WCN Unit-2

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Mobile Radio Propagation:

Small-Scale Fading and
2.0. Introduction:
 Small-scale fading, or simply fading, is used to describe the rapid fluctuation of the
amplitude of a radio signal over a short period of time or travel distance, so that large-
scale path loss effects may be ignored.
 Fading is caused by interference between two or more versions of the transmitted signal
which arrive at the receiver at slightly different times.
 These waves, called rnultipath waves, combine at the receiver antenna to give a resultant
signal which can vary widely in amplitude and phase, depending on the distribution of
the intensity and relative propagation time of the waves and the bandwidth of the
transmitted signal.

2.1 Small-Scale Multipath Propagation

 Multipath in the radio channel creates small-scale fading effects. The three most
important effects are:
• Rapid changes in signal strength over a small travel distance or time interval
• Random frequency modulation due to varying Doppler shifts on different multipath signals
• Time dispersion (echoes) caused by multipath propagation delays.
 In built-up urban areas, fading occurs because the height of the mobile antennas are well
below the height of surrounding structures, so there is no single line-of-sight path to the
base station.
 Even when a line-of-sight exists, multipath still occurs due to reflections from the ground
and surrounding structures.
 The incoming radio waves arrive from different directions with different propagation
delays. The signal received by the mobile at any point in space may consist of a large
number of plane waves having randomly distributed amplitudes, phases, and angles of
arrival. These multipath components combine vectorially at the receiver antenna, and can
cause the signal received by the mobile to distort or fade. Even when a mobile receiver is
stationary, the received signal may fade due to movement of surrounding objects in the
radio channel.
 If objects in the radio channel are static, and motion is considered to be only due to that
of the mobile, then fading is purely a spatial phenomenon. The spatial variations of the
resulting signal are seen as temporal variations by the receiver as it moves through the
multipath field.
 Due to the constructive and destructive effects of multipath waves summing at various
points in space, a receiver moving at high speed can pass through several fades in a small
period of time. In a more serious case, a receiver may stop at a particular location at
which the received signal is in a deep fade.
 Maintaining good communications can then becom? very thificult, although passing
vehicles or people walking in the vicinity of the mobile can often disturb the field pattern,
thereby diminishing the likelihood of the received signal remaining in a deep null for a
long period of time.

2.2 Factors Influencing Small-Scale Fading

 Many physical factors in the radio propagation channel influence small scale
fading. These include the following:
 Multipath propagation — The presence of reflecting objects and scatterers in the
channel creates a constantly changing environment that dissipates the signal energy in
amplitude, phase, and time. These effects result in multiple versions of the transmitted
signal that arrive at the receiving antenna, displaced with respect to one another in time
and spatial orientation. The random phase and amplitudes of the different multipath
components cause fluctuations in signal strength, thereby inducing small-scale fading,
signal distortion, or both. Multipath propagation often lengthens the time required for the
baseband portion of the signal to reach the receiver which can cause signal smearing due
to intersymbol interference.
• Speed of the mobile — The relative mçtion between the base station and the mobile results in
random frequency modulation due to different Doppler shifts on each of the multipath
components. Doppler shift will be positive or negative depending on whether the mobile receiver
is moving toward or away from the base station.
 Speed of surrounding objects — If objects in the radio channel are in motion, they
induce a time varying Doppler shift on inultipath components. If the surrounding objects
move at a greater rate than the mobile, then this effect dominates the small-scale fading.
Otherwise, motion of surrounthng objects may be ignored, and only the speed of the
mobile need b? considered.
 The transmission bandwidth of the signal — If the transmitted radio signal bandwidth
is greater than the "bandwidth" of the multipath channel, the received signal will be
distorted, but the received signal strength will not fade much over a local area (i.e., the
small-scale signal fading will not be significant). As will be shown, the bandwidth of the
channel can be quantified by the coherence bandwidth which is related to the specific
multipath structure of the channel. The coherence bandwidth is a measure of the
maximum frequency difference for which signals are still strongly correlated in
amplitude. If the transmitted signal has a narrow bandwidth as compared to the channel,
the amplitude of the signal will change rapidly, but the signal will not be distorted in
time. Thus, the statistics of small-scale signal strength and the likelihood of signal
mearing appearing over small-scale distances are very much related to the specific
amplitudes and delays of the multipath channel, as well as the bandwidth of the
transmitted signal.

