Kotak Registration

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INDEX - Individual Account Opening Form
Contents Page Nos.
Section I : KRA / Aadhaar based A/c Opening
PART A : Document captures the basic information about the constituent and an instruction/checklist. 1-15
PART B : Document captures the additional information about the constituent relevant to Trading & Demat account.
PART C : Document captures nomination details for Trading & Demat account.

Additional details for clients opting for commodity 16-17

Detailed commodity client type/category and description.
Tariff sheet 18
Document detailing the rate/amount of brokerage and other charges levied on the client for trading on the stock exchange(s)
Policies and Procedures 23-25
Document describing significant policies and procedures of Kotak Securities Ltd.
Schedule of Charges / Charges for Other Services 26-27
Detailed Charges for Demat/Trading Account
Declaration of Open Position 42
Declaration/undertaking by client to not exceed the position limits prescribed by SEBI/Exchange
Risk Profiling Questionnaire 19-21
Document describing suitability questionnaire to help choosing right investment product
Terms and Conditions for placing ‘Execution only’ order by clients 22
Document detailing Terms and Conditions for ‘execution only’ mutual fund orders by clients
Running Account Authorization 28
Authority to the Trading Member to maintain a running account

Margin Trading Facility (MTF) 29-30

Documents detailing Terms and Conditions for availing Margin Trading Facility (MTF)
Voluntary Additional Terms & Conditions 31-34
Additional Terms & Conditions for availing trading services with Kotak Securities
Power of Attorney 35-36
Document for authorising Kotak Securities to complete trading and settlement related obligations.
FATCA/CRS Declaration 37-39
Declaration by customer to comply with Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) and/or Common Reporting Standards (CRS) requirements
Demat Debit and Pledge Instruction (DDPI) 40
Document for transfer of securities towards deliveries / settlement obligations and pledging / re-pledging of securities

TM\CM: Kotak Securities Limited • SEBI Registration No: INZ000200137(Member of NSE, BSE, MSE, MCX and NCDEX) Research Analyst
INH000000586,NSDL/CDSL:IN-DP-629-2021, AMFI ARN:0164, PMS INP000000258, CIN: U99999MH1994PLC134051, Compliance Of-
ficer Name: Sanjayu Nair; Phone No. +91 (022) 42858484; E-mail ID: ks.compliance@kotak.com CEO Name: Jaideep Hansraj; Phone No.
+91 (022) 42858301 & E-mail ID: ceo.ks@kotak.com For any grievance/dispute please contact Kotak Securities Ltd. at E-mail ID- service.
securities@kotak.com or Toll Free No. 1800 209 9191
In case not satisfied with the response, please contact the concerned exchange(s) / Depository at:
Email ID ignse@nse.co.in is@bseindia.com investorcomplaints@mse.com grievance@mcxindia.com ig@ncdex.com
Phone No 18002660058 (022) 2272 8097 (022) – 61129000 Ext. 9028 (022) 6731 8888 (022) 6640 6789

Depository NSDL CDSL

Email ID relations@nsdl.co.in complaints@cdslindia.com
Phone No (022) 2499 4200 (022) 2302 3333
You can also lodge your grievances with SEBI at http://scores.gov.in. For any queries, feedback or assistance, please contact SEBI Office
on Toll Free Helpline at 1800 22 7575 / 1800 266 7575.
Important Points :
1. Self attested copy of PAN card and all other documents are mandatory for all clients and persons authorized to deal in securities
on behalf of company/firm/others.
2. Copies of all documents submitted by the client should be verified with original by Kotak Securities employee/Registered Authorised
Person. In case the original of any document is not produced for verification, then the copies should be properly attested by entities
authorized for attesting the documents, as per the below mentioned list.
List of people authorized to attest the documents:
Notary Public, Gazetted Officer, Manager of a Scheduled Commercial/Co-operative Bank or Multinational Foreign Banks
(Name, Designation & Seal should be affixed on the copy).
3. If any proof of identity or address is in a foreign language, then translation into English is required.
4. Name & address of the applicant mentioned on the KYC form, should match with the documentary proof submitted.
5. If correspondence & permanent address are different, then proofs for both have to be submitted.
6. Sole proprietor must make the application in his individual name & capacity.
7. For non-residents and foreign nationals, (allowed to trade subject to RBI and FEMA guidelines), copy of passport/PIO Card/OCI Card
and overseas address proof is mandatory.
8. In case of high risk clients like PEP (Political Exposed Person) documents specified as proof of identity and address for opening
simplified measure account are not applicable.
CENTRAL KYC REGISTRY Know Your Customer (KYC) Application Form Individual
Important Instructions F) Please read section wise detailed guideliness/ instruction at the end.
A) Fields marked with ‘*’ are mandatory fields. G) KYC number of applicant is mandatory for update application.
B) Tick ‘ ’ wherever applicable. H) The ‘OTP based E-KYC’ check box is to be checked for accounts
C) Please fill the form in English and in BLOCK letters. opened using OTP based E-KYC in non-face to face mode.
D) Please fill the date in DD-MM.YYYY format. I) In case you submit deemed Officially Valid Document (OVD) for proof
of address as your Officially Valid Document (OVD) does not contain
E) For particular section update tick( ) in the box updated address then you are required to submit OVD or their
section number and strike off the sections not equivalent E-document within a period of three months, failing which
required to be updated. we may suspend your account.
A Clarification / Guidelines on filling ‘Personal Details’ section
1 Name: The name should match the name as mentioned in the Proof of Identity submitted failing which the application is liable to
be rejected.
2 One the following is mandatory : Mother’s name, Spouse’s name, Father’s name.

B Clarification / Guidelines on filling ‘Current Address details’ section

1 In case of deemed PoA such as utility bill, the document need not be uploaded on CKYCR
2 PoA to be submitted only if the submitted Pol does not have current address or address as per Pol is invalid or not in force.
3 State / U.T Code and Pin / Post Code will not be mandatory for Overseas addresses.
4 In Section 2, one of I,II, and III is to be selected. In case of online E-KYC authentication, II is to be selected.
5 In Section 3, one of I, II, III and IV is to be selected. In case of online E-KYC authentication, II is to be selected.
6 List of documents for ‘Deemed Proof of Address’:
• Utility bill which is not more than two months old of any service provider (electricity, telephone, post-paid mobile phone, piped gas,
water bill).
• Property or Municipal tax receipt.
• Pension or family pension payment orders (PPOs)issued to retired employees by Government Departments or Public Sector
Undertakings, if they contain the address.
• Letter of allotment of accommodation from employer issued by State Government or Central Government Departments, statutory
or regulatory bodies, public sector undertakings, scheduled commercial banks, financial institutions and listed companies and
leave and licence agreements with such employers allotting official accommodation.
7 Regulated Entity (RE) shall redact (first 8 digits) of the Aadhaar number from Aadhaar related data and documents such as proof
of possession of Aadhaar, while uploading on CKYCR.
8 “Equivalent e-document” means an electronic equivalent of a document, issued by the issuing authority of such document with
its valid digital signature including documents issued to the digital locker account of the client as per rule 9 of the Information
Technology (Preservation and retention of Information by Intermediaries Providing Digital Locker Facilities) Rules, 2016.
9 ‘Digital KYC process’ has to be carried out as stipulated in the PML Rules, 2005.

C Clarification / Guidelines on filling ‘Contact details’ section

1 Please mention two- digit country code and 10 digit mobile number (e.g. for Indian mobile number mention 91-9999999999).
2 Do not add ‘0’ in the beginning of Mobile number.

D Clarification / Guidelines on fillign ‘Related Person details’ section

1 Provide KYC number of related person, if available.

E Clarification on Minor
1 Guardian details are optional for minors above 10 years of age for opening of bank account only
2 However, in case guardian details are available for minor above 10 years of age, the same (or CKYCR number of guardian) is to
be uploaded.

Please follow the below Legends

Information not required to be filled by the Information required to be filled by all clients including KRA
clients who are KRA complied / or have complied, Client opting for Aadhar Digi Locker based A/c
Ver 13/20-21/270721

provided consent for authenticating with Aadhar. Opening & Non KRA & Non Aadhar clients

ICONS FOR ILLUSTRATION c Client Signature cw

Client’s Witness Signature
(Full Signature)
Kotak Securities Ltd.
Section I* - KRA/Aadhar Based Account Opening - First Holder
Fields marked with ‘*’ are mandatory fields. Please fill the form in English and in BLOCK Letters.
Please read section wise detailed guidelines / instructions mentioned at the beginning.
I a* - KRA/ Aadhar Based Account Opening KRA AADHAR NON KRA & NON AADHAR
1) Are you a KYC-KRA complied client c Yes c No
✔ K
✔ No (Currently not applicable) g
2) Do you wish to provide consent for authenticating with Aadhar based system for account opening: c Yes c
If Yes, I understand that I have alternatives against Aadhaar. I further understand that upon Aadhar authentication/sharing the share code
my photo/kyc demographic details / Aadhaar data/ related passcode / XML data / QR code from Aadhaar image / e-Aadhaar etc. shall be
extracted/converted in readable format for the purpose of opening the accounts with Kotak securities Ltd. and stored by KSL for record
purpose. I also agree and confirm to share any and all such Aadhaar related data as described above with all Regulators including KRA’s
including but not limited to for the purpose of validation of KYC by KRA and also with CKYCR.

