BNP - Training 2009
BNP - Training 2009
BNP - Training 2009
Introduction 1
- Seminar schedule and objectives
- BNP Paribas Corporate Finance
- Business Valuation Team
- Introduction to Corporate Valuation
Back to basics - Financial analysis wrap-up 2
Cost of capital calculation 3
Valuation methodologies 4
Tuesday 27/10 11:00 – 13:00 Notions of value creation & restated net worth
13:00 – 13:30 Valuation wrap-up
USA Japan
Advisory for Spain Italy China
Companies Taiwan
Thailand Vietnam
Equity Capital
260 Malaysia
Markets professionals Singapore
Industrial &
Support Media & Transport & Real Estate / Financial
Goods / Healthcare Energy
Service / Telecom Environment Hotels / Retail Institutions
Could be used as an experienced execution resource when performing corporate valuations for deals
involving listed companies. The team is also involved in unlisted M&A and privatisation transactions
Execution whenever valuation aspects are critical
Involved in all fairness opinions and squeeze-outs
Could be requested by Corporate Finance management to give its views on specific valuations
Valuation tools Develops new valuation standards and models for Corporate Finance
and standards
Promotes valuation techniques and provides training within BNP Paribas through external seminars
Training and
Provides methodological support on complex valuation issues when requested by Corporate Finance
The team has acquired substantial experience in corporate valuation for industry & services. Specific
Know-how & know-how has been developed for the valuation of banking, insurance and property businesses
Quality control
Ensures consistency for valuations performed within Corporate Finance upon request
Cross-sector The BVT works closely with sector or geographical teams at most stages of a deal, to which it brings
approach its financial and methodological expertise
The BVT works closely with Equity Capital Markets (ECM) on IPOs and privatisations
Four full-time
professionals, headed
by Xavier Le Roy,
dedicated to critical
corporate valuation
exercises and fairness
Supervision carried
out by Pascal Quiry,
an established M&A
professional with a
strong academic
In a pitch
There is no commitment, but it could be a key marketing point.
It is well known that BNP Paribas has high standards in the valuation process
In practice :
As part of an IPO
Equity Capital Market is a key player
By discounting free cash flows at the By comparing figures with implicit Restated net worth method
expected rate of return: the DCF stock market valuation of comparable
method firms: the trading multiples valuation
Turns out to be a mix of previous
By using real option valuation By comparing figures issued from
methods comparable deals: the transaction
multiples method
Financial view of balance sheet
(FCFE@ ke) Market
Ve Ve multiples or Ve
NPV Trading transaction
(dividends multiples or multiples
NPV (FCFF VMI @ke) transaction VMI Restated VMI
multiples (PE, P/CF, value of
@k) EV EV EV
PBR) capital
NPV (debt employed
flows (P+I) EV/EBIT) Vd Vd
@ kd)
Generally, a valuation exercise is carried out with a view to determining the value of a company’s shareholding capital or
outstanding shares
In this respect, two methodologies are commonly used to value equity
Indirect method
- Aims at valuing the company’s operating assets
- The “enterprise” value is first calculated, from which the value of the net financial debt and other adjustments are then
deducted to derive the equity value
Direct method
- Aims at valuing equity directly, without intermediary value of operating assets
Equity value
Enterprise value - =
Net financial debt
(and other adjustments)
Intrinsic value method Present value of free cash flows discounted at the
Present value of dividends or free cash flows to equity
(discounted present Weighted average cost of capital (k) – value of net
at the cost of equity capital: ke
value of finance flows) debt
Peer comparison
EBITDA / EBITA multiple – value of net debt Multiple (PE ratio) x net income
(multiples of comparable
Include financial stakes in associates, financial stakes in JVs (if not related to the Company's business and not
Non-operating in cash flows), other non-operational financial assets, other non-operating assets (land, buildings)
assets Use market value of assets if listed or PE ratio / MBR
Alternatively book value can be used
To be computed only if the probability of conversion is high, i.e. when bonds are “in” or close to being “in the
Use the following formula
Shares from the
exercise of New shares created = Number of outstandin g bonds x Conversion ratio
bonds Do not forget to deduct amount converted from debt
Debt to be deducted following the conversion = Number of converted bond securities x Strike price
Why carry out To understand the financial strengths and weaknesses of the valued company i.e.
a financial Its accounting standards, its activity, its growth and margins profile, its financial structure and
3 Wealth creation...
4 …needs investments...
Sector notion: Group of firms that intervene in the same production process
Production Production systems: project, plants,
process Investments: innovation in the product vs. innovation in the production process
Accounting choices
- D&A
Minority interests
Capital employed
Invested capital
Debt-like provisions
(pension liabilities,
+ restructuring, etc.)
+ financial result
Capital structure
Wealth creation
Sales evolution: price vs. volume, Insight on volumes and valuation of inventories
organic vs. external Growth rate
How operating profit
Financial income:
financial products from marketable securities (excluding participation in affiliates), interests and assimilated
products, write-off of provisions for financial risks and losses, positive exchange rate differences, net proceeds from
Net sale of marketable securities
financial Financial expenses:
expense /
How operating profit
interest and assimilated charges, negative exchange rate differences, net losses from sale of marketable securities,
amortisation of premiums upon reimbursement of bonds, provisions for financial risks and losses, possible
is allocated
Non Components include disposal of assets, capital gains / losses, exceptional provisions (restructuring, other) changes in
recurring accounting policy goodwill impairment
Wealth creation
Expenses Expenses
- - -
- - Revenues Revenues
+ +
+ +
Important increase in the cost of a production item Low decrease in revenues but constant raise in expenses
Delayed increase in revenues due to inertia
+ +
- Expenses
- + + +
- -
- -
+ Revenues
Strong growth of revenues that remains higher than Low growth of revenues but slow decrease of expenses due to
growth in expenses productivity gains for instance
+ Expenses Revenues
+ + +
+ + +
WC ratio (% of revenues) = WC
Global WC WC
Turnover ratio (in days of revenues) = x 365
ratios Revenues
Beware: WC implicitly includes VAT, while revenues are usually net of VAT and sales taxes
Receivables turnover =
A x 365
Revenues including taxes
Payables turnover = x 365
Annual purchases inc. taxes
turnover ratios
Inventories and work in progress
Inventory turnover = x 365
Annual revenues excl. taxes
Analysis of investment policy
cash flows
cash flows
cash flows Operating
cash flows
Risks of liquidity
Gap between the liquidity of assets and debt maturities
Liquidity ratios
- Operating cash flows / yearly pay-back of principal and interest: lower than 1 time, critical (used in project finance)
Financing of the company:
How the company has financed its growth?
