randomly.
The statement we need to prove changes to: x ∈ A ∩ B.
By the definition of intersection, we need to prove: x ∈ and x ∈ .
Thus A ∩ B = A.
Thus 2 ⇒ 3 is true.
Suppose .
Suppose x ∈ .
Using the first assumption, we have x ∈ .
Using the definition of intersection, we have x ∈ and x ∈ .
Thus we conclude x 6∈ .
Thus 3 ⇒ 4 is true.
Suppose .
First, we prove A ∪ B ⊂ B.
Let x ∈ A ∪ B be chosen randomly.
The statement we need to prove changes to: x ∈ .
Next, we prove B ⊂ A ∪ B.
Let x ∈ be chosen randomly.
The statement we need to prove changes to: x ∈ A ∪ B .
Thus A ∪ B = B.
Thus 4 ⇒ 1 is true.
Question 2
Use induction to prove the following statements P (n) to be true for all n ∈ N:
X n(n + 1)
1. P (n) : k = 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n =
X n(n + 1)(2n + 1)
2. P (n) : k 2 = 12 + 22 + 32 + ... + n2 =
X n2 (n + 1)2
3. P (n) : k 3 = 13 + 23 + 33 + ... + n3 =
3 − δ Limit Definition
The standard limit is as follows:
lim f (x) = L
This seems like a reasonable requirement, and is the intuition behind limit.
How can we translate this sentence into mathematical language?
To keep things simple, let’s say the target is L = f (a), and we want to
get f (x) to be close to L. It would be great if f (x) hit exactly L, however,
that is too high of a requirement. Instead, we create an error range around
L. We require f (x) to hit inside this error range. We call the radius of this
error range to be .
After picking this error range, we need to control the values of x we pick.
If x is far from a, we shouldn’t expect f (x) to be in the error range.
For any > 0 as the error radius, there will exist δ > 0 as the control
radius, such that for all x inside the control radius (which is |x − a| < δ),
we can guarantee that f (x) is in the error range (which is |f (x) − f (a)| < ).
In symbols:
lim f (x) = L
∀ > 0, ∃δ > 0, if 0 < |x − a| < δ ⇒ then |f (x) − L| <
Remember that the value a is a fixed point given to us from the start, and x
is a variable value that can change inside the control range.
|x − a| < δ ⇔ a − δ < x < a + δ |f (x) − L| < ⇔ L − < f (x) < L +
0 < |x − a| is just a detail: for limits, we do not consider the possibility of x = a.
Using a similar idea, we can say the limit at infinity is done by controlling
x to be very large. So instead of concentrating x inside a control range with
radius δ, we concentrate x ”at infinity”, by requiring x > N , where N is
chosen to be large.
lim f (x) = L
∀ > 0, ∃N, if x > N ⇒ then |f (x) − L| <
What about limit at a does not exist?
It means no matter what value of L (for all L), lim f (x) 6= L.
Negating the statement would interchange ∀ and ∃, negating the implication
would mean there is a counter-example to the implication, namely, there
is an x in the control range δ, with f (x) outside the error range .
∀L, ∃ > 0, ∀δ > 0, ∃ x , with 0 < |x − a| < δ and |f (x) − L| ≥
One type of limit not existing is f (x) going to infinity. In this case, we do
have a goal for the values of f (x), which is to be very large (larger than a
large number M ), as long as x is concentrated closed enough to the point a.
lim f (x) = +∞
lim f (x) = L
Question 3
Prove the following limits.
lim x2 = 4
3. √
lim x+1=2
lim =1
x→1 x
Notice that k = 1 does not provide a bound for the quantity we need,
so we need to pick a smaller k.
1 1
lim =
x→1 x2 + 1 2
lim |1 − 3x| = 5
In our rough work, we may assume x is be concentrated close enough
to 2 (approximately 2) to determine whether the quantity 1 − 3x is
positive or negative. However, we need to make this precise in our
formal proof (with the value of k).
Question 4
Given L as a constant, suppose
lim f (x) = L
lim f (2x) = L
We need to use our assumption to prove the statement.
This means we need to write the definition of our assumption and
the statement which we need to prove.
We need to use new names for variables in our assumption.
So, we suppose
∀2 > 0, ∃δ2 > 0, s.t. (for all x2 ), if 0 < |x2 −0| < δ2 ⇒ then |f (x2 )−L| < 2
We need to prove
∀ > 0, ∃δ > 0, s.t. (for all x), if 0 < |x − 0| < δ ⇒ then |f (2x) − L| <
Notice that in the second statement, we have the quantity |f (2x) − L|.
Question 5
Part 1:
Suppose we know the following about the function f (x):
Part 2:
We still have the assumption,
lim f (x) = L
1. Can L = 2?
(L can equal 2 means that we can give an example f (x) with L = 2.
L can not equal 2 means that we can prove using our assumption
that L can not (can never) equal 2.)
2. Can L = 2.5?
4. Can L = 5?
5. Can L = 4?
The plus sign indicates that we are approaching from the right.
Only when the one sided limits exist, and the numbers L1 = L2 , we say
that the limit of f (x) at a (from both sides) exist:
lim f (x) = lim− f (x) = L1 = lim+ f (x) = L2
x→a x→a x→a
Intuitively, f (x) is continuous in an interval if the graph is in one piece.
f (x) is continuous at the point a if the limit at a is equal to f (a):
lim f (x) = f (a)
Limit Properties
First, we need (to know) the following limits to exist,
lim f (x) = L, lim g(x) = M
x→a x→a
Then we can attain
lim [f (x) + g(x)] = L + M lim [f (x) − g(x)] = L − M
x→a x→a
lim c · f (x) = c · L
lim [f (x) · g(x)] = L · M
f (x) L
lim = if M 6= 0
x→a g(x) M
If f (x) is continuous, then we can move the limit inside f :
lim f (g(x)) = f [lim g(x)]
x→a x→a
In fact, we only need to assume f (x) is continuous at lim g(x).
Infinite Limits
We also allow one sided limits to be infinite:
When you let x approach a from one side of a, the graph of f (x) gets larger
and larger. We write:
lim f (x) = ∞, lim f (x) = ∞
x→a− x→a+
We can also have limits being minus infinity as well, where the graph goes
lower and lower.
Verticle Asymptotes
When f (x) is given by a fraction, we always require that the denominator is
not zero.
For example:
f (x) =
Clearly, x = 1 is not allowed. As x gets close to 1, or any other number with
division by 0, f (x) will usually become infinite.
This is called a verticle asymptote at the point x = 1.
Because x = 1 is not allowed, the graph can not cross the verticle asymptote.
Horizontal Asymptotes
As x approaches ±∞, sometimes f (x) will attain a limit.
This is called the horizontal asymptote.
The graph is allowed to cross the horizontal asymptote.
For example:
f (x) =
As x becomes large in either positive or negative direction, the bottom is
large. So it can be thought of as
1 1 1 1
lim ≈ =0 lim ≈ =0
x→∞ x − 1 ∞ x→−∞ x − 1 −∞
In this case, the value of is ’equal’ to 0, since that is the unique answer
we obtain after taking the limit.
Question 6
Evaluate lim (x2 + 2x ).
Question 7
Find conditions on A and B so that
Ax − B x ≤ 1
f (x) = 3x 1<x<2
Bx − A 2 ≤ x
is continuous at x = 1 and discontinuous at x = 2.
Question 8
Are the following statements true or false? Justify your answers.
(Prove the statement is true, or give a counterexample if it is false.)
1. Suppose lim [f (x) + g(x)] exists and lim f (x) exists,
x→a x→a
then lim g(x) also exists.
2. Suppose lim [f (x) + g(x)] exists but lim f (x) does not exist,
x→a x→a
then lim g(x) also does not exist.
3. Suppose lim f (x) exists but lim g(x) does not exist,
x→a x→a
then lim [f (x) + g(x)] also does not exist.
4. Suppose lim f (x) does not exist and lim g(x) does not exist,
x→a x→a
then lim [f (x) + g(x)] also does not exist.