3) Digi Locker Consent : I hereby authorize Kotak Securities limited to verify my identity & address basis documents available in Digi Locker
service by Government of India which may include fetching/storing/using the same securely to open my account. I further provide my
consent to share my Aadhaar number, Date of Birth & Name from my Aadhaar eKYC information with the Income tax department, Govt. of
India, All States for the purpose of fetching my PAN Verification Record into Digi Locker. c✔ Yes c No
4) Please provide PAN details A O K P A 4 7 6 4 M
If answer to questions No. 1 is “NO” please skip section I b, I c & complete the section highlighted (a) as ‘Non KRA & Non Aadhar’
If answer to questions No. 1 is “YES”, then complete the details upto section I c on the same page & proceed to applicable section on next page

I b - Declaration KRA AADHAR NON KRA & NON AADHAR This section is “Not Applicable” for customers who are Non-KRA complied
or have not provided consent for authenticating with UIDAI system.
(Please tick whichever is applicable)
c I hereby confirm that my details appearing on KRA/UIDAI have been shared. I further confirm that there are no changes in the same
including my Address /Email id/Mobile Number.OR
✔ I hereby confirm that my details appearing on KRA/UIDAI have been shared. I hereby confirm that my Address/Email id/Mobile Number**
as appearing on the same have undergone change(s) and I have filled up the updated details below:
This section is “Not Applicable” for customers who are Non-KRA complied
I c - Contact Details KRA AADHAR NON KRA & NON AADHAR or have not provided consent for authenticating with UIDAI system.
Existing details as per KRA System Updated details
Particulars (In case of changes in existing details, else please mention NA)
Email Id sudarshanaher1@gmail.com
Mobile No.: 8779050696
New Residence /Permanent Address c Same as KRA c
✔ Same as UIDAI c Updated Address mentioned below
I. Certified copy of OVD or equivalent e-document of OVD or OVD obtained through digital
PROOF OF ADDRESS KYC process needs to be submitted (anyone of the following OVDs)

c A-Passport No. Expiry Date D D M M Y Y Y Y cB-VoterID Card

c C-Driving Licence Expiry Date D D M M Y Y Y Y
c D-NREGA Job Card
c E-National Population Register Letter
c F-Proof of Possession of Aadhaar/ VID (Virtual ID) /
c E-KYC Authentication c Offline verification of Aadhaar
Address: Line 1* _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Line 2 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Line 3 ___________________________________________________ Landmark (If any) _____________________________________________
City /Town /Village* _____________________________________________________ District* ________________________________________
Pin Code*_______________________________ State/U.T*____________________________________ Country*_________________________
New Correspondence Address c Same as UIDAI c Same as Residence/permanent c Updated Address c Same as KRA address mentioned above
I. Certified copy of OVD or equivalent e-document of OVD or OVD obtained through digital
NEW CORRESPONDENCE / CURRENT ADDRESS KYC process needs to be submitted (anyone of the following OVDs)

c A-Passport No. Expiry Date D D M M Y Y Y Y cB-VoterID Card

c C-Driving Licence Expiry Date D D M M Y Y Y Y
c D-NREGA Job Card
c E-National Population Register Letter
c F-Proof of Possession of Aadhaar/ VID (Virtual ID) /
c E-KYC Authentication c Offline verification of Aadhaar
c Deemed Proof of Address - Document Type ________________________________________________________________________________
Address: Line 1* _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Line 2 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Line 3 ___________________________________________________ Landmark (If any) _____________________________________________
City /Town /Village* _____________________________________________________ District* ________________________________________
Pin Code*_______________________________ State/U.T*____________________________________ Country*_________________________
Client Signature (1st Holder)
c 1
**Strike of whichever is not applicable 21
This document is digitally signed.Please
refer to Annexure A for digital Signature 1
216121 21312152957961 MANDATORY
Kotak Securities Ltd.

CENTRAL KYC REGISTRY | Know Your Customer (KYC) Application Form | Individual
Please fill the form in English and in BLOCK Letters. | Please read section wise detailed guidelines / instructions mentioned at the beginning.
1. PERSONAL DETAILS (Please refer instruction A)
Name*(Same as ID proof) Prefix SUDHAKAR
First NameAHER
Middle Name Last Name

Maiden Name (if any*) Prefix First Name Middle Name Last Name
Sudhakar Aher
Prefix First Name Middle Name Last Name
Father/Spouse Name*
Mother Name* Prefix Aher
Vimal First Name Middle Name Last Name
Nationality* Indian


Date of Birth* D D
0 7 / M
0 M
8 / Y
1 Y
9 Y
8 Y

Gender* ✔ M-Male
c c F-Female c T- Transgender
Marital Status* ✔ Married
c c Unmarried c Others
Residential Status* ✔ Resident Individual
c c Foreign National
Occupation Type* c S-Service ( c Private Sector c Public Sector c Government Sector) c 2
c O-Others ( c Professional c Self Employed c Retired c Housewife c Student)
c B-Business c Agriculturist c Forex Dealer c
✔ Others______Please Specify_____

I. Certified copy of OVD or equivalent e-document of OVD or OVD obtained through digital
2. PROOF OF IDENTITY AND ADDRESS (Please refer instruction B) KYC process needs to be submitted (anyone of the following OVDs)

A-Passport No. Passport Expiry Date D D / M M / Y Y Y Y
c B-Voter ID Card
c C-Driving Licence Driving Licence Expiry Date D D / M M / Y Y Y Y
c D-NREGA Job Card
c E-National Population Register Letter
c F-Proof of Possession of Aadhaar/ VID (Virtual ID) /
c E-KYC Authentication
✔ Offline verification of Aadhaar
c 5 2 8 6
Address: Line 1* _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Flat No-2, Sai Sneh Heights, Shankar Patil Nagar, Untwadi,

Line 2 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Line 3 ___________________________________________________ Landmark (If any) _____________________________________________
City /Town /Village*____________________________________________________________________
Nashik Nashik
Pin Code*_______________________________
422008 State/U.T*____________________________________
Maharashtra Country*_________________________

I. Certified copy of OVD or equivalent e-document of OVD or OVD obtained through digital KYC process needs to be
3. CURRENT ADDRESS DETAILS (Please refer instruction B) submitted (anyone of the following OVDs)

A-Passport No.

c Same as above mentioned address (In such cases address details as below need not be provided)

Passport Expiry Date D D / M M / Y Y Y Y

c B-Voter ID Card
c C-Driving Licence Driving Licence Expiry Date D D / M M / Y Y Y Y
c D-NREGA Job Card
c E-National Population Register Letter
c F-Proof of Possession of Aadhaar/ VID (Virtual ID) /
c E-KYC Authentication
c Offline verification of Aadhaar
c Deemed Proof of Address - Document Type ________________________________________________________________________________
Address: Line 1* _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Same As Above
Line 2 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Line 3 ___________________________________________________ Landmark (If any) _____________________________________________
City /Town /Village* ____________________________________________________________________ District* _________________________
Ver 13/20-21/270721

Pin Code*_______________________________ State/U.T*____________________________________ Country*_________________________

4. CONTACT DETAILS (Please refer instruction C) (All communications will be sent on provided Mobile no. / Email-ID)
KRA I AADHAR I DIGI LOCKER I NON KRA / NON AADHAR / NON DIGI LOCKER This section is “Not Applicable” for customers who are KRA complied or have
provided consent for authenticating with UIDAI system.

Tel.(Res.) 9 1 S T D - Mobile 9 1 - 8 7 7 9 0 5 0 6 9 6
Tel.(Off.) 9 1 S T D - Fax 9 1 S T D -
E-mail ID. s u d a r s h a n a h e r 1 @ g m a i l . c o m

In case if you wish to appoint “Authorised Representative” to your account please get in touch with your respective Relationship



l I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and I undertake to
inform you of any changes therein, immediately. In case any of the above information is found to be false or untrue or misleading
or misrepresenting, I am aware that I may be held liable for it.
l I hereby consent to receiving information from Central KYC Registry through SMS/Email on the above registered number/email
Signature of Account Holder
Place __________________________ c 3
Date __________________________

For Office Use Only

The Specimen Signature on Part A has been extracted from the signature uploaded/provided by the client. Kotak Securities Ltd

Application Type* ✔
c New c Update
KYC Number (Mandatory for KYC update request)
(To be filled by financial institution)

Account Type* ✔ Normal

c c Minor c Aadhaar OTP Based E-KYC (in non-face to face mode)
Document Received c Certified Copies c E-KYC data received from UIDAI
c Data received from Offline verification c Digital KYC Process
c Equivalent e-document
✔ c Video Based KYC

Check list to be verified by acquiring sales staff

Details Documents verified with original / Client Interviewed By / In-Person Verification done by

Name of the Employee / Authorised person

Employee Code / SEBI Reg. No. / AP Reg. No.
Name & Address of Branch/Franchisee/
Service Center
Designation of the Employee
Place of verification
Name of Institution Code of Institution Stamp
Ver 13/20-21/270721

Kotak Securities Ltd. NSE Code - 08081 BSE Code - 673 MSE Code - 1024 Institution
Kotak Securities Ltd.
MCX - 56285 NCDEX - 1262

Kotak Securities Ltd.
Section I* - KRA/Aadhar Based Account Opening - Second Holder
Fields marked with ‘*’ are mandatory fields. Please fill the form in English and in BLOCK Letters.
Please read section wise detailed guidelines / instructions mentioned at the beginning.
I a* - KRA/ Aadhar Based Account Opening KRA AADHAR NON KRA & NON AADHAR
1) Are you a KYC-KRA complied client c Yes c No K
2) Do you wish to provide consent for authenticating with Aadhar based system for account opening: c Yes c No (Currently not applicable) g
If Yes, I understand that I have alternatives against Aadhaar. I further understand that upon Aadhar authentication/sharing the share code
my photo/kyc demographic details / Aadhaar data/ related passcode / XML data / QR code from Aadhaar image / e-Aadhaar etc. shall be
extracted/converted in readable format for the purpose of opening the accounts with Kotak securities Ltd. and stored by KSL for record
purpose. I also agree and confirm to share any and all such Aadhaar related data as described above with all Regulators including KRA’s
including but not limited to for the purpose of validation of KYC by KRA and also with CKYCR.

3) Digi Locker Consent : I hereby authorize Kotak Securities limited to verify my identity & address basis documents available in Digi Locker
service by Government of India which may include fetching/storing/using the same securely to open my account. I further provide my
consent to share my Aadhaar number, Date of Birth & Name from my Aadhaar eKYC information with the Income tax department, Govt. of
India, All States for the purpose of fetching my PAN Verification Record into Digi Locker. c Yes c No
4) Please provide PAN details
If answer to questions No. 1 is “NO” please skip section I b, I c & complete the section highlighted (a) as ‘Non KRA & Non Aadhar’
If answer to questions No. 1 is “YES”, then complete the details upto section I c on the same page & proceed to applicable section on next page

