SEA Technology Nov 2021

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2 ST | November 2021
1963 – 2021 Celebrating More Than 58 Years of Serving the Global Ocean Community November 2021 | ST 3


4 ST | November 2021
Volume 62, No. 11

CTD Probes

Thomas Furfaro, Dr. Yan Pailhas and Dr. Sandro Carniel (NATO STO CMRE) present an
MSS Probes
overview of NATO CMRE’s maritime autonomous systems developments in the last decade.
Dr. David A. Hague (Naval Undersea Warfare Center, Newport, Rhode Island) introduces
a new waveform model that could enable cognitive active sonar. Calibration

Manu Ignatius and Dr. Prasad Anjangi (Subnero) detail the “Swiss Army Knife” of acoustic
modems in the maritime domain.


Victor Wollesen (Per Vices Corp.) explains how software-defined radio supports
maritime security.


Bill Peterson (Flying Ship Technologies Corp.), Gus Bateas (Ground Effect Technologies
Corp.) and Capt. Steve Bomgardner (Bahamas Maritime Authority) discuss the development
of the new autonomous wing-in-ground-effect vessels coming to market.

6 Soundings 40 Offshore Oil & Ocean Engineering

7 Editorial 42 Contracts/Meetings

31 International 43 Navy Currents

33 Capital Report 44 Professional Services Directory

34 Product Development 45 Soapbox

36 Marine Electronics 46 Advertiser Index

38 Environmental Monitoring

up to 11.000 m
Navy Divers assigned to Mobile Diving Salvage Unit (MDSU) 2 deploy a MK-18 Mod 1 UUV in
Onslow Bay off the coast of North Carolina during Large-Scale Exercise (LSE 2021) in August 2021.
LSE 2021 demonstrates the Navy’s ability to employ precise, lethal, and overwhelming force global-
ly across three naval component commands, five numbered fleets, and 17 time zones. (Credit: U.S.
Navy, Arthurgwain L. Marquez)

NEXT MONTH conductivity turbidity

Autonomous tech becoming more affordable with low-cost components … Creating data standards temperature pH, Redox
for AUV surveying … AI in imaging, including 3D holograms … SPACEWHALE: Detecting marine
megafauna from space … Hydrogen fuel cell for UUV. pressure
oxygen and much more

Copyright 2021 by Compass Publications, Inc. Sea Technology (ISSN 0093-3651) is published monthly by Com-
pass Publications, Inc., 4600 N. Fairfax Dr., Suite 304, Arlington, VA 22203; (703) 524-3136. All rights reserved.
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Due to the COVID pandemic, printed issues will not be available in 2021. Digital subscriptions may be pur-
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chased for US 40 for one year. Printed back copies, where available, are US 6.00 each plus shipping and handling. November 2021 | ST 5

)) Winners of 2021 MTS Compass Awards. The Marine Technology Society (MTS) has announced its 2021 award win-
ners, including the recipients of the Compass Awards, sponsored by Compass Publications Inc., the publisher of Sea
Technology. Dr. Daniel Rudnick, director of the Instrument Development Group at Scripps Institute of Oceanography,
has won the Compass Distinguished Achievement Award for outstanding contributions to physical oceanography,
his many multidisciplinary collaborations, his dedication to ocean observing, and his astute understanding of stake-
holder/community needs. Rudnick, a world leader in glider operations, has led climatology products development
through his work with the U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System - Southern California Coastal Ocean Observ-
ing System. Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) Australia has won the Compass International Award as a
high-performing research infrastructure, both nationally and globally, that has made significant impacts in science
excellence; technology innovation; training and education; economic benefit; and social responsibility. Kongsberg
Maritime has won the Compass Industrial Award for outstanding contributions to marine science and technology.
Kongsberg Maritime’s history as part of leading Norwegian industrial powerhouse KONGSBERG stretches back over
200 years. Today, more than 18,000 merchant ships, fishing vessels, cruise liners, ferries and superyachts, as well as
offshore support and research vessels, offshore installations and government craft, depend on Kongsberg Maritime
technology. You can see the full list of 2021 MTS winners at:

)) Massive Redirection of Capital into Clean Energy Needed, DNV Says. An urgent change of mindset and a massive
redirection of spending from carbon-heavy investment into clean energy is needed if an affordable transition that
meets the Paris Agreement is to be achieved, says DNV in its special report: “Financing the Energy Transition” (https:// Emissions must fall by around half by 2030 for a 1.5º C future,
but DNV forecasts they will fall by just 9 percent, and the world will already exhaust the 1.5º C budget in 2029. Fi-
nanciers, bankers and governments have an essential role in ensuring a just and accelerated transition. Yet financiers
also face significant challenges, particularly around how to price the risk of often multi-decade energy projects in a
rapidly changing energy system and warming climate. This includes the potential for stranded assets, climate risk in
infrastructure, and pressure on profitability and rates of return if too much capital chases a limited number of projects.
Together with policy makers and energy companies, financiers also face the challenge of de-risking and improving the
profitability of clean energy opportunities that are currently high-risk, low-return, long-term investments, which are
often not considered bankable, but which are needed for an accelerated transition. “Financing the Energy Transition”
focuses on the opportunities and challenges for financiers, policy makers, developers, and energy companies. The
report, featuring contributions from global financial, policy and energy experts, shows there is a consensus that new
short-term actions, alongside long-term commitments, must be agreed on by global leaders at COP26 in November.

)) Launch of Alliance for the Blue Economy. The University of North Carolina Wilmington (UNCW) Center for Inno-
vation and Entrepreneurship has launched the Alliance for the Blue Economy, a multidisciplinary initiative to establish
southeastern North Carolina as a national and global leader in the blue economy. The World Bank describes the blue
economy as “the sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth, improved livelihoods and jobs, while
preserving the health of the ocean ecosystem.” In the U.S., the blue economy delivered nearly $400 billion to the
GDP in 2019, according to a report from the U.S. Department of Commerce. The Alliance for the Blue Economy, also
known as All Blue, will support blue economy entrepreneurs and innovators; promote the region as a blue economy
innovation hub; assist in the creation of blue economy-ready infrastructure; and attract blue economy investment cap-
ital. To fulfill this vision, the alliance will work to obtain federal, state and regional grants with government agencies,
educational institutions, nonprofit organizations and private sector partners. Led by an advisory board of science and
business leaders from the region and UNCW, All Blue will focus on five strategic sectors: sustainable aquaculture and
fisheries; marine biopharma; regenerative tourism; coastal resilience; and ocean engineering and marine robotics.
With the launch of the alliance, southeastern North Carolina will join the ranks of a growing number of blue economy
hubs in the U.S., including Boston, San Diego, Seattle and Gulfport, Mississippi.

)) Verification of World’s Largest 3D-Printed Shipboard Fitting. Keppel Technology & Innovation (KTI) has received
a verification certificate for a 3D-printed, deck-mounted type Panama Chock (SWL150Ton) from DNV’s Global Ad-
ditive Manufacturing Technology Centre of Excellence in Singapore. The component, which is intended for nonclass
maritime applications, is the world’s largest 3D-printed shipboard fitting. Panama Chocks are large shipboard fittings
for towing and mooring, traditionally manufactured by casting, and are welded to a ship as a supporting hull structure.
This component was manufactured by KTI’s partner AML3D using the patented Wire Additive Manufacturing (WAM)
process, employing medium-strength structural steel grade ER70S-6 wire feedstock. The verification by DNV follows
extensive research, production and testing by KTI with end-user Keppel Offshore & Marine (Keppel O&M) and tech-
nology partner AML3D and confirms that the component has met all the primary test requirements in KTI’s project
material specification with satisfactory results. ST

6 ST | November 2021

® editorial
The Industry’s Recognized Authority Bruce Butler, Theseus Engineer, Author of “Into the Labyrinth”
for Design, Engineering and
Application of Equipment
and Services in the
Global Ocean Community
25th Anniversary of
Charles H. Bussmann
Founder and Publisher 1924-1999
Theseus Under-Ice AUV
managing editor
production manager
C. Amos Bussmann
Aileen Torres-Bennett
Russell S. Conward
T his year marks the 25th anniversary of the record-breaking under-ice mis-
sion of Theseus, a watershed moment in AUV history. Theseus was not the
first AUV to venture under the ice, but it was the first to perform extended
assistant design/ Joshua Ortega under-ice operations.
website manager Theseus was the star of Project Spinnaker, a joint Canada-U.S. defense
advertising Susan M. Ingle Owen
service manager research project conceived in the waning days of the Cold War. Spinnaker’s
purpose—classified at the time—was to provide Canada with the capability
ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES: to monitor submarine activity in its Arctic waters by installing a prototype
HEADQUARTERS acoustic listening post on the seafloor. Theseus’s role was to lay a communica-
C. Amos Bussmann
4600 N. Fairfax Dr., Suite 304
tions trunk cable on the seabed from the northern shores of Ellesmere Island,
Arlington, VA 22203-1553 Canada, out to the edge of the Continental Shelf, almost 200 km to the north.
Tel: (703) 524-3136
Theseus was designed and built by International Submarine Engineering
Ltd. (ISE), a Canadian company with a long history of subsea engineering
EASTERN U.S.A. & CANADA/G.O.M. innovation in ROVs, AUVs and robotic manipulator systems. Developing The-
Ray Mahr, Jr.
KRK Consultants Ltd. seus required pushing the boundaries of nascent subsea technologies such as
17476 Slipper Shell Way, Ste. 6 navigation, launch and recovery through ice, energy storage, and fault toler-
Lewes, DE 19958
Tel: (302) 569-0019 (M) ance. It was fortunate for the Project Spinnaker stakeholders that ISE engineers had the audacity to believe they could take on these challenges.
Vehicle design began in 1992; by late 1993 Theseus was taking shape, and
John Sabo by mid-1994 it underwent its first sea trials. In the spring of 1995, ISE took
Barbara Sabo
Gregory Sabo
Theseus to Canada’s High Arctic for a series of short (approximately 10 km)
John Sabo Associates test dives, fine-tuning operational logistics and validating vehicle reliability
447 Herondo St. #305 and performance. The success of these under-ice trials was due in part to ISE
Hermosa Beach, CA 90254
Tel: (310) 374-2301 engineers having already gained valuable Arctic experience through partici- pation in Project Iceshelf, the Department of National Defence’s annual Arc-
tic field trials. Following a successful full mission-length trial in early 1996,
John Gold Theseus was loaded into a C-130 Hercules for a 4,000-km flight to Canadian
John F. Gold & Associates
Forces Station Alert at the northern tip of Ellesmere Island. Theseus and its ISE
18a Aultone Way designers then proved the many naysayers wrong by performing two back-to-
Sutton, Surrey, SM1 3LE, England
back, 360-km, round-trip, under-ice missions, each lasting several days.
Phone/FAX Nat’l: 020-8641-7717
Int’l: +44-20-8641-7717 The performance of Theseus during Project Spinnaker showed the entire maritime community that long-duration autonomous under-ice missions were
possible. This milestone soon led other institutions, governments and military
agencies to begin developing AUVs for a multitude of under-ice applications.
The technologies, logistics and operational procedures developed for The-
Sea Technology back issues available on microform. seus continue to bear fruit today. In the mid-2000s, ISE drew on its experience
Contact: NA Publishing, Inc.
P.O. Box 998, Ann Arbor, MI 48106-0998 in Arctic subsea engineering to develop the Explorer-class AUVs. In 2010, an
1-800-420-6272 Explorer AUV performed a 10-day Arctic mapping mission in support of Cana-
COMPASS PUBLICATIONS, INC. da’s 2013 UNCLOS submission. More recently, an Explorer AUV made sever-
4600 N. Fairfax Dr., Suite 304 al ventures under both continental and fringing ice shelves in the Antarctic. In
Arlington, VA 22203-1553
Tel: (703) 524-3136
addition, ISE is currently developing an autonomous docking mechanism that will allow for submerged and underway battery charging and data transfer, enabling long-duration missions requiring persistent surveillance.
publishers of: Many of the personnel involved in Theseus development continue to ad-
Sea Technology
Commercial Fisheries News vance AUV technologies worldwide in maritime defense, commercial indus-
Fish Farming News try and academia. The most notable are ISE alumni at Cellula Robotics, who
Commercial Marine Directory
Fish Farmers Phone Book/Directory are developing a fuel cell-powered, long-range/duration AUV for Canada’s All
Sea Technology Buyers Guide/Directory Domain Situational Awareness Science and Technology program.
Sea Tech e-News
A quarter century ago, the need for a mission-specific AUV drove the de-
Celebrating more than 58 years velopment of subsea technologies that laid the foundation for a new genera-
of serving the global ocean community tion of vehicles, technologies and exciting opportunities. You can learn more
- Since 1963 - about the story of Theseus at: ST November 2021 | ST 7
NATO and ‘Autonomy’
A Decadal Overview of CMRE’s Maritime Autonomous Systems
By Thomas Furfaro • Dr. Yan Pailhas • Dr. Sandro Carniel

N ATO’s Science and Technology Organization (STO)

recently developed a comprehensive assessment of
emerging and disruptive technologies (EDTs) and their
key enabler and beneficiary of developments in other
EDT areas.
Applying autonomy in the maritime environment is
accompanying S&T ecosystem. The result is a kaleido- a challenging proposition that has particularities when
scopic breadth of technologies, such as artificial intelli- compared to other primary domains (such as land, air,
gence (AI), big data, quantum and space. space and cyber). The maritime environment (below and
Following its mission of anticipating S&T trends, the above the surface), considered from the viewpoint of un-
STO Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation manned or autonomous robotic systems, can be harsh
(CMRE), located in La Spezia, Italy, has been devoting a and isolating. The harshness arises from a myriad of fac-
considerable amount of research to the specific theme of tors, from weather and oceanographic conditions and
“autonomy,” a disruptor identified by the report. Support- the basics of chemistry. The isolation arises from a rel-
ed primarily by NATO Allied Command Transformation ative lack of stationary features in the observable space.
(ACT), CMRE tries to accelerate the bridge-gapping pro- An underwater vehicle operating in the water column
cess, applying basic research outcomes in relevant mar- has difficulty observing fixed points in its environment
itime scenarios to understand quickly how such EDTs and can usually only measure depth and altitude intrin-
may be used in more realistic scenarios. sically without other human-supported navigation aids.
In this context, “autonomy” is the ability of a system This article provides an overview of more than a de-
to arbitrate decisions and courses of action depending on cade’s worth of CMRE research and analysis related to
the self-contained awareness of a larger context. CMRE the autonomy theme, focusing on two areas: operations
research in this area addresses challenges and issues and systems; and interoperability, VV&A (verification,
brought along with the development and implementa- validation and accreditation), standards, and assurance.
tion of autonomous technologies and systems, with a The themes of sensing, platforms and design, counter-
specific focus on the maritime context. measures, and human-machine teaming and sensing will
The research, corroborated by other important pil- also be discussed.
lars of the maritime technology sector, demonstrates
that maritime autonomous systems offer wide-ranging Operations and Systems
near- and long-term benefits for enhancing Alliance ca- Research and analysis that considers how autono-
pabilities, acting as a force multiplier across domains. mous systems fit into larger systems of systems, or how
This synthesis also presents potential new areas for future autonomous applications could contribute to a particu-
research and significant S&T challenges to better under- lar operational domain, is referred to as “operations and
stand and tackle. systems.” Examples may include the integration of au-
tonomous systems into existing or more expansive mil-
Background itary systems, intelligent independent software (agents),
Developments in robotics and autonomous systems small satellite constellations, and cyber-warfare agents.
(RAS) present the Alliance with a range of emerging and This core area is concerned with the “what and how”
transformative opportunities for military and security ca- of autonomous systems: What are the systems to be em-
pabilities. Moreover, as noted in “Science & Technology ployed, how would they be used and to what effect.
Trends 2020-2040: Exploring the S&T Edge,” RAS is a CMRE has conducted extensive research contributing

8 ST | November 2021

hand. In this way, the efficiency of
the market can be leveraged while
including innovative and state-of-
the-art elements that multiply the
overall capability. For example, in
the mine countermeasures (MCM)
projects that CMRE executes, a
combination of COTS AUVs and
sensors are augmented with cus-
tom configurations and software
modules to produce an autono-
mous, collaborating MCM squad.
CMRE research indicates that
integrating autonomous systems
into military operations across the
operational spectrum will contin-
ue, while further research will be
needed to address specific system
types and operational domains, to-
gether with stakeholders’ engage-
ment. Expected areas for future
technology are: robotics and au-
tonomous systems, enhancing data
collection and situational aware-
ness across different domains.
Challenges include: barriers to
and costs of integration, trust, cy-
ber vulnerabilities, interoperability
issues, operational validation and
system reliability.