Question 9
Prove the ”Continuity law for composition”:
If f (x) is continuous at lim g(x), then we can move limit inside:
Square Roots
Try to use the relation a2 − b2 = (a + b)(a − b). Set a to be the square root,
then we multiply and divide by the other factor, and try to simplify.
This is called multiply by conjugate.
√ √ √
4x + 1 − 3 4x + 1 − 3 4x + 1 + 3 4x + 1 − 32
f (x) = = ·√ = √
x−2 x−2 4x + 1 + 3 (x − 2)( 4x + 1 + 3)
4(x − 2) 4 4 2
= √ =√ ⇒ lim f (x) = =
(x − 2)( 4x + 1 + 3) 4x + 1 + 3 x→2 6 3
Small Angle Approximation
If the limit is given as x → 0, then we can make the substitution
sin(x) tan(x)
sin(x) ≈ x ≈ tan(x) i.e. lim =1 lim =1
x→0 x x→0 x
Note: This also works for arcsin(x) and arctan(x).
Absolute Values
When absolute value is in f (x), approach from the left side and right side
separately. Determine whether the expression inside the absolute value is
positive or negative, and remove the absolute value sign.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
lim+ ( − )= − =0 lim− ( − )= − = = −∞
x→0 x |x| x x x→0 x |x| x −x x
Squeeze Theorem
To attain lim f (x), can try to find g(x) and h(x) so that:
Question 10
√ √
x2 − 9 y + 4 − 4y + 1
1. lim 13. lim √
x→3 x − 3 y→1 y−1
h3 − 5h2 + 3h + 6 sin(1 − cos(x))
2. lim 14. lim
h→2 h3 − h2 − 3h + 2 x→0 xtan(πx)
3. lim
x→3 x − 3
1 u+2
15. lim ( − 2)
u→2 2 − u u−1
4. lim
x→3 (x − 3)2 16. lim+ e1/x
5. lim 17. lim− e1/x
x→0 x x→0
t e3x − 2e−3x
7. lim 19. lim
t→0 sin(2t)
x→−∞ 4e3x + e−3x
sin(2x) 3x − 5x
8. lim 20. lim
x→0 sin(3x) x→∞ 32x + 24x
sin(2z 2 ) 3x − 5x
9. lim 21. lim
z→0 cos(3z)sin2 (5z) x→−∞ 32x + 24x
tan(x − 3) 2x + 12
10. lim 22. lim
x→3 2x − 6 x→−6 |x + 6|
2ex 1
11. lim 23. lim x2 sin
x→0 sin(2ex ) x→0 x
1 − cos(3t) 1 1
12. lim 24. lim 2x sin − cos
t→0 t2 x→0 x x
Question 11
Define the function at x = 5 so that f (x) becomes continuous.
2x − 1 − 3
f (x) =
7 Types of Discontinuity
Recall, f (x) is continuous at point a if
lim f (x) = f (a)
Removable Discontinuity
In this scenario, condition 1 holds:
lim f (x) = L exists
Jump Discontinuity
In this scenario, condition 1 does not hold:
lim f (x) does not exist as 2 -sided limit
Infinite Discontinuity
In this scenario, one or both of the 1-sided limits are infinite:
lim f (x) = ±∞ or lim f (x) = ±∞ or both
x→a− x→a+
Essential Discontinuity
The above 3 scenarios covers most instances of discontinuity.
Any discontinuity that is not the above 3 scenarios is called an essential
As x approach 0, approaches infinity at a faster and faster pace.
The function sin(z) oscillate 1 period whenever the input increases by 2π.
The input of sin(z) in this case is z = , which increases faster and faster
toward infinity, passing through multiples of 2π at an increasingly fast pace.
Thus sin oscillates faster and faster as x approach 0.
An ”intuitive” limit at x = 0 would be ”all numbers between −1 and 1”.
However, a limit must equal to 1 number only, not infinitely many numbers.
lim sin does not exist
x→0 x
with no further classifications.
lim cos does not exist
x→0 x
8 Idea of Derivative
The derivative of f (x) at the point a is
f (a + h) − f (a)
f 0 (a) = lim
h→0 h
We take the limit of h approaching 0, so h 6= 0.
As h is on the denominator, we can not simply substitute h = 0 into the
expression. We need to perform algebraic manipulations to the fraction in
order to cancel the h on the denominator. Then we may substitue h = 0 to
attain the answer to f 0 (a).
3. Velocity
Let’s use t in place of x for the variable.
Let f (t) = s(t) be the position of a particle at time t.
Question 12
Find the derivative f 0 (a) by definition.
1. f (x) = x3
2. f (x) = √
Question 13
Find the equation of the tangent line at the point given.
f (x) = x3 at (1, 1)
Question 14
1. Let f 0 (x) = 0 for all x and f (0) = 0. What can you say about f (2)?
2. Let f 0 (0) = 0 and f (0) = 0. What can you say about f (2)?
Question 15
Let s(t) = t2 − 6t.
Find the average velocity for t between [4, 8] and the instantaneous velocity
at t = 8.
To draw a continuous curve from below the x-axis to above the x-axis, the
curve must cross the x-axis.
To draw a continuous curve from y = f (a) to y = f (b), the curve must cross
all possible horizontal lines y = K between y = f (a) and y = f (b).
1. There exists xM , with f (xM ) ≥ f (x) for all x ∈ [a, b], as a maximum.
2. There exists xm , with f (xm ) ≤ f (x) for all x ∈ [a, b], as a minimum.
On a closed interval [a, b], a continuous curve would have a highest point and
a lowest point.
The theorem guarantees f (x) would reach maximum and minimum, but the
maximum or minimum may be reached at more than 1 point. The theorem
again gives no way of finding the maximum and minimum.
Question 16 x 3 1
Show that there are at least 3 solutions in − 2 sin x + = 0?
π 2
Estimate their values.
Question 17
Give the region of x with > 0, by finding all zeroes and
(x − 1)(x + 1)
discontinuities of f .
10 Derivative
f (a + h) − f (a)
f 0 (a) = lim
h→0 h
The function is differentiable at point a if this limit exists as the derivative at a.
Tangent Line
The point-slope form of line: y − y0 = m(x
− x0 ) where (x00, y0 ) is on the line.
The tangent line at (x0 , y0 ) = a, f (a) has slope m = f (a).
Derivative Rules
dy d
y = f (x) f 0 (x) = = (y) (c)0 = 0 (f +g)0 = f 0 +g 0 (cf )0 = cf 0
dx dx
f f 0g − g0f
(f g)0 = f 0 g + g 0 f ( )0 = [f (g(x))]0 = f 0 (g(x)) · g 0 (x)
g g2
(xn )0 = n · xn−1 (ex )0 = ex (ln x)0 = x = eln(x) = ln(ex )
(sin(x))0 = cos(x) (cos(x))0 = −sin(x)
sin(x) 1 1 cos(x)
tan(x) = csc(x) = sec(x) = cot(x) =
cos(x) sin(x) cos(x) sin(x)
(tan(x))0 = sec2 (x) (sec(x))0 = sec(x)tan(x)
Inverse Function Theorem
(f −1 )0 (x) =
f 0 (f −1 (x))
−π π
arcsin(x) = θ ∈ [ , ] ⇒ sin(θ) = x ∈ [−1, 1]
2 2
arccos(x) = θ ∈ [0, π] ⇒ cos(θ) = x ∈ [−1, 1]
1 −1
arcsin0 (x) = √ arccos0 (x) = √
1−x 2 1 − x2
−π π 1
arctan(x) = θ ∈ [ , ] ⇒ tan(θ) = x ∈ R arctan0 (x) =
2 2 1 + x2
f (n) (x)
is the result of taking the derivative n times onto the original function f (x).
Typically, there are no short-cuts or nice formulas for calculating n-th order
derivatives, one must proceed by taking one derivative at a time.
Question 18
Find the derivative.
x2 + 1 4. f (x) = ex ln(ln(x))
1. f (x) =
x2 − 1
5. f (x) = sin2 x + sin x2 + sin2 x2
2. f (x) = x tan(3x + 1)
r 6. f (x) = ex
3. f (x) = 7. f (x) = xx
Question 19
Find the n-th order derivative. √
1. f (x) = ln(x) 2. f (x) = x+1
Question 20
Question 21
Find conditions on A and B such that
x3 x≤1
f (x) =
Ax + B x>1
f (x) is differentiable at x = 1.