I b - Declaration KRA AADHAR NON KRA & NON AADHAR This section is “Not Applicable” for customers who are Non-KRA complied
or have not provided consent for authenticating with UIDAI system.
(Please tick whichever is applicable)
c I hereby confirm that my details appearing on KRA/UIDAI have been shared. I further confirm that there are no changes in the same
including my Address /Email id/Mobile Number.OR
c I hereby confirm that my details appearing on KRA/UIDAI have been shared. I hereby confirm that my Address/Email id/Mobile Number**
as appearing on the same have undergone change(s) and I have filled up the updated details below:
This section is “Not Applicable” for customers who are Non-KRA complied
I c - Contact Details KRA AADHAR NON KRA & NON AADHAR or have not provided consent for authenticating with UIDAI system.
Existing details as per KRA System Updated details
Particulars (In case of changes in existing details, else please mention NA)
Email Id
Mobile No.:
New Residence /Permanent Address c Same as KRA c Same as UIDAI c Updated Address mentioned below
I. Certified copy of OVD or equivalent e-document of OVD or OVD obtained through digital
PROOF OF ADDRESS KYC process needs to be submitted (anyone of the following OVDs)

c A-Passport No. Expiry Date D D M M Y Y Y Y cB-VoterID Card

c C-Driving Licence Expiry Date D D M M Y Y Y Y
c D-NREGA Job Card
c E-National Population Register Letter
c F-Proof of Possession of Aadhaar/ VID (Virtual ID) /
c E-KYC Authentication c Offline verification of Aadhaar
Address: Line 1* _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Line 2 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Line 3 ___________________________________________________ Landmark (If any) _____________________________________________
City /Town /Village* _____________________________________________________ District* ________________________________________
Pin Code*_______________________________ State/U.T*____________________________________ Country*_________________________
New Correspondence Address c Same as UIDAI c Same as Residence/permanent c Updated Address c Same as KRA address mentioned above
I. Certified copy of OVD or equivalent e-document of OVD or OVD obtained through digital
NEW CORRESPONDENCE / CURRENT ADDRESS KYC process needs to be submitted (anyone of the following OVDs)

c A-Passport No. Expiry Date D D M M Y Y Y Y cB-VoterID Card

c C-Driving Licence Expiry Date D D M M Y Y Y Y
c D-NREGA Job Card
c E-National Population Register Letter
c F-Proof of Possession of Aadhaar/ VID (Virtual ID) /
c E-KYC Authentication c Offline verification of Aadhaar
c Deemed Proof of Address - Document Type ________________________________________________________________________________
Address: Line 1* _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Line 2 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Line 3 ___________________________________________________ Landmark (If any) _____________________________________________
City /Town /Village* _____________________________________________________ District* ________________________________________
Pin Code*_______________________________ State/U.T*____________________________________ Country*_________________________
Client Signature (1st Holder)
c 1
**Strike of whichever is not applicable 12 1
21312152957961 MANDATORY
Kotak Securities Ltd.

CENTRAL KYC REGISTRY | Know Your Customer (KYC) Application Form | Individual - Second Holder
Please fill the form in English and in BLOCK Letters. | Please read section wise detailed guidelines / instructions mentioned at the beginning.

Name*(Same as ID proof) Prefix First Name Middle Name Last Name

Maiden Name (if any*) Prefix First Name Middle Name Last Name

Father/Spouse Name* Prefix First Name Middle Name Last Name

Mother Name* Prefix First Name Middle Name Last Name

Date of Birth* D D / M M / Y Y Y Y FOR UIDAI CLIENTS

Gender* c M-Male c F-Female c T- Transgender

Marital Status* c Married c Unmarried c Others
Residential Status* c Resident Individual c Foreign National
Occupation Type* c S-Service ( c Private Sector c Public Sector c Government Sector) c 2
c O-Others ( c Professional c Self Employed c Retired c Housewife c Student)
c B-Business c Agriculturist c Forex Dealer c Others______Please Specify_____
I. Certified copy of OVD or equivalent e-document of OVD or OVD obtained through digital
2. PROOF OF IDENTITY AND ADDRESS (Please refer instruction B) KYC process needs to be submitted (anyone of the following OVDs)


c A-Passport No. Passport Expiry Date D D / M M / Y Y Y Y
c B-Voter ID Card
c C-Driving Licence Driving Licence Expiry Date D D / M M / Y Y Y Y
c D-NREGA Job Card
c E-National Population Register Letter
c F-Proof of Possession of Aadhaar/ VID (Virtual ID) /
c E-KYC Authentication
c Offline verification of Aadhaar
Address: Line 1* _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Line 2 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Line 3 ___________________________________________________ Landmark (If any) _____________________________________________
City /Town /Village*____________________________________________________________________ District*__________________________
Pin Code*_______________________________ State/U.T*____________________________________ Country*_________________________
I. Certified copy of OVD or equivalent e-document of OVD or OVD obtained through digital KYC process needs to be
3. CURRENT ADDRESS DETAILS (Please refer instruction B) submitted (anyone of the following OVDs)

KRA AADHAR NON KRA & NON AADHAR c Same as above mentioned address (In such cases address details as below need not be provided)

c A-Passport No. Passport Expiry Date D D / M M / Y Y Y Y

c B-Voter ID Card
c C-Driving Licence Driving Licence Expiry Date D D / M M / Y Y Y Y
c D-NREGA Job Card
c E-National Population Register Letter
c F-Proof of Possession of Aadhaar/ VID (Virtual ID) /
c E-KYC Authentication
c Offline verification of Aadhaar
c Deemed Proof of Address - Document Type ________________________________________________________________________________
Address: Line 1* _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Line 2 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Line 3 ___________________________________________________ Landmark (If any) _____________________________________________
City /Town /Village* ____________________________________________________________________ District* _________________________
Pin Code*_______________________________ State/U.T*____________________________________ Country*_________________________

21312152957961 MANDATORY
4. CONTACT DETAILS (Please refer instruction C) (All communications will be sent on provided Mobile no. / Email-ID)
This section is “Not Applicable” for customers who are KRA complied or have provided consent for
KRA AADHAR NON KRA & NON AADHAR authenticating with UIDAI system.

Tel.(Res.) 9 1 S T D - Mobile 9 1 -
Tel.(Off.) 9 1 S T D - Fax 9 1 S T D -
E-mail ID.

In case if you wish to appoint “Authorised Representative” to your account please get in touch with your respective Relationship



l I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and I undertake to
inform you of any changes therein, immediately. In case any of the above information is found to be false or untrue or misleading
or misrepresenting, I am aware that I may be held liable for it.
l I hereby consent to receiving information from Central KYC Registry through SMS/Email on the above registered number/email
Client Signature (2nd Holder)
Place __________________________ c 3

Date __________________________

For Office Use Only

Application Type* c New c Update
KYC Number (Mandatory for KYC update request)
(To be filled by financial institution)

Acount Type* c Normal c Minor c Aadhaar OTP Based E-KYC (in non-face to face mode)
Document Received c Certified Copies c E-KYC data received from UIDAI
c Data received from Offline verification c Digital KYC Process
c Equivalent e-document c Video Based KYC

Check list to be verified by acquiring sales staff c Details Applicable for All Holders
Details Documents verified with original / Client Interviewed By / In-Person Verification done by

Name of the Employee / Authorised person

Employee Code / SEBI Reg. No. / AP Reg. No.
Name & Address of Branch/Franchisee/
Service Center
Designation of the Employee
Place of verification
Name of Institution Code of Institution Stamp
Kotak Securities Ltd. NSE Code - 08081 BSE Code - 673 MSE Code - 1024 Institution
MCX - 56285 NCDEX - 1262

Kotak Securities Ltd.
Section I* - KRA/Aadhar Based Account Opening - Third Holder
Fields marked with ‘*’ are mandatory fields. Please fill the form in English and in BLOCK Letters.
Please read section wise detailed guidelines / instructions mentioned at the beginning.
I a* - KRA/ Aadhar Based Account Opening KRA AADHAR NON KRA & NON AADHAR
1) Are you a KYC-KRA complied client c Yes c No K
2) Do you wish to provide consent for authenticating with Aadhar based system for account opening: c Yes c No (Currently not applicable) g
If Yes, I understand that I have alternatives against Aadhaar. I further understand that upon Aadhar authentication/sharing the share code
my photo/kyc demographic details / Aadhaar data/ related passcode / XML data / QR code from Aadhaar image / e-Aadhaar etc. shall be
extracted/converted in readable format for the purpose of opening the accounts with Kotak securities Ltd. and stored by KSL for record
purpose. I also agree and confirm to share any and all such Aadhaar related data as described above with all Regulators including KRA’s
including but not limited to for the purpose of validation of KYC by KRA and also with CKYCR.

3) Digi Locker Consent : I hereby authorize Kotak Securities limited to verify my identity & address basis documents available in Digi Locker
service by Government of India which may include fetching/storing/using the same securely to open my account. I further provide my
consent to share my Aadhaar number, Date of Birth & Name from my Aadhaar eKYC information with the Income tax department, Govt. of
India, All States for the purpose of fetching my PAN Verification Record into Digi Locker. c Yes c No
4) Please provide PAN details
If answer to questions No. 1 is “NO” please skip section I b, I c & complete the section highlighted (a) as ‘Non KRA & Non Aadhar’
If answer to questions No. 1 is “YES”, then complete the details upto section I c on the same page & proceed to applicable section on next page

I b - Declaration KRA AADHAR NON KRA & NON AADHAR This section is “Not Applicable” for customers who are Non-KRA complied
or have not provided consent for authenticating with UIDAI system.
(Please tick whichever is applicable)
c I hereby confirm that my details appearing on KRA/UIDAI have been shared. I further confirm that there are no changes in the same
including my Address /Email id/Mobile Number.OR
c I hereby confirm that my details appearing on KRA/UIDAI have been shared. I hereby confirm that my Address/Email id/Mobile Number**
as appearing on the same have undergone change(s) and I have filled up the updated details below:
This section is “Not Applicable” for customers who are Non-KRA complied
I c - Contact Details KRA AADHAR NON KRA & NON AADHAR or have not provided consent for authenticating with UIDAI system.
Existing details as per KRA System Updated details
Particulars (In case of changes in existing details, else please mention NA)
Email Id
Mobile No.:
New Residence /Permanent Address c Same as KRA c Same as UIDAI c Updated Address mentioned below
I. Certified copy of OVD or equivalent e-document of OVD or OVD obtained through digital
PROOF OF ADDRESS KYC process needs to be submitted (anyone of the following OVDs)

c A-Passport No. Expiry Date D D M M Y Y Y Y cB-VoterID Card

c C-Driving Licence Expiry Date D D M M Y Y Y Y
c D-NREGA Job Card
c E-National Population Register Letter
c F-Proof of Possession of Aadhaar/ VID (Virtual ID) /
c E-KYC Authentication c Offline verification of Aadhaar
Address: Line 1* _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Line 2 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Line 3 ___________________________________________________ Landmark (If any) _____________________________________________
City /Town /Village* _____________________________________________________ District* ________________________________________
Pin Code*_______________________________ State/U.T*____________________________________ Country*_________________________
New Correspondence Address c Same as UIDAI c Same as Residence/permanent c Updated Address c Same as KRA address mentioned above
I. Certified copy of OVD or equivalent e-document of OVD or OVD obtained through digital
NEW CORRESPONDENCE / CURRENT ADDRESS KYC process needs to be submitted (anyone of the following OVDs)

c A-Passport No. Expiry Date D D M M Y Y Y Y cB-VoterID Card

c C-Driving Licence Expiry Date D D M M Y Y Y Y
c D-NREGA Job Card
c E-National Population Register Letter
c F-Proof of Possession of Aadhaar/ VID (Virtual ID) /
c E-KYC Authentication c Offline verification of Aadhaar
c Deemed Proof of Address - Document Type ________________________________________________________________________________
Address: Line 1* _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Line 2 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Line 3 ___________________________________________________ Landmark (If any) _____________________________________________
City /Town /Village* _____________________________________________________ District* ________________________________________
Pin Code*_______________________________ State/U.T*____________________________________ Country*_________________________
Client Signature (1st Holder)
c 1
**Strike of whichever is not applicable 12
21312152957961 MANDATORY
Kotak Securities Ltd.