Interoperability, VV&A,
Standards and Assurance
This section refers to research
and analysis considering interop-
erability, VV&A (verification,
validation and accreditation),
standards, and assurance factors
relating to technical applications
of autonomy. For example, specif-
ic areas may include the develop-
ment of new standards to enable
A glider fleet.
interoperability of increasingly au-
tonomous unmanned systems.
CMRE has been active in un-
dertaking research relating to
autonomous systems’ interopera-
bility and standardization issues.
to this field in the maritime domain, examining the ap- CMRE occupies a particular area of the spectrum of ap-
plication of autonomy in naval mine warfare, anti-sub- plied research in the maritime environment, where the
marine warfare (ASW), harbor protection, oceanography, continuous improvement of interoperability among the
and modeling and simulation in the context of mari- members and partners of the Alliance cannot be carried
time unmanned systems (MUS). CMRE additionally has solely by a single nation.
long-standing collaborations within the scope of Europe- As part of the CMRE MUSE (Unmanned Systems En-
an Union-funded projects, bringing cross-domain exper- ablers) program, interoperability, standards and security
tise to relevant civil and military applications. for unmanned maritime systems are being investigated.
In these applications, CMRE takes a systems engineer- Further ongoing research examines compliance for mar-
ing approach, combining elements that are commercial- itime robotic exploitation, while a research project on
off-the-shelf (COTS), proprietary, open, free, standardized behalf of ACT explores trust issues between humans and
or custom built to deliver relevant solutions to the task at autonomous systems. The topics of VV&A and assurance November 2021 | ST 9

are exceptionally important tools courses of action depending on the my in MCM by drastically reducing
on the road to widespread maritime self-contained awareness of a larger the false alarm rate. CMRE ASW
autonomous systems, as they focus context, one could argue that sen- research is another example where
on providing specific and concrete sors and the capability of a system to physical knowledge exploitation of
ways to describe the ability of a sys- sense and measure its environment sound propagation in the oceans,
tem to perform a certain kind of task are the primary enablers for autono- developed originally in acoustical
in particular conditions. my. In that context, sensing refers to oceanography, led to smart antenna
As another example, CMRE is the “perception” layer of an auton- design for underwater surveillance.
currently working with an EU proj- omous system: the sensors, signal Over the years, CMRE has been a
ect to enhance situational aware- processing, data and algorithms that pioneer in fundamental underwater
ness in a maritime environment form a pipeline converting mea- acoustic research that has given ac-
through the deployment and inte- surements of a system’s environ- cess to new information, ultimately
gration of unmanned systems. The ment into actionable information. facilitating environmental aware-
focus is on improving interoperabil- The level of autonomy of a system is ness for autonomous systems.
ity between manned and unmanned then dictated by the quality and the
systems and existing, multilateral relevance of the information fed to Platforms and Design
EU defense systems and platforms. that system. Autonomous platforms and de-
CMRE research highlights the CMRE has a long history in un- sign refers to research and analysis
need to continue to address and derstanding and exploiting the that examines the design and devel-
raise awareness of issues such as physics, particularly the physics opment of military-relevant robotics
trust and interoperability by harmo- of underwater acoustics, to design and autonomous systems.
nizing common and interoperable and build entirely new sensors to A relatively low number of CMRE
frameworks and standards for RAS extract information of interest for a activities have focused on the de-
technologies. particular application. The develop- sign and development of the system
ment of the SAS (synthetic aperture platform, onboard control systems
Sensing sonar) in the early 2000s for MCM and means of propulsion of spe-
Recalling the original definition applications is an example of CM- cialized unmanned vehicles (UxVs)
of autonomy, i.e., the ability of a RE’s effort to build new sensing ca- and swarms. However, CMRE has
system to arbitrate decisions and pabilities that have enabled autono- organized robotic competitions for
research teams from academia and
industry in different scenarios over
the past decade.
Through the Student AUV Chal-
lenge Europe (SAUC-E) internal
program at CMRE and EU-funded
projects, these competitions aim to
push the state of the art in autono-
mous platforms, enable coopera-
tion, and support the development
of multi-domain robotic systems.
Areas for future research will be
related to control systems, data reli-
ability and resilience to cyber-phys-
ical attacks, particularly in the use
of swarms.

Countermeasures refer to re-
search and analysis examining
counter-UxV capabilities. The
wide-ranging use of UxVs (and
swarming) on the battlefield will
require additional protection as-
sets with explicit counter-UxV and
counter-counter-UxV capabilities.
There has been some CMRE re-
search focusing on maritime au-
tonomous countermeasures. One
project is led by Allied Command
Transformation (ACT) with the Mul-

10 ST | November 2021

“Developments in robotics and autonomous systems (RAS)
present the Alliance with a range
of emerging and transformative opportunities
for military and security capabilities.”

tinational Capability Development Campaign (MCDC), itary scenarios and capability areas have been analyzed,
where CMRE provided expertise on issues related to including the enhancement of decision-making, crisis re-
countermeasures against unmanned autonomous sys- sponse and logistics capabilities.
tems. However, there are still significant S&T challenges
Developing a better understanding of the protective that must be understood and tackled if RAS can be ful-
aspects of autonomous systems is an active area of fu- ly, effectively and ethically employed in operations. The
ture research, and technology development will include transition of autonomous capabilities from research to
decoy and jamming in relation to autonomous systems. tech development entails challenges such as: integrating
autonomous systems into operations, creating common
Human-Machine Teaming frameworks and standards, the consideration of adversar-
Human-machine teaming (HUM-T) refers to research ial capabilities in the same domain, safety and control,
and analysis addressing challenges and opportunities of and the construction of trusted and effective human-ma-
teaming between humans and autonomous systems. chine teams.
CMRE has been investigating how to develop capabil- Most unmanned systems still need human operators,
ities to support humans (i.e., operators and warfighters) and, as a consequence, optimizing human-machine in-
working with complex systems, which make use of artifi- teraction is a critical challenge that is becoming increas-
cial intelligence and autonomy. CMRE has been focusing ingly relevant as operators are being further removed
both on the advancement of the underlying technologies from the system.
(i.e., AI algorithms) and advancements in terms of hu- Considering the challenges and concerns raised in the
man-machine interaction. Specifically, cognitive sup- theme of “autonomy,” particularly evident in terms of in-
port, situational awareness, explainability, uncertainty teroperability, legal and ethical issues, it is mandatory to
communication, semantic interoperability and trust are establish further collaborations within NATO.
important constructs, which are currently under inves- CMRE’s expertise presents an excellent starting point
tigation in order to design advanced C2 (command and to understand the current and potential future benefits
control) and decision-support tools. of autonomous systems in the maritime context, as well
Aspects specifically connected to human-likeness as the associated challenges. In these areas, the role of
teammates have not been the focus of CMRE research CMRE is not merely to execute projects or provide prod-
due to the nature of operations (e.g., ASW and MCM) and ucts—it is also to leverage specific applications, experi-
consequent technologies that are at the core of CMRE ments and results in the synthesis of broader lessons and
activity. However, communication, language, cultural as- rationale in the application of autonomy in operations
pects, brain-computer interface and neuroscience-based and systems.
technologies could be explored in future work. Finally,
future work could expand on recent work to inform the References
doctrinal development of the use of mixed human-ma- For a list of references, contact: Sandro.Carniel@cmre.
chine teams in autonomous ASW. ST

Over the last decade, CMRE has carried out a consid- Thomas Furfaro is a scientist at STO CMRE, working on autonomy for naval
erable amount of research and analysis on autonomous mine countermeasures, with a focus on software architectures, interopera-
bility, collaborative autonomy and autonomous behaviors.
systems. Results have outlined how autonomous systems
can offer wide-ranging near-term and longer-term ben- Dr. Yan Pailhas is a project leader at STO CMRE working on new sensors for
efits for enhancing Alliance capabilities, essentially act- mine countermeasure applications. He has been in the field of underwater
ing as a force multiplier and enabling new capabilities. acoustics and sonar design for more than 20 years.
CMRE has and continues to contribute to the assessment Dr. Sandro Carniel is the head of the Research Division at STO CMRE and is
of the operational value of maritime unmanned systems directly engaged in climate and energy security themes. He is an oceanog-
during exercises, where potential benefit to maritime mil- rapher with a modeling background. November 2021 | ST 11

Adaptive Transmit Waveform Design
An Enabler for Cognitive Active Sonar
By Dr. David A. Hague

R ecent research efforts in the anti-submarine warfare

(ASW) community have focused on developing so-
nar systems that adapt to their acoustic environment,
spectrally compact; the vast majority of the waveform’s
energy should be concentrated densely in the operation-
al band with very little energy elsewhere. This reduces
referred to as “cognitive” sonars. Cognitive active sonar mutual interference between systems operating in adja-
systems utilize principles of the perception-action cycle cent frequency bands and any distortion in the resulting
of cognition to leverage information gathered from earli- transmitted acoustic signal from the frequency-depen-
er sensing interactions with the underwater acoustic en- dent filtering of the projector transducer and its driving
vironment. This, in turn, informs the selection of system electronics.
parameters to optimize target detection, classification,
localization and tracking performance in that acoustic Waveform Designs
environment. There has been a wealth of research on waveform de-
Of the many system parameters such a cognitive so- sign dating back several decades. Continuous wave (CW)
nar system could potentially adapt, the acoustic signal waveforms, perhaps the simplest of all sonar waveforms,
transmitted into the medium, also known as the trans- possess a constant frequency throughout their duration
mit waveform, has a profound impact on system perfor- and achieve high Doppler resolution but poor range reso-
mance. Many of the physical characteristics of the acous- lution. The linear frequency-modulated (LFM) waveform,
tic environment are contained in the return echo signal the first of the class of pulse compression waveforms,
that is composed of amplitude-scaled (target strength), possesses both large bandwidth and long duration, re-
time-delayed (target range) and Doppler-shifted (target sulting in a large time-bandwidth product (TBP). The
range-rate) echoes of the transmit waveform. The active large bandwidth provides improved target resolution and
sonar system then processes these echo signals typically the long duration provides the necessary transmit energy
with a bank of matched filters (MF) tuned to an array for good target detection performance in noise-limited
of potential target Doppler values. The output of such a conditions. In the 1960s, the hyperbolic FM (HFM) was
receiver yields a range-Doppler map of the target scene. introduced as a large TBP counterpart to the LFM that
Of the many transmit waveform parameters cognitive was robust to Doppler mismatch and has found use in
sonar systems could adapt, including pulse length, trans- broadband active sonar applications. Also in the 1960s,
mit source level and the operational band of frequencies, John Costas developed a family of frequency-shift keying
the type of phase or frequency modulation employed by (FSK) waveforms that jointly resolved target range and
the transmit waveform also fundamentally influences the Doppler in a single waveform. An FSK waveform is com-
type and quality of the information inferred about the posed of equal length CW subpulses, known as chips,
target scene. Additionally, the waveform should facili- which are contiguous in time. Each chip possesses a dif-
tate efficient transmission on piezoelectric transducers ferent center frequency according to a particular “firing”
and their driving electronics. It should possess a con- code. Costas defined the basic necessary properties for
stant amplitude to minimize the distortion resulting from these firing codes that now bear his name. Comb wave-
saturated power amplifiers, which drive the projector forms, whose spectral shape resembles the Dirac comb
transducer. Constant amplitude also maximizes the en- function, distinguish moving targets in stationary rever-
ergy transmitted into the medium for given duration and beration. All of these waveform types address a particu-
peak transmit power limits. Waveforms should also be lar active sonar design problem and are rather diverse in

