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Annexure-v-cover page of academic task

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Effect of globalization on education system and development

The term ‘globalization’ means integration of economies and societies through

cross country flows of information, ideas, technologies, goods, services, capital,
finance and people. Cross border integration can have several dimensions –
cultural, social, political and economic. In other words, “The total education
system of the world under one roof” it requires the unification of teaching
curriculum, methodology and up gradation of knowledge and system to remain in
the context for efficiency and effectiveness by which transformation of
knowledge in justified manner to attain the goals of life.
This qualitative study is an attempt to describe the concepts of an education,
teacher education, in the context of globalization. Globalization has containing
both opportunities and threats for national development. This paper challenges the
determinants of educational policy and argues that any country will need to
develop its own national approach to modernizing education in light of the global
This paper considers the global transformations require that people develop new
skills, new experiences, new knowledge and schools have an important role in this
sense. The role of the teachers and the way they should teach in this new high-
tech global economy, people are learning in new ways for new purposes and
schools and teachers should adapt themselves for this new reality and rearrange
their skills, achievements and previous experiences to adapt themselves to new

The forces and characteristics of globalization dynamics have end of traditional

boundaries among nations, regions and ethnic divides. Suddenly the whole world had

become a global village. Globalization in historical context has a longer origin than most

people are prepared to acknowledge. The two trends in the 1980s and 1990s influenced

educational policies all over the World. The first was the appearance of a new set of

economic conditions associated with significant increases in the global competition faced

by previously relatively well-protected national economies. The directions of these

reforms vary, from the widespread development of curriculum and content standards and

assessment in the formulation of generic teaching standards by the state education

systems in the World. The outcomes of this trend varied and were, of course, partly

political. In education, the changes brought on by globalization have been manifested

through various channels and mechanisms as reforms of structures, modes of financing,

administration and curriculum. In several countries, they were expressed in the adoption

of neo-liberal economic policies; they led to attempts to cut public expenditure, and to

maximize the economic benefits of educational spending by increasing its efficiency and

directing its goals to economic rather than social or cultural ends.

The second and more specific trend was a series of fundamental educational reforms; of

which changes in the structure and content of teacher education were usually a part. The

rigidity and control of teacher education reform policies playing into the hegemonic

ideology of globalization might also be a way to create an illusion of organization and

certainty in a world that is becoming more uncertain as boundaries open up and

disappear. Major international bodies such as World Bank, IMF, OECD, UNESCO,
GAAT and so forth provided loans and donors for consolidation of human rights. These

bodies systematically impose procedures based on their expectations so that their loans

and donors are linked to structural changes in different civic and democratic

implementations and conditions and conveyed in a participatory manner that include, for

instance, the developing the role of civil society in developing countries. These

international institutions place political and economic programs which appear to exit their

own right and expectations and play a role in maintaining or altering those conditions.

They exert their influence through stipulating that financial assistance to nation states is

conditional upon the dismantling of trade barriers and of their entry into a global system

of free markets, which again limits the ability of nation states to firewall their economies.

The combination of these forces heavily conditions many nation state activities.

Education is one such activity, not only in terms of its financing, but in terms of the uses

to which it is actually put. There are intimate connections between political globalization,

economic forces, and national domestic policies. School reforms and reforms in teacher

education rely on global discourses that move from one country to another. Globalization

does not, anyway, mean that national distinctions become erased or that everything

becomes identical. Today’s world is changing fast both economically and socially. While

global competition is not perfect is all ways, for example free trade has not yet equated to

fair trade, competition for ideas has never been stronger. Education has been recognized

as the basic means of promoting the skills of globalization. Minister of Education stated

that “Our survival as a race in this atomic age will depend on our ability to initiate and

our competence to implement bold schemes of political economic and educational

Kothari commission said that “all the different factors which influence the quality of

education and its contribution to national development, the quality, the competence and

character of teachers are undoubtedly the most significant”. Therefore, there should be a

sufficient supply of intelligent and sincere persons to the teaching profession with the

best professional education and satisfactory conditions for their work. Therefore, a sound

program of professional education of school and college teacher is essential for the

qualitative improvement of education. Investment in teacher education can bring rich

dividends, because the financial resources required are small when measured against the

resulting improvement in the education of the millions of the boys and girls.