2.3 Doppler Shift

 Consider a mobile moving at a constant velocity v, along a path segment having length d
between points X and Y, while it receives signals from a remote source S, as illustrated in
Figure The difference in path lengths traveled by the wave from source S to the mobile
at points X andY is . where delta t is the time
required for the mobile to travel from X to Y, and $ is assumed to be the same at points X
and Y since the source is assumed to be very far away.
 The phase change in the received signal due to the difference in path lengths is therefore
and hence the apparent change in frequency, or Doppler shift, is given by fd'

Equation (4.2) relates the Doppler shift to the mobile velocity and the spatial angle between the
direction of motion of the mobile and the direction of arrival of the wave. It can be seen from
equation (4.2) that if the mobile is moving toward the direction of arrival of the wave, the
Doppler shift is positive (i.e., the apparent received frequency is increased), and if the mobile is
moving away from the direction of arrival of the wave, the Doppler shift is negative (i.e. the
apparent received frequency is decreased). As shown in section 4.7.1, multipath components
from a CW signal which arrive from different directions contribute to Doppler spreading of the
received signal, thus increasing the signal bandwidth.

Figure: illustration of Doppler effect.

Example :
Consider a transmitter which radiates a sinusoidal carrier frequency of 1850 MHz. For a vehicle
moving 60 mph, compute the received carrier frequency if the mobile is moving (a) directly
towards the transmitter, (b) directly away from the transmitter, (c) in a direction which is
perpendicular to the direction of arrival of the transmitted signal.
Carrier frequency = 1850MHz

Therefore, wavelength =
Vehicle speed v = 60 mph = 26.82 rn/s

(a) The vehicle is moving directly towards the transmitter.

The Doppler shift in this case is positive and the received frequency is given
by equation (4.2)

(b) The vehicle is moving directly away from the transmitter.

The Doppler shift in this case is negative and hence the received frequency
is given by

(c) The vehicle is moving perpendicular to the angle of arrival of the transmitted signal.
In this case, S = 90°, cosS = 0, and there is no Doppler shift.
The received signal frequency is the same as the transmitted frequency of
1850 MHz.

2.4 Impulse Response Model of a Multipath Channel

 The small-scale variations of a mobile radio signal can be directly related to the impulse
response of the mobile radio channel.
 The impulse response is a wideband channel characterization and contains all information
necessary to simulate or analyze any type of radio transmission through the channel.
 This stems from the fact that a mobile radio channel may be modeled as a linear filter
with a time varying impulse response, where the time variation is due to receiver motion
in space.
 The filtering nature of the channel is caused by the summation of amplitudes and delays
of the multiple arriving waves at any instant of time.
 The impulse response is a useful characterization of the channel, since it may be used to
predict and compare the performance of many different mobile communication systems
and transmission bandwidths for a particular mobile channel condition.
 To show that a mobile radio channel may be modeled as a linear filter with a time
varying impulse response, consider the case where time variation is due strictly to
receiver motion in space.

Fig: The mobile radio channel as a function of time and space

 In the above figure the receiver moves along the ground at some constant velocity v. For
a fixed position d, the channel between the transmitter and the receiver can be modeled as
a linear time invariant system.
 However, due to the different multipath waves which have propagation delays which
vary over different spatial locations of the receiver, the impulse response of the linear
time invariant channel should be a function of the position of the receiver. That is, the
channel impulse response can be expressed as h(d,t).
 Let x(t) represent the transmitted signal, then the received signal y(d,t) at position d can
be expressed as a convolution of x (t) with h(d,t).

For a causal system, h(d, t) = 0 for t<0 above equation reduces to
Since the receiver moves along the ground at a constant velocity v, the position
of the receiver can by expressed as


substitute d=v t in above equation then

Since v is a constant, y(ut, t) is just a function of t. Therefore, the above equation can
be expressed as

From the above equation it is clear that the mobile radio channel can be modeled as a linear time
varying channel, where the channel changes with time and distance. Since u may be assumed
constant over a short time (or distance) interval, we may let x(t) represent the transmitted
bandpass waveform, y(t) the received waveform, and h(t, v) the impulse response of the time
varying multipath radio channel. The impulse response h (t, t) completely characterizes the
channel and is a function of both t and t. The variable t represents the time variations due to
motion, whereas t represents the channel multipath delay for a fixed value of t - One may think
of t as being a vernier adjustment of time. The received signal y(t) can be expressed as a
convolution of the transmitted signal x(t) with the channel impulse response

2.5 Small-Scale Multipath Measurements

 Because of the importance of the multipath structure in determining the small-scale
fading effects, a number of wideband channel sounding techniques have been developed.
 These techniques may be classified as
i) direct pulse measurements,
ii) spread spectrum sliding correlator measurements, and
iii) swept frequency measurements.

i) Direct RF Pulse System

 A simple channel sounding approach is the direct RE pulse system
 This technique allows engineers to determine rapidly the power delay profile of any
 Essentially a wide band pulsed bistatic radar, this system transmits a repetitive pulse of

width τbb s, and uses a receiver with a wide band pass filter (BW = 2/ τbb Hz).
 The signal is then amplified, detected with an envelope detector, and displayed and stored
on a high speed oscilloscope.
 This gives an immediate measurement of the square of the channel impulse
response convolved with the probing pulse.