12 ST | November 2021

their characteristics. A cognitive sonar system may very
Spectrogram (a), spectrum (b), and MF response (c & d)
well determine that the optimal waveform for a given
of an example MTSFM waveform with a TBP of 256. Also
scenario is one of the aforementioned waveform types. shown in (b) is the spectrum of an equivalent bandwidth
PPC waveform and in (c & d) the range response of a Cos-
New Waveform Model: MTSFM tas waveform with equivalent TBP. The waveform’s range
Fully leveraging the adaptive capability of a cognitive response is optimized to reduce sidelobe levels in the re-
sonar system requires a waveform model that facilitates gion denoted by the red dashed lines. This design allows
adaptation according to a set of system-defined goals for distinguishing several closely spaced echoes with vary-
and design metrics. The vast majority of adaptive trans- ing strengths while possessing a spectrum whose energy is
mit waveform design research has focused on poly-phase densely concentrated in the waveform’s swept bandwidth
coded (PPC) waveforms from the radar literature. A PPC B.
waveform is composed of a train of equal duration CW spectrally efficient parameterized FM waveforms. How-
chips contiguous in time, all sharing a common center ever, this smoothing also introduces perturbations to the
frequency. The phase of each chip is then assigned dif- waveform’s characteristics, which then requires re-opti-
ferent values in a manner that generates a waveform with mization of the original PPC waveform’s phase code.
the desired characteristics. There exists a nearly endless Inspired by these CPM efforts, I developed a spectrally
combination of realizable poly-phase codes, making compact adaptive FM waveform model using multi-tone
PPC waveforms far more versatile than their FM and FSK sinusoidal frequency modulation (MTSFM). The MTSFM
counterparts. While FM and FSK waveforms are limited waveform’s frequency and phase modulation functions
in their versatility, they are readily implementable on are composed of a finite set of weighted sinusoidal har-
practical systems due to their constant amplitude and monics. The weights for each harmonic are utilized as a
spectral compactness properties. PPC waveforms, on the discrete set of design coefficients. Adjusting these coeffi-
other hand, suffer from substantial spectral extent due cients results in constant-amplitude, spectrally compact
to the nearly instantaneous phase transitions between FM waveforms with unique characteristics.
chips. This has motivated the development of continuous The MTSFM’s design parameters can be modified to
phase modulation (CPM) techniques to improve upon finely tune the resulting waveform’s characteristics. A
their spectral characteristics by smoothing the phase certain design may also find use in certain scenarios. Re-
transitions between chips. This phase smoothing essen- al-world target returns are usually composed of multiple
tially transforms PPC waveforms into constant amplitude, echoes from the acoustic highlights of the target, which November 2021 | ST 13

can vary greatly in strength. Distinguishing these echoes
infers details about the physical makeup of that target.
An MTSFM design can have advantages in distinguish- MF output for the Costas and MTSFM waveforms from the
ing a collection of closely spaced echoes over a Costas previous figure for a collection of closely spaced echoes
waveform. The MF response from a Costas waveform can (denoted by the black dots), with a 40-dB variation in echo
only pick out stronger echoes and not weaker ones near strength. While the Costas waveform’s sidelobe levels are
a strong echo, while the MTSFM can easily distinguish too high to distinguish the weaker echoes, the MTSFM’s
each echo when designed with much lower range sid- suppressed sidelobes allow for distinguishing even the
weakest echo in the presence of the strongest one.
There are many waveform design problems where
the MTSFM waveform model is applicable. The MTSFM amplitude and reasonably low range sidelobes. General-
model facilitates adjustable Doppler tolerance. In fact, ly, a waveform cannot achieve all three of these consid-
it can smoothly transition from being ideally Doppler erations simultaneously but can trade-off between them.
sensitive, like an FSK or CW waveform, to being ide- Geometric comb waveforms have to date represented
ally Doppler tolerant, like an LFM or HFM waveform. one of the best trade-off designs between these three
This ability offers the designer a trade-off between tar- considerations. The MTSFM model also can smoothly
get Doppler resolution and receiver complexity (i.e., the trade-off between these design considerations and, while
number of required MFs to process the target scene). not superior to the geometric comb waveform, is at least
Additionally, other characteristics of the waveform, such competitive in its design characteristics.
as range and Doppler sidelobes, can also be further re- Lastly, another application of the MTSFM focuses on
fined while maintaining the desired Doppler tolerance/ designing not just one waveform but families of MTSFM
sensitivity. The MTSFM can also synthesize comb wave- waveforms that occupy a common band of frequencies
forms for distinguishing moving targets in stationary re- and also possess low cross-interference properties with
verberation. Comb waveform design typically focuses one another. Such waveforms may be applicable for use
on ensuring strong reverberation suppression at specific in multi-static active sonar systems, where reducing the
target Doppler values while also possessing a constant mutual interference between each waveform is para-

14 ST | November 2021

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“The MTSFM’s design parameters can be modified
to finely tune the resulting waveform’s characteristics.
A certain design may also find use in certain scenarios.”

mount. The MTSFM closely approaches established per- tary set of finely tuned waveforms for the novel scenarios
formance bounds of such waveform families in a manner and environments that it may encounter. In this sense,
similar to that of FSK and PPC waveforms geared toward the MTSFM waveform may very well be an enabler for
the same application. The adaptability of the MTSFM cognitive active sonar systems.
waveform model allows it to possess a wide variety of
performance characteristics that in the past has required References
a diverse set of waveform designs to achieve. For a list of references, contact: david.a.hague@navy.
mil. ST
The MTSFM is an adaptive waveform that synthesizes
constant amplitude, spectrally compact waveforms that
can possess a wide variety of desirable properties. The Dr. David A. Hague received his Ph.D. in elec-
adaptability of the MTSFM combined with its transmit- trical engineering from the University of Massa-
chusetts Dartmouth in 2015. Upon graduation,
ter-friendly properties make it an attractive waveform
he joined the Naval Undersea Warfare Center in
type for a variety of active sonar applications. The intent Newport, Rhode Island, conducting basic and
of employing the MTSFM waveform model is not to out- applied research in radar/sonar signal process-
right replace the many waveform types used by current ing with a focus on transmit waveform design.
sonar systems. Rather, the intention is to provide a cog-
nitive sonar system the ability to generate a complemen-

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16 ST | November 2021

Multichannel Modems
The ‘Swiss Army Knife’ of Acoustic Modems in the Maritime Domain
By Manu Ignatius • Dr. Prasad Anjangi

A dequate monitoring of coastal areas for potential

threats from foreign and domestic actors is a must
for any seafaring nation. This involves active and passive Subnero multichannel
monitoring of large areas both above and under the wa- modem.
ter, employing a variety of cutting-edge technologies. A
highly available, high-performance wireless communica-
tion network is required to connect the various monitor-
ing solutions to provide a comprehensive picture to the
end-user at all times. Advancements in various domains
such as semiconductors (increasing compute power, re-
ducing cost and size) and advanced manufacturing are
making it possible for the underwater wireless domain to
adopt several technologies from its terrestrial counterpart
to raise the performance to the next level.
Spatial diversity techniques have been shown time
and again to boost the performance of any communi-
cation system by improving a combination of reliability
and robustness of a communication link, communication channels for practical applications since arranging the
range or throughput. It is one of the key techniques used receiving elements vertically is not always practical (e.g.,
in modern terrestrial wireless communications (e.g., 5G, AUVs, underwater gliders).
Wi-Fi). Usage of spatial diversity combining techniques
and beamforming has also been used extensively in the Subnero Multichannel Modems
case of towed-array systems to improve the diversity gain. Subnero introduced the new multichannel modems
However, the availability of commercial acoustic mo- (WNC-M25MSS3-xCh) that run the UnetStack software
dems that utilize multiple receiving channels to leverage framework ( in early 2021. These
spatial diversity to boost performance is not that common modems combine Subnero’s silver edition M25M se-
today. Why is this the case? ries modems (20-to-32-kHz band) with a multichannel
Adding additional receiving channels to an under- acoustic recorder, thereby providing an acoustic modem
water acoustic communication system increases the de- with multiple synchronized receiving channels, without
vice’s dimensions and complexity, and, most important- a significant change in the form factor. Configurable with
ly, requires modifications to the processing techniques up to four additional synchronous receiving channels,
used for decoding incoming messages, all of which re- each channel can have a sampling rate of up to 256 kilo
quire a redesign of the entire device to support multiple samples per second. Being truly software defined, the
receiving channels. Additionally, much of the literature Subnero modems can add new processing techniques to
that looks at spatial diversity exploitation uses a vertical support new features, as a firmware update to the mo-
placement of receiving elements. This may have led to dems, including user-defined ones.
the absence of acoustic modems with multiple receiving Out of the box, the multichannel modems can be November 2021 | ST 17

(Top) Illustration of the intended installa-
tion of various receiving channels. (Bottom)
Communication performance improvement
of control and data channels.

used as a normal modem or a standalone acoustic re- (one transducer and three hydrophones) to an underwa-
corder, or both at the same time. The data collected from ter glider. To test such a use case, we created a fixture
the additional receiving channels can be either saved to that would let us simulate the attachment of the main
the modem’s internal storage or analyzed in real time transducer to the body of a glider, one hydrophone near
with notification of users about specific acoustic events. the nose of the glider, and two hydrophones on each of
This makes the multichannel modem an ideal candidate the wings.
for applications such as rapid environment assessment. The three hydrophones were located at the corners of
These devices (with appropriate software upgrades) an equilateral triangular array with a spacing of 0.9 m.
use spatial diversity combining techniques to decode the The transducer was spaced vertically 0.3 m below this
transmission from remote modems. This increases the ef- triangle to mimic mounting at the bottom of the hull.
fective communication range by acting as a spatial diver- We then deployed this fixture underwater at a depth
sity receiver. Additionally, three-dimensional positioning of 18 m and powered it using a battery pack. The trans-
and tracking of other acoustic sources using techniques mitter node was deployed 0.4 km away from the mul-
such as time or phase difference of arrival are also avail- tichannel modem. The transmitted signals include both
able with the multichannel modems. FH-BFSK and OFDM communication signals as support-
ed by Subnero modems (control and data channels). The
Performance Improvement vs. Traditional Modem signals were recorded using all four channels of the mul-
So, how much performance improvement is achiev- tichannel modem (similar to an acoustic recorder). The
able with the multichannel modems as compared to a recordings were later processed, and the communica-
traditional single-channel modem? We conducted vari- tion performance was compared between when a single
ous experiments to find out. The main goal of the experi- channel and multiple channels were used.
ments was to explore the practicality of such a device for To compare the communication performance when
real-world applications. using a single receiving channel and up to three addi-
One key application we considered is to extend the tional channels for reception, we compared the packet
communication range for use with an underwater ve- delivery rate (percentage of successful receptions) at the
hicle. In this case, we wanted to demonstrate the im- receiver in each case.
provement in communication performance if we attach For the case of the control channel, the overall packet
the multichannel modem with four receiving channels delivery rate was 77 percent with a single channel. With

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Distributed spatial diversity using Unity UnetStack
premium agent.

the addition of one more receiving channel (total of two Localization Using Multichannel Modem
receiving channels), the packet delivery rate became 98 Exploiting diversity to improve communication per-
percent. In the case of the data channel, the packet deliv- formance is not the only advantage that one can get by
ery rate was 56 percent with a single receiving channel, using a multichannel modem. Localization is a key ap-
which improved to no packet loss (100 percent packet plication that is enabled by the presence of multiple re-
delivery rate) with the addition of one more receiving ceiving channels. Using the same hardware platform for
channel. The addition of more channels resulted in fur- multiple use cases helps to avoid redundancy and saves
ther improving the results in the case of the control chan- valuable real estate for any underwater platform. Having
nel (100 percent packet delivery rate). multiple synchronous channels makes the multichannel
modem an ideal candidate to be used for localization
Exploiting Spatial Diversity applications.
Without Multichannel Modems We tested our localization solution using the Subnero
What if you have multiple single-channel Subnero multichannel modems and standard acoustic modems
acoustic modems and still want to exploit spatial diver- in different scenarios. These scenarios are distinguished
sity to improve communication performance? Consid- based on the ratio of the distance between the multi-
er a case where you are on a ship with a modem de- channel modem and the mobile node (D) to the distance
ployed and you’ve been receiving status updates from a between the hydrophones mounted on an equilateral tri-
deployed AUV every few minutes. The AUV moves into angle (L).
an area where the connectivity is poor, and you can no In scenario one, the distance between the multichan-
longer successfully receive the status reports. nel modem and the mobile node (D) is large in compar-
If you have a second modem available on the ship, ison to the distance between hydrophones on the multi-
you can deploy it from another part of the ship. Multi- channel modem (L), i.e., the ratio D/L is large, typically
ple communication nodes deployed at spatially distinct in the order of hundreds or more.
locations can receive independent copies of the same In scenario two, the distance between the multichan-
information. The two modems can act as a combined nel modem and the mobile node (D) is still large in com-
spatial diversity receiver and cooperate by sharing copies parison to the distance between hydrophones (L) on the
of information to provide you with similar performance multichannel modem; however, the ratio D/L is typically
improvements we have seen from the multichannel mo- in the order of tens but less than 100.
dems. Such spatial diversity combining with distribut- In scenario three, the distance between the multi-
ed modems is termed “Unity” (patent pending) and is channel modem and the mobile node (D) is in the same
available as a UnetStack premium agent for software order as the distance between hydrophones (L) on the
upgrades. multichannel modem, i.e., the ratio D/L is approximately

20 ST | November 2021

Since users can get direct access to raw data from all
the channels in real time, power users can extend the
Illustration of different scenarios in which the localization built-in capabilities of the multichannel modem through
solution using multichannel modems is tested. the customizability of UnetStack. With native support for
scientific computing languages such as Julia, or Unet-
Stack gateway support with Python, these devices dra-
equal to 1. Note that such a scenario might not be use-
matically reduce the time to deployment of your algo-
ful in practice with multichannel modems. However, it
is conceptually similar to a long baseline (LBL) system
For more on the Subnero multichannel modems, visit
where the distance between the beacon nodes are at al-
our website at:
most the same distance to the mobile node.
The multichannel modems allow us the flexibility
to position the hydrophones at desired positions, and,
For a list of references, contact Florie Mancel at:
therefore, different geometries can be explored when ST
deploying a multichannel modem. We deployed a multi-
channel modem with one configuration in which the dis-
tance between hydrophones was approximately 0.1 m,
resulting in scenario one, with D/L approximating to over Manu Ignatius is the CEO of Subnero, a Singapore-based start-up that de-
400. In a second configuration, the distance between hy- velops underwater communication, navigation, monitoring, and sensing
technology, products and solutions. He is an active member of the IEEE
drophones was much larger, about 0.9 m, resulting in
Oceanic Engineering Society and supports various events such as OCEANS
scenario two, with D/L approximating to about 50. In conferences and the Singapore AUV Challenge (SAUVC). Before joining
both cases, testing demonstrated an estimated bearing Subnero, he worked at several multinational companies on embedded
accuracy of about 0.3° to 1.7°. Using the same software systems and computer networks. He received a bachelor’s degree in elec-
tronics and communication engineering from Mahatma Gandhi University
framework, we were also able to test the LBL configura- College of Engineering, Kerala, India, and an M.S. in electrical and computer
tion (scenario three) with our standard acoustic modems engineering from the National University of Singapore in 2004 and 2010,
when divers were in the water and the localization solu- respectively. You can learn more about Ignatius at:
tion provided real-time updates on the diver location and
vital parameters. Dr. Prasad Anjangi is a research scientist at Subnero Pte. Ltd. He worked in
the semiconductor industry with Atmel and STMicroelectronics as firmware
and senior design engineer, respectively, from 2009 to 2012. His current
Conclusion research interests include underwater acoustic communications, signal
From the experimental outcome, it is clear that there processing, networking protocol design and AUVs. Anjangi has served on
the technical program committee of WUWNet (Association for Computing
is a substantial performance improvement when using
Machinery) and is a reviewer for the IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineer-
more than one channel for an underwater communica- ing and IEEE Transactions on Communications. He received his Ph.D. in
tion system. A single device can also be used for multiple electrical and computer engineering from National University of Singapore
applications, such as acoustic recording, communication in 2016. He received a bachelor’s degree in electronics and instrumenta-
tion engineering from Andhra University, Andhra Pradesh, India, in 2007
and localization. The smaller aperture of the compact ar- and a master’s degree in biomedical engineering from the Indian Institute
ray provided by the multichannel modem makes it ideal of Technology, Bombay, India, in 2009. You can learn more about him at:
for applications that involve AUVs. November 2021 | ST 21

