Getting Ready For First Grade

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Jodene Smith, M.A.

To learn important shifts in today’s standards,
see the Parent Handbook on pages 123–128. For
information on how this resource meets national
and other state standards, scan the QR code or visit
our website at and
following the on-screen directions.

Publishing Credits
Corinne Burton, M.A.Ed., President; Emily R. Smith, M.A.Ed., Content Director; Jennifer Wilson, Senior Editor;
Robin Erickson, Multimedia Designer; Valerie Morales, Assistant Editor; Stephanie Bernard, Assistant Editor;
Amber Goff, Editorial Assistant; Mindy Duits, Cover Concept

Image Credits
pp. 5–6, p. 12, p. 15, p. 22: iStock; All other images Shutterstock

© Copyright 2010. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers.
All rights reserved.

Shell Education
5301 Oceanus Drive
Huntington Beach, CA 92649-1030
ISBN 978-1-4258-1551-6
© 2016 Shell Educational Publishing, Inc.

The classroom teacher may reproduce copies of the materials in this book for classroom use only. The reproduction of
any part for an entire school or school system is strictly prohibited. No part of this publication may be transmitted,
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2 #51553—Summer Blast
#51551—Summer © Shell Education
Table of Contents
Welcome Letter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Helpful Family Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Weekly Activities
Week 1 Activities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Week 2 Activities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Week 3 Activities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Week 4 Activities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Week 5 Activities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Week 6 Activities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Week 7 Activities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Week 8 Activities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Week 9 Activities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

Appendix A: Activity Cards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Appendix B: Answer Key. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Appendix C: Parent Handbook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123

© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 3

Welcome to Summer Blast!

Dear Fam ily,

dy for First Grade. First grade will
Wel com e to Sum mer Blast: Getting Rea ty of new
you r chil d. The re will be plen
an exc iting and challen ging year for k
ing com plete senten ces and more wor
learning opportu nities, incl udin g writ ial
resting new top ics in scie nce and soc
with add ition and sub traction! Inte ool.
d in the lessons at sch
stu dies will help keep you r chil d eng age
dify the con cep ts you r chil d learned
Sum mer Blast was designed to help soli
d prepare for the year ahead. The
in kind ergarten and to help you r chil
rds and provide practice with
activities are based on tod ay’s standa
de leve l. Keeping reading , writing, and
essential skil ls for the upcomi ng gra
chil d is on break from sch ool will help
mathem atics skil ls sharp whi le you r
a great start. This book will help you
his or her first-g rad e year get off to
BLAST through sum mer learning loss
with you r chil d this sum mer:
Keep these tips in min d as you work
to work on the activities.
◆ Set asid e a specific time eac h day
two pag es eac h time he or she works,
◆ Have you r chil d com plete one or
of activity pag es at one time.
rath er than an entire week’s worth
r chil d positive and constru ctive. If
◆ Keep all practice ses sions with you
r chil d get frustrated, set the book
mood becomes tense or you and you
asid e and find ano the r time to practic
g reader, be sure to read the directio
◆ Since you r chil d is stil l an eme rgin to
difficulty und erstan ding what
for him or her. If you r chil d is having
s togethe r.
do, work through som e of the problem
her best work, and com plim ent the effo
◆ Encourage you r chil d to do his or
that goes into learning.
ing his or her vacation from sch ool,
Enjoy spe ndin g time with you r chil d dur
e for for the next sch ool year. First
and be sure to help him or her prepar
grade will be here before you know it!

4 #51553—Summer Blast
#51551—Summer © Shell Education

What Does Your Rising First Grader

Need to Know?
1 Read grade-level books 6 Add and subtract larger
more fluently. numbers without regrouping.

2 Know how to read and spell 7 Observe and describe things

sight words. using sight, taste, touch,
sound, and smell.
3 Write complete sentences while
focusing on capitalization 8 Understand habitats for
and punctuation. different living things.

4 Know how to count up to 100 9 Understand the responsibilities

and be able to read and write of being a good citizen.
the numbers.
0 Know the holidays in the United
5 Add and subtract numbers up States and the symbols that
to 20. represent the holidays.

© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 5

Things to Do as a Family
General Skills
◆ Make sure your child gets plenty of exercise. Children need about 60 minutes of physical
activity each day. The summer months are the perfect time to go swimming, ride
bicycles, or play outdoor team sports.
◆ It’s also important for children this age to get plenty of sleep. Children this age need
between 9 and 11 hours of sleep each night. Even in the summer, establish a nightly
bedtime routine that involves relaxing activities such as a warm bath or shower or
reading a story.

Reading Skills
◆ Help build your child’s comprehension skills by asking questions about what they’ve read.
For example, you could ask why he or she thinks a character has done something, or you
could ask what he or she thinks will happen next.
◆ Encourage your child to reread his or her favorite books, stories, or poems. Rereading will
help your child read more quickly and accurately.

Writing Skills
◆ Have your child keep a daily diary/journal about activities he or she is doing during time
off from school. He or she can draw pictures or write words or sentences.
◆ Ask your child to help you write in everyday situations. You can have him or her help you
write a grocery list or write a thank-you note.

Mathematics Skills
◆ Ask your child to compare different objects’ sizes. For example, have your child put his
or her toys in order from biggest to smallest or ask him or her which of two objects is
smaller or bigger, etc.
◆ Encourage your child to practice telling time. If you are going to a movie, a special event,
or even an appointment, ask your child to help you figure out what time you should
leave. For example: If the movie begins at 3:30 p.m. and it takes 15 minutes to get there,
what time should we leave? Be sure to point to the clock hands to support your child.

6 #51553—Summer Blast
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Summer Reading Log

Directions: Keep track of the books you read with your child here!

Date Title
of Pages

© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 7

Top 5 Family Field Trips

A Trip to a Museum
Your first stop should be the gift shop. Have your child pick out five postcards of
artifacts or paintings in the museum. Then, as you visit the museum, your child should
be on the lookout for the five items he or she chose. It’s an individual scavenger hunt!
(Postcards usually have a bit of information about the pictured item to help you find it.)
If he or she finds all five, you can celebrate the great accomplishment! Plus, your child
gets to keep the postcards as memories of the day.

A Trip to a National Park

The National Park Service has a great program called Junior Rangers. Be sure you check
in with the rangers at the visitors’ center to see what tasks your child can complete to
earn a Junior Ranger patch and/or certificate. Before you travel to the park, your child
can also go to the WebRangers site ( and check out
your vacation spot, play games, and earn virtual rewards!

A Trip to a Zoo
Before your trip, create a Zoo Bingo card. Include various characteristics that your
child should look for (for example, a warm-blooded animal, an animal with feathers, an
animal from Africa, etc.). Bring the Zoo Bingo card and a small clipboard with you. As
you spend the day exploring, have your child write or draw the name of one animal that
fits each category you come across. An animal should only be used for one category/
box (for example, a lion cannot be used for both a warm-blooded animal and an animal
from Africa). When he or she gets bingo, celebrate the great accomplishment!

