Case 1

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Table of Contents

Cover Sheet ............................................................................................................................................................................... 2

Vessel Design Summary:..................................................................................................................................................... 3
Nozzle Summary: ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Nozzle Schedule: ................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Bill of Material: .............................................................................................................................................................. 10
MDMT Summary: ........................................................................................................................................................................ 11
Warnings and Errors: ....................................................................................................................................................... 13
Input Echo: ............................................................................................................................................................................. 14
XY Coordinate Calculations: ....................................................................................................................................... 21
Flg Calc [Int P]: TOP FLANGE................................................................................................................................ 22
Flg Calc [Int P]: BLIND FLANGE ........................................................................................................................... 27
Internal Pressure Calculations: ............................................................................................................................. 30
External Pressure Calculations: ............................................................................................................................. 33
Element and Detail Weights: ....................................................................................................................................... 35
Nozzle Flange MAWP: .......................................................................................................................................................... 38
Natural Frequency Calculation:................................................................................................................................ 40
Wind Load Calculation:................................................................................................................................................... 41
Earthquake Load Calculation: .................................................................................................................................... 44
Wind/Earthquake Shear, Bending: ............................................................................................................................. 45
Wind/Earthquake Deflection: ....................................................................................................................................... 46
Longitudinal Stress Constants:................................................................................................................................ 47
Longitudinal Allowable Stresses: ........................................................................................................................... 48
Longitudinal Stresses due to: .................................................................................................................................. 49
Stress due to Combined Loads: .................................................................................................................................. 51
Skirt Opening Stress Calcs: ....................................................................................................................................... 55
Center of Gravity Calculation:................................................................................................................................ 58
Basering Calculations:................................................................................................................................................... 59
Nozzle Calcs.: N02-2 in. H2 Rich ........................................................................................................................ 62
Nozzle Calcs.: N01-4 in. H2 From ........................................................................................................................ 68
Nozzle Calcs.: N04-2 in. To PSV ........................................................................................................................... 80
Nozzle Calcs.: N07-1 in. LS .................................................................................................................................... 86
Nozzle Calcs.: N06-1 in. LS .................................................................................................................................... 89
Nozzle Calcs.: N08A-3 in. LT .................................................................................................................................. 92
Nozzle Calcs.: N08B-3 in. LS .................................................................................................................................. 97
Nozzle Calcs.: N09-1 in. PT .................................................................................................................................. 102
Nozzle Calcs.: N10-4 in. SPARE ........................................................................................................................... 105
Nozzle Calcs.: N03-2 in. H2 Outle .................................................................................................................... 118
Nozzle Calcs.: N05-1/2 in. PT SWA .................................................................................................................... 121
Cover Page 2


In Accordance with ASME Section VIII Division 1

ASME Code Version : 2021

Analysis Performed by : SPECIALIST SERVICES

Job File : ...\HP Hydrogen water separator operating case.pvdb

Date of Analysis : Jul 7,2022 4:21pm

PV Elite 24 SP1, March 2022

FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Vessel Design Summary: Step: 46 4:22pm Jul 7,2022

Vessel Design Summary:

ASME Code, Section VIII Division 1, 2021

Diameter Spec : 610.000 mm. OD

Vessel Design Length, Tangent to Tangent 2444.85 mm.

Distance of Bottom Tangent above Grade 1424.00 mm.

Distance of Base above Grade 1000.00 mm.
Specified Datum Line Distance 424.00 mm.

Internal Design Temperature 90 °C

Internal Design Pressure 45.000 bars

External Design Temperature 90 °C

External Design Pressure 1.034 bars

Maximum Allowable Working Pressure 45 bars

External Max. Allowable Working Pressure 21.5 bars
Shop Test Pressure 67.500 bars

Required Minimum Design Metal Temperature -20.0 °C

Warmest Computed Minimum Design Metal Temperature -196.0 °C

Wind Design Code ASCE/SEI 7-16

Earthquake Design Code G-Loading

Materials of Construction:

Component | | | | |Normal | Impact |

Type | Material | Class | Thickness | UNS # | ized | Tested |
Shell | SA-240 316 | ... | ... | S31600 | No | No |
Head | SA-240 316 | ... | ... | S31600 | No | No |
Flange | SA-182 F316 | ... | <= 5 | S31600 | No | No |
Skirt | SA-240 316 | ... | ... | S31600 | No | No |
Nozzle | SA-312 TP316 | ... | ... | S31600 | No | No |
Re-Pad | SA-240 316 | ... | ... | S31600 | No | No |
Nozzle Flg | SA-182 F316 | ... | <= 5 | S31600 | No | No |
Basering | SA-240 316 | ... | ... | S31600 | No | No |
Flg Bolting | SA-193 B8M | 1 | ... | S31600 | No | No |
Base Bolting | SA-193 B8 | 1 | ... | S30400 | No | No |

Normalized is determined based on the UCS-66 material curve selection and Figure UCS-66.
Impact Tested is based on material selection and material data properties.

Element Pressures and MAWP (bars & mm.):

| Design | | | Total | Str. | In |

Element Description | Pressure | Ext. | Element | Corrosion | Flg. | Creep |
or Type | + Stat. head | Press. | M.A.W.P | Allowance | Gov. | Range |
Bottom Head | 45.248 | 1.03 | 48.700 | 0.0000 | No | No |
Shell | 45.229 | 1.03 | 54.600 | 0.0000 | N/A | No |
Top Flange | 45.015 | 1.03 | 47.000 | 0.0000 | N/A | No |
Blind Flange | 45.000 | 1.03 | 47.000 | 0.0000 | N/A | No |

Liquid Level: 2529.50 mm. Dens.: 999.542 kg/m³ Sp. Gr.: 1.000

Element Types and Properties:

Element |"To" Elev | Element | Nominal | Finished | Reqd Thk | Reqd Thk | Long | Circ |
| | Length |Thickness |Thickness | Internal | External | Eff | Eff |
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Vessel Design Summary: Step: 46 4:22pm Jul 7,2022

Type | mm. | mm. | mm. | mm. | mm. | mm. | | |

Skirt | 0.0 | 424.0 | 8.0 | 8.0 | ... | ... | 0.70 | 0.70 |
Ellipse | 50.0 | 50.0 | 18.0 | 14.0 | 13.0 | 1.6 | 0.85 | 0.85 |
Cylinder | 2229.0 | 2179.0 | 16.0 | 16.0 | 13.2 | 3.5 | 0.85 | 0.85 |
Body Flg | 2345.0 | 116.0 | 62.0 | 62.0 | 60.2 | 57.4 | 1.00 | 0.85 |
Body Flg | 2444.9 | 89.0 | 89.0 | 84.0 | 82.2 | 49.7 | 1.00 | 1.00 |

Wind/Earthquake Shear, Bending:

| | Distance to| Cumulative |Earthquake | Wind | Earthquake |

From| To | Support| Wind Shear | Shear | Bending | Bending |
| | mm. | N | N | N-m | N-m |
10| 20| 212 | 1037.08 | 13356.8 | 1494.07 | 23765 |
20| 30| 449 | 884.383 | 12909.5 | 1086.55 | 18194.3 |
30| 40| 1563.5 | 866.375 | 12139 | 1042.76 | 17567.9 |
40| 50| 2711 | 81.6216 | 3542.02 | 9.50273 | 476.472 |
50| 60| 2824.35 | 42.0365 | 2389.43 | 1.87139 | 106.373 |

Abs Max of the all of the Stress Ratio's : 0.4102

Basering Data : Simple Basering No Gussets

Thickness of Basering 16.0000 mm.
Inside Diameter of Basering 575.0000 mm.
Outside Diameter of Basering 710.0000 mm.
Nominal Diameter of Bolts 22.2250 mm.
Diameter of Bolt Circle 660.0000 mm.
Number of Bolts 8

Basering Sketch for Cylindrical Skirts:

----->| |<----- 8.0000 mm.

610.00 mm. ----------->|
594.00 mm. --------->| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
______| |__ _ ________ _
575.00 mm. --->|___________|_|________| _ 16.0000 mm.
660.00 mm. ---------------->| |
710.00 mm. -------------------------->|

Basering Cross Section View

Loads for Foundation/Support Design:

Factored Loads:
Scaled Maximum Moment on Support 24104. N-m
Total Wind Shear on Support 1037. N
Total Earthquake Shear on Support 13357. N
Maximum Initial Bolt Load 16257. N

Un-Factored Loads:
Wind Shear on Support 1728. N
Earthquake Shear on Support 13357. N
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Vessel Design Summary: Step: 46 4:22pm Jul 7,2022

Wind Moment on Support 1494. N-m

Earthquake Moment on Support 24104. N-m
Maximum Initial Bolt Load 27095. N

Wind and Earthquake moments include the effects of user defined
forces and moments if any exist in the job and were specified
to act (compute loads and stresses) during these cases. Also
included are moment effects due to eccentric weights if any are
present in the input.

Local Stress Analysis Results:

| Analysis | Max Stress | High Stress | Pass |

Description | Type | Ratio | Location | Fail |
N02-2" H2 Rich | WRC-107/537 | 0.703 | n/a | Passed |
N01-4" H2 From | WRC-297 | 0.689 | Shell | Passed |
N04-2" To PSV | WRC-107/537 | 0.695 | n/a | Passed |
N10-4" SPARE | WRC-297 | 0.689 | Shell | Passed |

Fabricated - Bare W/O Removable Internals 1415.6 kg.
Shop Test - Fabricated + Water ( Full ) 2056.7 kg.
Shipping - Fab. + Rem. Intls.+ Shipping App. 1457.6 kg.
Erected - Fab. + Rem. Intls.+ Insul. (etc) 1457.6 kg.
Empty - Fab. + Intls. + Details + Wghts. 1457.6 kg.
Operating - Empty + Operating Liquid (No CA) 2266.2 kg.
Field Test - Empty Weight + Water (Full) 2056.7 kg.

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2022, All rights reserved.

FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Summary: Step: 44 4:22pm Jul 7,2022

Nozzle Calculation Summary (bars & mm.):

Description | MAWP | Ext | MAPNC | UG-45 [tr] | Weld | Areas or |

| | | | | | Path | Stresses |
N02-2" H2 Rich | 45 | ... | ... | OK | 3.42 | OK | No Calc[*] |
N01-4" H2 From | 45.1 | OK | ... | OK | 5.26 | OK | Passed |
N04-2" To PSV | 45 | ... | ... | OK | 3.42 | OK | No Calc[*] |
N07-1" LS | 45 | ... | ... | OK | 2.95 | OK | No Calc[*] |
N06-1" LS | 45 | ... | ... | OK | 2.95 | OK | No Calc[*] |
N08A-3" LT | 45.1 | OK | ... | OK | 4.80 | OK | Passed |
N08B-3" LS | 45.2 | OK | ... | OK | 4.80 | OK | Passed |
N09-1" PT | 45 | ... | ... | OK | 2.95 | OK | No Calc[*] |
N10-4" SPARE | 45.2 | OK | ... | OK | 5.26 | OK | Passed |
N03-2" H2 Outle | 45 | ... | ... | OK | 3.42 | OK | No Calc[*] |
N05-1/2" PT SWA | 45 | ... | ... | OK | 2.41 | OK | No Calc[*] |

Nozzle MAWP Summary:

Minimum MAWP Nozzles : 45 Nozzle : N05-1/2" PT SWA
Minimum MAWP Shells/Flanges : 45 Element : Blind Flange
Minimum MAPnc Shells/Flanges : 0 Element : Blind Flange
Computed Vessel M.A.W.P. : 45 bars

[*] - This was a small opening and the areas were not computed or
the MAWP of this connection could not be computed because
the longitudinal bending stress was greater than the hoop stress.

Note: MAWPs (Internal Case) shown above are at the High Point.

Multiple output lines for the same nozzle indicates required Code calculations in both the
longitudinal and circumferential planes of reinforcement where applicable.

Check the Spatial Relationship between the Nozzles:

From Node | Nozzle Description | Y Coordinate | Layout Angle | Dia. Limit |

| | mm. | deg | mm. |
20 | N02-2" H2 RichW| 0.000 | 0.000 | 98.501 |
30 | N01-4" H2 FromE| 1700.000 | 90.000 | 194.361 |
30 | N04-2" To PSV | 1800.000 | 45.000 | 98.501 |
30 | N07-1" LS | 150.000 | 140.000 | 65.401 |
30 | N06-1" LS | 1500.000 | 140.000 | 65.401 |
30 | N08A-3" LT | 1475.000 | 110.000 | 147.320 |
30 | N08B-3" LS | 175.000 | 110.000 | 147.320 |
30 | N09-1" PT | 2000.000 | 90.000 | 65.401 |
30 | N10-4" SPARE | 700.000 | 90.000 | 194.361 |
50 | N03-2" H2 Outlet| 0.000 | 180.000 | 228.325 |
50 | N05-1/2" PT SWAG| 0.000 | 270.000 | 189.336 |

The nozzle spacing is computed by the following:

= sqrt( ll² + lc² ) where

ll - Arc length along the inside vessel surface in the long. direction.
lc - Arc length along the inside vessel surface in the circ. direction

If any interferences/violations are found, they will be noted below.

No interference violations have been detected!

Checking Multiple Nozzles on Flat Head per ASME Sec. VIII Div. 1 UG-39
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Summary: Step: 44 4:22pm Jul 7,2022

Comparing Nozzles on Element: Blind Flange

UG-39 Average Nozzle Diameter and Ligament Checks:

Nozzle | Avg. | Head Dia. | Ligament | Min. dn |

Pair Description | dia. | /4 | Width | /4 |
| mm. | mm. | mm. | mm. |
N03-2" H2 Outlet & N0| 31.56 | 156.79 | 212 | 3.4671 |

UG-39 Nozzle Spacing and Average Area Checks:

Nozzle | Center | Avg. dia. | Avg. Area | Avg. Area |

Pair Description | Spacing | * 1.25 | Available | Reqd. |
| mm. | mm. | cm² | cm² |
N03-2" H2 Outlet & N0| 243.56 | 39.449 | No Calc | No Calc |

UG-39 Nozzle Diameter and Distance to Edge Checks:

Nozzle | Nozzle | Head Dia. | Distance | Nozzle |

Description | dia. | /2 | from Edge | dia./4 |
| mm. | mm. | mm. | mm. |
N03-2" H2 Outlet| 49.251 | 313.58 | 230.84 | 12.313 |
N05-1/2" PT SWAG| 13.868 | 313.58 | 189.33 | 3.4671 |

No Multiple Nozzle spacing violations detected!

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2022, All rights reserved.

FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Schedule: Step: 43 4:22pm Jul 7,2022

Nozzle Schedule:

Nominal or| Schd| Flg| Nozzle| Wall| Reinforcing Pad | Cut| Flg|
Actual| or FVC| Type| O/Dia| Thk| Diameter Thk | Length| Class|
Description Size| Type| | in| mm| mm | mm| |
N10-4" SPARE | 4.000 in| 80S | WNF| 4.500| 8.560| 184.30 | 16.00 | 70.11| 600|
N09-1" PT | 1.000 in| 80S | WNF| 1.315| 4.547| ... | ... | 54.51| 600|
N08B-3" LS | 3.000 in| 80S | WNF| 3.500| 7.620| 188.90 | 16.00 | 86.89| 600|
N08A-3" LT | 3.000 in| 80S | WNF| 3.500| 7.620| 188.90 | 16.00 | 86.89| 600|
N07-1" LS | 1.000 in| 80S | WNF| 1.315| 4.547| ... | ... | 54.51| 600|
N06-1" LS | 1.000 in| 80S | WNF| 1.315| 4.547| ... | ... | 54.51| 600|
N05-1/2" PT SWAG| 0.500 in| 80S | None| 0.840| 3.734| ... | ... | 122.07| ...|
N04-2" To PSV | 2.000 in| 80S | WNF| 2.375| 5.537| ... | ... | 94.43| 600|
N03-2" H2 Outlet| 2.000 in| 80S | WNF| 2.375| 5.537| ... | ... | 184.05| 600|
N02-2" H2 Rich W| 2.000 in| 80S | WNF| 2.375| 5.537| ... | ... | 39.85| 600|
N01-4" H2 From E| 4.000 in| 80S | WNF| 4.500| 8.560| 184.30 | 16.00 | 70.11| 600|

General Notes for the above table:

The Cut Length is the Outside Projection + Inside Projection + Drop +

In Plane Shell Thickness. This value does not include weld gaps,
nor does it account for shrinkage.

In the case of Oblique Nozzles, the Outside Diameter must

be increased. The Re-Pad WIDTH around the nozzle is calculated as follows:
Width of Pad = (Pad Outside Dia. (per above) - Nozzle Outside Dia.)/2

For hub nozzles, the thickness and diameter shown are those of the smaller
and thinner section.

Nozzle Material and Weld Fillet Leg Size Details (mm.):

| | Shl Grve | Noz Shl/Pad | Pad OD | Pad Grve | Inside |

Description | Material | Weld | Weld | Weld | Weld | Weld |
N10-4" SPAR | SA-312 TP316 | 16.000 | 9.000 | 12.000 | 16.000 | ... |
N09-1" PT | SA-312 TP316 | 16.000 | 5.000 | ... | ... | ... |
N08B-3" LS | SA-312 TP316 | 16.000 | 8.000 | 12.000 | 16.000 | ... |
N08A-3" LT | SA-312 TP316 | 16.000 | 8.000 | 12.000 | 16.000 | ... |
N07-1" LS | SA-312 TP316 | 16.000 | 5.000 | ... | ... | ... |
N06-1" LS | SA-312 TP316 | 16.000 | 5.000 | ... | ... | ... |
N05-1/2" PT | SA-312 TP316 | 3.734 | 4.000 | ... | ... | ... |
N04-2" To P | SA-312 TP316 | 16.000 | 6.000 | ... | ... | ... |
N03-2" H2 O | SA-312 TP316 | 5.537 | 6.000 | ... | ... | ... |
N02-2" H2 R | SA-312 TP316 | 14.000 | 6.000 | ... | ... | ... |
N01-4" H2 F | SA-312 TP316 | 16.000 | 9.000 | 12.000 | 16.000 | ... |

Note: The Outside projections below do not include the flange thickness.

Nozzle Miscellaneous Data:

| Elev/Distance | Layout | Proj | Proj | Installed in |

Description | From Datum | Angle | Outside | Inside | Component |
| mm.| deg | mm.| mm.| |
N10-4" SPARE | 700.000 | 90.0 | 48.40 | 0.00 | Shell |
N09-1" PT | 2000.000 | 90.0 | 38.02 | 0.00 | Shell |
N08B-3" LS | 175.000 | 110.0 | 67.45 | 0.00 | Shell |
N08A-3" LT | 1475.000 | 110.0 | 67.45 | 0.00 | Shell |
N07-1" LS | 150.000 | 140.0 | 38.02 | 0.00 | Shell |
N06-1" LS | 1500.000 | 140.0 | 38.02 | 0.00 | Shell |
N05-1/2" PT SWAG| ... | 270.0 | 38.02 | 0.00 | Blind Flange |
N04-2" To PSV | 1800.000 | 45.0 | 76.85 | 0.00 | Shell |
N03-2" H2 Outlet| ... | 180.0 | 100.00 | 0.00 | Blind Flange |
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Schedule: Step: 43 4:22pm Jul 7,2022

N02-2" H2 Rich W| ... | 0.0 | 25.00 | 0.00 | Bottom Head |

N01-4" H2 From E| 1700.000 | 90.0 | 48.40 | 0.00 | Shell |

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2022, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 10
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Bill of Material: Step: 42 4:22pm Jul 7,2022

Bill of Materials:


1 | SKIRT: 8.0mm. THK X 594.0mm. ID X 424.0mm. | SA-240 316 |
1 | ELLIPTICAL HEAD: 2.0 X 1, 18.0mm. THK X 582.0mm. ID X 50.0mm. | SA-240 316 |
1 | CYLINDER: 16.0mm. THK X 578.0mm. ID X 2179.0mm. | SA-240 316 |
1 | BODY FLANGE: 62.0mm. THK X 800.0mm. OD | SA-182 F316 |
1 | BODY FLANGE: 89.0mm. THK X 800.0mm. OD | SA-182 F316 |
1 | PACKING: 200.000mm | ... |
1 | CLASS 600 GR 2.2,4.0" BLIND FLANGE(S) | SA-182 F316 |
1 | BASERING: 710.0mm. OD X 575.0 ID X 16.0mm. | SA-240 316 |
8 | BASERING BOLTS: 22.2mm. DIA | SA-193 B8 |
1 | GASKET: 640.0mm. OD X 614.0mm. ID | ... |
28 | BODY FLANGE BOLTS: 31.8mm. DIA | SA-193 B8M |
56 | NUTS FOR BODY FLANGE BOLTS: 31.8mm. DIA | ... |
1 | NAMEPLATE | ... |

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2022, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 11
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
MDMT Summary: Step: 45 4:22pm Jul 7,2022

Minimum Design Metal Temperature Results Summary (°C):

Curve Basic Reduced UG-20(f) Thickness Gov E* PWHT

Description MDMT MDMT MDMT ratio Thk reqd
Notes mm.
Top Flange [11] -196
Blind Flange [11] -196
Bottom Head [16] -196
Shell [16] -196
N02-2" H2 Ric[15] -196
Nozzle Flg [5] -196
N01-4" H2 Fro[15] -196
Nozzle Flg [5] -196
N04-2" To PSV[15] -196
Nozzle Flg [5] -196
N07-1" LS [15] -196
Nozzle Flg [5] -196
N06-1" LS [15] -196
Nozzle Flg [5] -196
N08A-3" LT [15] -196
Nozzle Flg [5] -196
N08B-3" LS [15] -196
Nozzle Flg [5] -196
N09-1" PT [15] -196
Nozzle Flg [5] -196
N10-4" SPARE [15] -196
Nozzle Flg [5] -196
N03-2" H2 Out[15] -196
Nozzle Flg [5] -196
N05-1/2" PT S[15] -196
Warmest MDMT: -196

Required Minimum Design Metal Temperature -20.0 °C

Warmest Computed Minimum Design Metal Temperature -196.0 °C

[ ! ] - This was an impact tested material.
[ 1] - Governing Nozzle Weld.
[ 4] - ASME Flange MDMT Calcs; Thickness ratio per UCS-66(b)(1)(-c).
[ 5] - ASME Flange MDMT Calcs; Thickness ratio per UCS-66(b)(1)(-b).
[ 6] - MDMT Calculations at the Shell/Head Joint.
[ 7] - MDMT Calculations for the Straight Flange.
[ 8] - Cylinder/Cone/Flange Junction MDMT.
[ 9] - Calculations in the Spherical Portion of the Head.
[10] - Calculations in the Knuckle Portion of the Head.
[11] - Calculated (Body Flange) Flange MDMT.
[12] - Calculated Flat Head MDMT per UCS-66.3
[13] - Tubesheet MDMT, shell side, if applicable
[14] - Tubesheet MDMT, tube side, if applicable
[15] - Nozzle Material
[16] - Shell or Head Material
[17] - Impact Testing required
[18] - Impact Testing not required, see UCS-66(b)(3)
[20] - Cylinder/Cone Junction MDMT based on Longitudinal Stress considerations
[21] - Body Flange Bolting Material
[22] - Nozzle Flange Bolting Material
[23] - Stiffening Ring to Shell Weld
[24] - Saddle to Shell Weld

UG-84(b)(2) was not considered.

UCS-66(g) was not considered.
UCS-66(i) was not considered.
PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 12
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
MDMT Summary: Step: 45 4:22pm Jul 7,2022

Impact test temps were not entered in and not considered in the analysis.
UCS-66(i) applies to impact tested materials not by specification and
UCS-66(g) applies to materials impact tested per UG-84.1 General Note (c).
The Basic MDMT includes the (30F) PWHT credit if applicable.

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2022, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 13
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Warnings and Errors: Step: 0 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Class From To : Basic Element Checks.


Class From To: Check of Additional Element Data


There were no geometry errors or warnings.

PV Elite performs all calculations internally in Imperial Units

to remain compliant with the ASME Code and any built in assumptions
in the ASME Code formulas. The finalized results are reflected to show
the set of selected units for this analysis.

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2022, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 14
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Input Echo: Step: 1 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Units used in this Analysis (BAR MOD):

Name System Unit Constant User Unit

Length Feet 304.8000 mm.
Force Pounds 4.4480 N
Mass Pounds 0.4536 kg.
Area sq. inches 6.4516 cm²
Moment ft. lbs. 1.3563 N-m
Stress lbs./ 0.0069 N./mm²
Temperature Degrees F 0.5556 °C
Pressure psig 0.0689 bars
Elast. Modulus lbs./ 0.0069 N/mm²
Pipe Density lbs./ 27680.0000 kg/m³
Ins. Density lbs./cu.ft. 16.0183 kg/m³
Fluid Density lbs./cu.ft. 16.0183 kg/m³
Wind Speed miles/hr 1.6093 Km/hr
Tray Weight lbs./sq.ft. 47.8790 N/m²
Inertia in.**4 41.6231 cm**4
G Load G's 1.0000 g's
Wind Load lbs./sq.ft. 4.8825 Kgs/m²
Elevation Feet 304.8000 mm.
Volume in.**3 0.0000 m³
Diameter inches 25.4000 mm.
Thickness inches 25.4000 mm.

PV Elite Vessel Analysis Program: Input Data

Design Internal Pressure (for Hydrotest) 45 bars

Design Internal Temperature 90.0 °C
Projection of Nozzle from Vessel Top 0 mm.
Projection of Nozzle from Vessel Bottom 0 mm.
Minimum Design Metal Temperature -20.0 °C
Type of Construction Welded
Special Service Air/Water/Steam
Degree of Radiography RT-3
Use Higher Longitudinal Stresses (Flag) Y
Select t for Internal Pressure (Flag) N
Select t for External Pressure (Flag) N
Select t for Axial Stress (Flag) N
Select Location for Stiff. Rings (Flag) N
Consider Vortex Shedding N

Shop Pressure Test:

Type of Pressure Test User Entered Pressure
Pressure Test Position Vertical

Load Case 1 NP+EW+WI+FW+BW

Load Case 2 NP+EW+EE+FS+BS
Load Case 3 NP+OW+WI+FW+BW
Load Case 4 NP+OW+EQ+FS+BS
Load Case 5 NP+HW+HI
Load Case 6 NP+HW+HE
Load Case 7 IP+OW+WI+FW+BW
Load Case 8 IP+OW+EQ+FS+BS
Load Case 9 EP+OW+WI+FW+BW
Load Case 10 EP+OW+EQ+FS+BS
Load Case 11 HP+HW+HI
Load Case 12 HP+HW+HE
Load Case 13 IP+WE+EW
Load Case 14 IP+WF+CW
Load Case 15 IP+VO+OW
Load Case 16 IP+VE+EW
Load Case 17 NP+VO+OW
PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 15
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Input Echo: Step: 1 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Load Case 18 FS+BS+IP+OW

Load Case 19 FS+BS+EP+OW
Load Case 20 BL+IP+OW

Wind Design Code ASCE/SEI 7-16

Wind Load Reduction Scale Factor 0.600
Basic Wind Speed [V] 160 Km/hr
Surface Roughness Category C: Open Terrain
Importance Factor 1.0
Type of Surface Moderately Smooth
Base Elevation 1000 mm.
Percent Wind for Hydrotest 33.0
Using User defined Wind Press. Vs Elev. N
Height of Hill or Escarpment H or Hh 0 mm.
Distance Upwind of Crest Lh 0 mm.
Distance from Crest to the Vessel x 0 mm.
Type of Terrain ( Hill, Escarpment ) Flat
Damping Factor (Beta) for Wind (Ope) 0.0100
Damping Factor (Beta) for Wind (Empty) 0.0000
Damping Factor (Beta) for Wind (Filled) 0.0000
Site Elevation above Sea Level 0 mm.

Seismic Design Code G Loading

Seismic Importance Factor 1.250
G Loading Coefficient Gx 0.340
G Loading Coefficient Gz 0.340
G Loading Coefficient Gy 0.225
Percent Seismic for Hydrotest 0.000

Design Pressure + Static Head Y

Consider MAP New and Cold in Noz. Design N
Consider External Loads for Nozzle Des. Y
Use ASME VIII-1 Appendix 1-9 N

Perform Blast Load Analysis No

Material Database Year Current w/Addenda or Code Year

Configuration Directives:

Do not use Nozzle MDMT Interpretation VIII-1 01-37 No

Use Table G instead of exact equation for "A" Yes
Shell Head Joints are Tapered Yes
Compute "K" in corroded condition Yes
Use Code Case 2286 No
Use the MAWP to compute the MDMT Yes
For thickness ratios <= 0.35, MDMT will be -155F (-104C) Yes
For PWHT & P1 Materials the MDMT can be < -55F (-48C) No

Using Metric Material Databases, ASME II D No

Calculate B31.3 type stress for Nozzles with Loads Yes
Reduce the MDMT due to lower membrane stress Yes
Consider Longitudinal Stress in MDMT Calculations Yes

Complete Listing of Vessel Elements and Details:

Element From Node 10

Element To Node 20
Element Type Skirt Support
Description Bottom Head
Distance "FROM" to "TO" 424 mm.
Skirt Outside Diameter 610 mm.
Diameter of Skirt at Base 610 mm.
Skirt Thickness 8 mm.
Internal Corrosion Allowance 0 mm.
Nominal Thickness 8 mm.
External Corrosion Allowance 0 mm.
PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 16
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Input Echo: Step: 1 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Design Temperature Internal Pressure 90 °C

Design Temperature External Pressure 90 °C
Effective Diameter Multiplier 1.2
Material Name SA-240 316
Allowable Stress, Ambient 137.9 N./mm²
Allowable Stress, Operating 120.4 N./mm²
Allowable Stress, Hydrotest 186.2 N./mm²
Material Density 8027.2 kg/m³
P Number Thickness 0 mm.
Yield Stress, Operating 179.8 N./mm²
External Pressure Chart Name HA-2
UNS Number S31600
Product Form Plate
Efficiency, Longitudinal Seam 0.7
Efficiency, Head-to-Skirt or Circ. Seam 0.7
Weld is pre-Heated No


Element From Node 20

Element To Node 30
Element Type Elliptical
Description Bottom Head
Distance "FROM" to "TO" 50 mm.
Element Outside Diameter 610 mm.
Element Thickness 14 mm.
Internal Corrosion Allowance 0 mm.
Nominal Thickness 18 mm.
External Corrosion Allowance 0 mm.
Design Internal Pressure 45 bars
Design Temperature Internal Pressure 90 °C
Design External Pressure 1.034 bars
Design Temperature External Pressure 90 °C
Effective Diameter Multiplier 1.2
Material Name SA-240 316
Efficiency, Longitudinal Seam 0.85
Efficiency, Circumferential Seam 0.85
Elliptical Head Factor 2.0
Weld is pre-Heated No

Element From Node 20

Detail Type Liquid
Detail ID Liquid: 10
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist -145.5 mm.
Height/Length of Liquid 195.5 mm.
Liquid Density 999.54 kg/m³

Element From Node 20

Detail Type Nozzle
Detail ID N02-2" H2 Rich W
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 0 mm.
Nozzle Diameter 2 in.
Nozzle Schedule 80S
Nozzle Class 600
Layout Angle 0.0
Blind Flange (Y/N) N
Weight of Nozzle ( Used if > 0 ) 72.83 N
Grade of Attached Flange GR 2.2
Nozzle Matl SA-312 TP316


Element From Node 30

Element To Node 40
Element Type Cylinder
Description Shell
PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 17
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Input Echo: Step: 1 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Distance "FROM" to "TO" 2179 mm.