Question 22
1. (g ◦ f )0 (1)
2. (g ◦ f )0 (2)
3. (f ◦ h ◦ g)0 (1)
4. (g ◦ f ◦ h)0 (2)
Question 23
Find the equation of the tangent line of f (x) = cot(x) at a = .
Taking ln on both sides, and using the fact that ln and e are inverse functions,
ln(x) = ln ey·ln(a) = y · ln(a)
Logarithmic Differentiation
We know product rule as:
(f g)0 = f 0 g + f g 0
What if there are more than 2 functions multiplied together?
We could use the ’generalized product rule’ where:
(f gh)0 = f 0 gh + f g 0 h + f gh0
However, this rule becomes complicated if there are more than 3 functions.
There is an alternative method called logarithmic differentiation, where
we use the facts:
ln(xy) = ln(x) + ln(y) ln( ) = ln(x) − ln(y) ln(xy ) = y ln(x)
1. Given a product or quotient of functions, such as
f (x)2 g(x)
y(x) =
Take ln of both sides to get
f (x)2 g(x)
ln y(x) = ln
Question 24
Find the derivative y 0 (x) using logarithmic differentiation.
(x2 + 1)3 (2x − 5)2 x2 + 3
a) y(x) = b) y(x) = √
(x2 + 2)2 3
x2 + 2x
y − f (a) = f 0 (a)(x − a)
We may rewrite the tangent line with a different notation.
The difference in x = ∆x = x − a
(∆ is the greek letter ”delta”, used to mean ”change in”.)
Then the above equation reads:
∆y ≈ f 0 (a) · ∆x
dy = f 0 (a)dx
Question 25 √
Approximate 3.99.
12 Inverse Function
f :A→B
A is the domain of f , B is the codomain of f .
Consider the (one to one) function,
f :R→R
f (x) = arctan(x)
Now at first, we can consider A = R (on the left), and B = R (on the right).
However, as x can be any real number in A = R, arctan(x) can take on
π π
every value in (− , ). (We can see this with the graph).
2 2
π π
Thus, image(f ) = (− , ).
2 2
Now if we set
π π
f : R → (− , )
2 2
Then f is one to one and onto.
However, there are too many elements in the domain A of f , which get
sent to the same value in the codomain B of f .
For example, we have f (0) = 0 ∈ B, and f (2π) = 0 ∈ B, and f (4π) = 0 ∈ B.
This is called not one-to-one.
Question 26
a) Find the following values.
2π 2π 2π
x = cos( ), y = sin( ), z = tan( ).
3 3 3
b) Verify whether the following quantities exists, and evaluate them.
arccos(x), arcsin(y), arctan(z).
d) Conclude that
cos(arccos(x)) = x
for all x in the domain of arccos, which is [−1, 1].
sin(arcsin(x)) = x tan(arctan(x)) = x
for all x in the domain of arcsin (which is [−1, 1]), and arctan (which is R).
e) Conclude that
arccos(cos(θ)) = θ
for θ ∈ [0, π], the restricted domain of cos(θ).
arcsin(sin(θ)) = θ
−π π
for θ ∈ [ , ], the restricted domain of sin(θ).
2 2
arctan(tan(θ)) = θ
−π π
for θ ∈ ( , ), the restricted domain of tan(θ).
2 2
5π −π 7π
f) Evaluate arcsin(sin( )), arccos(cos( )), arccos(cos( )).
6 3 6
Recall the sum of angles formula:
sin(x + y) = sin(x)cos(y) + cos(x)sin(y)
cos(x + y) = cos(x)cos(y) − sin(x)sin(y)
1 − 3 √
g) Evaluate: arccos(1), arccos( ), arccos( ), arccos( 3),
2 √2
1 − 3 √
arcsin(0), arcsin(1), arcsin( ), arcsin( ), arctan(1), arctan(− 3)
2 2
Question 27
Sketch the graph of the following functions.
a) f (x) = sin(arcsin(x)), where x is a ratio.
Question 28
Simplify the following expressions which are given as a composition of trig-
nometric function and inverse trignometric function.
π 3π
a) arccos(sin(θ)), where θ ∈ [ , ] is an angle.
2 2
π π
Repeat with θ ∈ [− , ].
2 2
1. Set y = f (x)
2. Isolate x on one side: x = g(y), where g(y) is the right side with only y.
1. f (x) = x + 3 1 + e−x
4. f (x) =
√ 1 − e−x
2. f (x) = 2 − 3x
2x + 1 ex − e−x
3. f (x) = 5. f (x) =
x−1 2
Question 31
1 2
Evaluate ln(e2x ), ln(2ex ), e2ln(x) , ln( 3 ), eln(ln(e )) .
Question 32
Solve for x.
13 Implicit Differentiation
1. Replace all y with y(x)
2. Take derivative against x on both sides.
3. Isolate y 0 (x) = dx
Remember to use product rule and chain rule, when taking derivatives.
cos(xy) = 1 + sin(y)
cos(x · y(x)) = 1 + sin(y(x))
d d
cos(x · y(x)) = [1 + sin(y(x))]
dx dx
3. Using chain rule:
d dy
−sin(x · y(x)) · [x · y(x)] = 0 + cos(y(x)) ·
dx dx
Using produict rule on the left side:
dy dy
−sin(x · y(x)) · [1 · y(x) + x · ] = cos(y(x)) ·
dx dx
Isolate :
dy dy
−sin(x · y(x)) · y(x) − x · sin(x · y(x)) · − cos(y(x)) · =0
dx dx
−sin(x · y(x)) · y(x) + [−x · sin(x · y(x)) − cos(y(x))] · =0
[−x · sin(x · y(x)) − cos(y(x))] · = sin(x · y(x)) · y(x)
dy sin(x · y(x)) · y(x)
dx −x · sin(x · y(x)) − cos(y(x))
Question 33
dy d2 y
Find and 2 of
dx dx
x2 + 4xy + y 3 + 5 = 0
at (x, y) = (2, −1).
1 h 1
v = π( )2 · h = π · h3
3 2 12
3. As time passes, both volume and height will change.
v(t) = π · (h(t))3
d d 1
v(t) = [ π · (h(t))3 ]
dt dt 12
dv 1 d
= π · (h(t))3
dt 12 dt
dv 1 dh
= π · 3 · (h(t))2 ·
dt 12 dt
1 dh dh dh 6
30 = π · 3 · (10)2 · = 25π · ⇒ =
12 dt dt dt 5π
Question 34
The radius of sphere is increasing at the rate of 4 cm/s. How fast is the
volume increasing when the diameter is 80 cm?
Question 35
Two cars start at the same point. One travels west at 25 km/h, the other
travels south at 60 km/h. What is the rate of the distance between them
changing after 2 hours?
Question 36
A policeman is at 200m from a straight highway. Down the highway, 200m
from the point on the highway closest to the policeman, is an emergency call
box. The officer points the radar gun at the call box. A car passes the call
box, and the radar indicates the distance between the policeman and the car
is increasing at 72km/h. The speed limit is 90km/h. Is the car above the
speed limit?
Question 37
The water level in a hemispherical tank of radius 2 m is dropping at a rate
of 5 cm/sec when the depth of the water in the tank is 1 m. At what rate
is the radius of surface area of the water decreasing, when the depth of the
water in the tank is 1 m?
Question 38
A camera 3000 m from the launch pad is to be always aimed at a rocket as it
rises. How fast is the angle of elevation of the camera changing at the instant
the rocket is 4000 m above the launch pad, and rising at a rate of 880 m per
Question 39
A 2-m tall man walks along the side of an 8-m wide street, on which the
only lamppost is on the other side of the street. The man walks at a rate of
2 m/sec. The lamppost is 10 m tall. When he is 6 m from a point directly
opposite the lamppost, how fast is the length of his shadow changing?
Local Extrema
A point c is a local maximum if there exists an interval (c − l, c + l) such
that for all x in the interval, f (x) ≤ f (c) (when f (x) is defined).