CENTRAL KYC REGISTRY | Know Your Customer (KYC) Application Form | Individual - Third Holder
Please fill the form in English and in BLOCK Letters. | Please read section wise detailed guidelines / instructions mentioned at the beginning.

Name*(Same as ID proof) Prefix First Name Middle Name Last Name

Maiden Name (if any*) Prefix First Name Middle Name Last Name

Father/Spouse Name* Prefix First Name Middle Name Last Name

Mother Name* Prefix First Name Middle Name Last Name

Date of Birth* D D / M M / Y Y Y Y FOR UIDAI CLIENTS

Gender* c M-Male c F-Female c T- Transgender

Marital Status* c Married c Unmarried c Others
Residential Status* c Resident Individual c Foreign National
Occupation Type* c S-Service ( c Private Sector c Public Sector c Government Sector) c 2
c O-Others ( c Professional c Self Employed c Retired c Housewife c Student)
c B-Business c Agriculturist c Forex Dealer c Others______Please Specify_____
I. Certified copy of OVD or equivalent e-document of OVD or OVD obtained through digital
2. PROOF OF IDENTITY AND ADDRESS (Please refer instruction B) KYC process needs to be submitted (anyone of the following OVDs)


c A-Passport No. Passport Expiry Date D D / M M / Y Y Y Y
c B-Voter ID Card
c C-Driving Licence Driving Licence Expiry Date D D / M M / Y Y Y Y
c D-NREGA Job Card
c E-National Population Register Letter
c F-Proof of Possession of Aadhaar/ VID (Virtual ID) /
c E-KYC Authentication
c Offline verification of Aadhaar
Address: Line 1* _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Line 2 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Line 3 ___________________________________________________ Landmark (If any) _____________________________________________
City /Town /Village*____________________________________________________________________ District*__________________________
Pin Code*_______________________________ State/U.T*____________________________________ Country*_________________________
I. Certified copy of OVD or equivalent e-document of OVD or OVD obtained through digital KYC process needs to be
3. CURRENT ADDRESS DETAILS (Please refer instruction B) submitted (anyone of the following OVDs)

KRA AADHAR NON KRA & NON AADHAR c Same as above mentioned address (In such cases address details as below need not be provided)

c A-Passport No. Passport Expiry Date D D / M M / Y Y Y Y

c B-Voter ID Card
c C-Driving Licence Driving Licence Expiry Date D D / M M / Y Y Y Y
c D-NREGA Job Card
c E-National Population Register Letter
c F-Proof of Possession of Aadhaar/ VID (Virtual ID) /
c E-KYC Authentication
c Offline verification of Aadhaar
c Deemed Proof of Address - Document Type ________________________________________________________________________________
Address: Line 1* _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Line 2 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Line 3 ___________________________________________________ Landmark (If any) _____________________________________________
City /Town /Village* ____________________________________________________________________ District* _________________________
Pin Code*_______________________________ State/U.T*____________________________________ Country*_________________________

21312152957961 MANDATORY
4. CONTACT DETAILS (Please refer instruction C) (All communications will be sent on provided Mobile no. / Email-ID)
This section is “Not Applicable” for customers who are KRA complied or have provided consent for
KRA AADHAR NON KRA & NON AADHAR authenticating with UIDAI system.

Tel.(Res.) 9 1 S T D - Mobile 9 1 -
Tel.(Off.) 9 1 S T D - Fax 9 1 S T D -
E-mail ID.

In case if you wish to appoint “Authorised Representative” to your account please get in touch with your respective Relationship



l I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and I undertake to
inform you of any changes therein, immediately. In case any of the above information is found to be false or untrue or misleading
or misrepresenting, I am aware that I may be held liable for it.
l I hereby consent to receiving information from Central KYC Registry through SMS/Email on the above registered number/email
Client Signature (3rd Holder)
Place __________________________ c 3

Date __________________________

For Office Use Only

Application Type* c New c Update
KYC Number (Mandatory for KYC update request)
(To be filled by financial institution)

Acount Type* c Normal c Minor c Aadhaar OTP Based E-KYC (in non-face to face mode)
Document Received c Certified Copies c E-KYC data received from UIDAI
c Data received from Offline verification c Digital KYC Process
c Equivalent e-document c Video Based KYC

Check list to be verified by acquiring sales staff c Details Applicable for All Holders
Details Documents verified with original / Client Interviewed By / In-Person Verification done by

Name of the Employee / Authorised person

Employee Code / SEBI Reg. No. / AP Reg. No.
Name & Address of Branch/Franchisee/
Service Center
Designation of the Employee
Place of verification
Name of Institution Code of Institution Stamp
Kotak Securities Ltd. NSE Code - 08081 BSE Code - 673 MSE Code - 1024 Institution
MCX - 56285 NCDEX - 1262

216121 21312152957961
PART B: Trading & Demat Account details (Application No is accepted only if the Demat A/c is opened with Kotak Securities)

Account Type ✔ Ordinary Resident c Margin c Promoter c Foreign National c FPI c Others ____________________
In case of NRI/FN c RBI Approval Reference Number RBI Approval Date D D / M M / Y Y Y Y
Nature of A/C c Offline c
✔ Online (Internet Trading and Mobile Trading)
Sole/First Holder SUDARSHAN
First Name SUDHAKAR AHER Middle Name Last Name
PAN A O K P A 4 7 6 4 M

Second Holder First Name Middle Name Last Name


Third Holder First Name Middle Name Last Name


Depository A/c Details (Through which transactions will be routed)

✔ New DP c Existing DP *Please map the DP account to be opened vide aforesaid Application No. to this Trading Account (Application No is accepted only if the Demat A/c is opened
c with Kotak Securities)
Depository Name ✔ NSDL
c c CDSL DP ID I N 3 0 0 2 1 4
Depository Participant _________________________
Kotak Securities Ltd Beneficiary ID (BO ID)
Additional DP Details DP ID _______________________ Beneficiary ID _____________________
(For more, provide details on a separate DP Name____________________ Depository Name___________________
sheet in the format given above)

Declaration in lieu of PAN c I do not have PAN as I am not liable to obtain the same as per any provisions of the Income Tax

No. (U/s 139 Rule 114B) Act. (For instance in case of investors residing in Sikkim, SIP of mutual funds upto Rs. 50,000 p.a.).
Please sign in the relevant boxes where you wish to trade. The segment not choosen should be struck off by the client. If, in future, the client wants to trade on any new
Trading Preference segment / new exchange, separate authorization / letter should be taken from the client by the stock broker.

Segment Exchange
c c c c
Cash ✔ ✔ N.A N.A
c c c c
Equity F&O ✔ ✔ N.A N.A
c c c c
CDS ✔ ✔ N.A N.A
c c c c
Commodities F&O ✔ ✔
c c c c

SLBM ✔ ✔ N.A N.A

All of Above
Financial Proof Enclosed (Required for activation of derivatives Segement) c ITR c Form 16 c Annual Accounts c DP Statement c Salary Slip
c Networth Certificate c 6 Months Bank Statement c ✔ Others It willPlease Specify later
c✔ In case I have opted for derivatives segment, I hereby confirm and understand that said segment will be activated as and when my demat holdings value/
payments made by me in the form of cheque/funds transfer exceeds threshold as decided by KSL and updated on website at https://www.kotaksecurities.com/
ksweb/faqs/AC-Details/trading-account-activation from time to time. I am aware that same will be treated as Supporting document along with my self-declaration
for financial proof in order to activate derivatives segment. You can also submit the documents at the nearest KSL branch.
Kotak Securities Limited: AMFI-registered Mutual Fund Distributor
c✔ Activation of Mutual Fund Segment. Client who places the MF order under ‘Execution Only’ category agrees, confirms and understands as under;
I/we have read and understood the T&C, details, rules and regulations governing the scheme and content of the Scheme Information Document (SID) / Statement of Additional
information (SAI), Key Information Memorandum (KIM) etc. of the mutual fund schemes. I/we understand that KSL is a distributor of MF’s of various Asset Management
Companies (AMC’s) including Kotak Asset management Company Ltd which is a group company and is entitled to receive commission for the schemes of various MF’s as
distributor from various AMC’s. I/We shall abide and ensure compliance to all the T&C, circulars / notices issued by the Exchanges, AMC, SEBI, AMFI and any other laws in
force from time to time. I/We understand the risks involved in investing in MF Schemes and also confirm that order for the purchase /sale of units of MF scheme(s) shall be on
the basis of my/our own analysis and I/we shall be wholly responsible for all my/our investment decisions. Details of AMC’s for whom KSL is a distributor are given below on
our website under the link https://www.kotaksecurities.com/ksweb/mutual-funds. I/We hereby give you my/our consent to share/provide the transactions data feed/portfolio
holdings/NAV etc. in respect of my/our investments as required. I/we understand and acknowledge that Riskometer is a self-assessment of risk by the respective AMC and
Ver 13/21-22/070422

the needle of the riskometer points to the level of risk associated with the Mutual Fund. Investors can use the riskometer to choose schemes which are in sync with their risk
appetite. However, it is essential to note that although the riskometer can give an overall idea of the risk level, there are many factors involved that should be considered while
selecting a fund and a riskometer should not be the sole indicator. I/we understand that Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product
is suitable for them. KSL shall not be liable for any loss incurred pursuant to financial decisions taken by me/us. I/We will be solely responsible for the investment plans chosen
by me/us which may have varying levels of risk like low, low to moderate, moderate, moderately high, very high etc. and I/we shall independently evaluate all risks arising out
of the same keeping my/our investment objectives in mind.

216121 21312152957961
DIS Booklet (please tick any one) Option for issuance of DIS booklet alongwith account opening
(To be filled by persons seeking to open a depository account who have given Power of Attorney to operate the depository account to a stock broker/Participant/
Portfolio Manager and do not intend to open a Basic Services Demat Account)
c✔ I/We do not wish to receive the DIS booklet with account opening. However, the DIS booklet should be issued to me/us on my/our request at any later date.
c I/We wish to receive the Delivery Instruction Slip (DIS) booklet with account opening.

Mode of Receiving Statement of Account [Tick any one] c Physical Form ✔ Electronic Form
(Read note and ensure that email id is provided in KYC application form)
Note: For receiving Statement of Account in electronic form: I. Client must ensure the confidentiality of the password of the email account. II. Client must promptly inform the
Participant if the email address has changed. III. Client may opt to terminate this facility by giving 10 days prior notice. Similarly, Participant may also terminate this facility
by giving 10 days prior notice.