Element Outside Diameter 610 mm.
Element Thickness 16 mm.
Internal Corrosion Allowance 0 mm.
Nominal Thickness 16 mm.
External Corrosion Allowance 0 mm.
Design Internal Pressure 45 bars
Design Temperature Internal Pressure 90 °C
Design External Pressure 1.034 bars
Design Temperature External Pressure 90 °C
Effective Diameter Multiplier 1.2
Material Name SA-240 316
Efficiency, Longitudinal Seam 0.85
Efficiency, Circumferential Seam 0.85
Weld is pre-Heated No

Element From Node 30

Detail Type Packing
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 1950 mm.
Height of Packed Section 200 mm.
Density 800 kg/m³
Percent Volume Holdup 300.0
Specific Gravity of Packing Liquid 1.0

Element From Node 30

Detail Type Liquid
Detail ID Liquid: 20
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 0 mm.
Height/Length of Liquid 2176 mm.
Liquid Density 999.54 kg/m³

Element From Node 30

Detail Type Nozzle
Detail ID N01-4" H2 From E
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 1650 mm.
Nozzle Diameter 4 in.
Nozzle Schedule 80S
Nozzle Class 600
Layout Angle 90.0
Blind Flange (Y/N) N
Weight of Nozzle ( Used if > 0 ) 230.14 N
Grade of Attached Flange GR 2.2
Nozzle Matl SA-312 TP316

Element From Node 30

Detail Type Nozzle
Detail ID N04-2" To PSV
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 1750 mm.
Nozzle Diameter 2 in.
Nozzle Schedule 80S
Nozzle Class 600
Layout Angle 45.0
Blind Flange (Y/N) N
Weight of Nozzle ( Used if > 0 ) 56.546 N
Grade of Attached Flange GR 2.2
Nozzle Matl SA-312 TP316

Element From Node 30

Detail Type Nozzle
Detail ID N07-1" LS
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 100 mm.
Nozzle Diameter 1 in.
Nozzle Schedule 80S
Nozzle Class 600
Layout Angle 140.0
PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 18
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Input Echo: Step: 1 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Blind Flange (Y/N) N

Weight of Nozzle ( Used if > 0 ) 23.454 N
Grade of Attached Flange GR 2.2
Nozzle Matl SA-312 TP316

Element From Node 30

Detail Type Nozzle
Detail ID N06-1" LS
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 1450 mm.
Nozzle Diameter 1 in.
Nozzle Schedule 80S
Nozzle Class 600
Layout Angle 140.0
Blind Flange (Y/N) N
Weight of Nozzle ( Used if > 0 ) 23.488 N
Grade of Attached Flange GR 2.2
Nozzle Matl SA-312 TP316

Element From Node 30

Detail Type Nozzle
Detail ID N08A-3" LT
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 1425 mm.
Nozzle Diameter 3 in.
Nozzle Schedule 80S
Nozzle Class 600
Layout Angle 110.0
Blind Flange (Y/N) N
Weight of Nozzle ( Used if > 0 ) 132.64 N
Grade of Attached Flange GR 2.2
Nozzle Matl SA-312 TP316

Element From Node 30

Detail Type Nozzle
Detail ID N08B-3" LS
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 125 mm.
Nozzle Diameter 3 in.
Nozzle Schedule 80S
Nozzle Class 600
Layout Angle 110.0
Blind Flange (Y/N) N
Weight of Nozzle ( Used if > 0 ) 132.23 N
Grade of Attached Flange GR 2.2
Nozzle Matl SA-312 TP316

Element From Node 30

Detail Type Nozzle
Detail ID N09-1" PT
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 1950 mm.
Nozzle Diameter 1 in.
Nozzle Schedule 80S
Nozzle Class 600
Layout Angle 90.0
Blind Flange (Y/N) N
Weight of Nozzle ( Used if > 0 ) 23.454 N
Grade of Attached Flange GR 2.2
Nozzle Matl SA-312 TP316

Element From Node 30

Detail Type Nozzle
Detail ID N10-4" SPARE
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 650 mm.
Nozzle Diameter 4 in.
Nozzle Schedule 80S
Nozzle Class 600
Layout Angle 90.0
Blind Flange (Y/N) Y
PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 19
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Input Echo: Step: 1 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Weight of Nozzle ( Used if > 0 ) 395.26 N

Grade of Attached Flange GR 2.2
Nozzle Matl SA-312 TP316


Element From Node 40

Element To Node 50
Element Type Flange
Description Top Flange
Distance "FROM" to "TO" 116 mm.
Flange Inside Diameter 578 mm.
Element Thickness 62 mm.
Internal Corrosion Allowance 0 mm.
Nominal Thickness 62 mm.
External Corrosion Allowance 0 mm.
Design Internal Pressure 45 bars
Design Temperature Internal Pressure 90 °C
Design External Pressure 1.034 bars
Design Temperature External Pressure 90 °C
Effective Diameter Multiplier 1.2
Material Name SA-182 F316
Allowable Stress, Ambient 137.9 N./mm²
Allowable Stress, Operating 120.4 N./mm²
Allowable Stress, Hydrotest 186.2 N./mm²
Material Density 8027.2 kg/m³
P Number Thickness 0 mm.
Yield Stress, Operating 179.8 N./mm²
External Pressure Chart Name HA-2
UNS Number S31600
Class / Thickness / Grade :: <= 5
Product Form Forgings
Perform Flange Stress Calculation (Y/N) Y
Weld is pre-Heated No

Element From Node 40

Detail Type Liquid
Detail ID Liquid: 40
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 0 mm.
Height/Length of Liquid 158 mm.
Liquid Density 999.54 kg/m³


Element From Node 50

Element To Node 60
Element Type Flange
Description Blind Flange
Distance "FROM" to "TO" 89 mm.
Flange Outside Diameter 800 mm.
Element Thickness 84 mm.
Internal Corrosion Allowance 0 mm.
Nominal Thickness 89 mm.
External Corrosion Allowance 0 mm.
Design Internal Pressure 45 bars
Design Temperature Internal Pressure 90 °C
Design External Pressure 1.034 bars
Design Temperature External Pressure 90 °C
Effective Diameter Multiplier 1.2
Material Name SA-182 F316
Perform Flange Stress Calculation (Y/N) Y
Weld is pre-Heated No

Element From Node 50

Detail Type Nozzle
Detail ID N03-2" H2 Outlet
PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 20
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Input Echo: Step: 1 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 139 mm.

Nozzle Diameter 2 in.
Nozzle Schedule 80S
Nozzle Class 600
Layout Angle 180.0
Blind Flange (Y/N) N
Weight of Nozzle ( Used if > 0 ) 80.643 N
Grade of Attached Flange GR 2.2
Nozzle Matl SA-312 TP316

Element From Node 50

Detail Type Nozzle
Detail ID N05-1/2" PT SWAG
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 200 mm.
Nozzle Diameter 0.5 in.
Nozzle Schedule 80S
Nozzle Class None
Layout Angle 270.0
Blind Flange (Y/N) N
Weight of Nozzle ( Used if > 0 ) 11.992 N
Grade of Attached Flange None
Nozzle Matl SA-312 TP316

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2022, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 21
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
XY Coordinate Calculations: Step: 2 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

XY Coordinate Calculations:

| | | | | |
From | To | X (Horiz.)| Y (Vert.) | DX (Horiz.)| DY (Vert.) |
| | mm. | mm. | mm. | mm. |
Bottom Head| ... | 424 | ... | 424 |
Bottom Head| ... | 474 | ... | 50 |
Shell| ... | 2653 | ... | 2179 |
Top Flange| ... | 2769 | ... | 116 |
Blind Flange| ... | 2868.85 | ... | 89 |

PV Elite includes an 1/8 inch (3.175mm) raised face and gasket thicknesses for girth
flanges and tubesheet thicknesses where applicable in the Tangent to Tangent length calculation.
The calculated dimensions are based on the given element lengths. Due to variability in
manufacturing (weld gaps etc.), the Tangent to Tangent length may not be exact.

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2022, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 22
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Flg Calc [Int P]: TOP FLANGE Flng: 17 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Flange Input Data Values Description: TOP FLANGE :

Top Flange

Flange Type Integral Weld Neck

Design Pressure P 45.02 bars

Design Temperature 90 °C
Internal Corrosion Allowance ci 0.0000 mm.
External Corrosion Allowance ce 0.0000 mm.
Use Corrosion Allowance in Thickness Calcs. No
Flange Inside Diameter B 578.000 mm.
Flange Outside Diameter A 800.000 mm.
Flange Thickness t 62.0000 mm.
Thickness of Hub at Small End go 16.0000 mm.
Thickness of Hub at Large End g1 34.0000 mm.
Length of Hub h 54.0000 mm.

Flange Material SA-182 F316

Flange Material UNS number S31600
Flange Allowable Stress At Temperature Sfo 120.40 N./mm²
Flange Allowable Stress At Ambient Sfa 137.90 N./mm²

Bolt Material SA-193 B8M

Bolt Allowable Stress At Temperature Sb 122.50 N./mm²
Bolt Allowable Stress At Ambient Sa 129.60 N./mm²

Diameter of Bolt Circle C 735.000 mm.

Nominal Bolt Diameter a 31.7500 mm.
Type of Threads UNC Thread Series
Number of Bolts 28

Flange Face Outside Diameter Fod 643.000 mm.

Flange Face Inside Diameter Fid 578.000 mm.
Flange Facing Sketch 1, Code Sketch 1a

Gasket Outside Diameter Go 640.000 mm.

Gasket Inside Diameter Gi 614.000 mm.
Gasket Factor m 3.0000
Gasket Design Seating Stress y 68.95 N./mm²

Column for Gasket Seating 2, Code Column II

Gasket Thickness tg 4.5000 mm.

ASME Code, Section VIII Division 1, 2021

Hub Small End Required Thickness due to Internal Pressure:

= (P*(D/2+Ca))/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 23
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Flg Calc [Int P]: TOP FLANGE Flng: 17 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

= (45*(578/2+0))/(120*1-0.6*45)+Ca
= 11.0538 mm.

Hub Small End Hub MAWP:

= (S*E*t)/(R+0.6*t) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (120 * 1 * 16 )/(289 + 0.6 * 16 )
= 64.511 bars

Corroded Flange ID, Bcor = B+2*Fcor 578.000 mm.

Corroded Large Hub, g1Cor = g1-ci 34.000 mm.
Corroded Small Hub, g0Cor = go-ci 16.000 mm.
Code R Dimension, R = (C-B)/2 - g1 44.500 mm.

Gasket Contact Width, N = (Go - Gi) / 2 13.000 mm.

Basic Gasket Width, bo = N / 2 6.500 mm.
Effective Gasket Width, b = Cb*sqrt(bo) 6.425 mm.
Gasket Reaction Diameter, G = Go - 2 * b 627.151 mm.

Basic Flange and Bolt Loads:

Hydrostatic End Load due to Pressure [H]:

= 0.785 * G² * Peq
= 0.79 * 627² * 45
= 1390542.250 N

Contact Load on Gasket Surfaces [Hp]:

= 2 * b * pi * G * m * P
= 2 * 6.42 * pi * 627 * 3 * 45
= 341874.469 N

Hydrostatic End Load at Flange ID [Hd]:

= pi * Bcor² * P / 4
= pi * 578² *45/4
= 1181124.750 N

Pressure Force on Flange Face [Ht]:

= H - Hd
= 1390542 - 1181124
= 209417.531 N

Operating Bolt Load [Wm1]:

= max( H + Hp + H'p, 0 )
= max( 1390542 + 341874 + 0, 0 )
= 1732416.750 N

Gasket Seating Bolt Load [Wm2]:

= y * b * pi * G + yPart * bPart * lp
= 68.9*6.42*pi*627+0*0*0
= 872694.938 N

Required Bolt Area [Am]:

= max( Wm1/Sb, Wm2/Sa )
= max( 1732416/123, 872695/130 )
= 141.434 cm²

ASME Maximum Circumferential Spacing between Bolts per App. 2 eq. (3) [Bsmax]:
= 2a + 6t/(m + 0.5)
= 2 * 31.8 + 6 * 62/(3 + 0.5)
= 169.786 mm.

Actual Circumferential Bolt Spacing [Bs]:

= C * sin( pi / n )
= 735 * sin( pi/28 )
= 82.294 mm.

ASME Moment Multiplier for Bolt Spacing per App. 2 eq. (7) [Bsc]:
PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 24
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Flg Calc [Int P]: TOP FLANGE Flng: 17 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

= max( sqrt( Bs/( 2a + t )), 1 )

= max( sqrt( 82.3/( 2 * 31.8 + 62 )), 1 )
= 1.0000

Bolting Information for UNC Thread Series (Non Mandatory):

Minimum Actual Maximum
Bolt Area: 141.434 160.774
Radial Distance between Hub and Bolts: 44.450 44.500
Radial Distance between Bolts and Edge: 31.750 32.500
Circ. Spacing between the Bolts: 71.450 82.294 169.786

Min. Gasket Contact Width (Brownell Young) [Not an ASME Calc] [Nmin]:
= Ab * Sa/( y * pi(Go + Gi) )
= 161 * 130/(68.9 * pi(640 + 614 ) )
= 7.671 mm.

Flange Design Bolt Load, Gasket Seating [W]:

= Sa * Ab
= 130 * 161
= 2083452.38 N

Gasket Load for the Operating Condition [HG]:

= Wm1 - H
= 1732416 - 1390542
= 341874.53 N

Moment Arm Calculations:

Distance to Gasket Load Reaction [hg]:

= (C - G ) / 2
= ( 735 - 627 )/2
= 53.9246 mm.

Distance to Face Pressure Reaction [ht]:

= ( R + g1 + hg ) / 2
= ( 44.5 + 34 + 53.9 )/2
= 66.2123 mm.

Distance to End Pressure Reaction [hd]:

= R + ( g1 / 2 )
= 44.5 +( 34/2.0 )
= 61.5000 mm.

Summary of Moments for Internal Pressure: (N-m)

Loading Force | Distance | Bolt Corr | Moment |

End Pressure, Md 1181125. | 61.5000 | 1.0000 | 72669. |
Face Pressure, Mt 209418. | 66.2123 | 1.0000 | 13872. |
Gasket Load, Mg 341875. | 53.9246 | 1.0000 | 18443. |
Gasket Seating, Matm 2083452. | 53.9246 | 1.0000 | 112395. |

Total Moment for Operation, Mop 104983. N-m

Total Moment for Gasket seating, Matm 112395. N-m

Effective Hub Length, ho = sqrt(Bcor*goCor) 96.167 mm.

Hub Ratio, h/h0 = HL / H0 0.562
Thickness Ratio, g1/g0 = (g1Cor/goCor) 2.125

Flange Factors for Integral Flange:

Factor F 0.808
Factor V 0.198
Factor f 1.175
PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 25
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Flg Calc [Int P]: TOP FLANGE Flng: 17 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Factors from Figure 2-7.1 K = 1.384

T = 1.761 U = 6.743
Y = 6.136 Z = 3.184
e = 0.0084 1/mm. d = 0.83686E+06 mm.³
Stress Factors Alpha = 1.521
Beta = 1.695 Gamma = 0.864
Delta = 0.285 Lambda = 1.149

Longitudinal Hub Stress, Operating [SHo]:

= ( f * Mop / Bcor ) / ( L * g1² )
= (1.18*104983/578)/(1.15*34²)
= 160.75 N./mm²

Longitudinal Hub Stress, Seating [SHa]:

= ( f * Matm / Bcor ) / ( L * g1² )
= (1.18*112395/578)/(1.15*34²)
= 172.10 N./mm²

Radial Flange Stress, Operating [SRo]:

= ( beta * Mop / Bcor ) / ( L * t² )
= (1.69*104983/578)/(1.15*62²)
= 69.71 N./mm²

Radial Flange Stress, Seating [SRa]:

= ( beta * Matm/Bcor ) / ( L * t² )
= (1.69*112395/578)/(1.15*62²)
= 74.63 N./mm²

Tangential Flange Stress, Operating [STo]:

= ( Y * Mo / (t² * Bcor) ) - Z * SRo
= (6.14*104983/(62²*578))-3.18*69.7
= 67.88 N./mm²

Tangential Flange Stress, Seating [STa]:

= ( y * Matm / (t² * Bcor) ) - Z * SRa
= (6.14*112395/(62²*578))-3.18*74.6
= 72.68 N./mm²

Average Flange Stress, Operating [SAo]:

= ( SHo + max( SRo, STo ) ) / 2
= (161+max(69.7,67.9))/2
= 115.23 N./mm²

Average Flange Stress, Seating [SAa]:

= ( SHa + max( SRa, STa ) ) / 2
= (172+max(74.6,72.7))/2
= 123.36 N./mm²

Bolt Stress, Operating [BSo]:

= Wm1 / Ab
= 1732416/161
= 107.76 N./mm²

Bolt Stress, Seating [BSa]:

= ( Wm2 / Ab )
= (872695/161)
= 54.29 N./mm²

Flange Stress Analysis Results: N./mm²

Operating | Gasket Seating |

Actual Allowed | Actual Allowed |
Longitudinal Hub 160.75 | 180.60 | 172.10 | 206.85 |
Radial Flange 69.71 | 120.40 | 74.63 | 137.90 |
Tangential Flange 67.88 | 120.40 | 72.68 | 137.90 |
PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 26
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Flg Calc [Int P]: TOP FLANGE Flng: 17 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Maximum Average 115.23 | 120.40 | 123.36 | 137.90 |

Bolting 107.76 | 122.50 | 54.29 | 129.60 |

Minimum Required Flange Thickness 60.198 mm.

Estimated M.A.W.P. ( Operating ) 47 bars
Estimated Finished Weight of Flange at given Thk. 140.1 kg.
Estimated Unfinished Weight of Forging at given Thk 223.7 kg.

Flange Rigidity Based on Required Thickness [ASME]:

Flange Rigidity Index, Seating (rotation check) per APP. 2 [Js]:

= 52.14 * Ma / Bsc * Cnv_fac * V / ( Lambda * Eamb * go 2 * ho * Ki )
= 52.14*112395/1*1000*0.2/(1.12*195128*16 2*96.2*0.3)
= 0.722 (should be <= 1)

Flange Rigidity Index Operating (rotation check) per APP. 2 [J]:

= 52.14 * Mo / Bsc * Cnv_fac * V / ( Lambda * Eop * goc 2 * ho * Ki )
= 52.14*104983/1*1000*0.2/(1.12*189868*16 2*96.2*0.3)
= 0.693 (should be <= 1)

Flange Rigidity Based on Given Thickness [ASME]:

Flange Rigidity Index, Seating (rotation check) per APP. 2 [Js]:

= 52.14 * Ma / Bsc * Cnv_fac * V / ( Lambda * Eamb * go 2 * ho * Ki )
= 52.14*112395/1*1000*0.2/(1.15*195128*16 2*96.2*0.3)
= 0.702 (should be <= 1)

Flange Rigidity Index Operating (rotation check) per APP. 2 [J]:

= 52.14 * Mo / Bsc * Cnv_fac * V / ( Lambda * Eop * goc 2 * ho * Ki )
= 52.14*104983/1*1000*0.2/(1.15*189868*16 2*96.2*0.3)
= 0.673 (should be <= 1)

SA-182 F316, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2022, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 27
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Flg Calc [Int P]: BLIND FLANGE Flng: 18 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Flange Input Data Values Description: BLIND FLANGE :

Blind Flange

Flange Type Blind

Design Pressure P 45.00 bars

Design Temperature 90 °C
Internal Corrosion Allowance ci 0.0000 mm.
External Corrosion Allowance ce 0.0000 mm.
Use Corrosion Allowance in Thickness Calcs. Yes
Flange Outside Diameter A 800.000 mm.
Flange Thickness t 84.0000 mm.

Flange Material SA-182 F316

Flange Material UNS number S31600
Flange Allowable Stress At Temperature Sfo 120.40 N./mm²
Flange Allowable Stress At Ambient Sfa 137.90 N./mm²

Bolt Material SA-193 B8M

Bolt Allowable Stress At Temperature Sb 122.50 N./mm²
Bolt Allowable Stress At Ambient Sa 129.60 N./mm²

Diameter of the Load Reaction, Long Span D 0.000 mm.

Diameter of the Load Reaction, Short Span d 0.000 mm.
Perimeter along the Center of the Bolts L 2309.071 mm.

Diameter of Bolt Circle C 735.000 mm.

Nominal Bolt Diameter a 31.7500 mm.
Type of Threads UNC Thread Series
Number of Bolts 28

Flange Face Outside Diameter Fod 643.000 mm.

Flange Face Inside Diameter Fid 578.000 mm.
Flange Facing Sketch 1, Code Sketch 1a

Gasket Outside Diameter Go 640.000 mm.

Gasket Inside Diameter Gi 614.000 mm.
Gasket Factor m 3.0000
Gasket Design Seating Stress y 68.95 N./mm²

Column for Gasket Seating 2, Code Column II

Gasket Thickness tg 4.5000 mm.

ASME Code, Section VIII Division 1, 2021

Gasket Contact Width, N = (Go - Gi) / 2 13.000 mm.

Basic Gasket Width, bo = N / 2 6.500 mm.
Effective Gasket Width, b = Cb*sqrt(bo) 6.425 mm.
Gasket Reaction Diameter, G = Go - 2 * b 627.151 mm.

Basic Flange and Bolt Loads:

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 28
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Flg Calc [Int P]: BLIND FLANGE Flng: 18 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Hydrostatic End Load due to Pressure [H]:

= 0.785 * G² * Peq
= 0.79 * 627² * 45
= 1390063.750 N

Contact Load on Gasket Surfaces [Hp]:

= 2 * b * pi * G * m * P
= 2 * 6.42 * pi * 627 * 3 * 45
= 341756.844 N

Operating Bolt Load [Wm1]:

= max( H + Hp + H'p, 0 )
= max( 1390063 + 341757 + 0, 0 )
= 1731820.625 N

Gasket Seating Bolt Load [Wm2]:

= y * b * pi * G + yPart * bPart * lp
= 68.9*6.42*pi*627+0*0*0
= 872694.938 N

Required Bolt Area [Am]:

= max( Wm1/Sb, Wm2/Sa )
= max( 1731820/123, 872695/130 )
= 141.385 cm²

ASME Maximum Circumferential Spacing between Bolts per App. 2 eq. (3) [Bsmax]:
= 2a + 6t/(m + 0.5)
= 2 * 31.8 + 6 * 84/(3 + 0.5)
= 207.500 mm.

Actual Circumferential Bolt Spacing [Bs]:

= C * sin( pi / n )
= 735 * sin( pi/28 )
= 82.294 mm.

ASME Moment Multiplier for Bolt Spacing per App. 2 eq. (7) [Bsc]:
= max( sqrt( Bs/( 2a + t )), 1 )
= max( sqrt( 82.3/( 2 * 31.8 + 84 )), 1 )
= 1.0000

Bolting Information for UNC Thread Series (Non Mandatory):

Minimum Actual Maximum
Bolt Area: 141.385 160.774
Radial Distance between Bolts and Edge: 31.750 32.500
Circ. Spacing between the Bolts: 71.450 82.294 207.500

Min. Gasket Contact Width (Brownell Young) [Not an ASME Calc] [Nmin]:
= Ab * Sa/( y * pi(Go + Gi) )
= 161 * 130/(68.9 * pi(640 + 614 ) )
= 7.671 mm.

Flange Design Bolt Load, Gasket Seating [W]:

= Sa * Ab
= 130 * 161
= 2083452.38 N

Gasket Load for the Operating Condition [HG]:

= Wm1
= 1731820.62 N

Moment Arm Calculations:

Distance to Gasket Load Reaction [hg]:

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FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Flg Calc [Int P]: BLIND FLANGE Flng: 18 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

= (C - G ) / 2
= ( 735 - 627 )/2
= 53.9246 mm.

Tangential Flange Stress, Flat Head (UG-34), Operating [STo]:

= 1.9 * Wm1 * hG * Bsc/(t² * G) + C * Z * Peq * G²/t²
= 1.9*1731820*53.9*1/(84²*627)+0.3*1*45*627²/84²
= 115.36 N./mm²

Tangential Flange Stress, Flat Head (UG-34), Seating [STa]:

= 1.9 * W * hG * Bsc/ (t² * G)
= 1.9*2083452*53.9*1/(84²*627)
= 48.24 N./mm²

Bolt Stress, Operating [BSo]:

= Wm1 / Ab
= 1731820/161
= 107.73 N./mm²

Bolt Stress, Seating [BSa]:

= ( Wm2 / Ab )
= (872695/161)
= 54.29 N./mm²

Flange Stress Analysis Results: N./mm²

Operating | Gasket Seating |

Actual Allowed | Actual Allowed |
Tangential Flange 115.36 | 120.40 | 48.24 | 137.90 |
Bolting 107.73 | 122.50 | 54.29 | 129.60 |

Reqd. Blind Flange Thickness at Center 82.222 mm.

Reqd. Blind Flange Thickness at Gasket 49.684 mm.
Estimated M.A.W.P. ( Operating ) 47 bars
Estimated Finished Weight of Flange at given Thk. 338.9 kg.
Estimated Unfinished Weight of Forging at given Thk 338.9 kg.

SA-182 F316, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C

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FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Internal Pressure Calculations: Step: 5 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Internal Pressure Results Summary:

Element Thickness, Pressure, Diameter and Allowable Stress :

| | Int. Press | Nominal | Total Corr | Element | Allowable |

From | To | + Liq. Hd | Thickness | Allowance | Diameter | Stress(SE)|
| | bars | mm. | mm. | mm. | N./mm² |
Bottom Head| ... | 8 | ... | 610 | ... |
Bottom Head| 45.248 | 18 | ... | 610 | 102.34 |
Shell| 45.229 | 16 | ... | 610 | 102.34 |
Top Flange| 45.015 | 62 | ... | 578 | 120.4 |
Blind Flange| 45 | 89 | ... | 800 | 120.4 |

Element Required Thickness and MAWP :

| | Design | M.A.W.P. | M.A.P. | Minimum | Required |

From | To | Pressure | Corroded | New & Cold | Thickness | Thickness |
| | bars | bars | bars | mm. | mm. |
Bottom Head| ... | No Calc | No Calc | 8 | No Calc |
Bottom Head| 45 | 48.7 | 56.1 | 14 | 12.9697 |
Shell| 45 | 54.6 | 62.8 | 16 | 13.246 |
Top Flange| 45 | 47 | 53.9 | 62 | 60.198 |
Blind Flange| 45 | 47 | 53.8 | 84 | 82.222 |
Minimum 45 53.8

MAWP: 45 bars, limited by: DESIGN (user specified)

Elements Suitable for Design Internal Pressure.

Internal Pressure Calculation Results:

ASME Code, Section VIII Division 1, 2021

Elliptical Head From 20 To 30 SA-240 316 at 90 °C

Bottom Head

Longitudinal Joint: Seamless

Circumferential Joint: Spot Radiography per UW-11(b) Type 1

Material UNS Number: S31600

Required Thickness due to Internal Pressure [tr]:

= (P*Do*Kcor)/(2*S*E+2*P*(Kcor-0.1)) per Appendix 1-4 (c)
= (45.2*610*1)/(2*120*0.85+2*45.2*(1-0.1))
= 12.9697 + 0.0000 = 12.9697 mm.

Max. Allowable Working Pressure at given Thickness, corroded [MAWP]:

Less Operating Hydrostatic Head Pressure of 0.248 bars
= (2*S*E*t)/(Kcor*Do-2*t*(Kcor-0.1)) per Appendix 1-4 (c)
= (2*120*0.85*14)/(1*610-2*14*(1-0.1))
= 49 - 0.25 = 48.7 bars

Maximum Allowable Pressure, New and Cold [MAPNC]:

= (2*S*E*t)/(K*Do-2*t*(K-0.1)) per Appendix 1-4 (c)
= (2*138*0.85*14)/(1*610-2*14*(1-0.1))
= 56.1 bars

Actual stress at given pressure and thickness, corroded [Sact]:

= (P*(Kcor*Do-2*t*(Kcor-0.1)))/(2*E*t)
= (45.2*(1*610-2*14*(1-0.1)))/(2*0.85*14)
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FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Internal Pressure Calculations: Step: 5 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

= 111.187 N./mm²

Straight Flange Required Thickness:

= (P*Ro)/(S*E+0.4*P) + ca per Appendix 1-1 (a)(1)
= (45.2*305)/(120*0.85+0.4*45.2)+0
= 13.251 mm.

Straight Flange Maximum Allowable Working Pressure:

Less Operating Hydrostatic Head Pressure of 0.234 bars
= (S*E*t)/(Ro-0.4*t) per Appendix 1-1 (a)(1)
= (120 * 0.85 * 18 )/(305 - 0.4 * 18 )
= 61.9 - 0.23 = 61.6 bars

% Elongation per Table UG-79-1 (75*tnom/Rf)*(1-Rf/Ro) 12.667 %

Note: Please Check Requirements of Table UHA-44 for Elongation limits.

SA-240 316, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C

Cylindrical Shell From 30 To 40 SA-240 316 at 90 °C


Longitudinal Joint: Spot Radiography per UW-11(b) Type 1

Circumferential Joint: Spot Radiography per UW-11(b) Type 1

Material UNS Number: S31600

Required Thickness due to Internal Pressure [tr]:

= (P*Ro) / (S*E+0.4*P) per Appendix 1-1 (a)(1)
= (45.2*305)/(120*0.85+0.4*45.2)
= 13.2460 + 0.0000 = 13.2460 mm.

Max. Allowable Working Pressure at given Thickness, corroded [MAWP]:

Less Operating Hydrostatic Head Pressure of 0.229 bars
= (S*E*t)/(Ro-0.4*t) per Appendix 1-1 (a)(1)
= (120*0.85*16)/(305-0.4*16)
= 54.8 - 0.23 = 54.6 bars

Maximum Allowable Pressure, New and Cold [MAPNC]:

= (S*E*t)/(Ro-0.4*t) per Appendix 1-1 (a)(1)
= (138*0.85*16)/(305-0.4*16)
= 62.8 bars

Actual stress at given pressure and thickness, corroded [Sact]:

= (P*(Ro-0.4*t))/(E*t)
= (45.2*((305-0.4*16))/(0.85*16)
= 99.310 N./mm²

% Elongation per Table UG-79-1 (50*tnom/Rf)*(1-Rf/Ro) 2.694 %

Note: Please Check Requirements of Table UHA-44 for Elongation limits.

SA-240 316, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C

Hydrostatic Test Pressure Results:

Pressure per UG99b = 1.30 * M.A.W.P. * Sa/S 67.001 bars

Pressure per UG99b[35] = 1.30 * Design Pres * Sa/S 67.001 bars
Pressure per UG99c = 1.30 * M.A.P. - Head(Hyd) 69.923 bars
Pressure per UG100 = 1.10 * M.A.W.P. * Sa/S 56.693 bars
Pressure per PED = max(1.43*DP, 1.25*DP*ratio) 64.424 bars
Pressure per App 27-4 = M.A.W.P. 45.000 bars

User Defined Hydrostatic Test Pressure at High Point 67.500 bars

Vertical Test performed per: User Hydro Pressure

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FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Internal Pressure Calculations: Step: 5 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Please note that Nozzle, Shell, Head, Flange, etc MAWPs are all considered
when determining the hydrotest pressure for those test types that are based
on the MAWP of the vessel.

Stresses on Elements due to Test Pressure (N./mm² & bars):

From To | Stress | Allowable | Ratio | Pressure |

Bottom Head | 166.5 | 186.2 | 0.894 | 67.75 |
Shell | 148.7 | 186.2 | 0.799 | 67.73 |

Stress ratios for Nozzle and Pad Materials (N./mm²):

Description | Pad/Nozzle | Ambient | Operating | Ratio |

N02-2" H2 Rich W | Nozzle | 137.90 | 120.40 | 1.145 |
N01-4" H2 From E | Nozzle | 137.90 | 120.40 | 1.145 |
N01-4" H2 From E | Pad | 137.90 | 120.40 | 1.145 |
N04-2" To PSV | Nozzle | 137.90 | 120.40 | 1.145 |
N07-1" LS | Nozzle | 137.90 | 120.40 | 1.145 |
N06-1" LS | Nozzle | 137.90 | 120.40 | 1.145 |
N08A-3" LT | Nozzle | 137.90 | 120.40 | 1.145 |
N08A-3" LT | Pad | 137.90 | 120.40 | 1.145 |
N08B-3" LS | Nozzle | 137.90 | 120.40 | 1.145 |
N08B-3" LS | Pad | 137.90 | 120.40 | 1.145 |
N09-1" PT | Nozzle | 137.90 | 120.40 | 1.145 |
N10-4" SPARE | Nozzle | 137.90 | 120.40 | 1.145 |
N10-4" SPARE | Pad | 137.90 | 120.40 | 1.145 |
N03-2" H2 Outlet | Nozzle | 137.90 | 120.40 | 1.145 |
N05-1/2" PT SWAG | Nozzle | 137.90 | 120.40 | 1.145 |
Minimum 1.145

Stress ratios for Pressurized Vessel Elements (N./mm²):

Description | Ambient | Operating | Ratio |

Bottom Head | 137.90 | 120.40 | 1.145 |
Shell | 137.90 | 120.40 | 1.145 |
Top Flange | 137.90 | 120.40 | 1.145 |
Blind Flange | 137.90 | 120.40 | 1.145 |
Minimum 1.145

Hoop Stress in Nozzle Wall during Pressure Test (N./mm²):

Description | Ambient | Operating | Ratio |

N02-2" H2 Rich W | 34.20 | 186.17 | 0.184 |
N01-4" H2 From E | 42.41 | 186.20 | 0.228 |
N04-2" To PSV | 34.10 | 186.17 | 0.183 |
N07-1" LS | 22.17 | 186.17 | 0.119 |
N06-1" LS | 22.13 | 186.17 | 0.119 |
N08A-3" LT | 36.73 | 186.17 | 0.197 |
N08B-3" LS | 36.80 | 186.17 | 0.198 |
N09-1" PT | 22.11 | 186.17 | 0.119 |
N10-4" SPARE | 42.48 | 186.17 | 0.228 |
N03-2" H2 Outlet | 34.08 | 186.17 | 0.183 |
N05-1/2" PT SWAG | 16.59 | 186.17 | 0.089 |

Elements Suitable for Test Pressure.