A point c is a local minimum if there exists an interval (c − l, c + l) such
that for all x in the interval, f (x) ≥ f (c) (when f (x) is defined).
Question 40
Prove that
1−x √
f (x) = arcsin + 2arctan x
is constant on some interval.
What is the constant?
What’s the largest interval where this is true?
Question 41
Find all functions defined on R that has f 0 (x) = 3.
Furthermore, show that no other function (other than those that you have
found) can satisfy f 0 (x) = 3.
Question 42
a) Suppose f 0 (x) has only 1 zero on [a, b].
How many zeroes can f have at most on [a, b]?
Question 43
Find the critical points, and classify them as local extremas.
1. f (x) = x4
2. f (x) = |x|
x2 + 1 x < 1
3. f (x) =
x+1 x≥1
Question 44
Sketch the graph of (
2x + 2 x ≤ −1
f (x) =
x3 − x x > −1
Find f 0 (x).
Determine whether f satisfies the conditions of the mean value theorem on
[−3, 2].
Find the value c from the conclusion of the mean value theorem.
Question 45
Suppose f 0 (x) ≤ M for all x, where M is a constant.
let a < b.
Show the rate of increase of f (x) is bounded by M :
f (b) ≤ f (a) + M (b − a)
2. For lim f (x) = −∞ = lim f (x), then there exists absolute maximum.
x→∞ x→−∞
x2 − 4
f (x) =
x2 + 4
2x · (x2 + 4) − 2x · (x2 − 4) 2x3 + 8x − 2x3 + 8x
f 0 (x) = =
(x2 + 4)2 (x2 + 4)2
= 2 =0
(x + 4)2
The denominator is always positive, so the numerator is 0. The only
critical point is x = 0
16 · (x2 + 4)2 − 16x · 2(x2 + 4) · 2x
f 00 (x) =
(x2 + 4)4
16 · (x2 + 4) − 64x2 64 − 48x2
= =
(x2 + 4)3 (x2 + 4)3
At the critical point x = 0,
f 00 (0) = >0
Thus x = 0 is a local minimum.
3. Compare the ”endpoints”, in this case:
lim f (x) = 1
17 Optimization
1. Identify the quantity that needs to be maximized/minimized. Set as y.
There are 1200cm2 of material to construct a rectangular container with
square base and with open top. What is the largest volume?
1. Set v = volume
Question 47
How much fencing is needed to define two adjacent rectangular playgrounds
of the same width and total area 15, 000m2 ?
Question 48
Find the point(s) on the parabola y = x2 closest to the point (3, 0).
Question 49
You want to sell a square open box: the bottom is a square, the four sides
are identical rectangles, and there isn’t anything on the top. The box should
have a volume of 1000 cm3 . The material for the bottom costs $2 per cm2
and the material for each of the four sides costs $3 per cm2 . You know you
will be able to sell each box for $1,250. Is this operation profitable?
Question 50
A farmer wants to hire workers to pick 1600 bags of beans. Each worker can
pick 10 bags per hour and is paid $1.00 per bag. The farmer must also pay a
supervisor $20 per hour while the picking is in progress. She has additional
miscellaneous expenses of $8 per worker (but not for the supersivor). How
many workers should she hire to minimize the total cost? What will the cost
per bag picked be?
Question 51
A power line is needed to connect a power station on the shore of a river
to an island 4 kilometers downstream and 1 kilometer offshore. Find the
minimum cost for such a line given that it costs $50,000 per kilometer to lay
wire under water and $30,000 per kilometer to lay wire under ground.
Question 52
A bus company runs a bus at a fare of $37 per person if 16 to 35 passengers
sign up for the trip. The company does not charter trips for fewer than 16
passengers. The bus has 48 seats. If more than 35 passengers sign up, then
the fare for every passenger is reduced by 50 cents for each passenger in ex-
cess of 35 that signs up. Determine the number of passengers that generates
the greatest revenue for the bus company.
x2 − 4
f (x) =
x2 + 4
f 0 (x) = 2
(x + 4)2
The denominator of f 0 (x) is always positive, so the sign of f 0 (x) depends
only on the numerator.
Thus f (x) is increasing for x > 0, and decreasing for x < 0.
64 − 48x2
f 00 (x) = =0
(x2 + 4)3
The denominator of f 00 (x) is always positive, so set the numerator is 0.
64 4 2
64 − 48x2 = 0 → x2 = = → x = ±√
48 3 3
Note that f (x) has no verticle asymptotes, so f (x) always exists. We need
to check the 3 regions set out by x = ± √ .
√ √
We have f (0) > 0, so f (x) is concave up between 2/ 3 and -2/ 3.
19 Graphing
We can try to accurately sketch a graph by finding the following:
1. Domain
Question 53
Sketch the graph.
1. f (x) = x2 (x + 2)3 ex
4. f (x) =
ex + 1
x2 5. f (x) = x1/3
2. f (x) =
x2 − 1 √
6. f (x) = x 1 − x2
3. f (x) = 7. f (x) = |2x − x2 |
x2 + 1
20 L’Hopital’s Rule
lim f (x) 0 ∞
= OR ±
lim g(x) 0 ∞
f (x) f 0 (x)
lim = lim 0
g(x) g (x)
Usually, we plug in the value of x and get 00 , so we take derivative and plug
in x again.
x3 0
lim 2 =
x→0 x + x 0
Taking derivative of the numerator and denominator,
3x2 0
= lim = =0
x→0 2x + 1 1
Case of 0 · ∞
f (x) 0
lim[f (x) · g(x)] = lim 1 =
( g(x) ) 0
g(x) ∞
lim[f (x) · g(x)] = lim 1 =
( f (x) ) ∞
Typically, the simpler fraction out of the two should be used to get the
1 sin(1/x) 0
lim x · sin( ) = lim 1 =
x→∞ x x→∞ (x) 0
cos(1/x) · x2 1
= lim −1 = lim cos( ) = cos(0) = 1
x→∞ x
Case of 0∞ , ∞0 , 1∞ , ...
When the base of an exponent includes x, one must utilize the formula:
f (x)g(x) = (eln(f (x)) )g(x) = eg(x)·ln(f (x))
lim (tan(2x))x = lim+ ex·ln(tan(2x))
x→0+ x→0
Using property of limits, we can move the limit onto the exponent.
h i
lim x · ln(tan(2x))
= e x→0+
So we only need to compute
ln(tan(2x)) ln(0) −∞
lim+ x · ln(tan(2x)) = lim+ 1 = =
x→0 x→0
∞ ∞
1 cos(2x) 1
· sec2 (2x) · 2 sin(2x) cos2 (2x)
·2 −2x2
= lim+ −1 = lim+ −1 = lim+
x→0 sin(2x)cos(2x)
The limit of cos(2x) is 1, so we can split up the limit to simplify calculation.
−2x2 1 −2x2 0
= lim+ · lim+ = lim+ ·1=
x→0 sin(2x) x→0 cos(2x) x→0 sin(2x) 0
Using L’hopital:
−4x 0
= lim+ = =0
x→0 cos(2x) · 2 2
Thus the limit in the exponent is 0.
L’hopital rule should not be used when the limit can be solved by other
techniques, as derivative of function typically is more complicated than the
original function.
Question 54
An important limit - Compount interest (with 100% interest per year):
1 n
lim 1+ =e
n→∞ n
Question 55
1. lim
t→0 ln(1 + 2t)
h3 − 5h2 + 3h + 6
2. lim
h→2 h3 − h2 − 3h + 2
1 − cos(3t)
3. lim
t→0 t · ln(1 + t)
(x − 1)sin(x)
5. lim
x→1 ex cos(x)
6. lim
x→0 x
7. lim x · tan( )
x→∞ x
1 1
8. lim ( − )
x→0 xsin(x) xtan(x)
x4 + 5x3 − x2
9. lim
x→∞ x
10. lim
x→∞ x
11. lim (cos(x))1/x
12. lim x 1 + ln(x)
13. lim+ x
21 Idea of Integration
Let’s first assume f (x) > 0.
We want the area under the curve of f (x) on [a, b] (and above the x-axis).
We split the area into many rectangles, and add up their total area.