EBIT x (1-TR)
(Return On Where: CE
Capital - TR: normative tax rate
Employed) - CE: gross capital employed (gross GW) at the beginning of the period
- EBIT: EBIT (before goodwill impairment under IFRS and US GAAP)
Definition: L=
If ROCE > Kd et L > 0, then ROE > ROCE, but the level of risk is higher
In any case, the leverage does not create any value
The cost of capital is the annual cost (interest rate) that the firm has to pay (to its providers of funds,
both debt and equity) to finance its assets
It is then the minimum rate of return expected by these providers of funds (/stake holders)
The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) is a widely used model by the market assessing a best
estimation of the minimum return expected by an investor
Model’s main assumption: markets are efficient (all investors have the same level of information)
CAPM Model‘s conclusion:
Profitability is directly linked to risk
Expected rate of return is only linked to non diversifiable risk or systemic risk (tax, inflation, war etc.)
and not to specific risk which is included in the cash flows
The cost of capital is the minimum rate of return on the company’s investments that would
satisfy both shareholders (cost of equity) and lenders (cost of debt)
The cost of capital is the company’s total cost of financing
k V + kd (1 − T )Vd
kc = e e = WACC k e = rf + β e (k em − rf )
Ve + Vd
βa =
k c = rf + β a (k em − rf ) V
1 + (1 − T ) × d
Direct Where
Main assumptions
calculation βa: asset beta
Financial structure does not have any impact
or either on the cost of capital or on value βe: equity beta
Modern formula kc is then calculated as the cost of equity of a T: corporate tax rate
debt free company Ve: market value of equity
Where : βa = beta of assets or “unlevered beta” Vd: market value of net debt
“User-friendly”, to the extent that it is generally Difficult to define a target gearing ratio, easy to
used by the banks and understood by the clients be undermined
Takes into account the presence of tax shields Hard to assess the right cost of debt for the
when appropriate chosen target capital structure
Very sensitive to changes in financial structure
and may lead to major errors if all parameters
are not accordingly modified
Better illustrates the fact that cost of capital Clients are more familiar with the traditional
reflects the risk of Economic Asset formula
Solves the issue of determining a target gearing Generally leads to higher cost of capital than the
and a market cost of debt traditional formula
Direct formula Allows an easier comparison between When a company is highly leveraged for a short
companies in the same sector (asset betas within period of time, one cannot deny that the tax
the same sector should be similar; if not, you shield must be valued
have to understand discrepancies)
Moreover, we believe that the value of a company is not significantly sensitive to its capital structure:
In fact, the main impact on value of indebtedness is the present value of tax shield on interests payments
However, there are costs linked to an excessive use of debt including bankruptcy costs, investor taxation, signal to the
market, etc., which could reduce, or entirely offset, the tax benefits
Gearing (Financial debt / Equity)
- 10% 25% 50% 75% 100% 150% 200%
Cost of capital WACC Cost of equity Post-tax cost of debt
The non-diversifiable risk for any stock is measured by the covariance of its returns with returns on the “market portfolio”
(usually an equity index is used as a proxy) and is defined as the equity beta of the stock (ße)
Betas observed on the markets are equity betas and crystallize the risks attached to the firm’s operations along with
its financial structure
The impact of the company’s capital structure can be stripped out by calculating an unlevered / asset beta
More intuitively, the beta accounts for the slope of the regression of the security returns versus the ones of the markets
In other terms, it measures the deviation between the future cash flows of the asset and those of the markets
The beta could also be seen as a measure of a security sensitivity to the returns of the market portfolio
Note that averages of
If ße >1, the security amplifies market variations (“aggressive stock”)
equity betas are If ße <1, the security is less affected by market fluctuations (“defensive stock”)
meaningless Bear in mind that:
Betas do not obviously measure all the stock risks and return (other factors could be size, illiquidity, country risk, etc.)
Also, betas of equity
affiliates should be taken Regression correlation factor (R2) could sometimes be very low
into account when their Equity betas also reflect the risk of associated companies (equity-consolidated companies)
value represents a
significant portion of the
firm’s equity value
Asset beta is linked to equity beta through the For companies with a low leverage, βd is frequently
following formula: assumed to be nil, therefore the formula can be
simplified as follows:
β e + (1 − T ) × β d d βe
Ve βa =
- βa: Asset beta
βa = V
- βe: Equity beta V 1 + (1 − T ) × d
1 + (1 − T ) × d Ve
- βd: Debt beta Ve
- T: Corporate tax rate
- Ve: Market value of equity
- Vd: Market value of net debt
credit spread and However, for highly levered companies, the debt
pension liabilities beta cannot be considered as nil V
β e + β d (1 − T )x d
Assuming that debt beta is nil is a strong Ve Credit Spread
For indicative purposes,
βa = with βd =
assumption, which could lead to substantial errors in Vd Erm
their related impacts on 1 + (1 − T ) ×
the case of highly levered companies Ve
the asset beta calculation
are presented here It could lead to an under-estimation of the cost
of capital, hence to an over-valuation of the Where - βd: Asset beta - Ve: Market value of equity
company’s operating assets - βe: Equity beta - Vd: Market value of net debt
- βd: Debt beta - Erm: Equity market risk premium
- T: Corporate tax rate
Net debt (LHS) Equity value (LHS) Rolling cost of equity (RHS)
Discount rate must be Investors investing in emerging markets tend to face three types of specific risks including:
denominated in the same Country risk: including political risk and currency risk
Key risks faced
currency as financial Systemic market risk: business risk equivalent to sector risk in mature markets
by investors
Liquidity risk: size risk equivalent to liquidity risk in mature markets
If the devaluation risk is The country risk premium can be derived as the difference between a local government bond
changing over time, cash denominated in US dollar or euro and default-free US dollar or euro denominated government bonds
flows can be converted How to Bonds must have an equivalent maturity (10-year maturity is market practice)
into reference currency estimate the Beware of the underlying liquidity of the government bonds
(US dollar or euro) country risk
A discount rate in Credit Default Swaps (“CDS”) can also be used