Modern Naval Radar
Software-Defined Radio Supports Maritime Security
By Victor Wollesen

R adar (radio detection and ranging) is a technology

that involves transmission, reception and processing
of radio signals with the aim of estimating the charac-
Ocean conditions are unpredictable and can change
within a very short period of time. Bad weather condi-
tions such as dense fog, massive waves and strong winds
teristics of the target object. Although the technology can limit visibility, thereby increasing chances of cata-
was initially developed for military applications, it has a strophic collisions. With marine radar, you can navigate
broad array of commercial applications. a vessel in bad weather with a minimum risk of colliding
A typical radar system consists of a transmitter that with another vessel or a barrier. The International Regu-
generates and propagates an electromagnetic signal to- lations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 1972 (COLREGs)
ward an object of interest and a receiver that receives the stipulates requirements that are aimed at preventing col-
portion of the signal that is reflected back when the sig- lisions between vessels and enhancing the overall safety
nal hits the object. The reflected signal is then processed of vessels at sea. Among other things, these rules, pub-
to reconstruct an estimate of the speed, range and size lished by the International Maritime Organization (IMO),
of the target object. Marine radars operate in C-band, specify the requirements for using marine radar for sea
S-band or X-band and are used in ships for detecting ves- navigation. Rules Six, Seven and 19 provide guidelines
sels, buoys, landmasses and other obstacles. These radars on the use of marine radar technology for collision
are a key component of collision avoidance systems that avoidance between vessels.
are used for sea navigation.
In naval defense, marine radars are at the core of Marine Radar for Naval Defense:
many sophisticated systems used for early detection and Unique Threats and Requirements
identification of vessels. Some of these advanced sys- Unlike conventional marine radar systems, marine
tems include active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar for defense systems has stricter performance and
systems, anti-tactical ballistic missiles (ATBM) systems reliability requirements. To begin with, these systems
and air breathing threat (ABT) defense systems. An AESA are required to have the capability to simultaneously
system is a sophisticated array of antennas in which the search and track targets. They achieve this by perform-
transmitted signal is electronically steered toward a tar- ing three-dimensional beam scanning. This includes the
get without moving the antenna. ability to scan and detect enemy surface vessels at a long
range. Apart from surface targets, marine radars for de-
Features of Marine Radar Systems fense systems are also required to perform anti-aircraft
An most important feature of a marine radar system is searching and tracking. This capability allows naval ra-
the guard zone alarm, which enables a vessel to set a safe dar systems to detect and counter airborne threats such
distance, below which an alarm is triggered. The alarm as high-diving missiles. Modern naval radar systems are
is triggered when the separation between the vessel and also required to have the capability to evaluate threats
the obstacle (landmass, buoy or any other barrier) is less depending on their priority classifications. With these
than the vessel’s safety distance. The echo trails system is systems, high-priority threats are assigned a dedicated
another important feature of modern marine radars, al- tracking system with short update periods to allow ex-
lowing a vessel to track movements of other vessels. With tremely fast reaction.
this feature, you can see a faint trail of another vessel on Some naval defense operations require dedicated
your ship’s radar display for a set period of time. tracking to ensure high tracking accuracy. In active mis-

22 ST | November 2021

are required to be capable of identifying
vessels with high accuracy and identify-
ing other ships as friend or foe (IFF), or
using IFF transponders/interrogators. In
addition, naval ships are required to have
the capability to detect submarines. This is
achieved by using advanced systems such
as periscope detection systems and pop-
up missile detection systems.
Unlike conventional marine radars,
naval radar systems are required to meet
additional internationally accepted safety
standards. These standards, commonly re-
ferred to as the Naval Ship Code, are pub-
lished by the North Atlantic Treaty Organi-
zation (NATO) and are aimed at ensuring
that safety is a top priority.

Physical and Computation Requirements

For Naval Radar and Control
When designing marine radars for use
in naval defense, it is critical to consider
a broad array of factors. In nearly all cas-
es, the goal is to design a product that is
smaller, lighter and more powerful. The
acronym SWaP is used by research and
development teams to denote the three
key design considerations: size, weight
and power. In some cases, the cost of the
new design is included as one of the key
considerations, yielding what is common-
ly known in R&D circles as size, weight,
power and cost criteria (SwaP-C).
The importance of SwaP can be seen
when considering naval radar designs.
Compared to ordinary ships, the decks of destroyers, frig-
ates and other naval ships have space constraints, mak-
Active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar systems,
ing it critical to optimize the size of naval radar systems.
like the one in this simplified schematic, are often used on
naval vessels. A lean design creates more space for other technologies
that are needed in modern naval vessels. Moreover, na-
val vessels have limited power since they rely on gas
sile guidance systems, dedicated tracking helps to im- turbines. In an AESA naval radar system, a significant
prove the precision with which an enemy vessel is tar- amount of power is required for generating beams, run-
geted. ning the mechanical systems and powering the computa-
Jamming is commonly used in naval operations to tional devices. These constraints make it critical to mini-
prevent detection and tracking by enemy radar systems. mize the power requirements of naval radar systems. To
Without identifying the presence and position of jam- ensure that naval radar systems are as light as possible,
ming strobes, some high-priority threats can go unde- precision machining technology is used to produce rotat-
tected. With jam strobe detection and tracking capability, ing and other mechanical parts.
these threats can be identified and tracked as early as Compared to their predecessors, modern naval radar
possible. systems utilize advanced digital signal processing tech-
One way of ensuring early detection of threats is in- niques and deliver superior capabilities. Digital beam-
creasing the surveillance range of your radar system. Na- forming and space-time adaptive processing are some
val radar systems are required to have long surveillance of the digital signal processing techniques that are rev-
ranges to ensure that enemy vessels are identified as early olutionizing naval radar. These advanced techniques
as possible. Some of today’s naval radar systems have sur- are core elements in radar clutter mitigation, electron-
veillance ranges of over 250 km. ic protection and passive radar technology. With these
Failure to correctly identify an approaching vessel can advanced digital processing techniques, it is possible for
be costly since it can result in attacking a friendly vessel naval radar systems to perform threat tracking with im-
or ignoring a potential threat. Today’s naval radar systems pressive update rates of 1 sec. November 2021 | ST 23

are required. With most conventional radio communi-
cation systems, only a limited number of channels are
available. MIMO SDR provides multiple channels, thus
allowing easy implementation of new and emerging dig-
ital processing techniques.
A broad array of technologies is used in today’s naval
Noise and interference can greatly affect the perfor- vessels. With traditional radio communication systems,
mance and reliability of marine radar systems. The lat- it is difficult to accommodate multiple legacy systems.
est advancements in digital signal processing deliver SDR platforms are highly flexible, making them a suit-
impressive noise and able choice for ap-
interference rejection plications where it
capabilities, thereby is necessary to inte-
enhancing the overall grate multiple legacy
performance of naval systems.
radar systems. In addi- Equipment for
tion, the automatic en- use in military ap-
vironmental adaptation plications is exposed
capability of modern to extreme weather
naval radar systems allows auto- conditions and is required to
matic suppression of sea clutter. (Top left) The ability to take account of Doppler meet stringent performance and
Both continuous and pulsed shift provides a radar system with more informa- reliability requirements. These
tion on the target. In addition, this capability en-
wave modes are commonly used requirements are stipulated in
ables radar systems to isolate background clutter
in today’s naval radar systems. more efficiently. For example, consider a static military standards such as MIL-
The pulsed mode is an integral ship with a radar system that is transmitting a sig- STD-167-1A and MIL-STD-810F.
element of today’s surface naval nal toward an approaching vessel at a frequency Per Vices offers SDR platforms,
radar systems, while continuous of f Hz. If the moving vessel is traveling at a speed such as Cyan, that are engineered
wave mode provides critical tar- of v m/s and the speed of sound in vacuum is c to meet the most stringent per-
get Doppler information for mis- m/s, the Doppler frequency can be calculated us- formance and reliability require-
sile engagement. Integrating both ing this equation. (Above) Software-defined radio ments.
waveform technologies enhances must be high-performing, like this wide-band SDR There are various trade-offs in
the overall capability of a naval ra- from Per Vices called Cyan, to meet the perfor- terms of benefits and drawbacks
mance and reliability levels needed to carry out
dar system. when considering SDR for radar
military functions.
integration. Regarding benefits,
Software-Defined Radio for Naval to begin with, SDR platforms of-
Radar Systems fer the multiple channels required for beamforming and
An SDR (software-defined radio) is a flexible radio other advanced digital processing technologies. Highest
communication system that utilizes reprogrammable channel count SDR platforms offer up to 16 RF chan-
software-based modules instead of traditional hard- nels. Moreover, unlike conventional solutions, SDR plat-
ware-only circuits. A typical SDR consists of an analog forms are designed to operate over a wide range of fre-
front-end and a digital back-end. The radio front-end quencies, usually from DC to 18 GHz. This makes them
utilizes analog components and processes signals in the compatible with a broad array of radio communication
analog domain. This section features a frequency-tuning technologies.
device that converts the frequency of signals. SDRs use reconfigurable FPGAs for computational
The digital back-end contains a field programmable tasks, making them flexible and interoperable with dif-
gate array (FPGA) with embedded digital signal proces- ferent radar systems. In addition, these platforms are
sors (DSPs) and handles the computational tasks of an designed to offer high throughput. Highest throughput
SDR. This section utilizes reprogrammable components SDR platforms are designed to stream to host machines
and processes signals in the digital domain. at ultrafast speeds of up to Quad 40 Gbps. Apart from
Numerous challenges exist when implementing mod- their flexibility, SDR platforms offer excellent sensitivity,
ern naval radar systems. A modern naval radar system impressive dynamic range and IIP3. In addition, these
is required to support multiple functions on different platforms offer high tolerance to vibrations and varia-
bands simultaneously. For instance, a typical naval radar tions in temperature and other weather conditions.
transceiver operates in S-band for navigation function- Drawbacks to using the technology also exist. For
ality and C-band for threat detection and tracking func- one, although SDRs are highly flexible and suitable for a
tionalities. Apart from increasing design complexity, this broad array of applications, some sophisticated process-
need to support multiple functionalities in different fre- es require dedicated RF equipment. In cases where the
quency bands strains conventional radio technologies. performance matters more than flexibility, radar systems
In order to support advanced digital processing tech- based on dedicated RF devices can outperform SDR-
nologies, such as digital beamforming technologies like based solutions. In cases where this is of great concern,
AESA, multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channels application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) are com-

24 ST | November 2021



0.005 º Roll & Pitch

0.006 º GNSS Heading
0.01 º Gyrocompass Heading
0.001 º /hr Gyroscope

Boreas takes FOG technology to the next level with new patent pending
digital FOG (DFOG) technology. The revolutionary DFOG technology
combines a specially designed closed-loop optical coil with advanced
digital signal techniques that have been developed over the last 25
years. This ground-breaking gyroscope combined with our AI-based
algorithm provides unparalleled performance and reliability, with the
lowest SWaP-C (Size, Weight, Power and Cost) on the market. November 2021 | ST 25
“SDRs use reconfigurable FPGAs for computational tasks,
making them flexible and interoperable with different radar systems.
In addition, these platforms are designed to offer high throughput.”

monly used in today’s radar systems. Although these de- platforms use reconfigurable software-based compo-
vices are usually more expensive compared to FPGAs, nents and can be upgraded without the need to mod-
they are faster and consume less power. ify the available hardware. Apart from flexibility, SDR
The flexibility of an SDR platform is greatly depen- platforms offer multiple channels, high throughput and
dent on the specifications of a device, including type wide bandwidth, and can operate over a wide range
of FPGA, number of channels and bandwidth. For SDR of frequencies. The performance characteristics of soft-
platforms with limited resources, it can be challenging ware-defined radios make them a suitable choice for ra-
to add more functionalities. When planning to extend dar in naval defense. ST
the functionality of your SDR-based radar system, it is Victor Wollesen is the CEO and co-founder of
important to consider the license from the manufacturer. Toronto-based software-defined radio compa-
Some licenses do not allow users access to the FPGA/ ny Per Vices Corp. He has an honor’s degree
DSP resources, and this can greatly limit the flexibility of in physics with a specialization in astrophysics
from the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Can-
your radar system. ada. He has co-authored several peer-reviewed
papers on SDR technology, one of which was
Conclusion presented at IEEE’s Radar Conference in 2020.
Wollesen is a member of the Canadian Armed
Modern naval radar systems are highly advanced and Forces, and in his free time he enjoys putting his
utilize sophisticated digital processing techniques. SDR recreational pilot’s license to use.

