Piping DN15
Piping DN15
Piping DN15
Cover Sheet........................................................................................................................................................................................2
Vessel Design Summary:...................................................................................................................................................................3
Bill of Material:.................................................................................................................................................................................5
MDMT Summary:.............................................................................................................................................................................6
Warnings and Errors:.........................................................................................................................................................................7
Input Echo:........................................................................................................................................................................................8
XY Coordinate Calculations:...........................................................................................................................................................11
Flg Calc [Int P]: FLANGE............................................................................................................................................................12
Internal Pressure Calculations:........................................................................................................................................................16
Element: # 1.....................................................................................................................................................................................17
Pressure Test Results: Shop Test.....................................................................................................................................................19
External Pressure Calculations:.......................................................................................................................................................20
Element and Detail Weights:...........................................................................................................................................................21
Center of Gravity Calculation:........................................................................................................................................................23
Cover Page 2
Materials of Construction:
Normalized is determined based on the UCS-66 material curve selection and Figure UCS-66.
Impact Tested is based on material selection and material data properties.
Element |"To" Elev | Element | Nominal | Finished | Reqd Thk | Reqd Thk | Long | Circ |
| | Length |Thickness |Thickness | Internal | External | Eff | Eff |
Type | mm. | mm. | mm. | mm. | mm. | mm. | | |
Cylinder | 100.0 | 100.0 | 2.8 | 2.4 | 1.5 | 0.2 | 0.85 | 0.85 |
Body Flg | 153.8 | 47.5 | 3.7 | 11.2 | ... | ... | 0.85 | 0.85 |
The Wind and Seismic loads were not load factored in this analysis.
PV Elite 26 Licensee: Unknown Company 4
FileName : PIPING DN15---------------------------------------
Vessel Design Summary: Step: 12 2:26pm Apr 27,2024
Fabricated - Bare W/O Removable Internals 0.8 kg.
Shop Test - Fabricated + Water ( Full ) 0.8 kg.
Shipping - Fab. + Rem. Intls.+ Shipping App. 0.8 kg.
Erected - Fab. + Rem. Intls.+ Insul. (etc) 0.8 kg.
Empty - Fab. + Intls. + Details + Wghts. 0.8 kg.
Operating - Empty + Operating Liquid (No CA) 0.8 kg.
Field Test - Empty Weight + Water (Full) 0.8 kg.
Bill of Materials:
[ ! ] - This was an impact tested material.
[ 1] - Governing Nozzle Weld.
[ 4] - ASME Flange MDMT Calcs; Thickness ratio per UCS-66(b)(1)(-c).
[ 5] - ASME Flange MDMT Calcs; Thickness ratio per UCS-66(b)(1)(-b).
[ 6] - MDMT Calculations at the Shell/Head Joint.
[ 7] - MDMT Calculations for the Straight Flange.
[ 8] - Cylinder/Cone/Flange Junction MDMT.
[ 9] - Calculations in the Spherical Portion of the Head.
[10] - Calculations in the Knuckle Portion of the Head.
[11] - Calculated (Body Flange) Flange MDMT.
[12] - Calculated Flat Head MDMT per UCS-66.3
[13] - Tubesheet MDMT, shell side, if applicable
[14] - Tubesheet MDMT, tube side, if applicable
[15] - Nozzle Material
[16] - Shell or Head Material
[17] - Impact Testing required
[18] - Impact Testing not required, see UCS-66(b)(3)
[20] - Cylinder/Cone Junction MDMT based on Longitudinal Stress considerations
[21] - Body Flange Bolting Material
[22] - Nozzle Flange Bolting Material
[23] - Stiffening Ring to Shell Weld
[24] - Saddle to Shell Weld
Impact test temps were not entered in and not considered in the analysis.
UCS-66(i) applies to impact tested materials not by specification and
UCS-66(g) applies to materials impact tested per UG-84.1 General Note (c).
The Basic MDMT includes the (30F) PWHT credit if applicable.
Configuration Directives:
Element# 1/2
Element From Node 30
Element To Node 40
Element Type Cylinder
Distance "FROM" to "TO" 100 mm.
Inside Diameter 15.799 mm.
Element Thickness 2.4225 mm.
Internal Corrosion Allowance 0 mm.
Nominal Thickness 2.7686 mm.
External Corrosion Allowance 0 mm.
Design Internal Pressure 6 bars
Design Temperature Internal Pressure 50 °C
Design External Pressure 1.0342 bars
Design Temperature External Pressure 50 °C
Effective Diameter Multiplier 1.2
Material Name SA-312 TP304
Allowable Stress, Ambient 138 N./mm²
Allowable Stress, Operating 138 N./mm²
Allowable Stress, Hydrotest 186 N./mm²
Material Density 0.008027 kg./cm³
PV Elite 26 Licensee: Unknown Company 10
FileName : PIPING DN15---------------------------------------
Input Echo: Step: 1 2:26pm Apr 27,2024
Element# 2/2
Element From Node 40
Element To Node 50
Element Type Flange
Distance "FROM" to "TO" 47.498 mm.