Past Actions
Details of any action/proceedings initiated/pending/ taken by SEBI/ Stock Exchange/any other authority against the applicant/ constituent
or authorized person in charge of dealing in securities during the last 3 years. c Yes ✔ No
If yes, provide details: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Dealings through Authorised person and Other Stock Brokers

• If client is dealing through the Authorised person, provide the following details:
Authorized person name __________________________________ SEBI Registration number _______________________________
Registered Office Address ___________________________________________________________________________________
Phone _________________________ Fax __________________- Website ___________________________________________
• Whether dealing with any other Stock Broker/Authorised person (if case dealing with multiple Stock Brokers/Authorised person, provide details of all)
Name of Stock Broker ____________________________ Name of Authorised person, if any __________________________________
Client Code ____________________________________ Exchange _________________________________________________
• Details of disputes/dues pending from/to such Stock Broker/Authorised person: c Yes ✔ No
If yes, _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Additional Details
• Whether you are an Investment Advisor registered with SEBI
c Yes c✔ No If yes, please provide SEBI Registration no. ____________________________________________________
• Whether you are an employee / authorised representative/clerk in the employment of another trading member?
c Yes c✔ No (If yes, attach the NOC of other trading member.)
• Preference for receiving Standard documents* c ✔ Electronic c Physical (In case your preference is ‘Physical’ then please ensure that
you receive the copy of Standard documents from sales person before account opening.)
*Standard documents includes Rights & Obligations document, Risk Disclosure document & Guidance Note.
(Ref: SEBI Cir. No. : CIR/MIRSD/64/2016 dated July12, 2016)
• Whether you are Member / Authorised person / Remisier of any Exchange: c Yes ✔ No
If yes, please provide SEBI Reg. Number ________________________________________________________________
• Whether you wish to receive Physical Contract Note or Electronic Contract Note (ECN)
c Physical c ✔ Electronic Specify your Email Id
sudarshanaher1@gmail.com Same as mentioned in Part A

Other Details
First Holder
The Mobile No. mentioned on Part A belongs to c
✔ Self c Spouse c Dependant Children c Dependant Parent
Name of the relative ___________________________________________________ PAN
The Email ID mentioned on Part A belongs to ✔ Self
c c Spouse c Dependant Children c Dependant Parent
Name of the relative ___________________________________________________ PAN
Second Holder
The Mobile No. mentioned on Part A belongs to c Self c Spouse c Dependant Children c Dependant Parent
Name of the relative ___________________________________________________ PAN
The Email ID mentioned on Part A belongs to c Self c Spouse c Dependant Children c Dependant Parent
Name of the relative ___________________________________________________ PAN
Third Holder
The Mobile No. mentioned on Part A belongs to c Self c Spouse c Dependant Children c Dependant Parent
Name of the relative ___________________________________________________ PAN
The Email ID mentioned on Part A belongs to c Self c Spouse c Dependant Children c Dependant Parent
Name of the relative ___________________________________________________ PAN
Ver 13/21-22/070422

Standing Instructions
• I/We authorise you to receive credits automatically into my/our account. Yes c No ✔
• Account to be operated through Power of Attorney (PoA) Yes c No ✔
• For Joint accounts, communication to be sent to (Refer note 16 on page 15) c First holder c All joint account holders

216119 21312152957961
Other Details - 1st Holder Gross Annual Income Details (please specify):
Income Range per annum FBelow `1 lac ✔
F` 1-5 lac F` 5 -10 lac F` 10 -25 lac FMore than ` 25 lac
Net-worth in ` (Net worth should
not be older than 1 year) as on 2D 4D / M
0 M
7 / 2Y 0Y 2
Y 2Y

FPolitically Exposed Person *(PEP)

Please tick, if applicable ✔
FRelated to a Politically Exposed Person *(PEP)

Any other information ______________________________________________________________________


Other Details - 2nd Holder Gross Annual Income Details (please specify):
Income Range per annum FBelow `1 lac F` 1-5 lac F` 5 -10 lac F` 10 -25 lac FMore than ` 25 lac
Net-worth in ` (Net worth should
not be older than 1 year) as on D D / M M / Y Y Y Y

FPolitically Exposed Person *(PEP)

Please tick, if applicable FNone
FRelated to a Politically Exposed Person *(PEP)

Any other information ______________________________________________________________________


Other Details -3rd Holder Gross Annual Income Details (please specify):
Income Range per annum FBelow `1 lac F` 1-5 lac F` 5 -10 lac F` 10 -25 lac FMore than ` 25 lac
Net-worth in ` (Net worth should
not be older than 1 year) as on D D / M M / Y Y Y Y

FPolitically Exposed Person *(PEP)

Please tick, if applicable FNone
FRelated to a Politically Exposed Person *(PEP)

Any other information ______________________________________________________________________


SMS Alert facility Mandatory if you are giving Power of Attorney (POA). Ensure that the mobile number is provided in the KYC Application Form

Sole/First Holder ✔Yes

F FNo Second Holder FYes FNo Third Holder FYes FNo

Bank Details
Account Type ✔
FSaving FCurrent Bank Account No. 30849082736


Bank Name _______________________________________________ CRN No. _________________________
Branch Address ____________________________________________________________________________

Pin _______________ FPl Chq leaf FNon - PL Chq leaf with Pass-book copy / Bank statement

IFSC Code ___________________ 400002169
MICR No. _____________________
City ________________________ State ____________________________ Country _______________________
Ver 3/18-19/271119

Nature of Account ✔
FSingle FJoint

Joint Account Holders (if any) 1 ____________________ 2 ______________________

*Politically Exposed Persons (PEP) are defined as individuals who are or have been entrusted with prominent public functions in a foreign country, e.g., Heads of States or of Governments, senior
politicians, senior Government/judicial/military officers, senior executives of state owned corporations, important political party officials, etc.

216119 21312152957961
Information About Investment Experience
Number of years of
Investment/Trading Experience 5-10 Years

Educational Experience ✔
FNon Graduate FGraduate FPost Graduate FProfessionally Qualified FOther______

Name of Employer (if Employed)

Name of Establishment (if self Nature of Business _________________
employed/business/professional others)

Office Address _______________________________________________________________________

City _________________ State ___________________ Pin ______________

Demat Account Service (please tick any one)

Option to avail BSDA ✔ I/We wish to open regular demat account.
(Applicable only to individual accounts) FI/We wish to open BSDA account*
*BSDA - Basic Services Demat Account is a facility with limited services for individuals eligible as per the SEBI guidelines. For more details, please refer SEBI circular No. CIR/MRD/
DP/22/2012 dated August 27, 2012 and SEBI Circular No. CIR/MRD/DP/20/2015 dated December 11, 2015.

Guardian Details (where Demat sole holder is minor)

For account of a minor, two KYC Application Forms must be filled i.e. one for the guardian and another for the minor (to be signed by guardian)

Guardian Name First Name Middle Name Last Name

PAN Relationship of guardian with minor _____________________________________

Introducer Details
FIntroducer ✔
FSelf Introduced FIntroduced by others (If introduced by others please fill up below details)

Name of Introducer Surname Name Middle Name

Address of Introducer
Employee/Authorised person/Remisier/Authorised Person/Existing client Introducer’s Signature
Status of Introducer I
Others, Please specify

Tel. No. of Introducer

Disclosure and noting of member’s pro account trading

I/We confirm that l/we have made note that Kotak Securities Ltd. trades in its OWN/PRO account in National Stock Exchange of India
Limited (NSE), Bombay Stock Exchange Limited (BSE) and Metropolitan Stock Exchange of India Limited (MSE).
1. I/We hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief and l/we undertake
to inform you of any changes therein, immediately. In case any of the above information is found to be false or untrue or misleading or
misrepresenting, I am/we are aware that l/we may be held liable for it.
2. I/We confirm having received and read/been explained and understood the contents of the document on policy and procedures of the stock
broker and the tariff sheet.
3. I/We further confirm having received/read and understood the contents of the ‘Rights and Obligations’ document(s), of stock broker/
Authorised person & clients and Rights And Obligations of beneficial owner and depository participant, ‘Risk Disclosure Document’
‘Additional risk disclosure documents’ for options and ‘Guidance Note’ including commodities, ‘Rights And Obligations of the Clearing
Member/Participant and its client in relation to the Securities Lending And Borrowing Scheme’, ‘Additional risk/obligation/liability statement
in case of trading through wireless technology/Smart Order Routing/Mutual Funds on Exchange platform’, ‘FAQ on Anti Money laundering
(AML)’ and nomination. I/We do hereby agree to be bound by such provisions as outlined in these documents. I/We have also been informed
that the standard set of documents has been displayed for Information on Company’s designated website www.kotaksecurities.com at http://
4. The rules and regulations of the Depository and Depository Participants pertaining to an account which are in force now have been read by
me/us and l/we have understood the same and l/we agree to abide by and to be bound by the rules as are in force from time to time for
such accounts.
5. I/We understand that I can submit either of the following document copy as an address proof for registration.
a. Voter ID Card, b. Driving License, c. Passport, d. Aadhaar Card, e. Utility Bills etc. I willingly give my consent to Kotak Securities Limited to
Ver 3/18-19/271119

accept copy of my Aadhaar card and proceed with the referred application.
Client Signature (1st Holder) Client Signature (2nd Holder) Client Signature (3rd Holder)
c c c
This document is digitally signed.
4 4 4
13 9 9

Please refer to Annexure A for digital


Note: You can view the copies of your executed client registration form (KYC) and other documents on www.kotaksecurities.com from 5.00 pm to 8.00 am post login to your account or you will
receive the copies of Client Registration Form and other documents executed by you along with welcome letter, as per your preference. It is your responsibility to check, scrutinize the said forms and
documents and intimate discrepancies, if any to KSL immediately.