A Trip to a Library
Help your child discover new books. First, ask your child what his or her favorite type
of story is. For example, “Do you like funny stories or adventure stories better?” Then,
choose at least three books that fit that topic or interest. Read the story aloud with your
child. As you read, ask your child to explain how the pictures match the text.

A Trip to a Farmers Market

Farmers markets are great places to learn about different fruits and vegetables. Ask
your child to help you find the colors of the rainbow. At each fruit or vegetable stand,
ask your child to locate one color from the rainbow. Then, explain what the fruit or
vegetable is and the different types of recipes it can be used in. For example, a red
tomato can be used for ketchup, pizza, pasta sauce, etc.

8 #51553—Summer Blast
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Top 5 Family Science Labs

Science Fun for Everyone!—Floating Egg

Learn about density by making an egg float in water.

Science Fun for Everyone!—Polishing Pennies

Learn about oxidation and acid in this clever and easy experiment.

Science Fun—Needle through a Balloon

Learn how long molecules help keep a balloon from popping.

Science Bob—Add Color to Flowers Using Science

Learn how flowers use water as you change the petal colors.

Science Bob—How to Make Slime

Learn about solids and liquids as you make your own substance.

© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 9

Top 5 Family-Friendly Apps and Websites

Wonder Bunny Math Race by Fantastec
This app features adorable bunnies, wacky vehicles, and math learning
challenges to keep kids challenged and entertained.

Chicktionary by Soap

This fun word game challenges players to unscramble letters to find

different words.

Explorium: Ocean for Kids by Applied Systems Ltd.

This adventurous app allows kids to learn amazing facts about the ocean and
its inhabitants as well as play fun games.


This site focuses on a variety of reading and math skills through fun games,
puzzles, mazes, and exercises.


Fun, arcade-style games covering a variety of concepts at all grade levels

make this a great website for busy families.

10 #51553—Summer Blast
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Top 5 Games to Play in the Car

Find 100
Choose an item that is likely to be seen during your car ride or road trip. Then, have
your child count how many times he or she sees the item. Once your child reaches
100, give him or her another item to find.

Create a Story
Create a story one sentence at a time. Start off by creating an opening sentence
of a story. You might say, “Once upon a time, there was a small village of
talking chickens.” The next player must continue the story by adding on the
next sentence.

Add It Up License Plates

Call out the numbers on a license plate and see who can add two of the numbers
up the fastest! For example, if the license plate number reads 1ABC234, players
might add 1 + 2. The person who is the first to answer correctly gets a point. The
first person to reach 10 points wins! The total can be varied depending on the
length of the car ride.

Animal Name Game

Say the name of an animal out loud. Then, the next player has to think of an animal
that begins with the last letter of the previous animal name. For example, one
person might say turtle. The next player might say eagle. Make sure to point out
the ending letters of the words and to sound out the letters to support your child.
Be careful and creative when thinking about the animal name—no repeats are

Car Ride Scavenger Hunt

Make a list of various items you might see on a car ride or road trip. The items can
be adjusted according to the scenery. For example, you could list rural items such
as a cow, a farmhouse, or an empty field. Or you can list urban items such as a
skyscraper, a mailbox, or a phone booth. If possible, include pictures of the items
on the list to provide additional support for your child. Have your child try to find
each item from the list.

© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 11

Top 5 Books to Read Aloud

A Lion in Paris by Beatrice Alemagna

This book tells the story of a lion who moves to Paris seeking excitement, but instead finds
that he feels lonely in a new city and must find his own identity. The large size and the
beautiful illustrations make it perfect for lap reading or story time.

Frog and Toad are Friends by Arnold Lobel

This Caldecott Honor book follows two best friends, Frog and Toad. The book is filled with
five stories of the duo’s interesting escapades and adventures. Each story is just short
enough to make it perfect for a quick bedtime story or a short read-aloud for your child to
practice his or her reading skills.

The Day the Crayons Quit by Drew Daywalt

What would happen if all the crayons in your child’s crayon box decided to quit? Your child
will love the imaginative use of letters to explain each crayon’s reasons for quitting. The
unique and humorous illustrations help bring each letter to life.

Miss Nelson is Missing! by James Marshall

When sweet Miss Nelson goes missing, the misbehaving kids in Room 207 get a new,
foul‑tempered substitute teacher to set them straight. Your child will love the humorous
story as well as the detailed illustrations.

The Book with No Pictures by B.J. Novak

Simple yet imaginative, this humorous book is filled only with words in various fonts and
bright colors. Perfect for reading aloud, each page of this book prompts the reader to
exclaim funny noises, silly words, and laughable sentences. The lightheartedness of this
book will make your child laugh while introducing him or her to the idea that the written
word can be fun and enjoyable.

12 #51553—Summer Blast
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Week 1
This week, let’s blast through summer
learning loss by:

◆ saying rhyming words

◆ responding to a text about the beach
◆ writing a letter about wanting a pet
◆ drawing a symmetrical leaf
◆ filling jars with dots
◆ counting cars and dogs
◆ solving a problem about pies
◆ connecting dots
◆ playing a math game

© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 13
Week 1

Rhyme Time
Directions: Name the picture in each box.
Circle the picture that rhymes.

Which parts of rhyming

words sounds the same?

14 #51553—Summer Blast
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Week 1

Beach Day
Directions: Read the text. Then, answer the
questions below.

Sammy and I race

to find seashells. We
look in the sand and
sea. I spot a shell on
the shore. I run! Sammy
does, too. We giggle as
we play tug-of-war in
the waves.

1 Which question helps you

learn what a shore is?
Who is in this story?
What is a shore?
What does spot

2 Who is Sammy?
a dog
a cat
a child
© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast
#51551—Summer 15
Week 1

Please, Pretty Please?

Directions: Draw a pet you would like to have.
Write a letter about why you should get a pet.

Dear ,


16 #51553—Summer Blast
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Week 1

The Shape of a Leaf

Directions: Follow the steps to draw a
symmetrical leaf.


1 Find a leaf.

2 Cut it in half.

3 Tape one half below.

4 Draw the other half so it looks the same.

5 Color the half you drew.

© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 17
Week 1

Fill a Jar
Directions: Draw dots to fill the jar.

1 Fill the jar with 9 dots.

2 Fill the jar with 20 dots.

18 #51553—Summer Blast
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Week 1

Sort and Count by Size

Directions: Answer the questions.

1 Count the little cars. How many?

2 Count the big cars. How many?

3 Count the big dogs. How many?

4 Count the little dogs. How many?

© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 19
Week 1

Pie Problem
Angela helped her mom make pies for the fair.
They made 7 apple pies and 3 cherry pies. How
many pies did they make for the fair?

Show It: Draw a picture showing the problem.

Solve It: Write a number sentence.

Explain It: Explain how you solved the problem.

20 #51553—Summer Blast
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Week 1

The Surprise
Directions: Connect the dots in order. Then,
color the picture.

How do you know which

number comes next?

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#51551—Summer 21
Week 1

What’s My Number?

Number of Players Directions

1 Choose a number
between 5 and 10. Lay
Materials that many items on
the table.
10 small items to
use as counters
2 Player 1 closes his or
(pennies, cereal,
her eyes. Player 2 picks
up some of the items
and hides them in his or
her hand.

