Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Mathematical reasoning
I.1 Introduction
In mathematics, a statement is a declarative sentence that is either true or false but not
both. A statement is sometimes called a proposition. So a sentence Example:
3. For each real number x, 2.x + 5 = 2.x + : this is a true statement.
7. For all real numbers a and b, (a + b)2 = a2 + b2 : This is a false statement since
there are values for a and b for which (a + b)2 ̸= a2 + b2 (Ex: a = 2 and b = 3). In
mathematics, we establish that a statement is true by writing a mathematical proof
and to establish that a statement is false, we often find a so-called counterexample.
P Q P =⇒ Q
Table I.1: Truth Table for P =⇒ Q
Quantifiers: The phrase for every (or its equivalents) is called a universal quantifier.
The phrase there exists (or its equivalents) is called an existential quantifier. The symbol
∀ is used to denote a universal quantifier, and the symbol ∃ is used to denote an existential
quantifier. The summarized results are given in the following table.
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Chapter 1 Mathematical reasoning
To prove an if,then statement directly, we start the proof by assuming hypotheses (the
statements before if) and use definitions, logic and previously proved results to reach the
desired conclusion (the statement after then).
a | b =⇒ b = ak(k ∈ Z) (I.1)
b | c =⇒ c = bl(l ∈ Z) (I.2)
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Chapter 1 Mathematical reasoning
In this method, we use the fact that a statement and its negation have opposite truth
values. To prove that P is true, we suppose that not(P ) is true and by applying logic,
definitions, and previous results, we arrive at a conclusion we know to be false. Then we
may conclude that not(P ) must be FALSE and thus P must be TRUE.
So to prove the statement P =⇒ Q by contradiction, We suppose P =⇒ Q is false,
(that is, suppose P and not(Q) are both true) and arrive at a statement that we know is
The Principle of Mathematical Induction is that a statement P (n) is true for all n ∈ N if
both of the following are satisfied:
• P (1) is true;
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