reference currency will CDS are always seen as an accurate proxy due to the lack of underlying asset
similarly be used Alternatively, a benchmark analysis, derived from regression calculation, can also be performed
Purpose Objective
DCF value /
Book value
Source: McKinsey
Valuation methodologies – Intrinsic valuation: Discounted Cash Flows CFYETS – October 2009 42
Valuation methodologies
Intrinsic valuation: Discounted Cash Flows – Cash flow definition
- Non cash items in EBITDA
Free cash- - Normative tax on EBIT (EBITxTR)
flows to firm
- Change in working capital
- Capex
Dividends Pay-out ratio x net income
Valuation methodologies – Intrinsic valuation: Discounted Cash Flows CFYETS – October 2009 43
Valuation methodologies
Intrinsic valuation: Discounted Cash Flows – Methodology
Value =
i =1
Cash flowi
(1 + r )i
(1 + r ) n
Discount rate:
FCFF: cost of capital (r = WACC)
Dividends and FCFE (r = ke)
Theoretically, the three methods should lead to the same results, however:
Dividends require an assumption in terms of pay-out policy, which is determinant of the value
FCFE implicitly values an underlying capital structure. Value of equity depends on the assumed leverage
Tax benefits may be different whether they are integrated into the flows as for the FCFE approach or into the
discount rate as for the FCFF approach
Valuation methodologies – Intrinsic valuation: Discounted Cash Flows CFYETS – October 2009 44
Valuation methodologies
Intrinsic valuation: Discounted Cash Flows – Financial projections
projections accurate views of how the business is expected to perform in the future
Or, alternatively be built up on the basis of broker consensus
Key metrics Projected cash items including capital expenditures along with the depreciation policy and change in
working capital
Simplified balance sheet with a view to calculating a return on capital employed
The explicit forecast period range between a minimum of three to five years and ten years ideally
Note that the shorter the explicit forecast period is, the greater the terminal value will be in relative
Terminal value representing more that 50% of the enterprise value can be considered as artificially
Explicit high
forecast period Accordingly, in some specific cases, it is worthwhile and advisable extending the explicit forecast period
in order to reflect the different stages of maturity of the firm
In that case, a fading period / extrapolation of the explicit forecast period leads to the normative year,
which is then retained as a basis of the terminal value calculation
Note that it is of the utmost importance to check that, at the end of the explicit period, the
implied profitability can be considered as sustainable to perpetuity
A fading period is frequently built up in order to progressively shift down to a normative year that is
of assumptions
more conservative than the final year of the Business Plan
Valuation methodologies – Intrinsic valuation: Discounted Cash Flows CFYETS – October 2009 45
Valuation methodologies
Intrinsic valuation: Discounted Cash Flows – Estimating the terminal value
The terminal value is the The Gordon Shapiro-type terminal value calculation is a widely used formula
residual value of the It assumes that the company's free cash flow will grow at a constant rate to perpetuity after an explicit
business at the end of period
the explicit cash flow The formula is as follows:
projections in the
FCFn +1
business plan
TVn =
WACC − g
methodologies include Shapiro-type
the Gordon Shapiro growth to Where
formula and the cash perpetuity - FCFn+1: Normalised free cash flow in the first year after the explicit forecast period
flow fade formula - g: growth rate to perpetuity
Alternatively, an exit
multiple can be retained Key issues include the determination of the normative cash flow and the growth-to-perpetuity rate
Such terminal value assumption is consistent if:
Note that these Retained growth rate must be consistent with the maturity of the company and its growth perspectives
methodologies are only
Normalised profitability (measured by ROCE*) must be realistic given the cost of capital level
applicable to valuation
based on free cash flows
to firm
No economic profitability can be sustained for ever and any company's ROCE must gradually converge
For the valuation of towards its cost of capital
banks and financial Decrease generally with business maturity (competition, erosion of margins, consolidation etc.)
institutions, the terminal
value is generally The cash flow fade model:
calculated on the basis of Cash flow fade Defines a time period during which the company's ROCE derives from:
a required equity model
- Either a decrease in margins or
- A decrease in asset turnover ratio
Ultimately, ROCE reaches cost of capital
At the end of the period, the firm value is equal to the book value of Capital Employed
Valuation methodologies – Intrinsic valuation: Discounted Cash Flows CFYETS – October 2009 46
Introduction 1
Back to basics - Financial analysis wrap-up 2
Cost of capital calculation 3
Valuation methodologies 4
- Key steps in a valuation exercise
- Intrinsic valuation: Discounted Cash Flows
- Analogical valuation: Trading & transaction multiples
- Premium / discount at a glance
- Share price performance analysis and market perception
- Introduction to restated net worth
- Introduction to value creation
The multiples approach is an analogical valuation method according to which the value of a company's operating assets or
equity can be inferred from multiples calculated on a sample of listed comparable companies or on a sample of comparable
transactions, in a given industry
This requires the following assumptions:
Financial markets to be in equilibrium
Comparable assets to be as similar as possible: same level of risk, growth and profitability
The value of the target company is calculated by applying multiples calculated on a sample of comparable companies or
transactions to the target’s financials:
Valuation methodologies – Analogical valuation: Trading & transaction multiples CFYETS – October 2009 48
Valuation methodologies
Trading & transaction multiples – Respective methodologies
Although, transaction Trading multiples can only be considered as relevant in certain types of contexts:
comparables can be Trading multiples should be a favoured methodology within the context of an IPO
derived from projected Trading multiples cannot be used as a central methodology for M&A transactions
financials, they are most
commonly calculated on
the basis of historical or TRANSACTION MULTIPLES
LTM (Last Twelve The transaction multiples methodology is an analogical valuation approach based on precedent comparable transactions,
Month) financials which have occurred in a given industry over a certain period of time
The context of the transaction must be as comparable as possible (percentage acquired, type of acquirer, etc.)
