Physical Science 5-8
Physical Science 5-8
Physical Science 5-8
Light from a red laser passes more easily through red cellophane than green cellophane.
o White light - If you shine torch light onto a sheet of paper, the light from the torch appears white.
The light given out by torch lights, light globes and the Sun is white light. Some sources of light, for
example coloured neon lights or LEDs, do not produce white light, but coloured light. If you want to
know what colour make-up or clothes will appear under normal circumstances, you need to check
the colours in white light. Checking the colours under coloured light can cause them to look very
o The light spectrum - If a beam of white light from a globe or from the Sun is shone through a
triangular prism, a rainbow is produced. This is because the white light that comes from a light globe
or from the Sun is a mixture of many different colors. When white light passes through a prism, it is
split up into these separate colors. White light is therefore a mixture of red, orange, yellow, green,
blue and violet light. It is our eye that sees this mixture as 'white’.
1. Radio Waves have frequencies as high as 300 GHz to as low as 3 KHz.
2. The sun and the planet Jupiter are extraterrestrial sources of radio waves.
The prime purpose of radio is to convey information from one place to another through the intervening media without wires
Use for sending out signals and picking up their reflections from objects in their path.
Use for transmitting sound and television signals, radio waves is used for transmission of data in coded form.
Enables astronauts to communicate with the earth from moon and carry information from space probes as they travel to distant
Automatic doors, WI-FI, and Bluetooth make use of radio waves
GPS and radio frequency identification also make use of radio waves.
Learning Competencies:
Explain various light phenomena such as:
A. Your reflection on the concave and convex sides of a spoon looks different
Prove “Ray Diagram of Concave Mirrors in a Spoon”
Take a stainless steel spoon. Bring the outer side of the spoon near your face and look into it
1. Do you see your image in it?
2. Is this image different from what you see in a plane mirror? Is this image erect?
3. Is the size of the image the same, smaller or larger?
Note: Attach to your answer sheet or send the picture to your teacher as evidence that you have proved the Ray Diagram of
Concave Mirrors in a Spoon.
Prepared by:
Teacher II
Bagabag National High School
The theory of relativity developed by Albert Einstein includes the special theory of relativity and general theory of
relativity. According to him, the rate of proceeding into the future is influenced by the movement through space. His theories helped
the scientists in their comprehension of the universe.
The theory of special relativity explains how space and time are linked for objects that are moving at a consistent speed in
a straight line. One of its most famous aspects concerns objects moving at the speed of light.
The theory of special relativity was developed by Albert Einstein in 1905, and it forms part of the basis of modern physics.
After finishing his work in special relativity, Einstein spent a decade pondering what would happen if one introduced acceleration.
This formed the basis of his general relativity, published in 1915.
Before Einstein, astronomers (for the most part) understood the universe in terms of three laws of motion presented by Isaac
Newton in 1686. These three laws are:
1. Objects in motion (or at rest) remain in motion (or at rest) unless an external force imposes change.
2. Force is equal to the change in momentum per change of time. For a constant mass, force equals mass times
3. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
But there were cracks in the theory for decades before Einstein's arrival on the scene. In 1865, Scottish physicist James
Clerk Maxwell demonstrated that light is a wave with both electrical and magnetic components, and established the speed of
light (186,000 miles per second). Scientists supposed that the light had to be transmitted through some medium, which they called
the ether. (We now know that no transmission medium is required, and that light in space moves in a vacuum.)
Twenty years later, an unexpected result threw this into question. Physicist A.A. Michelson and chemist Edward Morley (both
Americans at the time) calculated how Earth's motion through this "ether" affected how the speed of light is measured, and found
that the speed of light is the same no matter what Earth's motion is. This led to further musings on light's behaviour and its
incongruence with classical mechanics by Austrian physicist Ernst Mach and French mathematician Henri Poincare.
Albert Einstein began thinking of light's behaviour when he was just 16 years old, in 1895. He did a thought experiment, where
he rode on one light wave and looked at another light wave moving parallel to him.
Classical physics should say that the light wave Einstein was looking at would have a relative speed of zero, but this
contradicted Maxwell's equations that showed light always has the same speed: 186,000 miles a second. Another problem with
2. The speed of light is the same in all of these reference frames, even if the source of the light is moving.
The speed of light in all frames of reference is always the same. Einstein was not convinced that a light beam would appear as if it
is at rest if one travels along beside it. Instead, he concluded that light could be measured by an observer as if it is moving away
from him at 300 000 km/s.
