Proposed Aquaculture Infrastructure Plumbing Works
Proposed Aquaculture Infrastructure Plumbing Works
Proposed Aquaculture Infrastructure Plumbing Works
3. Site Utilities:
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5. Installation and test run of Owner (s) supplied plumbing
equipments complete with controllers, breakers, starters,
pressure switches, trims and its accessories to include
electrical wiring from motor controllers to plumbing
equipments and to complete the system under plumbing
works of the following:
6.3 Sump pits and sewage pit to include elevator pit pump.
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12. Preparation and submission of as-built drawings in
reproducible sheets including two (2) white prints copies
at no cost to the Owner (s).
B. Small scale drawings do not possibly indicate all offset, fittings and
other parts of the system required. The Contractor shall arrange such
work accordingly, furnishing such fittings, traps valves and accessories
as may be required to meet such conditions.
B. All construction permits and fees required for the work shall obtained
by and at the expense of the contractor. The contractor shall furnish
the Owner final certificates of inspection after the completion of the work.
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B. The Contractor shall assume the cost of and the entire responsibility for
any change in the work as shown on contract drawings, which may be
occasioned by approval of materials other than those specified.
A. Cold Water Lines – All water & distribution lines shall be galvanized
steel or iron, (G.I.) pipe, Schedule 40, standard conforming to ASIM
A-53/120 “APO, SUPREME” brand or approved equal. Fittings shall be
malleable iron, class 250, use screwed connection from 15 mm dia. to
65 mm dia. and flanged connection from 75 mm dia. and larger.
All water riser lines shall be galvanized steel or iron, (G.I.) pipe,
Schedule 80, (imported) standard. All water downfeed lines, shall be
galvanized steel or iron, (G.I.) pipes, schedule 40, local, standard
conforming to ASTM A-53/120 “APO, SUPREME” brand or approved
equal. Fittings shall be malleable iron, rated 300 lbs.
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C. Sewer Lines – All toilets lateral & branch sewer lines shall be polyvinyl
chloride pipes (PVC) saniguard 8050 by “Neltex”, “Atlanta”, “Emerald”,
“Moldex” brand or approved equal. Fittings shall be solvent cement
joint to ASTM D2564.
All Soil Stracks – shall be hubless type cast iron soil pipe (CISP) and
fittings, with sleeve type coupling conforming to CISP Standard 301
ASTM A-88 or ASTM A74 “Tyler, Tiger, Top One, Hoiest, Asa”
brand or approved equal.
D. Kitchen Waste Lines – All lateral & branch waste lines shall be polyvinyl
chloride pipes (PVC) saniguard 8050 by “Neltex”, “Atlanta”, “Moldex”,
“Emerald” brand or approved equal.
E. Vent Lines – All stacks & branch vent lines shall be polyvinyl chloride
chloride pipes (PVC) series 600 by “Atlanta”, “Emerald”, “Moldex”.
brand or approved equal.
G. FCU/AHU Waste Lines – All lateral & branch waste lines from 25 to
40 mm dia. shall be polyvinyl chloride class 150 and 50 mm dia. and
larger, shall be polyvinyl chloride pipes (PVC) saniguard 8050 by
“Neltex”, “Atlanta”, “Emeral”, “Moldex”’ “Atlanta”, brand or approved
All exposed FCU/AHU drains lines shall be provided with ½ “ thick
elastomeric thermal insulation “Aeroflex” brand or approved equal.
All waste stack and Main Collector Lines – shall be polyvinyl chloride
pipes (PVC) saniguard 8050 by “Neltex”’ brand or approved equal.
Provide with ½” thick elastometric thermal insulation “Aeroflex” brand
or approved equal
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H. Perforated Perimeter Drain Pipe – shall be polyvinyl chloride pipes
(PVC) saniguard 8050 by “Neltex”, “Atlanta”, “Emerald”, “Moldex”,
brand or approved equal.
K. Swimming Pool Pipings – Water lines, skimmer drain, drain lines and
return shall be polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipes class 150 by “Neltex”,
“Atlanta”, “Emerald”, “Moldex” brand or approved equal.