Note that a valuation based on transaction multiples reflects the amount that investors are willing to pay for a strategic
stake in the target company with similar characteristics as the sample of transactions
It is a critical valuation methodology when valuing a controlling stake
Accordingly, transaction multiples may integrate the investor’s perception of potential synergies
The method’s key advantage is that it relies on actual transactions and thus best approximates how much investors would
be ready to pay to acquire a stake in a company similar to the target that is being valued
Yet, a valuation based on transaction multiples might be limited due to the following factors:
Time constraint
- Past transactions are rarely comparable over a long period of time since multiples vary in line with market changes
Full comparability
- Transaction values incorporate features, which are inherent to each deal
Availability of information
- Reliable financial information are sometimes unavailable especially for private transactions
Valuation methodologies – Analogical valuation: Trading & transaction multiples CFYETS – October 2009 49
Valuation methodologies
Trading & transaction multiples – Key Enterprise Value & Equity Value multiples
Value of equity
Book value of shareholders' equity
Valuation methodologies – Analogical valuation: Trading & transaction multiples CFYETS – October 2009 50
Valuation methodologies
Trading & transaction multiples – Roadmap
2 Calculate the key projected, historical or LTM Profit & Loss metrics of each peer
Valuation methodologies – Analogical valuation: Trading & transaction multiples CFYETS – October 2009 51
Valuation methodologies
Trading & transaction multiples – Regression analysis
A regression analysis is based on the linear least squares fitting technique, which makes it possible to find the best fitting
straight line through a given set of points (one point per comparable)
The overall quality of a regression analysis is measured by the square of the correlation coefficient (R²), which gives the
proportion of the variance in y attributable to the variance in x
A regressions analysis should be used as a sanity check to ensure consistency across the sample
In some specific industries, including FIG, a regression analysis can even be used as a core valuation methodology
For a sufficient number of comparables, if the R² is:
Above 50%, the regression can be considered relevant
Between 25% and 50%, the regression may not be fully relevant
Below 25%, the regression reveals inconsistencies in the sample, and the calculation of the multiples should be amended
Valuation methodologies – Analogical valuation: Trading & transaction multiples CFYETS – October 2009 52
Introduction 1
Back to basics - Financial analysis wrap-up 2
Cost of capital calculation 3
Valuation methodologies 4
- Key steps in a valuation exercise
- Intrinsic valuation: Discounted Cash Flows
- Analogical valuation: Trading & transaction multiples
- Premium / discount at a glance
- Share price performance analysis and market perception
- Introduction to restated net worth
- Introduction to value creation
The “Fair value” of a company should be seen as a stand alone reference or floor value
Note that the “Fair value” differs from the “Investment value”
Reference The “Fair value” is derived from a discounted cash flow valuation approach, which should also be put
value into the perspective of the current market value
Based on the market value, the “Investment value” crystallizes the value attached to the operational
and financial synergies potentially achieved by a given investor
The control premium is the excess price over the reference value paid by an investor for a given target
Control premium, depending on the market and its regulation, tends to approximate 30%
Strategic &
control The control premium also refers to a strategic upside or “a call over an alternative strategy”
premium The premium is mostly derived from the net present value of expected synergies
There is a clear correlation between the value of expected synergies and the premium paid
As the opposite of the control premium, a minority discount may in practice reflect the fact that a minority
shareholder has less control over the firm’s cash flows than the majority shareholder
A minority shareholder is not in a position to decide the firms’ strategic policy, appoint members to
the Board of Directors and gain full access to sensitive information
However, since the right of dividends is equal among shareholders, regardless of their shareholding,
a discount based on a the level of shareholding is not appropriate
Therefore, in practice, a premium may conversely be attached to a minority stake if it enables its
Discounts acquirer to go through a shareholding threshold or provides it with an additional power / influence
Additional discounts can also be encountered including:
Size discount
Illiquidity discount
Premium for socially responsible investment and cluster-level competencies or sector and climate
Parallel to the share price performance, a market premium analysis can be performed as part of a valuation exercise
Note that compared to standard intrinsic and extrinsic valuations, a market premium analysis will generally be
considered as representing a valuation benchmark rather than a specific valuation methodology
A market premium analysis can be conducted within the perspective of an industry or a country
Note: Bubble size indicates the total EV of the transaction – Note: Premium calculated over the one-month average share price
For example, key
European transactions in 80%
the IT Services industry
since 2003 suggest an 70%
Detica Group / BAE Systems
average premium over
the one-month average Xansa / Steria
share price of 31%
Pinkroccade / Getronics
SI International / Serco
Unilog / LogicaCMG
Silicomp / France Télécom
Average: 31% Synstar PLC / Hew lett-Packard
Axon Group / HCL
Transiciel / Cap Gemini
TietoEnator / Cidron Services Oy
20% WM-data / LogicaCMG
Novo Group / WM Data
Atos Origin / PAI Partners
10% ITNET / Serco
TDS / Fujitsu
Assystem / Brime Technologies
Jan-03 Jul-03 Jan-04 Jul-04 Jan-05 Jul-05 Jan-06 Jul-06 Jan-07 Jul-07 Jan-08 Jul-08
Source: Company data, Datastream, mergermarket, Thomson One Banker, press release
Note: Premium calculated over the one-month average undisturbed share price Legend Average per country Hostile Friendly
80% 70%
59% 58% 63%
51% 48% 53%
60% 46% 40%
34% 36% 33%
France Germany Italy Netherlands Spain Sw itzerland UK
Source: Company data, Datastream, mergermarket, Thomson One Banker, press release
Synergies relate to the improvement of a risk/return ratio of a company following the improvement of the
quality of its earnings as a result of a merger/acquisition/diversification move
Therefore, synergies may involve creation of barriers to entry, decrease in the risk of operating cash
Synergies result from a reduction in charges or an improvement in sales that leads to the value of the
whole being greater than the sum of the values of the parts
The most accurate valuation methodology is to set up a NPV calculation based on post-tax cash flows
It is recommended to value synergies over an explicit period of time (fading)
The underlying assumption being that, the acquirer will at some point re-allocate part or all of
synergies to its clients, employees and suppliers due to competition pressure
Alternatively, a calculation of a Gordon Shapiro-based terminal value can be carried out
Key valuation parameters may be defined as follows:
Discount rate: Acquirer's cost of capital
For information/benchmark purposes, the FT Lex Column also provides an indicative methodology
Eliminating overcapacity
Manufacturing Transferring best operating practices
Cross-selling of products
Using common channels
Sales &
marketing Transferring best practices
Lowering combines marketing budget
Exploiting economies of scale in finance and accounting and other back-office functions
Administration Consolidating strategy and leadership functions