The way we pick the bases of the rectangles on [a, b] is called partition.
P : t0 < t1 < ... < tn t0 = a tn = b
Once we have a partition P , we can split the rectangles into even smaller
rectangles (by adding some additional points in the list of ti ). This is called
a refinement of P .
The following 2 methods for choosing height are important for theoretical purposes:
For Upper Sum, pick the height of a rectangle to be the maximum value
(actually the supremum) of f in that rectangle.
The total area of the rectangles computed with this method is called Uf (P ).
For Lower Sum, pick the minimum value (the infimum) of f instead.
The total area of the rectangles computed with this method is called Lf (P ).
Notice that the formula for the Right-point method is slightly easier.
Intuitively, as we use more rectangles, the total area of the rectangles would
become a better approximation to the true area under the curve of f (x).
These types of sum (where we don’t specify the exact way of choosing base
and height) is called a Riemann Sum.
This definition extends to the case where f (x) may also be negative.
In this case, we may still use the Riemann Sum formula, but we would be
approximating the ’Net area’:
Z b n
Net area = f (x)dx = lim bi · hi
a n→∞
1. When f (x) > 0, we count the area above the x-axis and below f (x) to
be ’positive area’.
2. When f (x) < 0, we count the area below the x-axis and above f (x) to
be ’negative area’.
The ’Net area’ is the sum of both the ’positive’ and ’negative’ areas.
When computing the total area of the rectangles using Riemman Sums when
f (x) are simple polynomials, the following formulas are helpful:
n n n
X n(n + 1) X
2 n(n + 1)(2n + 1) X n2 (n + 1)2
i= i = i3 =
2 i=1
6 i=1
X n
X n
X n n
c · s(i) = c · s(i) s(i) + t(i) = s(i) + t(i)
i=1 i=1 i=1 i=1 i=1
where s(i), t(i) are expressions involving i, and c is a constant not involving i.
Question 56
Compute the following integral by using the right-point method with the
partition being n equal length intervals.
Z 1 Z 2
1. 2x dx 2. 2x2 − x dx
0 −1
Question 57
Let f (x) = x2 − 2 and x ∈ [0, 3] be partitioned into 3 equal length intervals.
Compute the Riemann Sum explicitly, with the midpoint method, where
we choose the height to be the function value of the midpoint in each interval.
22 1D Integration
We want the area under the curve of f (x) on [a, b].
We split the area into many rectangles, and add up their total area.
The way we pick the base of the rectangles on [a, b] is called partition.
Once we have a partition P , we can split the rectangles into more smaller
rectangles. This is called a refinement of P .
For theoretical purposes, the following 2 methods of choosing height are important:
For Upper Sum, pick the height of a rectangle to be the maximum value
(actually the supremum) of f in each rectangle.
The total area of the rectangles computed with this method is called Uf (P ).
For Lower Sum, pick the minimum value (the infimum) of f instead.
The total area of the rectangles computed with this method is called Lf (P ).
The total area of the rectangles using Upper Sum will always be larger than
(or equal to) the true area. Similarly, the total area using Lower Sum will
always be smaller (or equal) to the true area.
Thus, the true area is always sandwiched between Upper Sum and Lower
Sum. In fact, even if 2 different partitions are used, this is still true:
The ”True Area” must be the ”minimum” of all possible upper sum, where
we try every possible way of picking the bases, and calculate the area using
the maximum (supremum) value.
It should also be equal to the ”maximum” of all possible lower sum.
To get around the fact that minimum or maximum might not exist:
Definition 2: R
”True Area” = a f = infimum of all possible {Uf (P )} = I ba
= supremum of all possible {Lf (P )} = I ba
Supremum and Infimum
A number u is the supremum of a set S if it is the least upper bound of S.
i.e. u is the smallest number which can satisfy:
For all s ∈ S, s ≤ u. (u is larger than everything in S)
Question 58
Show whether the following functions f are integrable.
10. Bonus:
1 x=
written as an irreducible fraction
f (x) = q q for x ∈ [0, 1].
0 x 6∈ Q, x = 0, x = 1
Question 59
Suppose f is increasing on [a, b]. Prove f is integrable.
(Note that we do not assume f is continuous.)
Rb 60 R
Let a f (x)dx < a g(x)dx.
Let P be a partition of [a, b].
Are the following statements true or false? Justify your answers.
(Prove the statement is true, or give a counterexample if it is false.)
1. Lf (P ) < Ug (P )
2. Lf (P ) < Lg (P )
3. Lf (P ) < a f (x)dx
4. Uf (P ) < Ug (P )
5. a f (x)dx < Ug (P )
6. Uf (P ) < a g(x)dx
Question 61
Prove Z b
inf f (x) · (b − a) ≤ f (x) ≤ sup f (x) · (b − a)
x∈[a,b] a x∈[a,b]
Question 62
Suppose f is integrable, Prove |f | is integrable.
Is it true that: If |f | is integrable, then f is integrable?
Question 63 Rb
Suppose f is continuous, f ≥ 0, a f = 0.
Prove f (x) = 0 for all x ∈ [a, b].
Is this still true if we do not assume f is continuous?
(Notice the integrand is the function f , except with variable changed to t.)
F 0 (x) = f (x)
(The derivative is the integrand, replace all values of t with x).
Combining with Chain Rule:
Z g(x)
F (x) = f (t) dt F 0 (x) = f (g(x)) · g 0 (x)
Common anti-derivatives
1 1
xn = xn+1 e =ex x
= ln |x|
n+1 x
Properties of Integrals
For f is integrable:
Z b Z b Z b Z b Z b
(f + g) = f+ g cf = c f
a a a a a
Z b Z a Z c Z b Z c
f =− f f= f+ f
a b a a b
Z b Z b
f ≤ |f |
a a
Since f (x) is integrable, f (x) must be bounded:
There exists m and M such that m ≤ f (x) ≤ M for all x ∈ [a, b].
(Intuitively, bounded means f (x) is not approaching infinity.)
Z b
m(b − a) ≤ f ≤ M (b − a)
Question 66
Let g be an unknown differentiable function.
Define Z x
G(x) = g(t)dt
Find R G(x)
arctan(s + 2s2 )ds
x→0 x2
Question 67
Evaluate the integral with FTC II (by finding anti-derivative).
Z 1
1. 2x − 3
Z 8 √
2. x
d √
3. 1 + x2
1 dx
2x 0 ≤ x ≤ 1
4. f (x) where f (x) =
0 −x 1 < x ≤ 4
Z 2
−2 x2
Z 3
1 x2
Z 3
1 x
Z −1
−3 x
Z 3
−3 x
Question 68
Find f (x) where f 0 (x) = x2 and f (2) = 1.
Question 69
Find the area bounded by curves x + y 2 − 4 = 0 and x + y = 2.
24 Integration Techniques
We would like to compute the integral (anti-derivative) of a function
f (x)dx
Note: When the bounds of the integral is given (definite integral), one can
also compute the new bounds for u, from the bounds given in x. However,
it is not necessary to compute the new bounds for u. Simply find the anti-
derivative in x, and plug in the bounds of x at the end.
Integration by Parts
1. Given f (x), attempt to split the function into 2 pieces, u and dv
f (x) = u · dv
Note: After choosing the quantity u, dv must be the rest of the func-
tion f (x)
When f (x) contains functions with a lot of letters such as ln(x), arctan(x),
arccos(x), arcsin(x), set u to be this quantity. Then du would be only a
fraction, with no letters involved.