Fig: Direct RF channel impulse response measurement system

 If the oscilloscope is set on averaging mode, then this system can provide a local average
power delay profile.
 Another attractive aspect of this system is the lack of complexity, since off-the-shelf
equipment may be used.
 The minimum resolvable delay between multipath components is equal to the probing

pulse width τbb.

 The main problem with this system is that it is subject to interference and noise, due to
the wide pass band filter required for multipath time resolution.
 Also, the pulse system relies on the ability to trigger the oscilloscope on the first arriving
 If the first arriving signal is blocked or fades, severe fading occurs, and it is possible the
system may not trigger properly.
 Another disadvantage is that the phases of the individual multipath nents are not received,
due to the use of an envelope detector.
 However, use of a coherent detector permits measurement of the multipath phase using
this technique.
ii) Spread Spectrum Sliding Correlator Channel Sounding

Fig: Spread spectrum channel impulse response measurement system

 The basic block diagram of a spread spectrum channel sounding system is shown in
 The advantage of a spread spectrum system is that, while the probing signal may be
wideband, it is possible to detect the transmitted signal using a narrowband receiver
preceded by a wideband mixer, thus improving the dynamic range of the system as
compared to the direct RF pulse system
 In a spread spectrum channel sounder, a carrier signal is "spread" over a large bandwidth
by mixing it with a binary pseudo-noise (PN) sequence having a chip duration Tc and a
chip rate Rc equal to 1/Tc Hz.
 The power spectrum envelope of the transmitted spread spectrum signal is given by

And null to null band width is

BW= 2Rc
 The spread spectrum signal is then received, filtered, and despread using a PN sequence
generator identical to that used at the transmitter.
 Although the two PN sequences are identical, the transmitter chip clock is run
at a slightly faster rate than the receiver chip clock. Mixing the chip sequences in
this fashion implements a sliding correlator
 When the PN code of the faster chip clock catches up with the PN code of the slower chip
clock, the twa chip sequences will be virtually identicallyaligned, giving maximal
 When the two sequences are not maximally correlated, mixing the incoming spread
spectrum signal with the unsynchronized receiver chip sequence will spread this signal
into a bandwidth at least as large as the receiver's reference PN sequence.
 In this way, the narrowband filter that follows the correlator can reject almost all of the
incoming signal power. This is how processing gain is realized in a spread spectrum
receiver and how it can reject pass band interference, unlike the direct RF pulse sounding
Processing gain (PG) is given as
where τbb = 1/Rbb, is the period of the baseband information.
 When the incoming signal is correlated with the receiver sequence, the signal is collapsed
back to the original bandwidth (i.e., "despread"), envelope detected, and displayed on an
 Since different incoming multipaths will have different time delays, they will maximally
correlate with the receiver PN sequence at different times.
 The energy of these individual paths will pass through the correlator depending on the
time delay.
 Therefore, after envelope detection, the channel impulse response convolved with the
pulse shape of a single chip is displayed on the oscilloscope.
 The time resolution (Δτ) of multipath components using a spread spectrum system with
sliding correlation is

 The sliding correlation process gives equivalent time measurements that are updated
every time the two sequences are maximally correlated.
 The time between maximal correlations can be calculated

where Tc = chip period (s)

Rc = chip rate (Hz)
γ = slide factor (dimensionless)
1 = sequence length (chips)
The slide factor is defined as the ratio between the transmitter chip clock rate and the difference
between the transmitter and receiver chip clock rates.
Mathematically, this is expressed as
Where α = transmitter chip clock rate (Hz)
β= receiver chip clock rate (Hz)
For a maximal length PN sequence, the sequence length is

l = 2n-1
where n is the number of shift registers in the sequence generator.
 Since the incoming spread spectrum signal is mixed with a receiver PN sequence that is
slower than the transmitter sequence, the signal is essentially down-converted
("collapsed") to a low-frequency narrowband signal.
 In other words, the relative rate of the two codes slipping past each other is the rate of
information transferred to the oscilloscope. This narrowband signal allows narrowband
processing, eliminating much of the pass band noise and interference.
The processing gain is then realized using a narrowband filter

 The observed time scale on the oscilloscope using a sliding correlator is related to the
actual propagation time scale by