500 125%
400 100%
300 75%
200 50%
100 25%
- -
2009e 2010e 2011e 2012e 2013e 2014e 2015e 2016e 2017e 2018e 2019e 2020e 2021e 2022e 2023e 2024e 2025e 2026e
Pre-tax net revenue synergies (LHS) Pre-tax cost synergies (LHS) Phasing (RHS)
Normative tax (105) (116) (129) (167) (179) (179) (179) (179) (161) (143) (125) (107) (90) (72) (54) (36) (18) -
Net after tax synergies 214 238 266 343 372 372 372 372 335 298 260 223 186 149 112 74 37 -
Year 0.25 1.25 2.25 3.25 4.25 5.25 6.25 7.25 8.25 9.25 10.25 11.25 12.25 13.25 14.25 15.25 16.25 17.25
Discount factor 98% 88% 80% 72% 65% 59% 54% 48% 44% 40% 36% 33% 29% 27% 24% 22% 20% 18%
Discounted synergies 209 210 213 248 243 220 199 180 147 118 94 73 55 40 27 16 7 -
Discounted synergies 209 210 213 248 243 220 199 180 163 148 134 121 109 99 90 81 73 66 66
and market premium
analysis usually provide A share price performance and marker perception analysis represents a key valuation benchmark in a valuation exercise
highly relevant valuation It is generally made up of an:
benchmarks Analysis of the recent share price performance
Absolute terms and relative Review of CDS & rating Analysis of market parity
terms vs. key peers & evolution (if relevant)
reference index over a 1Y,
3Y or 5Y period
Valuation methodologies – Share price performance analysis and market perception CFYETS – October 2009 62
Introduction 1
Back to basics - Financial analysis wrap-up 2
Cost of capital calculation 3
Valuation methodologies 4
- Key steps in a valuation exercise
- Intrinsic valuation: Discounted Cash Flows
- Analogical valuation: Trading & transaction multiples
- Premium / discount at a glance
- Share price performance analysis and market perception
- Introduction to restated net worth
- Introduction to value creation
RNWV remains a wealth-oriented and static method for measuring the value of a company in that it does not factor in the
value of the company’s future earnings – It is thus of limited use, but can be used, for example, to value:
A company which has some operating assets with a market value that is higher than the cash flow that they are
able to generate – e.g. vineyards
Management companies and financial holding companies which have minority holdings
Note that a SOTP A more dynamic form of RNWV is used on a regular basis – the sum-of-the-parts (SOTP) method:
analysis can alternatively
be carried out on the The sum-of-the-parts method involves valuing the different segments of a company’s business separately, with a
basis of trading multiples
view to operations continuing
Using this method, the specific features of each business can be factored in including risk, growth and margins
The main goal of a company is to create value for its shareholders – Possible returns include dividends and capital gains
The rule of thumb is that if the return on investments is inferior to the cost of capital, capital is paid back to shareholders
As a consequence, investors will impose value-creating strategies whether they are supported by management or not
Higher margins or more sales are not enough since capital efficiency is also sought (fewer fixed assets and WC)
Enhanced importance of communication – Strategies and their value creation
Development of corporate governance
Fair value
Book value of equity
of equity
Expected value creation is equal to the present value of EVA® (Economic Value Added), where:
Value creation =
(1 + k c )i
or Enterprise value = CE +
(1 + k c )i
EVA is also viewed as a relevant measurement of value creation and emphasizes the importance of the ROCE ratio and
its comparison to kc (or WACC)
Cost of capital
Intrinsic value creation
Expected value
Market practice Difficult to calculate based on
Valuable tool for strategic analysis external sources of information
It is an absolute figure vs. a spread
Accounting ROE
Accurate measure of return
Accurate indicator when analyzing
Risk of distortion due to changes in
capital structures
Financial Institutions Does not factor in cost of equity
Simple metric Subject to manipulation
Straightforward to estimate Highly driven by capital structure
Market practice used as a key metric
by the investor community Does not factor in cost of equity
Until the mid-1980s, companies mainly communicated their net profit/loss or EPS, which remain parameters highly
subject to manipulation widely called “window dressing” including adjustments of exceptional items, provisions, etc.
Second-generation accounting indicators focusing on profitability, including ROE, appeared but remained
inadequate when skilfully leveraged by raising financial leverage
Economic metrics emerged in the 1990s with a view to measuring value or returns compared to cost of capital employed
The NPV indicator, which provides an exact measure of the value created, then came up
More recently, market indicators, including MVA and TSR, became more and more popular although they remain highly
sensitive to the stock market
Parallel to that, performance variables, known as value drivers or KPIs, are also used as key metrics by companies
Highly subject to
manipulation Accounting indicators Economic indicators Market indicators
Operating cash
1 Goldman Sachs 831.5 342 1 JP Morgan 521.0 199 1 BNP Paribas 87.5 58
May 2009 March 2009 March 2009 March 2009 March 2009 November 2008
FIG Casinos & hotels Insurance Insurance Energy Defence
For the acquisition of Independent financial Advisor to Fairness Opinion for Fairness Opinion for Advisor to
advisor to Accor, Colony
and Groupe Lucien
Barrière for the sale by
Colony to Accor of its in the context of its in the context of its
15% stake in merger with merger with in the context of its in the context of the
public takeover bid on disposal of its 20.8%
stake in
Is being advised by
November 2008 October 2008 October 2008 September 2008 August 2008 July 2008
Defence Real Estate Energy Energy FIG Energy
Fairness Opinion for Advisor to Fairness Opinion for Hostile takeover bid Fairness Opinion for Fairness Opinion for
In its defence against
July 2008 July 2008 July 2008 June 2008 May 2008 May 2008
Energy Energy Insurance Pharmaceuticals Metals Telecoms
Fairness Opinion for Advisor to Fairness Opinion for Advisor to Fairness Opinion for For the privatisation of
April 2008 April 2008 March 2008 January 2008 January 2008 December 2007
FIG Mining Energy Environment Energy Software
Fairness Opinion for Advisor to Fairness Opinion on its Fairness Opinion for their Advisor to Fairness Opinion for
capital increase and tender offer on
conversion rates within
the framework of its spin-
for the combination of its
for the acquisition of a for acquisition of off
spot and future trading
majority stake in a 25% stake of HISUSA, holding platform with for its acquisition of
company of
was advised by
November 2007 October 2007 September 2007 September 2007 July 2007 June 2007
Software Energy Software Real Estate Metals Media
Advisor to Fairness Opinion for Advisor to For its simplified tender Fairness Opinion for Advisor to
offer on
was advised by
May 2007 May 2007 May 2007 April 2007 April 2007 February 2007
Real Estate Oil & Gas Oil & Gas Software FIG Oil & Gas
Fairness Opinion for For the privatisation of For the privatisation of Advisor to Fairness Opinion for Fairness Opinion for
February 2007 January 2007 January 2007 December 2006 November 2006 July 2006
Energy Telecoms Insurance Transport Telecom Diversified Industrials
Fairness Opinion for For the acquisition of For the buy-out of In the announced merger of For the privatisation of Hostile take over bid
its minorities by Nigerian In its defence against
July 2006 June 2006 May 2006 January 2006 April 2006 March 2006
Transport Telecom Equipment Directories Utilities Chemicals Utilities
Fairness Opinion for Fairness Opinion for Advisor to For the privatisation of In its spin-off of For the sale of its stakes in
electricity and water utilities
September 2005 July 2005 May 2005 December 2004 November 2004 July 2004
IT Services Spirits & Wine Transport Telecom Utilities Media