3 Player 1 opens his or

her eyes. He or she
figures out how many
items are hidden based
on the number of items
still on the table.

4 Switch roles and play

again. Change the
number of items.

Challenge: Write a
number sentence for each
problem you solve.

22 #51553—Summer Blast
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Week 2
This week, let’s blast through summer
learning loss by:

◆ matching vowel sounds

◆ responding to a text about camping
◆ ordering steps for making a root
beer float
◆ designing a stamp
◆ adding shapes
◆ counting sides
◆ solving a problem about
◆ matching favorite animals
◆ playing with memories

© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 23
Week 2

Choose the Vowel

Directions: Name each picture. Circle the letter
that matches the vowel sound.

1 2

a e i o u a e i o u

3 4

a e i o u a e i o u

5 6

a e i o u a e i o u

24 #51553—Summer Blast
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Week 2

Directions: Read the text. Then, answer the
questions below.

Sam and Pam love

to camp at the beach.
They swim. Dad makes
a campfire. They fix
hot dogs. Yum!

1 Who makes the campfire?

2 How do the hot dogs taste?
very good

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#51551—Summer 25
Week 2

Yum, Yum!
Directions: Draw a root beer float. Then, write
numbers (1–4) to show the order of the steps to
make it.


Scoop ice cream into a glass.

Gather root beer, ice cream, a glass,

and a scooper.

Pour root beer over the ice cream.

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Week 2

Stamp Art
Directions: Draw a stamp showing an
American symbol.

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#51551—Summer 27
Week 2

Add These Shapes

Directions: Make addition problems with the
shapes. Write the total.

+ =

+ =

+ =

28 #51553—Summer Blast
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Week 2

Counting Sides
Directions: Count the sides. Write how many.

How many sides?

How many sides?

How many sides?

How many sides?

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#51551—Summer 29
Week 2

Juice to Go
William and his sister Jane were playing
at home. Their friends Ty and Lynne
came over to play. All the kids wanted
juice boxes. How many juice boxes do
they need?

Show It: Draw a picture showing the problem.

Solve It: Write a number sentence.

Explain It: Explain how you solved the problem.

30 #51553—Summer Blast
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Week 2

Favorite Animals
Directions: Read the clues. Draw lines to
connect the children to their favorite animals.

Ron’s favorite animal can fly.

Lin’s favorite animal lives in water.

Ted’s favorite animal does not have legs.

Ron snake

Lin eagle

Ted dolphin

© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 31
Week 2

Here I Grow!

Number of Players Directions

1 Look at photos of you
as a baby, a toddler,
and now.
2 Name children you
◆ Timeline know who are babies
(page 103) and toddlers.

◆ photos of you 3 Discuss what babies

as a baby, and toddlers can do
toddler, and and cannot do.
4 Draw pictures of
something you could
do at each age on the
Timeline on page 103.

5 Talk about how other

things grow and
change (for example,
plants and animals).

32 #51553—Summer Blast
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Week 3
This week, let’s blast through summer
learning loss by:

◆ capitalizing words
◆ learning about Abraham Lincoln
◆ writing about spending money
◆ drawing cloud shapes
◆ finding greater than or less than
◆ comparing objects
◆ solving a problem about
apple picking
◆ going through a maze
◆ playing a matching game

© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 33
Week 3

Capital Mistake
Directions: Put check marks by sentences that
are correct.

1 I have a dog.  

i have a dog. 

2 My dog has spots.  

my dog has spots. 

3 May i pet your dog?  

May I pet your dog? 

4 your dog is big!  

Your dog is big! 

34 #51553—Summer Blast
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Week 3

Honest Abe
Directions: Read the text. Then, answer the
questions below.

Abe Lincoln was our

president. He did a good
job. He worked hard.
Lincoln was a good man.
He told the truth. People
called him Honest Abe.

It is good to tell the

truth. We love Honest Abe!

1 What does honest mean?

2 Which does not tell us Abe was honest?
It is good to tell the truth.
People called him Honest Abe.
He told the truth.

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#51551—Summer 35
Week 3

Spending Money!
Directions: Imagine you had $20. Draw and
write about what you would do with the money.

36 #51553—Summer Blast
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Week 3

Cloudy Weather
Directions: Sometimes people see shapes in
clouds. Draw a cloud in the shape of an object
or an animal.

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#51551—Summer 37
Week 3

More and Less

Directions: Complete the steps.

1 Circle the group that 2 Circle the group that

is less. is greater.

3 Draw and count two groups that are equal.

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Week 3

Light as a Feather
Directions: Circle the lighter object in each box.

1 2

3 4

5 6

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#51551—Summer 39
Week 3

Apple Picking
Steven helped his sister pick 10 apples from their
apple tree. Steven ate 3 of them. How many
apples did Steven’s sister have left?

Show It: Draw a picture showing the problem.

Solve It: Write a number sentence.

Explain It: Explain how you solved the problem.

40 #51553—Summer Blast
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Week 3

Find the Flag

Directions: Help the soldier find his way to
the flag.



© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 41
Week 3

American Symbols Match

Number of Players Directions

1 Cut apart the
American Symbols
Materials Cards on pages 105
◆ American and 107.
Cards 2 Shuffle the cards and
(pages 105 place them facedown
and 107) into two rows of
five cards.

4 One player turns over

two cards. If the
picture matches the
American symbol, keep
the card pair. If the
cards do not match,
turn them back over.
Remember where they
are so you can make a
match next time.

5 Take turns flipping

over pairs of cards
until all the cards have
been matched.

42 #51553—Summer Blast
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Week 4
This week, let’s blast through summer
learning loss by:

◆ changing words
◆ responding to a text about wolves
◆ writing about and drawing your
favorite stuffed animal
◆ designing a shield
◆ counting balls
◆ categorizing buttons
◆ solving a problem 
about crackers
◆ solving a crossword
◆ playing a math game

© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 43
Week 4

New Words
Directions: Change one letter. Write the
new word.




44 #51553—Summer Blast
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Week 4

The Mix-Up
Directions: Read the text. Then, answer the
questions below.

The Big Bad Wolf met Wolf in the forest.

“Where are you going?” asked Wolf.

“To see Grandma,” said the Big Bad Wolf.

“No! You go to the pigs!” cried Wolf.

“Oh, I forgot! Sorry,” said the Big Bad Wolf.

And away they went.

1 How are Wolf and Big Bad Wolf the same?

They are going to see someone.
They are going to see the pigs.
They are going to see Grandma.
2 How are Wolf and Big Bad Wolf different?
They are in the forest.
They are not nice.
Big Bad Wolf is going to see the pigs.
Wolf is not.
© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast
#51551—Summer 45
Week 4

Favorite Stuffy
Directions: Draw and write about your favorite
stuffed animal or toy.

46 #51553—Summer Blast
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Week 4

Famous Person Shield

Directions: Think of a famous person you have
learned about. Add designs to the shield for
that person.

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#51551—Summer 47
Week 4

Count All of Those Balls!

