G.prasada Babu, Et Al
G.prasada Babu, Et Al
G.prasada Babu, Et Al
Keywords The effect of leaf leachates of Parthenium, Hyptis and Tridax on the germination
of black gram was studied . Seeds were placed in petridishes containing 0.5, 1.0
Allelopathy, and 5.0% leaf leachates of each weed extracts. The germination percentage was
Hyptis evaluated at the end of 10th day after sowing (DAS) whereas seedling growth was
saveolens, evaluated at 28th day (28 DAS). The increase in leachate concentrate was associated
Parthenium with the increased reduction of seed germination and seedling growth. All the
histerophorus, leachates at 5.0% concentration ,significantly reduced seed germination, root and
and stem length and dry matter. At 5.0% leachate concentration the greatest inhibition
Tridax of seed germination, growth and dry matter was attributed in Parthenium. The
procumbens other weeds i.e. Tridax and Hyptis are relatively safe leachates when compared to
Weeds are a menace in all crops as they from the plants will be safer and they are
compete for light , water and nutrients and biodegradable. Allelopathy holds
harbor diseases and insects (Pathipati et potentials for selective biological weed
al.,2011). High volumes of herbicide management. The phenomenon of
usage induces numerous changes in plant allelopathy refers to chemical interactions
growth like inhibition of growth, foliar between all types of plants. In this process
chlorosis, albinism and necrosis (Subba the chemical exudates or leachates
Rao and Madhulety,2005). Many released from leaves, stems or roots of a
herbicides persist in the environment and plant can inhibit the growth of a
causes biomagnifications. So there is neighboring one (Scrivanti et al.,2011).
every need to develop herbicides which Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper is commonly
are biodegradable .Herbicides developed known as black gram or urdbean. It is one
of the important crops cultivated
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2014) 3(4): 122-128
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2014) 3(4): 122-128
ratio of 3:1:1 (pH 8.1). Pots were sown was decreased with the increased
with 10 seeds of test crops and then concentrations of the all the three weed
irrigated with aqueous leaf extracts of the extracts. The leaf leachate of Parthenium
three weeds. The control pots were caused maximum suppression (32 ± 0.5) in
irrigated with distilled water. The germination of Mungbean followed by
experimental design was, Completely Tridax and Hyptis when compared to
Randomized Design (C.R.D.) with three control. Germination percentage in
replications. Fresh and Dry weight of test mungbean was significantly reduced by
crops were recorded at 28 days after 0.5% and 1.0% leaf leachates. However,
sowing. no significant reduction was recorded for
Hyptis saveolens at 0.5% and 1%. Thus,
Statistical Analysis in case of Vigna mungo, Parthenium
hysterophorus leaf extracts at 5.0%
The results were subjected to ANOVA test concentration reduce the germination
to determine the effects of treatments on percentage. So they might be inhibitors at
plant growth. Based on the ANOVA this concentration. Oudhia and
results, the means of treatments were Tripathi(1999) also observed same effects
grouped with Duncan Procedure at the 5% about Parthenium in case of wheat. The
and 1% probability level. The software stem length and root length was also
INSTAT was used to conduct all the decreased with the increasing
statistical analysis. concentration of Parthenium extracts,
when compared to control (Oudhia and
Results and Discussion Tripathi,1999). It may be due to inhibition
of cell division and cell elongation.
Recent searches indicates that allelo
chemicals were universally present in It was perhaps due to inhibitory effect of
plants and one of the most important allele chemicals of Parthenium on mineral
physio-biochemical functions of them is uptake and translocation. In case Tridax
defense against its enemies. (Gavazzi et procumbens and Hyptis it was reverse.
al.,). Although toxic metabolites are These extracts at low concentration 0.5%
distributed throughout the plant and 1.0% cause elongation both in stem
(Rice,1974), but the leaves and bark are and root length. Thus, these two plants on
their most potential sources (Bhatt et the growth of the crop cause positive
al.,1997, Bhatt and Chauhan,2000). In effect. The similar observation was made
nature water is the solvent extraction in different species with different allelo
medium (Hill et al.,2006) that s why chemicals (Shoo et al.,2007). The aqueous
aqueous extracts are used in the present leaf extracts reduced fresh and dry weights
experiment. As these chemicals are over the control (Fig. 1). Among the three
biodegradable in short time, their weeds Parthenium showed more toxic
persistence in plants or soil system will not effects than the / remaining three weed
cause problems like pesticides. extracts.