International Influences

Major international development such as wars and world economic crises, patterns of

influence with foreign states and multinational organizations assistance and pressures

have heavily influenced globalization of education. Teacher education programs should

exhibit a positive approach in building up the knowledge base, in fostering innovative

and interactive transactions strategies and in broadening continuous and comprehensive

evaluation. All these add to build the profile of teachers full of confidence in them and in

the big, wide and competitive world. They would exhibit a perfect blend of
professionalism and value enshrined personality, aiming for professional growth and

employability in a global prospective. In this context, the educational innovations are

examined under the following headings:

Educational System and Globalization

Globalization should ideally be seen as a phenomenon demanding for widespread

systemic changes in education. Globalization symbolizes a paradigm shift involving the

re-thinking of beliefs and structures in traditional consciousness. It symbolized a shift

from mono-cultural approach to education to multi-cultural approach with attendant

implication for changes in school curriculum and attendant practices.

The goals stipulate that learning needs of all young people and adults are to be met

through equal access to appropriate learning and life skill programs hence the emphasize

education. System is committed to the promotion of science and technology, and given

the National Policy on Education (NPE) declaration that ‘a greater proportion of

education expenditure shall continue to be devoted on Education at the federal and state

levels and at secondary and tertiary levels. Apart from equipping the learners with skills,

it was also an attempt to achieve the developmental goals in the area of poverty

reduction. Diversified curriculum structure the youth could be adequately equipped for

employment particularly in the rural areas. The structural imbalance in the education is

evident in the NPE implementation document on the transition rate of student at the end

of the junior secondary School and Senior Secondary Schools (SSS).

The Information, Communication & Technology revolution (ICT) has enormous

implications for school curriculum planning and implementation. The revolution in

knowledge production, distribution and management perhaps implies the death of the
traditional curriculum. School curriculum contains the contemporary complexity and

vibrancy of ICT. The paradigm shift which globalization with its attendant post-

modernist tendencies in education entails in education may necessitate the emergence of

curriculum models and education policies which emphasize interdisciplinary courses

open ended systems, Socratic dialogue, multidimensional assessment and


In an era of globalization, it appears ‘change’ seems to become a permanent future of

human civilization. Thus, the cultivation of a permanent learning attitude and disposition

becomes a major mission of schools all over the world. It implies schools must promote

higher order and divergent thinking among school pupils. Regrettably, most school

systems especially those of developing societies currently operate close-ended

educational systems which are only good for the attainment of obsolete behavioral

objectives that pre-determined outcomes and foster lower-order thinking processes.

Open-ended educational systems however foster divergent thinking, authentic reasoning

and self-directed exploration of topics and issues associated with inter disciplinary

contents. The skills and competencies needed for survival in an era of globalization

perhaps call for the adoption of more innovative approaches to education. Embedded in

such innovative approaches are features such as effective use of Technology in teaching,

reflective intergenerational dialogue, performance-based learning activities and other

inter professional interactive and collaborative approaches to delivery of school

instructions, there are vital skills and competencies that schools must teach which

existing close-ended educational systems appear ill equipped to handle. Hence the

adoption of an open-ended educational system, which will be provided by ICT, Most

societies perhaps need innovative approaches to animate and support learning activities

that will entail deep understanding and adaptation of knowledge in various context and

problems situations. This is necessary if schools are to adequately prepare pupils for a

life-long reality of problem-solving, knowledge adaptation and constant adjustment to

changes. The thinking curriculum is example of such innovative curriculum evolving

from the realization that effective thinking and problem-solving are essential survival

skills in the changing culture of globalization. This is so as the effective citizen of the

globalized ‘world’ must always be an effective ‘Thinker’ and Problem solver.

Teacher Education and Globalization

In any educational system, the teacher performs a significant function of perpetuating

society’s heritage and energizing human resources towards social progress. The level of a

nation’s education cannot rise far above the quality of the teacher of that nation. This

therefore, makes the preparation and selection of teachers a significant social concern.

There is a need to review and transform both the professional preparation of teachers and

their in-service training. There is little doubt that likes all developing countries,

educational particularly in its quest to achieve education for all by 2020. Undoubtedly,

teachers lie at the heart of this educational crisis because only the teachers who possess

necessary technical competence and professional skills through a well-coordinated

teachers education program that can rise to meet the challenges of the crisis.