Directions: Count the balls. Then, follow
the steps.


How many?

Draw 4 more. How many now?


How many?

Draw 5 more. How many now?


How many?

Draw 2 more. How many now?

48 #51553—Summer Blast
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Week 4

Buttons, Buttons
Directions: The first circle shows buttons with
an attribute. In the second circle, draw buttons
that are not like the first group.

1 2 holes not 2 holes

2 red buttons not red buttons

© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 49
Week 4

A Tray of Crackers
Erin and her brother James asked their dad for a
snack. He put 12 crackers on a tray for Erin. He
put crackers on a plate for James. How will the
kids know they get an equal number of crackers?

Show It: Draw a picture showing the problem.

Solve It: Write a number sentence.

Explain It: Explain how you solved the problem.

50 #51553—Summer Blast
#51551—Summer © Shell Education
Week 4

Number Crossword
Directions: Solve the clues. Complete the
crossword puzzle using the Answer Box.

Answer Box

e i g h t 3
zero (0)
four (4)
eight (8)
five (5)

two (2)
ten (10)
three (3)

Across Down

2 = 8 legs 1 = boots

4 = leaves 3 + = fingers

5 – = 4 = bears

5 eight – three =

© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 51
Week 4

Add Them Up

Number of Players Directions

1 One player places a
counter on a box from
Materials the Adding Mat on
page 109.
◆ Adding Mat
(page 109) 2 The other player places
a counter on a different
◆ 2 small
box from the mat.
3 Add the numbers in the
marked boxes together.
◆ paper 4 Remove the counters
and play again.
◆ pencil A
Appe ndix

Ad d ing M
at 5 Continue placing
vity on
em Up acti
Use this m at with the Add Th
counters and adding up
page 52.
the numbers until all of

7 2 8 the numbers are used.

1 5 3

6 4 9
52 #51553—Summer Blast
#51551—Summer © Shell Education
Week 5
This week, let’s blast through summer
learning loss by:

◆ completing sentences
◆ responding to a text about frogs
◆ drawing and writing about a funny event
◆ designing a creature
◆ counting bears
◆ hunting for shapes
◆ solving a problem about bugs
◆ thinking about the weather
◆ playing a shadow
guessing game

© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 53
Week 5

Find the Right Word

Directions: Choose a word from the Word Bank
to complete each sentence.

Word Bank
are have I like

1 I a hen.

2 am a boy.

3 I my cat.

4 They kids.

54 #51553—Summer Blast
#51551—Summer © Shell Education
Week 5

Frogs Are Neat

Directions: Read the text. Then, answer the
questions below.

A baby frog is called a

tadpole. It starts as an
egg. It has to stay in water.
A tadpole uses its tail to
move. It has very tiny teeth.
It finds food in the water.
The tadpole takes more
than 12 weeks to grow up.

1 What is a baby frog called?

2 Where does it live?

3 How does it move?

4 Where does it find food?

© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 55
Week 5

That Was Funny!

Directions: Draw and write about the funniest
thing you have ever seen.

56 #51553—Summer Blast
#51551—Summer © Shell Education
Week 5

Design a New Animal

Directions: Design a new animal by combining
parts of other animals. Your animal could have
the fin of a dolphin, the neck of a giraffe, and
the legs of a cheetah. Use your imagination!

© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 57
Week 5

Count the Bears

Directions: Count the bears. First, count by
ones. Then, count by tens.

1 How many

2 How many

3 How many

Try this! How many bears on this page?

There are bears on this page.

58 #51553—Summer Blast
#51551—Summer © Shell Education
Week 5

Shape Hunt
Directions: Find an example in your house of
each shape. Draw a picture of what you find.

1 sphere 2 cone

3 rectangular prism 4 cylinder

5 pyramid 6 cube

© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 59
Week 5

Big Problems with Bugs!

Directions: Count the bugs in each group. Write
the numbers. Then, add the bugs.

+ =

+ =

+ =

60 #51553—Summer Blast
#51551—Summer © Shell Education
Week 5

Weather Sudoku
Directions: Follow the steps.

Every mini grid must have each weather picture.

Every row must have each weather picture.
Every column must have each weather picture.

Weather Pictures

© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 61
Week 5

In the Dark
Number of Players
1 Look at all the toys or
stuffed animals you
have gathered.

Materials 2 Turn the lights out in

the room.
◆ flashlight
3 Turn on the flashlight
◆ a variety
and shine it against
of toys or
a wall.
animals 4 Take turns holding one
of the objects between
the flashlight and the
wall causing shadows
to be cast on the wall.
Note: Make sure the
toy is hidden from
players guessing.

5 Other players guess

which toy or stuffed
animal it is by looking
at the shadow.

6 Talk about which toys

or stuffed animals were
easier and harder to
identify and why.
62 #51553—Summer Blast
#51551—Summer © Shell Education
Week 6
This week, let’s blast through summer
learning loss by:

◆ picture spelling
◆ responding to a text about
a birthday
◆ writing dialogue
◆ designing a pirate map
◆ problem solving for leftovers
◆ finding lengths of snakes
◆ solving a problem
about fruit
◆ searching for words
◆ playing a destination

© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 63
Week 6

Spelling Fun
Directions: Name each picture. Spell each

1 2

3 4

64 #51553—Summer Blast
#51551—Summer © Shell Education
Week 6

Jack’s Birthday
Directions: Read the text. Then, answer
the questions.

He sees a big box in

Today is Jack’s his room. It is covered
birthday in brown paper.

py Birth
Hap Jack!

Jack opens the box. He finds a note.

Wow! There is a bright It says “Happy
red boat inside. Birthday, Jack!”

1 What is the box 2 What is in the box?

covered in?
brown paper
A a boat
yellow paper
B brown paper
red paper
© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast
#51551—Summer 65
Week 6

What Are They Saying?

Directions: Write what the two people are
saying in the speech bubbles.

66 #51553—Summer Blast
#51551—Summer © Shell Education
Week 6

Argh, Matey!
Directions: Use the symbols in the key to design
your own pirate map.


– treasure
– tree
– shark
– hill
– ocean

© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 67
Week 6

How Many Are Left?

Directions: Read and solve each question.

1 There were 4
dogs. Then, 3 dogs
walked away. Draw
the problem.

How many are left?

2 There were 7 balloons.

Then, 2 blew away.
Draw the problem.

How many are left?

68 #51553—Summer Blast
#51551—Summer © Shell Education
Week 6

Garden Snakes
Directions: Circle the answers.

1 Which snake is green blue


2 Which snake is red green

3 Which snake is green blue red
the longest?

4 Order the snakes from longest to shortest.

Write the colors of the snakes.

Longest   Shortest

© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 69
Week 6

How Much Fruit?

Kevin is buying fruit. He buys 12 bananas. He
already has 8 apples at home. He wants to have
an equal number of bananas and apples. How
many apples should he buy?

Show It: Draw a picture showing the problem.

Solve It: Write a number sentence.

Explain It: Explain how you solved the problem.

70 #51553—Summer Blast
#51551—Summer © Shell Education
Week 6

Land and Water Word Search

Directions: Circle the land and water words in
the word search.