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FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
External Pressure Calculations: Step: 6 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

External Pressure Calculation Results :

External Pressure Calculations:

| | Section | Outside | Corroded | Factor | Factor |

From| To | Length | Diameter | Thickness | A | B |
| | mm. | mm. | mm. | | N./mm² |
10| 20| 424 | ... | ... | No Calc | No Calc |
20| 30| No Calc | 610 | 14 | 0.0031876 | 84.3758 |
30| 40| 2393.5 | 610 | 16 | 0.0012956 | 71.577 |
40| 50| No Calc | ... | 62 | No Calc | No Calc |
50| 60| No Calc | ... | 84 | No Calc | No Calc |

External Pressure Calculations:

| | External | External | External | External |

From| To | Actual T. | Required T.| Design Pressure | M.A.W.P. |
| | mm. | mm. | bars | bars |
10| 20| ... | No Calc | ... | No Calc |
20| 30| 14 | 1.62643 | 1.034 | 21.5 |
30| 40| 16 | 3.53378 | 1.034 | 25 |
40| 50| 62 | 57.4294 | 1.034 | No Calc |
50| 60| 84 | 49.7078 | 1.034 | No Calc |
Minimum 21.5

External Pressure Calculations:

| | Actual Length | Allowable Length | Ring Inertia | Ring Inertia |

From| To | Bet. Stiffeners | Bet. Stiffeners | Required | Available |
| | mm. | mm. | cm**4 | cm**4 |
10| 20| 424 | No Calc | No Calc | No Calc |
20| 30| No Calc | No Calc | No Calc | No Calc |
30| 40| 2393.5 | 54352.9 | No Calc | No Calc |
40| 50| No Calc | No Calc | No Calc | No Calc |
50| 60| No Calc | No Calc | No Calc | No Calc |

Elements Suitable for External Pressure.

ASME Code, Section VIII Division 1, 2021

Elliptical Head From 20 to 30 Ext. Chart: HA-2 at 90 °C

Bottom Head
Elastic Modulus from Chart: HA-2 at 90 °C: 188517 N/mm²

| |
Results for Maximum Allowable Ext. Pressure | MAEP |
Tca | Outer Dia | Do/t | Factor A | Factor B |
14.000 | 610.00 | 43.57 | 0.0031876 | 84.38 |
MAEP = B/(K0*Do/t) = 84.4/(0.9 *43.6 ) = 21.5 bars

| |
Results for Required Thickness | Tca |
Tca | Outer Dia | Do/t | Factor A | Factor B |
1.626 | 610.00 | 375.05 | 0.0003703 | 34.91 |
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FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
External Pressure Calculations: Step: 6 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

MAEP = B/(K0*Do/t) = 34.9/(0.9 *375 ) = 1.03 bars


Cylindrical Shell From 30 to 40 Ext. Chart: HA-2 at 90 °C

Elastic Modulus from Chart: HA-2 at 90 °C: 188517 N/mm²

| |
Results for Maximum Allowable Ext. Pressure | MAEP |
Tca | Outer Dia | Slen | Do/t | L/D | Factor A | Factor B |
16.000 | 610.00 | 2393.50 | 38.13 | 3.9238 | 0.0012956 | 71.58 |
MAEP = (4*B)/(3*(Do/t)) = (4*71.6 )/(3*38.1 ) = 25 bars

| |
Results for Required Thickness | Tca |
Tca | Outer Dia | Slen | Do/t | L/D | Factor A | Factor B |
3.534 | 610.00 | 2393.50 | 172.62 | 3.9238 | 0.0001420 | 13.39 |
MAEP = (4*B)/(3*(Do/t)) = (4*13.4 )/(3*173 ) = 1.03 bars

| |
Results for Maximum Stiffened Length | Slen |
Tca | Outer Dia | Slen | Do/t | L/D | Factor A | Factor B |
16.000 | 610.00 | 54352.92 | 38.13 | 50.0000 | 0.0007724 | 62.88 |
MAEP = (4*B)/(3*(Do/t)) = (4*62.9 )/(3*38.1 ) = 22 bars


PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2022, All rights reserved.

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FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Element and Detail Weights: Step: 7 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Element and Detail Weights:

| | Element | Element | Corroded | Corroded | Extra due |

From| To | Metal Wgt. | ID Volume |Metal Wgt. | ID Volume | Misc % |
| | kg. | m³ | kg. | m³ | kg. |
10| 20| 68.995 | ... | 68.995 | ... | 6.8995 |
20| 30| 75.8746 | 0.038183 | 75.8746 | 0.038183 | 7.58746 |
30| 40| 522.255 | 0.55824 | 522.255 | 0.55824 | 52.2255 |
40| 50| 140.108 | 0.029718 | 140.108 | 0.029718 | 14.0108 |
50| 60| 359.112 | ... | 359.112 | ... | 35.9112 |
Total | 1166 | 0.63 | 1166 | 0.63 | 116 |

Weight of Details:

| | Weight of | X Offset, | Y Offset, | Z Offset |

From|Type| Detail | Dtl. Cent. |Dtl. Cent. | Dtl. Cent. | Description
| | kg. | mm. | mm. | mm. |
20|Liqd| 39.09 | ... | -72.75 | ... | Liquid: 10
20|Nozl| 8.1698 | ... | -200.997 | ... | N02-2" H2 Rich W
30|Pack| 41.9834 | ... | 2050 | ... | DEMISTER PAD
30|Liqd| 570.713 | ... | 1088 | ... | Liquid: 20
30|Nozl| 25.8159 | ... | 1650 | -313.206 | N01-4" H2 From E
30|Nozl| 6.34307 | 231.528 | 1750 | -231.528 | N04-2" To PSV
30|Nozl| 2.63097 | -235.951 | 100 | -197.986 | N07-1" LS
30|Nozl| 2.63475 | -235.951 | 1450 | -197.986 | N06-1" LS
30|Nozl| 14.8787 | -110.381 | 1425 | -303.268 | N08A-3" LT
30|Nozl| 14.8325 | -110.381 | 125 | -303.268 | N08B-3" LS
30|Nozl| 2.63097 | ... | 1950 | -308.012 | N09-1" PT
30|Nozl| 44.3391 | ... | 650 | -313.206 | N10-4" SPARE
40|Liqd| 41.4396 | ... | 79 | ... | Liquid: 40
50|Nozl| 9.04619 | -139 | 139 | ... | N03-2" H2 Outlet
50|Nozl| 1.34519 | ... | 108.012 | 200 | N05-1/2" PT SWAG
30|Pliq| 157.37 | ... | 2050.000 | ... |

Total Weight of Each Detail Type:

Packing 42.0
Packing Liquid 157.4
Liquid 651.2
Nozzles 132.7
Sum of the Detail Weights 983.3 kg.

Weight Summation Results: (kg.)

| Fabricated | Shop Test | Shipping | Erected | Empty | Operating |

Main Elements | 1283.0 | 1283.0 | 1283.0 | 1283.0 | 1283.0 | 1283.0 |
Nozzles | 132.7 | 132.7 | 132.7 | 132.7 | 132.7 | 132.7 |
Packing | ... | ... | 42.0 | 42.0 | 42.0 | 42.0 |
Ope. Liquid | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 651.2 |
Packing Liq | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 157.4 |
Test Liquid | ... | 641.0 | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Totals | 1415.6 | 2056.7 | 1457.6 | 1457.6 | 1457.6 | 2266.2 |

Field Installation Options:

Miscellaneous Weight Percent: 10.0 %

Note that the above value for the miscellaneous weight percent has
PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 36
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Element and Detail Weights: Step: 7 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

been applied to the shells/heads/flange/tubesheets/tubes etc. in the

weight calculations for metallic components.

Weight Summary:

Fabricated Wt. - Bare Weight without Removable Internals 1415.6 kg.

Shop Test Wt. - Fabricated Weight + Water ( Full ) 2056.7 kg.
Shipping Wt. - Fab. Weight + removable Intls.+ Shipping App. 1457.6 kg.
Erected Wt. - Fab. Wt + or - loose items (trays,platforms etc.) 1457.6 kg.
Ope. Wt. no Liq - Fab. Weight + Internals. + Details + Weights 1457.6 kg.
Operating Wt. - Empty Weight + Operating Liq. Uncorroded 2266.2 kg.
Field Test Wt. - Empty Weight + Water (Full) 2056.7 kg.

Weights used in Vortex Shedding Calculations:

Mass of the Upper 1/3 of the Vertical Vessel (operating) 1226.4 kg.
Mass of the Upper 1/3 of the Vertical Vessel (filled w/water) 863.6 kg.
Mass of the Upper 1/3 of the Vertical Vessel (empty) 834.2 kg.

Outside Surface Areas of Elements:

| | Surface |
From| To | Area |
| | cm² |
10| 20| 8125.42 |
20| 30| 5110.75 |
30| 40| 41757.7 |
40| 50| 5056.8 |
50| 60| 7263.36 |
Total 67314.078 cm²

Element and Detail Weights:

| To | Total Ele.| Total. Ele.|Total. Ele.| Total Dtl.| Oper. Wgt. |

From| To | Empty Wgt.| Oper. Wgt.|Hydro. Wgt.| Offset Mom.| No Liquid |
| | kg. | kg. | kg. | N-m | kg. |
10| 20| 75.8945 | 75.8945 | 75.8945 | ... | 75.8945 |
20| 30| 91.6319 | 130.722 | 130.722 | ... | 91.6319 |
30| 40| 730.57 | 1458.65 | 1260.09 | 336.531 | 730.57 |
40| 50| 154.119 | 195.558 | 184.543 | ... | 154.119 |
50| 60| 405.414 | 405.414 | 405.414 | 2.63926 | 405.414 |

Cumulative Vessel Weight

| | Cumulative Ope | Cumulative | Cumulative |

From| To | Wgt. No Liquid | Oper. Wgt. | Hydro. Wgt. |
| | kg. | kg. | kg. |
10| 20| 1457.63 | 2266.24 | 2056.66 |
20| 30| 1381.74 | 2190.34 | 1980.77 |
30| 40| 1290.1 | 2059.62 | 1850.04 |
40| 50| 559.533 | 600.973 | 589.957 |
50| 60| 405.414 | 405.414 | 405.414 |

The cumulative operating weights no liquid in the column above are the cumulative operating
weights minus the operating liquid weight minus any weights absent in the empty condition.

Cumulative Vessel Moment

| | Cumulative | Cumulative |Cumulative |

From| To | Empty Mom. | Oper. Mom. |Hydro. Mom.|
PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 37
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Element and Detail Weights: Step: 7 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

| | N-m | N-m | N-m |

10| 20| 339.17 | 339.17 | 339.17 |
20| 30| 339.17 | 339.17 | 339.17 |
30| 40| 339.17 | 339.17 | 339.17 |
40| 50| 2.63926 | 2.63926 | 2.63926 |
50| 60| 2.63926 | 2.63926 | 2.63926 |

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2022, All rights reserved.

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FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Flange MAWP: Step: 8 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Nozzle Flange MAWP Results: (bars & °C)

Nozzle | Flange Rating | Design | | Grade/ | Equiv. | - - - - - - Max Pressure |

Description | Ope. | Ambient | Temp | Class | Group | Press |UG-44(b)| 50% | DNV |
N02-2" H2 Rich| 86.76 | 99.30 | 90 | 600 | GR 2.2 | 42.812 | 86.760 | 86.760 | 86.76 |
N01-4" H2 From| 86.76 | 99.30 | 90 | 600 | GR 2.2 | 42.689 | 86.760 | 86.760 | 86.76 |
N04-2" To PSV | 86.76 | 99.30 | 90 | 600 | GR 2.2 | 42.812 | 86.760 | 86.760 | 86.76 |
N07-1" LS | 86.76 | 99.30 | 90 | 600 | GR 2.2 | ... | ... | ... | ... |
N06-1" LS | 86.76 | 99.30 | 90 | 600 | GR 2.2 | ... | ... | ... | ... |
N08A-3" LT | 86.76 | 99.30 | 90 | 600 | GR 2.2 | ... | ... | ... | ... |
N08B-3" LS | 86.76 | 99.30 | 90 | 600 | GR 2.2 | ... | ... | ... | ... |
N09-1" PT | 86.76 | 99.30 | 90 | 600 | GR 2.2 | ... | ... | ... | ... |
N10-4" SPARE | 86.76 | 99.30 | 90 | 600 | GR 2.2 | 42.689 | 86.760 | 86.760 | 86.76 |
N03-2" H2 Outl| 86.76 | 99.30 | 90 | 600 | GR 2.2 | 42.812 | 86.760 | 86.760 | 86.76 |
Min Rating | 86.760 | 99.300 bars [for Core Elements] | ... | ... | ... |

Selected Method for Derating ASME B16.5 Flange MAWP: ASME UG-44(b)

The UG-44(b) Method is based on the paper PVP 2013-97814. PV Elite uses the maximum loads
from each load category to determine ME and FE. In many cases, the computed maximum
allowable pressure will be greater than the flange rating. In these cases, the minimum of the
rating from the table and the UG-44(b) method will be used. SA-193 B8 Cl. 2 bolts or ones
with higher allowable stresses at the specified bolt size shall be used.

The axial force FE must put the nozzle in tension (-P for 107/297; +Fr for PD 5500 AnnexG)
to be considered.

Nozzle | Gasket | Fm | Resolved | Axial | | Maximum | Pass |

Description | Dimension | Value | Moment | Force | MAWP | Pressure | Fail |
| G | | ME | FE | PD | Pmax | |
| mm. | | N-m | N | bars | bars | |
N02-2" H2 Rich W | 77.851 | 0.50 | 354 | 2220 | 44.752 | 86.760 | Pass |
N01-4" H2 From E | 135.001 | 0.50 | 1921 | 4210 | 44.933 | 86.760 | Pass |
N04-2" To PSV | 77.851 | 0.50 | 354 | 2220 | 44.943 | 86.760 | Pass |
N10-4" SPARE | 135.001 | 0.50 | 1921 | 4210 | 44.835 | 86.760 | Pass |
N02-2" H2 Outl | 77.851 | 0.50 | 354 | 2220 | 44.752 | 86.760 | Pass |

Evaluating Flange on Nozzle [N02-2" H2 Rich W]:

= 16*ME + 4*FE*G < pi*G^3[((PR - PD) + FM * PR)]
= 16(354)+4*abs(2220)77.851 < pi*77.851^3[(86.8-44.8)+.500*86.760]
= 6348.5 < 12662.0 Check Passes

Maximum Pressure for Flange on Nozzle N02-2" H2 Rich W [Pmax]:

= min( PR, FM * PR + PR - (16*ME + 4*FE * G) / ( pi * G^3 ))
= min( 86.760, 0.500 * 86.760 + 86.760 - 6348.5/(pi * 77.851^3)
= min( 86.760, 87.328 )
= 86.760 bars

Evaluating Flange on Nozzle [N01-4" H2 From E]:

= 16*ME + 4*FE*G < pi*G^3[((PR - PD) + FM * PR)]
= 16(1921)+4*abs(4210)135.001 < pi*135.001^3[(86.8-44.9)+.500*86.760]
= 33009.3 < 65887.1 Check Passes

Maximum Pressure for Flange on Nozzle N01-4" H2 From E [Pmax]:

= min( PR, FM * PR + PR - (16*ME + 4*FE * G) / ( pi * G^3 ))
= min( 86.760, 0.500 * 86.760 + 86.760 - 33009.3/(pi * 135.001^3)
= min( 86.760, 87.451 )
= 86.760 bars

Evaluating Flange on Nozzle [N04-2" To PSV]:

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 39
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Flange MAWP: Step: 8 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

= 16*ME + 4*FE*G < pi*G^3[((PR - PD) + FM * PR)]

= 16(354)+4*abs(2220)77.851 < pi*77.851^3[(86.8-44.9)+.500*86.760]
= 6348.5 < 12633.8 Check Passes

Maximum Pressure for Flange on Nozzle N04-2" To PSV [Pmax]:

= min( PR, FM * PR + PR - (16*ME + 4*FE * G) / ( pi * G^3 ))
= min( 86.760, 0.500 * 86.760 + 86.760 - 6348.5/(pi * 77.851^3)
= min( 86.760, 87.328 )
= 86.760 bars

Evaluating Flange on Nozzle [N10-4" SPARE]:

= 16*ME + 4*FE*G < pi*G^3[((PR - PD) + FM * PR)]
= 16(1921)+4*abs(4210)135.001 < pi*135.001^3[(86.8-44.8)+.500*86.760]
= 33009.3 < 65963.0 Check Passes

Maximum Pressure for Flange on Nozzle N10-4" SPARE [Pmax]:

= min( PR, FM * PR + PR - (16*ME + 4*FE * G) / ( pi * G^3 ))
= min( 86.760, 0.500 * 86.760 + 86.760 - 33009.3/(pi * 135.001^3)
= min( 86.760, 87.451 )
= 86.760 bars

Evaluating Flange on Nozzle [N03-2" H2 Outl]:

= 16*ME + 4*FE*G < pi*G^3[((PR - PD) + FM * PR)]
= 16(354)+4*abs(2220)77.851 < pi*77.851^3[(86.8-44.8)+.500*86.760]
= 6348.5 < 12662.0 Check Passes

Maximum Pressure for Flange on Nozzle N03-2" H2 Outl [Pmax]:

= min( PR, FM * PR + PR - (16*ME + 4*FE * G) / ( pi * G^3 ))
= min( 86.760, 0.500 * 86.760 + 86.760 - 6348.5/(pi * 77.851^3)
= min( 86.760, 87.328 )
= 86.760 bars

Pressure Ratings are per ASME B16.5 2017 Metric Edition

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FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Natural Frequency Calculation: Step: 9 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

The Natural Frequencies for the vessel have been computed iteratively
by solving a system of matrices. These matrices describe the mass
and the stiffness of the vessel. This is the generalized eigenvalue/
eigenvector problem and is referenced in some mathematical texts.

The Natural Frequency for the Vessel (Empty.) is 26.0776 Hz.

The Natural Frequency for the Vessel (Ope...) is 21.9688 Hz.

The Natural Frequency for the Vessel (Filled) is 23.1299 Hz.

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2022, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 41
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Wind Load Calculation: Step: 10 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Wind Load Calculation Results:

Input Values:

Wind Design Code ASCE/SEI 7-16

Wind Load Reduction Scale Factor 0.600
Basic Wind Speed [V] 160 Km/hr
Surface Roughness Category C: Open Terrain
Importance Factor 1.0
Type of Surface Moderately Smooth
Base Elevation 1000 mm.
Percent Wind for Hydrotest 33.0
Using User defined Wind Press. Vs Elev. N
Height of Hill or Escarpment H or Hh 0 mm.
Distance Upwind of Crest Lh 0 mm.
Distance from Crest to the Vessel x 0 mm.
Type of Terrain ( Hill, Escarpment ) Flat
Damping Factor (Beta) for Wind (Ope) 0.0100
Damping Factor (Beta) for Wind (Empty) 0.0000
Damping Factor (Beta) for Wind (Filled) 0.0000
Site Elevation above Sea Level 0 mm.

Wind Analysis Results

Static Gust-Effect Factor, Operating Case [G]:

= min(0.85, 0.925((1 + 1.7 * gQ * Izbar * Q )/( 1 + 1.7 * gV * Izbar)))
= min(0.85,0.925((1+1.7*3.4*0.23*0.97)/(1+1.7*3.4*0.23)))
= min(0.85, 0.91 )
= 0.850

Natural Frequency of Vessel (Operating) 21.969 Hz

Natural Frequency of Vessel (Empty) 26.078 Hz
Natural Frequency of Vessel (Test) 23.130 Hz

User Entered Importance Factor is 1.000

Force Coefficient [Cf] 0.563
Structure Height to Diameter ratio 4.768
Height to top of Structure 2868.850 mm.

This is classified as a rigid structure. Static analysis performed.

Sample Calculation for the First Element:

The ASCE code performs all calculations in Imperial Units

only. The wind pressure is therefore computed in these units.

Value of [Alpha] and [Zg]:

Exposure Category: C from Table 26.11-1
Alpha = 9.5 : Zg = 274320 mm.

Effective Height [z]:

= Centroid Height + Vessel Base Elevation
= 212 + 1000 = 1212 mm.
= 3.98 ft. Imperial Units

Velocity Pressure coefficient evaluated at height z [Kz]:

Because z(3.98 ft.) < 15 ft.
= 2.01( 15 / Zg )2/Alpha
= 2.01( 15/900 )2/9.5
= 0.85

Type of Hill: No Hill

Wind Directionality Factor [Kd]:

= 1, per Table 26.6-1
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FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Wind Load Calculation: Step: 10 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

As there is No Hill Present: [Kzt]:

K1 = 0, K2 = 0, K3 = 0

Topographical Factor [Kzt]:

= ( 1 + K1 * K2 * K3 )²
= ( 1 + 0 * 0 * 0 )²
= 1

Velocity Pressure evaluated at height z, Imperial Units [qz]:

= max( 16, 0.00256 * Kz * Kzt * Kd * Ke * V(mph)² )
= max( 16, 0.00256 * 0.85 * 1 * 1 * 1 * 99.4² )
= 21.5 psf [105 ] Kgs/m²

Force on the first element [F]:

= qz * G * Cf * WindArea
= 21.5 * 0.85 * 0.56 * 3.34
= 34.3 lbs. [153 ] N

Element Hgt (z) K1 K2 K3 Kz Kzt qz

mm. Kgs/m²
Bottom Head 1212.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.849 1.000 104.881
Bottom Head 1449.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.849 1.000 104.881
Shell 2563.5 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.849 1.000 104.881
Top Flange 3711.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.849 1.000 104.881
Blind Flange 3824.4 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.849 1.000 104.881

Wind Vibration Calculations

This evaluation is based on work by Kanti Mahajan and Ed Zorilla


Cf - Correction factor for natural frequency

D - Average outer insulated diameter of vessel, mm.
Df - Damping Factor < 0.75 Unstable, > 0.95 Stable
Dr - Average outer insulated of top half of vessel, mm.
f - Natural frequency of vibration (Hertz)
f1 - Natural frequency of bare vessel based on a unit value of (D/L²)(10 4)
L - Total height of structure mm.
Lc - Total length of conical section(s) of vessel, mm.
tb - Uncorroded plate thickness at bottom of vessel, mm.
V30 - Design Wind Speed provided by user, Km/hr
Vc - Critical wind velocity, Km/hr
Vw - Maximum wind speed at top of structure, Km/hr
W - Total corroded weight of structure, N
Ws - Cor. vessel weight excl. weight of parts which do not effect stiff. N
Z - Maximum amplitude of vibration at top of vessel, mm.
Dl - Logarithmic decrement ( taken as 0.03 for Welded Structures )
Vp - Vib. Chance, <= 0.31416E-05(High); 0.31416E-05 < 0.39270E-05(Probable)
P30 - wind pressure 30 feet above the base

Check other Conditions and Basic Assumptions:

:: Total Cone Length / Total Length < 0.5
:: 0/2869 = 0

:: [ D / L² ] * 104 < 8 (English Units, ft.)

:: [ 2.01/9.41² ] * 104 = 227 [Geometry Violation]

Compute the vibration possibility. If Vp > 0.39270E-05 no chance. [Vp]:

= W / ( L * Dr²)
= 22223/( 2869 * 640² )
= 0.18919E-04
PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 43
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Wind Load Calculation: Step: 10 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Since Vp is > 0.39270E-05 no further vibration analysis is required !

The Natural Frequency for the Vessel (Ope...) is 21.9688 Hz.

Wind Load Calculation:

| | Wind | Wind | Wind | Wind | Element |

From| To | Height | Diameter | Area | Pressure | Wind Load |
| | mm. | mm. | cm² | Kgs/m² | N |
10| 20| 1212 | 732 | 3103.68 | 104.881 | 152.701 |
20| 30| 1449 | 732 | 366 | 104.881 | 18.0072 |
30| 40| 2563.5 | 732 | 15950.3 | 104.881 | 784.754 |
40| 50| 3711 | 693.6 | 804.576 | 104.881 | 39.5851 |
50| 60| 3824.35 | 960 | 854.4 | 104.881 | 42.0365 |

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2022, All rights reserved.

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FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Earthquake Load Calculation: Step: 11 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Earthquake Load Calculation Results:

Input Values for G Loading:

Horizontal Acceleration factor (GX) 0.340

Horizontal Acceleration factor (GZ) 0.340
Vertical Acceleration factor (GY) 0.225

Computed Results:

The Natural Frequency for the Vessel (Ope...) is 21.9688 Hz.

Earthquake Load Calculation:

| | Earthquake | Earthquake | Element | Element | Element |

From| To | Height | Weight | Ope Load | Emp Load | Vertical Load |
| | mm. | N | N | N | N |
10| 20| 212 | 744.221 | 447.307 | 447.307 | 6250.14 |
20| 30| 449 | 1281.86 | 770.449 | 540.06 | 6040.83 |
30| 40| 1563.5 | 14303.5 | 8596.99 | 4305.84 | 5680.3 |
40| 50| 2711 | 1917.64 | 1152.58 | 908.345 | 1657.44 |
50| 60| 2824.35 | 3975.49 | 2389.43 | 2389.43 | 1118.11 |

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2022, All rights reserved.

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FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Wind/Earthquake Shear, Bending: Step: 12 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

The following table is for the Operating Case.

Wind/Earthquake Shear, Bending:

| | Distance to| Cumulative |Earthquake | Wind | Earthquake |

From| To | Support| Wind Shear | Shear | Bending | Bending |
| | mm. | N | N | N-m | N-m |
10| 20| 212 | 1037.08 | 13356.8 | 1494.07 | 23765 |
20| 30| 449 | 884.383 | 12909.5 | 1086.55 | 18194.3 |
30| 40| 1563.5 | 866.375 | 12139 | 1042.76 | 17567.9 |
40| 50| 2711 | 81.6216 | 3542.02 | 9.50273 | 476.472 |
50| 60| 2824.35 | 42.0365 | 2389.43 | 1.87139 | 106.373 |

The Wind Shears/Moments and the Earthquake Shears/Moments calculated
and printed in the Wind/Earthquake Shear and Bending report have
been factored by the input Scalar/Load reductions factors of;
Wind: 0.600; Earthquake: 1.000.

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2022, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 46
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Wind/Earthquake Deflection: Step: 13 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Wind and Earthquake Deflection Calculations:

The following table is for Earthquake Deflection; Operating Case.

Earthquake Load Deflection:

| | Cumulative | Centroid | Elem. End | Elem. Ang. |

From| To | Shear | Deflection | Deflection | Rotation |
| | N | mm. | mm. | |
10| 20| 13356.8 | 0.0038585 | 0.014803 | 0.66866E-04 |
20| 30| 12909.5 | 0.0165 | 0.018246 | 0.70824E-04 |
30| 40| 12139 | 0.12687 | 0.26836 | 0.00013444 |
40| 50| 3542.02 | 0.27616 | 0.28396 | 0.00013446 |
50| 60| 2389.43 | 0.28994 | 0.29593 | 0.00013446 |

Allowable deflection at the Tower Top (Ope)(6.000"/100ft. Criteria)

Allowable deflection : 14.344 Actual deflection : 0.296 mm.

The following table is for Wind Deflection; Operating Case.

Wind Load Deflection:

| | Cumulative | Centroid | Elem. End | Elem. Ang. |

From| To | Shear | Deflection | Deflection | Rotation |
| | N | mm. | mm. | |
10| 20| 1037.08 | 0.00024545 | 0.00093399 | 0.41844E-05 |
20| 30| 884.383 | 0.0010401 | 0.0011493 | 0.44251E-05 |
30| 40| 866.375 | 0.0077811 | 0.016065 | 0.77644E-05 |
40| 50| 81.6216 | 0.016516 | 0.016966 | 0.77649E-05 |
50| 60| 42.0365 | 0.017311 | 0.017657 | 0.77649E-05 |

Critical Wind Velocity for Tower Vibration:

| | 1st Crit. | 2nd Crit. |

From| To | Wind Speed | Wind Speed |
| | Km/hr | Km/hr |
10| 20| 288.682 | 1804.26 |
20| 30| 288.682 | 1804.26 |
30| 40| 288.682 | 1804.26 |
40| 50| 273.538 | 1709.61 |
50| 60| 378.599 | 2366.24 |

Allowable deflection at the Tower Top (Ope)(6.000"/100ft. Criteria)

Allowable deflection : 14.344 Actual deflection : 0.018 mm.

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2022, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 47
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Longitudinal Stress Constants: Step: 14 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Longitudinal Stress Constants:

| | Metal Area | Metal Area | Section Modulus | Section Modulus |

From| To | New | Corroded | New | Corroded |
| | cm² | cm² | mm.³ | mm.³ |
10| 20| 151.299 | 151.299 | 2247584 | 2247584 |
20| 30| 262.135 | 262.135 | 3818267 | 3818267 |
30| 40| 298.577 | 298.577 | 4320701 | 4320701 |
40| 50| 298.577 | 298.577 | 4320701 | 4320701 |
50| 60| 298.577 | 298.577 | 4320701 | 4320701 |

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2022, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 48
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Longitudinal Allowable Stresses: Step: 15 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Longitudinal Allowable Stresses:

| | | Hydrotest | | Hydrotest |
From| To | Tensile | Tensile | Compressive | Compressive |
| | N./mm² | N./mm² | N./mm² | N./mm² |
10| 20| 101.136 | 156.408 | -101.674 | -105.116 |
20| 30| 122.808 | 189.924 | -109.358 | -112.888 |
30| 40| 122.808 | 189.924 | -110.988 | -114.53 |
40| 50| 122.808 | 189.924 | -110.988 | -114.53 |
50| 60| 144.48 | 223.44 | -110.988 | -114.53 |

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2022, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 49
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Longitudinal Stresses due to: Step: 16 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Longitudinal Stress Report

Longitudinal Operating and Empty Stresses are computed in the

corroded condition. Stresses due to loads in the hydrostatic test
cases have been computed in the new and cold condition.