Flange Inside Diameter 15.799 mm.
Element Thickness 11.176 mm.
Internal Corrosion Allowance 0 mm.
Nominal Thickness 3.7338 mm.
External Corrosion Allowance 0 mm.
Design Internal Pressure 6 bars
Design Temperature Internal Pressure 50 °C
Design External Pressure 1.0342 bars
Design Temperature External Pressure 50 °C
Effective Diameter Multiplier 1.2
Material Name SA-182 F304
Allowable Stress, Ambient 138 N./mm²
Allowable Stress, Operating 138 N./mm²
Allowable Stress, Hydrotest 186 N./mm²
Material Density 0.008027 kg./cm³
P Number Thickness 0 mm.
Yield Stress, Operating 197 N./mm²
External Pressure Chart Name HA-1
UNS Number S30400
Class / Thickness / Grade :: <= 5
Product Form Forgings
Perform Flange Stress Calculation (Y/N) Y
Weld is pre-Heated No
XY Coordinate Calculations:
| | | | | |
From | To | X (Horiz.)| Y (Vert.) | DX (Horiz.)| DY (Vert.) |
| | mm. | mm. | mm. | mm. |
30 | 40| ... | 100 | ... | 100 |
40 | 50| ... | 153.848 | ... | 47.498 |
PV Elite includes an 1/8 inch (3.175mm) raised face and gasket thicknesses for girth
flanges and tubesheet thicknesses where applicable in the Tangent to Tangent length calculation.
The calculated dimensions are based on the given element lengths. Due to variability in
manufacturing (weld gaps etc.), the Tangent to Tangent length may not be exact.
Item: Node 40 to 50
Min. Gasket Contact Width (Brownell Young) [Not an ASME Calc] [Nmin]:
= Ab * Sa/( y * pi(Go + Gi) )
= 3.25 * 172/(69 * pi(31.8 + 19 ) )
= 5.090 mm.
The flange pressure ratio is less than 0.35. Impact testing is not
required due to low stress per UHA-51(g).
| |
Cylindrical Shell Design Information: | |
Design Pressure P 6.000 bars | Int. Design Temperature 50 °C |
Material SA-312 TP304 | Ext. Design Temperature 50 °C |
Length 100.000 mm. | External Pressure Chart HA-1 |
| UNS Number S30400 |
Int. Corr. All. c 0.0000 mm. | Allowable Stress (ope) S 138.0 N./mm² |
Ext. Corr. All. ce 0.0000 mm. | Allowable Stress (amb) Sa 138.0 N./mm² |
Inside Diameter Di 15.799 mm. | Actual Stress 2.7 N./mm² |
Spec. Min. Thk t or e 2.4225 mm. | Spec. Nominal Thk. 2.769 mm. |
Surface Area 67.0 cm² | SG of Contents 0.000 |
Element Volume 19.6 cm³ | Weight of Contents 0.0 Kgf |
Empty Weight 0.1 Kgf | Operating Weight 0.1 Kgf |
| |
Radiography Information: | |
User Defined | User Defined |
Circ. Joint Efficiency 85 % | Long. Joint Efficiency E 85 % |
Note: The thickness required was less than the Code Minimum, therefore
the Code Minimum value of 1.5000 mm. per UG-16 will be used.
= (6*(7.9+0.6*2.42))/(0.85*2.42)
= 2.725 N./mm²
SA-312 TP304, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C
| |
Results for Maximum Allowable Ext. Pressure | MAEP |
Tca | Outer Dia | Slen | Do/t | L/D | Factor A | Factor B |
2.423 | 20.64 | 147.50 | 8.52 | 7.1449 | 0.0159636 | 102.43 |
MAEP = (2.167/(Do/t)-0.0833)*B = 175 bars
| |
Results for Required Thickness | Tca |
Tca | Outer Dia | Slen | Do/t | L/D | Factor A | Factor B |
0.156 | 20.64 | 147.50 | 132.76 | 7.1449 | 0.0001073 | 10.30 |
MAEP = (4*B)/(3*(Do/t)) = (4*10.3 )/(3*133 ) = 1.03 bars
| |
Results for Maximum Stiffened Length | Slen |
Tca | Outer Dia | Slen | Do/t | L/D | Factor A | Factor B |
2.423 | 20.64 | 24953.88 | 8.52 | 50.0000 | 0.0155389 | 102.23 |
MAEP = (2.167/(Do/t)-0.0833)*B = 175 bars
Please note that Nozzle, Shell, Head, Flange, etc MAWPs are all considered
when determining the hydrotest pressure for those test types that are based
on the MAWP of the vessel.
Weight Summary:
Mass of the Upper 1/3 of the Vertical Vessel (operating) 0.7 kg.
Mass of the Upper 1/3 of the Vertical Vessel (filled w/water) 0.0 kg.
Mass of the Upper 1/3 of the Vertical Vessel (empty) 0.7 kg.
The cumulative operating weights no liquid in the column above are the cumulative operating
weights minus the operating liquid weight minus any weights absent in the empty condition.