Dynamic Analysis of Multi Storey Building With and
Dynamic Analysis of Multi Storey Building With and
Dynamic Analysis of Multi Storey Building With and
Abstract— Nowadays, the number of buildings is resist lateral loads and wind, and it helps to improve the
constructed and designed according to the requirements seismic response of buildings. In the past few decades, due to
and aesthetic viewpoints of the buildings every day. Most insufficient lateral rigidity and the strength of structural
buildings are constructed in a certain spatial members to resist earthquakes, eventually leading to collapse,
configuration, such as X-shaped, V-shaped, and the x and multi-storey buildings have been widely constructed.
y coordinates are not parallel to the structure. The Reinforced concrete shear wall is most suitable for
earthquake caused more damage to the different construction in areas prone to high earthquake zone, because it
structures of the building. The main problem is the provides sufficient rigid connection between structural
slenderness ratio. The main purpose of this project is to elements and avoids many hazards to buildings. The seismic
compare the dynamic characteristics of buildings with performance of a building depends on the location of the shear
different structural configurations in seismic zones and soil wall in the building. Many research papers do not mention the
types. In this study, a 12-story space configuration exact location of the shear wall in the building to improve the
structure was considered, and the height of 3m on each maximum rigidity and strength against lateral forces.
floor did not exceed 36m, with shear walls and supports at
different positions of the building. The dynamic behaviour 1.1. SHEAR WALL
of buildings in all seismic zones of magnitude III and on In terms of structural engineering, a shear wall is a
different types of soil (such as media) is studied. The structural system that consists of support panels (also called
structure has peripheral beams that carry RC shear walls shear panels) to resist the influence of lateral loads acting on
with a thickness of 230 mm. The response spectrum the structure. The shear wall is the vertical element of the
analysis was carried out by using software of ETABS horizontal force resistance system.
Keywords— Earthquake, Shear wall, Response Spectrum 1.2. FUNCTION OF SHEAR WALL
Giving Lateral Strength to building:
Shear Wall should give parallel shear solidarity to the
I. INTRODUCTION structure to oppose the even seismic tremor powers, wind
Most countries suffer from earthquake damage, powers and move these powers to the establishment.
which is one of the main impacts on buildings. Generally, the Giving Lateral Stiffness to building:
loads on the building are horizontal loads and vertical loads. Shear Walls give enormous firmness to working
Horizontal loads are wind loads and seismic loads. The toward their direction, which lessens horizontal influence of
vertical load is the self-weight and applied load of all the structure and consequently decreases harm to structure.
structural members. Shear walls are the most effective way to
International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2021
Vol. 5, Issue 12, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 227-230
Published Online April 2021 in IJEAST (http://www.ijeast.com)
International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2021
Vol. 5, Issue 12, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 227-230
Published Online April 2021 in IJEAST (http://www.ijeast.com)
The following conclusions were made from the present study:
The maximum storey displacement reduction of
response spectrum analysis in X-direction is 34.42 %.
International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2021
Vol. 5, Issue 12, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 227-230
Published Online April 2021 in IJEAST (http://www.ijeast.com)
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