Multiple Nomination Form
I / We wish to make a nomination. [As per details given below]
Nomination Details
I / We wish to make a nomination and do hereby nominate the following person(s) who shall receive all the assets held in my / our account in the event
of my / our death.
Nomination can be made upto three Details of 1st Nominee Details of 2nd Nominee Details of 3rd Nominee
nominees in the account.
1 Name of the nominee(s) (Mr./Ms.)
2 Share Equally % % %
of each [ lf not equally, Please
Any odd lot after division shall be transferred to the first nominee mentioned in the form.
Nominee specify Percentage ]
3 Relationship with the Applicant (If Any)
4 Address of Nominee(s)
City / Place :
State & Country :
PIN Code
5 Mobile/ Telephone No. of nominee(s)
6 Email ID of nominee(s)
7 Nominee Identification details :
[Please tick any one of following and provide
details of same]
c Photograph & Signature c PAN
c Aadhaar c Saving Bank account No.
c Proof of Identity c Demat Account lD
Sr. Nos. 8-14 should be filled only if nominee(s) is a minor:
8 Date of Birth {in case of minor
9 Name of Guardian (Mr./ Ms.)
{in case of minor nominee(s)}
10 Address of Guardian(s)
City / Place :
State & Country :
PIN Code
11 Mobile/ Telephone No. of Guardian(s)
12 Email ID of Guardian(s)
13 Relationship of Guardian with
14 Guardian Identification details
[Please tick any one of following and provide
details of same]
Photograph & Signature c PAN

c Aadhaar c Saving Bank account No.

c Proof of Identity c Demat Account lD

Name(s) of holder(s) Signature(s) of holder

Sole / First Holder (Mr./Ms.) C

Second Holder (Mr./Ms.) 2

Third Holder (Mr./Ms.) 3

Signature of Witness for Nomination incase the account holder affixes thumb impression, instead of signature.
Name of the Witness Address of the Witness Signature of the Witness


Declaration Form for opting out of nomination
Client IDs (only for Demat account)
Name(s) of holder(s)
Second Holder Name
Third Holder Name

c I / We hereby confirm that I / We do not wish to appoint any nominee(s) in my / our trading / demat account and understand the
issues involved in non-appointment of nominee(s) and further are aware that in case of death of all the account holder(s), my / our legal
heirs would need to submit all the requisite documents / information for claiming of assets held in my / our trading / demat account,
which may also include documents issued by Court or other such competent authority, based on the value of assets held in the trading /
demat account.

Signature(s) of holder
Sole / First Holder (Mr./Ms.) C This document is digitally signed.Please refer to Annexure A for digital Signature
Second Holder (Mr./Ms.) 2

Third Holder (Mr./Ms.) 3

Signature of Witness incase the account holder affixes thumb impression, instead of signature.
Name of the Witness Address of the Witness Signature of the Witness

Notes :
1. The nomination can be made only by individuals holding beneficiary owner accounts on their own behalf singly or jointly. Non- individuals including
society, trust, body corporate, partnership firm and Hindu Undivided Family, holder of power of attorney cannot nominate. If the account is held jointly, all
joint holders will sign the nomination form.
2. A minor can be nominated. In that event, the name and address of the Guardian of the minor nominee shall be provided by the beneficial owner.
3. Only individual / natural person(s) can be a nominee(s). The Nominee(s) shall not be artificial person created/dressed by the law or by a fiction such as
trust, society, body corporate, partnership firm, Hindu Undivided Family., etc. A non-resident Indian can be a Nominee, subject to the exchange controls
in force, from time to time.
4. Nomination in respect of the beneficiary owner account stands rescinded upon closure of the beneficiary owner account. Similarly, the nomination in
respect of the securities shall stand terminated upon transfer of the securities.
5. Transfer of securities in favour of a Nominee(s) shall be valid discharge by the depository and the Participant against the legal heir.
6. The cancellation of nomination can be made by individuals only holding beneficiary owner accounts on their own behalf singly or jointly by the same
persons who made the original nomination. Non- individuals including society, trust, body corporate partnership firm and Hindu Undivided Family, holder
of power of attorney cannot cancel the nomination. If the beneficiary owner account is held jointly, all joint holders will sign the cancellation form.
7. On cancellation of the nomination, the nomination shall stand rescinded and the depository shall not be under any obligation to transfer the securities in
favour of the Nominee(s).
8. Nomination can be made upto three nominees in a demat account. In case of multiple nominees, the Client must specify the percentage of share for
each nominee that shall total upto hundred percent. In the event of the beneficiary owner not indicating any percentage of allocation/share for each of
the nominees, the default option shall be to settle the claims equally amongst all the nominees.
9. On request of Substitution of existing nominees by the beneficial owner, the earlier nomination shall stand rescinded. Hence, details of nominees as
mentioned in the FORM 10 at the time of substitution will be considered. Therefore, please mention the complete details of all the nominees.
10. Copy of any proof of identity must be accompanied by original for verification or duly attested by any entity authorized for attesting the documents, as
provided in Annexure D.
11. Savings bank account details shall only be considered if the account is maintained with the same participant.
12. DP ID and client ID shall be provided where demat details is required to be provided.
13. This nomination shall supersede any prior nomination made by the account holder(s), if any.
14. The Trading Member / Depository Participant shall provide acknowledgement of the nomination form to the account holder(s)


Address : Kotak Infinity, 8th floor, Building No 21, Infinity Park, Off Western Express Highway,
Gen A.K. Vaidya Marg, Malad (E), Mumbai - 400097. Tel - 91-22-4285 6825

Additional details for clients opting for commodity (Individuals)

Commodity Client Type :

 Individual  NRI PMS Clients  Eligible Foreign Entity (EFE-I)-Individuals

Commodity Client Category: (For details please refer description on page no. 2)
 Physical Commodity Trader  Processor/Miller  ✔ Retail – Individual  Farmer  Foreign Portfolio Investor-1
 Foreign Portfolio Investor-2  High Networth Individuals

Field Name Description Please tick relevant boxes for your categarization against commodities in which
you wish to trade.
Others - apart from
Value Chain Foreign Others -
Field Name Farmers Retail Individuals
Participant (VCPs) Participant Retail Individuals
(please specify)
Or ✔
 I declare that I am categorized under option ‘Others’ for each of the commodity mentioned above.
Client Name & Signature
This document is digitally
EFE (Eligible foreign entity) - signed.Please refer to Annexure
If EFE ‘YES’ Please mention LEI (Legal entity identification)__________________ A for digital Signature


Client Category : Description :
Farmers/FPOs It includes participants such as farmers, farmers’ cooperatives, Famers Pro-
ducers Organisations (FPOs) and such entities of like nature. FPO / Farmers
consists of collectivization of Producers especially small and marginal farmers

Value chain participants (VCPs) It includes participants such as Processors, Commercial users as Dal and Flour
Millers, Importers, Exporters, Physical Market Traders, Stockists, Cash & Carry
participants, Produces, SMEs/MSMEs & Wholesalers etc., but exclude farm-
Foreign participants It includes participants such as Eligible Foreign Entities (EFEs), NRIs etc. which
are allowed to trade in commodity derivatives markets.

Others All other participants which cannot be classified in the above categories.

Physical Commodity Trader Traders who trade in physical market such as Stockiest, Cash & Carry partici-
pants, Wholesalers, Importers, Exporters etc.
Processor/ Miller Involved in Processing of commodities such as Dal & Flour millers, Sugar mill-
ers, Oil processors
Retail Individual Clients who does not fall in any category

c I opt in to participate in Kotak Securities Ltd (KSL) “Trading and Settlement Awareness Program (TSAP)” where I may receive one unit of Gold ETF
in my account, at no addition cost/charges to me. This is being done for settlement awareness and my familiarization of the process. I understand
that KSL may purchase the said ETF, at KSL’s own discretion, within a period of 90 days (Or as decided by Kotak Securities) from the date of
account opening. In case I submit an account closure request subsequently at any point of time, I authorize KSL to sell the said ETF at the prevalent
market rate to facilitate my closure request.”

✔ “I do not wish to be part of the above offer and do not wish to purchase an unit of the said ETF.

Signature of Account Holder

c 16
This document is digitally
signed.Please refer to
Annexure A for digital


Trade Free
Product Name:

I, hereby, consent to the following charges:

Account Opening Fee - Inclusive of GST
Subscription Fee - 0 Exclusive of GST
Initial Cash Margin - 0

Brokerage Rates:

Cash Equity Derivative Currency Derivative Commodity Derivative

Segment Segment Segment Segment
Delivery Intraday Futures Options Futures Options Futures Options
0.25% Rs.0 Rs.0 Rs.0 Rs.0 Rs.0 Rs.0 Rs.0

Interest rates:
Description Interest Rates
Stock used as Margin 16.99 % p.a. for derivative trades (For non-cash collateral limits used ab
Margin Trading Facility1 (MTF) 12.49% per annum
For Delayed Payments 17.99% per annum
Interest would be charged on a monthly basis. Kindly refer our website for information on Margin Trading Facility (MTF)

Terms & Conditions:

1.Minimum brokerage of Rs. 20 per executed order will be charged for Equity Delivery transactions.
2.Brokerage of Rs.20 per order will be charged for all Derivative, Currency and Commodity Carry-forward transactions.
3.Expiry/ exercise or assignment trades will be charged Rs. 20 per executed order.
4.Additional brokerage of Rs. 50 per executed order will be charged for orders placed through dealers/ customer service executives and
trades squared off by Kotak Securities.
5.Processing fee for Securities Lending & Borrowing Mechanism (SLBM) will be 15% of lending & borrowing fee, subject to minimum of
10 paise per share.
6.For all free intraday trades, a nominal charge of 1 paisa per scrip/underlying will apply.
7.Brokerage will not exceed the rates specified by SEBI and the Exchanges.
8.STT, CTT, GST and all other applicable exchange/ regulatory/ statutory charges/ taxes will be levied as per applicable rates.

For Office Use Only:

DP Rate Product Cash Derivative Currency Commodity
Signature of account holder
Code Code
This document is digitally signed. Please
refer to Annexure A for digital Signature.
OV MI 20113 66531 66531 2815