Example Z
x · cos(x)
u=x dv = cos(x)
du = 1 · dx v= cos(x) = sin(x)
x · cos(x) = u · v − du · v = x · sin(x) − 1 · sin(x) dx
= x · sin(x) + cos(x)
Question 70
Z Z √
cos x
1. e−5x+1 dx 8. √ dx
√ Z
2. x x3 + 1 dx 9. √ dx
4 − x2
Z π/4
sin x 2x − 7
3. dx 10. dx
0 cos3 x x2 − 7x + 10
2 √
4. x − 1(x + 1) dx 11. dx
1 (x + 1)2
x2 − 2x
5. x2 2 + x dx 12. dx
x3 − 3x2 − 5
Z 1/2
6. dx 13. dx
1/4 x ln x x2 + 1
sin x − cos x
7. dx 14. dx
sin x + cos x 2x2 −x+2
Question 71
1. xex dx 8. arcsin x dx
2. x sin(2x) dx 9. x arctan x dx
3. x2 cos x dx √
10. arctan x dx
4. ex cos x dx Z
Z 11. x sec2 x dx
5. ln x dx Z
Z 12. sec x dx
6. x ln x dx
Z 13. sec3 x dx
7. sin(ln x) dx
Author: Xiao Page 76
Question 72
Let v(t) = 2t − 2. Find the total displacement and total distance travelled,
in the time interval [0, 3].
Question 73
Evaluate the limit by viewing it as a right endpoint Riemann Sum on [0, 1].
Pn i2
1. lim
n→∞ i=1 n3
P i
2. lim
n→∞ i=1 i2 + n2
Question 74
Find the area under the curve.
1. y = x x2 + 1 on 0 ≤ x ≤ 1
2. y = 2 sin x + 2 on 0 ≤ x ≤ π
25 Area
Given y = f (x) > 0 on x in [a, b], the area under the curve y = f (x) (and
above the x − axis) is given by
Z b Z b
Area = f (x) dx = y dx
a a
If y = f (x) > g(x), then the area between the 2 curves is given by the
larger area minus the smaller area.
Z b Z b
Area Difference = f (x) dx − g(x) dx
a a
This can be extended to the case when the functions are negative as well.
Given x = f (y) > 0 on y in [c, d], the area between the curve x = f (y)
and the y-axis is given by
Z d Z d
Area = f (y) dy = x dy
c c
If x = f (y) > g(y) which means the curve f (y) is to the right of g(y) ,
then the area between the 2 curves is given by the larger area minus the
smaller area.
Z d Z d
Area Difference = f (y) dy − g(y) dy
c c
This can be extended to the case when the functions are negative as well.
Question 75
1. Find the total area between y = x3 − 2x + 2 and y = x2 + 2.
2. Find the area between y = x − 1 and y 2 = 2x + 6.
3. Find the area between y 2 + 3y − x = 16 and |3y| − x = 0.
26 Volume
Volume by revolution
There are 2 quantities, radius r and height h. Depending on the rotation
axis, they will correspond to x and y.
The relation between x and y transform into relation between r and h.
Question 76
1. Consider the region bounded by x = y 3 , x = 8, y = 0.
Find the volume after revolving this region around y-axis.
2. Consider the region bounded by y = x2 , y = x1/3 .
Find the volume after revolving this region around y-axis.
3. Consider the region bounded by y = x, x + y = 6, y = 1.
Find the volume after revolving this region around x-axis.
4. Consider the region bounded by y = x2 , y = 9.
Find the volume after revolving this region around x-axis.
5. Find the volume of a cylinder, and a cone of the same dimensions.
6. Find the volume of a sphere.
7. Consider the region bounded by y = x2 + 4, y = 6x − x2 .
Find the volume after revolving this region around x-axis, and y-axis.
√ √
8. Consider the region bounded by x = 0, y = 0, x + y = 1.
Find the volume after revolving this region around x = 3.
Do this in 2 ways: Integrate with respect to x, and with respect to y.
9. Consider a hemispherical bowl of radius R. We place a small iron ball
with radius r inside the bowl, where 2r ≤ R (so it is completely inside
the bowl). Let the water level be h. Find the total volume of water.
Note, there are 2 cases:
If the ball is completely submerged, we subtract the ball’s total volume.
If the ball is only partially submerged, then we need to subtract that
portion of its volume.
10. Find the volume of a square based pyramid.
(Add area of squares instead of circles.)
11. Two cylinders with radius r intersect with their axis at right angle.
Find the volume of the intersection (that is inside both cylinders).
27 Trignometric Integrals
Multiples of sin(x) and cos(x)
Let’s start with the basics:
sin(x) = −cos(x) cos(x) = sin(x)
u = cos(x) du = −sin(x)dx
−u101 −cos101 (x)
sin(x) · cos100 (x)dx = −u100 du = =
101 101
One of sin(x) or cos(x) have odd power
Use the formula sin2 (x) + cos2 (x) = 1 to interchange cos2 (x) and sin2 (x) of
the odd power so that one power remain.
cos (x)sin (x) = cos(x)cos4 (x)sin100 (x)
5 100
= cos(x) 1 − sin2 (x) sin100 (x)
cos(x) 1 − 2sin2 (x) + sin4 (x) sin100 (x)
= cos(x)sin (x) − 2 cos(x)sin (x) + cos(x)sin104 (x)
100 102
Note: This method also includes when one of sin(x) or cos(x) is missing.
sin (x) = sin(x)sin (x) = sin(x) 1 − cos2 (x)
5 4
= sin(x) − 2 sin(x)cos (x) + sin(x)cos4 (x)
Interchange the cos2 (x) and sin2 (x) as before, keep the one you need.
cos(2x) = 1 − sin2 (x) − sin2 (x) cos(2x) = cos2 (x) − 1 − cos2 (x)
u = sec(x) du = tan(x)sec(x)dx
tan(x)sec (x)dx = tan(x)sec(x)sec99 (x)dx
= sec2 (x)(tan2 (x) + 1)tan100 (x)
= sec (x)tan (x) + sec2 (x)tan100 (x)
2 102
= tan(x) sec2 (x) − 1 sec100 (x)
= tan(x) sec4 (x) − 2sec2 (x) + 1 sec100 (x)
= tan(x)sec (x) − 2 tan(x)sec (x) + tan(x)sec100 (x)
104 102
Note: Odd powers of sec(x) and even powers of tan(x) are very difficult.
sec(x) = ln |sec(x) + tan(x)|
Question 77
1. sin4 x cos x dx 12. tan x sec4 x, dx
5 3
2. sin x cos x dx 13. sec4 x tan4 x dx
3 2
3. sin x cos x dx 14. tan3 x sec x dx
4. cos x dx 15. sec4 x dx
5. cos x dx 16. tan3 x dx
6. sin x dx 17. sec5 x dx
2 2
7. sin x cos x dx 18. tan2 x dx
8. sin x dx 19. tan2 x sec x dx
9. sec x dx 20. sin 2x sin 3x dx
10. tan x sec x dx 21. cos 2x sin 5x dx
5 2
11. tan x sec x dx 22. cos2 3x sin 2x dx
Question 78
Verify the Orthogonal Relation for Fourier Sine and Cosine Series:
Z π ( Z π (
0 if m 6= n 0 if m 6= n
sin mx sin nx dx = cos mx cos nx dx =
0 π/2 if m = n 0 π/2 if m = n
Z π
sin mx cos nx dx = 0 (for any n, m) where n, m are integers.
28 Trignometric Substitution
Integral involving pa − x2
This looks similar to 1 − sin2√ (θ) = cos(θ)
Try to turn the expression into 1 − z 2 for some new z.
Use substitution, set z = sin(θ).
√ dx
4 − x2
r s
4x 2 x 2 x 2
4 − x2 = 4 − = 4 1− =2 1−
4 4 2
= sin(θ) ⇒ x = 2sin(θ)
= 2cos(θ) ⇒ dx = 2cos(θ)dθ
x2 x2 x2
√ dx = q dx = p · 2cos(θ)dθ
4 − x2 2 1− x 2
2 1 − sin(θ)2
4sin2 (θ)
= p · 2cos(θ)dθ = 4sin2 (θ)dθ = 2θ − sin(2θ)
2 1 − sin(θ) 2
Integral involving pa + x2
This looks similar to 1 + tan2√ (θ) = sec(θ).
Try to turn the expression into 1 + z 2 for some new z.
Use subtitution, set z = tan(θ).
Integral involving px2 − a
This looks similar to sec2 (θ) −√1 = tan(θ).
Try to turn the expression into z 2 − 1 for some new z.
Use substitution, set z = sec(θ).
Integral involving ax2 + bx + c
Complete the square inside the square root.
Then, depending on the situation, do a trig substitution from above.