Land and Water Words

hill island river
ocean mountain

m c r i v e r o

g k t s o p h c

s h i l l b m e

a r j a n l f a

m o u n t a i n

i d r d v e r o

© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 71
Week 6

Get Me There

Number of Players


1 Choose a place to be your destination

(for example, the kitchen).

2 Choose who will give directions and who will

follow the directions. One player gives the
other player directions on how to get to the
destination using the directions forward,
backward, right, and left (for example, “Take 3
steps forward.”).

3 Continue giving directions until you get to

the destination.

4 Trade places, and choose a new destination.

72 #51553—Summer Blast
#51551—Summer © Shell Education
Week 7
This week, let’s blast through summer
learning loss by:

◆ uncovering the complete sentence

◆ responding to a text about
American symbols
◆ writing about your special day
◆ drawing something new
◆ counting shapes
◆ adding up shoes
◆ telling a math story
◆ finding the next number
◆ playing a tic-tac-toe

© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 73
Week 7

Sentence Detective
Directions: Write yes by the complete
sentences. Write no by the phrases.

_ in the dog house

_ Spot has some bones.

_ a hole under the big tree

_ When you are

_ It’s great!

74 #51553—Summer Blast
#51551—Summer © Shell Education
Week 7

National Symbols
Directions: Read the text. Then, answer the
questions below.

The United States has many

symbols. The flag has 13 stripes
and 50 stars. The Statue of Liberty
and the Liberty Bell are symbols of
freedom. The bald eagle is a strong
bird. It is a symbol of strength.

1 Which is a symbol of strength?

the flag
the Liberty Bell
the bald eagle
2 Which is not a symbol of freedom?
the Liberty Bell
the Statue of Liberty

© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 75
Week 7

A Special Day
Directions: Imagine you are an adult for a day.
Draw and write about what you would do or
where you would go.

76 #51553—Summer Blast
#51551—Summer © Shell Education
Week 7

What Is It?
Directions: Use the apple outline to draw a
picture of something other than an apple.

© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 77
Week 7

Shape Count
Directions: Count the sets of objects in each
row. Draw a line to match the number on
the animal.




78 #51553—Summer Blast
#51551—Summer © Shell Education
Week 7

So Many Shoes!
Directions: Count the shoes in each category.
Write the numbers.

© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 79
Week 7

Make a Story
Directions: Make up an addition or a
subtraction story using the drawings.

My Story:
+ =

My Story:
+ =

Try this! Make your own addition and subtraction

story using the numbers 2, 3, and 5.

80 #51553—Summer Blast
#51551—Summer © Shell Education
Week 7

Next Number
Directions: For each circle number, find a
triangle number that comes next. Color both
shapes the same color.

31 23
30 14
13 17
9 29


© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 81
Week 7


Number of Players Directions

1 Place the Tic-Tac-4
Game Board on page
Materials 111 in the center of
the table.
◆ Tic-Tac-4
Game Board 2 Cut apart the Tic-Tac-4
(page 111) Game Cards on pages
113 and 115. Shuffle
◆ Tic-Tac-4 them, and place them
Game Cards facedown in a pile.
(pages 113
and 115) 3 The first player turns
over a card and puts a
◆ 2 sets of counter on a space of
differently the game board that
colored matches the card.
or shaped
4 Repeat with the
second player.
pieces of 5 The first player to have
paper, etc.) counters on 4 spaces in
a row in any direction is
the winner.

82 #51553—Summer Blast
#51551—Summer © Shell Education
Week 8
This week, let’s blast through summer
learning loss by:

◆ figuring out plural words

◆ responding to a text about a dog
◆ drawing and writing about the joys
of fishing
◆ designing your own community
◆ adding to make ten
◆ comparing shapes
◆ making and breaking 7
◆ revealing the riddle
◆ playing a sound game

© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 83
Week 8

More Than One?

Directions: Circle the right words for
the problem.

1 2

bed  beds apple  apples

3 4

can  cans nut  nuts

84 #51553—Summer Blast
#51551—Summer © Shell Education
Week 8

Pal the Dog

Directions: Read the text. Then,
answer the questions.

Pal is a dog. Pal can open the

door. He can get Tim’s shoes. He
helps Tim a lot. He is a good friend.

1 What kind of animal is Pal?

2 What does Pal open?

3 What does Pal get?

4 Why is Pal a good friend?

© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 85
Week 8

Gone Fishing?
Directions: Draw and write why you would or
would not like to go fishing.

86 #51553—Summer Blast
#51551—Summer © Shell Education
Week 8

My Community
Directions: Use the space below to design
your own community. Include the places you
would want to visit (for example, the park or
the donut shop).

© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 87
Week 8

Make Ten
Directions: Solve.

1 Color 3 circles red. How many yellow circles do

you need to make 10?

+ =

2 Color 5 circles red. How many yellow circles do

you need to make 10?

+ =

3 Color 2 circles red. How many yellow circles do

you need to make 10?

+ =

88 #51553—Summer Blast
#51551—Summer © Shell Education
Week 8

Find the Shapes

Directions: Mark the shapes.

1 Circle the triangles.

2 Circle the squares.

3 Underline the circles.

4 Underline the rectangles.

© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 89
Week 8

Make or Break
Directions: Make and break the number 7.

Make It! Break It!

3 and 4 7 is 2
make 7 . and 5 .

7 is
make 7.
and .

7 is
make 7.
and .

7 is
make 7.
and .

90 #51553—Summer Blast
#51551—Summer © Shell Education
Week 8

Riddle Me This
Directions: Use the code to find the answer to
the riddle.


a b i n o r w

What bow can’t be tied?

Draw a picture of the answer.

© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 91
Week 8

Hear This!

Number of Players Directions

1 Choose a player to go
first. The other players
close their eyes.

2 The first player makes a

noise in the room such
as turning on the water
at the sink or getting ice
from the freezer.

3 The other players try to

guess what the sound is.

4 Continue playing by
having another player
choose a sound to make
while the others guess.

5 Talk about the sounds

that were the easiest
and the hardest
to guess.

92 #51553—Summer Blast
#51551—Summer © Shell Education
Week 9
This week, let’s blast through summer
learning loss by:

◆ saying rhyming words

◆ responding to a text about plants
◆ making three wishes
◆ designing a country flag
◆ subtracting frog hops
◆ comparing tall and short
◆ solving math problems
◆ completing a number
◆ playing job charades

© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 93
Week 9

Vowel Focus
Directions: Circle the words that rhyme with
each object.

lake  rake  tap  take

zone  hog  cone  lone

tip  dive  alive  hive

fame  can  same  tame

hire  wire  tip  tire

94 #51553—Summer Blast
#51551—Summer © Shell Education
Week 9

A Powerful Plant
Directions: Read the text. Then, answer the
questions below.

Most plants make their own food. The

Venus flytrap is different. This plant eats. It
eats insects! It looks as if it has a wide mouth
at the ends of its leaves. When an insect
crawls onto the leaf, it touches tiny hairs.
The tiny hairs pull the insect in to be digested.
This makes the “mouth” close tightly. The
insect is trapped!