Custom Sonar Solutions

for Challenging Defense


26Sea Technology_HalfPage_MSINov2021.indd
ST | November 2021 1 10/12/21 2:20 PM
Flying Ships
Autonomous Wing-in-Ground-Effect Vessels Coming to Market
By Bill Peterson • Gus Bateas • Capt. Steve Bomgardner

I magine shipping fresh caught lobsters and cod over-

night from Maine to Georgia at a fraction of the cost
of airfreight. What if you could save thousands of dollars
dustry with the combination of electric propulsion and
21st century aerodynamics. Integrating these concepts
dramatically decreases vessel cost, improves energy ef-
and several days of freshness when you ship ripe fruit ficiency and eliminates greenhouse emissions. It also
and flowers from Brazil to New Orleans? How many permits delivery to thousands of additional access points
lives could be saved if we were able to deliver vital relief because Flying Ships can land on water and unload on
supplies, food, equipment and medical instruments more beaches or boating docks, taking full advantage of exist-
rapidly in response to natural disasters? ing infrastructure.
The U.S. military and civilian logistics markets have
seen a surge in demand for time-critical, price-sensitive The Flying Ship Team
deliveries to coastal regions around the world. This is part The Flying Ship Co. consists of a well-rounded team
of a larger dynamic of growth in the lo-
gistics and transportation sector, which
is projected to grow from $7 billion to
$15 billion by 2026.
However, current modes of trans-
portation to serve this explosive growth
are either inexpensive but slow—such
as boats, trucks and trains—or fast but
expensive—such as airplanes. Autono-
mous Flying Ships will fill this gap by
providing access to countless delivery
points at an order of magnitude faster
than boats and at a fraction of the cost
of aircraft, radically lowering shipping
costs for time-sensitive goods.
The Flying Ship Co. has taken prov-
en technology that harnesses the aero-
dynamic principle of ground effect to
create advanced unmanned maritime
shipping vessels that fly just over the
water. These green energy Flying Ships
will disrupt the global logistics in-

The graphic outlines plans for the two

initial Flying Ship variants. November 2021 | ST 27

The company first operated and test-
ed a prototype uncrewed ground-effect
vessel in 2018. The second vessel was
completed in August 2021 and features
improved aerodynamics, propulsion, bat-
teries and autonomy. The new vessel has
a 6-ft., 5-in. wingspan and will be used
to validate multiple systems and, later,
used in multiple demonstration programs
through spring 2022. Plans for construc-
tion of a full-size, all-electric version for
field testing on select trade routes are
being finalized. Full commercialization
of the smaller initial variant will run con-
currently with final development of the
larger regional model.

Technical Overview
Wing-in-ground vessels have existed
since World War II. Recently, there have
been several new entrants in the market
providing personal recreational and com-
mercial passenger solutions. The Flying
Ship is the only one focusing on autono-
mous cargo and a logistics solution.
Two initial Flying Ship versions are in
development. A 12-m (approximately 40
ft.) vessel having 1,200-kg (2,500-lb.) car-
go-carrying capacity with a range of up to
500 nautical mi. (nm) will serve offshore
locations such as ships and islands. A
larger, 15-m (approximately 50-ft.) ves-
sel with a 2,700-kg (6,000-lb.) cargo ca-
The second ground-effect demonstration vessel pacity and a 1,000-nm range will serve
(GEDV-2), which has gone into final testing. regional routes. These vessels will have a
cruise speed of 100 kt. and are planned
for initial commercial operation in 2024.
There are no humans on board Flying
Ship vessels, which eliminates potential
risk for crew injury or death as com-
pared to today’s sea planes, ships and
trucks. Moreover, the Flying Ship Co. is
partnering with artificial intelligence (AI)
companies to jointly develop and test au-
tonomous ground-effect systems that will
eliminate pilot-induced error and avoid
of engineers, pilots, captains and executives. The team Flying Ship Co.’s first prototype ground-effect ves-
members have expertise in multiple disciplines, includ- sel was remotely operated, and the current ground-ef-
ing engineering, international business development, fect demonstration Flying Ship has been outfitted with
maritime, aviation and contract law, supply chain man- semiautonomous systems. Flying Ships will gradually
agement, operations, communications, government re- incorporate higher levels of semiautonomous systems
lations, human resources, and corporate strategy in the and then fully autonomous systems. Flying Ships’ au-
aerospace, maritime and defense sectors. tonomous navigation, sense and avoidance, and com-
The team is assessing test locations and manufactur- munication systems are being developed with a hybrid
ing partners to field test and refine the design, then com- of those used in the aviation and maritime industries.
mercialize the vessels. We are accepting additional in- While the systems must adhere to all International Mar-
vestment and aim for full commercialization of the initial itime Organization (IMO) regulations, they will also use
variant in three years, followed by larger versions with a flight control and stabilization system like those used
enhanced range and payload capabilities in 10 years. by commercial aircraft to stabilize the main parameters

28 ST | November 2021

of the craft’s altitude (flight, trim and pitch) and control rents will not impact cruise speed and performance. And,
the craft’s motions (roll, pitch/sway and yaw/heave). Ad- since Flying Ships fly over rough seas, they will avoid the
ditionally, Flying Ships’ navigation and communication slowdown and damage to cargo that boats experience
systems are coupled with maritime systems and ground- from waves.
based systems for loading, unloading and refueling. The Furthermore, the IMO, under the Maritime Safety
technology is proven and commercially available today. Committee’s 76th session in 2002, approved interim
Flying Ships must also avoid ship traffic, rogue waves, guidelines for low-altitude maritime wing-in-ground
marine life, floating debris and any other obstructions (WIG) vessels. This means they are not subject to expen-
that they may encounter. The highest volume of boat traf- sive aviation commercial operation restrictions under the
fic is around ports, taxiing to load and unload cargo. International Civil Aviation Organization.
Initial stages of semiautonomy use remote human op-
erators when navigating in heavy-traffic areas, such as Maritime Regulations
ports, and will have greater autonomy when in areas with WIG craft are supported in their main operational
little traffic, such as the open ocean. The flight-proven mode solely by aerodynamic forces that enable them to
AI systems incorporate inputs from video, radar, LiDAR, operate at low altitude above the sea surface but out of
ground-based avoidance information and several other direct contact with that surface. The arrangement, engi-
sensors to determine the safest and most efficient routes neering characteristics, design, construction and opera-
during all modes of operation. The AI systems provide tion of WIG craft have much in common with those char-
the remote operator with the latest and safest operating acteristics for aircraft. WIG craft must operate with other
information. waterborne craft and use the same collision-avoidance
The Flying Ship vessels incorporate the latest opera- rules as conventional shipping.
tionally proven technology at a commercially acceptable The IMO Maritime Safety Committee has approved
cost. For instance, power-augmented ram thrust is de- the annexed Interim Guidelines for WIG craft, which
ployed during the marine-to-flight transition, as well as were developed in view of the configuration of WIG
maneuvering. These lower cost, electrically powered fans craft, falling between the maritime and aviation regulato-
are suitable for the seawater environment. In addition to ry regimes. The basis for the Interim Guidelines is flexible
the power-augmented ram, the Flying Ship has been de- risk management. Although this is a fundamental change
signed with a variety of all-electric and hybrid-electric from the prescriptive standards forming the basis of the
main propulsion. The vessels will be configured based on 2000 International Code of Safety for High Speed Craft
customer delivery route and operational requirements. (HSC Code), the intention is to achieve safety standards
Unlike traditional vessels, Flying Ships have no draft comparable to those of the 1974 SOLAS (Safety of Life
depth limitations while in cruise, so they will not run at Sea) Convention. However, relevant provisions of
aground. This has benefits when traversing frozen bod- the 2000 HSC Code have been included in the Interim
ies of water or shallow areas, like shorelines, low-tide Guidelines.
zones, river rapids and coral reefs, or even floating de- The Maritime Safety Committee approved Interim
bris, icebergs, underwater mines, and potentially bridges, Guidelines for Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships Trials
locks and dams. Additionally, cruising flying ships will in June 2019. Four degrees of autonomy have been iden-
not damage or kill protected marine life and can oper- tified for the purpose of the scoping. Degree One refers
ate in the vicinity of these animals with no impact on to a ship with automated processes and decision support.
their populations. This also means that underwater cur- Seafarers are on board to operate and control shipboard November 2021 | ST 29

“We are accepting additional investment and aim for full commercialization
of the initial variant in three years, followed by larger versions with enhanced
range and payload capabilities in 10 years.”

systems and functions. Some operations may be auto- Flying Ships also could be equipped with a suite of
mated, and at times unsupervised, but with seafarers on sensors and communications equipment to conduct
board ready to take control. Degree Two refers to a re- command, control, communications, computers, intel-
motely controlled ship with seafarers on board. The ship ligence, surveillance and reconnaissance missions in
is controlled and operated from another location. Seafar- advanced, contested positions. The natural stealth capa-
ers are available on board to take control and to operate bilities of this platform make it an ideal choice for these
the shipboard systems and functions. Degree Three refers kinds of missions.
to a remotely controlled ship without seafarers on board. Flying Ships could also fulfill mission requirements
The ship is controlled and operated from another loca- for low-payload, long-duration Arctic patrol flights at
tion. There are no seafarers on board. Degree Four refers zero risk to U.S. military personnel.
to a fully autonomous ship: The operating system of the These potential defense applications are just a few
ship is able to make decisions and determine actions by possibilities.
itself. Current and emerging technologies offer sustainable
The Flying Ship will follow Degree Three, with testing and cost-effective solutions to traditional cargo opera-
in the future to achieve Degree Four. tions and a variety of military missions. The Flying Ship
Co. has seized on operationally proven science to pres-
US Military Applications ent safe, unique, efficient and cost-effective alternatives.
Flying Ship Co.’s unmanned, autonomous vessels These concepts—and dreams—are now becoming real-
could serve military requirements exceptionally well. ity. ST
From prepositioning and sustainment in a contested en-
vironment to distributed logistics, operational support
Bill Peterson is CEO of Flying Ship Technologies Corp. He holds an aero-
and manned-unmanned teaming, our vessels match the space engineering degree from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and
Tri-Service (U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Coast an M.B.A. from George Mason University. He is accomplished in develop-
Guard) need for a versatile, highly advanced platform ing and executing corporate strategy, design and business capture activities
that is significantly less expensive to acquire, operate for a multitude of aerospace suppliers.

and maintain than existing alternatives. Gus Bateas is executive vice president and chief operating officer for
The most direct application is for unmanned, auton- Ground Effect Technologies Corp. An aerospace, defense and maritime ex-
omous logistics vessels. Think about UPS trucks at sea: ecutive with proven leadership and technical accomplishments at Boeing,
Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and Triumph, Bateas earned engineering
Our vessels not only can serve points on land but also
and business degrees from SUNY Maritime College and the University of
can serve ships at sea—allowing for quick resupply of Southern California.
forward-deployed assets.
Another potential application is combat search and Capt. Steve Bomgardner is regional managing director for the Americas and
global commercial director at the Bahamas Maritime Authority. A global
rescue for downed pilots. Several Flying Ships could leader in the oil and gas and maritime industries, Bomgardner earned his
work in concert to help conduct a search more quickly, M.B.A. from Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business and
without further risk to critical personnel. a B.S. in marine transportation from Texas A&M University at Galveston.

world leader in electric underwater robotics

30 ST | November 2021

international ECSEL Joint Undertaking TRANSACT-project, funded by
the European Union’s H2020 Framework Programme.
NAVTOR will team up to develop new applications and
New Member of IWSA AI-enhanced maritime services for improved perfor-
Vesconite Bearings is the newest member of the mance and safety.
130-organization-strong International Windship Associ-
ation (IWSA). IWSA facilitates and promotes wind pro- Wärtsilä Joins CCS Consortium
pulsion for commercial shipping worldwide and brings Wärtsilä will take a central role in developing mari-
together all parties in the development of a wind ship time carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies as
sector to shape industry and government attitudes and part of the LINCCS (linking carbon capture and storage)
policies. Vesconite Bearings can contribute its experi- consortium. LINCCS is focused on reducing costs for new
ence in renewable energy, marine and shipping to IWSA. carbon storage facilities by 70 percent and advancing the
development of carbon capture technologies in a range
New Company to Minimize Vessel Emissions of sectors. The LINCCS consortium will receive support
Volvo Penta and Qamcom Group have formed a start- from the Norwegian government’s Green Platform Ini-
up under the company name Cetasol. The new company tiative. Carbon capture technology can be a significant
is based on a spin-off from Volvo Penta and will be tar- enabler for decarbonization of the maritime industry.
geted to help commercial marine vessels minimize emis-
sions and maximize efficiency. Call to Action for Shipping Decarbonization
The partnership was formed with the support and More than 150 industry leaders and organizations
guidance of CampX, the Volvo Group’s global innovation representing the entire maritime value chain, including
arena for technology and business transformation. shipping, cargo, energy, finance, ports and infrastructure,
have signed onto the Call to Action for Shipping Decar-
DNV Maritime Forecast to 2050 bonization, which calls on governments to work togeth-
DNV has launched “Maritime Forecast to 2050,” part er with industry to deliver the policies and investments
of the Energy Transition Outlook suite of reports. Con- needed to reach critical tipping points in decarbonizing
ceived to help shipowners navigate the technologies global supply chains and the global economy.
and fuels needed to meet global greenhouse gas (GHG) The signatories for the Call to Action urge govern-
targets, the report features an updated carbon risk man- ments to: commit to decarbonizing international ship-
agement framework, including a new “decarbonization ping by 2050; support industrial-scale zero-emission
stairway” model to help owners map a path to sustain- shipping projects through national action; and deliver
ability. The 80-page report aims to assist an industry fac- policy measures that will make zero-emission shipping
ing the dual challenge of increasingly stringent climate the default choice by 2030.
change targets and regulations coupled with uncertainty
over future fuel choices, technology and supply. You can LR Acquires GreenSteam
download it at: Lloyd’s Register (LR) has acquired GreenSteam, a ma-
maritime-forecast-to-2050-download.html. rine data intelligence company specializing in improving
vessel efficiency through machine learning. The acqui-
Eksfin Helps Finance Maritime ‘Green Shift’ sition will be integrated and managed by i4 Insight, a
Norwegian export credit agency Eksfin is playing a subsidiary of Lloyd’s Register.
major role in accelerating the “green shift” at sea, pro- i4 Insight, part of LR’s Maritime Performance Services
viding loan guarantees approaching €1 billion for the business, is a digital platform that allows shipowners, op-
construction of 35 eco-friendly vessels over the last four erators and charterers to easily access insights on vessel
years, including Le Commandant Charcot, a polar explo- performance and fuel consumption across their fleets.
ration cruise ship recently delivered to French cruise line The acquisition will see GreenSteam’s vast array of ma-
Ponant by Norwegian shipbuilder Vard. chine learning services, from fouling analysis and trim
Eksfin is a governmental financial enterprise under the planning to dynamic trim and speed optimizers, fully in-
wing of Norway’s Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fish- tegrated with the i4 Insight platform.
eries. Eksfin promotes Norwegian exports by supporting
Norwegian companies, foreign buyers and their banks Unique Group Buys Gaps M7
with a broad range of state-backed loans, guarantees and Unique Group has added an iXblue Gaps M7 USBL
expert advisory services. acoustic and positioning system to its rental pool of
equipment. It will be available to clients in the Americas.
NAVTOR Joins Cyber-Physical Consortium Gaps M7 has horizontal tracking capabilities and very
NAVTOR, a specialist in maritime e-navigation and high-precision georeferenced positioning performance,
performance optimization, has been selected to join a from extremely shallow water depths to 4,000 m. It can
European-funded, Philips-led consortium focused on ex- be used for applications such as ROVs, AUVs, gliders,
ploiting the potential, and ensuring the integrity, of cy- tow-fish tracking and dynamic positioning, to name a
ber-physical systems. The Norwegian-headquartered firm few. Gaps M7 can be deployed from small vessels of op-
has joined 30 other European partners in launching the portunity. November 2021 | ST 31

Order for AquaPix MINSAS
Kraken Robotics Inc. has received an order for an
AquaPix MINSAS 120 sonar system from a Fortune 500
company with activities in the defense sector. This is a
new Kraken customer, and the company expects to fulfill
the order in the first quarter of 2022.
AquaPix MINSAS is an off-the-shelf configurable syn-
thetic aperture sonar (SAS) that replaces high-end side
scan systems at an affordable price, while delivering
significantly higher resolution, range and area cover-
age rates. MINSAS is capable of 2-cm-by-2-cm ultra-
high-definition seabed imaging.