For the agreed offer for Fairness Opinion for Financial advisor as Joint For the acquisition of
Global Co-ordinator of the IPO, Joint Bookrunner IPO, Joint Global
global offering and Joint Coordinator
Bookrunner of the & Bookrunner
institutional offering
for the acquisition of
June 2004 May 2004 February 2004 January 2004 September 2003 May 2003
Media Media Consumer Goods Pharmaceuticals Airlines Oil & Gas
Fairness Opinion for For the regrouping of the Fairness Opinion for For its offer on For the acquisition of Fairness Opinion for
the buyers’ consortium main assets and activities of Coflexip SA
BC Partners, CVC, Vivendi Universal
Investitori Associati, Entertainment and NBC by
Permira, for the simplification of its shares
for the acquisition of capital structure by for its merger with
merging with its 54% Technip-Coflexip
shareholders the holding
company GESPARAL French Treasury
was advised by was advised by was advised by
Increase net financial debt position by the amount of securitized receivables that appear off balance-
sheet (non-recourse) and add back the same amount to the total working capital
Other working capital adjustments
Others Increase / decrease net financial position by the difference between normative working capital and
working capital in latest balance-sheet to smooth seasonality out
Cash from dilutive financial instruments
Nil if treasury shares method is used – Strike x Number of shares created otherwise
Employee benefits* (including other post-employment benefits, healthcare and other long-term benefits)
Use the pension deficit (PBO - FVA) after normative tax if pension provisions are non tax deductible upon booking
Items Other debt-like provisions
Provisions for restructuring charges after normative tax if provisions are non tax deductible upon booking
Deferred tax Tax loss carry-forwards to be valued separately and taken into account in the EV adjustments
assets (- Valuation based on a NPV calculation based on the company’s taxable profit projections discounted at the cost of capital
Dividend payment
Increase net debt position by the total amount of dividend paid once share becomes ex-div
Share buybacks / issue
Increase / decrease net debt position by the total amount of shares bought back / issued since last balance sheet date and
Subsequent reduce / increase the number of shares accordingly
(+/-) Acquisition / disposal
If the acquisition is included into the financial forecasts, increase net debt position by the total consideration for the
acquisition (unless transaction is partly / entirely equity-financed, in which case the understanding number of shares may
already include the new shares issued)
If the disposal is included into the financial forecasts, reduce debt position by the total consideration for the acquisition
Note: *Use the book value if no information available. Also, in case the plan is overfunded, check if funds are recoverable
There are three different
methods of consolidation.
The implementation of
Type of relationship Type of company Consolidation method %*
which depends on the
level of control or
influence exercised by Control Subsidiary Full consolidation >50%
the parent company over
its subsidiary
Joint control Joint venture Proportionate consolidation 33% - 50%
*Note: Indicative percentage of voting rights that may vary according to the shareholding structure
Full consolidation aims at Financial accounts of a subsidiary are fully consolidated if the parent company:
merging the financial Holds, directly or indirectly, over 50% of the voting rights
accounts of a subsidiary Or, has the power to govern financial and operating policies of the subsidiary under a special
with the ones of the
parent company
DEFINITION The appointment or removal of the majority of the members of the Board also allows the parent
Minority interests in the company to fully consolidate a subsidiary
balance sheet represent Full consolidation consists in replacing the subsidiary’s shares in the balance sheet of the parent
the share attributable to company by all the subsidiary’s assets, liabilities, equity, revenues and costs
minority shareholders in
In case the subsidiary is not 100% owned, minority shareholders will have a right over a portion of the
the shareholders’ equity
subsidiary’s assets and liabilities
and in the net income of
full consolidated
Charges 80 Net sales 100 Charges 30 Net sales 38 Charges 110 Net sales 138
Compared to full The proportionate consolidation method is used to consolidate the accounts of a company jointly
consolidation, controlled by a limited number of partners (usually joint ventures)
proportionate Key factors determining whether a company can consolidate proportionately a joint venture include:
consolidation merely
aims at transferring a A limited number of partners share control, with no partner in a position to claim exclusive control
portion of a company’s DEFINITION A shareholders’ agreement outlining and defining how this joint control is to be exercised
assets, liabilities,
revenues and charges Similar to full consolidation, proportionate consolidation consists in replacing the subsidiary’s shares in
the balance sheet of the parent company by the assets, liabilities and equity of the joint venture, but
Note that the only for the portion controlled by the parent
proportionate Proportionate consolidation does not entail minority interests to appear in the balance sheet
consolidation method is
rare under US GAAP and
is expected to be soon
excluded from IFRS
Charges 80 Net sales 100 Charges 30 Net sales 36 Charges 90 Net sales 112
The equity method of The equity method of accounting can be performed when the parent company has a significant
accounting is influence over the associate’s conduct of business
implemented when a Significant influence over the operating and financial policy of a company is assumed when the
parent company parent holds, directly or indirectly, at least 20% of the voting rights
exercises significant
The method consists in replacing the carrying amount of the shares held in an associate – “equity
influence over the DEFINITION
operating and financial
affiliate” or “associated undertaking” – with the corresponding portion of the associate’s shareholders’
policy of another equity
company The equity method of accounting is also frequently used to revalue certain participating interests
In the consolidated
entity’s balance sheet,
the investment in the
subsidiary includes the
historical cost of the
investment plus accrued
income minus dividends
paid by the associated
company to the parent
Parent company Subsidiary Consolidated entity
company (and minus
portion of the subsidiary’s Charges 80 Net sales 100 Charges 30 Net sales 35 Charges 80 Net sales 100
Only defined benefit Commitment to make contributions on a regular basis on behalf of the employee into a fund
plans are liabilities for the No promise from the company to the employee that it will pay an already established pension
company Defined
Even though markets (DC) plans No risk borne by the company
recovery since 2005 No accounting restatements: contributions are booked as costs
have eased concern on
the part of investors and
credit rating agencies, The company will have to pay an already established pension to the employee
the evolution of pension Pension plan may be funded (investments are paid into a fund and generate returns) or not
assets and liabilities Defined
remain a key point to benefit (DB)
monitor plans Whole risk supported by the company
IAS 19 requires the company to provision future employee benefits
Projected benefit obligation (“PBO”)*, is the net present value of the anticipated pension payments that will be incurred
in the future for services rendered in the past. It thus represents the future obligations / liabilities toward employees
It is based on actuarial and financial assumptions (these main assumptions are disclosed in the annual report footnotes)
such as: wage inflation, expected final salary, turnover and expected retirement date, discounts rate, etc.