√ dx
(x + 1) x2 + 2x − 3
Recall the procedure for completing the square: add and subtract (b/2)2 .
x2 + 2x − 3 = x2 + 2x − 3 + 1 − 1 = (x + 1)2 − 4
1 1
√ dx = p dx
(x + 1) x + 2x − 3 (x + 1) (x + 1)2 − 4
This looks similar to sec2 (θ) − 1. Changing the 4 to 1:
1 1
q dx = q dx
(x + 1) 4( (x+1)
− 1) (x + 1)2 ( x+1 2
) − 1
= sec(θ) ⇒ x = 2sec(θ) − 1
= 2sec(θ)tan(θ) ⇒ dx = 2sec(θ)tan(θ)dθ
1 sec(θ) θ 1 x+1
= ·2sec(θ)tan(θ)dθ = dθ = = arcsec
(x + 1)2tan(θ) 2sec(θ) 2 2 2
Z √ 792
1 1 1
1. dx 2. dx 3. √ dx 4. √ dx
x4 (x2 + 2)3/2 ex e2x − 4 x2 − 2x − 3
29 Partial Fraction
We want to integrate any rational function,
f (x) =
Long Division
Long division is the first step in the process of integrating rational function.
We compare the degrees of the numerator p(x) and the denominator q(x).
(Degree of a polynomial p(x) is the value of its highest power.)
If deg p(x) < deg q(x), then we skip long division and proceed to the next step.
If deg p(x) ≥ deg q(x), we perform long division on , and produce
p(x) r(x)
= g(x) +
q(x) q(x)
To integrate , we integrate the 2 terms on the right.
The polynomial g(x) is easy to integrate.
We only need to integrate the rational function .
It is guaranteed that deg r(x) < deg q(x), and thus we have made sure the
numerator has degree less than the denominator.
Thus using the technique of long division, we can reduce any integral of
a rational function into a rational function with degree of the top less than
the degree of the bottom.
From now on, we will assume deg p(x) < deg q(x).
Partial Fraction
1. Completely factor the denominator q(x) into irreducible factors.
The irreducible factors must have either degree 1 or degree 2.
q(x) = q1 (x) . . . qn (x)
Let’s first assume each qi (x) are distinct (different from each other).
2. Write the original fraction into a sum of fractions of polynomials, with
qi (x) as denominators.
p(x) p1 (x) pn (x)
= +·+
q(x) q1 (x) qn (x)
If qi (x) is degree 1, we set pi (x) to be a constant, such as pi (x) = A.
If qi (x) is degree 2, we set pi (x) to be degree 1, such as pi (x) = Ax + B.
x 3 + x2 − x + 1 A B Cx + D
= + + 2
x(x − 1)(x + 1) x x−1 x +1
3. Take a common denominator on the right side. Solve for the constants
in pi (x) based on p(x) as a system of linear equations.
1 = −A − C + D Solving this system, we see that
−1 = A + B − D A = −1, B = 1, C = 1, D = 1.
1 = −A
So we attain
x3 + x2 − x + 1 −1 1 x+1
= + + 2
x(x − 1)(x + 1) x x−1 x +1
4. In the event that a factor has multiplicity n, that n is to say q(x) have
a repeated irreducible factor, such as q1 (x) ,
q(x) = q1 (x) q2 (x) . . . qn (x)
then to form a sum of fractions for this factor, we must repeatedly form
new fractions in the sum, with denominator q1 (x) with k increasing
from 1 up to n.
p(x) 3x2 + x + 1 A B C D
= 3
= + + 2
q(x) x(2x − 1) x 2x − 1 (2x − 1) (2x − 1)3
Notice that we have (2x − 1)k as the denominator, with k = 1, 2, 3.
In each of the instances, we have a constant as numerator, since (2x−1)
as the repeated factor, is linear.
p(x) 3x2 + x + 1 A B Cx + D Ex + F Gx + H
= 2 2 3
= + 2+ 2 + 2 2
+ 2
q(x) x (x + 1) x x (x + 1) (x + 1) (x + 1)3
Notice that we have xk as denominator, with k = 1, 2.
The numerators are set to be constants, since the irreducible repeated
factor x is linear. That is to say, we view x2 = (x)2 .
A 2ax A 2ax + b
= = dx+
2a (ax2 + bx + c)k 2a (ax2 + bx + c)k (ax2 + bx + c)k
Question 80
2x3 + x2 − x − 4 x+1
1. dx 3. dx
(x − 1)2 x3 − 2x2 + 2x
x 3 + x2 + x + 2
2. dx 4. dx
x4 + 3x2 + 2 (x2 + 1)2
30 Sequences
A sequence S = {an }∞ n=1 is like a regular function f (n) = an , except you can
only ask its limit as n → ∞.
It is like the maximum, because, if you take a step to the left, from the
supremum, no matter how small the step is, you will bump into some-
thing in S along the way.
Of course, you take a step to the right, from the infimum, you will bump
into something in S.
For a sequence {an } , the limit L exists when the values of an get close
to L. How close is close?
For any error range , as long as we take n large, we can always make sure
an is within that error to L
If the limit exists, then S gets close to L, so it is not going to infinity, so it’s
bounded above and below. However, being bounded (above and below) is
not enough for the limit to exist.
increasing means each term is bigger than the term before: ∀n, an+1 > an .
non-decreasing is just a technical way of saying ∀n, an+1 ≥ an .
Using this, we can say the following are true ’eventually’, which means when
n is large enough:
ln(n) np for any power of p > 0. (log grows slower than polynomial)
n p an for any base a > 1. (polynomial grows slower than exponential)
an n! for any base a > 1. (factorial grows very fast)
n! nn . (nn grows the fastest)
We attain the chain of ascending growth rates:
1 ln(n) n n n2 ... 2n en n! nn
where an bn if
lim =0
n→∞ bn
(n + 2)1/n = eln(n+2) = eln(n+2)/n
Using the chain of growth, the exponent approach zero, thus the answer to
the limit is e0 = 1.
Question 81
Find the infimum and supremum of the following sets.
1. S = {x : |x − 1| < 2}
2. S = {0.9, 0.99, 0.999, ....}
3. S = {(−1)n (1 − ) : n ∈ N}
Question 82
Find the limit of the following sequences.
n + (−1)n 1 1
1. 6. −
n 2n 2n + 3
2. (1.01)n
4n 7.
3. √ ln n
4n2 + 2
2n 8. (n + 2)1/n
3n + 5
n+1 3n+1
5. n √ 9. n−1
2 n 4
Question 83
Prove an → 0 if and only if |an | → 0.
Question 84
Consider the recursively defined sequence.
Determine whether it converges. If it converges, find its limit.
1. a1 = 1, an+1 = an + 1.
√ √
2. a1 = 2, an+1 = 2 + an
31 Improper Integral
Integral is many rectangle’s area which is base times height.
What happens if one of them is infinite?
= −∞ + ∞ + = ±∞
2(c − 1)2
In particular: R∞ R∞
If the larger integral aR g(x) < ∞, then the smaller integral a f (x)
R ∞< ∞.
If the smaller integral a f (x) = ∞, then the larger integral ∞ ≤ a g(x).
Typically, the new integral will be modified from the original, by remov-
ing complicated terms.
In particular:
Z ∞ Z ∞
f (x) converges if and only if g(x) converges
a a
Question 85
Compute the improper integral, or show it diverges.
Z ∞ Z ∞
1. 2
5. cos x
−1 x + 1 0
Z ∞ Z 1
1 1
2. 6. 2
2 x+2 0 x
Z 1 Z 1
3. ln x 7. √
0 0 x
Z ∞ Z ∞
4. ln x 8. 2
1 2 x −1
Question 86
Let p > 0. For which values of p would the integral converge or diverge?
Z ∞
1 xp
This integral is sometimes called the p-series.
Question 87
Using the comparison tests, show whether the integral converges or diverges.
Z ∞
sin x + 2 cos x + 10
1 x2
Z ∞
0 x2 + x + 5
Z ∞ √
3. 2
10 3x + 5x + 11
Z ∞
arctan x
0 x1.1
Z 1
sin x
5. 4/3
0 x
Z ∞
6. e−x
32 Series
We would like to add numbers together, but it gets tricky if we want to add
infinitely many of them.