POLICIES & PROCEDURE FOR CLIENT DEALINGS brokerage rate shall be within the permissible limit set by SEBI/Exchanges
(currently the same is 2.5% of turnover).
A. Refusal of orders/restrictions on trading in penny stocks and illiquid
stocks: D. Imposition of penalty/interest on debit balance:
We define penny stocks as those stocks where the market price is below or close KSL requires all its clients to make the payment towards outstanding arising out
to par, with the company financials being weak with indicators such as loss, of trades and/ or ancillary services availed by the client on or before due date.
accumulated losses, low sales revenue, low or negative net worth, signs of In case of outstanding in account, penal interest will be levied on the client to deter
inactivity in the company, which are having very less value. KSL may from time to them from delaying the payment in future. The company may determine the rate of
time identify such stocks and put trading restriction on the trades in such penny interest to be charged, at its sole discretion and same will be communicated in
stocks. In addition to these stocks KSL may also include other stocks in the list of debit note sent to the clients. KSL may reduce the interest rate at its sole
restricted stocks such as stocks in Z category, Trade to Trade Settlement or TS discretion and revised interest rate will be communicated through email and or
category, the scrips which are included in the list of illiquid scrips by the SMS and will be reflected in the debit notes. However, any increase in rate of
exchange/s or any other scrip which KSL deem fit for the purpose putting trading interest from the rate of interest previously charged to the client will be done with
restriction. advance notice of 15 days to the client. Interest will be calculated considering
The restriction on above stocks may be as to the price, quantity or mode of balance lying across all exchange and segment on any given day.
placement of orders. Accordingly KSL reserves the right to disable certain scrips Margins provided by the client in the form of funds and or securities shall be
for trading on online trading facility/ Authorised Person/branch trading terminals interest free and KSL shall not be liable to pay any interest on the same. Any
or put quantity or price restrictions while putting trade orders. In such case, client amounts which are overdue from the Client towards trading either in the cash or
may be allowed to place the trades subject to certain restrictions, through KSL’s derivative segments or on account of any other services availed by the client
centralized dealing desk after enhanced due diligence of the orders. including depository services among the other services etc from KSL will be
In case of clients using Internet trading facility, they may not find the scrip name or charged interest on debit balance at the rate mentioned as per Tariff Sheet/
may not be able to place any order in the scrip, if such scrip is one of the restricted Charges for Other Services or such other rate as may be determined by KSL. KSL
scrips. A client can enquire with KSL’s dealer or customer service executive about will directly debit the same to the account of the Client at the end of each month.
any trading restriction on any scrip.
The above referred restrictions are placed on the trading activities of the client as E. The right to sell clients’ securities or close clients’ positions, without
these stocks are exposed to price rigging and other market manipulative giving notice to the client, on account of nonpayment of client’s dues
activities. Further, KSL as a member of the stock exchanges is expected to have (This shall be limited to settlement/margin obligation/debit balance
proper surveillance and monitoring mechanism on the trading activities of their of client)
clients, particularly on penny and illiquid scrips. In accordance with SEBI circular dated June 20, 2019 and subsequent FAQs
Clients may note that KSL shall have right to reject the orders placed by the Client issued by the exchanges on handling of client’s Securities, KSL require to
and/or put circuit breakers to discourage trades getting executed at unrealistic transfer the client’s securities received in payout to client’s demat account
prices from the current market price of the security or prohibit the Client from within one working day. In case the securities received in payout are not paid in
trading in illiquid securities which creates artificial liquidity or manipulates prices full, then KSL may retain transfer those securities in “Client Unpaid Securities
or to discourage Client from cross/ synchronized trading and KSL shall not be Account (CUSA)” or transfer those securities to the client’s demat account in
liable for any loss arising out of non acceptance or rejection of the Client orders for accordance with Risk Management (RMS) policy of KSL.
any such reason if the Client fails to give sufficient reason for placing such orders. As per the RMS policy, in case the client has not provided POA on demat account in
favour of KSL, then in the normal course of business, the securities purchased by
B. Setting up client’s exposure limits : the client would be transferred to CUSA and once the dues in the client’s account
KSL may from time to time at its sole discretion, impose and vary the limits on the are cleared the securities will be transferred to the client’s designated demat
orders that client can place through it (including but not limited to exposure limits, account. In case of nonpayment of dues, securities may be disposed off within 5
turnover limits, limits as to number, value and/kind of securities/ contracts in trading days from the date of payout and any excess securities, would be
respect of which buy or sell orders can be placed). KSL may need to vary or reduce transferred to the client’s designated demat account.
the limits or impose new limits urgently on the basis of its risk perception and Further, in case the client has provided POA in favour of KSL on the client’s demat
other factors considered relevant and KSL will make all necessary attempts to account, KSL may transfer the securities purchased by the client, in the client’s
inform clients of such changes. designated demat account on the settlement day despite outstanding dues, if any.
Further KSL may as risk containment measure at any time at its sole discretion Such purchases also include the securities purchased under Margin Trading
and without prior notice, prohibit or restrict the client’s ability to place the orders facility, if any. All securities available in such POA account are considered as
or trade in all of some of securities/ contracts through member. The exposure margin. KSL reserves the right to pledge / transfer the securities from such DP
limits are generally based on the availability of the accounts to KSL’s own accounts and / or also liquidate the same in case of any
margin in the client’s account. Margin may be in the form of funds and /or in the margin requirement / to settle the dues arising from time to time.
form of securities with KSL. The client shall be permitted to trade upto a pre- The liquidation of securities would be based on various parameters including but
determined number of times of the margin (the “Multiple”) and the quantum of the not limited to liquidity, volatility, categorisation, concentration, or any single
Multiple on the margin shall be decided at sole discretion of KSL. stock or set of stocks that has value close to the amount outstanding, or based on
any corporate action that is getting triggered in the stocks held or events that
C. Applicable brokerage rate:
could trigger price fluctuation in any particular sector or a particular company.
Brokerage will be charged to the client based on the brokerage rates specified in
KSL may in its sole discretion, determine the day, time of sell and which securities
the account opening form or as per the product/ scheme opted by the client from
to be liquidated and / or which open position/s is / are to be closed out.
time to time. Brokerage chargeable to the client will also be communicated to the
Without prejudice to other rights (including the right to refer a matter to
client through the welcome letter sent at time of account opening. Based on the
arbitration), KSL would be entitled to liquidate/close out without any notice all or
value of business done by the client and risk perception, KSL may reduce the
any of the client’s position for non payment of margins or other amounts,
brokerage rate at its sole discretion. Such changed/reduced brokerage terms will
outstanding debts etc. and adjust the proceeds of such liquidation/close out, if
be communicated through the relationship manager/email communication and /
any, against the clients liability/ obligations. Any and all losses and financial
or amount will be reflected in the contract notes for future trades. However, any
charges on account of such liquidation/closing out shall be charged to and borne
increase in brokerage rate either be done with the consent of the client in writing
by the client.
or at the discretion of KSL by giving 15 days advance notice to the client. The
Company on best effort basis will try and inform the client and

216119 21312152957961
give him reasonable time for payment. However it will be the Under following circumstances a client may not be allowed to take
responsibility of client to track his margins/ obligations by going further position and if required the existing position in his account
through margin statements sent to the client on daily basis. may be also be closed:
The client shall be responsible to track his shortfall daily on • If there is a continuous debit Balance in client’s account.
real time and clear such shortfall, if any, arising in his account. • If there is insufficient margin in client’s account required to
Notwithstanding hereinabove, KSL shall be entitled to liquidate/ maintain his open position.
close out all or any of the client’s positions without any notice • If client is not responding satisfactorily to the Company /
to the client during market hours in case the Client fails to pro- regulatory enquiry on trades undertaken by him explaining the
vide required margin and/or any other payment or if there is any rationale for transactions or fails to provide documents to
substantial/complete erosion of margin due to volatility in the prove beneficial ownership of shares, submit proof of income/
market. On substantial/complete erosion of margin due to Net worth etc.
any reason whatsoever, the decision of KSL shall be final and • If there is an order by SEBI or any other appropriate author-
binding on the client. The stock broker may exercise all or any ity debarring the client from dealing in securities market or an
of the above rights in such manner as the stock broker thinks order to suspend/seize client’s account.
appropriate, without demand for additional margin, security or • In case the scrip or member limits are breached or likely to be
collateral, or advance notice or advertisement, on any exchange breached in the Derivatives Market Segment.
or other market where such business can be transacted, at a • In case of dormant/inactive account and
public auction or by private sale and the stock broker may be the • At the discretion of the company by giving written notice to the
purchaser / seller for its own account. The giving of any prior client.
demand, call or notice shall not be considered as a waiver of
the stock broker’s right to exercise its rights without any such H. Temporarily suspending or closing a client’s account at
demand, call or notice. The client agrees that in case of high market the client’s request :
volatility, the stock broker may require the client to pay instanta- A client can request for temporary suspending or for permanent
neous margins in addition to the margins that may have already closing his account. For permanent closure, client has to give a
been paid by the client as per margin calls. The client agrees that notice of one month and clear the dues, if any, in his account.
the stock broker may be compelled to do so in such circumstances Client account may be suspended by the company at any time:
of market volatility, in absence of the payment of the said instan- 1. On directions received from any regulatory authorities.
taneous margins by the client, Square-off all or any Outstand- 2. If client is not responding to the queries raised by the company
ing Positions, prevent any new orders from being placed and / or related to his trade activities.
executed by the client or take such other action as the stock 3. If there is not a single active demat account linked to trading
broker thinks fit and proper. The client agrees that the stock broker account.
may in exceptional circumstances be compelled to Square-off all or 4. Due to any other non compliance observed in the account.
any Outstanding margin/ Positions or prevent any new orders from I. Deregistering a client :
being placed and / or executed by the client or take such other ac- Notwithstanding anything to the contrary stated in the arrange-
tion as the stock broker thinks fit and proper, even without calling ment, KSL shall be entitled to terminate the arrangement with
for the payment by the client, of the aforesaid instantaneous mar- immediate effect in any of the following circumstances:
gins by the client. i) If the action of the client are prima facie illegal improper or
In case the payment of margin/security is made by the client such as to manipulate the price of any securities or disturb the
through a bank instrument, KSL shall be at liberty to give the normal/proper functioning of securities either alone or in con-
benefit/credit for the same only on completion of bank junction with others;
reconciliation and realization of the fund from the said bank instru- ii) If there is commencement of any legal proceedings against the
ment etc., at its absolute discretion. Where the margin/security is client under any law in force;
made available by way of securities or in any other acceptable form, iii) On the death/lunacy or other disability of the client;
KSL is empowered to decline its acceptance as margin/security and/ iv) If the client being a partnership firm, steps taken by the client
or to accept it at such reduced value as the stock broker may deem and/or its partners for dissolution of the partnership;
fit by applying haircuts at the rate prescribed by Exchange or by v) If the client suffers any adverse material change in his/her/ its
valuing it by marking it to market or by any other method as it may financial position or defaults in any other/arrangement with
deem fit in its absolute discretion. KSL;
KSL has the right but not obligation, to cancel all pending orders vi) If there is reasonable apprehension that the client is unable to
and to sell/close/liquidate all open position/securities/ shares at the pay its debts or the client has admitted its inability to pay its
pre-defined square off time or when mark to market percentage debts, as they become payable;
reaches or crosses stipulated margin percentage, whichever is ear- vii) If the client is in breach of any terms, condition or covenant of
lier. KSL will have sole discretion to decide referred stipulated mar- this arrangement;
gin percentage depending upon the market condition. In the event viii) If the client has made any material misrepresentation of facts,
of such square off, the client agrees to bear all the losses based on including (without limitation) in relation to the security;
actual executed prices. The client shall also be solely liable for all ix) If a receiver, administrator or liquidator has been appointed or
and any penalties and charges levied by the exchange (s). allowed to be appointed of all or any part of the undertaking of
F. Shortages in obligations arising out of internal netting the client;
of trades: x) If the client have taken or suffered to be taken any action for its
KSL as member of the exchange delivers / receives reorganization, liquidation or dissolution;
securities to/from the clearing corporation on net obligation basis in xi) If the client has voluntarily or compulsorily become the sub-
respect of a settlement. In such a process, if a client, who has sold ject of proceedings under any bankruptcy or insolvency law or
securities, short delivers the securities, which are to be delivered to being a company, goes into liquidation or has a receiver ap-
another client of KSL, who has bought the same security, it is treat- pointed in respect of its assets or refers itself to the Board of
ed as internal shortage of securities. In case of internal shortages Industrial and Financial Reconstruction or under any other law
on pay in day, KSL will endeavor to buy the shares from the market providing protection as a relief undertaking;
on the payin day or on the next working day on behalf of the client xii) If the covenant or warranty of the client is incorrect or untrue in
who has delivered short and deliver the same to the client who has any material respect;
Ver 3/18-19/271119

bought them. The client who has delivered short will be debited xiii) On the order from the appropriate authority;
with the rate at which the shares were purchased or the rate at xiv) In accordance with the provisions of arrangement entered into
which the said shares were sold by him, whichever is higher. In case with the client.
KSL is unable to buy the securities as stated above, the transaction J. Policy on inactive (dormant) Account:
shall be closed-out. In order to protect the account of customer, KSL will deactivate the
G. Conditions under which a client may not be allowed trading accounts of the client, which are identified as “Dormant”
to take further position or the broker may close the on the date of review. Dormant account will be the account where
existing position of a client: there has been no trade for more than 2 years as on the review