Fair value of assets (“FVA”) is the market value of the stocks, bonds, real estate, and other assets that are in the portfolio
*Note: In the US, some companies calculated an “ABO” (accumulated benefit obligation) which differs from the PBO as it assumes no wage inflation
IAS rules require companies to cover future employee benefits, and therefore to provision PBO minus
The main accounting FVA:
issues relating to the However, assumptions used to assess PBO and FVA can change from one year to another and
Balance Sheet are: therefore PBO - FVA could be very volatile due to changes in stock market conditions during the
• the corridor system financial year and in actuarial or financial assumptions
• the provision booked in
the BS Actuarial changes: defined as Variations in PBO - FVA due to changes in assumptions
In order to avoid accounting in the companies’ P&L the impact of FVA - PBO changes, generating high
volatility in companies’ financial results, companies can choose not to book the change when changes
are limited or can amortise significant actuarial changes over several years, thanks to the corridor
The corridor
system Corridor system:
The system aimed at spreading actuarial gains and losses over future periods
Corridor thresholds are equal to +/- the highest of the following two amounts:
- 10% of PBO
- 10 % of FVA
If actuarial changes (gains or losses) do not breach the corridor limits, companies can choose not to
book the changes in the P&L
If actuarial gains and losses breach the corridor, the portion in excess of the 10% threshold is
recognised on the balance sheet as income or expenses to be deferred and is spread over the
average remaining working lives of participating employees
Interest cost: increase in PBO due to the impact of 1 year less of discount than the previous year in the PBO valuation
Two components are financial items under the current IAS rule:
Possibility of recording the expense as a single amount under operating expenses
Or possibility of separating the two financial components from the total expenses and to record them into the financial
The impact on net debt should equal the amount a company would have to pay a third party in order to
outsource the liability
As such, we include net pension liabilities (pension liability – fair value of dedicated assets) in
net debt
If the amount of deferred tax assets generated by pension provision is provided in the company’s
annual report
We regard only pension service costs as real operating costs with cash effects
The interest charge is assimilated to an investment charge which should be restated below EBIT with
financial charges
IAS rules do not provide for a compulsory treatment of P&L pension expenses, they can be (i) all booked
as a single operating cost or (ii) split between an operating cost (service cost) and financial costs
Profit & Loss
Aggregates If case (i) Adjusted EBITDA = EBITDA + Total net pension cost - Service cost
Adjusted EBIT = EBIT + Total net pension cost - Service cost
Value taken into account in the books: present value is not allowed under IFRS (except for pensions)
Make sure that you take into account provisions net of the potential deferred taxes linked to them
Please note that several provisions are already deducted from the assets side, such as bad
debts, provisions on inventories
IAS (37) does not allow a provision to be created for the mere possibility of something occurring in the
Accounting future. There must be an actual obligation and future settlement must be probable and measurable
treatment General provisions and provisions for major repairs and maintenance are not allowed under IFRS
Restructuring provisions: although allowed under IFRS these are likely to be lower and recorded later
Provisions classified as debt: The relating charge must be eliminated from the P&L, in order to avoid
double counting them
P&L financial
analysis* Provisions classified in working capital: Make sure that the related charge is accounted for above
EBITDA in the P&L, so that the charge (which is a non-cash item) is set off by the positive change
under working capital in the cash flow
Be careful not to double count the provision in the flows when it is already booked as debt-like
Valuation For WC-like provisions, flows to be taken either above EBITDA or separately in the flows, not twice
Financial assets
Good understanding of the consolidation method used for the asset is needed: proportional (often
JVs), equity method (associates) or not consolidated
Accounting Beware that in IAS financial assets (non consolidated) are put in 3 possible categories:
treatment “held for trading” booked at fair value
General guideline:
Sum-of-the-parts approach
Valuation multiples
impacts Different business or different region: separate valuation if possible
Financial analysis: the P&L line is a net income line and the BS shareholders equity
Other non operating assets (buildings, land, etc.): market value if available, restate rentals, think
about the capital gain tax issues
Up until now, in European countries, companies have not recorded any, or only a partial, expense for
Potential stock compensation.
impact on In transitioning to IFRS, companies are allowed to record an expense only for options granted after
issuer’s P&L Nov-7, 2002 Therefore, there is likely to be some kind of ramp-up period with regard to the P&L impact
in the coming years (probably until 2009 or 2010)
Recognition of a charge in the P&L, corresponding to the fair value of the share-based payment and
expensed over the vesting period. Fair value is added to equity
Fair value must be calculated at grant date and take into account potential cancellations
(expected resignations, probability of target performances not being reached, etc.)