Longitudinal Pressure Stresses due to:

| | Longitudinal Stress | Longitudinal Stress |Longitudinal Stress |

From| To | Internal Pressure | External Pressure | Hydrotest Pressure |
| | N./mm² | N./mm² | N./mm² |
10| 20| ... | ... | ... |
20| 30| 45.8705 | -1.15285 | 68.8058 |
30| 40| 39.7429 | -1.01214 | 59.6144 |
40| 50| ... | ... | ... |
50| 60| ... | ... | ... |

Longitudinal Stresses due to Weight Loads for these Conditions:

| | Wght. Str. | Wght. Str. |Wght. Str. | Wght. Str. | Wght. Str. |
From| To | Empty | Operating |Hydrotest | Emp. Mom. | Opr. Mom. |
| | N./mm² | N./mm² | N./mm² | N./mm² | N./mm² |
10| 20| -0.9448 | -1.46892 | -1.33308 | 0.15086 | 0.15086 |
20| 30| -0.51693 | -0.5758 | -0.51693 | 0.0888 | 0.0888 |
30| 40| -0.42374 | -0.47543 | -0.42374 | 0.078474 | 0.078474 |
40| 50| -0.18378 | -0.18378 | -0.18378 | 0.00061064 | 0.00061064 |
50| 60| -0.13316 | -0.13316 | -0.13316 | 0.00061064 | 0.00061064 |

Longitudinal Stresses due to Weight Loads and Bending for these Conditions:

| | Wght. Str. | Bend. Str. | Bend. Str. | Bend. Str. | Bend. Str. |
From| To | Hyd. Mom. | Oper. Wind | Oper. Equ. | Hyd. Wind | Hyd. Equ. |
| | N./mm² | N./mm² | N./mm² | N./mm² | N./mm² |
10| 20| 0.15086 | 0.66453 | 10.5702 | 0.2193 | ... |
20| 30| 0.0888 | 0.28448 | 4.76355 | 0.093877 | ... |
30| 40| 0.078474 | 0.24126 | 4.06467 | 0.079617 | ... |
40| 50| 0.00061064 | 0.0021986 | 0.11024 | 0.00072555 | ... |
50| 60| 0.00061064 | 0.00043298 | 0.024612 | 0.00014288 | ... |

Longitudinal Stresses due to these Conditions:

| | Vortex Shedding | Vortex Shedding | Vortex Shedding | Earthquake |

From| To | Operating Case | Empty Case | Test Case | Empty Case |
| | N./mm² | N./mm² | N./mm² | N./mm² |
10| 20| ... | ... | ... | 7.24422 |
20| 30| ... | ... | ... | 3.33501 |
30| 40| ... | ... | ... | 2.85607 |
40| 50| ... | ... | ... | 0.10696 |
50| 60| ... | ... | ... | 0.024612 |

Longitudinal Stresses due to Applied Axial Forces:

| | Longitudinal Stress | Longitudinal Stress |

From| To | Y Forces Wind | Y Forces Seismic |
PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 50
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Longitudinal Stresses due to: Step: 16 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

| | N./mm² | N./mm² |
10| 20| ... | 0.41313 |
20| 30| ... | 0.23047 |
30| 40| ... | 0.19026 |
40| 50| ... | 0.055516 |
50| 60| ... | 0.037451 |

Longitudinal Stresses due to User Forces and Moments:

| |Wind For/Mom | Earthquake For/Mom | Wind For/Mom | Earthquake For/Mom |

From| To | Corroded | Corroded | No Corrosion | No Corrosion |
| | N./mm² | N./mm² | N./mm² | N./mm² |
10| 20| ... | ... | ... | ... |
20| 30| ... | ... | ... | ... |
30| 40| ... | ... | ... | ... |
40| 50| ... | ... | ... | ... |
50| 60| ... | ... | ... | ... |

Bending Stresses due to Blast Load:

| | Bending |
From| To | Stress |
| | N./mm² |
10| 20| ... |
20| 30| ... |
30| 40| ... |
40| 50| ... |
50| 60| ... |

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2022, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 51
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Stress due to Combined Loads: Step: 17 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Stress Combination Load Cases for Vertical Vessels:

Load Case Definition Key

IP = Longitudinal Stress due to Internal Pressure

EP = Longitudinal Stress due to External Pressure
HP = Longitudinal Stress due to Hydrotest Pressure
NP = No Pressure
EW = Longitudinal Stress due to Weight (No Liquid)
OW = Longitudinal Stress due to Weight (Operating)
HW = Longitudinal Stress due to Weight (Hydrotest)
WI = Bending Stress due to Wind Moment (Operating)
EQ = Bending Stress due to Earthquake Moment (Operating)
EE = Bending Stress due to Earthquake Moment (Empty)
HI = Bending Stress due to Wind Moment (Hydrotest)
HE = Bending Stress due to Earthquake Moment (Hydrotest)
WE = Bending Stress due to Wind Moment (Empty) (no CA)
WF = Bending Stress due to Wind Moment (Filled) (no CA)
CW = Longitudinal Stress due to Weight (Empty) (no CA)
VO = Bending Stress due to Vortex Shedding Loads ( Ope )
VE = Bending Stress due to Vortex Shedding Loads ( Emp )
VF = Bending Stress due to Vortex Shedding Loads ( Test No CA. )
FW = Axial Stress due to Vertical Forces for the Wind Case
FS = Axial Stress due to Vertical Forces for the Seismic Case
BW = Bending Stress due to Lat. Forces for the Wind Case, Corroded
BS = Bending Stress due to Lat. Forces for the Seismic Case, Corroded
BN = Bending Stress due to Lat. Forces for the Wind Case, UnCorroded
BU = Bending Stress due to Lat. Forces for the Seismic Case, UnCorroded
BL = Bending Stress due to Blast Loads, Corroded

General Notes:

Case types HI and HE are in the Un-Corroded condition.

Case types WE, WF, and CW are in the Un-Corroded condition.

A blank stress and stress ratio indicates that the corresponding stress comprising
those components that did not contribute to that type of stress.

An asterisk (*) in the final column denotes overstress.

Analysis of Load Case 1 : NP+EW+WI+FW+BW

From Tensile All. Tens. Comp. All. Comp. Tens. Comp.
Node Stress Stress Stress Stress Ratio Ratio
10 101.14 -1.76 101.67 0.0173
20 122.81 -0.89 109.36 0.0081
30 122.81 -0.74 110.99 0.0067

Analysis of Load Case 2 : NP+EW+EE+FS+BS

From Tensile All. Tens. Comp. All. Comp. Tens. Comp.
Node Stress Stress Stress Stress Ratio Ratio
10 6.86 101.14 -7.93 101.67 0.0679 0.0780
20 3.14 122.81 -3.71 109.36 0.0255 0.0339
30 2.70 122.81 -3.17 110.99 0.0220 0.0285

Analysis of Load Case 3 : NP+OW+WI+FW+BW

From Tensile All. Tens. Comp. All. Comp. Tens. Comp.
Node Stress Stress Stress Stress Ratio Ratio
10 101.14 -2.28 101.67 0.0225
20 122.81 -0.95 109.36 0.0087
30 122.81 -0.80 110.99 0.0072
PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 52
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Stress due to Combined Loads: Step: 17 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Analysis of Load Case 4 : NP+OW+EQ+FS+BS

From Tensile All. Tens. Comp. All. Comp. Tens. Comp.
Node Stress Stress Stress Stress Ratio Ratio
10 9.67 101.14 -11.78 101.67 0.0956 0.1158
20 4.51 122.81 -5.20 109.36 0.0367 0.0475
30 3.86 122.81 -4.43 110.99 0.0314 0.0399

Analysis of Load Case 5 : NP+HW+HI

From Tensile All. Tens. Comp. All. Comp. Tens. Comp.
Node Stress Stress Stress Stress Ratio Ratio
10 156.41 -1.70 105.12 0.0162
20 189.92 -0.70 112.89 0.0062
30 189.92 -0.58 114.53 0.0051

Analysis of Load Case 6 : NP+HW+HE

From Tensile All. Tens. Comp. All. Comp. Tens. Comp.
Node Stress Stress Stress Stress Ratio Ratio
10 156.41 -1.48 105.12 0.0141
20 189.92 -0.61 112.89 0.0054
30 189.92 -0.50 114.53 0.0044

Analysis of Load Case 7 : IP+OW+WI+FW+BW

From Tensile All. Tens. Comp. All. Comp. Tens. Comp.
Node Stress Stress Stress Stress Ratio Ratio
10 101.14 -2.28 101.67 0.0225
20 45.67 122.81 109.36 0.3719
30 39.59 122.81 110.99 0.3224

Analysis of Load Case 8 : IP+OW+EQ+FS+BS

From Tensile All. Tens. Comp. All. Comp. Tens. Comp.
Node Stress Stress Stress Stress Ratio Ratio
10 9.67 101.14 -11.78 101.67 0.0956 0.1158
20 50.38 122.81 109.36 0.4102
30 43.60 122.81 110.99 0.3550

Analysis of Load Case 9 : EP+OW+WI+FW+BW

From Tensile All. Tens. Comp. All. Comp. Tens. Comp.
Node Stress Stress Stress Stress Ratio Ratio
10 101.14 -2.28 101.67 0.0225
20 122.81 -2.10 109.36 0.0192
30 122.81 -1.81 110.99 0.0163

Analysis of Load Case 10 : EP+OW+EQ+FS+BS

From Tensile All. Tens. Comp. All. Comp. Tens. Comp.
Node Stress Stress Stress Stress Ratio Ratio
10 9.67 101.14 -11.78 101.67 0.0956 0.1158
20 3.35 122.81 -6.35 109.36 0.0273 0.0581
30 2.85 122.81 -5.44 110.99 0.0232 0.0490

Analysis of Load Case 11 : HP+HW+HI

From Tensile All. Tens. Comp. All. Comp. Tens. Comp.
Node Stress Stress Stress Stress Ratio Ratio
10 156.41 -1.70 105.12 0.0162
20 68.47 189.92 112.89 0.3605
30 59.35 189.92 114.53 0.3125

Analysis of Load Case 12 : HP+HW+HE

From Tensile All. Tens. Comp. All. Comp. Tens. Comp.
PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 53
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Stress due to Combined Loads: Step: 17 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Node Stress Stress Stress Stress Ratio Ratio

10 156.41 -1.48 105.12 0.0141
20 68.38 189.92 112.89 0.3600
30 59.27 189.92 114.53 0.3121

Analysis of Load Case 13 : IP+WE+EW

From Tensile All. Tens. Comp. All. Comp. Tens. Comp.
Node Stress Stress Stress Stress Ratio Ratio
10 101.14 -1.10 101.67 0.0108
20 45.44 122.81 109.36 0.3700
30 39.40 122.81 110.99 0.3208

Analysis of Load Case 14 : IP+WF+CW

From Tensile All. Tens. Comp. All. Comp. Tens. Comp.
Node Stress Stress Stress Stress Ratio Ratio
10 101.14 -1.47 101.67 0.0144
20 45.29 122.81 109.36 0.3688
30 39.27 122.81 110.99 0.3197

Analysis of Load Case 15 : IP+VO+OW

From Tensile All. Tens. Comp. All. Comp. Tens. Comp.
Node Stress Stress Stress Stress Ratio Ratio
10 101.14 -1.62 101.67 0.0159
20 45.38 122.81 109.36 0.3695
30 39.35 122.81 110.99 0.3204

Analysis of Load Case 16 : IP+VE+EW

From Tensile All. Tens. Comp. All. Comp. Tens. Comp.
Node Stress Stress Stress Stress Ratio Ratio
10 101.14 -1.10 101.67 0.0108
20 45.44 122.81 109.36 0.3700
30 39.40 122.81 110.99 0.3208

Analysis of Load Case 17 : NP+VO+OW

From Tensile All. Tens. Comp. All. Comp. Tens. Comp.
Node Stress Stress Stress Stress Ratio Ratio
10 101.14 -1.62 101.67 0.0159
20 122.81 -0.66 109.36 0.0061
30 122.81 -0.55 110.99 0.0050

Analysis of Load Case 18 : FS+BS+IP+OW

From Tensile All. Tens. Comp. All. Comp. Tens. Comp.
Node Stress Stress Stress Stress Ratio Ratio
10 101.14 -1.21 101.67 0.0119
20 45.61 122.81 109.36 0.3714
30 39.54 122.81 110.99 0.3219

Analysis of Load Case 19 : FS+BS+EP+OW

From Tensile All. Tens. Comp. All. Comp. Tens. Comp.
Node Stress Stress Stress Stress Ratio Ratio
10 101.14 -1.21 101.67 0.0119
20 122.81 -1.59 109.36 0.0145
30 122.81 -1.38 110.99 0.0124

Analysis of Load Case 20 : BL+IP+OW

From Tensile All. Tens. Comp. All. Comp. Tens. Comp.
Node Stress Stress Stress Stress Ratio Ratio
PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 54
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Stress due to Combined Loads: Step: 17 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

10 101.14 -1.62 101.67 0.0159

20 45.38 122.81 109.36 0.3695
30 39.35 122.81 110.99 0.3204

Absolute Maximum of the all of the Stress Ratio's 0.4102

Governing Element: Bottom Head

Governing Load Case 8 : IP+OW+EQ+FS+BS

| Long | Weight + | Eccentric | Wind or | | |

Element | Pressure |Axial Load | Moment |Earthquake | Combined | Which |
Description | Stress | Stress | Stress | Stress | Stress | Side |
Bottom Head | ... | -1.1 | 0.2 | 10.6 | 9.7 | + Tens |
Bottom Head | ... | -1.1 | -0.2 | -10.6 | -11.8 | - Comp |
Bottom Head | 45.9 | -0.3 | 0.1 | 4.8 | 50.4 | + Tens |
Bottom Head | 45.9 | -0.3 | -0.1 | -4.8 | ... | - Comp |
Shell | 39.7 | -0.3 | 0.1 | 4.1 | 43.6 | + Tens |
Shell | 39.7 | -0.3 | -0.1 | -4.1 | ... | - Comp |

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2022, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 55
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Skirt Opening Stress Calcs: Step: 18 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Skirt Support Analysis Per EN 13445-3 Section 16.12:

Item: Bottom Head

Type B Skirt per EN-13445 Figure 16.12-2:

Total vessel (empty) weight Fg 14293.514 N

Head Weight below section 2-2 DeltaFg 898.542 N
Weight of vessel contents (liquid) Ff 6386.078 N
Vessel Gross Weight Fg + Ff = F4 20679.590 N

Skirt Mean Diameter Dz 602.000 mm.

Skirt Analysis Thickness (Corroded) ez 8.000 mm.
Skirt Height H 424.000 mm.

Force at section 1-1 F1 19781.051 N

Moment at section 1-1 M1 18194.336 N-m
Applied Moment - Bottom of Skirt Mb 23765.031 N-m
Weight Above the Skirt W 22222.719 N

Access Opening: 1 Cuts through the top of the skirt.

Access Opening: 1 Cuts through the bottom of the skirt.
Access Opening: 2 Cuts through the top of the skirt.
Access Opening: 2 Cuts through the bottom of the skirt.
Access Opening: 3 Cuts through the top of the skirt.
Access Opening: 3 Cuts through the bottom of the skirt.
Access Opening: 4 Cuts through the top of the skirt.
Access Opening: 4 Cuts through the bottom of the skirt.

If an opening cuts the skirt top or bottom, this is not a problem.
This becomes a 'Sentry Box' or 'Mouse Hole' type Opening.

Frame Input Data:

Layout Cntr. Dist. Obround Frame Frame
Access # Diameter Angle From Bottom Cntr-Cntr Width Thickness
mm. deg mm. mm. mm. mm.
1 270.0000 0.0 126.00 479.00 0.000 0.000
2 270.0000 90.0 126.00 479.00 0.000 0.000
3 270.0000 180.0 126.00 479.00 0.000 0.000
4 270.0000 270.0 126.00 479.00 0.000 0.000

Interference check:
Access Access Pitch Ligament
mm. mm.
1 2 472.8097 192.8244
2 3 472.8097 192.8244
3 4 472.8097 192.8245
1 4 1418.4291 1138.4438

INTERFERENCE CHECK: No Interference Detected between Openings

Minimum Pitch between openings is: 472.8097 mm.

Minimum Ligament between Openings is: 192.8244 mm.

Recommended minimum Ligament:

= 2 * Sqrt( D * t )
= 2 * Sqrt( 602 * 8 ) = 139 mm.
Please evaluate the suitability of this result

Section properties at least metal area [A]:

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 56
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Skirt Opening Stress Calcs: Step: 18 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Number of Openings At Critical Height = 4

Access No Layout Angle 1 Layout Angle 2

Deg. Deg.
1 -26.6478 26.6478
2 63.3522 116.6478
3 153.3522 206.6478
4 243.3522 296.6478

The points for integrating Ixx, Iyy is as follows:

Deg Deg
26.648 63.352
116.648 153.352
206.648 243.352
-63.352 -26.648

Height of Weakest Section H 125.975 mm.

Rotation of Principle Axes a 0.000 Deg.
Centroid Position in X direction g -0.000 mm.
Centroid Position in Y direction h -0.000 mm.
Principle Moment of Inertia Ixx 27952.107 cm**4
Principle Moment of Inertia Iyy 27952.104 cm**4
Distance to Extreme Fiber ybar 305.000 mm.
Distance to Extreme Fiber xbar 305.000 mm.
Minimum Section Modulus W4 916463.125 mm.^3
Metal Area at the Cutting Plane A4 61.704 cm²

Half Opening Width Subtended Angle at Weakest Section: [delta]:

= sin-1 ( Largest Opening Width / Dz )
= sin-1 ( 270/602 ) = 0.47 rad(26.6 deg)
Note: The Largest Opening Width is Considered

Skirt Mean Radius at Section 4-4 [r]:

= Dz/2 = 602/2 = 301 mm.

Opening Ratio At Weakest Section: EN 13445 Equation 16.12-76 [ratio]:

= delta * sqrt(r/ez)
= 0.47 * sqrt(301/8 ) = 2.85

WARNING: ratio Exceeds 2 - See EN 13445 16.12.76(a).

This equation is a precaution against radial bucking at the opening.
The frame (if there is one), may prevent this. The code does not
say what size this frame should be. Your judgement is required.

Analysis of the Section at Weakest Section Modulus [Section 4-4]:

Skirt Corroded Thickness [ez]:

= ex(new) - ci - cext = 8 - 0 - 0 = 8 mm.

Please note:
There is more than one opening in the skirt
EN-13445 and AD-2000 considers only one opening per Figure 16.12-4
this skirt has 4 openings. Please check results

Note: At least one of the openings cuts the Top Of the Skirt (Ok)

Note: At least one of the openings cuts the Bottom Of the Skirt (Ok)

Find the moment acting at the Critical Height [M4]:

= (Mbottom - Mtop)*(H - CutHeight)/H + Mtop
= (23765 - 18194 )*(5088 - 1512 )/5088 + 18194
= 22110 N-m
PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 57
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Skirt Opening Stress Calcs: Step: 18 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Compute the section modulus [Zxx and Zyy]:

Zxx = Ixx/ybar = 27952/305 = 916463 mm.³
Zyy = Iyy/xbar = 27952/305 = 916463 mm.³
Z = min(Zxx, Zyy) = min(916463,916463 ) = 916463 mm.³

The balance of the calculations are per EN-13445, and

they may be treated as academic if the designated code
is not EN-13445

Radius of Gyration of Skirt at 4-4 [rg]:

= sqrt( min( Ixx, Iyy ) / Area(A4) )
= sqrt( min( 27952, 27952 )/61.7 ) )
= 213 mm.

Note: rg is not included in the analysis of EN 13445

Skirt Slenderness Ratio [r/L]:

= 213/424 = 0.5

Location of the Skirt Centroid at critical height [e]:

= sqrt(ex² + ey²) = sqrt(-0.15196E-04²+-0.45589E-04²)
= 0.000 mm.

Where ex = -0.15196E-04 : ey = -0.45589E-04

Moment Increment at Centroid [DeltaM4]:

= ( Fg + Ff ) * e = F4 * e
= ( 14294 + 6386 ) * 0 = 0 N-m

Nomenclature per EN-13445:

Check of the Skirt in Regions with Openings, per

Weakening Factor, 16.12-70(b) [psi_1]:

= min( 1; A4/( pi * D_3 * e_(a3) )
= min( 1; 61.7/( pi * 602 * 8 )
= 0.408

Weakening Factor, 16.12-70(c) [psi_2]:

= min( 1; 4 * W4 /( pi * D^2_3/( pi * D_3 * e_(a3) )
= min( 1; 4.0 * 916463/( pi * 602^2 * 8 ) )
= 0.402

Maximum Bending Moment [M_(max)]:

= pi/4 * d3^2 * e_(a3) * sigmac_(all)
= pi/4 * 602^2 * 8 * 102
= 231591.4 N-m

Maximum Compressive Force [Fc_(,max)]:

= pi * d3 * e_(a3) * sigmac_(all)
= pi * 602 * 8 * 102
= 1538189.5 N

Unity Check of Weakened Section, 16.12-70 [UC_1]:

= F_4/( psi_1 * F_(c,max) ) + ( abs( M_4 ) + F_4 * abs( y_g ) )/( psi_2 * M_(max) ) )
= 20680/(0.41*1538189)+(abs(22110)+20680*abs(0))/(0.4*231591))
= 0.270 must be <= to 1, Passed

The stresses are satisfactory in the region with the opening(s).

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2022, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 58
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Center of Gravity Calculation: Step: 19 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Shop/Field Installation Options :

Packing is installed in the Shop.

Note : The CG is computed from the first Element From Node

Center of Gravity of the Packing 2524.000 mm.

Center of Gravity of the Liquid 1563.775 mm.
Center of Gravity of the Nozzles 1514.953 mm.

Center of Gravity of Bare Shell New and Cold 1932.505 mm.

Center of Gravity of Bare Shell Corroded 1932.505 mm.

Vessel CG in the Operating Condition 1804.145 mm.

Vessel CG in the Fabricated (Shop/Empty) Condition 1911.538 mm.
Vessel CG in the Test Condition 1799.792 mm.

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PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 59
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Basering Calculations: Step: 20 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Skirt Data :
Skirt Outside Diameter at Base SOD, D6 610.0000 mm.
Skirt Thickness STHK 8.0000 mm.
Skirt Internal Corrosion Allowance SCA 0.0000 mm.
Skirt External Corrosion Allowance 0.0000 mm.
Skirt Material SA-240 316

Basering Input: Type of Geometry: Simple Basering No Gussets

Thickness of Basering TBA, ea4 16.0000 mm.

Design Temperature of the Basering 37.78 °C
Basering Material SA-240 316
Basering Ope. All. Stress BASOPE, f4 137.90 N./mm²
Basering Yield Stress 206.90 N./mm²
Inside Diameter of Basering DI, D4 575.0000 mm.
Outside Diameter of Basering DOU, D5 710.0000 mm.

Nominal Diameter of Bolts BND, d(b0) 22.2250 mm.

Bolt Corrosion Allowance BCA 0.0000 mm.
Bolt Material SA-193 B8
Bolt Material Class/Thickness Range 1::
Bolt Operating Allowable Stress SA, fB 129.63 N./mm²
Number of Bolts RN, nb 8
Diameter of Bolt Circle DC, DBC 660.0000 mm.
Bolt Allowable Shear Stress 80.000 N./mm²

Are Gussets to be used ( Yes/No ) GUSYN N

External Corrosion Allowance CA 0.0000 mm.

Dead Weight of Vessel DW 14293.5 N

Operating Weight of Vessel ROW 22222.7 N
Test Weight of Vessel TW 20167.6 N
Earthquake Moment on Basering EQMOM 23765.0 N-m
Wind Moment on Basering WIMOM 1494.1 N-m
Test Moment on Basering TM 493.0 N-m
Percent Bolt Preload ppl 100.0

Use AISC A5.2 Increase in Fc and Bolt Stress No

Use Allowable Weld Stress per AISC J2.5 No

Factor for Increase of Allowables Fact 1.0000

Scaled Max Moment on Basering 24104.2 N-m

Results for Basering Analysis : Analyze Option

Basering Thickness Calculation method used : Simplified (Steel on Steel)

Calculation of Bolt Loads for Multiple Loading Conditions:

Bolt Load, Earthquake Operating Case [F_(B,e)]:

= (( 4 * M/DC ) - abs( W - vertical force ))/nb per Jawad & Farr, Eq. 12.3
= (( 4 * 24104/660 ) - 15973 )/8
= 16256.8 N

Bolt Load, Windload Empty Case [F_(B,w)]:

= (( 4 * M/DC ) - W )/nb per Jawad & Farr, Eq. 12.3
= (( 4 * 1494/660 ) - 14294 )/8
= -655.3 N

Bolt Load, Windload Vortex Shedding Case [F_(B,v)]:

= (( 4 * M/DC ) - W )/nb per Jawad & Farr, Eq. 12.3
= (( 4 * 0/660 ) - 22223 )/8
= -2777.8 N
PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 60
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Basering Calculations: Step: 20 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Bolt Load, Test Moment Case [F_(B,t)]:

= (( 4 * M/DC ) - W )/nb per Jawad & Farr, Eq. 12.3
= (( 4 * 493/660 ) - 20168 )/8
= -2147.6 N

Calculation of Maximum Load per Bolt [W/Bolt], Earthquake + Operating Condition:

where: W = ROW - Yforce (from gy Accleration or user force), M = EQMOM

= (( 4 * M/DC ) - W )/nb per Jawad & Farr, Eq. 12.3

= (( 4 * 24104/660 ) - 15973 )/8
= 16256.8 N

Required Area for Each Bolt, Based on Max Load 1.2542 cm²
Area Available in a Single Bolt (Corr) 2.7032 cm²
Area Available in all the Bolts (Corr) 21.6258 cm²
Bolt Stress Based on Simplified Analysis 60.1 N./mm²
Allowable Bolt Stress 129.6 [Fact] 129.63 N./mm²

Shear Stress in a Single Bolt [taub]:

= Shear Force / ( Bolt Area * Number of Bolts )
= 13357/( 2.7 * 8 )
= 6.2 N./mm². Must be less than 80.0 N./mm².

Concrete Contact Area of Base Ring CCA 1362.47 cm²

Concrete Contact Section Modulus of Base Ring 0.2002E+08 mm.³

Concrete Stress Computed using Maximum Skirt Stress [Sc]:

Maximum Computed Skirt Stress = 10.721 N./mm²
= SkirtStress * (SkirtThickness-CA) / BasePlateWidth
= 10.7 * 8/67.5
= 1.27, must be less than 8.27 N./mm²

Allowable Concrete Stress 8.3 [Fact] 8.274 N./mm²

Determine Maximum Bending Width of Basering Section [Rw1,Rw2]:

Rw1 = (Dou - SkirtOD)/2, Rw2 = ( SkirtID - Di + 2*Sca )/2
Rw1 = (710 -610 )/2, Rw2 = (594 -575 + 2*0 )/2
Rw1 = 50, Rw2 = 9.5 mm.

Calculation of required Basering Thickness, (Simplified) [Tb]:

Allowable Bending Stress 1.5 Basope = 206.850 N./mm²
= max(Rw1,Rw2) * sqrt( 3 * Sc / S ) + CA per Jawad & Farr Eq. 12.12
= max(50,9.5 ) * sqrt( 3 * 1.27/207 ) + 0
= 6.7876 mm.

Basering Stress at given Thickness [Sb]

= 3 * Sc( max[Rw1, Rw2]/(Tb - Ca) )²
= 3 * 1.27( max[50, 9.5 ]/(16 - 0 ) )²
= 37.2, must be less than 207 N./mm²

Summary of Basering Thickness Calculations:

Required Basering Thickness (simplified) 6.7876 mm.
Actual Basering Thickness 16.0000 mm.

Weld Size Calculations per Steel Plate Engineering Data - Vol. 2

Compute the Weld load at the Skirt/Base Junction [W]

= SkirtStress * ( SkirtThickness - CA )
= 10.7 *( 8 - 0 )
= 85.8 N/mm.

Results for Computed Minimum Basering Weld Size [BWeld]

= W / [( 0.4 * Yield ) * 2 * 0.707]
= 85.8/[( 0.4 * 180 ) * 2 * 0.707]
PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 61
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Basering Calculations: Step: 20 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

= 0.84 mm.

Summary of Required Weld Sizes:

Required Basering to Skirt Double Fillet Weld Size 4.7625 mm.

Please note that nozzle loadings, if included, are assumed to be local in nature
and will not contribute to or create a net section bending moment. Therefore, the
addition of nozzle loads will not affect the support load calculation. If you wish
to create a load on the legs/lugs etc. from forces or moments, use the Force/Moment dialog
and add the appropriate forces and moments at the correct locations in the model. Ensure
that all supports are designed to take into account all possible loading conditions.

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2022, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 62
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N02-2" H2 Rich Nozl: 23 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Input, Nozzle Desc: N02-2" H2 Rich Water From: 20

Pressure for Reinforcement Calculations P 45.248 bars

Temperature for Internal Pressure Temp 90 °C
Design External Pressure Pext 1.03 bars
Temperature for External Pressure Tempex 90 °C

Parent Material SA-240 316

Parent Allowable Stress at Temperature Sv 120.40 N./mm²
Parent Allowable Stress At Ambient Sva 137.90 N./mm²

Inside Diameter of Elliptical Head D 582.00 mm.

Aspect Ratio of Elliptical Head Ar 2.00
Head Finished (Minimum) Thickness t 14.0000 mm.
Head Internal Corrosion Allowance c 0.0000 mm.
Head External Corrosion Allowance co 0.0000 mm.

Distance from Head Centerline L1 0.0000 mm.

User Entered Minimum Design Metal Temperature -20.00 °C

Type of Element Connected to the Parent : Nozzle

Material SA-312 TP316

Material UNS Number S31600
Material Specification/Type Smls. & wld. pipe
Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 120.40 N./mm²
Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 137.90 N./mm²

Diameter Basis (for tr calc only) Outside

Layout Angle 0.00 deg
Diameter 2.0000 in.

Size and Thickness Basis Nominal

Nominal Thickness 80S

Flange Material SA-182 F316

Flange Type Weld Neck Flange

Corrosion Allowance can 0.0000 mm.

Joint Efficiency of Shell Seam at Nozzle E1 0.85
Joint Efficiency of Nozzle Neck En 1.00

Outside Projection ho 25.0000 mm.

Weld leg size between Nozzle and Pad/Shell Wo 6.0000 mm.
Groove weld depth between Nozzle and Vessel Wgnv 14.0000 mm.
Inside Projection h 0.0000 mm.
Weld leg size, Inside Element to Shell Wi 0.0000 mm.
ASME Code Weld Type UW-16.1(c)

Flange Class 600

Flange Grade GR 2.2

Piping Exit Angle [North Clockwise reference] 90.0 deg

Bend Radius Multiplier 1.00
Horizontal Run Length 150.0 mm.
Centerline Distance to Tangent 280.0 mm.

The Pressure Design option was Design Pressure + static head.

Nozzle Sketch (may not represent actual weld type/configuration)

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 63
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N02-2" H2 Rich Nozl: 23 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Insert/Set-in Nozzle No Pad, no Inside projection

Reinforcement CALCULATION, Description: N02-2" H2 Rich Water

ASME Code, Section VIII, Div. 1, 2021, UG-37 to UG-45

Actual Outside Diameter Used in Calculation 2.375 in.

Actual Thickness Used in Calculation 0.218 in.

Nozzle input data check completed without errors.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a) of Elliptical Head, tr [Int. Press]

= P*D*K1/(2*Sv*E-0.2*P) per Appendix 1-4(c)
= 0.9*45.2*582/(2*120*1-0.2*45.2)
= 9.8803 mm.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a) of Nozzle Wall, trn [Int. Press]

= P*Ro/(Sn*E+0.4*P) per Appendix 1-1 (a)(1)
= 45.2*30.2/(120*1+0.4*45.2)
= 1.1168 mm.

Required Nozzle thickness under External Pressure per UG-28 : 0.1372 mm.

UG-40, Limits of Reinforcement : [Internal Pressure]

Parallel to Vessel Wall (Diameter Limit) Dl 98.5012 mm.
Parallel to Vessel Wall, opening length d 49.2506 mm.
Normal to Vessel Wall (Thickness Limit), no pad Tlnp 13.8430 mm.

Taking a UG-36(c)(3)(a) exemption for nozzle: N02-2" H2 Rich.

This calculation is valid for nozzles that meet all the requirements of
paragraph UG-36. Please check the Code carefully, especially for nozzles
that are not isolated or do not meet Code spacing requirements. To force
the computation of areas for small nozzles go to Tools->Configuration
and check the box to force the UG-37 small nozzle area calculation.

UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness Requirement: [Int. Press.]

Wall Thickness for Internal/External pressures ta = 1.1168 mm.
Wall Thickness per UG16(b), tr16b = 1.5000 mm.
Wall Thickness, shell/head, internal pressure trb1 = 10.9781 mm.
Wall Thickness tb1 = max(trb1, tr16b) = 10.9781 mm.
Wall Thickness tb2 = max(trb2, tr16b) = 1.5000 mm.
Wall Thickness per table UG-45 tb3 = 3.4200 mm.

Determine Nozzle Thickness candidate [tb]:

= min[ tb3, max( tb1,tb2) ]
= min[ 3.42, max( 11, 1.5 ) ]
= 3.4200 mm.

Minimum Wall Thickness of Nozzle Necks [tUG-45]:

= max( ta, tb )
= max( 1.12, 3.42 )
= 3.4200 mm.

Available Nozzle Neck Thickness = 0.875 * 5.537 = 4.845 mm. --> OK

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 64
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N02-2" H2 Rich Nozl: 23 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Stresses on Nozzle due to External and Pressure Loads per the ASME
B31.3 Piping Code (see 319.4.4 and 302.3.5):
Sustained : 36.2, Allowable : 120.4 N./mm² Passed
Expansion : 0.0, Allowable : 286.7 N./mm² Passed
Occasional : 9.0, Allowable : 160.1 N./mm² Passed
Shear : 32.9, Allowable : 84.3 N./mm² Passed

The number of cycles on this nozzle was assumed to be 7000 or less for the determination of
the expansion stress allowable.

SA-240 316, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C

SA-312 TP316, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C

Weld Size Calculations, Description: N02-2" H2 Rich

Intermediate Calc. for nozzle/shell Welds Tmin 5.5372 mm.

Results Per UW-16.1:

Required Thickness Actual Thickness
Nozzle Weld 3.8760 = 0.7 * tmin. 4.2420 = 0.7 * Wo mm.

Maximum Allowable Pressure for this Nozzle at this Location:

Converged Maximum Allowable Pressure in the Operating case: 45.2 bars

Note: The MAWP of this junction was limited by the parent Shell/Head.

The Drop for this Nozzle is : 0.8509 mm.

The Cut Length for this Nozzle is, Drop + Ho + H + T : 39.8509 mm.

Input Echo, WRC107/537 Item 1, Description: N02-2" H2 Rich:

Diameter Basis for Vessel Vbasis ID

Cylindrical or Spherical Vessel Cylsph Spherical
Internal Corrosion Allowance Cas 0.0000 mm.
Vessel Diameter Dv 1047.600 mm.
Vessel Thickness Tv 14.000 mm.

Design Temperature T1 90.0 C

Vessel Material SA-240 316
Vessel UNS Number S31600
Vessel Cold S.I. Allowable Smc 137.90 N./mm²
Vessel Hot S.I. Allowable Smh 120.40 N./mm²

Using 2 * Yield for Discontinuity Stress Allowable (Div 2,, Sps.

Make sure that material properties at this temperature are not
time-dependent for Material: SA-240 316

Attachment Type Type Round

WRC107 Attachment Classification Holsol Hollow

Diameter Basis for Nozzle Nbasis OD

Corrosion Allowance for Nozzle Can 0.0000 mm.
Nozzle Diameter Dn 60.325 mm.
Nozzle Thickness Tn 5.537 mm.
Nozzle Material SA-312 TP316
Nozzle UNS Number S31600
Nozzle Cold S.I. Allowable SNmc 137.90 N./mm²
Nozzle Hot S.I. Allowable SNmh 120.40 N./mm²

Design Internal Pressure Dp 45.248 bars

Include Pressure Thrust No

External Forces and Moments in WRC 107/537 Convention:

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 65
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N02-2" H2 Rich Nozl: 23 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Radial Load (SUS) P -2220.0 N

Longitudinal Shear (SUS) (Vl) V1 2780.0 N
Circumferential Shear (SUS) (Vc) V2 2780.0 N
Circumferential Moment (SUS) (Mc) M1 -250.0 N-m
Longitudinal Moment (SUS) (Ml) M2 250.0 N-m
Torsional Moment (SUS) Mt 500.0 N-m

Use Interactive Control No

WRC107 Version Version March 1979

Include Pressure Stress Indices per Div. 2 No

Compute Pressure Stress per WRC-368 No
Local Loads applied at end of Nozzle/Attachment No

WRC Bulletin 537 provides equations for the dimensionless curves found in bulletin 107. As noted
in the foreword to bulletin 537, "537 is equivalent to WRC 107". Where 107 is printed in the
results below, "537" can be interchanged with "107".

WRC 107/537 has dimensional limitations that can be found in the bulletin's Foreword
and which can also be inferred by review of the non-dimensional curve limits.

Stress Attenuation Diameter (for Insert Plates) per WRC 297:

= NozzleOD + 2 * 1.65 * sqrt( Rmean( t - ca ) )
= 60.325 + 2 * 1.65 * sqrt( 530.8 ( 14.0 - 0.0 ) )
= 344.800 mm.

WRC 107 Stress Calculation for SUStained loads:

Radial Load P -2220.0 N
Circumferential Shear (VC) V2 2780.0 N
Longitudinal Shear (VL) V1 2780.0 N
Circumferential Moment (MC) M1 -250.0 N-m
Longitudinal Moment (ML) M2 250.0 N-m
Torsional Moment MT 500.0 N-m

Dimensionless Param: U = 0.35 TAU = 5.00 ( 4.95) RHO = 2.53

Dimensionless Loads for Spherical Shells at Attachment Junction:

Curves read for 1979 Figure Value Location
N(x) * T / P SP 3 0.09381 (A,B,C,D)
M(x) / P SP 3 0.05617 (A,B,C,D)
N(x) * T * SQRT(Rm * T ) / MC SM 3 0.25147 (A,B,C,D)
M(x) * SQRT(Rm * T ) / MC SM 3 0.16468 (A,B,C,D)
N(x) * T * SQRT(Rm * T ) / ML SM 3 0.25147 (A,B,C,D)
M(x) * SQRT(Rm * T ) / ML SM 3 0.16468 (A,B,C,D)

N(y) * T / P SP 3 0.25053 (A,B,C,D)

M(y) / P SP 3 0.08230 (A,B,C,D)
N(y) * T * SQRT(Rm * T ) / MC SM 3 0.13556 (A,B,C,D)
M(y) * SQRT(Rm * T ) / MC SM 3 0.33393 (A,B,C,D)
N(y) * T * SQRT(Rm * T ) / ML SM 3 0.13556 (A,B,C,D)
M(y) * SQRT(Rm * T ) / ML SM 3 0.33393 (A,B,C,D)

Stress Concentration Factors: Kn = 1.00, Kb = 1.00

Stresses in the Vessel at the Attachment Junction (N./mm²)

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FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N02-2" H2 Rich Nozl: 23 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

| Stress Intensity Values at |

Type of | |
Stress Load | Au Al Bu Bl Cu Cl Du Dl|
Rad. Memb. P | 1.1| 1.1| 1.1| 1.1| 1.1| 1.1| 1.1| 1.1|
Rad. Bend. P | 3.8| -3.8| 3.8| -3.8| 3.8| -3.8| 3.8| -3.8|
Rad. Memb. MC | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 3.7| 3.7| -3.7| -3.7|
Rad. Memb. MC | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 14.6| -14.6| -14.6| 14.6|
Rad. Memb. ML | -3.7| -3.7| 3.7| 3.7| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
Rad. Bend. ML | -14.6| 14.6| 14.6| -14.6| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
| |
Tot. Rad. Str.| -13.5| 8.1| 23.2| -13.7| 23.2| -13.7| -13.5| 8.1|
Tang. Memb. P | 2.8| 2.8| 2.8| 2.8| 2.8| 2.8| 2.8| 2.8|
Tang. Bend. P | 5.6| -5.6| 5.6| -5.6| 5.6| -5.6| 5.6| -5.6|
Tang. Memb. MC | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 2.0| 2.0| -2.0| -2.0|
Tang. Bend. MC | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 29.6| -29.6| -29.6| 29.6|
Tang. Memb. ML | -2.0| -2.0| 2.0| 2.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
Tang. Bend. ML | -29.6| 29.6| 29.6| -29.6| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
| |
Tot. Tang. Str.| -23.2| 24.9| 40.1| -30.4| 40.1| -30.4| -23.2| 24.9|
Shear VC | 2.1| 2.1| -2.1| -2.1| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
Shear VL | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| -2.1| -2.1| 2.1| 2.1|
Shear MT | 6.2| 6.2| 6.2| 6.2| 6.2| 6.2| 6.2| 6.2|
| |
Tot. Shear| 8.3| 8.3| 4.2| 4.2| 4.2| 4.2| 8.3| 8.3|
Str. Int. | 28.0| 28.3| 41.0| 31.4| 41.0| 31.4| 28.0| 28.3|


WRC 107/537 Stress Summations:

Vessel Stress Summation at Attachment Junction (N./mm²)

| Stress Intensity Values at |

Type of | |
Stress Load | Au Al Bu Bl Cu Cl Du Dl|
Rad. Pm (SUS) | 84.7| 84.7| 84.7| 84.7| 84.7| 84.7| 84.7| 84.7|
Rad. Pl (SUS) | -2.7| -2.7| 4.8| 4.8| 4.8| 4.8| -2.7| -2.7|
Rad. Q (SUS) | -10.8| 10.8| 18.4| -18.4| 18.4| -18.4| -10.8| 10.8|
Long. Pm (SUS) | 84.7| 84.7| 84.7| 84.7| 84.7| 84.7| 84.7| 84.7|
Long. Pl (SUS) | 0.8| 0.8| 4.8| 4.8| 4.8| 4.8| 0.8| 0.8|
Long. Q (SUS) | -24.0| 24.0| 35.2| -35.2| 35.2| -35.2| -24.0| 24.0|
Shear Pm (SUS) | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
Shear Pl (SUS) | 2.1| 2.1| -2.1| -2.1| -2.1| -2.1| 2.1| 2.1|
Shear Q (SUS) | 6.2| 6.2| 6.2| 6.2| 6.2| 6.2| 6.2| 6.2|
Pm (SUS) | 84.7| 84.7| 84.7| 84.7| 84.7| 84.7| 84.7| 84.7|
Pm+Pl (SUS) | 86.5| 86.5| 91.6| 91.6| 91.6| 91.6| 86.5| 86.5|
Pm+Pl+Q (Total)| 76.0| 113.0| 125.7| 72.0| 125.7| 72.0| 76.0| 113.0|

Vessel Stress Summation Comparison (N./mm²):

Type of | Max. S.I. S.I. Allowable | Result |

Stress Int. | | |
Pm (SUS) | 84.69 120.40 | Passed |
Pm+Pl (SUS) | 91.60 180.60 | Passed |
PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 67
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N02-2" H2 Rich Nozl: 23 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Pm+Pl+Q (TOTAL)| 125.73 361.20 | Passed |

Because only sustained loads were specified, the Pm+Pl+Q allowable was 3 * Smh.

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2022, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 68
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N01-4" H2 From Nozl: 24 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Input, Nozzle Desc: N01-4" H2 From Elec. From: 30

Pressure for Reinforcement Calculations P 45.067 bars

Temperature for Internal Pressure Temp 90 °C
Design External Pressure Pext 1.03 bars
Temperature for External Pressure Tempex 90 °C

Parent Material SA-240 316

Parent Allowable Stress at Temperature Sv 120.40 N./mm²
Parent Allowable Stress At Ambient Sva 137.90 N./mm²

Inside Diameter of Cylindrical Shell D 578.00 mm.

Design Length of Section L 2393.5000 mm.
Shell Finished (Minimum) Thickness t 16.0000 mm.
Shell Internal Corrosion Allowance c 0.0000 mm.
Shell External Corrosion Allowance co 0.0000 mm.

Distance from Bottom/Left Tangent 1700.00 mm.

User Entered Minimum Design Metal Temperature -20.00 °C

Type of Element Connected to the Parent : Nozzle

Material SA-312 TP316

Material UNS Number S31600
Material Specification/Type Smls. & wld. pipe
Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 120.40 N./mm²
Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 137.90 N./mm²

Diameter Basis (for tr calc only) Outside

Layout Angle 90.00 deg
Diameter 4.0000 in.

Size and Thickness Basis Nominal

Nominal Thickness 80S

Flange Material SA-182 F316

Flange Type Weld Neck Flange

Corrosion Allowance can 0.0000 mm.

Joint Efficiency of Shell Seam at Nozzle E1 0.85
Joint Efficiency of Nozzle Neck En 1.00

Outside Projection ho 48.4000 mm.

Weld leg size between Nozzle and Pad/Shell Wo 9.0000 mm.
Groove weld depth between Nozzle and Vessel Wgnv 16.0000 mm.
Inside Projection h 0.0000 mm.
Weld leg size, Inside Element to Shell Wi 0.0000 mm.

Pad Material SA-240 316

Pad Allowable Stress at Temperature Sp 120.40 N./mm²
Pad Allowable Stress At Ambient Spa 137.90 N./mm²
Diameter of Pad along vessel surface Dp 184.3000 mm.
Thickness of Pad te 16.0000 mm.
Weld leg size between Pad and Shell Wp 12.0000 mm.
Groove weld depth between Pad and Nozzle Wgpn 16.0000 mm.
Reinforcing Pad Width 35.0000 mm.
ASME Code Weld Type UW-16.1(c)

Flange Class 600

Flange Grade GR 2.2

The Pressure Design option was Design Pressure + static head.

Nozzle Sketch (may not represent actual weld type/configuration)

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 69
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N01-4" H2 From Nozl: 24 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Insert/Set-in Nozzle With Pad, no Inside projection

Reinforcement CALCULATION, Description: N01-4" H2 From Elec.

ASME Code, Section VIII, Div. 1, 2021, UG-37 to UG-45

Actual Outside Diameter Used in Calculation 4.500 in.

Actual Thickness Used in Calculation 0.337 in.

Nozzle input data check completed without errors.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a) of Cylindrical Shell, tr [Int. Press]

= P*R/(Sv*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= 45.1*289/(120*1-0.6*45.1)
= 11.0668 mm.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a) of Nozzle Wall, trn [Int. Press]

= P*Ro/(Sn*E+0.4*P) per Appendix 1-1 (a)(1)
= 45.1*57.1/(120*1+0.4*45.1)
= 2.1078 mm.

Required Nozzle thickness under External Pressure per UG-28 : 0.2624 mm.

UG-40, Limits of Reinforcement : [Internal Pressure]

Parallel to Vessel Wall (Diameter Limit) Dl 194.3608 mm.
Parallel to Vessel Wall, opening length d 97.1804 mm.
Normal to Vessel Wall (Thickness Limit), pad side Tlwp 37.3995 mm.

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr1]:

= min( 1, Sn/Sv )
= min( 1, 120/120 )
= 1.000

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr2]:

= min( 1, Sn/Sv )
= min( 1, 120/120 )
= 1.000

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr4]:

= min( 1, Sp/Sv )
= min( 1, 120/120 )
= 1.000

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr3]:

= min( fr2, fr4 )
= min( 1, 1 )
= 1.000

Results of Nozzle Reinforcement Area Calculations: (cm²)

AREA AVAILABLE, A1 to A5 | Design| External| Mapnc|

Area Required Ar | 10.755| 1.717| NA|
PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 70
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N01-4" H2 From Nozl: 24 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Area in Shell A1 | 2.462| 12.115| NA|

Area in Nozzle Wall A2 | 4.826| 6.206| NA|
Area in Inward Nozzle A3 | 0.000| 0.000| NA|
Area in Welds A41+A42+A43 | 1.764| 1.764| NA|
Area in Element A5 | 11.200| 11.200| NA|
TOTAL AREA AVAILABLE Atot | 20.252| 31.285| NA|

The Internal Pressure Case Governs the Analysis.

Nozzle Angle Used in Area Calculations 90.00 Degs.

The area available without a pad is Insufficient.

The area available with the given pad is Sufficient.


Based on given Pad Thickness: 124.9414 16.0000 mm.
Based on given Pad Diameter: 184.3000 2.4323 mm.
Based on Shell or Nozzle Thickness: 134.1909 8.5598 mm.

Area Required [A]:

= ( d * tr*F + 2 * tn * tr*F * (1-fr1) ) UG-37(c)
= (97.2*11.1*1+2*8.56*11.1*1*(1-1))
= 10.755 cm²

Reinforcement Areas per Figure UG-37.1

Area Available in Shell [A1]:

= d( E1*t - F*tr ) - 2 * tn( E1*t - F*tr ) * ( 1 - fr1 )
= 97.2( 0.85 * 16 - 1 * 11.1 ) - 2 * 8.56
( 0.85 * 16 - 1 * 11.1 ) *( 1 - 1 )
= 2.462 cm²

Area Available in Nozzle Wall Projecting Outward [A2]:

= ( 2 * Tlwp ) * ( tn - trn ) * fr2
= ( 2 * 37.4 ) *( 8.56 - 2.11 ) * 1
= 4.826 cm²

Area Available in Welds [A41 + A42 + A43]:

= (Wo² - Ar Lost)*Fr3+((Wi-can/0.707)² - Ar Lost)*fr2 + Trapfr4
= (0.81 ) * 1 +(0 ) * 1 + 95.4² * 1
= 1.764 cm²

Area Available in Element [A5]:

= (min(Dp,DL)-(Nozzle OD))*(min(tp,Tlwp,te)) * fr4
= ( 184 - 114 ) * 16 * 1
= 11.200 cm²

UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness Requirement: [Int. Press.]

Wall Thickness for Internal/External pressures ta = 2.1078 mm.
Wall Thickness per UG16(b), tr16b = 1.5000 mm.
Wall Thickness, shell/head, internal pressure trb1 = 11.0668 mm.
Wall Thickness tb1 = max(trb1, tr16b) = 11.0668 mm.
Wall Thickness tb2 = max(trb2, tr16b) = 1.5000 mm.
Wall Thickness per table UG-45 tb3 = 5.2578 mm.

Determine Nozzle Thickness candidate [tb]:

= min[ tb3, max( tb1,tb2) ]
= min[ 5.26, max( 11.1, 1.5 ) ]
= 5.2578 mm.

Minimum Wall Thickness of Nozzle Necks [tUG-45]:

= max( ta, tb )
= max( 2.11, 5.26 )
= 5.2578 mm.

Available Nozzle Neck Thickness = 0.875 * 8.560 = 7.490 mm. --> OK

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 71
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N01-4" H2 From Nozl: 24 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Stresses on Nozzle due to External and Pressure Loads per the ASME
B31.3 Piping Code (see 319.4.4 and 302.3.5):
Sustained : 37.7, Allowable : 120.4 N./mm² Passed
Expansion : 0.0, Allowable : 285.2 N./mm² Passed
Occasional : 11.8, Allowable : 160.1 N./mm² Passed
Shear : 25.4, Allowable : 84.3 N./mm² Passed

The number of cycles on this nozzle was assumed to be 7000 or less for the determination of
the expansion stress allowable.

SA-240 316, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C

SA-312 TP316, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C

Weld Size Calculations, Description: N01-4" H2 From

Intermediate Calc. for nozzle/shell Welds Tmin 8.5598 mm.

Intermediate Calc. for pad/shell Welds TminPad 16.0000 mm.

Results Per UW-16.1:

Required Thickness Actual Thickness
Nozzle Weld 5.9919 = 0.7 * tmin. 6.3630 = 0.7 * Wo mm.
Pad Weld 8.0000 = 0.5*TminPad 8.4840 = 0.7 * Wp mm.

Maximum Allowable Pressure for this Nozzle at this Location:

Converged Maximum Allowable Pressure in the Operating case: 45.1 bars

Note: The MAWP of this junction was limited by the parent Shell/Head.

Nozzle is O.K. for the External Pressure: 1.03 bars

The Drop for this Nozzle is : 5.7071 mm.

The Cut Length for this Nozzle is, Drop + Ho + H + T : 70.1071 mm.

Input Echo, WRC297 Item 1, Description: N01-4" H2 From:

Diameter Basis for Cylindrical Shell ID

Shell Corrosion Allowance 0.0000 mm.
Shell Diameter 578.000 mm.
Shell Thickness 16.0000 mm.
Shell Stress Concentration Factor 1.000
Vessel Material SA-240 316
Vessel Cold S.I. Allowable Smc 137.90 N./mm²
Vessel Hot S.I. Allowable Smh 120.40 N./mm²

Using 2 * Yield for Discontinuity Stress Allowable (Div 2,, Sps.

Make sure that material properties at this temperature are not
time-dependent for Material: SA-240 316

Diameter Basis for Nozzle OD

Nozzle Corrosion Allowance 0.0000 mm.
Nozzle Diameter 114.300 mm.
Nozzle Thickness 8.5598 mm.
Nozzle Stress Concentration Factor 1.000
Nozzle Material SA-312 TP316
Nozzle Cold S.I. Allowable SNmc 137.90 N./mm²
Nozzle Hot S.I. Allowable SNmh 120.40 N./mm²

Using 2 * Yield for Discontinuity Stress Allowable (Div 2,, Sps.

Make sure that material properties at this temperature are not
time-dependent for Material: SA-312 TP316

Diameter of Reinforcing Pad 184.300 mm.

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FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N01-4" H2 From Nozl: 24 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Thickness of Reinforcing Pad 16.0000 mm.

External Forces and Moments in WRC 107/537 Convention:
These loads are assumed to be SUStained loads.

Design Internal Pressure Dp 45.07 bars

Radial Load P -4210.00 N
Circumferential Shear Vc 5269.99 N
Longitudinal Shear Vl 5269.99 N
Circumferential Moment Mc -1200.00 N-m
Longitudinal Moment Ml 1500.00 N-m
Torsional Moment Mt 2500.00 N-m

Include Axial Pressure Thrust No

Include Pressure Stress Indices per Div. 2 No
Local Loads applied at end of Nozzle/Attachment No

Stress Computations at the Edge of the Nozzle:

Stress Attenuation Diameter (for Insert Plates) per WRC 297:

= NozzleOD + 2 * 1.65 * sqrt( Rmean( t - ca ) )
= 114.3 + 2 * 1.65 * sqrt( 305.0( 16.0 - 0.0 ) )
= 344.828 mm.

WRC 297 Curve Access Parameters:

Vessel Mean Diameter (D) = 610.000 mm.

Nozzle Outside Diameter (d) = 114.300 mm.
Vessel Thickness used (T) = 32.000 mm.
Nozzle Thickness used (t) = 8.560 mm.
T / t = 3.738
d / t = 13.353

Lambda = [(d/D) * sqrt(D/T)] = 0.818

Nr/P = 0.149
Mr/P = 0.115
M0/P = 0.168
N0/P = 0.229
MrD/Mc = 0.155
NrDL/Mc = 0.159
M0d/Mc = 0.238
N0DL/Mc = 0.124
MrD/Ml = 0.138
NrDL/Ml = 0.147
M0D/Ml = 0.216
N0DL/Ml = 0.167

Vessel Stresses (N./mm²):

(Stresses Normal to Top Top Bottom Bottom
longitudinal plane) Outside Inside Outside Inside
Outplane Membrane (P ) 0 0 0 0
Outplane Bending (P ) 4 -4 4 -4
Outplane Membrane (Mc) 0 0 0 0
Outplane Bending (Mc) 0 0 0 0
Outplane Membrane (ML) -2 -2 2 2
Outplane Bending (ML) -16 16 16 -16
Normal Pressure Stress 38 43 38 43
----------------------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Outplane Stress Summary 24 54 62 25

Vessel Stresses (N./mm²):

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 73
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N01-4" H2 From Nozl: 24 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

(Stresses parallel to Top Top Bottom Bottom
longitudinal plane) Outside Inside Outside Inside
Inplane Membrane (P ) 0 0 0 0
Inplane Bending (P ) 2 -2 2 -2
Inplane Membrane (Mc) 0 0 0 0
Inplane Bending (Mc) 0 0 0 0
Inplane Membrane (ML) -1 -1 1 1
Inplane Bending (ML) -10 10 10 -10
Inplane Pressure Stress 19 19 19 19
----------------------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Inplane Stress Summary 10 25 35 8

Vessel Stresses (N./mm²):

(Shear stress normal to Top Top Bottom Bottom
longitudinal plane) Outside Inside Outside Inside
Outplane Shear (Vc) 0 0 0 0
Outplane Shear (Vl) 0 0 0 0
Outplane Shear (Mt) 3 3 3 3
----------------------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Shear Stress Summary 4 4 2 2

Vessel Stresses (N./mm²):

(Stress Intensities Top Top Bottom Bottom
Outside Inside Outside Inside
Two * Max Shear Stress 26 55 62 25

Vessel Stresses (N./mm²):

(Stresses Normal to Left Left Right Right
circumferential plane) Outside Inside Outside Inside
Outplane Membrane (P ) 0 0 0 0
Outplane Bending (P ) 4 -4 4 -4
Outplane Membrane (Mc) 1 1 -1 -1
Outplane Bending (Mc) 14 -14 -14 14
Outplane Membrane (ML) 0 0 0 0
Outplane Bending (ML) 0 0 0 0
Normal Pressure Stress 19 19 19 19
----------------------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Outplane Stress Summary 40 2 8 29

Vessel Stresses (N./mm²):

(Stresses parallel to Left Left Right Right
circumferential plane) Outside Inside Outside Inside
Inplane Membrane (P ) 0 0 0 0
Inplane Bending (P ) 2 -2 2 -2
Inplane Membrane (Mc) 1 1 -1 -1
Inplane Bending (Mc) 9 -9 -9 9
Inplane Membrane (ML) 0 0 0 0
Inplane Bending (ML) 0 0 0 0
Inplane Pressure Stress 38 43 38 43
----------------------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Inplane Stress Summary 53 32 30 48

Vessel Stresses (N./mm²):

(Shear stress normal to Left Left Right Right
circumferential plane) Outside Inside Outside Inside
PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 74
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N01-4" H2 From Nozl: 24 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Outplane Shear (Vc) 0 0 0 0
Outplane Shear (Vl) 0 0 0 0
Torsional Shear (Mt) 3 3 3 3
----------------------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Shear Stress Summary 2 2 4 4

Vessel Stresses (N./mm²):

(Stress Intensities Left Left Right Right
Outside Inside Outside Inside
Two * Max Shear Stress 53 33 31 49

Nozzle Stresses (N./mm²):

(Stresses in the Top Top Bottom Bottom
hoop direction) Outside Inside Outside Inside
Hoop Membrane (P ) 0 0 0 0
Hoop Bending (P ) 0 0 0 0
Hoop Membrane (Mc) 0 0 0 0
Hoop Bending (Mc) 0 0 0 0
Hoop Membrane (ML) -2 -2 2 2
Hoop Bending (ML) 0 0 0 0
Hoop Pressure Stress 28 33 28 33
----------------------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Hoop Stress Summary 27 32 31 36

Nozzle Stresses (N./mm²):

(Stresses Normal to Top Top Bottom Bottom
pipe cross-section) Outside Inside Outside Inside
Axial Membrane (P ) 1 1 1 1
Axial Bending (P ) 13 -13 13 -13
Axial Membrane (Mc) 0 0 0 0
Axial Bending (Mc) 0 0 0 0
Axial Membrane (ML) -21 -21 21 21
Axial Bending (ML) -68 68 68 -68
Axial Pressure Stress 14 14 14 14
----------------------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Axial Stress Summary -60 49 119 -45

Nozzle Stresses (N./mm²):

(Shear stress) Outside Inside Outside Inside
Shear due to (Vc) 3 3 -3 -3
Shear due to (Vl) 0 0 0 0
Shear due to Torsion 14 14 14 14
----------------------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Shear Stress Summary 17 17 10 10

Nozzle Stresses (N./mm²):

(Stress Intensities Outside Inside Outside Inside
Two * Max Shear Stress 94 60 121 85

Nozzle Stresses (N./mm²):

(Stresses in the Left Left Right Right
hoop direction) Outside Inside Outside Inside
Hoop Membrane (P ) 0 0 0 0
PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 75
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N01-4" H2 From Nozl: 24 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Hoop Bending (P ) 0 0 0 0
Hoop Membrane (Mc) 1 1 -1 -1
Hoop Bending (Mc) 0 0 0 0
Hoop Membrane (ML) 0 0 0 0
Hoop Bending (ML) 0 0 0 0
Hoop Pressure Stress 28 33 28 33
----------------------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Hoop Stress Summary 30 35 27 33

Nozzle Stresses (N./mm²):

(Stresses Normal to Left Left Right Right
pipe cross-section) Outside Inside Outside Inside
Axial Membrane (P ) 1 1 1 1
Axial Bending (P ) 13 -13 13 -13
Axial Membrane (Mc) 17 17 -17 -17
Axial Bending (Mc) 64 -64 -64 64
Axial Membrane (ML) 0 0 0 0
Axial Bending (ML) 0 0 0 0
Axial Pressure Stress 14 14 14 14
----------------------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Axial Stress Summary 111 -45 -52 49

Nozzle Stresses (N./mm²):

(Shear stress) Outside Inside Outside Inside
Shear due to (Vc) 0 0 0 0
Shear due to (Vl) -3 -3 3 3
Shear due to Torsion 14 14 14 14
----------------------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Shear Stress Summary 10 10 17 17

Nozzle Stresses (N./mm²):

(Stress Intensities Outside Inside Outside Inside
Two * Max Shear Stress 112 84 87 60

Stress Computations at the Edge of the Reinforcing Pad:

Stress Attenuation Diameter (for Insert Plates) per WRC 297:

= NozzleOD + 2 * 1.65 * sqrt( Rmean( t - ca ) )
= 114.3 + 2 * 1.65 * sqrt( 297.0( 16.0 - 0.0 ) )
= 341.785 mm.

WRC 297 Curve Access Parameters:

Vessel Mean Diameter (D) = 594.000 mm.

Nozzle Outside Diameter (d) = 184.300 mm.
Vessel Thickness used (T) = 16.000 mm.
Nozzle Thickness used (t) = 43.560 mm.
T / t = 0.367
d / t = 10.000

Lambda = [(d/D) * sqrt(D/T)] = 1.890

Note: Re-pad thickness is added to nozzle thickness to simulate the Re-pad.

Nr/P = 0.071
Mr/P = 0.149
M0/P = 0.043
N0/P = 0.092
MrD/Mc = 0.288
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FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N01-4" H2 From Nozl: 24 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

NrDL/Mc = 0.094
M0d/Mc = 0.089
N0DL/Mc = 0.071
MrD/Ml = 0.117
NrDL/Ml = 0.077
M0D/Ml = 0.037
N0DL/Ml = 0.117

Vessel Stresses (N./mm²):

(Stresses Normal to Top Top Bottom Bottom
longitudinal plane) Outside Inside Outside Inside
Outplane Membrane (P ) 1 1 1 1
Outplane Bending (P ) 4 -4 4 -4
Outplane Membrane (Mc) 0 0 0 0
Outplane Bending (Mc) 0 0 0 0
Outplane Membrane (ML) -3 -3 3 3
Outplane Bending (ML) -7 7 7 -7
Normal Pressure Stress 79 83 79 83
----------------------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Outplane Stress Summary 74 84 95 77

Vessel Stresses (N./mm²):

(Stresses parallel to Top Top Bottom Bottom
longitudinal plane) Outside Inside Outside Inside
Inplane Membrane (P ) 1 1 1 1
Inplane Bending (P ) 14 -14 14 -14
Inplane Membrane (Mc) 0 0 0 0
Inplane Bending (Mc) 0 0 0 0
Inplane Membrane (ML) -2 -2 2 2
Inplane Bending (ML) -22 22 22 -22
Inplane Pressure Stress 39 39 39 39
----------------------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Inplane Stress Summary 30 45 80 6

Vessel Stresses (N./mm²):

(Shear stress normal to Top Top Bottom Bottom
longitudinal plane) Outside Inside Outside Inside
Outplane Shear (Vc) 1 1 -1 -1
Outplane Shear (Vl) 0 0 0 0
Outplane Shear (Mt) 2 2 2 2
----------------------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Shear Stress Summary 4 4 1 1

Vessel Stresses (N./mm²):

(Stress Intensities Top Top Bottom Bottom
Outside Inside Outside Inside
Two * Max Shear Stress 74 84 96 77

Vessel Stresses (N./mm²):

(Stresses Normal to Left Left Right Right
circumferential plane) Outside Inside Outside Inside
Outplane Membrane (P ) 1 1 1 1
Outplane Bending (P ) 4 -4 4 -4
Outplane Membrane (Mc) 1 1 -1 -1
Outplane Bending (Mc) 13 -13 -13 13
Outplane Membrane (ML) 0 0 0 0
PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 77
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N01-4" H2 From Nozl: 24 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Outplane Bending (ML) 0 0 0 0

Normal Pressure Stress 39 39 39 39
----------------------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Outplane Stress Summary 60 25 29 48

Vessel Stresses (N./mm²):

(Stresses parallel to Left Left Right Right
circumferential plane) Outside Inside Outside Inside
Inplane Membrane (P ) 1 1 1 1
Inplane Bending (P ) 14 -14 14 -14
Inplane Membrane (Mc) 2 2 -2 -2
Inplane Bending (Mc) 43 -43 -43 43
Inplane Membrane (ML) 0 0 0 0
Inplane Bending (ML) 0 0 0 0
Inplane Pressure Stress 79 83 79 83
----------------------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Inplane Stress Summary 141 28 48 111

Vessel Stresses (N./mm²):

(Shear stress normal to Left Left Right Right
circumferential plane) Outside Inside Outside Inside
Outplane Shear (Vc) 0 0 0 0
Outplane Shear (Vl) -1 -1 1 1
Torsional Shear (Mt) 2 2 2 2
----------------------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Shear Stress Summary 1 1 4 4

Vessel Stresses (N./mm²):

(Stress Intensities Left Left Right Right
Outside Inside Outside Inside
Two * Max Shear Stress 141 29 49 112

WRC 297 Stress Summations per ASME Sec. VIII Div. 2:

Vessel Stress Summation at Vessel-Nozzle Junction (N./mm²):

Type of | Stress Values at |

Stress Int. | |
Location | Au Al Bu Bl Cu Cl Du Dl |
Circ. Pm (SUS) | 38 43 38 43 38 43 38 43|
Circ. Pl (SUS) | -2 -2 2 2 1 1 -1 -1|
Circ. Q (SUS) | -12 12 20 -20 11 -11 -7 7|
Long. Pm (SUS) | 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19|
Long. Pl (SUS) | -1 -1 1 1 1 1 -1 -1|
Long. Q (SUS) | -8 8 12 -12 18 -18 -10 10|
Shear Pm (SUS) | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0|
Shear Pl (SUS) | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0|
Shear Q (SUS) | 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3|
Pm (SUS) | 38.0 43.0 38.0 43.0 38.0 43.0 38.0 43.0|
Pm+Pl (SUS) | 36.0 41.0 40.0 45.0 39.0 44.0 37.0 42.0|
Pm+Pl+Q (Total)| 24.6 53.3 60.3 25.5 50.7 33.3 30.4 49.4|

Vessel Stress Summation Comparison (N./mm²):

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 78
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N01-4" H2 From Nozl: 24 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Type of | Max. S.I. S.I. Allowable | Result |

Stress Int. | | |
Pm (SUS) | 43.00 120.40 | Passed |
Pm+Pl (SUS) | 45.00 180.60 | Passed |
Pm+Pl+Q (TOTAL)| 60.32 361.20 | Passed |

Because only sustained loads were specified, the Pm+Pl+Q allowable was 3 * Smh.