The Education commission recommended the introduction of “a sound program of

professional education of teachers”. It further remarked that investment in teacher

education can yield very rich dividends because the financial resources required are small

when measured against the resulting improvements in the education of millions. As a

teacher tries to teach in the way in which he himself was taught by his favorite teachers,

this tends to perpetuate the traditional methods of teaching. Such an attitude becomes an

obstacle in progress in a situation like the present when new and dynamic methods of

instruction are needed. This situation can be modified only by effective professional

education which will initiate the teacher to the needed revolution in teaching and lay the

foundations for his future professional growth.

Classroom management is not an end in itself but indicative of teachers’ authority, inner

strength, interpersonal relations and leadership role. A learning environment that seeks

student cooperation and minimizes disciplinary problems would be achieved by teachers

who have expertise in content and instructional strategies, who make wise decisions

about time and space, who demonstrate an attitude of valuing and caring their students.

Preventive classroom management can be affected by planning rules and procedures

beforehand as well as developing accountability in students for their academic work and

classroom behavior. Effective managers have intervention skills for dealing quickly with

disruptive in direct and fair ways. The development of personality traits and cultivation of

skills required for effective management is be achieved through theory, practice and

effective monitoring.
The focus of teachers training should depart from the traditional method of professional

teacher educational program which thus far has not produced the desired quality and

professionalism. This system exposes the teacher to acquire a body of knowledge in a

subject discipline. He/she takes courses in education, which involves methodology of

teaching learning. Lastly, he/she goes through a supervised teaching practice which is

referred to as apprentice. This system has not produced the desired result for a

Transformative educational system in a globalized world, innovation required for both for

teacher pre-service preparation and teacher in-service training. It is for this reason, the

school-based teacher professional preparation and development is advocated. This

enables schools and teachers to play a much larger role in teacher’s professional

development. This will eventually make the schools be the first to reap the benefits of

generation of good new teachers. The cluster school-based teacher in-service teacher

development is an innovation being carried out. It is a system of mentoring whereby

teacher’s educators and or professional teachers support teachers directly in their

classrooms with intensive period of mentoring and discussion in teachers’ meetings

within the schools and across a cluster of schools to develop reflective practices and

reflective practitioners. The goal of global competitiveness, demands that both the

curriculum and the teaching methods to be more focused on developing generic and

attitudinal skills, such as critical thinking and problem solving as well as promoting

national reconciliation.

Educational Policies and Globalization

It is important to note here that a preponderant majority of candidates fail external

examinations yearly. It is either something is wrong with the curriculum or the

assessment procedures in both internal and external examinations. The proportion of

candidates who sit for the Examination and qualify for admission into tertiary institutions

is very low. This poor performance could either be as a reason of curriculum overload or

unrealistic poor assessment procedures. The adoption of curricula innovations in

education must necessarily involve corresponding innovations and changes in educational

practices and policies. Despite huge investment on education as reflected in the budget

allocations of many countries, there seems to be widespread un-satisfaction with

educational systems among major stakeholders. Perhaps efforts to reform and reposition

education to meet the challenges of globalization era have not been yielding the requisite

results, largely because enough attention has not been given to the roles and

instrumentality of educational assessment in initiating and sustaining educational

reforms. Perhaps most examination bodies should realize that their societies may not be

getting value for the money spent on yearly increases in the quality of formalized testing.

One should perhaps begin to ask some fundamental questions about the relevance of

education programs and the appropriateness of existing traditional assessment methods.

It must be acknowledged that traditional methods of pencil and paper seem to have failed

in most societies to assess significant learning outcomes. Apart from this failure,

adherence to traditional assessment strategies by examination bodies in contemporary era

may thereby continue to undermine educational reform and the bid to reposition schools

to meet existential challenges of globalized societies. Perhaps, it should be stated clearly

that traditional standard test routed in the purely thematic curriculum is no longer

adequate in assessing higher order thinking. The momentum of widespread educational

reform is a challenge that educators cannot ignore to too long. Examination bodies world
over should perhaps exhibit more concrete awareness of this momentum for change. A

positive step in this direction perhaps is the need to explore the use of innovative

assessment procedures. The primary goals of authentic assessment which appear with the

educational needs of contemporary globalized era are:

1. To develop the learner’s cognitive strategies for self-monitoring of progress.

2. To foster the learner’s ability for higher-order thinking skills.

3. To measure the progress against learner’s own development, not the norm, and

4. To provide more accurate evidence of a learner’s abilities than traditional tests

However, it must be stated that necessary curriculum changes must precede the adoption

of alternative or authentic assessment. Authentic assessment measures ensure multiple

approaches to measuring learning through multiple observations and many different types

of observable evidence within a specific context. The emphasis of education in globalized

societies is to create a culture that is learning friendly. Most societies must set up

cooperative learning environment wherein all resources in the community are made

learning-friendly. Corresponding innovations in educational assessment should also be

learners-friendly and performance f o c u s e d . The movement away from traditional

assessment procedures and the adoption of alternative assessments variously called

authentic assessment or performance assessments which are in a wide variety of forms –

such as computer simulations, open-ended questions, demonstrations, exhibits, writing in

many disciplines and portfolios of student w o r k overtime. All these are due to a

globalized necessity for more meaningful assessment policies that will more accurately

capture the vital learning outcomes that students must achieve in order to survive and

achieve success in contemporary societies. Computer Technology is so prevalent in

globalized life that educational assessment must also adopt a prevalent use of computer

technology. It should perhaps be impossible for any citizen of globalized world to acquire

basic education without adequate proficiency in the use of computer technology. It is

perhaps the duty of examination bodies, especially in developing countries.

Educational Financing and Globalization

The National Policy on Education recognizes education as an expensive social service

that requires adequate financial provision for the successful implementation of the

educational programs. Government’s ultimate goal is to make education free at all levels

although the financial burden appears overwhelming. Financing education is, therefore, a

joint responsibility of the federal, state, local governments, local communities,

individuals, the private sector and other organizations. The limited resources of the

government to fund education at all levels have made government to solicit education at

private sectors as education providers. This is based on the belief that private

participation in Education is a way of providing variety and allowing for healthy

competition, it is also based on government’s belief in cost sharing for the funding of

education, but with the provision that like government private providers should not run

private schools essentially for monetary gain but as a social service. Obviously, there is

acute scarcity of financial resources which is more extreme in the developing countries to

provide teachers, pay salaries, infrastructures and instructional materials and observation

shown that this has negatively affected quality. The community, parents and teachers has

been encouraged in funding of education. Many communities are involved in self-help

project and community partnership in educational funding.


Teaching is a profession, which requires expert knowledge and specialized skills,

acquired and maintained through rigorous and continuing study. It also calls for a sense

of personal and corporate commitment to the education and welfare of the students. A

teacher has many roles to perform. Identification and standardization of these roles is

helpful in evolving a teaching portfolio. Roles of a teacher are not static but dynamic as

these continue changing as per the demands of the society. Various policies also limit or

extend the scope of these roles. World is positive about its potential for economic and

political progress in the 21st century, the trends and characteristics of globalization

perhaps call for a total re-invention or repackaging of the teaching profession. The

Teacher in the globalized environment must be prepared to think globally and act locally

in matters relating to education. He must be able to create a learning, friendly and

animating environment in the classroom. The teachers must be able to participate

effectively in the contemporary ICT imposed revolution in knowledge creation,

distribution and management. Schools exist to impart knowledge and skills. It is therefore

imperative for schools to move with time in matters relating to knowledge creation and

distribution. The current state schools on Information and Communication Technology

(ICT) should be improved as a priority and national emergency. Teacher education

policies and practices also need a fundamental overhaul in order to ensure that modern

teachers are produced from Teacher Training Institutions. Computer training and

Information Technology must be central components in Teacher preparation programs.

The ideal teacher in a globalized world must be an expert in a subject area as well as an

expert in the use of Information Technology in teaching learning situations. Such

teachers must be prepared to be active participants in integrated communities of learners.

This is so because in an era of globalization, boundaries between schools and homes,

schools and societies, between different disciplines and spheres of knowledge are bound

to disappear and be replaced by integrated communities of learners. Motivation and

productivity among teachers will disappear in a school system that does not anchor

teachers’ promotion on the performance of individual teachers. Ministry of Education in

countries need to radically change their teachers’ promotion policy if they sincerely

interested in keeping a teaching manpower with high morale for a globalized society that

is perennially on the move for positive changes. Educational system will not be

modernized until the whole system of teacher training is drastically overhauled,

intellectually richer, and more challenging.

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