A. Gate Valve - 50 mm and larger, shall be rising stem, iron body with bronze
trim, flanged connection, min. of 150 psig working pressure. 65 mm smaller,
shall be bronze, & female threaded. AWWA Standard “KITZ,
HONEYWELL , SIAM” brand or approved equal.
B. Check Valve for Booster Pump – 75 m dia. & larger shall be iron body
lift type check valve has a center guided, spring loaded valve disc with
resilient seal bronze or stainless steel removable valve seat with bronze
trim, flanged connection, minimum of 150 psig working pressure. 65 mm
and smaller, same except female threaded connection. Approved model,
similar to ”Bermad Model 70N” or approved equal.
C. Check Valve for Transfer Pump – shall be cast iron body ASTM A126
class B, non-slam type with opening and closing speed controls, stainless
steel main valve trim and actuator similar to Bermad Model 760-03
combination water hammer shock absorber or approved equal.
D. Check Valve for Sump Pump Sewage Pump – shall be ball check valves.
Body shall be cast iron ASTM A159-72 class 35. Ball shall be hallow steel
with vulcanized nitril rubber sinking type SP, GR greater than 1 minimum
of psig working pressure, maximum 180 °F temperature. Similar to”HDL”
Brand or approved equal.
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G. Pressure Relief Valve for Transfer Pumps – shall be a diaphragm type
valve to maintain constant upstream pressure upstream pressure to close
limits. The valve shall be hydraulically-operated, pilot controlled
modulating type, main body at cover to cast iron ASTM A4 with adjustment
ranges, 20 to 200 PSIG similar to “Bermad” brand Model 730-Q.
H. Angle Valve Strainer – strainer pattern shall be “Y” or angle strainer body
cover shall be cast iron, nuts and bolts, shall be galvanized steel, basket
and basket latch shall be stainless steel, body and plug O-Ring-Buna N or
Piston “Bermad AF 70F Strainer”.
2. Floor/Shower
UNILEX or equal.
5. Deck (Promenade
UNILEX or equal.
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D. Hubless Cast Iron Soil Pipes – sleeve type coupling and gasket for
hubless pipes, conforming to ASTM Standard C-264.
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A. Each light pipe, fittings, traps, fixtures and service used in the Plumbing
System shall have cast, tamped or marked on it, the manufacturer’s trade
mark or name, the weight, type & classes of product when so required by
the Standard.
B. Within thirty (30) days after award of the Contract, the Contractor shall
submit for the Architect’s approval, the names of suppliers and materials
proposed including trade names and/or samples of the materials if deemed
C. Brand names mentioned in this Specifications are only for the purposes
Indicating the desired quality and design.
A Underground sewer, waste and drain pipes and fittings shall be bell and
spigor, cast iron soil pipe, extra heavy and polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
pipes, unless specifically noted. Soil and waste pipe above ground shall
be polyvinyl chloride pipes for laterals and hubless (CISP) for attacks and
main collector pipes. Waste pipes above ground shall be PVC pipes.
Fittings for soil and waste pipings above ground shall be sleeve type
coupling and gasket joints and PVC fitting or as specified.
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B. CISP and PVC pipes in trenches under the ground shall be laid true to
line & grade on a stable & suitably prepared foundation, each section
of the pipe being properly bedded.
5.03 TRAPS
C. Main vent risers at 4.5 meters along or ore shall be connected at the
roof with the main water or soil pipes below the lowest vent outlet
with a forty-five degree (45°) connection.
A. Roughing – in for pipes & fixtures shall be carried along with the
building construction. Correctly located openings of proper sizes
shall be provided where required in the walls & floors for the passage
of pipes all items to be embedded in concrete shall be thoroughly clean
and free from all rust, scale and paint.
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A. All changes in pipes sizes on soil, waste and drain lines shall be
made in reducing fittings or reducers. All changes in direction
shall be made by the appropriated use of forty-five degrees (45°)
wyes, or long sweep bends, except that sanitary tees may be used
on vertical stacks. Short quarter bends or elbows may be used in
soil and waste lines where the change in direction is from the
horizontal to the vertical and on the discharge from the water
A. All joints shall be air and water tight. For joining pipes, the
following shall be used:
6.01 METER
B. The exact dimensions for setting of the main meter shall be as per
requirements of the Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System
(MWSS)/or Manila Water Corp. Inc., (MWCI)/or Bonifacio Water
Corporation (BWC).