WRC 297 Stress Summations per ASME Sec. VIII Div. 2:

Vessel Stress Summation at Reinforcing Pad Edge (N./mm²):

Type of | Stress Values at |

Stress Int. | |
Location | Au Al Bu Bl Cu Cl Du Dl |
Circ. Pm (SUS) | 79 83 79 83 79 83 79 83|
Circ. Pl (SUS) | -2 -2 4 4 3 3 -1 -1|
Circ. Q (SUS) | -3 3 11 -11 57 -57 -29 29|
Long. Pm (SUS) | 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39|
Long. Pl (SUS) | -1 -1 3 3 2 2 0 0|
Long. Q (SUS) | -8 8 36 -36 17 -17 -9 9|
Shear Pm (SUS) | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0|
Shear Pl (SUS) | 1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 1|
Shear Q (SUS) | 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2|
Pm (SUS) | 79.0 83.0 79.0 83.0 79.0 83.0 79.0 83.0|
Pm+Pl (SUS) | 77.0 81.0 83.0 87.0 82.0 86.0 78.0 82.0|
Pm+Pl+Q (Total)| 74.2 84.2 94.1 76.0 139.0 29.2 49.5 111.1|

Vessel Stress Summation Comparison (N./mm²):

Type of | Max. S.I. S.I. Allowable | Result |

Stress Int. | | |
Pm (SUS) | 83.00 120.40 | Passed |
Pm+Pl (SUS) | 87.02 180.60 | Passed |
Pm+Pl+Q (TOTAL)| 139.01 361.20 | Passed |

Because only sustained loads were specified, the Pm+Pl+Q allowable was 3 * Smh.

WRC 297 Stress Summations per ASME Sec. VIII Div. 2:

Nozzle Stress Summation at Vessel-Nozzle Junction (N./mm²):

Type of | Stress Values at |

Stress Int. | |
Location | Au Al Bu Bl Cu Cl Du Dl |
Circ. Pm (SUS) | 28 33 28 33 28 33 28 33|
Circ. Pl (SUS) | -2 -2 2 2 1 1 -1 -1|
Circ. Q (SUS) | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0|
Long. Pm (SUS) | 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14|
Long. Pl (SUS) | -20 -20 22 22 18 18 -16 -16|
Long. Q (SUS) | -55 55 81 -81 77 -77 -51 51|
Shear Pm (SUS) | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0|
Shear Pl (SUS) | 3 3 -3 -3 -3 -3 3 3|
PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 79
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N01-4" H2 From Nozl: 24 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Shear Q (SUS) | 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14|

Pm (SUS) | 28.0 33.0 28.0 33.0 28.0 33.0 28.0 33.0|
Pm+Pl (SUS) | 32.6 37.5 37.2 38.5 33.9 36.2 29.6 34.5|
Pm+Pl+Q (Total)| 93.4 59.2 118.4 83.0 110.5 82.0 86.9 59.5|

Nozzle Stress Summation Comparison (N./mm²):

Type of | Max. S.I. S.I. Allowable | Result |

Stress Int. | | |
Pm (SUS) | 33.00 120.40 | Passed |
Pm+Pl (SUS) | 38.54 180.60 | Passed |
Pm+Pl+Q (TOTAL)| 118.37 361.20 | Passed |

Because only sustained loads were specified, the Pm+Pl+Q allowable was 3 * Smh.

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2022, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 80
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N04-2" To PSV Nozl: 25 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Input, Nozzle Desc: N04-2" To PSV From: 30

Pressure for Reinforcement Calculations P 45.057 bars

Temperature for Internal Pressure Temp 90 °C
Design External Pressure Pext 1.03 bars
Temperature for External Pressure Tempex 90 °C

Parent Material SA-240 316

Parent Allowable Stress at Temperature Sv 120.40 N./mm²
Parent Allowable Stress At Ambient Sva 137.90 N./mm²

Inside Diameter of Cylindrical Shell D 578.00 mm.

Design Length of Section L 2393.5000 mm.
Shell Finished (Minimum) Thickness t 16.0000 mm.
Shell Internal Corrosion Allowance c 0.0000 mm.
Shell External Corrosion Allowance co 0.0000 mm.

Distance from Bottom/Left Tangent 1800.00 mm.

User Entered Minimum Design Metal Temperature -20.00 °C

Type of Element Connected to the Parent : Nozzle

Material SA-312 TP316

Material UNS Number S31600
Material Specification/Type Smls. & wld. pipe
Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 120.40 N./mm²
Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 137.90 N./mm²

Diameter Basis (for tr calc only) Outside

Layout Angle 45.00 deg
Diameter 2.0000 in.

Size and Thickness Basis Nominal

Nominal Thickness 80S

Flange Material SA-182 F316

Flange Type Weld Neck Flange

Corrosion Allowance can 0.0000 mm.

Joint Efficiency of Shell Seam at Nozzle E1 0.85
Joint Efficiency of Nozzle Neck En 1.00

Outside Projection ho 76.8480 mm.

Weld leg size between Nozzle and Pad/Shell Wo 6.0000 mm.
Groove weld depth between Nozzle and Vessel Wgnv 16.0000 mm.
Inside Projection h 0.0000 mm.
Weld leg size, Inside Element to Shell Wi 0.0000 mm.
ASME Code Weld Type UW-16.1(c)

Flange Class 600

Flange Grade GR 2.2

The Pressure Design option was Design Pressure + static head.

Nozzle Sketch (may not represent actual weld type/configuration)

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 81
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N04-2" To PSV Nozl: 25 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Insert/Set-in Nozzle No Pad, no Inside projection

Reinforcement CALCULATION, Description: N04-2" To PSV

ASME Code, Section VIII, Div. 1, 2021, UG-37 to UG-45

Actual Outside Diameter Used in Calculation 2.375 in.

Actual Thickness Used in Calculation 0.218 in.

Nozzle input data check completed without errors.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a) of Cylindrical Shell, tr [Int. Press]

= P*R/(Sv*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= 45.1*289/(120*1-0.6*45.1)
= 11.0643 mm.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a) of Nozzle Wall, trn [Int. Press]

= P*Ro/(Sn*E+0.4*P) per Appendix 1-1 (a)(1)
= 45.1*30.2/(120*1+0.4*45.1)
= 1.1122 mm.

Required Nozzle thickness under External Pressure per UG-28 : 0.2190 mm.

UG-40, Limits of Reinforcement : [Internal Pressure]

Parallel to Vessel Wall (Diameter Limit) Dl 98.5012 mm.
Parallel to Vessel Wall, opening length d 49.2506 mm.
Normal to Vessel Wall (Thickness Limit), no pad Tlnp 13.8430 mm.

Taking a UG-36(c)(3)(a) exemption for nozzle: N04-2" To PSV.

This calculation is valid for nozzles that meet all the requirements of
paragraph UG-36. Please check the Code carefully, especially for nozzles
that are not isolated or do not meet Code spacing requirements. To force
the computation of areas for small nozzles go to Tools->Configuration
and check the box to force the UG-37 small nozzle area calculation.

UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness Requirement: [Int. Press.]

Wall Thickness for Internal/External pressures ta = 1.1122 mm.
Wall Thickness per UG16(b), tr16b = 1.5000 mm.
Wall Thickness, shell/head, internal pressure trb1 = 11.0643 mm.
Wall Thickness tb1 = max(trb1, tr16b) = 11.0643 mm.
Wall Thickness tb2 = max(trb2, tr16b) = 1.5000 mm.
Wall Thickness per table UG-45 tb3 = 3.4200 mm.

Determine Nozzle Thickness candidate [tb]:

= min[ tb3, max( tb1,tb2) ]
= min[ 3.42, max( 11.1, 1.5 ) ]
= 3.4200 mm.

Minimum Wall Thickness of Nozzle Necks [tUG-45]:

= max( ta, tb )
= max( 1.11, 3.42 )
= 3.4200 mm.

Available Nozzle Neck Thickness = 0.875 * 5.537 = 4.845 mm. --> OK

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 82
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N04-2" To PSV Nozl: 25 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Stresses on Nozzle due to External and Pressure Loads per the ASME
B31.3 Piping Code (see 319.4.4 and 302.3.5):
Sustained : 36.2, Allowable : 120.4 N./mm² Passed
Expansion : 0.0, Allowable : 286.7 N./mm² Passed
Occasional : 9.0, Allowable : 160.1 N./mm² Passed
Shear : 32.9, Allowable : 84.3 N./mm² Passed

The number of cycles on this nozzle was assumed to be 7000 or less for the determination of
the expansion stress allowable.

SA-240 316, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C

SA-312 TP316, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C

Weld Size Calculations, Description: N04-2" To PSV

Intermediate Calc. for nozzle/shell Welds Tmin 5.5372 mm.

Results Per UW-16.1:

Required Thickness Actual Thickness
Nozzle Weld 3.8760 = 0.7 * tmin. 4.2420 = 0.7 * Wo mm.

Maximum Allowable Pressure for this Nozzle at this Location:

Converged Maximum Allowable Pressure in the Operating case: 45.1 bars

Note: The MAWP of this junction was limited by the parent Shell/Head.

The Drop for this Nozzle is : 1.5783 mm.

The Cut Length for this Nozzle is, Drop + Ho + H + T : 94.4263 mm.

Input Echo, WRC107/537 Item 1, Description: N04-2" To PSV :

Diameter Basis for Vessel Vbasis ID

Cylindrical or Spherical Vessel Cylsph Cylindrical
Internal Corrosion Allowance Cas 0.0000 mm.
Vessel Diameter Dv 578.000 mm.
Vessel Thickness Tv 16.000 mm.

Design Temperature T1 90.0 C

Vessel Material SA-240 316
Vessel UNS Number S31600
Vessel Cold S.I. Allowable Smc 137.90 N./mm²
Vessel Hot S.I. Allowable Smh 120.40 N./mm²

Using 2 * Yield for Discontinuity Stress Allowable (Div 2,, Sps.

Make sure that material properties at this temperature are not
time-dependent for Material: SA-240 316

Attachment Type Type Round

Diameter Basis for Nozzle Nbasis OD

Corrosion Allowance for Nozzle Can 0.0000 mm.
Nozzle Diameter Dn 60.325 mm.
Nozzle Thickness Tn 5.537 mm.
Nozzle Material SA-312 TP316
Nozzle UNS Number S31600
Nozzle Cold S.I. Allowable SNmc 137.90 N./mm²
Nozzle Hot S.I. Allowable SNmh 120.40 N./mm²

Design Internal Pressure Dp 45.057 bars

Include Pressure Thrust No

External Forces and Moments in WRC 107/537 Convention:

Radial Load (SUS) P -2220.0 N
PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 83
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N04-2" To PSV Nozl: 25 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Longitudinal Shear (SUS) Vl 2780.0 N

Circumferential Shear (SUS) Vc 2780.0 N
Circumferential Moment (SUS) Mc -250.0 N-m
Longitudinal Moment (SUS) Ml 250.0 N-m
Torsional Moment (SUS) Mt 500.0 N-m

Use Interactive Control No

WRC107 Version Version March 1979

Include Pressure Stress Indices per Div. 2 No

Compute Pressure Stress per WRC-368 No
Local Loads applied at end of Nozzle/Attachment No

WRC Bulletin 537 provides equations for the dimensionless curves found in bulletin 107. As noted
in the foreword to bulletin 537, "537 is equivalent to WRC 107". Where 107 is printed in the
results below, "537" can be interchanged with "107".

WRC 107/537 has dimensional limitations that can be found in the bulletin's Foreword
and which can also be inferred by review of the non-dimensional curve limits.

Stress Attenuation Diameter (for Insert Plates) per WRC 297:

= NozzleOD + 2 * 1.65 * sqrt( Rmean( t - ca ) )
= 60.325 + 2 * 1.65 * sqrt( 297.0 ( 16.0 - 0.0 ) )
= 287.810 mm.

WRC 107 Stress Calculation for SUStained loads:

Radial Load P -2220.0 N
Circumferential Shear VC 2780.0 N
Longitudinal Shear VL 2780.0 N
Circumferential Moment MC -250.0 N-m
Longitudinal Moment ML 250.0 N-m
Torsional Moment MT 500.0 N-m

Dimensionless Parameters used : Gamma = 18.56

Dimensionless Loads for Cylindrical Shells at Attachment Junction:

Curves read for 1979 Beta Figure Value Location
N(PHI) / ( P/Rm ) 0.089 4C 3.529 (A,B)
N(PHI) / ( P/Rm ) 0.089 3C 3.332 (C,D)
M(PHI) / ( P ) 0.089 2C1 0.134 (A,B)
M(PHI) / ( P ) 0.089 1C 0.169 (C,D)
N(PHI) / ( MC/(Rm**2 * Beta) ) 0.089 3A 0.350 (A,B,C,D)
M(PHI) / ( MC/(Rm * Beta) ) 0.089 1A 0.102 (A,B,C,D)
N(PHI) / ( ML/(Rm**2 * Beta) ) 0.089 3B 1.293 (A,B,C,D)
M(PHI) / ( ML/(Rm * Beta) ) 0.089 1B 0.056 (A,B,C,D)

N(x) / ( P/Rm ) 0.089 3C 3.332 (A,B)

N(x) / ( P/Rm ) 0.089 4C 3.529 (C,D)
M(x) / ( P ) 0.089 1C1 0.173 (A,B)
M(x) / ( P ) 0.089 2C 0.134 (C,D)
N(x) / ( MC/(Rm**2 * Beta) ) 0.089 4A 0.460 (A,B,C,D)
M(x) / ( MC/(Rm * Beta) ) 0.089 2A 0.060 (A,B,C,D)
N(x) / ( ML/(Rm**2 * Beta) ) 0.089 4B 0.337 (A,B,C,D)
M(x) / ( ML/(Rm * Beta) ) 0.089 2B 0.091 (A,B,C,D)
PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 84
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N04-2" To PSV Nozl: 25 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Stress Concentration Factors: Kn = 1.00, Kb = 1.00

Stresses in the Vessel at the Attachment Junction (N./mm²)

| Stress Intensity Values at |

Type of | |
Stress Load | Au Al Bu Bl Cu Cl Du Dl|
Circ. Memb. P | 1.6| 1.6| 1.6| 1.6| 1.6| 1.6| 1.6| 1.6|
Circ. Bend. P | 7.0| -7.0| 7.0| -7.0| 8.8| -8.8| 8.8| -8.8|
Circ. Memb. MC | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.7| 0.7| -0.7| -0.7|
Circ. Memb. MC | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 22.7| -22.7| -22.7| 22.7|
Circ. Memb. ML | -2.6| -2.6| 2.6| 2.6| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
Circ. Bend. ML | -12.3| 12.3| 12.3| -12.3| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
| |
Tot. Circ. Str.| -6.3| 4.4| 23.5| -15.1| 33.8| -29.2| -13.0| 14.8|
Long. Memb. P | 1.6| 1.6| 1.6| 1.6| 1.6| 1.6| 1.6| 1.6|
Long. Bend. P | 9.0| -9.0| 9.0| -9.0| 7.0| -7.0| 7.0| -7.0|
Long. Memb. MC | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.9| 0.9| -0.9| -0.9|
Long. Bend. MC | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 13.4| -13.4| -13.4| 13.4|
Long. Memb. ML | -0.7| -0.7| 0.7| 0.7| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
Long. Bend. ML | -20.2| 20.2| 20.2| -20.2| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
| |
Tot. Long. Str.| -10.3| 12.1| 31.4| -27.0| 22.9| -17.8| -5.6| 7.1|
Shear VC | 1.8| 1.8| -1.8| -1.8| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
Shear VL | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| -1.8| -1.8| 1.8| 1.8|
Shear MT | 5.5| 5.5| 5.5| 5.5| 5.5| 5.5| 5.5| 5.5|
| |
Tot. Shear| 7.3| 7.3| 3.6| 3.6| 3.6| 3.6| 7.3| 7.3|
Str. Int. | 15.9| 16.5| 32.9| 28.0| 34.9| 30.3| 17.5| 19.2|


WRC 107/537 Stress Summations:

Vessel Stress Summation at Attachment Junction (N./mm²)

| Stress Intensity Values at |

Type of | |
Stress Load | Au Al Bu Bl Cu Cl Du Dl|
Circ. Pm (SUS) | 79.2| 83.7| 79.2| 83.7| 79.2| 83.7| 79.2| 83.7|
Circ. Pl (SUS) | -0.9| -0.9| 4.2| 4.2| 2.3| 2.3| 0.9| 0.9|
Circ. Q (SUS) | -5.4| 5.4| 19.3| -19.3| 31.5| -31.5| -13.9| 13.9|
Long. Pm (SUS) | 39.6| 39.6| 39.6| 39.6| 39.6| 39.6| 39.6| 39.6|
Long. Pl (SUS) | 0.9| 0.9| 2.2| 2.2| 2.6| 2.6| 0.7| 0.7|
Long. Q (SUS) | -11.2| 11.2| 29.2| -29.2| 20.3| -20.3| -6.4| 6.4|
Shear Pm (SUS) | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
Shear Pl (SUS) | 1.8| 1.8| -1.8| -1.8| -1.8| -1.8| 1.8| 1.8|
Shear Q (SUS) | 5.5| 5.5| 5.5| 5.5| 5.5| 5.5| 5.5| 5.5|
Pm (SUS) | 79.2| 83.7| 79.2| 83.7| 79.2| 83.7| 79.2| 83.7|
Pm+Pl (SUS) | 78.4| 82.9| 83.5| 88.0| 81.5| 86.0| 80.1| 84.6|
Pm+Pl+Q (Total)| 74.1| 89.5| 103.2| 68.8| 113.2| 54.9| 67.7| 99.5|

Vessel Stress Summation Comparison (N./mm²):

Type of | Max. S.I. S.I. Allowable | Result |

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 85
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N04-2" To PSV Nozl: 25 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Stress Int. | | |
Pm (SUS) | 83.70 120.40 | Passed |
Pm+Pl (SUS) | 88.00 180.60 | Passed |
Pm+Pl+Q (TOTAL)| 113.21 361.20 | Passed |

Because only sustained loads were specified, the Pm+Pl+Q allowable was 3 * Smh.

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2022, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 86
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N07-1" LS Nozl: 26 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Input, Nozzle Desc: N07-1" LS From: 30

Pressure for Reinforcement Calculations P 45.219 bars

Temperature for Internal Pressure Temp 90 °C
Design External Pressure Pext 1.03 bars
Temperature for External Pressure Tempex 90 °C

Parent Material SA-240 316

Parent Allowable Stress at Temperature Sv 120.40 N./mm²
Parent Allowable Stress At Ambient Sva 137.90 N./mm²

Inside Diameter of Cylindrical Shell D 578.00 mm.

Design Length of Section L 2393.5000 mm.
Shell Finished (Minimum) Thickness t 16.0000 mm.
Shell Internal Corrosion Allowance c 0.0000 mm.
Shell External Corrosion Allowance co 0.0000 mm.

Distance from Bottom/Left Tangent 150.00 mm.

User Entered Minimum Design Metal Temperature -20.00 °C

Type of Element Connected to the Parent : Nozzle

Material SA-312 TP316

Material UNS Number S31600
Material Specification/Type Smls. & wld. pipe
Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 120.40 N./mm²
Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 137.90 N./mm²

Diameter Basis (for tr calc only) Outside

Layout Angle 140.00 deg
Diameter 1.0000 in.

Size and Thickness Basis Nominal

Nominal Thickness 80S

Flange Material SA-182 F316

Flange Type Weld Neck Flange

Corrosion Allowance can 0.0000 mm.

Joint Efficiency of Shell Seam at Nozzle E1 0.85
Joint Efficiency of Nozzle Neck En 1.00

Outside Projection ho 38.0240 mm.

Weld leg size between Nozzle and Pad/Shell Wo 5.0000 mm.
Groove weld depth between Nozzle and Vessel Wgnv 16.0000 mm.
Inside Projection h 0.0000 mm.
Weld leg size, Inside Element to Shell Wi 0.0000 mm.
ASME Code Weld Type UW-16.1(c)

Flange Class 600

Flange Grade GR 2.2

The Pressure Design option was Design Pressure + static head.

Nozzle Sketch (may not represent actual weld type/configuration)

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 87
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N07-1" LS Nozl: 26 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Insert/Set-in Nozzle No Pad, no Inside projection

Reinforcement CALCULATION, Description: N07-1" LS

ASME Code, Section VIII, Div. 1, 2021, UG-37 to UG-45

Actual Outside Diameter Used in Calculation 1.315 in.

Actual Thickness Used in Calculation 0.179 in.

Nozzle input data check completed without errors.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a) of Cylindrical Shell, tr [Int. Press]

= P*R/(Sv*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= 45.2*289/(120*1-0.6*45.2)
= 11.1049 mm.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a) of Nozzle Wall, trn [Int. Press]

= P*Ro/(Sn*E+0.4*P) per Appendix 1-1 (a)(1)
= 45.2*16.7/(120*1+0.4*45.2)
= 0.6180 mm.

Required Nozzle thickness under External Pressure per UG-28 : 0.1158 mm.

UG-40, Limits of Reinforcement : [Internal Pressure]

Parallel to Vessel Wall (Diameter Limit) Dl 65.4010 mm.
Parallel to Vessel Wall Rn+tn+t 32.7005 mm.
Normal to Vessel Wall (Thickness Limit), no pad Tlnp 11.3665 mm.

Taking a UG-36(c)(3)(a) exemption for nozzle: N07-1" LS.

This calculation is valid for nozzles that meet all the requirements of
paragraph UG-36. Please check the Code carefully, especially for nozzles
that are not isolated or do not meet Code spacing requirements. To force
the computation of areas for small nozzles go to Tools->Configuration
and check the box to force the UG-37 small nozzle area calculation.

UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness Requirement: [Int. Press.]

Wall Thickness for Internal/External pressures ta = 0.6180 mm.
Wall Thickness per UG16(b), tr16b = 1.5000 mm.
Wall Thickness, shell/head, internal pressure trb1 = 11.1049 mm.
Wall Thickness tb1 = max(trb1, tr16b) = 11.1049 mm.
Wall Thickness tb2 = max(trb2, tr16b) = 1.5000 mm.
Wall Thickness per table UG-45 tb3 = 2.9464 mm.

Determine Nozzle Thickness candidate [tb]:

= min[ tb3, max( tb1,tb2) ]
= min[ 2.95, max( 11.1, 1.5 ) ]
= 2.9464 mm.

Minimum Wall Thickness of Nozzle Necks [tUG-45]:

= max( ta, tb )
= max( 0.62, 2.95 )
= 2.9464 mm.

Available Nozzle Neck Thickness = 0.875 * 4.547 = 3.978 mm. --> OK

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 88
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N07-1" LS Nozl: 26 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

SA-240 316, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C

SA-312 TP316, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C

Weld Size Calculations, Description: N07-1" LS

Intermediate Calc. for nozzle/shell Welds Tmin 4.5466 mm.

Results Per UW-16.1:

Required Thickness Actual Thickness
Nozzle Weld 3.1826 = 0.7 * tmin. 3.5350 = 0.7 * Wo mm.

Maximum Allowable Pressure for this Nozzle at this Location:

Converged Maximum Allowable Pressure in the Operating case: 45.2 bars

Note: The MAWP of this junction was limited by the parent Shell/Head.

The Drop for this Nozzle is : 0.4829 mm.

The Cut Length for this Nozzle is, Drop + Ho + H + T : 54.5069 mm.

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2022, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 89
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N06-1" LS Nozl: 27 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Input, Nozzle Desc: N06-1" LS From: 30

Pressure for Reinforcement Calculations P 45.087 bars

Temperature for Internal Pressure Temp 90 °C
Design External Pressure Pext 1.03 bars
Temperature for External Pressure Tempex 90 °C

Parent Material SA-240 316

Parent Allowable Stress at Temperature Sv 120.40 N./mm²
Parent Allowable Stress At Ambient Sva 137.90 N./mm²

Inside Diameter of Cylindrical Shell D 578.00 mm.

Design Length of Section L 2393.5000 mm.
Shell Finished (Minimum) Thickness t 16.0000 mm.
Shell Internal Corrosion Allowance c 0.0000 mm.
Shell External Corrosion Allowance co 0.0000 mm.

Distance from Bottom/Left Tangent 1500.00 mm.

User Entered Minimum Design Metal Temperature -20.00 °C

Type of Element Connected to the Parent : Nozzle

Material SA-312 TP316

Material UNS Number S31600
Material Specification/Type Smls. & wld. pipe
Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 120.40 N./mm²
Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 137.90 N./mm²

Diameter Basis (for tr calc only) Outside

Layout Angle 140.00 deg
Diameter 1.0000 in.

Size and Thickness Basis Nominal

Nominal Thickness 80S

Flange Material SA-182 F316

Flange Type Weld Neck Flange

Corrosion Allowance can 0.0000 mm.

Joint Efficiency of Shell Seam at Nozzle E1 0.85
Joint Efficiency of Nozzle Neck En 1.00

Outside Projection ho 38.0240 mm.

Weld leg size between Nozzle and Pad/Shell Wo 5.0000 mm.
Groove weld depth between Nozzle and Vessel Wgnv 16.0000 mm.
Inside Projection h 0.0000 mm.
Weld leg size, Inside Element to Shell Wi 0.0000 mm.
ASME Code Weld Type UW-16.1(c)

Flange Class 600

Flange Grade GR 2.2

The Pressure Design option was Design Pressure + static head.

Nozzle Sketch (may not represent actual weld type/configuration)

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 90
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N06-1" LS Nozl: 27 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Insert/Set-in Nozzle No Pad, no Inside projection

Reinforcement CALCULATION, Description: N06-1" LS

ASME Code, Section VIII, Div. 1, 2021, UG-37 to UG-45

Actual Outside Diameter Used in Calculation 1.315 in.

Actual Thickness Used in Calculation 0.179 in.

Nozzle input data check completed without errors.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a) of Cylindrical Shell, tr [Int. Press]

= P*R/(Sv*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= 45.1*289/(120*1-0.6*45.1)
= 11.0717 mm.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a) of Nozzle Wall, trn [Int. Press]

= P*Ro/(Sn*E+0.4*P) per Appendix 1-1 (a)(1)
= 45.1*16.7/(120*1+0.4*45.1)
= 0.6162 mm.

Required Nozzle thickness under External Pressure per UG-28 : 0.1158 mm.

UG-40, Limits of Reinforcement : [Internal Pressure]

Parallel to Vessel Wall (Diameter Limit) Dl 65.4010 mm.
Parallel to Vessel Wall Rn+tn+t 32.7005 mm.
Normal to Vessel Wall (Thickness Limit), no pad Tlnp 11.3665 mm.

Taking a UG-36(c)(3)(a) exemption for nozzle: N06-1" LS.

This calculation is valid for nozzles that meet all the requirements of
paragraph UG-36. Please check the Code carefully, especially for nozzles
that are not isolated or do not meet Code spacing requirements. To force
the computation of areas for small nozzles go to Tools->Configuration
and check the box to force the UG-37 small nozzle area calculation.

UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness Requirement: [Int. Press.]

Wall Thickness for Internal/External pressures ta = 0.6162 mm.
Wall Thickness per UG16(b), tr16b = 1.5000 mm.
Wall Thickness, shell/head, internal pressure trb1 = 11.0717 mm.
Wall Thickness tb1 = max(trb1, tr16b) = 11.0717 mm.
Wall Thickness tb2 = max(trb2, tr16b) = 1.5000 mm.
Wall Thickness per table UG-45 tb3 = 2.9464 mm.

Determine Nozzle Thickness candidate [tb]:

= min[ tb3, max( tb1,tb2) ]
= min[ 2.95, max( 11.1, 1.5 ) ]
= 2.9464 mm.

Minimum Wall Thickness of Nozzle Necks [tUG-45]:

= max( ta, tb )
= max( 0.62, 2.95 )
= 2.9464 mm.

Available Nozzle Neck Thickness = 0.875 * 4.547 = 3.978 mm. --> OK

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 91
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N06-1" LS Nozl: 27 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

SA-240 316, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C

SA-312 TP316, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C

Weld Size Calculations, Description: N06-1" LS

Intermediate Calc. for nozzle/shell Welds Tmin 4.5466 mm.

Results Per UW-16.1:

Required Thickness Actual Thickness
Nozzle Weld 3.1826 = 0.7 * tmin. 3.5350 = 0.7 * Wo mm.

Maximum Allowable Pressure for this Nozzle at this Location:

Converged Maximum Allowable Pressure in the Operating case: 45.1 bars

Note: The MAWP of this junction was limited by the parent Shell/Head.

The Drop for this Nozzle is : 0.4829 mm.

The Cut Length for this Nozzle is, Drop + Ho + H + T : 54.5069 mm.

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2022, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 92
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N08A-3" LT Nozl: 28 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Input, Nozzle Desc: N08A-3" LT From: 30

Pressure for Reinforcement Calculations P 45.089 bars

Temperature for Internal Pressure Temp 90 °C
Design External Pressure Pext 1.03 bars
Temperature for External Pressure Tempex 90 °C

Parent Material SA-240 316

Parent Allowable Stress at Temperature Sv 120.40 N./mm²
Parent Allowable Stress At Ambient Sva 137.90 N./mm²

Inside Diameter of Cylindrical Shell D 578.00 mm.

Design Length of Section L 2393.5000 mm.
Shell Finished (Minimum) Thickness t 16.0000 mm.
Shell Internal Corrosion Allowance c 0.0000 mm.
Shell External Corrosion Allowance co 0.0000 mm.

Distance from Bottom/Left Tangent 1475.00 mm.

User Entered Minimum Design Metal Temperature -20.00 °C

Type of Element Connected to the Parent : Nozzle

Material SA-312 TP316

Material UNS Number S31600
Material Specification/Type Smls. & wld. pipe
Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 120.40 N./mm²
Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 137.90 N./mm²

Diameter Basis (for tr calc only) Outside

Layout Angle 110.00 deg
Diameter 3.0000 in.

Size and Thickness Basis Nominal

Nominal Thickness 80S

Flange Material SA-182 F316

Flange Type Weld Neck Flange

Corrosion Allowance can 0.0000 mm.

Joint Efficiency of Shell Seam at Nozzle E1 0.85
Joint Efficiency of Nozzle Neck En 1.00

Outside Projection ho 67.4500 mm.

Weld leg size between Nozzle and Pad/Shell Wo 8.0000 mm.
Groove weld depth between Nozzle and Vessel Wgnv 16.0000 mm.
Inside Projection h 0.0000 mm.
Weld leg size, Inside Element to Shell Wi 0.0000 mm.

Pad Material SA-240 316

Pad Allowable Stress at Temperature Sp 120.40 N./mm²
Pad Allowable Stress At Ambient Spa 137.90 N./mm²
Diameter of Pad along vessel surface Dp 188.9000 mm.
Thickness of Pad te 16.0000 mm.
Weld leg size between Pad and Shell Wp 12.0000 mm.
Groove weld depth between Pad and Nozzle Wgpn 16.0000 mm.
Reinforcing Pad Width 50.0000 mm.
ASME Code Weld Type UW-16.1(q)

Flange Class 600

Flange Grade GR 2.2

The Pressure Design option was Design Pressure + static head.

Nozzle Sketch (may not represent actual weld type/configuration)

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 93
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N08A-3" LT Nozl: 28 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Insert/Set-in Nozzle With Pad, no Inside projection

Reinforcement CALCULATION, Description: N08A-3" LT

ASME Code, Section VIII, Div. 1, 2021, UG-37 to UG-45

Actual Outside Diameter Used in Calculation 3.500 in.

Actual Thickness Used in Calculation 0.300 in.

Nozzle input data check completed without errors.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a) of Cylindrical Shell, tr [Int. Press]

= P*R/(Sv*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= 45.1*289/(120*1-0.6*45.1)
= 11.0723 mm.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a) of Nozzle Wall, trn [Int. Press]

= P*Ro/(Sn*E+0.4*P) per Appendix 1-1 (a)(1)
= 45.1*44.5/(120*1+0.4*45.1)
= 1.6401 mm.

Required Nozzle thickness under External Pressure per UG-28 : 0.2593 mm.

UG-40, Limits of Reinforcement : [Internal Pressure]

Parallel to Vessel Wall (Diameter Limit) Dl 147.3200 mm.
Parallel to Vessel Wall, opening length d 73.6600 mm.
Normal to Vessel Wall (Thickness Limit), pad side Tlwp 35.0500 mm.