Suppose you are sitting on the hood of a stationary car and your brother is standing alongside the road some 50 feet
ahead of the car. If you throw a ball to your brother with a velocity of 10 m/s, it will travel, relative to you, at a velocity of 10 m/s and
it will travel, relative to your brother, as 10 m/s. Suppose then, that you repeat the throw except this time, you toss the ball while the
car is moving toward your brother at 10 m/s. This time, the ball will move, relative to you, with a velocity of 10 m/s but it will move,
relative to your brother, with a velocity of 20 m/s. In this case, the velocity of the source of the ball is added to the velocity of the ball
to get the velocity relative to a stationary observer.
The special theory of relativity copes with the results of the Michelson-Morley experiments much better than does classical
mechanics, but it also has some surprising consequences. For example, according to the theory of special relativity,
Two events that occurred simultaneously for one observer were not simultaneous for another observer if the two observers
had relative motion to each other. (Relativity of simultaneity).
Clocks in a moving frame of reference tick more slowly than an observer’s “stationary” clock. (Time dilation).
Objects are measured to be shorter in the direction that they are moving with respect to a stationary observer. (Length
E=mc², energy and mass are equivalent and transmutable. (Mass-energy equivalence).
No physical object can travel faster than the speed of light in a vacuum. (Maximum speed is finite).
o Example: An electron has a rest mass of9.11 x 10−31kg. In a detector, the same electron has a mass of 12.55 x 10
How fast is electron moving relative the detector?
8 m *Solution:
c=3.00 × 10 From the formula of Special Theory of Relativity:
m 0=9.11 x 10 kg
m=12.55 x 10 kg
√ √
( )
−31 2
1− m 8 9.11× 10 kg
2 v=3.00 ×10 1− −31
s 12.55× 10 kg
We can transpose it and get the formula: 8 m
v=2.06 ×10
( )
v=c 1− o
The Equivalence of Mass and Energy
The equation E=mc 2 states that the amount of energy possessed by an object is equal to its mass multiplied by the
square of the speed of light. Since the speed of light is an incredibly high number, almost 300,000 km/sec, a small amount of mass
contains a lot of energy. Additionally, the equation suggests that energy and mass are interchangeable with each other. In other
words, energy can be converted to mass and mass to energy.
Where: E = energy, m = mass, and c = the speed of light.
o Example: How much energy is contained in a particle that has a mass of m=1μg?
*Given: *Solution:
m=1μg Using the formula E=mc 2, we can now substitute the
In order to calculate the energy in our particle, we
must make sure that the mass is in units of kg. given:
1μg = 1 x 10−9 kg −9 8m
E=(1 x 10 kg)(3.00× 10 )²
m=1 x 10−9 kg s
E=9 ×10 J Learning Competencies:
Explain how special relativity resolved the conflict between Newtonian mechanics and Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory
Directions: Choose which term in the box is being described by the following statements in Column B. Write your answer on the
column A.
Speed of Light James Clerk Maxwell Length Contraction Isaac Newton A.A Michelson
First Postulate of Length Contraction Theory of Special Michelson – Morley Theory of Special
Special Relativity Relativity Experiment Relativity
Column A Column B
1. Explains how space and time are linked for objects that are moving at a consistent speed in a straight
2. The proponent of three laws of motion
3. Demonstrated that light is a wave with both electrical and magnetic components
4. He found that the speed of light is the same no matter what Earth's motion is
5. Laws of physics are the same in all inertial frames of reference
6. Reference frame in which a body at rest remains at rest and a body in motion moves at a constant
speed in a straight line unless acted on by an outside force
7. Decrease in observed length of an object from its proper length L0 to length L when its length is
observed in a reference frame where it is traveling at speed v
8. Investigation performed in 1887 that showed that the speed of light in a vacuum is the same in all
frames of reference from which it is viewed
9. Investigation performed in 1887 that showed that the speed of light in a vacuum is the same in all
frames of reference from which it is viewed
10. Ultimate speed limit for any particle having mass
Objectives: Solve the following problems using mass- velocity relation and energy –mass relation.