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D. All service pipes valves and fittings shall be kept at sufficient distance
from work to permit finished covering not less than 15 mm from such
work or from finished covering on the different service.
E. Changes in pipes shall be made with reducing fittings.
A. All pipes layed and installed underground at 1.0 ft. (300 mm)
below natural grade level shall be protected with Class B concrete
casing a minimum of 100 mm around the pipe perimeter & 250 mm
below the finish grade.
A. Cleanouts shall be of the same size as the pipe, the location of which
is extended to an easily accessible place.
8.02 TRAPS
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D. Pipe sleeves on footings shall be cast iron or steel and shall be not
less than 100 mm larger in diameter than the pipe to be installed.
F. The space between the pipes and sleeves shall be made water
tight by inserting a picked oakum gasket and filling the remaining
space with poured lead caulking thoroughly.
Refer to ArchitecturalSpecifications
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B. The Specifications herein stated are basic guide only. Other items
not so indicated but which are obviously necessary for the proper
operation of system as intended shall be supplied in accordance with
accepted engineering standards.
C. The equipment shall be guaranteed for a period of at least One (1) year
of trouble free operation. The supplier of equipment shall certify to the
availability of spare parts locally and service in case of system breakdowns
within a period of at least three (3) years. Manuals of operation and
maintenance & lists of spare parts shall be supplied together with the
equipment. Submittal of Warranty Certificate shall be on condition
to the final payment.
D. The supplier shall submit at least two (2) copies of pumps performances
curves showing among others, time pump rating and pump efficiency,
properly marked thereon.
F. Price quote shall include cost of delivery of all quoted items to the
jobsite. Pump and motor installation dimension drawings shall be
submitted together with the quotation.
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B. Capacity of each Units: 150 GPM vs. 510 Ft. TDH, 40 HP.
B. Capacity of each unit: 100 GPM vs. 115 FT. (TDH), approx.
7.5 HP.
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2. The VFD controller shall have the following varied
modes supplied with a pressure transducer for water
pressure of the motor 1 & 2 percent load, low and
high systems and start/maintain pressure, delay
starting timer.
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D. Approximate Dimensions: Outside diameter-1200 mm: shell
height – 2370 mm.
G. Accessories:
H. Painting:
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A. Requirements:
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B. Information/Materials Specs. Per Tank:
C. Accessories:
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E. Piping through the Walls – Where the pipe pass through walls,
care shall be exercised to ensure this joints are watertight.
B. All repairs to piping shall be made with new material at the expense
of the Contractor.
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A. The entire site plumbing utilities system shall be laid out and
installed consistent throughout with the given slopes in the plans.
Pipe joints and connections to area drains, catch basin and junction
boxes shall posses such leak – proof and seepage-proof integrity
achievable with the works called for under this particular section
of the Specifications.
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16.03 TESTING:
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A. The entire drainage (sewer and storm) and venting systems shall have
all necessary openings which can be plugged to permit the entire
system to be filled with water to the level of the highest stack vent/or
above the roof.
B. The system shall hold this water for a full sixty (60) minutes during
which time there shall be no drop more than 100 mm.
During the test, all expose pipes, fittings, valves joints and couplings’
will be carefully examined. If found to be cracked and detective,
they shall be removed and replaced by the contractor with sound
materials at his own expense. The test shall be repeated until
satisfactory results has been obtained.
A After the pipe have been installed, the joints completed and with
joints exposed for examination, all newly installed pipe or any
valve section therefore, shall be subjected to hydrostatic pressure
1 ½ designed working pressure of the system or as specified by
the Architect.
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B. Pipe hanger supports and all other iron work in concealed spaces
shall be painted with one coast of asphalt.
C. Exposed galvanized iron pipes and fittings that are asphalt coated
shall be given two coats of shellac prior to application of two coats
of all paint as directed by the Architect of his authorized representative.
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C. Equipment that should have the Owner (s) your minimum guaranteed
against defective designs, materials and workmanship.
-End of Specifications –
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PRC NO.3710
TIN NO. 908812123
PTR NO.1544758
DATE 9/6/2012