We define a series as a sequence of partial sums.
For a series ∞
s1 = a1
s2 = a1 + a2
s3 = a1 + a2 + a3
s4 = a1 + a2 + a3 + a4
sn = a1 + a2 + a3 + ... + an
Usually, infinite series are very difficult to calculate. However, one important
result is the geometric series, which converges:
X 1
xn = |x| < 1
X ∞
c· an = c · an
n=a n=a
With these, we can manipulate the geometric series to attain exact answers
to some series.
Convergence of Series
Most of the time, we can not expect to attain the exact answer to the series.
Instead, we can characterize whether a series converge or not.
When taking this approach, we again arrive at the previous conclusion that:
we only care about how the terms behave as n → ∞, and we can ignore
finitely many terms.
Thus, the starting point of the series does not affect convergence.
However, since we can not ignore infinitely many terms, if the terms get
larger and larger, the series can’t possibly converge:
However, even when lim an = 0, it might oscillate, or diverge for other reasons.
Thus test 0 is almost never useful.
When the series does not oscillate, it usually will be decreasing ’eventu-
ally’, and will remain positive, then we can connect the points an smoothly
to form a continuous function.
The series can be thought of as area of the rectangles below the curve, so it
must be the case that the integral is approximately equal to the series.
In particular, the sum (series) converges if and only if the integral converges.
We should all know by now that integrals can get really difficult. Although
this approximation can almost always be made, it is almost never useful.
(Decreasing ”eventually”: there exists N such that for all n > N , an+1 < an .)
Which integrals are easy to do? Clearly powers like xp .
For a power p:
∞ Z ∞ Z ∞ Z ∞
X 1 1 1
≈ p
= p
dx = x−p dx
n a n a x a
In particular, the first sum (series) converges if and only if the second converges.
Now that we are able to test convergence for rational function, we next need
to worry about other functions, such as ln(x), sin(x), cos(x), arctan(x).
If L < 1, then an converge.
If L > 1, then an diverge.
If L = 1, then it’s inconclusive.
A special case is when the positive and negative terms alternate in turn:
a1 − a2 + a3 − a4 ... This can be written with the notation (−1)n or (−1)n+1 .
L < 1 conclude an absolutely converge.
L > 1 conclude an diverge.
Question 88
Show whether the series is Absolutely convergent, Conditionally convergent, or Divergent.
∞ ∞
X 1 X n!(2n)!
1. 13.
2 + cos n n=1
∞ ∞
X 1 X 1
2. 14.
n ln n n=1
∞ ∞
X (−1)n X (−1)n 2n
3. 15.
n n=1
∞ ∞
X 1 X cos nπ
4. 16.
n2 n=2
ln n
∞ ∞
X (−1)n X ln n
5. 17.
n2 − 1 n=2
∞ ∞ √
X n2 + 4n X n ln n
6. √ 18.
n5 + 4n4 + 2n n=2
(n + 1)2
∞ √ ∞
X n sin n X 1
7. 19. √
n2 n=2
n ln n
∞ ∞ √
X 1 X n+1
8. (−1)n sin 20.
n n=2
n (ln n)2
∞ ∞
X 1 n
X 1
9. (−1) sin 2 21.
n n=2
n2 (ln n)2
∞ ∞
X (n + 1)2n X (ln n)10
10. 22. √
n! n=2
∞ ∞
X n! X 1
11. 23.
23n n=2
n(ln n)3
∞ ∞ √
X n! X n4 + 2n3 + 1
12. 24. √
(2n)! n=2
2n9 + 4n8 + 5n6 (ln n)5
34 Taylor Series
We would like to approximate the function f (x) with a polynomial.
We choose the point a as the center of expansion.
We require the polynomial to have the same derivatives as the function at a.
This (infinite) polynomial is called the Taylor (power) Series of f (x):
X f (n) (a)
f (x) ≈ P (x) = (x − a)n
Usually, the approximation only holds in a symmetric interval centered at a.
This is called the interval of convergence.
Half of the length of the interval is called the radius of convergence.
Use Ratio Test to attain the interval of convergence, set | | < 1.
The series may converge or diverge on the boundary of the interval.
(We get |−x2 | < 1 since we plugged in −x2 , but this is equivalent to |x| < 1.)
Taking integral on both sides:
Z ∞ Z
1 X
= arctan(x) = C + (−1)n x2n |x| < 1
1 + x2 n=0
X x2n+1
arctan(x) = C + (−1)n
2n + 1
To solve for C, plug in x = 0, x2n+1 = 0, so arctan(0) = 0 = C +
X x2n+1
arctan(x) = (−1)n |x| < 1
2n + 1
X xn x2 x3
ln(1 − x) = − = −x − − − ... |x| < 1
n 2 3
Limit Using Taylor Series for x → 0
We can plug in the Taylor Series of the common functions into the limit.
The higher powers of the Taylor Series would be zero after taking x → 0,
leaving the answer as the leading term.We can divide top and bottom by
the lowest power to attain the leading term.
3 5
sin(x) x − x3! + x5! − ... x2 x4
lim = =1− + − ...
x→0 x x 3! 5!
Plugging in x = 0, we attain the answer 1.
Note: If the limit is x → a, we need to expand the Taylor series at a.
Question 89
Find the radius of convergence and the interval of convergence for the power series.
1. n(x − 2)n
X x3n
3. (−1)n (x − 3)2n
X (n!)2
4. (x − 3)n
Question 90
Find the Taylor Series of the functions centered at a = 0.
1 7. ex − e−x
1 8.
2. x2 − 3x + 2
1 + x2
2 x
3. x e x
10. ln(1 − x)
4. cos(x4 )
11. ln(1 + x)
5. sin(2x) Z x
Question 91
Find the Taylor Series of the functions centered at the given value of a.
1. ex at a = 1
2. at a = 3
3. sin(x) at a =
Question 92
Find the exact value of the series (using Taylor Series).
∞ ∞
X xn
1. nx 5.
n=1 n=0
(n + 2)n!
∞ ∞
X n2 X (n + 1)x2n+1
2. 6. (−1)n
2n n=0
(2n + 1)!
∞ ∞
X xn+1 X xn
3. 7.
n! n=0
(n + 1)(n + 2)
∞ ∞
X (n + 1)xn X (4n2 + 8n + 3)2n
4. 8.
n! n=2
Question 93
View the infinite repeating decimal expansion as a series, and compute its value.
a) 0.99999... c) 0.252525...
b) 0.11111... d) 0.3121212...
Question 94
Find the limit using Taylor Series.
6 sin x − 6x + x3 ex − cos(2x) − 3x2
1. lim 2. lim
x→0 x5 x→0 x2 sin(x2 )
Question 95
A telescoping series is when adjacent positive and negative terms cancel,
so the N-th partial sum: an would only consist of the first and the last
term, and we can compute the series by taking the limit N → ∞.
∞ ∞
X X 1
1. [arctan n − arctan(n + 1)] 3.
n=0 n=1
n2 + 3n
∞ n ∞
X X n+2
2. ln 4.
n+1 n=3
n3 − n
35 Power Series
g(x) = an (x − a)n is called a power series.
For any power series g(x), there exists a unique radius of convergence R ≥ 0:
1. The power series g(x) converges absolutely for |x − a| < R. (in the circle)
2. The power series g(x) diverges for |x − a| > R. (outside the circle).
If R > 0, then the power series g(x) (as a function of x) is analytic in
|x − a| < R and g 0 (x) is given by term by term differentiation
g (x) = nan (x − a)n−1
Taylor Polynomial
If we only take finitely many terms of the Taylor Series, we get a polynomial
called the (N-th order) Taylor Polynomial PN (x). The Taylor Polynomial
will not be equal to f (x), but it will be an approximation. The difference
between the Taylor Polynomial and f (x) is called the remainder RN (x).
X f (n) (a)
PN (x) = (x − a)n
X f (n) (a) f (n+1) (c)
f (x) = (x − a)n + RN (x) RN (x) = (x − a)n+1
n! (n + 1)!
where c ∈ (a, x) is undetermined by the mean value theorem.