All the extracts inhibited seed germination When the different concentration of
of the test crop aqueous leaf extracts were applied in the
(Table-1). The germination percentage
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2014) 3(4): 122-128
Table.1 The effects of leaf extracts of different weeds on Vigna mungo (L.) germination and growth (in Bio-assay)
Scientific Name of the Concentration of the Length of Root Length of Shoot
Sl.No. Germination (%)
Weed Extract % (cm) (cm)
1. Parthenium hysterophorus Control 98a 5.80a 19.50a
0.5 81b 2.68b 13.20b
1.0 42c 2.15b 10.50c
5.0 32c 1.60c 3.30d
2. Tridax Procumbens Control 98a 5.80d 19.50b
0.5 90a 6.77c 20.10a
1.0 80b 8.60b 21.25a
5.0 70b 9.07a 19.05ab
3. Hyptis Saveolens Control 98a 5.80c 19.50a
0.5 98a 7.45ab 17.10ab
1.0 98a 8.00a 20.10a
5.0 60b 8.90a 17.60ab
Means within same column followed by the same letter(s) are not significantly different at the 0.05% level of probability.
Table.2 The effects of aqueous leaf extracts of different weeds on Vigna mungo seed germination and growth (in Pot Culture)
Scientific Name of the Concentration of the Length of Root Length of Shoot
Sl.No. Germination (%)
Weed Extract % (cm) (cm)
1. Parthenium hysterophorus Control 98a 5.90a 20.05a
0.5 80a 2.58b 13.10b
1.0 40b 2.13b 10.80c
5.0 31b 1.58c 3.35d
2. Tridax Procumbens Control 98a 5.90d 20.05a
0.5 93a 6.80c 21.01a
1.0 84b 8.73b 21.80a
5.0 75b 9.21a 19.15b
3. Hyptis Saveolens Control 98a 5.90d 20.05a
0.5 97a 7.54c 18.16b
1.0 92c 8.10b 21.11a
5.0 60c 9.10a 18.20b
Means within same column followed by the same letter(s) are not significantly different at the 0.05% level of probability.
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2014) 3(4): 122-128
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2014) 3(4): 122-128
pot culture inhibited the seed germination crops of Garhwal Himalaya, Journal of
(Table-2) as observed in the bio assay. The Allelopathy, 4 : 321-328.
Parthenium showed more lethal effect Bhatt, P. and Chauhan, D.S., 2000,
than the Tridax and Hyptis. In comparison Allelopathic effects of Quercus spp.
to control all the three weeds suppressed On crops of Garhwal Himalaya,
the seedling germination. The extract of Journal of Allelopathy, 4 : 312-318.
Parthenium reduced the root growth and Dongre, P.N., Singh, A.K., Chaube, K.S.
shoot growth but it was not true for Tridax 2004, Allelopathic effects of weed leaf
and Hyptis extracts (Fig-2). The fresh and leachates on seed germination of
dry matter production was also minimum blackgram
when applied leaf extract of Parthenium (Phaseolus mungo. L), Allelopathy
and maximum with Hyptis and Tridax. Journal, 4( 1): 65-70.
Gavazzi, C.,Schultz,M., Marocco, A and
For better management of crops, it is Tabaglio, V,2010,Sustainable weed
necessary to identify local / weeds with control by allelochemicals from rye
minimum accumulation of toxins in the cover crops from the green house to
soil. Phytotoxic responses of leaf extracts field evidence. Allelopathy journal,
of various agro forestry tree croups of 2:259 -274.
germination, radicle and plumule Hill, E.C., Ngauajio, M. and Nair, M.G,
extension of field crops has also been 2006, Differential response of weeds
reported earlier (Todaria et al.,2005;Bhatt and vegetable crops to aqueous
and Chauhan,2000, and Bhatt et al.,1997). extracts of hairy wetch and cowpea,
Harmful allelopathic effects of these Hort. Sci., 43 : 695-700.
weeds on germination and seedling vigour Narwal, S.S., 1994, Allelopathy in crop
of many agricultural crops have been production Phl. Scientific Publishers,
reported Narwal, 1994). In this study, Jodhpur (India). p. 228.
Parthenium leaf leachate was identified as Oudhia, P., 1999, Studies on allelopathy
harmful leachates as these leachates and medicinal weeds in chickpea
resulted in lower germination and seedling fields, International Chickpea and
vigour. This may be due to the presence of Pigeon Pea Newsletter, 6 : 29-33.
lethal allelochemical viz., Parthenin Oudhia, P, and Tripathi, R.S., 1999,
cormopillin, Caffeic acid, P-Coumaric Allelopathic effects of Parthenium
acid, alkolaids and Sequiterpene lactones hysterophours, Lantana camera and
in Parthenium. This study suggests that Ageratum conyzoides on germination
early removal of these weeds, from the and seedling vigour of wheat and
field is essential in order to avoid the selected rabi weeds ,(In abstracts, II
losses in terms of poor germination and World Congress on Allelopathy),
seedling vigour. Tridax and Hyptis leaf Critical analysis and future prospects
leachates were identified as relatively safe (Ed. A.U. Malik) p.142, Thunder-bay,
leaf leachates. Ontario, Canada, Lakehead University.
Pathipati Usha Rani, Pala Rajasekhar
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understory by some agro forestry tree Rice, E.L., 1974. Some role of allelopathic
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2014) 3(4): 122-128