Woolpert Acquisitions
Woolpert has acquired Optimal GEO, an Ala-
bama-based company that specializes in providing pho-
togrammetric mapping, orthoimagery, LiDAR and GIS
data to defense and federal intelligence communities.
Optimal GEO and Woolpert have worked together on
projects to support federal clients, including the U.S.
Geological Survey, the Naval Facilities Engineering Sys-
tems Command and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Woolpert has also acquired AAM, a global geospatial
services company that specializes in aerial mapping, sur-
veying, GIS, and the development of innovative geospa-
tial processes and technologies. AAM is headquartered
in Australia and has offices in New Zealand, Asia, Africa
and the Middle East.

Chevron to Invest in New Energy Businesses

Chevron Corp. will invest more capital to grow low-
Ocean Monitoring er-carbon-energy businesses. It has set 2030 growth tar-
gets for new energy businesses, including: to increase
renewable fuels production capacity to 100,000 barrels
per day; grow hydrogen production to 150,000 tonnes
per year; and increase carbon capture and offsets to 25
million tonnes per year by developing regional hubs in
partnership with others. Chevron will invest more than
$10 billion between now and 2028, including $2 billion
RACE to lower the carbon intensity of operations.
Large-Scale CCS Tech in Houston
Eleven companies have expressed interest in support-
pCO2 / GHG
optical Analyzer
ing the large-scale deployment of carbon capture and
storage (CCS) technology in Houston. Calpine, Chevron,
Dow, ExxonMobil, INEOS, Linde, LyondellBasell, Mara-
thon Petroleum, NRG Energy, Phillips 66 and Valero will
begin discussing plans that could lead to capturing and
Sampler for Microplastic safely storing up to 50 million metric tons of CO2 per
& Plankton
year by 2030 and about 100 million metric tons by 2040.
Houston aims to be carbon neutral by 2050.
Monitoring for GHG, pCO2, Analyzer & Sampler
Teledyne Launches Geospatial Group
Modular, easy to use and reliable monitoring systems. Teledyne Geospatial has launched with the unifica-
Water quality monitoring for: profiling, underway tion of Teledyne’s Optech and CARIS businesses. Its offer-
and mooring Learn more ings will seamlessly map land and sea through the inte-
gration of LiDAR sensors and software workflows.
The CZMIL SuperNova, the first product from Tele-
SubCtech GmbH dyne Geospatial, integrates Optech’s bathymetric LiDAR with CARIS’s comprehensive processing software. ST

32 ST | November 2021

capitalreport If successful, this research in the Gulf of Mexico’s hy-
poxia region off the coasts of Texas and Louisiana may
demonstrate not just the ability but also the utility of re-
DHS AI/ML Strategic Plan mote sensing as an observational technique for character-
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) izing potentially critical but often neglected carbon cycle
Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) has released processes related to marine sediments. Marine sediments
its Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning (AI/ML) are essentially a permanent means for carbon removal
Strategic Plan: from the surface of the Earth over geological time scales.
telligence-and-machine-learning-strategic-plan. Yet, a changing climate, coastal eutrophication (i.e., ex-
S&T will incorporate the technological advancements cess nutrient inputs), and processes such as trawling are
in AI/ML to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness reducing their carbon storage capacity, resulting in the
of the DHS operational components and the broader “browning” of coastal waters.
Homeland Security enterprise. The Strategic Plan identi-
fies research S&T will conduct to understand the oppor- NOAA Shuts Down RNC Tile Service, Viewer
tunities, as well as the risks, that accompany the rapidly NOAA shut down its Raster Navigational Chart (RNC)
changing AI/ML technology landscape and its impacts to Tile Service and the online RNC Viewer in October. The
DHS missions. NOAA Seamless Raster Navigational Chart Services will
S&T’s three strategic goals are to: drive next-gener- be shut down on January 1, 2022. This is part of a larger
ation AI/ML technologies for cross-cutting homeland NOAA program to end production and maintenance of
security capabilities; facilitate the use of proven AI/ML all NOAA traditional paper and raster nautical charts.
capabilities in homeland security missions; and build an The RNC tile and seamless services provide repack-
interdisciplinary AI/ML-trained workforce. The Strategic aged chart images that are based on the traditional nauti-
Plan aligns with the DHS Artificial Intelligence Strategy cal chart products that are being canceled. As these charts
(December 2020). are canceled, a patchwork of holes will grow within the
coverage of the raster services, which will eventually ren-
FAU Harbor Branch Gets NASA Grant der them unusable. Therefore, the RNC Tile Service and
To Study Marine Sediments as Carbon Source the Seamless RNC Services will be turned off early in the
Coastal ecosystems sequester large quantities of car- raster sunset program. The online RNC Viewer displays
bon through processes at risk of disturbance from chang- data from the RNC Tile service, so it will be shut down at
ing climate, land use change and rising sea levels. How the same time.
carbon moves from land to ocean is one of the critical
knowledge gaps needed to constrain the structure and Project 11 Greenlight
functioning of the Earth system. In coastal regions, the or- The Port of Houston and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
igin of various carbon sources is very difficult to identify, (USACE) have committed to a channel infrastructure wid-
and the generalization of these sources and the processes ening project of the Houston Ship Channel, DredgeWire
involved in transport to the ocean is even more difficult, reported. Once widened and deepened, the Houston
thus limiting the ability to make future projections based Ship Channel will benefit over 22,000 vessel trips a year
on a changing climate and associated events. and support more than 200 private and public facilities.
One potentially underappreciated carbon source, the USACE ranked the Port of Houston as the largest port
underlying marine sediments, may be particularly im- for total and foreign waterborne tonnage. A wider and
pacted under these conditions and may play an outsized safer channel that maintains two-way vessel traffic is crit-
role in the overall carbon budget. Satellite remote sens- ical. The Houston channel handles more vessel traffic
ing is often used as a tool to characterize and quantify than the three largest U.S. ports combined: Los Angeles,
the various sources of carbon in coastal regions by mea- Long Beach and New York/New Jersey.
suring colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM), or the This deepening and widening of the channel will be
“brown stuff” in rivers in Florida and beyond. However, the 11th major improvement project to the federal water-
it is not currently possible to discriminate between sedi- way over its history that dates back more than a century,
ment-derived carbon versus other sources. which is why it is called Project 11.
Using satellite images, hydrodynamic modeling and
field work, scientists from Florida Atlantic University’s Fugro to Support National Geospatial Program
(FAU) Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute are setting The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has awarded Fu-
out to quantify this sediment carbon contribution, make gro a new Geospatial Products and Services Contract to
historical reconstructions and contribute to future projec- support the National Geospatial Program (NGP), which
tions of the coastal budget. They have received a three- provides a digital foundation for geospatial infrastructure
year, $736,000 grant from NASA’s Minority University in the U.S. Work will be done on an as-needed basis for
Research and Education Project Ocean Biology and Bio- up to 5 years. USGS will have access to multiple innova-
geochemistry (OCEAN). FAU is one of 10 universities in tive LiDAR mapping solutions, crewed and autonomous
the U.S. to receive this grant in support of NASA’s Science systems, and cloud-processing technology. The resulting
Mission Directorate in seeking a better understanding of geodata are critical to effectively manage infrastructure,
the ocean’s role in the Earth system. natural resources and inland water channels. ST November 2021 | ST 33

productdevelopment Military Life Preservers
This new range of defense-grade life
preservers is designed specifically
For more information on any of these products, visit our website at to improve the safety of military aircrews. The three new lifejackets
form part of the AirPEX (Aircrew
Subsea Robotic Tools Uncrewed Coastal Security Protection Extreme) product portfo-
The Maritime Autonomy Surface lio. Survitec Group Ltd.
Testbed (MAST) vessel is similar to a
waterborne drone that can be partly Cloud Simulation
or fully autonomously controlled to
identify threats such as enemy ships
or collect intelligence on targets
while moving at high speeds. Us-
ers can deploy uncrewed missions
to minimize the risk to service per-
OM-1 is a compact and cost-effec- sonnel by taking them out of harm’s
tive single-function manipulator for way. Ploughshare/U.K., Defence
use on smaller ROVs. The grabber Science and Technology Laboratory
suits a range of applications, such (Dstl) and L3Harris Technologies. The Cloud Simulation Solution is
as recovering ordnance from the now available on the Ocean Learn-
seafloor or stabilizing an ROV by Acoustic Wind Profiler ing Platform. This includes in-
holding onto an object. The jaw PA-5 is a long-range sodar with an structor-led interactive simulation
head is detachable, allowing for average altitude range of 3,000 m training, automated assessment
other attachments to be fitted by AGL. Data include measurements solutions, and a growing library of
the operator, including rope cutters, of turbulence. The device does not self-directed simulation exercises
sampling bottles and a magnetic require authorization with respect suitable for a wide range of deck
clamp. OceanTools Ltd. to radio regulations. Remtech. and engineering learning path-
ways. Wärtsilä Corp. and Ocean
Technologies Group.

Fast Crew Boat

Gen 4 FCB is an aluminum 42-m
vessel featuring a highly efficient
new hull form and Z-bow that im-

proves sea-keeping and requires
less power for the same speed and
deadweight, reducing fuel con-

sumption and lowering emissions.
The new hull form was developed
in collaboration with Southerly
Designs, with CFD analysis and
optimization by Seaspeed Marine
Consulting. Strategic Marine (S) Pte

Carbon Emissions Monitoring

The Carbon Intensity Monitor-
ing (CIM) service that monitors
and visualizes CO2 emissions
from ships is now fully operation-
al. Third-party endorsement by
ClassNK validates the authenticity
of CIM operational data and the
sophisticated calculation method.
Shipping companies can use the
service with full confidence both
for internal data management and
public announcements/reporting.
Weathernews Inc.

34 ST | November 2021

Data Sharing Digital Twin Tech
An application programming inter- SWIM (Subsea Wellhead Integrity
face (API) enables Sea/ to surface Monitoring) is a system that em-
RightShip data for the benefit of ploys retrofittable subsea sensors to
shared customers. The integration monitor and measure stability, load,
will give Sea/trade customers access fatigue and structural integrity of
to RightShip’s Safety Score, GHG the wellhead system during drilling
Rating and RightShip Dry Bulk In- operations. It has a battery life of up
spections outcomes without leaving to five years and can operate in wa-
the Sea/trade platform, providing ter depths to 3,000 m. Digital twin
increased digital agility. Users can technology provides early warning
make informed chartering decisions and improved accuracy in structur-
sooner. RightShip and Sea/. al health monitoring compared to
traditional analyses. 4subsea AS.
Gauge for Sensors
VL Flex 52 J1939 is an all-in-one Network, Device Management
1.44-in. round gauge that can dis- SmartBoat is a vessel management
play two sets of diesel engine data solution for all marine-sensor pro-
simultaneously and is easily con- tocols and network types. The
figured using a mobile device and NMEA 2000-certified SmartBoat
the companion Veratron app. It offers a highly configurable sensor
supports input from analog sensors, interface; supports a wide range of
as well as J1939, LIN 2.0 and other sensors and protocols; and provides
digital networks. Veratron US Inc. remote discovery, management,
programming and wireless features.
Solar Marine Lantern AIRMAR Technology Corp.

Onboard Isolation Transformers

Six models separate the dock pow-
er from the boat’s for clean, safe
and consistent onboard 120/240-V
electricity. Isolation Transformers
are available in combinations of 15
and 25 kVA, and 60 or 50/60 Hz,
for 50- and 100-amp systems. Hub-
bell Marine Electrical Products.

SL-75 is now available with the ad- Nadir Gap-Fill Sonar

dition of an internal satellite com- The 2205 system with gap-fill tech-
munications module as an option. nology is complemented by Sonar-
Other enhanced features include Wiz software to support processing
Bluetooth as standard, and GSM and mosaicking. It was designed
connectivity and GPS synchroni- specifically for hosted platforms op-
zation as options. SL-75 connect- erating in shallow water or within
ed to the Star2M portal provides close proximity to the bottom. The
advanced monitoring and control sonar is ideal for USVs, UUVs and
from your phone, tablet or desktop. AUVs. EdgeTech and Chesapeake
Sealite Pty Ltd. Technology Inc.

Electric Ferry for Public Transport Multiplexer

Fassmer CIT-E is powered by a NEXUS 8 is an HD video and mul-
Torqeedo integrated drive system, tibeam sonar multiplexer, with ul-
and it can be operated through in- trahigh bandwidth and three full
ner-city waterways in a cost-effec- HD video interfaces for up to three
tive way. Commuter vessels typical- HD cameras. It provides real-time
ly operate at efficient speeds and are monitoring without any latency and
in use for 8 to 14 hr., leaving plenty enables running of instruments and
of time for overnight charging. Fass- sensors for measurement, surveys,
mer GmbH & Co. KG and Torqeedo sonar, manipulation and control.
GmbH. MacArtney A/S. ST November 2021 | ST 35

marineelectronics FOTODOK and RENOMATIC will
complement RINA’s businesses in
the energy and industry sectors.

Data Quality Guidelines download free of charge at www. Mobile Battery Container
ClassNK has released its “Data for those who have Wärtsilä has developed and de-
Quality Guidelines” to facilitate the registered for the ClassNK “My livered a mobile battery container
processes of collecting and utiliz- Page” service (also free of charge). solution that will enable inland wa-
ing shipboard data among various terway vessels to operate with zero
stakeholders. The guidelines outline RINA Acquires Logimatic emissions. The first order, compris-
points to note for ensuring high data RINA has acquired the entire ing three units, was placed by ZES
quality in accordance with related share capital of Logimatic Solutions, (Zero Emission Services) BV, a Neth-
international standards. a software company headquartered erlands-based company founded
As digitalization in the maritime in Denmark. The company will in 2020 by ING Bank, energy and
industry is advancing, achieving be fully integrated into the RINA technical service provider Engie, the
data quality is a key element. The Group, and its nearly 50 employees Port of Rotterdam, and Wärtsilä. The
guidelines explain characteristics of will continue in the current struc- order was placed and two contain-
shipboard data, management pro- ture from its offices in Denmark, ers delivered in June 2021.
cedures for ensuring high quality Singapore and Chile. The battery containers are in-
of shipboard data, and relations for This acquisition will boost RI- stalled on a 104-TEU inland water-
data quality with ISO19847 speci- NA’s first-class knowledge of digital way container vessel. The system
fying requirements for shipboard solutions, providing support to cus- enables the vessel to operate on
data servers and ISO19848 specify- tomers for efficient and sustainable full electric power alone, with no
ing data formats. They also include business operations. carbon emissions being generated.
an overview of major international The move will add SERTICA to The energy capacity is equivalent
standards such as ISO8000, DAMA the RINA portfolio of maritime of- to that of approximately 36 electric
DMBoK to help understand data ferings. SERTICA is a powerful fleet passenger cars. When discharged,
quality management. management solution for all areas the containers can be exchanged
The guidelines are available to of maritime business. INEXTIA, and charged onshore using energy

NEW class of
ROV Propulsion

Powerful and silent subsea thrusters from

Copenhagen Subsea A/S have been developed
with reliability as the highest design priority.

The ROV thrusters are responsive, powerful

and easy to integrate – and will provide
vehicles with a unique combination of silent
power and high maneuverability.


36 2219_CopSubsea_MarineLink_168x119mm.indd
ST | November 2021 1 23-01-2018 09:46:49
from renewable sources. This re- meet the needs of government, mil- and to demonstrate zero-emission
placeability is unique because bat- itary, enterprise, maritime and first maritime operations. SEA-KIT se-
tery containers have thus far been responder customers. cured the grant from the Depart-
stationary installations. ment for Transport, working with
Funding to Install InnovateUK, to showcase a success-
Atomic Clocks for Galileo Hydrogen Fuel Cell on USV ful diesel-to-hydrogen conversion of
Second Generation System SEA-KIT International, a design- SEA-KIT’s USV design and demon-
Orolia, specializing in resilient er and builder of USVs, has won strate a route to fulfilling the U.K.’s
positioning, navigation and timing funding to install an innovative Clean Maritime Plan Strategy com-
solutions, has been awarded two PCB-based hydrogen fuel cell, engi- mitment of reducing greenhouse
contracts to provide atomic clocks neered by project partner Bramble gas emissions from shipping by at
for the first 12 satellites of the Gal- Energy, on its 12-m USV Maxlimer least 50 percent by 2050. ST
ileo Second Generation System
(G2S). The first is from the European
Space Agency (ESA), and the second
is from Leonardo.
Each of the new G2S satellites,
designed to provide unprecedented
accuracy worldwide, will contain
three Orolia Rubidium Atomic Fre-
quency Standards (RAFS) and two
Orolia atomic clock physics pack-
ages integrated with Leonardo’s Pas-
sive Hydrogen Masers (PHM).
According to ESA, the G2S sat-
ellites will revolutionize the Gal-
ileo constellation, joining the 26
first-generation satellites currently
in orbit. They will be much larger
than the existing Galileo satellites,
use electric propulsion for the first
time and feature a more powerful
navigation antenna. The G2S con-
stellation should achieve decime-
ter-scale positioning precision.

Flat-Panel Antenna Operates

With OneWeb Sat
Low Earth orbit (LEO) satellite
communications company One-


Web and global mobile commu-
nications company Kymeta have
successfully tested the Kymeta u8-
based LEO terminal with OneWeb’s
LEO satellite constellation. Kymeta
and OneWeb performed a series of Professionals stick with In-Situ water quality monitoring
LEO satellite acquisition, tracking equipment because they trust it to work every time.
and throughput measurements in
Toulouse, France. Kymeta plans to Redundant, on-board data storage, fully potted
leverage these results in the defini- sensors, and integrated optical compensation on
tion of future-proof solutions that our fluorometers ensure reliable performance.
are fully integrated and compatible So, you can focus on the data.
with the rapidly expanding One-
Web system. The u8 is the first com- Learn more at
mercially available flat panel anten-
na to interoperate with the OneWeb
satellite constellation.
OneWeb is working with several
new user terminal integrators like
Kymeta to explore solutions that November 2021 | ST 37

environmentalmonitoring have been deployed to monitor tur-
bidity. The measurements are being
collected as part of France’s Réseau
d’Observation Haute-Fréquence
Robots Collect Glacier Data to record various oceanographic pour l’Environnement Côtier
Marine scientists have deployed measurements at the face of the (ROEC), a network for high-fre-
robotic vehicles on the face of a gla- glacier, while an ecoSUB AUV took quency coastal ocean observing, of
cier in Svalbard to study the hidden temperature, salinity and oxygen which ROEC-Benth is the branch re-
link in how rapidly melting Arctic readings below the surface. Aeri- sponsible for observing turbidity at
ice is changing the ocean. al drones surveyed the freshwater the seabed. Bottom-mounted tripod
The mission to Ny Ålesund, the plumes that run off from the glacier. cages are deployed, carrying several
world’s most northerly settlement, While rising global temperatures monitoring instruments, including
was a collaboration between the increase glacial melt, glaciers are RBRvirtuoso³ | Turbidity Loggers in
Scottish Association for Marine Sci- also breaking up below the surface areas of interest relating to human
ence (SAMS), UiT The Arctic Uni- of the water. In a process known activities such as offshore con-
versity of Norway, the Norwegian as subglacial discharge, meltwa- struction, as well as fluvial outputs,
Polar Institute and University Centre ter flows down through the glacier which increase particulate matter
on Svalbard. The team examined and out into the ocean. This water in the water column. The data col-
the Kronebreen glacier in Kongs- is fresher than the surrounding sea- lected by ROEC-Benth will address
fjorden, measuring the freshwater water, so it starts to rise in the water the causes and attributes of benthic
runoff as it melts and assessing how column, creating a plume that pulls turbidity.
it interacts with the saltier sea wa- in warmer Atlantic water, which in-
ter coming into the fjord from the creases the melt rate at the face of Subsea Fiber to Support
North Atlantic. the glacier, causing glacial calving. Earthquake Monitoring
Humans are unable to sample Alaska Communications is col-
at the glacier face because of the Turbidity Loggers off France laborating with the University of
risk of glacier calving. Instead, the Offshore of Brittany, in the west- Michigan’s Department of Earth and
team used an ASV built by Norwe- ern-most part of contiguous France, Environmental Sciences to allow
gian company Maritime Robotics seven autonomous seabed platforms earthquake monitoring data to be

38 ST | November 2021

collected from the ocean floor via out between November 2019 and studied at variable speeds. Extreme
the company’s subsea fiber-optic July 2021, at three study sites, each events such as storms seem to in-
cable. The University of Michigan covering an area of 1 km2. A cur- fluence this migration. Movements
attached a DAS (distributed acous- rent measurement campaign lasting will be anticipated to optimize in-
tic sensing) interrogator to Alaska more than a month was also done in stallation and manage maintenance
Communications’ landing station in spring 2021, enabling the hydrody- of offshore wind farms and their
Florence, Oregon. The instrument namic processes at work in the area electrical connections. The collabo-
uses a beam of light inside the fiber to be monitored. rative R&D project MODULLES will
to analyze seismic activity and re- Initial data analysis suggests start at the end of 2021 to model
port data back to the research team. that the underwater dunes in the long‐term interactions between un-
With the Cascadia subduction zone Dunkirk area have moved contin- derwater dunes and components of
stretching along the Pacific North- uously eastward over the period future offshore wind farms. ST
west coastline, this is in an ideal lo-
cation to gather seismic data.
This research project will support
continued learning about utilizing
fiber for earthquake research and to
provide early warning for tsunamis.

Combo of Gliders and ADCPs

For Global Ocean Observing
Alseamar, a producer of glid-
er UUVs, has been able to create
highly accurate data plots of current
profiles from large swaths of the
water column. A combination of
tailor-made algorithms, underwater
gliders and a high-performing ADCP
from Nortek has helped break new
ground for the oceanographic com-
munity, making high-quality data
more accessible for a multitude of
Glider missions contribute to the
international efforts of the Global
Ocean Observing System (GOOS).
The UNESCO-led GOOS program
coordinates observations, focusing
on three critical themes: climate,
operational services and marine
ecosystem health.

Dune Monitoring, Modeling

For Offshore Wind Farms
Underwater dunes are com- SOUTH BAY CABLES are the uncommon connection for tough jobs around
mon in France off Dunkirk and Le the world. Established in 1957, we design, test, and produce Electro
Tréport. Formed by marine currents Optical Mechanical Cables withstanding the harshest of environments.
and swell, they are highly variable With over 60,000 different cables produced, our cables support a wide
in morphology and can shift. In par- range of ocean applications: from Towed Arrays to Side Scan Sonars,
allel with the development of the fu- ROV Tethers and Umbilicals to Seismic Lead-ins and
ture offshore wind farm off Dunkirk MUX BOP Control Cables. Contact the uncommon leader.
and its electrical connection, a
collaborative R&D project, called
DUNES, was initiated in 2019 to
study sedimentary and biological
dynamics in the area. In order to
determine the evolution of the un-
derwater dunes with a high spa-
tial and temporal resolution, eight Idyllwild, CA 92549 USA • Phone: (951) 659-2183 • Fax: (951) 659-3958
bathymetric surveys were carried • November 2021 | ST 39

offshore oil &ocean engineering by the IMarEST to organizations that
demonstrate a continued commit-
ment to professional development
in the marine sector. The IMarEST
Xodus Supports Electrification It also noted that platform electrifi- works with BAB to promote profes-
Study in Central North Sea cation could extend the operating sionalism and technical leadership
Xodus is assessing the infrastruc- life of existing assets and achieve through continuing professional de-
ture and modifications required to cost efficiencies in the development velopment, knowledge sharing and
enable electrification of Harbour of new oil and gas fields. learning opportunities within BAB.
Energy’s Central North Sea assets Xodus performed an in-depth, in- With headquarters in Kuala Lum-
following the successful delivery of tegrated subsea and topsides study pur and a presence in over 29 coun-
a power optimization study exam- to assess the scope and scale of the tries, BAB is one of the largest float-
ining the opportunities available to project required to electrify the as- ing production storage offloading
rationalize the generation systems sets. The company also analyzed (FPSO) players in the world.
on the Everest and Lomond assets. the operational savings that could
Implementing electrification on be realized in terms of fuel usage Revolutionary Subsea Install
offshore assets can reduce opera- and maintenance burden across all Fugro has revolutionized a sub-
tional expenditure, increase uptime assets from now until cessation of sea installation program for Gulf of
across all assets and minimize car- production. Suez Petroleum Co. (GUPCO) with
bon emissions to atmosphere. its innovative QuickVision technol-
The Oil & Gas Authority’s UKCS Marine Partnership Renewal ogy. Used for the first time in Egypt,
Energy Integration Report last year The Institute of Marine Engi- the contactless positioning solution
calculated that electrification could neering, Science and Technology replaced the conventional survey
abate U.K. Continental Shelf (UKCS) (IMarEST) has renewed its Marine sensors typically attached to subsea
oil and gas operational emissions by Partnership with Malaysia-based in- structures during installation.
2 to 3 Mt CO2 p.a. by 2030, which ternational offshore energy facilities Under a contract with Dragon Oil
is the equivalent of reducing 20 and services business, Bumi Arma- (GUPCO), Fugro delivered subsea
percent of today’s production emis- da Berhad (BAB). positioning support for the installa-
sions, rising to 40 percent by 2030. Marine Partner status is awarded tion of multiple subsea structures off

Together Again!
WorkBoat Show Returns to New Orleans this December!

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ST | November 2021 1 10/28/21 9:37 AM
the coast of Egypt. To meet the re- deliver this for Malaysia. The Timi Exceed Moves into Australia
quirements for improved safety and field is situated approximately 200 Exceed, the Aberdeen-headquar-
lower project costs, Fugro deployed km off the coast of Sarawak. The tered well management and perfor-
its QuickVision solution. This state- Timi development features SSB’s mance improvement specialist, has
of-the art vision technology uses a first wellhead platform in Malaysia launched Exceed Australia as it eyes
smart camera attached to an ROV powered by a solar and wind hybrid the country’s burgeoning decom-
that can determine the heading and renewable power system. This un- missioning sector and a revitalized
attitude of a subsea structure as it is manned platform is approximately offshore market. Exceed’s entry into
landed. This eliminates the require- 60 percent lighter than a conven- Australia is bolstered by a collabo-
ment to pre-install a sensor package tional tender-assisted drilling well- rative relationship with Perth-based
on the structure, and retrieve it once head platform. This project also in- oil and gas services provider ICON
installation is complete, which re- cludes the drilling of two wells. Engineering. ST
duces the time and costs associated
with a dive support vessel.

Online Certificate Verification
The International Marine Con-
tractors Association (IMCA) has
launched a new online facility as
part of the association’s digital trans-
formation program to enable mem- &
bers to access verification services
24 hr. a day. It will cover all five
certificate types currently issued:
For more than 30 years we have been
Air Diving Supervisor, Bell Diving
Supervisor, Life Support Technician, building amplifiers to drive reactive loads.
DP Company Authority and DP Tri-
als & Assurance Practitioner. New
initiatives such as Accredited Diving
System Inspectors will also benefit
from the service.
A search form is now available
at for registered
website users to check the status
of any certificate provided to them
by its holder. The existing option of
contacting the IMCA certification
team will remain available during
London office hours.
The online verification facility
also confirms the in-date status for
continuing professional develop-
ment (CPD), which became man-
datory for Diving Supervisors at
the beginning of 2021. Users of the
IMCA Diving CPD App will contin-
ue to be able to share detailed CPD
progress, with the existing app func- Model S16-20
tion redirected to the new facility 20kVA continuous; 50kVA 20% duty
automatically. 35 x 31.5 x 35.5 inches; 985 lbs.

