National Parks & Public Recreation Areas: The United Road Closed: Unlike detour signs, a
States is home to some of the most beautiful road closed sign does not give you an
national parks in the world and many of our alternate route to take. The road is
countries roadways go right through them, simply closed and you are left to figure
offering amazing experiences for those choosing out a new way to go on your own.
to make some stops and literally smell the roses.
Puzzle Ribbon
Male Symbol
Adopted in 1999, the puzzle ribbon is the The male symbol is known as the Mars symbol. It’s a
universal sign of autism awareness. It depiction of a circle with an arrow emerging from it,
reflects the complexity of the autism pointing at an angle to the upper right.
Female Symbol
The different colors and shapes represent the diversity
of the people and families living with the condition.
The brightness of the ribbon signals hopes that people The female symbol is the astrological symbol for the
with autism will lead full lives, able to interact with the planet Venus, and it is also used to represent the female
world on their own terms. sex.
The circle reminds us of the inclusive nature of
our universe; it also represents the woman’s
The cross (added in the 16th century) resting
beneath the circle indicates all matter is born
from a spiritually inclusive, loving womb.
Recycling Symbol Heart Symbol
More often than not, stars carry a positive connotation. By order of Irish tradition, four-leaf clovers
Because of their place in the skies, they represent luck and good fortune. Since the four-
can represent divinity and heavenly leaf clover is a rare variation of the three-leaf,
bodies. They’re also a sign of good luck those lucky enough to stumble across one should
(pretty sure Disney’s Pinocchio taught us treat it as a good omen.
that one).
Flowers Moon
The flower is a multi-faceted symbol. Commonly recognized as a feminine symbol, the moon has a
It’s widely used to represent young life, lot of meaning behind its full and crescent shapes. The
but it’s also a symbol of beauty. moon is often equated with sleep (surprise, surprise) and,
Different types and colors of flowers more specifically, the middle ground
mean different things. For example, between consciousness and
roses are associated with love more than any other flower. unconsciousness. It serves as a
A red rose might suggest love and desire, while a white symbol for the soul.
rose suggests innocence and purity.
The logo for Beats by Dre is
pretty simple. The ‘b’ is enclosed
in a circle followed by the brand
name. The circle, though, isn’t
just a circle. It actually represents a human’s head, and
the ‘b’ letterform represents the brand’s headphones. This
gives the brand a personal element, allowing a customer to
see themselves in the headphones.
Roxy is Quicksilver’s female
Amazon is a powerhouse clothing line. To appeal to their
when it comes to online female audience, they use a
shopping, and their logo heart as their logo, drawing
reflects that. The yellow arrow in their logo starts at the inspiration from the feminine shape and connotation
letter ‘a’ and ends at the letter ‘z’, implying that they sell behind its meaning. And it’s not any ordinary heart—it’s
everything from a to z. The arrow also represents a smile, actually two Quicksilver logos turned on their ends.
with the arrowhead being a stylized dimple or smile line.
The smile indicates the happiness people feel when they
shop with Amazon.
Vaio My Fonts is an online font resource,
allowing users to access a number of
Sony Vaio, aka Visual Audio Intelligent Organizer, is known fonts. The ‘My’ in My Fonts is stylized
worldwide for its technology, but not everyone knows the to look like a hand, giving the impression
meaning behind its logo. Vaio represents the integration of that users can get their hands on
both analog and digital whatever fonts they’d like.
technologies in its
products. The letters ‘va’ AG Low
are made to look like an
AG Low, a construction company, has a
analog wave, while the ‘io’ resemble the numbers 1 and 0,
simple logo. It spells out the name of the
representing a digital signal or binary code.
company — though in a unique way. It’s
laid out to look like the floorplan of a
BMW Unilever
Unilever makes a ton of
BMW’s logo colors come from the Bavarian flag, products, and to showcase that
which are blue and white. Their logo is derived they created a ‘U’ out of a
from the Rapp Motor Works’ logo, which is very variety of icons symbolizing
similar. It is commonly thought that the logo some of their core products. It’s a fun way to show
represents the blades of a spinning propellor, due to their they have their hands in a variety of areas, and gives the
aviation history and an ad created in the 1920s. viewer something to piece together.
The popular chocolate
bar, Toblerone, has been
Another incredibly recognizable logo
around for quite some time. It’s current logo features a
worldwide (even after their recent
mountain, symbolizing the Matterhorn Mountain in
redesign), Google’s logo is supposed to
Switzerland. Hidden inside the mountain is a bear,
symbolize that they don’t play by the rules and know how
symbolizing the unique honey flavor found in the chocolate
to have fun. Instead of having a crazy font or symbol, they
and the fact that the chocolate is made in the ‘City of
chose to relay their message with color. They stuck with
the primary color palette but broke it with a secondary
Toyota color, green.
Toyota’s current logo has been
around since 1990. The popular Gillette
car manufacturer’s three
Gillette, a razor company, is razor sharp with
overlapping rings symbolize the unification of the hearts
their logo — literally. The intricate and precise
of Toyota customers and Toyota’s products. The
cut in the ‘G’ and ‘i’ look as though they’ve been carefully
background space represents their technological
removed with an extra sharp Gillette razor.
advancement and the opportunities that lay ahead.
One of the most recognizable logos
in the world, the Apple logo is
theorized to have come from none
other than the story of Adam and Eve. The apple is
supposed to be the apple Eve bit from in the bible and
represents the fruits from the Tree of Knowledge.
Submitted by: Glicel E. Castor