1 What do the tiny hairs on the leaves

do to the insect?
They let the insect go.
They pull the insect in to be digested.
They comfort the insect.
They eat the insect.
2 What does the Venus flytrap eat?
© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast
#51551—Summer 95
Week 9

Three Wishes
Directions: Draw and write about what you
would wish for if you had three wishes.

96 #51553—Summer Blast
#51551—Summer © Shell Education
Week 9

Flag Art
Directions: Draw a shape. Decorate the shape
like the United States flag or the flag of your
family’s home country.

© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 97
Week 9

Hop Backward
Directions: Follow the frog as he hops along the
number line.

1 What number does the frog hop to? 6 – 3 =

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

2 What number does the frog hop to? 6 – 2 =

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

3 What number does the frog hop to? 6 – 4 =

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
98 #51553—Summer Blast
#51551—Summer © Shell Education
Week 9

Taller and Shorter

Directions: Find things that are taller than and
shorter than the objects. Then, answer the

Taller Shorter


a stuffed


What is the tallest object on your chart?

What is the shortest object on your chart?

© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 99
Week 9

Problems, Problems!
Directions: Solve the problems. Then, circle
whether you had to add or subtract.

1 Pete has 6 toy cars. His

brother borrows 2 of his cars.
How many cars does Pete
have left?

There are cars left.

I had to add/subtract to solve.

2 Quinn has 6 goldfish. Sandra

has 2 blue fish. How many
fish do Quinn and Sandra
have in total?

How many fish do Quinn and Sandra have in total?

I had to add/subtract to solve.

100 #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer © Shell Education
Week 9

Number Sudoku

◆ Every mini grid must have the numbers
1, 2, 3, and 4.
◆ Every column must have the numbers
1, 2, 3, and 4.
◆ Every row must have the numbers
1, 2, 3, and 4.

2 1
2 4
3 2

© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 101
Week 9

Community Jobs Charades

Number of Players Directions

1 Cut apart the
Community Jobs
Cards on page 117.
2 Shuffle the cards and
◆ Community place them facedown in
Jobs Cards a pile.
(page 117)
3 Have the first player
draw a card and
secretly look at it. He
or she must act out
the job.

4 Other players try to

guess the job. The
person who guesses
correctly gets to
go next.

5 Try to think of other

community jobs that
can be acted out once
all the cards have
been used.

102 #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer © Shell Education
Appendix A

Use this timeline with the Here I Grow! activity
on page 32.




© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 103
Appendix A

Here I Grow!

104 #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer © Shell Education
Appendix A

American Symbols Cards

Use these cards with the American Symbols
Match activity on page 42.

bald eagle

Statue of Liberty

American flag

© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 105
Appendix A

American Symbols Match American Symbols Match

American Symbols Match American Symbols Match

American Symbols Match American Symbols Match

106 #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer © Shell Education
Appendix A

American Symbols Cards (cont.)

Use these cards with the American Symbols

Match activity on page 42.

Pledge of

Liberty Bell

© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 107
Appendix A

American Symbols Match American Symbols Match

American Symbols Match American Symbols Match

108 #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer © Shell Education
Appendix A

Adding Mat
Use this mat with the Add Them Up activity on
page 52.

7 2 8

1 5 3

6 4 9

© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 109
Appendix A

Add Them Up

110 #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer © Shell Education
Appendix A

Tic-Tac-4 Game Board

Use this game board with the Tic-Tac-4 activity
on page 82.

10 17 11 15 19 14

16 12 18 20 11 10

18 16 15 14 19 11

13 19 12 16 12 17

14 13 11 10 17 15

20 18 14 13 20 13

© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 111
Appendix A


112 #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer © Shell Education
Appendix A

Tic-Tac-4 Game Cards

Use these cards with the Tic-Tac-4 activity on
page 82.

© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 113
Appendix A

Tic-Tac-4 Tic-Tac-4 Tic-Tac-4 Tic-Tac-4

Tic-Tac-4 Tic-Tac-4 Tic-Tac-4 Tic-Tac-4

Tic-Tac-4 Tic-Tac-4 Tic-Tac-4 Tic-Tac-4

114 #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer © Shell Education
Appendix A

Tic-Tac-4 Game Cards (cont.)

Use these cards with the Tic-Tac-4 activity on

page 82.

© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 115
Appendix A

Tic-Tac-4 Tic-Tac-4 Tic-Tac-4 Tic-Tac-4

Tic-Tac-4 Tic-Tac-4 Tic-Tac-4 Tic-Tac-4

116 #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer © Shell Education
Appendix A

Community Jobs Cards (cont.)

Use these cards with the Community Jobs

Charades activity on page 102.

Police Officer Mail Carrier Fire Fighter

Dentist Doctor Teacher

Librarian Bus Driver Vet

© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 117
Appendix A

Community Jobs Community Jobs Community Jobs

Charades Charades Charades

Community Jobs Community Jobs Community Jobs

Charades Charades Charades

Community Jobs Community Jobs Community Jobs

Charades Charades Charades

118 #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer © Shell Education
Appendix B

Answer Key
Week 1 Week 2
Rhyme Time (page 14) Choose the Vowel (page 24)
1. u 3. o 5. e
1. 3.
2. i 4. u 6. a
2. 4.
Camping (page 25)
Talk About It: The ends of rhyming words sound
the same. 1. C 2. C

Beach Day (page 15) Yum, Yum! (page 26)

1. B 2. C The steps should be numbered in the following way:
1. Gather the ingredients and a glass.
Please, Pretty Please? (page 16) 2. Scoop ice cream into a glass.
Check that the drawing is of a desired pet. The 3. Pour root beer over the ice cream.
letter should include at least one reason why he or
4. Enjoy!
she would like to own the pet.
Stamp Art (page 27)
The Shape of a Leaf (page 17)
Check that the stamp includes an American symbol.
Check that the leaf is symmetrical and colored.
Add These Shapes (page 28)
Fill a Jar (page 18)
1. 2 + 6 = 8
1. 9 dots in the jar
2. 3 + 1 = 4
2. 20 dots in the jar
3. 5 + 5 = 10
Sort and Count by Size (page 19) Counting Sides (page 29)
1. 3 3. 5
1. 4 3. 3
2. 3 4. 3
2. 4 4. 0
Pie Problem (page 20) Juice to Go (page 30)
Show It: 7 apple pies; 3 cherry pies
Show It: William, Jane, Ty, and Lynne. How many
Solve It: 10 pies; 7 + 3 = 10 juice boxes?
Explain It: Answer should include 7 + 3, for total of Solve It: 4
10 pies.
Explain It: Answers should include adding together
all of the children that were playing.
The Surprise (page 21) The Surprise
Week 1

Directions: Connect the dots in numerical order.

Then, color in once completed. Favorite Animals (page 31)

Here I Grow! (page 32)

Example answers:
How do you know which baby: crawl
Talk About It: Discuss how predictions were made
about which number comes next.
© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast
#51551—Summer 21
toddler: walk
now: ride a bike
What’s My Number? (page 22)
Check that the right numbers are guessed. Week 3
Capital Mistake (page 34)
Sentences that should have check marks:
1. I have a dog. 3. May I pet your dog?
2. My dog has spots. 4. Your dog is big!

© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 119
Appendix B

Answer Key (cont.)

Honest Abe (page 35) Favorite Stuffy (page 46)
1. B 2. A Check that response is about a favorite stuffed
animal or toy.
Spending Money! (page 36)
Famous Person Shield (page 47)
Check that response includes what would be done
with $20. Check that the shield is designed to represent a
famous person.
Cloudy Weather (page 37)
Count All of Those Balls! (page 48)
Week 3
Check that the cloud is in the shape of an object or
animal.More and Less 1. 3; 7 3. 5; 7
Directions: Which group is greater than, less
than, or equal to the other?
2. 4; 9
More and Less (page 38)
1 Circle the group that 2 Circle the group that
is less. is greater.
1. 2. Buttons, Buttons (page 49)
1. Check that drawings of buttons have any
number of holes other than two.
2. Check that drawings of buttons are any color
3 Count and draw a group of cubes that is equal.
3. Check that two equal groups are drawn.
Leave enough space here for students to draw.
other than red.

Light as a Feather (page 39) A Tray of Crackers (page 50)

The following images should be circled: Show It: Crackers are arranged in the three rows
on the tray. They are arranged in two rows on the
1. mouse
#51553—Summer Blast
#51551—Summer © Shell Education

4. flowers plate.
2. baseball mitt 5. candy cane Solve It: 12 are on the tray. 12 are on the plate.
3. nail 6. brush Explain It: Answer may include that the kids can
count the crackers to find out both the tray and
the plate include 12 crackers even though they are
Apple Picking (page 40) arranged differently.
Show It: 10 apples; ate 3; how many are left?
Solve It: 10 – 3 = 7; 7 apples Number Crossword (page 51)
Explain It: Answer should include subtracting 10 – 3
to find the 7 apples left. Across Down z

e i g h t
2 3

2. 8 1. 0 r e
Find the Flag (page 41) 4

t w o n
4. 2 3. 10 h
f o u r

5. 4 4. 3 i e
v e
5. 5 e

Add Them Up (page 52)
Check that the addition is correct.

Week 5
American Symbols Match (page 42)
Find the Right Word (page 54)
Check that each picture card is matched to the
corresponding American symbol. 1. have 3. like
2. I 4. are
Week 4
Frogs Are Neat (page 55)
New Words (page 44)
1. tadpole 3. with its tail
1. mop 3. can 2. in water 4. in the water
2. cat 4. man
That Was Funny! (page 56)
The Mix-Up (page 45) Check that the response includes a funny thing.
1. A 2. C

120 #51553—Summer Blast

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Appendix B

Answer Key (cont.)

Design a New Animal (page 57) Garden Snakes (page 69)
Check that the drawing is of a new animal. 1. blue 3. blue

Count the Bears (page 58) 2. red 4. blue, red, green

1. 10 3. 30 How Much Fruit? (page 70)

2. 20 Show It: 12 bananas; 8 apples
Try This! There are 60 bears on this page. Solve It: 8 + 4 = 12 apples
Explain It: Answer should include that Kevin should
Shape Hunt (page 59) buy 4 apples to have an equal number of bananas
and apples.
Check that items chosen match the given shapes.
Land and Water Word Search (page 71)
Big Problems with Bugs! (page 60)
1. 10 + 1 = 11 3. 10 + 5 = 15 m c r i v e r o
2. 10 + 3 = 13
g k t s o p h c
Weather Sudoku (page 61)
s h i l l b m e

a r j a n l f a

m o u n t a i n

i d r d v e r o

Get Me There (page 72)

Check that the child follows the correct directions.

In the Dark (page 62) Week 7

If the guesses are incorrect, let the child continue
Sentence Detective (page 74)
1. no 4. no
Week 6 2. yes 5. yes

Spelling Fun (page 64) 3. no

1. box 3. pig National Symbols (page 75)

2. pan 4. sun 1. C 2. A
Jack’s Birthday (page 65) A Special Day (page 76)
1. A 2. B Check that the response includes an activity that the
child would do as an adult.
What Are They Saying? (page 66)
Check that the speech bubbles are filled with
What Is It? (page 77)
dialogue. Check that art includes the outline of the apple in a
creative way.
Argh, Matey! (page 67)
Check that each symbol is used in the map.
Shape Count (page 78)
1. 8 3. 15
How Many Are Left? (page 68)
2. 12
1. 4 – 3 = 1 2. 7 – 2 = 5

© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 121
Appendix B

Answer Key (cont.)

So Many Shoes! (page 79) Make or Break (page 90)
1. 5; 2; 1 2. 5; 3; 7 Check that the two numbers in each box equal to 7
when added or subtracted.
Make a Story (page 80)
Riddle Me This (page 91)
1. Story should include subtracting 6 – 2 with 4
a rainbow
milk cartons left.
2. Story should include adding 2 + 8, totaling 10 Hear This! (page 92)
Check that sounds are identified correctly.
Try This! Answer should include the numbers 2, 3,
and 5.
Week 9
Next Number (page 81)
Vowel Focus (page 94)
9, 10 19, 20 30, 31
1. lake, rake, take 4. fame, same, tame
13, 14 22, 23
2. zone, cone, lone 5. hire, wire, tire
16, 17 28, 29
3. dive, alive, hive
Tic-Tac-4 (page 82)
A Powerful Plant (page 95)
Check that the markers are correctly placed and that
there are four in a row. 1. B 2. A

Week 8 Three Wishes (page 96)

Check that the response includes three wishes.
More Than One? (page 84)
Flag Art (page 97)
1. bed 3. can
Check that the chosen shape includes a country’s
2. apples 4. nuts flag design.
Pal the Dog (page 85) Hop Backward (page 98)
1. a dog 3. Tim’s shoes 1. 3 3. 2
2. the door 4. He helps Tim. 2. 4

Gone Fishing? (page 86) Taller and Shorter (page 99)

Check that the response includes reasons to support Check that the taller and shorter objects are correct.
why the child would or would not like to go fishing.
Problems, Problems! (page 100)
My Community (page 87)
1. 4; subtract 2. 8; add
Check that the drawing includes various community
streets, houses, businesses, etc.
Number Sudoku (page 101)
Make Ten (page 88)
2 4 3 1
1. 3 + 7 = 10 3. 2 + 8 = 10
2. 5 + 5 = 10 3 1 2 4

Find the Shapes (page 89) 1 2 4 3

Check that the correct shapes are circled or
underlined. 4 3 1 2

Community Jobs Charades (page 102)

Check that each player correctly acts out the jobs.