The Pad diameter is greater than the Diameter Limit. The excess will not be considered.

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr1]:

= min( 1, Sn/Sv )
= min( 1, 120/120 )
= 1.000

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr2]:

= min( 1, Sn/Sv )
= min( 1, 120/120 )
= 1.000

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr4]:

= min( 1, Sp/Sv )
= min( 1, 120/120 )
= 1.000

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr3]:

= min( fr2, fr4 )
= min( 1, 1 )
= 1.000

Results of Nozzle Reinforcement Area Calculations: (cm²)

AREA AVAILABLE, A1 to A5 | Design| External| Mapnc|

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 94
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N08A-3" LT Nozl: 28 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Area Required Ar | 8.156| 1.301| NA|
Area in Shell A1 | 1.862| 9.183| NA|
Area in Nozzle Wall A2 | 4.192| 5.160| NA|
Area in Inward Nozzle A3 | 0.000| 0.000| NA|
Area in Welds A41+A42+A43 | 0.640| 0.640| NA|
Area in Element A5 | 9.347| 9.347| NA|
TOTAL AREA AVAILABLE Atot | 16.041| 24.330| NA|

The Internal Pressure Case Governs the Analysis.

Nozzle Angle Used in Area Calculations 90.00 Degs.

The area available without a pad is Insufficient.

The area available with the given pad is Sufficient.


Based on given Pad Thickness: 98.0379 16.0000 mm.
Based on given Pad Diameter: 188.9000 2.5027 mm.
Based on Shell or Nozzle Thickness: 108.0873 7.6200 mm.

Area Required [A]:

= ( d * tr*F + 2 * tn * tr*F * (1-fr1) ) UG-37(c)
= (73.7*11.1*1+2*7.62*11.1*1*(1-1))
= 8.156 cm²

Reinforcement Areas per Figure UG-37.1

Area Available in Shell [A1]:

= d( E1*t - F*tr ) - 2 * tn( E1*t - F*tr ) * ( 1 - fr1 )
= 73.7( 0.85 * 16 - 1 * 11.1 ) - 2 * 7.62
( 0.85 * 16 - 1 * 11.1 ) *( 1 - 1 )
= 1.862 cm²

Area Available in Nozzle Wall Projecting Outward [A2]:

= ( 2 * Tlwp ) * ( tn - trn ) * fr2
= ( 2 * 35 ) *( 7.62 - 1.64 ) * 1
= 4.192 cm²

Area Available in Welds [A41 + A42 + A43]:

= Wo² * fr3 + (Wi-can/0.707)² * fr2 + Wp² * fr4
= 8² * 1 +(0 )² * 1 + 0² * 1
= 0.640 cm²

Area Available in Element [A5]:

= (min(Dp,DL)-(Nozzle OD))*(min(tp,Tlwp,te)) * fr4
= ( 147 - 88.9 ) * 16 * 1
= 9.347 cm²

UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness Requirement: [Int. Press.]

Wall Thickness for Internal/External pressures ta = 1.6401 mm.
Wall Thickness per UG16(b), tr16b = 1.5000 mm.
Wall Thickness, shell/head, internal pressure trb1 = 11.0723 mm.
Wall Thickness tb1 = max(trb1, tr16b) = 11.0723 mm.
Wall Thickness tb2 = max(trb2, tr16b) = 1.5000 mm.
Wall Thickness per table UG-45 tb3 = 4.8000 mm.

Determine Nozzle Thickness candidate [tb]:

= min[ tb3, max( tb1,tb2) ]
= min[ 4.8, max( 11.1, 1.5 ) ]
= 4.8000 mm.

Minimum Wall Thickness of Nozzle Necks [tUG-45]:

= max( ta, tb )
= max( 1.64, 4.8 )
= 4.8000 mm.
PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 95
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N08A-3" LT Nozl: 28 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Available Nozzle Neck Thickness = 0.875 * 7.620 = 6.668 mm. --> OK

SA-240 316, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C

SA-312 TP316, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C

Weld Size Calculations, Description: N08A-3" LT

Intermediate Calc. for nozzle/shell Welds Tmin 7.6200 mm.

Intermediate Calc. for pad/shell Welds TminPad 16.0000 mm.

Results Per UW-16.1:

Required Thickness Actual Thickness
Nozzle Weld 5.3340 = 0.7 * tmin. 5.6560 = 0.7 * Wo mm.
Pad Weld 8.0000 = 0.5*TminPad 8.4840 = 0.7 * Wp mm.

Weld Strength and Weld Loads per UG-41.1, Sketch (a) or (b)

Weld Load [W]:

= max( 0, (A-A1+2*tn*fr1*(E1*t-tr))Sv)
= max( 0,(8.16 - 1.86 + 2 * 7.62 * 1 *
(0.85 * 16 - 11.1 ) )120 )
= 80410.69 N

Note: F is always set to 1.0 throughout the calculation.

Weld Load [W1]:

= (A2+A5+A4-(Wi-Can/.707)²*fr2)*Sv
= ( 4.19 + 9.35 + 0.64 - 0 * 1 ) * 120
= 170701.92 N

Weld Load [W2]:

= (A2 + A3 + A4 + (2 * tn * t * fr1)) * Sv
= ( 4.19 + 0 + 0.64 +( 2.44 ) ) * 120
= 87527.03 N

Weld Load [W3]:

= (A2+A3+A4+A5+(2*tn*t*fr1))*S
= ( 4.19 + 0 + 0.64 + 9.35 +( 2.44 ) ) * 120
= 200057.78 N

Strength of Connection Elements for Failure Path Analysis

Shear, Outward Nozzle Weld [Sonw]:

= (pi/2) * Dlo * Wo * 0.49 * Snw
= ( 3.14/2.0 ) * 88.9 * 8 * 0.49 * 120
= 65904. N

Shear, Pad Element Weld [Spew]:

= (pi/2) * DP * WP * 0.49 * SEW
= ( 3.14/2.0 ) * 189 * 12 * 0.49 * 120
= 210048. N

Shear, Nozzle Wall [Snw]:

= (pi *( Dlr + Dlo )/4 ) * ( Thk - Can ) * 0.7 * Sn
= (3.14 * 40.6 ) *( 7.62 - 0 ) * 0.7 * 120
= 81990. N

Tension, Pad Groove Weld [Tpgw]:

= ( pi/2) * Dlo * Wgpn * 0.74 * Seg
= (3.14/2 ) * 88.9 * 16 * 0.74 * 120
= 199056. N

Tension, Shell Groove Weld [Tngw]:

= (pi/2) * Dlo * ( T - cas ) * 0.74 * Sng
PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 96
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N08A-3" LT Nozl: 28 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

= ( 3.14/2.0 ) * 88.9 *( 16 - 0 ) * 0.74 * 120

= 199056. N

See UG-41 and UW-15 for clarification of allowable stresses.

Strength of Failure Paths:

Failure Path [Path 1-1]:

= ( SPEW + SNW ) = ( 210048 + 81990 ) = 292038 N

Failure Path [Path 2-2]:

= ( Sonw + Tpgw + Tngw + Sinw )
= ( 65904 + 199056 + 199056 + 0 ) = 464016 N

Failure Path [Path 3-3]:

= ( Spew + Tngw + Sinw )
= ( 210048 + 199056 + 0 ) = 409104 N

Summary of Failure Path Calculations:

Path 1-1 = 292037 N , must exceed W = 80410 N or W1 = 170701 N
Path 2-2 = 464015 N , must exceed W = 80410 N or W2 = 87527 N
Path 3-3 = 409104 N , must exceed W = 80410 N or W3 = 200057 N

Maximum Allowable Pressure for this Nozzle at this Location:

Converged Maximum Allowable Pressure in the Operating case: 45.2 bars

Note: The MAWP of this junction was limited by the parent Shell/Head.

Nozzle is O.K. for the External Pressure: 1.03 bars

The Drop for this Nozzle is : 3.4388 mm.

The Cut Length for this Nozzle is, Drop + Ho + H + T : 86.8888 mm.

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2022, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 97
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N08B-3" LS Nozl: 29 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Input, Nozzle Desc: N08B-3" LS From: 30

Pressure for Reinforcement Calculations P 45.217 bars

Temperature for Internal Pressure Temp 90 °C
Design External Pressure Pext 1.03 bars
Temperature for External Pressure Tempex 90 °C

Parent Material SA-240 316

Parent Allowable Stress at Temperature Sv 120.40 N./mm²
Parent Allowable Stress At Ambient Sva 137.90 N./mm²

Inside Diameter of Cylindrical Shell D 578.00 mm.

Design Length of Section L 2393.5000 mm.
Shell Finished (Minimum) Thickness t 16.0000 mm.
Shell Internal Corrosion Allowance c 0.0000 mm.
Shell External Corrosion Allowance co 0.0000 mm.

Distance from Bottom/Left Tangent 175.00 mm.

User Entered Minimum Design Metal Temperature -20.00 °C

Type of Element Connected to the Parent : Nozzle

Material SA-312 TP316

Material UNS Number S31600
Material Specification/Type Smls. & wld. pipe
Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 120.40 N./mm²
Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 137.90 N./mm²

Diameter Basis (for tr calc only) Outside

Layout Angle 110.00 deg
Diameter 3.0000 in.

Size and Thickness Basis Nominal

Nominal Thickness 80S

Flange Material SA-182 F316

Flange Type Weld Neck Flange

Corrosion Allowance can 0.0000 mm.

Joint Efficiency of Shell Seam at Nozzle E1 0.85
Joint Efficiency of Nozzle Neck En 1.00

Outside Projection ho 67.4500 mm.

Weld leg size between Nozzle and Pad/Shell Wo 8.0000 mm.
Groove weld depth between Nozzle and Vessel Wgnv 16.0000 mm.
Inside Projection h 0.0000 mm.
Weld leg size, Inside Element to Shell Wi 0.0000 mm.

Pad Material SA-240 316

Pad Allowable Stress at Temperature Sp 120.40 N./mm²
Pad Allowable Stress At Ambient Spa 137.90 N./mm²
Diameter of Pad along vessel surface Dp 188.9000 mm.
Thickness of Pad te 16.0000 mm.
Weld leg size between Pad and Shell Wp 12.0000 mm.
Groove weld depth between Pad and Nozzle Wgpn 16.0000 mm.
Reinforcing Pad Width 50.0000 mm.
ASME Code Weld Type UW-16.1(q)

Flange Class 600

Flange Grade GR 2.2

The Pressure Design option was Design Pressure + static head.

Nozzle Sketch (may not represent actual weld type/configuration)

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 98
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N08B-3" LS Nozl: 29 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Insert/Set-in Nozzle With Pad, no Inside projection

Reinforcement CALCULATION, Description: N08B-3" LS

ASME Code, Section VIII, Div. 1, 2021, UG-37 to UG-45

Actual Outside Diameter Used in Calculation 3.500 in.

Actual Thickness Used in Calculation 0.300 in.

Nozzle input data check completed without errors.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a) of Cylindrical Shell, tr [Int. Press]

= P*R/(Sv*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= 45.2*289/(120*1-0.6*45.2)
= 11.1043 mm.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a) of Nozzle Wall, trn [Int. Press]

= P*Ro/(Sn*E+0.4*P) per Appendix 1-1 (a)(1)
= 45.2*44.5/(120*1+0.4*45.2)
= 1.6447 mm.

Required Nozzle thickness under External Pressure per UG-28 : 0.2593 mm.

UG-40, Limits of Reinforcement : [Internal Pressure]

Parallel to Vessel Wall (Diameter Limit) Dl 147.3200 mm.
Parallel to Vessel Wall, opening length d 73.6600 mm.
Normal to Vessel Wall (Thickness Limit), pad side Tlwp 35.0500 mm.

The Pad diameter is greater than the Diameter Limit. The excess will not be considered.

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr1]:

= min( 1, Sn/Sv )
= min( 1, 120/120 )
= 1.000

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr2]:

= min( 1, Sn/Sv )
= min( 1, 120/120 )
= 1.000

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr4]:

= min( 1, Sp/Sv )
= min( 1, 120/120 )
= 1.000

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr3]:

= min( fr2, fr4 )
= min( 1, 1 )
= 1.000

Results of Nozzle Reinforcement Area Calculations: (cm²)

AREA AVAILABLE, A1 to A5 | Design| External| Mapnc|

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 99
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N08B-3" LS Nozl: 29 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Area Required Ar | 8.179| 1.301| NA|
Area in Shell A1 | 1.838| 9.183| NA|
Area in Nozzle Wall A2 | 4.189| 5.160| NA|
Area in Inward Nozzle A3 | 0.000| 0.000| NA|
Area in Welds A41+A42+A43 | 0.640| 0.640| NA|
Area in Element A5 | 9.347| 9.347| NA|
TOTAL AREA AVAILABLE Atot | 16.014| 24.330| NA|

The Internal Pressure Case Governs the Analysis.

Nozzle Angle Used in Area Calculations 90.00 Degs.

The area available without a pad is Insufficient.

The area available with the given pad is Sufficient.


Based on given Pad Thickness: 98.3527 16.0000 mm.
Based on given Pad Diameter: 188.9000 2.5889 mm.
Based on Shell or Nozzle Thickness: 108.7482 7.6200 mm.

Area Required [A]:

= ( d * tr*F + 2 * tn * tr*F * (1-fr1) ) UG-37(c)
= (73.7*11.1*1+2*7.62*11.1*1*(1-1))
= 8.179 cm²

Reinforcement Areas per Figure UG-37.1

Area Available in Shell [A1]:

= d( E1*t - F*tr ) - 2 * tn( E1*t - F*tr ) * ( 1 - fr1 )
= 73.7( 0.85 * 16 - 1 * 11.1 ) - 2 * 7.62
( 0.85 * 16 - 1 * 11.1 ) *( 1 - 1 )
= 1.838 cm²

Area Available in Nozzle Wall Projecting Outward [A2]:

= ( 2 * Tlwp ) * ( tn - trn ) * fr2
= ( 2 * 35 ) *( 7.62 - 1.64 ) * 1
= 4.189 cm²

Area Available in Welds [A41 + A42 + A43]:

= Wo² * fr3 + (Wi-can/0.707)² * fr2 + Wp² * fr4
= 8² * 1 +(0 )² * 1 + 0² * 1
= 0.640 cm²

Area Available in Element [A5]:

= (min(Dp,DL)-(Nozzle OD))*(min(tp,Tlwp,te)) * fr4
= ( 147 - 88.9 ) * 16 * 1
= 9.347 cm²

UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness Requirement: [Int. Press.]

Wall Thickness for Internal/External pressures ta = 1.6447 mm.
Wall Thickness per UG16(b), tr16b = 1.5000 mm.
Wall Thickness, shell/head, internal pressure trb1 = 11.1043 mm.
Wall Thickness tb1 = max(trb1, tr16b) = 11.1043 mm.
Wall Thickness tb2 = max(trb2, tr16b) = 1.5000 mm.
Wall Thickness per table UG-45 tb3 = 4.8000 mm.

Determine Nozzle Thickness candidate [tb]:

= min[ tb3, max( tb1,tb2) ]
= min[ 4.8, max( 11.1, 1.5 ) ]
= 4.8000 mm.

Minimum Wall Thickness of Nozzle Necks [tUG-45]:

= max( ta, tb )
= max( 1.64, 4.8 )
= 4.8000 mm.
PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 100
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N08B-3" LS Nozl: 29 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Available Nozzle Neck Thickness = 0.875 * 7.620 = 6.668 mm. --> OK

SA-240 316, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C

SA-312 TP316, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C

Weld Size Calculations, Description: N08B-3" LS

Intermediate Calc. for nozzle/shell Welds Tmin 7.6200 mm.

Intermediate Calc. for pad/shell Welds TminPad 16.0000 mm.

Results Per UW-16.1:

Required Thickness Actual Thickness
Nozzle Weld 5.3340 = 0.7 * tmin. 5.6560 = 0.7 * Wo mm.
Pad Weld 8.0000 = 0.5*TminPad 8.4840 = 0.7 * Wp mm.

Weld Strength and Weld Loads per UG-41.1, Sketch (a) or (b)

Weld Load [W]:

= max( 0, (A-A1+2*tn*fr1*(E1*t-tr))Sv)
= max( 0,(8.18 - 1.84 + 2 * 7.62 * 1 *
(0.85 * 16 - 11.1 ) )120 )
= 80919.73 N

Note: F is always set to 1.0 throughout the calculation.

Weld Load [W1]:

= (A2+A5+A4-(Wi-Can/.707)²*fr2)*Sv
= ( 4.19 + 9.35 + 0.64 - 0 * 1 ) * 120
= 170663.41 N

Weld Load [W2]:

= (A2 + A3 + A4 + (2 * tn * t * fr1)) * Sv
= ( 4.19 + 0 + 0.64 +( 2.44 ) ) * 120
= 87488.49 N

Weld Load [W3]:

= (A2+A3+A4+A5+(2*tn*t*fr1))*S
= ( 4.19 + 0 + 0.64 + 9.35 +( 2.44 ) ) * 120
= 200019.25 N

Strength of Connection Elements for Failure Path Analysis

Shear, Outward Nozzle Weld [Sonw]:

= (pi/2) * Dlo * Wo * 0.49 * Snw
= ( 3.14/2.0 ) * 88.9 * 8 * 0.49 * 120
= 65904. N

Shear, Pad Element Weld [Spew]:

= (pi/2) * DP * WP * 0.49 * SEW
= ( 3.14/2.0 ) * 189 * 12 * 0.49 * 120
= 210048. N

Shear, Nozzle Wall [Snw]:

= (pi *( Dlr + Dlo )/4 ) * ( Thk - Can ) * 0.7 * Sn
= (3.14 * 40.6 ) *( 7.62 - 0 ) * 0.7 * 120
= 81990. N

Tension, Pad Groove Weld [Tpgw]:

= ( pi/2) * Dlo * Wgpn * 0.74 * Seg
= (3.14/2 ) * 88.9 * 16 * 0.74 * 120
= 199056. N

Tension, Shell Groove Weld [Tngw]:

= (pi/2) * Dlo * ( T - cas ) * 0.74 * Sng
PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 101
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N08B-3" LS Nozl: 29 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

= ( 3.14/2.0 ) * 88.9 *( 16 - 0 ) * 0.74 * 120

= 199056. N

See UG-41 and UW-15 for clarification of allowable stresses.

Strength of Failure Paths:

Failure Path [Path 1-1]:

= ( SPEW + SNW ) = ( 210048 + 81990 ) = 292038 N

Failure Path [Path 2-2]:

= ( Sonw + Tpgw + Tngw + Sinw )
= ( 65904 + 199056 + 199056 + 0 ) = 464016 N

Failure Path [Path 3-3]:

= ( Spew + Tngw + Sinw )
= ( 210048 + 199056 + 0 ) = 409104 N

Summary of Failure Path Calculations:

Path 1-1 = 292037 N , must exceed W = 80919 N or W1 = 170663 N
Path 2-2 = 464015 N , must exceed W = 80919 N or W2 = 87488 N
Path 3-3 = 409104 N , must exceed W = 80919 N or W3 = 200019 N

Maximum Allowable Pressure for this Nozzle at this Location:

Converged Maximum Allowable Pressure in the Operating case: 45.4 bars

Note: The MAWP of this junction was limited by the parent Shell/Head.

Nozzle is O.K. for the External Pressure: 1.03 bars

The Drop for this Nozzle is : 3.4388 mm.

The Cut Length for this Nozzle is, Drop + Ho + H + T : 86.8888 mm.

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2022, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 102
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N09-1" PT Nozl: 30 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Input, Nozzle Desc: N09-1" PT From: 30

Pressure for Reinforcement Calculations P 45.038 bars

Temperature for Internal Pressure Temp 90 °C
Design External Pressure Pext 1.03 bars
Temperature for External Pressure Tempex 90 °C

Parent Material SA-240 316

Parent Allowable Stress at Temperature Sv 120.40 N./mm²
Parent Allowable Stress At Ambient Sva 137.90 N./mm²

Inside Diameter of Cylindrical Shell D 578.00 mm.

Design Length of Section L 2393.5000 mm.
Shell Finished (Minimum) Thickness t 16.0000 mm.
Shell Internal Corrosion Allowance c 0.0000 mm.
Shell External Corrosion Allowance co 0.0000 mm.

Distance from Bottom/Left Tangent 2000.00 mm.

User Entered Minimum Design Metal Temperature -20.00 °C

Type of Element Connected to the Parent : Nozzle

Material SA-312 TP316

Material UNS Number S31600
Material Specification/Type Smls. & wld. pipe
Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 120.40 N./mm²
Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 137.90 N./mm²

Diameter Basis (for tr calc only) Outside

Layout Angle 90.00 deg
Diameter 1.0000 in.

Size and Thickness Basis Nominal

Nominal Thickness 80S

Flange Material SA-182 F316

Flange Type Weld Neck Flange

Corrosion Allowance can 0.0000 mm.

Joint Efficiency of Shell Seam at Nozzle E1 0.85
Joint Efficiency of Nozzle Neck En 1.00

Outside Projection ho 38.0240 mm.

Weld leg size between Nozzle and Pad/Shell Wo 5.0000 mm.
Groove weld depth between Nozzle and Vessel Wgnv 16.0000 mm.
Inside Projection h 0.0000 mm.
Weld leg size, Inside Element to Shell Wi 0.0000 mm.
ASME Code Weld Type UW-16.1(c)

Flange Class 600

Flange Grade GR 2.2

The Pressure Design option was Design Pressure + static head.

Nozzle Sketch (may not represent actual weld type/configuration)

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 103
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N09-1" PT Nozl: 30 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Insert/Set-in Nozzle No Pad, no Inside projection

Reinforcement CALCULATION, Description: N09-1" PT

ASME Code, Section VIII, Div. 1, 2021, UG-37 to UG-45

Actual Outside Diameter Used in Calculation 1.315 in.

Actual Thickness Used in Calculation 0.179 in.

Nozzle input data check completed without errors.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a) of Cylindrical Shell, tr [Int. Press]

= P*R/(Sv*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= 45*289/(120*1-0.6*45)
= 11.0594 mm.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a) of Nozzle Wall, trn [Int. Press]

= P*Ro/(Sn*E+0.4*P) per Appendix 1-1 (a)(1)
= 45*16.7/(120*1+0.4*45)
= 0.6155 mm.

Required Nozzle thickness under External Pressure per UG-28 : 0.1158 mm.

UG-40, Limits of Reinforcement : [Internal Pressure]

Parallel to Vessel Wall (Diameter Limit) Dl 65.4010 mm.
Parallel to Vessel Wall Rn+tn+t 32.7005 mm.
Normal to Vessel Wall (Thickness Limit), no pad Tlnp 11.3665 mm.

Taking a UG-36(c)(3)(a) exemption for nozzle: N09-1" PT.

This calculation is valid for nozzles that meet all the requirements of
paragraph UG-36. Please check the Code carefully, especially for nozzles
that are not isolated or do not meet Code spacing requirements. To force
the computation of areas for small nozzles go to Tools->Configuration
and check the box to force the UG-37 small nozzle area calculation.

UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness Requirement: [Int. Press.]

Wall Thickness for Internal/External pressures ta = 0.6155 mm.
Wall Thickness per UG16(b), tr16b = 1.5000 mm.
Wall Thickness, shell/head, internal pressure trb1 = 11.0594 mm.
Wall Thickness tb1 = max(trb1, tr16b) = 11.0594 mm.
Wall Thickness tb2 = max(trb2, tr16b) = 1.5000 mm.
Wall Thickness per table UG-45 tb3 = 2.9464 mm.

Determine Nozzle Thickness candidate [tb]:

= min[ tb3, max( tb1,tb2) ]
= min[ 2.95, max( 11.1, 1.5 ) ]
= 2.9464 mm.

Minimum Wall Thickness of Nozzle Necks [tUG-45]:

= max( ta, tb )
= max( 0.62, 2.95 )
= 2.9464 mm.

Available Nozzle Neck Thickness = 0.875 * 4.547 = 3.978 mm. --> OK

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 104
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N09-1" PT Nozl: 30 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

SA-240 316, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C

SA-312 TP316, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C

Weld Size Calculations, Description: N09-1" PT

Intermediate Calc. for nozzle/shell Welds Tmin 4.5466 mm.

Results Per UW-16.1:

Required Thickness Actual Thickness
Nozzle Weld 3.1826 = 0.7 * tmin. 3.5350 = 0.7 * Wo mm.

Maximum Allowable Pressure for this Nozzle at this Location:

Converged Maximum Allowable Pressure in the Operating case: 45 bars

Note: The MAWP of this junction was limited by the parent Shell/Head.

The Drop for this Nozzle is : 0.4829 mm.

The Cut Length for this Nozzle is, Drop + Ho + H + T : 54.5069 mm.

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2022, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 105
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N10-4" SPARE Nozl: 31 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Input, Nozzle Desc: N10-4" SPARE From: 30

Pressure for Reinforcement Calculations P 45.165 bars

Temperature for Internal Pressure Temp 90 °C
Design External Pressure Pext 1.03 bars
Temperature for External Pressure Tempex 90 °C

Parent Material SA-240 316

Parent Allowable Stress at Temperature Sv 120.40 N./mm²
Parent Allowable Stress At Ambient Sva 137.90 N./mm²

Inside Diameter of Cylindrical Shell D 578.00 mm.

Design Length of Section L 2393.5000 mm.
Shell Finished (Minimum) Thickness t 16.0000 mm.
Shell Internal Corrosion Allowance c 0.0000 mm.
Shell External Corrosion Allowance co 0.0000 mm.

Distance from Bottom/Left Tangent 700.00 mm.

User Entered Minimum Design Metal Temperature -20.00 °C

Type of Element Connected to the Parent : Nozzle

Material SA-312 TP316

Material UNS Number S31600
Material Specification/Type Smls. & wld. pipe
Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 120.40 N./mm²
Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 137.90 N./mm²

Diameter Basis (for tr calc only) Outside

Layout Angle 90.00 deg
Diameter 4.0000 in.

Size and Thickness Basis Nominal

Nominal Thickness 80S

Flange Material SA-182 F316

Flange Type Weld Neck Flange

Corrosion Allowance can 0.0000 mm.

Joint Efficiency of Shell Seam at Nozzle E1 0.85
Joint Efficiency of Nozzle Neck En 1.00

Outside Projection ho 48.4000 mm.

Weld leg size between Nozzle and Pad/Shell Wo 9.0000 mm.
Groove weld depth between Nozzle and Vessel Wgnv 16.0000 mm.
Inside Projection h 0.0000 mm.
Weld leg size, Inside Element to Shell Wi 0.0000 mm.

Pad Material SA-240 316

Pad Allowable Stress at Temperature Sp 120.40 N./mm²
Pad Allowable Stress At Ambient Spa 137.90 N./mm²
Diameter of Pad along vessel surface Dp 184.3000 mm.
Thickness of Pad te 16.0000 mm.
Weld leg size between Pad and Shell Wp 12.0000 mm.
Groove weld depth between Pad and Nozzle Wgpn 16.0000 mm.
Reinforcing Pad Width 35.0000 mm.
ASME Code Weld Type UW-16.1(q)

Flange Class 600

Flange Grade GR 2.2

The Pressure Design option was Design Pressure + static head.

Nozzle Sketch (may not represent actual weld type/configuration)

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 106
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N10-4" SPARE Nozl: 31 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Insert/Set-in Nozzle With Pad, no Inside projection

Reinforcement CALCULATION, Description: N10-4" SPARE

ASME Code, Section VIII, Div. 1, 2021, UG-37 to UG-45

Actual Outside Diameter Used in Calculation 4.500 in.

Actual Thickness Used in Calculation 0.337 in.

Nozzle input data check completed without errors.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a) of Cylindrical Shell, tr [Int. Press]

= P*R/(Sv*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= 45.2*289/(120*1-0.6*45.2)
= 11.0914 mm.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a) of Nozzle Wall, trn [Int. Press]

= P*Ro/(Sn*E+0.4*P) per Appendix 1-1 (a)(1)
= 45.2*57.1/(120*1+0.4*45.2)
= 2.1122 mm.

Required Nozzle thickness under External Pressure per UG-28 : 0.2624 mm.

UG-40, Limits of Reinforcement : [Internal Pressure]

Parallel to Vessel Wall (Diameter Limit) Dl 194.3608 mm.
Parallel to Vessel Wall, opening length d 97.1804 mm.
Normal to Vessel Wall (Thickness Limit), pad side Tlwp 37.3995 mm.

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr1]:

= min( 1, Sn/Sv )
= min( 1, 120/120 )
= 1.000

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr2]:

= min( 1, Sn/Sv )
= min( 1, 120/120 )
= 1.000

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr4]:

= min( 1, Sp/Sv )
= min( 1, 120/120 )
= 1.000

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr3]:

= min( fr2, fr4 )
= min( 1, 1 )
= 1.000

Results of Nozzle Reinforcement Area Calculations: (cm²)

AREA AVAILABLE, A1 to A5 | Design| External| Mapnc|

Area Required Ar | 10.779| 1.717| NA|
PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 107
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N10-4" SPARE Nozl: 31 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Area in Shell A1 | 2.438| 12.115| NA|

Area in Nozzle Wall A2 | 4.823| 6.206| NA|
Area in Inward Nozzle A3 | 0.000| 0.000| NA|
Area in Welds A41+A42+A43 | 1.764| 1.764| NA|
Area in Element A5 | 11.200| 11.200| NA|
TOTAL AREA AVAILABLE Atot | 20.225| 31.285| NA|

The Internal Pressure Case Governs the Analysis.

Nozzle Angle Used in Area Calculations 90.00 Degs.

The area available without a pad is Insufficient.

The area available with the given pad is Sufficient.


Based on given Pad Thickness: 125.2614 16.0000 mm.
Based on given Pad Diameter: 184.3000 2.5055 mm.
Based on Shell or Nozzle Thickness: 134.7890 8.5598 mm.

Area Required [A]:

= ( d * tr*F + 2 * tn * tr*F * (1-fr1) ) UG-37(c)
= (97.2*11.1*1+2*8.56*11.1*1*(1-1))
= 10.779 cm²

Reinforcement Areas per Figure UG-37.1

Area Available in Shell [A1]:

= d( E1*t - F*tr ) - 2 * tn( E1*t - F*tr ) * ( 1 - fr1 )
= 97.2( 0.85 * 16 - 1 * 11.1 ) - 2 * 8.56
( 0.85 * 16 - 1 * 11.1 ) *( 1 - 1 )
= 2.438 cm²

Area Available in Nozzle Wall Projecting Outward [A2]:

= ( 2 * Tlwp ) * ( tn - trn ) * fr2
= ( 2 * 37.4 ) *( 8.56 - 2.11 ) * 1
= 4.823 cm²

Area Available in Welds [A41 + A42 + A43]:

= (Wo² - Ar Lost)*Fr3+((Wi-can/0.707)² - Ar Lost)*fr2 + Trapfr4
= (0.81 ) * 1 +(0 ) * 1 + 95.4² * 1
= 1.764 cm²

Area Available in Element [A5]:

= (min(Dp,DL)-(Nozzle OD))*(min(tp,Tlwp,te)) * fr4
= ( 184 - 114 ) * 16 * 1
= 11.200 cm²

UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness Requirement: [Int. Press.]

Wall Thickness for Internal/External pressures ta = 2.1122 mm.
Wall Thickness per UG16(b), tr16b = 1.5000 mm.
Wall Thickness, shell/head, internal pressure trb1 = 11.0914 mm.
Wall Thickness tb1 = max(trb1, tr16b) = 11.0914 mm.
Wall Thickness tb2 = max(trb2, tr16b) = 1.5000 mm.
Wall Thickness per table UG-45 tb3 = 5.2578 mm.

Determine Nozzle Thickness candidate [tb]:

= min[ tb3, max( tb1,tb2) ]
= min[ 5.26, max( 11.1, 1.5 ) ]
= 5.2578 mm.

Minimum Wall Thickness of Nozzle Necks [tUG-45]:

= max( ta, tb )
= max( 2.11, 5.26 )
= 5.2578 mm.

Available Nozzle Neck Thickness = 0.875 * 8.560 = 7.490 mm. --> OK

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 108
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N10-4" SPARE Nozl: 31 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Stresses on Nozzle due to External and Pressure Loads per the ASME
B31.3 Piping Code (see 319.4.4 and 302.3.5):
Sustained : 37.7, Allowable : 120.4 N./mm² Passed
Expansion : 0.0, Allowable : 285.1 N./mm² Passed
Occasional : 11.8, Allowable : 160.1 N./mm² Passed
Shear : 25.4, Allowable : 84.3 N./mm² Passed

The number of cycles on this nozzle was assumed to be 7000 or less for the determination of
the expansion stress allowable.

SA-240 316, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C

SA-312 TP316, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C

Weld Size Calculations, Description: N10-4" SPARE

Intermediate Calc. for nozzle/shell Welds Tmin 8.5598 mm.

