BITONG SemiDetailedLessonPlan PT
BITONG SemiDetailedLessonPlan PT
BITONG SemiDetailedLessonPlan PT
I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson the learners should be able to:
a. Importance of mitosis and meiosis as the means by which living
organisms reproduce.
b. Recognize and reproduce the stages of mitosis and meiosis
c. Distinguish between the two processes.
a. Let the learners decide to look for their pairs or form their
group and then let them choose what set of mitosis task cards they
need to deliver.
b. Their task is to sequence the steps of mitosis.
c. Let them work on this for a while before you let them perform by
pairs or groups. Afterwards let them know the correct sequences.
d. Talk through what is happening in each stage.
Then give them the labels and define the prefixes throughout each
stage. Evaluate if they can match the name of the stages.
1. Inter – interphase means “between”
2. Pro – prophase means “advance”
3. Meta – metaphase means ” along with”
4. Ana – anaphase means “up or apart”
5. Telo – telophase means “final or distant”
Lesson Proper:
a. What is cell cycle?
b. What are the different phases of a cell cycle?
c. What is the importance of cell cycle?
d. What are the major stages of mitosis/meiosis?
e. How is meiosis different from mitosis?
VI. Assignment
1. Design an acronym to help you remember the different stages of
mitosis. (example: SCUBA- Self Contained Underwater Breathing
Apparatus) to help you remember the lesson.
2. Draw a picture for each phases with labeled in order. Interphase,
Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase, Cytokinesis