Actual Propagation =Time Observed Time

 There are several advantages to the spread spectrum channel sounding system.
i) One of the key spread spectrum modulation characteristics is the ability to reject pass
band noise, thus improving the coverage range for a given transmitter power.
ii) Transmitter and receiver PN sequence synchronization is eliminated by the sliding
iii) Sensitivity is adjustable by changing the sliding factor and the post-correlator filter
bandwidth. Also, required transmitter powers can be considerably lower than
comparable direct pulse systems due to the inherent "processing gain" of spread
spectrum systems.
 A disadvantage of the spread spectrum system, as compared to the direct pulse system, is
that measurements are not made in real time, but they are compiled as the PN codes slide
past one another. Depending on system parameters and measurement objectives, the time
required to make power delay profile measurements may be excessive.
 Another disadvantage of the system described here that a non coherent detector is used,
so that phases of individual multipath components can not be measured. Even if coherent
detection is used, the sweep time of a spread spectrum signal induces delay such that the
phases of individual multipath components with different time delays would be measured
at substantially different times, during which the channel might change.

3. Parameters of Mobile Multipath Channels

 Many multipath channel parameters are derived from the power delay profile
 Power delay profiles are measured using the below techniques
i) Time Dispersion Parameters
ii) Coherence Bandwidth
iii) Doppler Spread and Coherence Time.
 Power delay profiles are found by averaging instantaneous power delay profile
measurements over a local area in order to determine an average small-scale power delay
Time Dispersion Parameters:
 In order to compare different multipath channels and to develop some general design
guidelines for wireless systems
i) The mean excess delay,
ii) rms delay spread, and
iii) excess delay spread (X dB) are multipath channel parameters that can be determined
from a power delay profile
 The time dispersive properties of wide band multipath channels are most commonly
quantified by their mean excess delay (τ) and rms delay spread (ατ).
The mean excess delay is the first moment of the power delay of the profile and is defined to be
The rms delay spread is the square root of the second central moment of the power delay profile
and is defined to be


 These delays are measured relative to the first detectable signal arriving at the receiver at
τ0 = 0. The above equations do not rely on the absolute power level of P(τ) but only the
relative amplitudes of the multipath components within P (τ).
 Typical values of rms delay spread are on the order of microseconds in outdoor mobile
radio channels and on the order of nanoseconds in indoor radio channels.
 It is important to note that the rms delay spread and mean excess delay are defined from a
single power delay profile.
 The maximum excess delay (X dB) of the power delay profile is defined to be the time
delay during which multipath energy falls to X dB below the maximum.
 The maximum excess delay is defined as τX- τ0, where τ0 is the first arriving signal and τX
is the maximum delay at which a multipath component is within X dB of the strongest
arriving multipath signal
Coherence Bandwidth
 While the delay spread is a natural phenomenon caused by reflected and scattered
propagation paths in the radio channel
 The coherence bandwidth, BC is a defined relation derived from the rms delay spread
 Coherence bandwidth is a statistical measure of the range of frequencies over which the
channel can be considered "flat"
 In other words, coherence bandwidth is the range of frequencies over which two
frequency components have a strong potential for amplitude correlation.
 Two sinusoids with frequency separation greater than BC are affected quite differently by
the channel. If the coherence bandwidth is defined as the bandwidth over which the
frequency correlation function is above 0.9, then the coherence bandwidth is

If the definition is relaxed so that the frequency correlation function is above 0.5.
then the coherence bandwidth is approximately


Calculate the mean excess delay, rms delay spread, and the maximum excess delay (10 dE) for
the multipath profile given in the figure below. Estimate the 50% coherence bandwidth of the
channel. Would this channel be suitable for AMPS or GSM service without the use of an
The rms delay spread for the given multipath profile can be obtained using below equations

The delays of each profile are measured relative to the first detectable signal.The mean excess
delay for the given profile.
τ = (1) (5)2 + (0.1) (1)2 + (0.1) (2) + (0.01) (0)
[0.01 + 0.1 +0.1 + 1]
= 4.38μs
The second moment for the given power delay profile can be calculated as

τ2 = (1) (5)2 + (0.1) (1)2 + (0.1) (2) + (0.01) (0)

=21.07 μs2
Therefore the rms delay spread

ατ = 21.07 - (4.38)2 = 1.37 μs

The coherence bandwidth is

= 1

5(1.37 μs)

= 146 kHz

Since is greater than 30 kHz. AMPS will work without an equalizer. However, GSM requires

200 kHz bandwidth which exceeds Bc thus an equalizer would be needed for this channel.
Types of Small-Scale Fading
The time dispersion and frequency dispersion mechanisms in a mobile radio channel lead
to four possible distinct effects, which are manifested depending on the nature of the transmitted
signal, the channel, and the velocity.
While multipath delay spread leads to time dispersion and frequency selective fading, Doppler
spread leads to frequency dispersion and time selective fading.
The two propagation mechanisms are independent of one another

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