Materials: Paper, Pen and Scientific Calculator
Directions: Solve the following problems using mass- velocity relation and energy –mass relation. Show your complete solution.
1. A 25 kg rock is accelerated to a speed of 0.98c.
a. What would the mass of this rock be at this speed?
b. What would the mass of this rock be at this speed?
2. It takes 2.3 ×10 J of energy to operate a long train for 1.0 h. How long could you operate this train if 45 kg of matter
could be converted to pure energy?
3. What is the momentum of a 5.0 kg rock travelling at 0.99c?
4. A 12500 kg (rest mass) spaceship is travelling at 0.99c. What is the spaceship kinetic energy?
5. If the rest mass of a proton is 1.67x10-27 Kg. What is its mass when traveling at 0.85 c?
Prepared by:
Teacher II
Bagabag National High School
Example 2: A spaceship departing from the space station. The speed of a light flash emitted by either the spaceship or the
space station is measured as c by observers on the ship or the space station.
Einstein proposed that time can be stretched depending on the motion between the observer and the
events being observed. The stretching of time is time dilation. A moving clock ticks more slowly than a
clock at rest. To further understand this, let’s consider a light clock at a moving ship. A stationary light
clock is shown here. Imagine an empty tube with a mirror at each end. A flash of light bounces back and
forth between the parallel mirrors. The mirrors are perfect reflectors, so the flash bounces indefinitely.
The moving ship contains a light clock.
a. An observer moving with the spaceship observes the light flash moving vertically.
b. An observer who is passed by the moving ship observes the flash moving along a
diagonal path.
From the outside, one tick of the light clock takes longer than it takes for occupants of the spaceship. The spaceship’s
clock has slowed down. However, for occupants of the spaceship, it has not slowed. The slowing of time is not peculiar to the light
clock. It is time itself in the moving frame of reference, as viewed from our frame of reference that slows.
The heartbeats of the spaceship occupants will have a slower rhythm.
All events on the moving ship will be observed by us as slower.
We say that time is stretched—it is dilated.
The Twin Paradox
A dramatic illustration of time dilation is afforded by identical twins, one an astronaut who
takes a high-speed round-trip journey while the other stays home on Earth. When the traveling twin
returns, he is younger than the stay-at-home twin. How much younger depends on the relative
speeds involved.
Einstein showed the relation between the time t 0 in
the observer’s own frame of reference and the relative time t
measured in another frame of reference is:
√ ( )
where v represents the relative velocity between the observer and the observed and c is the speed of light.
Example 1: Astronauts traveling at 99% of speed of light could go to star Procyon (11.4 light-years distant) and
back in 23.0 years in Earth time. How long would be is the travel if we apply the time dilation?
- List all the given:
v = 0.99 c - Solution :
t = 23.0 years
t0 = ? t 0=t √ 1− v (Derived formula on how to get t 0)
- Substitute:
( )
t0 t 0=23 years √ 1− 0.99 c
( )
m t
1− Answer 0=3.22 years
For moving objects, space as
well as time undergoes change. The
observable shortening of moving
objects approaching the speed of light
is called length contraction. The
amount of contraction is related to the
amount of time
dilation. For everyday speeds, the amount of contraction is much too small to be
The contraction of speeding objects is the contraction of space itself. Space
contracts in only one direction, the direction of motion. Lengths along the direction
perpendicular to this motion are the same in the two frames of reference. As relative speed
increases, contraction in the direction of motion increases. Lengths in the perpendicular
direction do not change.
- Relativistic length contraction is stated mathematically:
v - speed of the object relative to the observer
c - speed of light L is the length of the moving object as measured by the observer
L0 - measured length of the object at rest
( )
0.8 c
L0=8..7 LY L=8.7 LY 1−
v=0.8 c Answer : L=5.2 LY
√ ()
L=L0 1−
( ) ( )
E=mc 14 kg . m
1 Joule
E= 1.08 ×10 ×
( )
8 m s 2
kg .m2
E=( 0.002 kg ) 3 ×10 1
2 s2
kg .m
E=1.08× 1014 2
E=1.08× 10 Jolues
Note: The unit of energy is Joule (J)
This energy computed can be equated to man’s kinetic energy, which can be then used to find the man’s
m v2
velocity. Now, let us now get the man’s velocity using the formula on how to get the Kinetic Energy (KE). KE=
where: m is the mass express in kg and v is velocity.
14 2
KE=1.08 ×10 J kg . m
Note: Convert Joules to to make easier
m=100 kg s
14 100 kg ( v )2 v=
1.08 ×10
kg . m2
(2) )
(eliminate the unit kg)
1.08 ×10 J = 100 kg
√( )
√ KE ( 2 ) m
3.6 ×10 2
m s
√ ( 1.08 ×10 14 J ) ( 2 ) 100
100 kg
v=1.9 ×1012
The relative change in mass is perceived when the body is in motion. This concept is
relativistic mass. Moving objects appear to be more massive. Relativistic mass is given
√ 1−( ) v2
√ ( )
observer relative to the factor v . Increase in relativistic mass is significantly only at speeds approaching that of light.
1− 2
Example: An object in motion has a mass of 12 kg and travels in the air with velocity of 0.82 c. What would be its
rest mass?
- Given: - Solution:
m=12 kg
( )
v=0.82 c m 0=m 1− 2
- Formula: c
m= 0.822 c 2
m0=12 kg 1−
( ) c2
m0=12 kg √ 1−( 0.67 )
m0=6.8 kg
Do You Know?
What may be the first known black hole was found in the 1970s about 6000 light years away
from the constellation of Cygnus the Swan. The area around the hole is known as Cyg X-1; it gives off
strong X-rays - the result, astronomers believe, of material being compressed and heated just before
it is sucked in.
Learning Competencies:
Explain the consequences of the postulates of Special Relativity (e.g. relativity of simultaneity, time dilation, length
contraction, mass energy equivalence, and cosmic speed limit (S11/12PS-IVi-j-70)
Explain the consequences of the postulates of General Relativity (e.g. correct predictions of shifts in the orbit of Mercury,
gravitational bending of light and black holes (S11/12PS-IVi-j-71)
Task 2: SOLVE!
Directions: Solve the following problems. Write the solution that supports your answer.
1. Compute the contracted length of an object whose initial length is 10 m and travel with a velocity of 0.75 c?
2. If the combination of protons and neutrons in an atom’s nucleus results in mass defect of 0.528 amu (1 amu =
1.66 x 10 kg), what is the binding energy for this atom?
3. A particle mass of 11.67 x 10−24kg travels with velocity of 0.65 c. Compute its rest mass
Directions: Answer the questions given.
Why do we not notice the bending of light by gravity in our everyday environment?
Prepared by:
Teacher II
Bagabag National High School
It is used to measure distance in our solar system. But how do astronomers measure distance using Radar?
How does Radar actually work? This modern method of measuring distances is based on the fact that light (whether in the
form of radio waves, microwaves, visible light, or X-rays) travels with a speed of 300,000 km/sec.
Specifically, where d is distance, v is velocity, and t is time. As mentioned above, when we use
any form of light, v is equal to 300,000 km./sec. So if we measure how long it takes for light to
go to an object, we can calculate the distance. This method has been used in one form or
another to determine the distances to all of the planets in our solar system (except Pluto). It is
also routinely used to measure the distance from the Earth to the Moon. Light travels at a finite
speed of 3 ×108 m/s (299,792,458 m/s to be
exact). When a light signal (such as a radio pulse) is directed at a nearby planetary body part of the signal will be reflected
back. By timing how long it takes this light echo to return and then dividing this time by 2 and multiplying by the speed of
light, the distance to the planet can be determined.
Also called Cepheid Variables, are stars which brighten and dim periodically. This behavior allows them to be used as
cosmic yardsticks out to distances of a few tens of millions of light-years. The important feature of a Cepheid Variable that
allows it to be used for distance measurements is that its period is related directly to its luminosity. This relation allows us
to work out how much brighter than the Sun the star is. From there we can calculate how much further away the star must
be than the Sun to make it the brightness we see from Earth.