216119 21312152957961
date. However in case the account satisfies any one of the follow- on the website of the Company.
ing conditions, the account will not be marked as dormant even Additional Risk/Obligation/Liability Statement in the
though there has been no trading activity fora period of 2 years case of trading through Wireless Technology/Smart
before review date Order Routing
a) Client has brought in Funds/ Stocks in mapped DP account in These terms contained in the present are in addition to and concur-
last 6 months rent with the terms of Rights and Obligation prescribed the Secu-
b) Logged into online trading platform in last 6 months (Only for rities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) wide its circular dated
Online Clients) August 22, 2011 as amended from time to time and letter contain-
c) Updated any client Master detail in last 6 months. Clients will ing additional voluntary terms and conditions. Following are the
be given advance notice before deactivation of the account. In additional features, risks, responsbilities, obligations and liabilities
case any client requests for keeping the account active, deac- associated with the securities trading using wireless technology,
tivation of account will be withheld. Once the account is de- Smart order Routing applicable to CLIENTS who wish to avail any
activated, the customer will not be able to place any orders in such facilities from the Stock Broker/MEMBER.
any trade segments. Client can get his account reactivated by
following any of the below process after due authentication: Securities Trading using Wireless Technologies (STWT)
- Call / SMS our Customer Service Executive from registered Tel- 1) The CLIENT agrees that the MEMBER shall not be liable or re-
ephone Number sponsible for non-execution of the orders of the CLIENT due
- Write an E-mail from registered E-mail ID to any link/system failure at the CLIENT/MEMBERS/EXCHANGE
- Submit physical letter of request for reactivation at any of our end.
branches. Funds and securities would be settled as per the 2) The Stock Exchange may cancel a trade suo-moto without giv-
settlement frequency chosen by the client. In case of interim ing any reason thereof. In the event of such cancellation, MEM-
request received from the client for release of funds/securities BER shall be entitled to cancel relative contract(s) with CLIENT.
before due date of running account settlement, the funds and/ 3) The information regarding order and trade confirmation shal be
or securities will be released only after Reactivation procedure provided on the device of the CLIENT in case of securities trad-
is completed as mentioned above. ing through the use of wireless technology.
4) The CLIENT is aware that as it may not be possible to give de-
K. Penal charges that may be debited to the Client’s account: tailed information on transactions/ledger/contract note etc. to
KSL reserves the right to debit client’s ledger for any penal charges the CLIENT on a hand held device e.g. mobile phones etc. mini-
that may be charged by the Exchanges/ depositories on KSL on the mum information would be given with address of the internet
client level for any default/ violation of Exchange guidelines / re- website/web page where detailed information would be avail-
quirement soccurring due to omission or commission of any act on able
the part of the client. Smart order Routing Facility (SOR)
This may include penalty for: - 1) The CLIENT is aware that SOR is available for online customers
- Short delivery of securities - Shortfall in Margin payment and the MEMBER shall route orders using this facility in a neu-
- Violation of client level - Client code modification position lim- tral manner.
its KSL shall have the right to recover such charges like any 2) The MEMBER has explained and the client has understood the
othertrade dues payable by the client and recover the same by best execution policy as mentioned below and its features for
selling his securities. SOR facility.
L. Third party funds and securities: Best Execution Policy for Smart Order Routing:
In accordance with SEBI circular dated August 27,2003, KSL Best Execution Policy sets forth policy and execution methodology
requires all its clients to make payout of funds and securities from for execution of orders for securities listed on a securities exchange
the account held in their name towards their settlement and margin within India and on specific client instruction regarding execution,
obligation. Similarly, payout of funds will be made in client’s name trading member shall endeavor to execute that order in accordance
and securities will be transferred only to demat account held in cli- with the following principle:
ent’s name and registered with KSL. Proofs regarding account being I. MEMBER shall permit Smart Order option in cash segment only.
held in client’s name i.e. copy of cheque book/bank statement in Smart order facility will not be available for After Market Or-
case of funds and copy of DP master in case of securities needs to be ders.
provided by the client. Receipt of funds/securities will be accepted ii. Using Smart Order, the CLIENT may place market order after
only from these accounts. clearance of all the risk management validations set by the
Payment made from any other account will be treated as “third MEMBER.
party”. In no circumstance, third party funds and securities will be iii. For market order, system shall send the orders to the Exchanges
accepted towards settlement and/or margin obligation. In case, KSL based on the available market depth. The order placed by the
observes that payment of funds or securities towards payin/mar- CLIENT will be splitted and sent to the Exchange where there is
gin obligation has been met from third party account, KSL reserves best rate available for a particular quantity. If prices are equal
right not to give credit of funds/ securities to client/reverse the credit in available Exchange then quantity will be the priority and sys-
given and return the same to the source account from where funds/ tem will place order on the Exchange where total quantity is
securities were received. Client will be solely liable on account of maximum for that order type.
any shortfall in meeting payin/margin obligation in this regard. 3) The CLIENT is aware that the trading member shall carry out
Wherever, client gives POA on demat account to KSL, KSL treats appropriate validation of all risk parameters before the orders
the securities lying in the account as securities margin. Therefore, are placed through the SOR system.
client needs to ensure that only securities belonging to the client 4) In case the CLIENT has availed Smart Order Routing facility he
are retained in the account and appropriate proof regarding pur- shall select the type of order he wishes to use for a particular
chase/gift etc. needs to be provided to KSL. In absence of the same, trade.
KSL reserves right to transfer the securities to source account from 5) The MEMBER shall ensure that alternative mode of trading sys-
where securities were transferred to POA demat account. In case cli- tem for eg. Call and trade facility etc. is available in case of
ent transfers securities to POA account from third party account and failure of Smart Order Routing facility.
sells the securities, KSL reserves the right to withhold the payout till 6) The MEMBER shall maintain logs of all activities to facilitate
client obtains NOC from the account holder from whose account audit trail.
Ver 3/18-19/271119

shares were transferred for sale. 7) The client shall also abide to the terms and conditions as may
be communicated regarding SOR facility from time to time or as
Kindly note that the updated policies shall be available is published on the website of the MEMBER.
Client Signature (1st Holder) Client Signature (2nd Holder) Client Signature (3rd Holder)
c 7 c 6 c 6
13 9 9

21312152957961 MANDATORY

Kotak Infinity, 8th Floor, Bldg; No.21, Infinity Park, Off Western Express Highway, Goregaon Mulund Link Road,
Malad – (E), Mumbai – 400 097  91 22 4285 8082/8083
DP ID – IN300214
SCHEDULE OF CHARGES (Schedule A) Rate Code _______

Dear Customer,

The below tariff sheet will be applicable only on satisfaction of the conditions prescribed for the plan/product opted by you. In
case, the conditions prescribed therein are not met or in case you are not eligible for the same, then the standard tariff sheet
available on our website www.kotaksecurities.com shall be applicable.
With effect from 1st August, 2021 the schedule of charges are as follows: -

Sr.No. Account Head Rate Minimum Payable

1 Dematerialisation Rs.150/- per certificate and Rs.50/- per request
2 Rematerialisation
Rs.10 for 100 Securities(shares, bonds, mutual fund units etc) Rs.15/-

3 Market / Off-Market Transactions (debit) "0.04% of the value of securities Rs 20/-

4 Account Maintenance Charges* Rs.50/- per month

5 Pledge Charges (For margin purpose)

a Request Rs.20/- per ISIN
b Invocation Rs.20/- per ISIN
c Release (Un-pledge) Rs.20/- per ISIN
d Re-Pledge FREE
6 Pledge Charges (For non- margin purpose)
a Request 0.05% of the value of securities Rs 30/-
b Invocation 0.04% of the value of securities Rs 30/-
7 DIS Booklet Re – Issuance Rs.100/- per DIS Booklet + Rs.50/- Courier Charges
8 Charges for CAS NSDL Charges (Refer Note below)
9 Charges for Client Master Report changes
(Applicable for Email/Address/Mobile/Bank etc.)


• Account Maintenance Charges (AMC) for BSDA (Basic Service Demat Account) Clients:
o In accordance with the SEBI circulars (Ref # SEBI Circular No. CIR/MRD/DP/22/2012 dated August 27, 2012 and SEBI Circular No. CIR/MRD/DP/20/2015
dated December 11, 2015), DP’s were advised to convert all such eligible demat accounts into BSDA unless such Beneficial Owners (BOs) specifically opt
to continue to avail the facility of a regular demat account. For availing BSDA facility, the individual shall have only one BSDA in his/her name across all
depositories. In case the BSDA account holder converts such account into Non-BSDA (regular account) account or the account holder ceases to meet the
eligibility criteria for BSDA account, the charges applicable to Non-BSDA (regular account) shall be levied.
o Holding other than Debt securities, the AMC structure shall be:
(a) Value of holding Upto Rs 50,000 there will be NIL AMC and (b) For Value of holding from Rs. 50,001 to Rs. 2,00,000 AMC will be upto Rs 100
per annum.
o Holding Debt securities, the AMC shall be:
(a) Upto Rs 1,00,000 there will be NIL AMC and (b) For Value of holding from Rs. 1,00,001 to Rs. 2,00,000 AMC will be upto Rs 100 per annum.
o If BSDA AMC greater than Regular AMC, in this case, Regular AMC will be charged.
• There are no charges payable at the time of opening the account. All other charges will be billed on a monthly basis.
• In case of delays in the payment of charges, the demat account can be frozen for all operations till such time all dues are cleared.
• