Syllabus Social Science and Philosophy
Syllabus Social Science and Philosophy
Syllabus Social Science and Philosophy
A College in the heart of the Third District that leads in educating highly trained graduates who can be leaders in contributing to people empowerment, poverty alleviation and
good citizenship in their communities in particular and the country in general.
To offer educational opportunities to potential community who can help in the intellectual, social, spiritual and economic advancement of the community and country by
offering state of the art facilities for advanced and specialized programs in Education, Business Administration, Hospitality Management and Information Technology.
1. Act as academic agent of change towards the development of human and material resources in the community.
2. Provide curricular programs responsive to the national and international standards of excellence which allow graduates to be employable locally and internationally.
3. Effectively select students who can become dynamic leaders in the fields of education, business administration, hospitality management & information technology, imbued with
passion for the social, economic and spiritual upliftment of the community.
4. Develop faculty, staff and students who can have a strong concern & involvement in global and national issues that affect the well-being of the community and the country.
Program Description:
The Bachelor of Science in Business Administration program offers two specialized majors, namely Human Resource Management, and Marketing Management. The
program focuses on the interrelationship of the different functional areas of business. It equips students with technical and practical knowledge in making informed business
The Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major Human Resource Management program prepares the graduate for a career in the Human Resources
Department of any organization, handling the many diverse human capital requirements of the organization, including recruitment, staffing, training and career development.
The Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, major in Marketing Management program prepares the graduate for careers in marketing, market research,
advertising and public relations. The curriculum provides the graduate with both technical skills and competencies required in the field, but also the flexible mindset that is
necessary to stay competitive in a constantly changing business environment.
SY 2021-2022
The course enables to students be encouraged to use the conceptual toolkit that this course provides to think about the social sciences they
study and provide their own case studies and illustrations of how central concepts subject to philosophical analysis is at work within the social
science disciplines.
CO 1: Explain the concepts, methods and views discussed during each session
CO 2: Students should be able to reconstruct, analyze and assess arguments from the given texts, and or related literature
CO 3: Students should be able to connect the themes and arguments discussed in class.
CO 4: Students should be familiar with the main views of the explanation in the social sciences, values and social sciences and discipline
specific issues.
CO 5: Students should be able to critically read, analyze and contextualize philosophical and social science texts.
Week Intended Learning Topic/Course Content Teaching/Learning Student Output Evaluation Task
Outcome Activity
1 ILO 1- Imbibe the vision, 1 .IDSC Vision, Mission & Goals Class orientation The student should Recitation
mission and goals of IDSC, 2. CBA objectives Discussion be able to commit to
the college objectives and 3. Course overview memory the IDSC
the program’s overview Vision, Mission &
2 ILO 1- Discuss the I. Introduction to Social Science Interactive lecture Students should be Oral questioning
importance of studying able to differentiate
social science and 1. Defining Social Science and Applied social Sciences and
Philosophy Social Science Applied Social
2. Differentiate Social Science and Sciences
ILO 2 - Explain the Applied Social Science.
definition of Social Science
3 ILO 3- Explain the different II. Branches of Social Sciences Interactive lecture Compare and Written output
Branches of Social Sciences 1. Economics 7. Geography Contrast the
2. Anthropology 8. Demography Different Social
ILO 4- Identify the different 3. History Sciences and
subfields of each social 4. Political Science Applied Social
sciences 5. Psychology Sciences in the
6. Sociology Bubble Map
4 ILO 1- Discuss Counselling 1. Explain Counseling Interactive Lecture Students should Written exam
2. What are the goals of Counselling reflect and
ILO 2- Identify the Goals of understand how
7 ILO 1-Define Social Work 1. Definition of Social Work Class Map out the Class presentation
2. Goals and Scope of Social Work discussion/small different institutions
ILO 2 –Discuss the Goals 3. Core Values and Principles of Social group work where social
and Scope of Social Work Work workers practice
ILO 3- Explain and identify
the Core Values and
Principles of Social Work
8 ILO 4- Show an 1. Roles, Functions of Social Work Interactive lecture Commit to memory Written exam
understanding of the roles 2. The Functions of Social Work the Roles and
and functions of social Functions of Social
workers Work
ILO 5- Identify the
Functions of Social Work
9 ILO 1- Define the understand Interactive lecture Describe the Oral questioning
the meaning of 1. Definition of Communication transmission and
communication ritual models of the
10 Written output
ILO 1- Explain the 1. Definition of Journalism
definition of 2. Functions of Journalism Class Discussion/
Communication small group work
11 ILO 3- Memorize and Class discussion and Explain the benefits Written output
understand the Code of 1. Code of Conduct of Journalism small group work of having the law on
Conduct of Journalism 2. Rights and Responsibilities of Journalism in the
ILO 4- Recognize the Rights Journalism Philippines
and Responsibilities of
12 ILO 1- Define Advertising Interactive Lecture Explain why Oral questioning
ILO 2- Understand the key 1. Advertising advertising is
elements of Advertising 2. Key elements in Advertising important in society.
13 Interactive lecture Commit to memory Oral questioning
ILO 3- Discuss the Code of 1. Code of Ethics in Advertising the significance of
Ethics in Advertising Code of Ethics in
16 ILO 4- Discuss the Other 1. Other Philosophical Branches and Interactive lecture Memorize and Written exam
Philosophical Branches of concept Understand the
Philosophy a) Cosmology Concept of each
b) Ontology Philosophical
c) Psychology Branches
d) Theodicy
e) Logic
17 ILO 1- Explain the barriers Class Discussion Commit to memory Oral questioning
in attaining knowledge 1. Barriers in Attaining Knowledge the Barriers in
ILO 2- Identify the 2. Sources of Knowledge Attaining
Sources of Knowledge Knowledge and
know its Sources
18 ILO 1- Identify the Traits of 1. Traits of Man Class discussion Explain the reasons Written output
Man 2. Man as a Biological Being why man is regarded
ILO 2- Understand the 3. Man as a Social and Rational Being as a rational being
importance of the study of the 4. Man : a Modern Perspective and the highest
nature of Man form.
1. Dela Cruz, Arleigh Ross, “Discipline and Ideas in the Applied Social Science” Phoenix Publishing House, Quezon City
2. Zulueta, Francisco, “Philosophy Made Easy” National Book Store, Mandaluyong City
3. Internet Sources
Summative Evaluation. The general average of each student’s grade will be computed as follows:
Class standing 45%
•Deportment/Class Participation 5%
•Assignments/Projects 40%
Quizzes 25%
Periodic Exam 30%
Total 100%
The final grade for every term is 30% of the previous term plus 70% of the tentative grade of the present term except for the preliminary
1. Attendance will be checked regularly. Hence, students must attend at least 80% of the hours assigned to the class for a semester to receive
credit for the course
2. Proper decorum must be observed at all times.
3. Academic dishonesty in any form will be subjected to the provisions of the Student Guidebook.
4. Please mute the Cellphones or laptops when you’re not supposed to talk.
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