Shell Commits to Solar/Wind-

Powered Platform in Malaysia Visit our Web site
Sarawak Shell Berhad (SSB), a
subsidiary of Royal Dutch Shell plc,
has taken a final investment deci-
sion on the Timi gas development
project and, together with its part- 7263 Engineer Rd., San Diego, CA 92111-1493
(858) 571-1111 FAX (858) 571-0188
ners PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd
Copyright 2021
and Brunei Energy Exploration, will November 2021 | ST 41

contracts for future newbuild projects. Sam-
sung Heavy Industries.
erlands. +91 9921 81 9902 or skan-

Seatronics, Singapore, is the first FEBRUARY

GMS, Abu Dhabi, United Arab
customer for the new SPRINT-Nav February 1-3—Euromaritime, Mar-
Emirates, has signed a contract for
Mini Navigator. Seatronics has pur- seilles, France. www.euromaritime.
the installation of the Hanseaticsoft
chased the small hybrid acoustic-in- fr.
Cloud Fleet Manager (CFM) soft-
ertial navigation instrument for its
ware solution that will provide a
VALOR ROV. Sonardyne. February 17-18—Indian River La-
central, cloud-based single source
goon Symposium, Fort Pierce, Flor-
of truth and applications to in-
Rolls-Royce, Friedrichshafen, Ger- ida.
crease collaboration and streamline
many, will collaborate on smart
processes between departments.
ship and autonomous ship control February 21-24—OCEANS 2022
Lloyd’s Register.
solutions, including comprehen- Chennai, India and Virtual. https://
sive remote command and intel-
OceanWise, Alton, U.K., was
ligent crew support systems. This
awarded the multi-year U.K. Na-
will complement Rolls-Royce’s mtu February 22-24—Blue Innovation
tional Tide Gauge Network contract
NautIQ marine automation portfo- Symposium, Newport, Rhode Is-
for 42 Class A tide gauges on behalf
lio. Sea Machines. land. info@blueinnovationsympo
of U.K. Coastal Flood Forecasting, or https://blueinnova
alongside RS Divers. U.K. Environ-
PortXchange Products B.V., Rot-
ment Agency.
terdam, Netherlands, has made an
agreement for a five-year partner- February 22-24—Subsea Expo, Ab-
Vard Electro, Alesund, Norway, has
ship for the adoption and further erdeen, Scotland. www.subseauk.
signed two new contracts for the
development of the PortXchange com.
SeaQ Energy Storage System for the
system, a collaborative vessel and
vessels Stril Orion and Stril Polar that MARCH
terminal planning platform. Greater
are scheduled to be hybrid ready by March 1-3—Floating Wind Solu-
Houston Port Bureau. ST
the end of 2021 and the beginning tions, Houston, Texas. https://float
of 2022, qualifying them for DNV’s
Battery Power notation. Simon
Møkster Shipping.
meetings March 27-29—Canadian Under-
wate Conference and Exhibition,
Kongsberg Maritime, Kongsberg, Halifax, Canada.
Norway, has signed a contract Note: The coronavirus (COVID-19)
to supply a large package of per- APRIL
pandemic could affect event dates.
manent magnet (PM) thrusters for April 25-28—AUVSI XPONEN-
Check event websites for the latest
installation on two new offshore TIAL, Orlando, Florida. www.xpo
wind farm maintenance vessels. The
scope of delivery includes PM azi- DECEMBER
muth thrusters, PM tunnel thrusters JUNE
December 1-3—International Work-
and a retractable azimuth thruster. June 1-2—Navigate, Turku, Fin-
Boat Show, New Orleans, Louisiana.
VARD shipyard. land. or www.nav
Woolpert, Dayton, Ohio, will pro- December 6-10—World Ocean
vide mapping and survey services June 19-24—Frontiers in Hydrolo-
Summit Asia-Pacific, Virtual. ocean
throughout the U.S. and its terri- gy Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico, or https://
tories under its shared capacity and Virtual.
Geospatial Products and Services summit-asia-pacific.
Contract 4. These services include June 21-23—Interspill, Amster-
imagery and LiDAR data acquisi- dam, Netherlands. +0333 444
December 15-17—UDT, Rostock,
tion, photogrammetric mapping, 1890, or www.
GIS development, ground control
survey, and data processing and 2022
analysis. U.S. Geological Survey. JANUARY OCTOBER
January 10-13—Nor-Shipping, October 9-12—Maritime Cyprus,
Wärtsilä, Helsinki, Finland, has Oslo, Norway. www.nor-shipping. Limassol, Cyprus. https://maritime
signed a joint development program com.
agreement aimed at developing
ammonia-fueled vessels with four- January 26-27—ACIs Ship Recy- For more industry meetings, visit
stroke auxiliary engines available cling Congress, Rotterdam, Neth- ST

42 ST | November 2021

navycurrents Svitzer Australia to Provide Naval Towage
Svitzer Australia has won a long-term contract to pro-
vide towage services for the Australian Department of
Defence, servicing the Royal Australian Navy. Svitzer
HII to Maintain US Navy Carrier, Surface Ships will provide towage services for Australia’s naval fleet,
Huntington Ingalls Industries’ (HII) Technical Solu- the management of Navy towage assets, and the devel-
tions division has been awarded a five-year contract with opment of naval personnel training in major ports around
a total value of $273 million to support the U.S. Navy’s Australia.
carrier engineering maintenance assist team, surface en- Svitzer Australia has a network of over 20 ports nation-
gineering maintenance assist team for West Coast surface ally and is the largest employer of Australian seafarers.
ships, and other maintenance and material readiness
programs. Sonardyne Threat Detection in Middle East
Work performed on the contract will support main- Underwater intruder detection technology from So-
tenance and planning for the overhaul and repair of nardyne has been chosen to protect a string of naval fa-
equipment and systems, including: hull, mechanical and cilities and critical national infrastructure in the Middle
electrical; aviation equipment and systems; command, East. Sonardyne’s Sentinel Intruder Detection Sonar (IDS)
control, communications, computer and intelligence; will be deployed on fixed and floating assets to provide
and combat support systems. perimeter and mobile protection from threats, including
The programs follow a “find, fix and train” philosophy unauthorized divers and UUVs. More than 10 Sentinel
with assessments, maintenance, and training to enhance sonar systems will be part of a 360° NiDAR surface and
sailor self-sufficiency and maintenance capabilities while subsurface waterline surveillance system, an artificial
ensuring platforms remain mission capable. intelligence-powered Internet of Things platform devel-
oped and supplied by Sonardyne’s long-term maritime
Clean Electricity for Israeli Navy Bases security partner, MARSS Group. In addition to this order,
Eco Wave Power Global AB has entered into a col- an order for multiple Sentinel sonar systems will also be
laboration agreement with the Procurement Administra- supplied via MARSS Group in the third quarter of 2021 to
tion in the Israeli Ministry of Defense for the Israeli Navy protect coastal infrastructure. Another order, with a sep-
to examine the feasibility of installing Eco Wave Power arate client, will see another Sentinel system used on a
technology in the Navy’s bases. Eco Wave Power will vessel for the protection of offshore infrastructure. ST
immediately begin the procurement and deployment of
wave-measuring systems to collect extended wave data
in one to three potential locations in the Navy’s bases,

while the Navy will secure all permits for the deployment
of the wave-measuring equipment. Improved Electronics
The Navy’s specialized diving team will install the Low Power Consumption
measurement equipment in the territorial waters of the
Navy’s bases. At the end of the measurement period, Eco Mini Rosette®/CTD Water Sampler
Wave Power will share the information collected with the 1018 M
Navy, and the Navy will test the applicability of the tech-
nology in line with the prevailing waves in the selected with Model 316 or 320 Idronaut CTD
sites. Then, Eco Wave Power and the Navy will jointly an-
alyze the results and create energy production forecasts • Lightweight, small, compact
based on the analysis. • Allows operation from a small boat
Upon identifying the most suitable locations for the • Conducting cable or battery-powered
installation, and provided that the technology is found to • Programmable timed operations
be feasible for the proposed locations, the Navy and Eco • Pressure-activated bottle closing (optional)
Wave Power will collaborate on potential deployment of • Deep & shallow water models available
the Eco Wave Power technology for production of clean • Optional Teflon®-coated Water Sampler
electricity for the Navy’s bases.
• CTD compatible

• Flag Pulse to CTD A/D input

Power, Propulsion Chosen for LDUUV
General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems (GA-EMS)
has been awarded a design contract from the U.S. Of-
fice of Naval Research (ONR) to develop a concept for
integrating a unique GA-EMS motor and next-generation
power system into a Large Displacement Unmanned
Underwater Vehicle (LDUUV). The planned systems will
General Oceanics Inc.
1295 N.W. 163 St., Miami, FL 33169
provide the LDUUV with power for propulsion and an Tel: (305) 621-2882, Fax: (305) 621-1710
energy storage system to support improved system per- E-mail:
formance necessary for future LDUUV operations. At-sea
testing will occur during a later phase of the program. November 2021 | ST 43

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44 ST | November 2021

Transitioning from Defense to Conservation: A Career Journey—Melanie Olsen
Melanie Olsen is acquisition, and sustainment of to make data collection and analy-
project director future maritime electronic warfare sis more robust, efficient and safe.
of ReefWorks, the technology, such as the Nulka hov- A key project is the development
tropical marine ering rocket active missile decoy of the ReefScan suite of smart, ef-
technology test system. ficient marine monitoring systems
range at the Aus-
After hours, I studied part time to that can be configured for a wide
tralian Institute of
Marine Science.
obtain a master’s in electronic war- range of needs and environments.
An electronic war- fare systems engineering from the ReefScan products seamlessly inte-
fare engineer, she fosters technological University of New South Wales. grate machine learning, advanced
innovation and sustainable integration I discovered I have a talent for imaging sensors and robotics, offer-
of new tech and autonomous solutions translating science-speak to engi- ing an end-to-end approach to coral
into Australia’s tropical marine observa- neers and stakeholders, and engi- reef monitoring, from design to data
tion network. Olsen is the IEEE Northern neering-speak to scientists and proj- collection, analysis and reporting.
Australia Section Chair and a member ect managers. The aim is to significantly scale up
of the Australian Army Reserves. Throughout my career in a the areas that can be monitored and

I worked for 10 years on missile

defense and electronic warfare
systems, with the goal of driving
male-dominated industry, I pushed
through awkward moments of be-
ing singled out, focusing on deliv-
provide new insights, while free-
ing human effort from routine and
sometimes dangerous tasks.
rapid technological innovation in ering solutions to the challenges at I am also the project director of
Australia’s marine research and hand. I hardly ever noticed I was ReefWorks, AIMS’s newly estab-
monitoring. Now, I’m the director the only female in the room until lished tropical marine technology
of the world’s first tropical marine people pointed it out. Once, when test range, the first such facility in
technology test range, ReefWorks, meeting my U.S. collaborators face Australia and the first in the world to
at the Australian Institute of Marine to face for the first time, they were be located in tropical waters. Reef-
Science (AIMS). surprised to discover I wasn’t a Works was established to propel the
My journey has been interesting bloke called Mel (short for Melvin, nation’s burgeoning marine tech-
and unusual. they had thought). nology industry into a sustainable
Growing up in a third-genera- While I loved that job, the long market sector. ReefWorks enables a
tion farming family about 200 km hours, overnight international tele- streamlined pathway for transition-
northwest of AIMS’s headquarters conferences and short-notice travel ing marine technology innovation
near Townsville, on the doorstep of was difficult to manage as a sin- from development through to oper-
the Great Barrier Reef, I originally gle mother of two young children, ation. ReefWorks also provides an
thought engineers were train driv- with no family support nearby. So, excellent opportunity for our sci-
ers. That changed when a univer- I applied for a job closer to home entists and engineers to learn from
sity engineering lecturer visited my as AIMS engineering team lead for colleagues in related industries,
small rural high school with a quad technology development. such as defense.
helicopter. That was the moment I I was accepted and started work- ReefWorks’ facilities include
knew I had found my career path. ing at AIMS in 2016. I discovered three marine test ranges that offer
I studied computer systems en- there are many similarities to my different environments, land-based
gineering at James Cook University role at Defence; but, instead of test tanks within the National Sea
and was accepted into the Defence helping to defend national sover- Simulator, and a test-range digi-
Material Organisation (now Capa- eignty, I now lead a team helping to tal twin. It aims to drive value and
bility Acquisition and Sustainment defend coral reefs from the existen- innovation in a range of sectors,
Group) graduate program, which tial dangers they face, such as mass including marine monitoring, reef
gave me the opportunity to conduct coral bleaching triggered by warm- restoration, defense, education, ag-
three six-month rotations across De- ing ocean temperatures. riculture, film-making, search and
fence, helping to build and sustain Our team is driving rapid inno- rescue, transportation, storm track-
Defence capabilities. When I rotat- vation and designing technological ing, forecasting, and mapping.
ed into maritime electronic warfare solutions to create capabilities that My journey began in a small ru-
systems and missiles, I knew I had allow AIMS to deliver twice the ral town near the Great Barrier Reef,
found my niche. information in half the time and at and I’ve returned nearby. I’ve come
For 10 years, I worked closely half the unit cost. This includes in- full circle and am now able to help
with project teams in Canberra, Ad- troducing autonomous vehicles and attract the innovative marine tech-
elaide and the U.S. in the design, artificial intelligence (AI) solutions nology industry to our region. ST November 2021 | ST 45

novemberadvertiser index

Advanced Navigation ....................................... 25 MSI Transducers ............................................... 26
BIRNS, Inc. ...................................................... 15 Massa Products Corporation............................... 3
Blueprint Subsea .............................................. 35 RBR Ltd. ........................................................... 49
Copenhagen Subsea A/S ............................. 16, 36 Saab Seaeye Limited ........................................ 30
EUROMARITIME 2022..................................... 38 Sea & Sun Technology ........................................ 5
EvoLogics GmbH ............................................. 47 Sensor Technology Ltd...................................... 29
General Oceanics, Inc. .................................... 43 *South Bay Wire and Cable LLC ........................ 39
In-Situ .............................................................. 37 SubConn .......................................................... 19
*Instruments, Inc. .............................................. 41 SubCtech GmbH .............................................. 32
International WorkBoat Show ........................... 40 *Subsalve USA Division .................................... 32
Knudsen Engineering Ltd. ................................. 10 UDT 2021 ........................................................ 48

*For more information, consult the digital 2021 Sea Technology Buyers Guide/Directory:

Available free of charge to qualified individuals (those involved in the marine industry) – in digital format.

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Sea Technology is the worldwide information leader for marine business, science & engineering. Our goal is to provide our global audience with current information on the various segments of the worldwide marine/ocean
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For permission to photocopy portions of Sea Technology, please contact the Copyright Clearance Center • 222 Rosewood Dr. • Danvers, MA 01923 • Phone (978) 750-8400 • FAX (978) 750-4470
Sea Technology news magazine, including Underwater Engineering, UnderSea Technology, Oceanology International Offshore Technology, and its website,
is edited for executives, scientists, engineering and technical personnel in industry, government, and education engaged in the field of undersea defense, oceanography, anti-submarine warfare, marine sciences,
underwater exploration, diving and construction, drilling, and mining. While effort is made to verify material published, opinions of authors are not necessarily those of the publisher, and the publication accepts
no responsibility in connection with any liability that might occur as a result of published material.

46 ST | November 2021

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