In 1912, Henrietta Swan Leavitt noted that 25 stars, called Cepheid stars, in the Magellanic cloud would
brighten and dim periodically. Leavitt was able to measure the period of each star by measuring the timing
of its ups and downs in brightness. What she determined was that the brighter the Cepheid, the longer its
period. In fact, Cepheids are very special variable stars because their period (the time they take to
brighten, dim and brighten again) is regular (that is, does not change with time), and a uniform function of
their brightness. That is, there is relation between the period and brightness such that once the period is
known, the brightness can be inferred. So from the period and Leavitt's plot we get the brightness at the
of one light-year. The brightness at the distance of one light-year will be larger than the observed brightness due to the
fact that brightness drops like the square of the distance. From these numbers one can extract the distance to the stars.
This method works up to 13 million light-years when Earth-bound telescopes are used; for larger distances these stars
become too dim to be observed.
At large distances (up to about 1 billion light-years), astronomers can no longer use methods such as parallax or
Cepheid variables. Type Ia supernovae are extremely useful in measuring the distance of remote galaxies. It is known
that type Ia supernovae always reach the same brilliance at their peak. Type Ia supernova are extremely brilliant, often
outshining their parent galaxy, so unlike Cepheid variables they can be observed across tens of millions of light years. So
the distances to very distant galaxies can be determined using them.
So let’s work out how to determine the distance to a distant galaxy if we know the brightness of a type Ia supernova. A
typical type Ia supernova has an absolute magnitude of -19.3. The formula used is: M=5+m-5 logd
M = Absolute Magnitude (= -19.3)
m = Apparent Magnitude (brightness as observed from Earth)
d = Distance in Parsecs (1 Parsec = 3.26 light years)
The formula used is: M=5+m-5 logd Where: M = Absolute Magnitude (= -19.3) m = Apparent Magnitude
(brightness as observed from Earth d = Distance in Parsecs (1 Parsec = 3.26 light years). We now have all the
information we need to rewrite the equation to start to calculate the distance to M101.
19.3 = 5 + 10 – 5 log d
Simplified: 19.3 = 15 – 5 logd
The only unknown is now the distance, so the equation can be re-arranged thus:
5 logd = 15 + 19.3
5 logd = 34.3
This is then re-arranged to give:
In 1929, Edwin Hubble announced that almost all galaxies appeared to be moving away from us. In fact, he found
that the universe was expanding - with all of the galaxies moving away from each other. This phenomenon was observed
as a redshift of a galaxy's spectrum. This redshift appeared to be larger for faint, presumably further, galaxies. (Redshift is
a phenomenon where electromagnetic radiation--such as light from an object undergoes an increase in wavelength.)
The velocity of a galaxy could be expressed mathematically as: v = H x d where v is the galaxy's radial outward
velocity, d is the galaxy's distance from Earth, and H is the constant of proportionality called the Hubble constant. (The
exact value of the Hubble constant is still somewhat uncertain, but is generally believed to be around 65 kilometers per
second for every megaparsec in distance. A megaparsec is given by 1 Mpc = 3 x 106 light-years).
So to determine an object's distance, we only need to know its velocity. Velocity is measurable thanks to the Doppler
shift. Doppler effect is defined as a change in the wavelength (or frequency) of energy in the form of waves, e.g., sound or
light, as a logd = 34.3/5 logd = 6.86203 NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times result of motion of either
the source or the receiver of the waves. Doppler effect for light is used to measure the velocity (and indirectly distance)
and rotation of stars and galaxies along the direction of sight. In the spectrum of nearly every star there are wavelengths.
By taking the spectrum of a distant object, such as a galaxy, astronomers can see a shift in the lines of its spectrum and
from this shift determine its velocity. Putting this velocity into the Hubble equation, they determine the distance.
The Doppler Effect for electromagnetic waves such as light is of great use in
astronomy and results in either a so-called redshift or blueshift. It has been used to
measure the speed at which stars and galaxies are approaching or receding from us;
that is, their radial velocities. When an object emits light—or any kind of electromagnetic
radiation, for that matter—moves toward someone, the wavelength of its emitted light is
decreased. Conversely, when the object moves away, the wavelength of its emitted light
is increased. For visible light, the bluer part of the spectrum has shorter wavelengths,
and the redder
part of the spectrum has longer wavelengths. Thus, the Doppler effect for light is called a “blueshift” if the light source is
coming toward an observer, and a “redshift” if it is moving away. The faster the object moves, the greater the blueshift or
We know that the Doppler Effects can give us the measurement of the speed of a celestial object coming toward us
(blueshift) or moving away from us (redshift). But how does the Doppler Effect used to measure the velocity of a stellar
object that is away from Earth? To answer this question, let us analyze the pictures below;
Picture 1: Suppose a star does not move (meaning it has zero velocity) with respect to the
observer (person here on Earth). The stars photographic spectrum looks like this. We can see
it has absorption lines with spacing between them.