The fair value calculated at grant will not vary with changes in underlying stock price (“historical
cost”). It can only be adjusted in case of a change in assumptions on the potential number of
shares to be issued (ie, turnover of employees, etc). The impact of such changes will be accounted
for through the P&L, in accordance with IAS 8 rules
Financial Analysis
For comparison purposes, we recommend that you do not restate the P&L from expenses related to stock-
options schemes
Similarly, fair value of these schemes should not be subtracted from equity in the Balance Sheet
Valuation – Trading multiples
Under IAS, the information available in the balance sheet is the “historical” fair value of a stock-option
scheme (fair value at grant). This value remains unchanged throughout the duration of the scheme and does not
correspond to its fair value at the date the valuation exercise is performed:
1 If the amount of potential stocks to be issued is significant: calculate the fair value of the schemes at valuation
date. Method cumbersome to implement (binomial tree model to be used for each scheme)
2 Or use the treasury shares (currently used in trading multiples model), i.e. potential dilution, depending on
the strike price vs current share price: much more simple method, but does not take into account the “time value”
of the options
In any case, the stock-option expense in the P&L has to be eliminated
Under IAS, all treasury shares should be deducted from equity and should not be treated as cash
equivalents. Number of shares used in trading multiples model should be adjusted consequently
Equity-settled plans do not have any effect on the Cash-settled plans lead to the recognition of a
net worth of the entity (until they are actually liability
exercised) Unlike equity-settled plans, cash-settled plans will
When computing multiples, EBITDA, EBITA and net generate a cash-out for the entity and no shares will
income should be adjusted for equity-settled be issued
instrument expenses, as their impact is taken into These instruments do not have any impact on the
account in the diluted number of shares (otherwise calculation of the diluted number of shares
Provision recognised at the valuation date should
For a DCF valuation be included in other debt-like provisions. It should
Since these expenses are non-cash charges, add be noted that these provisions are not tax
back P&L expenses relating to existing stock deductible, so don’t forget to take the tax effect into
option plans to the free cash flow. account (as for pension deficits in most countries)
Make sure that the tax computation is based on an Check that expenses related to cash-settled plans
EBITA before share-based payment, as they are not vested at the valuation date are included in
not tax-deductible (in most countries) EBITDA forecasts of the company (as they are not
Don’t forget to include these dilutive instruments in recognized in the balance sheet yet)
the calculation of the diluted number of shares
At issue: the value of the debt component would typically be the present value of the future payments
Under IAS 32 a standard Accounting discounted at the prevailing market rate for a similar debt instrument
convertible bond is split for the debt During the life of the CB: the value of the bond component is adjusted to reach the redemption price
into its component parts component at maturity
• The debt component
In case of redemption: the carrying value of the liability is eliminated with the payment of the principal
reflected along with other
debt instruments At issue: typically calculated as the difference between the CB price and the bond value; or measured
• The equity component using an option pricing model
reflected in equity During the life of the CB: remains in equity (reserves) unchanged
for the option In case of conversion: option component transferred out of reserves into Share Capital and Share
component Premium with the bond component
In case of redemption: the option value remains in equity (can be reclassified from one kind of reserve
to another)
Bond Price
IFRS : IAS 17, classification should depend on the substance of the transaction (who is bearing the risks and the
advantages linked to the lease contract depending on the professional judgment of the auditor) rather than on the form of
the contract
Rating agencies account for all the leases as finance leases when computing credit and financial ratios
Rating agencies adjust the financial ratios of corporate lessees by capitalising all their assets under operating leases and
the related liabilities considering that it reflects their expected financial debt obligation
Calculate the present value of the forecast minimum rental expenses over the remaining life of the lease whenever the
information is available
When performing a
valuation exercise, one
should look at three Reconsolidating operating leases in a valuation leads to the following adjustments:
issues before deciding
whether or not to
consolidate operating - The financial portion of the rental expenses should be removed from the FCFF in the Enterprise Value computation as
leases: they are considered financing flows, thereby increasing the EV
• IFRS treatment - Implicit depreciation is added to the fixed assets annual depreciation
• Market practice - Total lease obligation is added to net debt
• Amounts at stake
Associés en Finance’s model, Trival, is based on a 3D approach where each share is represented in the “market plan” with
its own characteristics including risk, return and liquidity
Shares that are located above the plan have an expected return higher than the market, and are therefore under valued
while shares under the market plan are over valued
Trival explains more than 65% of the changes in share price
Recently, approximately 450 companies in the euro zone were included in Trival
For each company, Trival computes:
An expected return, i.e. the discount rate equalizing the free cash flow to equity (i.e. net of financial costs) and the
market value of the underlying share
A beta, representing the risk of the underlying share
A liquidity ratio
Period 1 1-9 Market forecasts, convergence towards a target financial Depends on the sector
Liquidity Risk
Like Exane BNP Paribas, BNP Paribas Equities methodology is based on the Gordon-Shapiro formula. Assuming that the value of a
share is equal to the present value of its forecasted dividends
i =∞ DIVt ,t +i
Ct = ∑ PDR t = TRA t − TL10 t
i =0 (1 + TRAt ) i
Ct : Value of the index at the date of computation
DIVt : Dividend forecasted in year i, equal to the product of the expected EPS by the Pay-out
TRA t : Investment rate return determined by equalising the value of the index at the date of computation and the present value of
PDRt : Equity risk premium at the date of computation
Sep-04 Mar-05 Sep-05 Mar-06 Sep-06 Mar-07 Sep-07 Mar-08 Sep-08 Mar-09 Sep-09
10-year Euro risk free rate European equity market risk premium
The US expected return is
now 10.47% vs. 12-month
and 5-year averages of
11.37% and 9.60% 2%
respectively Sep-04 Mar-05 Sep-05 Mar-06 Sep-06 Mar-07 Sep-07 Mar-08 Sep-08 Mar-09 Sep-09
10-year US risk free rate US equity market risk premium
Sep-04 Mar-05 Sep-05 Mar-06 Sep-06 Mar-07 Sep-07 Mar-08 Sep-08 Mar-09 Sep-09
Opinions expressed herein reflect the judgement of BNP PARIBAS as of the date of this presentation and may be subject to change without notice if BNP
PARIBAS becomes aware of any information, whether specific or general, which may have a material impact on any such opinions.
BNP PARIBAS will not be responsible for any consequences resulting from the use of this presentation as well as the reliance upon any opinion or
statement contained herein or for any omission.
This presentation is confidential and may not be reproduced (in whole or in part) nor summarised or distributed without the prior written permission of BNP