122 #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer © Shell Education
appendix c

Parent Handbook

Dear Pare nts or Guardians,

learning stan dards? Teac hers used
Have you ever won dered why states have
d on what content was inclu ded in
to dete rmin e what they wou ld cove r base
wou ld educators put publ ishe rs in
thei r textbooks. That seems crazy! Why
h? Luckily, we’ve moved past
charge of dete rmin ing what they shou ld teac
professionals create stan dards.
that time period into one whe re educational
stud ents shou ld know and be
These stan dards direct teac hers on what
nt, it’s your job to make sure you
able to do at each grad e leve l. As a pare
can help your child be read y
unde rstand the stan dards! That way, you
for school.
help you better unde rstand both the
The following pages are a quick guid e to
There are also sugg estions for
stan dards and how they are bein g taug ht.
child at hom e.
ways you can help as you work with your

Here ’s to successful kids!

Sincerel y,

The Shel l Education Staff

© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 123
appendix C

College and Career Readiness Standards

Today’s college and career readiness standards, including the Common Core State Standards
and other national standards, have created more consistency among states in how they
teach math and English language arts. In the past, state departments of education had
their own standards for each grade level. The problem was, what was taught at a specific
grade in one state may have been taught at a different grade in another state. This made it
difficult when students moved from state to state.

Today, many states have adopted new standards. This means that for the first time, there
is better consistency in what is being taught at each grade level across the states, with the
ultimate goal of getting students ready to be successful in college and in their careers.

Standards Features
The overall goal for the standards is to better prepare students for life. Today’s standards
use several key features:

◆ They describe what students should know and be able to do at each grade level.
◆ They are rigorous.
◆ They require higher-level thinking.
◆ They are aimed at making sure students are prepared for college and/or their
future careers.

◆ They require students to explain and justify answers.

124 #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer © Shell Education
appendix C

Mathematical Standards
There are several ways that today’s mathematics standards have shifted to improve upon
previous standards. The following are some of the shifts that have been made.

Instead of covering a lot of topics lightly, today’s standards focus on a few key areas at much
deeper levels. Only focusing on a few concepts each year allows students more time to
understand the grade-level concepts.

How Can You Help? What Can You Say?

Provide paper or manipulatives (such as Is there another way you can show
beans or pieces of cereal) as your child is the answer?
working so that he or she can show his or
her answer.
Have your child explain his or her thinking What did you do to solve the problem?
or the way he or she got the answer.
What were you thinking as you solved
the problem?

The standards covered for each grade are more closely connected to each other. In
addition, each grade’s standards are more closely connected to the previous grade and the
following grade.

How Can You Help? What Can You Say?

Help your child to make connections to What else have you learned that could help
other concepts he or she has learned. you understand this concept?
Ask your child to circle words that may help What words in the directions (or in the
him or her make connections to previously word problem) help you know how to solve
learned concepts. the problem?

The standards drive students to perform mathematical computations with speed and
accuracy. This is done through memorization and repetition. Students need to know the
most efficient way to solve problems, too!

How Can You Help? What Can You Say?

Help your child identify patterns that will What numbers do you know that can help
work for increasing speed and accuracy. you solve this problem?
Encourage the most efficient way to solve Can you get the same answer in a different
problems. way? Is there an easier way to solve
the problem?

© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 125
appendix C

Mathematical Standards (cont.)

Deep Understanding
Students must develop a very good understanding of mathematical concepts. A deep
understanding of mathematical concepts ensures that students know the how and the why
behind what they are doing.
How Can You Help? What Can You Say?
Encourage your child to make a model How do you know your answer is correct? Can
of the answer. you show your answer in a different way?
Have your child explain the steps he or Can you teach me to solve the problem?
she uses to solve problems.

Today’s standards call for more rigor. Students need to have strong conceptual
understandings, be able to use math fluently, and apply the right math skills in
different situations.

How Can You Help? What Can You Say?

Encourage your child to use multiple Can you explain your answer in a different way?
methods for solving and showing his or
her answers.
Have your child circle words or numbers What words gave you clues about how to solve
that provide information on how to this problem?
solve the problem.

Dual Intensity
Students need to develop good understandings of mathematical concepts and then
practice those concepts.
How Can You Help? What Can You Say?
Provide practice on concepts or basic What did you have difficulty with? How can you
facts your child is having trouble with. practice that?
Have your child identify where his or Where can you find the help you need?
her breakdown in understanding is
when solving a problem.

126 #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer © Shell Education
appendix C

Language Arts Standards

The following charts describe the key shifts in language arts standards and some great ways
that you can help your child achieve with them.

Balancing Informational and Literary Texts

Students should read and have books read aloud to them that represent a variety of texts
and have a balance of informational and literary texts.

How Can You Help? What Can You Say?

Find topics your child is interested in and Since you like dinosaurs, let’s find a story
then find both fiction and nonfiction books about dinosaurs and an informational book
on the topic. that tells facts about dinosaurs!
Encourage your child to know features of How do you know this book is
informational and literary texts. informational? What features does this
literary book have?

Knowledge in the Disciplines

Once students reach sixth grade, they are expected to gain information directly through
content-area texts rather than have the information told to them. Younger students can
read nonfiction texts to prepare for this transition in the middle grades.

How Can You Help? What Can You Say?

Talk about science and social studies topics I heard on the news that there will be
with your child in everyday conversations so a lunar eclipse tonight. Let’s watch it
that your child learns about related words together so that we can see the shadow of
and concepts. Earth come between the moon and the sun.
Provide a variety of experiences for your Let’s go have fun exploring the tide pools!
child so that he or she can use them when What do you think we will see there? (ask
reading about a topic. It makes the topic before) What did you see at the tide pools?
easier to understand. (ask after)

Staircase of Complexity
Students should read grade-appropriate complex texts. They may not understand the
content right away, but with support and time, they will eventually comprehend what
they’re reading.

How Can You Help? What Can You Say?

Know your child’s reading level. Help your I found these three books for you to read.
child find books that are at the high end of Which one interests you?
your child’s reading level.
Read books to your child that are above his Which book would you like me to read
or her reading level. It exposes him or her to you?
to more complex vocabulary, sentences,
and ideas.

© Shell Education #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer 127
appendix C

Language Arts Standards (cont.)

Text-Based Answers
Students should be able to answer questions and defend their positions using evidence
from texts. This evidence can include illustrations and other graphics.

How Can You Help? What Can You Say?

Ask your child to explain his or her answer How do you know that? How else do you
using evidence from a book. know ______?
Ask your child to look for evidence about What evidence is there that ______?
something you notice in a book.

Writing from Sources

Students should easily reference the texts they are reading as they write about them.

How Can You Help? What Can You Say?

Have your child underline in the text the Where is the evidence in the text? How can
answers to questions he or she is answering you include that in your written response?
through writing.
Provide sentence frames to help your child On page ______, the author says ______.
reference the text.

Academic Vocabulary
Academic vocabulary is a student’s ability to recognize, understand, and use more
sophisticated words in both reading and writing. Having a strong vocabulary allows
students to access more complex texts.

How Can You Help? What Can You Say?

Model using precise vocabulary. I noticed you used the word ______. Could
you have used a stronger word?
Provide a wide variety of experiences We are going to get the oil changed in the
for your child to learn new words. These car. I want you to see if you can find the
experiences don’t have to cost money. They mechanic in his overalls.
can be simple, everyday activities!

128 #51553—Summer Blast

#51551—Summer © Shell Education
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