Picture 2: If the star is moving away (as we can see in the diagram) otherwise known as
“redshift”. We can see that those absorption lines are shifted toward the red color, meaning the
wavelengths are longer thus, the star is moving away from the observer. Note that the pattern
of the lines are just the same as the first picture, it’s just that the wavelengths are shifted to the
Picture 3: And if the star moves towards the observer, “blueshift”. The wavelengths that the
observer detects are going to be shorter wavelengths. The absorption lines will be shifted
towards left (blue).
Be reminded that if a star appears to be bluish or reddish, it does not mean that it is moving towards us or away from us.
It’s the photographic spectrum that we should rely on and not what color we perceive as we star gaze.
The mathematical equation for Doppler shift is;
From this equation the velocity of any celestial object By deriving the formula we get;
The Universe
Now that we have reviewed how the universe began through Big Bang Theory, we will move to the characteristics of
our universe. Try to close your eyes and imagine beyond our solar system, think of the stars you see at night---have you
ever wonder what is behind those tiny twinkling things? (Well scientifically speaking stars do not actually twinkle, they just
appear twinkling when seen from the surface of earth.) Have you ever wonder what is in a universe? Or what is a
The Universe is everything we can touch, feel, sense, measure or detect. It includes living things, planets, stars,
galaxies, dust clouds, light, and even time. The universe in its own sense is very broad for it includes variety of familiar
things. It contains billions of galaxies, each containing millions or billions of stars. The space between the stars and
galaxies is largely empty. Though spaces between these celestial objects is mostly empty, the Universe is incredibly huge.
It would take a modern jet fighter more than a million years to reach the nearest star to the Sun, which named as Proxima
Centauri. Travelling at the speed of light (300,000 km per second), it would take 100,000 years to cross our Milky Way
galaxy alone. No one knows the exact size of the Universe, because we cannot see the edge – if there is one. All we know
is that the visible Universe is at least 93 billion light years across and the Universe has not always been the same size.
Scientists believe it began in a Big Bang, which took place nearly 14 billion years ago. Since then, the Universe has been
expanding outward at very high speed. So the area of space we now see is billions of times bigger than it was when the
Universe was very young. The galaxies are also moving further apart as the space between them expands.
Now that we have mentioned that the universe is expanding, let us now try to answers the question, “how do we know that we live
in an expanding universe” by looking at the evidences of an expanding universe.
Raisin bread analogy of an Expanding Universe
One famous analogy to explain the expanding universe is imagining the universe like
a loaf of raisin bread dough. As the bread rises and expands, the raisins move farther away
from each other, but they are still stuck in the dough.
The dough represents the space itself and the raisins as the galaxies, galaxies in the universe
are moving away from each other due to the expansion of the universe. Likewise in the bread
analogy, raisins are moving away from each other not because they themselves move but the
space they are in is actually expanding as in the case of the rising dough.
The dough represents the space itself and the raisins as the galaxies, galaxies in the universe are moving away from each other
due to the expansion of the universe. Likewise in the bread analogy, raisins are moving away from each other not because they
themselves move but the space they are in is actually expanding as in the case of the rising dough.
2. Open Universe
If there is insufficient matter in the universe for gravity to slow its expansion, the universe will
go on expanding forever. Entropy will ensure that, eventually, all star formation will stop, all
matter will decay into dispersed subatomic particles, and black holes will evaporate. (This
ultimate conclusion of entropy is known as the heat death of the universe).
3. Static Universe
If there is just enough matter in the universe to slow and eventually stop its expansion, but not
enough to cause it to collapse again, the universe will reach a maximum extent and become
static. In this scenario the universe will also eventually undergo a heat death.
Learning Competencies:
Explain how the speeds and distances of far-off objects are estimated (e.g., Doppler effect and cosmic distance ladder)
Explain how we know that we live in an expanding universe, which used to be hot and is approximately 14billion years old
Prepared by:
Teacher II
Bagabag National High School