Intermediate Calc. for pad/shell Welds TminPad 16.0000 mm.

Results Per UW-16.1:

Required Thickness Actual Thickness
Nozzle Weld 5.9919 = 0.7 * tmin. 6.3630 = 0.7 * Wo mm.
Pad Weld 8.0000 = 0.5*TminPad 8.4840 = 0.7 * Wp mm.

Weld Strength and Weld Loads per UG-41.1, Sketch (a) or (b)

Weld Load [W]:

= max( 0, (A-A1+2*tn*fr1*(E1*t-tr))Sv)
= max( 0,(10.8 - 2.44 + 2 * 8.56 * 1 *
(0.85 * 16 - 11.1 ) )120 )
= 105584.99 N

Note: F is always set to 1.0 throughout the calculation.

Weld Load [W1]:

= (A2+A5+A4-(Wi-Can/.707)²*fr2)*Sv
= ( 4.82 + 11.2 + 1.76 - 0 * 1 ) * 120
= 214137.03 N

Weld Load [W2]:

= (A2 + A3 + A4 + (2 * tn * t * fr1)) * Sv
= ( 4.82 + 0 + 0.81 +( 2.74 ) ) * 120
= 100788.74 N

Weld Load [W3]:

= (A2+A3+A4+A5+(2*tn*t*fr1))*S
= ( 4.82 + 0 + 1.76 + 11.2 +( 2.74 ) ) * 120
= 247113.44 N

Strength of Connection Elements for Failure Path Analysis

Shear, Outward Nozzle Weld [Sonw]:

= (pi/2) * Dlo * Wo * 0.49 * Snw
= ( 3.14/2.0 ) * 114 * 9 * 0.49 * 120
= 95325. N

Shear, Pad Element Weld [Spew]:

= (pi/2) * DP * WP * 0.49 * SEW
= ( 3.14/2.0 ) * 184 * 12 * 0.49 * 120
= 204933. N

Shear, Nozzle Wall [Snw]:

= (pi *( Dlr + Dlo )/4 ) * ( Thk - Can ) * 0.7 * Sn
= (3.14 * 52.9 ) *( 8.56 - 0 ) * 0.7 * 120
= 119818. N
PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 109
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N10-4" SPARE Nozl: 31 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Tension, Pad Groove Weld [Tpgw]:

= ( pi/2) * Dlo * Wgpn * 0.74 * Seg
= (3.14/2 ) * 114 * 16 * 0.74 * 120
= 255929. N

Tension, Shell Groove Weld [Tngw]:

= (pi/2) * Dlo * ( T - cas ) * 0.74 * Sng
= ( 3.14/2.0 ) * 114 *( 16 - 0 ) * 0.74 * 120
= 255929. N

See UG-41 and UW-15 for clarification of allowable stresses.

Strength of Failure Paths:

Failure Path [Path 1-1]:

= ( SPEW + SNW ) = ( 204933 + 119818 ) = 324752 N

Failure Path [Path 2-2]:

= ( Sonw + Tpgw + Tngw + Sinw )
= ( 95325 + 255929 + 255929 + 0 ) = 607183 N

Failure Path [Path 3-3]:

= ( Spew + Tngw + Sinw )
= ( 204933 + 255929 + 0 ) = 460862 N

Summary of Failure Path Calculations:

Path 1-1 = 324751 N , must exceed W = 105584 N or W1 = 214137 N
Path 2-2 = 607183 N , must exceed W = 105584 N or W2 = 100788 N
Path 3-3 = 460862 N , must exceed W = 105584 N or W3 = 247113 N

Maximum Allowable Pressure for this Nozzle at this Location:

Converged Maximum Allowable Pressure in the Operating case: 45.3 bars

Note: The MAWP of this junction was limited by the parent Shell/Head.

Nozzle is O.K. for the External Pressure: 1.03 bars

The Drop for this Nozzle is : 5.7071 mm.

The Cut Length for this Nozzle is, Drop + Ho + H + T : 70.1071 mm.

Input Echo, WRC297 Item 1, Description: N10-4" SPARE :

Diameter Basis for Cylindrical Shell ID

Shell Corrosion Allowance 0.0000 mm.
Shell Diameter 578.000 mm.
Shell Thickness 16.0000 mm.
Shell Stress Concentration Factor 1.000
Vessel Material SA-240 316
Vessel Cold S.I. Allowable Smc 137.90 N./mm²
Vessel Hot S.I. Allowable Smh 120.40 N./mm²

Using 2 * Yield for Discontinuity Stress Allowable (Div 2,, Sps.

Make sure that material properties at this temperature are not
time-dependent for Material: SA-240 316

Diameter Basis for Nozzle OD

Nozzle Corrosion Allowance 0.0000 mm.
Nozzle Diameter 114.300 mm.
Nozzle Thickness 8.5598 mm.
Nozzle Stress Concentration Factor 1.000
Nozzle Material SA-312 TP316
Nozzle Cold S.I. Allowable SNmc 137.90 N./mm²
Nozzle Hot S.I. Allowable SNmh 120.40 N./mm²
PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 110
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N10-4" SPARE Nozl: 31 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Diameter of Reinforcing Pad 184.300 mm.

Thickness of Reinforcing Pad 16.0000 mm.

External Forces and Moments in WRC 107/537 Convention:
These loads are assumed to be SUStained loads.

Design Internal Pressure Dp 45.17 bars

Radial Load P -4210.00 N
Circumferential Shear Vc 5269.99 N
Longitudinal Shear Vl 5269.99 N
Circumferential Moment Mc -1200.00 N-m
Longitudinal Moment Ml 1500.00 N-m
Torsional Moment Mt 2500.00 N-m

Include Axial Pressure Thrust No

Include Pressure Stress Indices per Div. 2 No
Local Loads applied at end of Nozzle/Attachment No

Stress Computations at the Edge of the Nozzle:

Stress Attenuation Diameter (for Insert Plates) per WRC 297:

= NozzleOD + 2 * 1.65 * sqrt( Rmean( t - ca ) )
= 114.3 + 2 * 1.65 * sqrt( 305.0( 16.0 - 0.0 ) )
= 344.828 mm.

WRC 297 Curve Access Parameters:

Vessel Mean Diameter (D) = 610.000 mm.

Nozzle Outside Diameter (d) = 114.300 mm.
Vessel Thickness used (T) = 32.000 mm.
Nozzle Thickness used (t) = 8.560 mm.
T / t = 3.738
d / t = 13.353

Lambda = [(d/D) * sqrt(D/T)] = 0.818

Nr/P = 0.149
Mr/P = 0.115
M0/P = 0.168
N0/P = 0.229
MrD/Mc = 0.155
NrDL/Mc = 0.159
M0d/Mc = 0.238
N0DL/Mc = 0.124
MrD/Ml = 0.138
NrDL/Ml = 0.147
M0D/Ml = 0.216
N0DL/Ml = 0.167

Vessel Stresses (N./mm²):

(Stresses Normal to Top Top Bottom Bottom
longitudinal plane) Outside Inside Outside Inside
Outplane Membrane (P ) 0 0 0 0
Outplane Bending (P ) 4 -4 4 -4
Outplane Membrane (Mc) 0 0 0 0
Outplane Bending (Mc) 0 0 0 0
Outplane Membrane (ML) -2 -2 2 2
Outplane Bending (ML) -16 16 16 -16
Normal Pressure Stress 38 43 38 43
----------------------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Outplane Stress Summary 24 54 62 25
PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 111
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N10-4" SPARE Nozl: 31 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Vessel Stresses (N./mm²):

(Stresses parallel to Top Top Bottom Bottom
longitudinal plane) Outside Inside Outside Inside
Inplane Membrane (P ) 0 0 0 0
Inplane Bending (P ) 2 -2 2 -2
Inplane Membrane (Mc) 0 0 0 0
Inplane Bending (Mc) 0 0 0 0
Inplane Membrane (ML) -1 -1 1 1
Inplane Bending (ML) -10 10 10 -10
Inplane Pressure Stress 19 19 19 19
----------------------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Inplane Stress Summary 10 25 35 8

Vessel Stresses (N./mm²):

(Shear stress normal to Top Top Bottom Bottom
longitudinal plane) Outside Inside Outside Inside
Outplane Shear (Vc) 0 0 0 0
Outplane Shear (Vl) 0 0 0 0
Outplane Shear (Mt) 3 3 3 3
----------------------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Shear Stress Summary 4 4 2 2

Vessel Stresses (N./mm²):

(Stress Intensities Top Top Bottom Bottom
Outside Inside Outside Inside
Two * Max Shear Stress 26 55 62 25

Vessel Stresses (N./mm²):

(Stresses Normal to Left Left Right Right
circumferential plane) Outside Inside Outside Inside
Outplane Membrane (P ) 0 0 0 0
Outplane Bending (P ) 4 -4 4 -4
Outplane Membrane (Mc) 1 1 -1 -1
Outplane Bending (Mc) 14 -14 -14 14
Outplane Membrane (ML) 0 0 0 0
Outplane Bending (ML) 0 0 0 0
Normal Pressure Stress 19 19 19 19
----------------------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Outplane Stress Summary 40 2 8 29

Vessel Stresses (N./mm²):

(Stresses parallel to Left Left Right Right
circumferential plane) Outside Inside Outside Inside
Inplane Membrane (P ) 0 0 0 0
Inplane Bending (P ) 2 -2 2 -2
Inplane Membrane (Mc) 1 1 -1 -1
Inplane Bending (Mc) 9 -9 -9 9
Inplane Membrane (ML) 0 0 0 0
Inplane Bending (ML) 0 0 0 0
Inplane Pressure Stress 38 43 38 43
----------------------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Inplane Stress Summary 53 33 30 48

Vessel Stresses (N./mm²):

(Shear stress normal to Left Left Right Right
PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 112
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N10-4" SPARE Nozl: 31 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

circumferential plane) Outside Inside Outside Inside

Outplane Shear (Vc) 0 0 0 0
Outplane Shear (Vl) 0 0 0 0
Torsional Shear (Mt) 3 3 3 3
----------------------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Shear Stress Summary 2 2 4 4

Vessel Stresses (N./mm²):

(Stress Intensities Left Left Right Right
Outside Inside Outside Inside
Two * Max Shear Stress 53 33 31 49

Nozzle Stresses (N./mm²):

(Stresses in the Top Top Bottom Bottom
hoop direction) Outside Inside Outside Inside
Hoop Membrane (P ) 0 0 0 0
Hoop Bending (P ) 0 0 0 0
Hoop Membrane (Mc) 0 0 0 0
Hoop Bending (Mc) 0 0 0 0
Hoop Membrane (ML) -2 -2 2 2
Hoop Bending (ML) 0 0 0 0
Hoop Pressure Stress 28 33 28 33
----------------------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Hoop Stress Summary 27 32 31 36

Nozzle Stresses (N./mm²):

(Stresses Normal to Top Top Bottom Bottom
pipe cross-section) Outside Inside Outside Inside
Axial Membrane (P ) 1 1 1 1
Axial Bending (P ) 13 -13 13 -13
Axial Membrane (Mc) 0 0 0 0
Axial Bending (Mc) 0 0 0 0
Axial Membrane (ML) -21 -21 21 21
Axial Bending (ML) -68 68 68 -68
Axial Pressure Stress 14 14 14 14
----------------------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Axial Stress Summary -60 49 119 -45

Nozzle Stresses (N./mm²):

(Shear stress) Outside Inside Outside Inside
Shear due to (Vc) 3 3 -3 -3
Shear due to (Vl) 0 0 0 0
Shear due to Torsion 14 14 14 14
----------------------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Shear Stress Summary 17 17 10 10

Nozzle Stresses (N./mm²):

(Stress Intensities Outside Inside Outside Inside
Two * Max Shear Stress 94 60 121 85

Nozzle Stresses (N./mm²):

(Stresses in the Left Left Right Right
hoop direction) Outside Inside Outside Inside
PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 113
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N10-4" SPARE Nozl: 31 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Hoop Membrane (P ) 0 0 0 0
Hoop Bending (P ) 0 0 0 0
Hoop Membrane (Mc) 1 1 -1 -1
Hoop Bending (Mc) 0 0 0 0
Hoop Membrane (ML) 0 0 0 0
Hoop Bending (ML) 0 0 0 0
Hoop Pressure Stress 28 33 28 33
----------------------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Hoop Stress Summary 30 35 27 33

Nozzle Stresses (N./mm²):

(Stresses Normal to Left Left Right Right
pipe cross-section) Outside Inside Outside Inside
Axial Membrane (P ) 1 1 1 1
Axial Bending (P ) 13 -13 13 -13
Axial Membrane (Mc) 17 17 -17 -17
Axial Bending (Mc) 64 -64 -64 64
Axial Membrane (ML) 0 0 0 0
Axial Bending (ML) 0 0 0 0
Axial Pressure Stress 14 14 14 14
----------------------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Axial Stress Summary 111 -45 -52 49

Nozzle Stresses (N./mm²):

(Shear stress) Outside Inside Outside Inside
Shear due to (Vc) 0 0 0 0
Shear due to (Vl) -3 -3 3 3
Shear due to Torsion 14 14 14 14
----------------------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Shear Stress Summary 10 10 17 17

Nozzle Stresses (N./mm²):

(Stress Intensities Outside Inside Outside Inside
Two * Max Shear Stress 112 84 87 60

Stress Computations at the Edge of the Reinforcing Pad:

Stress Attenuation Diameter (for Insert Plates) per WRC 297:

= NozzleOD + 2 * 1.65 * sqrt( Rmean( t - ca ) )
= 114.3 + 2 * 1.65 * sqrt( 297.0( 16.0 - 0.0 ) )
= 341.785 mm.

WRC 297 Curve Access Parameters:

Vessel Mean Diameter (D) = 594.000 mm.

Nozzle Outside Diameter (d) = 184.300 mm.
Vessel Thickness used (T) = 16.000 mm.
Nozzle Thickness used (t) = 43.560 mm.
T / t = 0.367
d / t = 10.000

Lambda = [(d/D) * sqrt(D/T)] = 1.890

Note: Re-pad thickness is added to nozzle thickness to simulate the Re-pad.

Nr/P = 0.071
Mr/P = 0.149
M0/P = 0.043
N0/P = 0.092
PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 114
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N10-4" SPARE Nozl: 31 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

MrD/Mc = 0.288
NrDL/Mc = 0.094
M0d/Mc = 0.089
N0DL/Mc = 0.071
MrD/Ml = 0.117
NrDL/Ml = 0.077
M0D/Ml = 0.037
N0DL/Ml = 0.117

Vessel Stresses (N./mm²):

(Stresses Normal to Top Top Bottom Bottom
longitudinal plane) Outside Inside Outside Inside
Outplane Membrane (P ) 1 1 1 1
Outplane Bending (P ) 4 -4 4 -4
Outplane Membrane (Mc) 0 0 0 0
Outplane Bending (Mc) 0 0 0 0
Outplane Membrane (ML) -3 -3 3 3
Outplane Bending (ML) -7 7 7 -7
Normal Pressure Stress 79 83 79 83
----------------------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Outplane Stress Summary 74 84 95 77

Vessel Stresses (N./mm²):

(Stresses parallel to Top Top Bottom Bottom
longitudinal plane) Outside Inside Outside Inside
Inplane Membrane (P ) 1 1 1 1
Inplane Bending (P ) 14 -14 14 -14
Inplane Membrane (Mc) 0 0 0 0
Inplane Bending (Mc) 0 0 0 0
Inplane Membrane (ML) -2 -2 2 2
Inplane Bending (ML) -22 22 22 -22
Inplane Pressure Stress 39 39 39 39
----------------------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Inplane Stress Summary 30 45 80 6

Vessel Stresses (N./mm²):

(Shear stress normal to Top Top Bottom Bottom
longitudinal plane) Outside Inside Outside Inside
Outplane Shear (Vc) 1 1 -1 -1
Outplane Shear (Vl) 0 0 0 0
Outplane Shear (Mt) 2 2 2 2
----------------------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Shear Stress Summary 4 4 1 1

Vessel Stresses (N./mm²):

(Stress Intensities Top Top Bottom Bottom
Outside Inside Outside Inside
Two * Max Shear Stress 74 84 96 77

Vessel Stresses (N./mm²):

(Stresses Normal to Left Left Right Right
circumferential plane) Outside Inside Outside Inside
Outplane Membrane (P ) 1 1 1 1
Outplane Bending (P ) 4 -4 4 -4
Outplane Membrane (Mc) 1 1 -1 -1
Outplane Bending (Mc) 13 -13 -13 13
PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 115
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N10-4" SPARE Nozl: 31 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Outplane Membrane (ML) 0 0 0 0

Outplane Bending (ML) 0 0 0 0
Normal Pressure Stress 39 39 39 39
----------------------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Outplane Stress Summary 60 25 30 48

Vessel Stresses (N./mm²):

(Stresses parallel to Left Left Right Right
circumferential plane) Outside Inside Outside Inside
Inplane Membrane (P ) 1 1 1 1
Inplane Bending (P ) 14 -14 14 -14
Inplane Membrane (Mc) 2 2 -2 -2
Inplane Bending (Mc) 43 -43 -43 43
Inplane Membrane (ML) 0 0 0 0
Inplane Bending (ML) 0 0 0 0
Inplane Pressure Stress 79 83 79 83
----------------------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Inplane Stress Summary 141 28 48 111

Vessel Stresses (N./mm²):

(Shear stress normal to Left Left Right Right
circumferential plane) Outside Inside Outside Inside
Outplane Shear (Vc) 0 0 0 0
Outplane Shear (Vl) -1 -1 1 1
Torsional Shear (Mt) 2 2 2 2
----------------------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Shear Stress Summary 1 1 4 4

Vessel Stresses (N./mm²):

(Stress Intensities Left Left Right Right
Outside Inside Outside Inside
Two * Max Shear Stress 141 29 49 112

WRC 297 Stress Summations per ASME Sec. VIII Div. 2:

Vessel Stress Summation at Vessel-Nozzle Junction (N./mm²):

Type of | Stress Values at |

Stress Int. | |
Location | Au Al Bu Bl Cu Cl Du Dl |
Circ. Pm (SUS) | 38 43 38 43 38 43 38 43|
Circ. Pl (SUS) | -2 -2 2 2 1 1 -1 -1|
Circ. Q (SUS) | -12 12 20 -20 11 -11 -7 7|
Long. Pm (SUS) | 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19|
Long. Pl (SUS) | -1 -1 1 1 1 1 -1 -1|
Long. Q (SUS) | -8 8 12 -12 18 -18 -10 10|
Shear Pm (SUS) | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0|
Shear Pl (SUS) | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0|
Shear Q (SUS) | 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3|
Pm (SUS) | 38.0 43.0 38.0 43.0 38.0 43.0 38.0 43.0|
Pm+Pl (SUS) | 36.0 41.0 40.0 45.0 39.0 44.0 37.0 42.0|
Pm+Pl+Q (Total)| 24.6 53.3 60.3 25.5 50.7 33.3 30.4 49.4|
PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 116
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N10-4" SPARE Nozl: 31 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Vessel Stress Summation Comparison (N./mm²):

Type of | Max. S.I. S.I. Allowable | Result |

Stress Int. | | |
Pm (SUS) | 43.00 120.40 | Passed |
Pm+Pl (SUS) | 45.00 180.60 | Passed |
Pm+Pl+Q (TOTAL)| 60.32 361.20 | Passed |

Because only sustained loads were specified, the Pm+Pl+Q allowable was 3 * Smh.

WRC 297 Stress Summations per ASME Sec. VIII Div. 2:

Vessel Stress Summation at Reinforcing Pad Edge (N./mm²):

Type of | Stress Values at |

Stress Int. | |
Location | Au Al Bu Bl Cu Cl Du Dl |
Circ. Pm (SUS) | 79 83 79 83 79 83 79 83|
Circ. Pl (SUS) | -2 -2 4 4 3 3 -1 -1|
Circ. Q (SUS) | -3 3 11 -11 57 -57 -29 29|
Long. Pm (SUS) | 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39|
Long. Pl (SUS) | -1 -1 3 3 2 2 0 0|
Long. Q (SUS) | -8 8 36 -36 17 -17 -9 9|
Shear Pm (SUS) | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0|
Shear Pl (SUS) | 1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 1|
Shear Q (SUS) | 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2|
Pm (SUS) | 79.0 83.0 79.0 83.0 79.0 83.0 79.0 83.0|
Pm+Pl (SUS) | 77.0 81.0 83.0 87.0 82.0 86.0 78.0 82.0|
Pm+Pl+Q (Total)| 74.2 84.2 94.1 76.0 139.0 29.2 49.5 111.1|

Vessel Stress Summation Comparison (N./mm²):

Type of | Max. S.I. S.I. Allowable | Result |

Stress Int. | | |
Pm (SUS) | 83.00 120.40 | Passed |
Pm+Pl (SUS) | 87.02 180.60 | Passed |
Pm+Pl+Q (TOTAL)| 139.01 361.20 | Passed |

Because only sustained loads were specified, the Pm+Pl+Q allowable was 3 * Smh.

WRC 297 Stress Summations per ASME Sec. VIII Div. 2:

Nozzle Stress Summation at Vessel-Nozzle Junction (N./mm²):

Type of | Stress Values at |

Stress Int. | |
Location | Au Al Bu Bl Cu Cl Du Dl |
Circ. Pm (SUS) | 28 33 28 33 28 33 28 33|
Circ. Pl (SUS) | -2 -2 2 2 1 1 -1 -1|
Circ. Q (SUS) | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0|
Long. Pm (SUS) | 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14|
Long. Pl (SUS) | -20 -20 22 22 18 18 -16 -16|
Long. Q (SUS) | -55 55 81 -81 77 -77 -51 51|
Shear Pm (SUS) | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0|
PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 117
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N10-4" SPARE Nozl: 31 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Shear Pl (SUS) | 3 3 -3 -3 -3 -3 3 3|
Shear Q (SUS) | 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14|
Pm (SUS) | 28.0 33.0 28.0 33.0 28.0 33.0 28.0 33.0|
Pm+Pl (SUS) | 32.6 37.5 37.2 38.5 33.9 36.2 29.6 34.5|
Pm+Pl+Q (Total)| 93.4 59.2 118.4 83.0 110.5 82.0 86.9 59.5|

Nozzle Stress Summation Comparison (N./mm²):

Type of | Max. S.I. S.I. Allowable | Result |

Stress Int. | | |
Pm (SUS) | 33.00 120.40 | Passed |
Pm+Pl (SUS) | 38.54 180.61 | Passed |
Pm+Pl+Q (TOTAL)| 118.37 361.21 | Passed |

Because only sustained loads were specified, the Pm+Pl+Q allowable was 3 * Smh.

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2022, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 118
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N03-2" H2 Outle Nozl: 32 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Input, Nozzle Desc: N03-2" H2 Outlet From: 50

Pressure for Reinforcement Calculations P 45.000 bars

Temperature for Internal Pressure Temp 90 °C
Design External Pressure Pext 1.03 bars
Temperature for External Pressure Tempex 90 °C

Parent Material SA-182 F316

Parent Allowable Stress at Temperature Sv 120.40 N./mm²
Parent Allowable Stress At Ambient Sva 137.90 N./mm²

Outside Diameter of Bolted Blind Flange D 800.00 mm.

Head Finished (Minimum) Thickness t 84.0000 mm.
Head Internal Corrosion Allowance c 0.0000 mm.
Head External Corrosion Allowance co 0.0000 mm.

Distance from Head Centerline L1 139.0000 mm.

User Entered Minimum Design Metal Temperature -20.00 °C

Type of Element Connected to the Parent : Nozzle

Material SA-312 TP316

Material UNS Number S31600
Material Specification/Type Smls. & wld. pipe
Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 120.40 N./mm²
Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 137.90 N./mm²

Diameter Basis (for tr calc only) Inside

Layout Angle 180.00 deg
Diameter 2.0000 in.

Size and Thickness Basis Nominal

Nominal Thickness 80S

Flange Material SA-182 F316

Flange Type Weld Neck Flange

Corrosion Allowance can 0.0000 mm.

Joint Efficiency of Shell Seam at Nozzle E1 1.00
Joint Efficiency of Nozzle Neck En 1.00

Outside Projection ho 100.0000 mm.

Weld leg size between Nozzle and Pad/Shell Wo 6.0000 mm.
Groove weld depth between Nozzle and Vessel Wgnv 5.5372 mm.
ASME Code Weld Type UW-16.1(a)

Flange Class 600

Flange Grade GR 2.2

The Pressure Design option was Design Pressure + static head.

Nozzle Sketch (may not represent actual weld type/configuration)

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 119
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N03-2" H2 Outle Nozl: 32 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Abutting/Set-on Nozzle No Pad

Reinforcement CALCULATION, Description: N03-2" H2 Outlet

ASME Code, Section VIII, Div. 1, 2021, UG-37 to UG-45

Actual Inside Diameter Used in Calculation 1.939 in.

Actual Thickness Used in Calculation 0.218 in.

Nozzle input data check completed without errors.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a) of Nozzle Wall, trn [Int. Press]

= P*R/(Sn*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= 45*24.6/(120*1-0.6*45)
= 0.9415 mm.

Required Nozzle thickness under External Pressure per UG-28 : 0.2447 mm.

UG-40, Limits of Reinforcement : [Internal Pressure]

Parallel to Vessel Wall (Diameter Limit) Dl 228.3250 mm.
Parallel to Vessel Wall Rn+tn+t 114.1625 mm.
Normal to Vessel Wall (Thickness Limit), no pad Tlnp 13.8430 mm.

Taking a UG-36(c)(3)(a) exemption for nozzle: N03-2" H2 Outle.

This calculation is valid for nozzles that meet all the requirements of
paragraph UG-36. Please check the Code carefully, especially for nozzles
that are not isolated or do not meet Code spacing requirements. To force
the computation of areas for small nozzles go to Tools->Configuration
and check the box to force the UG-37 small nozzle area calculation.

UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness Requirement: [Int. Press.]

Wall Thickness for Internal/External pressures ta = 0.9415 mm.
Wall Thickness per UG16(b), tr16b = 1.5000 mm.
Wall Thickness, shell/head, internal pressure trb1 = 82.2220 mm.
Wall Thickness tb1 = max(trb1, tr16b) = 82.2220 mm.
Wall Thickness tb2 = max(trb2, tr16b) = 1.5000 mm.
Wall Thickness per table UG-45 tb3 = 3.4200 mm.

Determine Nozzle Thickness candidate [tb]:

= min[ tb3, max( tb1,tb2) ]
= min[ 3.42, max( 82.2, 1.5 ) ]
= 3.4200 mm.

Minimum Wall Thickness of Nozzle Necks [tUG-45]:

= max( ta, tb )
= max( 0.94, 3.42 )
= 3.4200 mm.

Available Nozzle Neck Thickness = 0.875 * 5.537 = 4.845 mm. --> OK

SA-182 F316, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C

SA-312 TP316, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C

Weld Size Calculations, Description: N03-2" H2 Outle

Intermediate Calc. for nozzle/shell Welds Tmin 5.5372 mm.

Results Per UW-16.1:

Required Thickness Actual Thickness
Nozzle Weld 3.8760 = 0.7 * tmin. 4.2420 = 0.7 * Wo mm.

Maximum Allowable Pressure for this Nozzle at this Location:

Converged Maximum Allowable Pressure in the Operating case: 45 bars
PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 120
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N03-2" H2 Outle Nozl: 32 4:21pm Jul 7,2022

Note: The MAWP of this junction was limited by the parent Shell/Head.

The Cut Length for this Nozzle is, Drop + Ho + H + T : 184.0508 mm.

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2022, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 121
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N05-1/2" PT SWA Nozl: 33 4:22pm Jul 7,2022

Input, Nozzle Desc: N05-1/2" PT SWAGELOK From: 50

Pressure for Reinforcement Calculations P 45.000 bars

Temperature for Internal Pressure Temp 90 °C
Design External Pressure Pext 1.03 bars
Temperature for External Pressure Tempex 90 °C

Parent Material SA-182 F316

Parent Allowable Stress at Temperature Sv 120.40 N./mm²
Parent Allowable Stress At Ambient Sva 137.90 N./mm²

Outside Diameter of Bolted Blind Flange D 800.00 mm.

Head Finished (Minimum) Thickness t 84.0000 mm.
Head Internal Corrosion Allowance c 0.0000 mm.
Head External Corrosion Allowance co 0.0000 mm.

Distance from Head Centerline L1 200.0000 mm.

User Entered Minimum Design Metal Temperature -20.00 °C

Type of Element Connected to the Parent : Nozzle

Material SA-312 TP316

Material UNS Number S31600
Material Specification/Type Smls. & wld. pipe
Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 120.40 N./mm²
Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 137.90 N./mm²

Diameter Basis (for tr calc only) Outside

Layout Angle 270.00 deg
Diameter 0.5000 in.

Size and Thickness Basis Nominal

Nominal Thickness 80S

Corrosion Allowance can 0.0000 mm.

Joint Efficiency of Shell Seam at Nozzle E1 1.00
Joint Efficiency of Nozzle Neck En 1.00

Outside Projection ho 38.0240 mm.

Weld leg size between Nozzle and Pad/Shell Wo 4.0000 mm.
Groove weld depth between Nozzle and Vessel Wgnv 3.7338 mm.
ASME Code Weld Type UW-16.1(c)

The Pressure Design option was Design Pressure + static head.

Nozzle Sketch (may not represent actual weld type/configuration)

Abutting/Set-on Nozzle No Pad

Reinforcement CALCULATION, Description: N05-1/2" PT SWAGELOK

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 122
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N05-1/2" PT SWA Nozl: 33 4:22pm Jul 7,2022

ASME Code, Section VIII, Div. 1, 2021, UG-37 to UG-45

Actual Outside Diameter Used in Calculation 0.840 in.

Actual Thickness Used in Calculation 0.147 in.

Nozzle input data check completed without errors.

Reqd thk per App. 1 of Nozzle Wall, trn [Int. Press]

= Ro(1 - exp( -P/( Sn*E ))) per Appendix 1-2 (a)(1)
= 10.7(1-exp(-45/(120*1)))
= 0.3914 mm.

Required Nozzle thickness under External Pressure per UG-28 : 0.0890 mm.

UG-40, Limits of Reinforcement : [Internal Pressure]

Parallel to Vessel Wall (Diameter Limit) Dl 189.3360 mm.
Parallel to Vessel Wall Rn+tn+t 94.6680 mm.
Normal to Vessel Wall (Thickness Limit), no pad Tlnp 9.3345 mm.

Taking a UG-36(c)(3)(a) exemption for nozzle: N05-1/2" PT SWA.

This calculation is valid for nozzles that meet all the requirements of
paragraph UG-36. Please check the Code carefully, especially for nozzles
that are not isolated or do not meet Code spacing requirements. To force
the computation of areas for small nozzles go to Tools->Configuration
and check the box to force the UG-37 small nozzle area calculation.

UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness Requirement: [Int. Press.]

Wall Thickness for Internal/External pressures ta = 0.3914 mm.
Wall Thickness per UG16(b), tr16b = 1.5000 mm.
Wall Thickness, shell/head, internal pressure trb1 = 82.2220 mm.
Wall Thickness tb1 = max(trb1, tr16b) = 82.2220 mm.
Wall Thickness tb2 = max(trb2, tr16b) = 1.5000 mm.
Wall Thickness per table UG-45 tb3 = 2.4130 mm.

Determine Nozzle Thickness candidate [tb]:

= min[ tb3, max( tb1,tb2) ]
= min[ 2.41, max( 82.2, 1.5 ) ]
= 2.4130 mm.

Minimum Wall Thickness of Nozzle Necks [tUG-45]:

= max( ta, tb )
= max( 0.39, 2.41 )
= 2.4130 mm.

Available Nozzle Neck Thickness = 0.875 * 3.734 = 3.267 mm. --> OK

SA-182 F316, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C

SA-312 TP316, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C

Weld Size Calculations, Description: N05-1/2" PT SWA

Intermediate Calc. for nozzle/shell Welds Tmin 3.7338 mm.

Results Per UW-16.1:

Required Thickness Actual Thickness
Nozzle Weld 2.6137 = 0.7 * tmin. 2.8280 = 0.7 * Wo mm.

Maximum Allowable Pressure for this Nozzle at this Location:

Converged Maximum Allowable Pressure in the Operating case: 45 bars

Note: The MAWP of this junction was limited by the parent Shell/Head.

The Cut Length for this Nozzle is, Drop + Ho + H + T : 122.0748 mm.

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2022, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 24 SP1 Licensee: SPECIALIST SERVICES 123
FileName : HP Hydrogen water separator operating case--------
Nozzle Calcs.: N05-1/2" PT SWA Nozl: 33 4:22pm Jul 7,2022

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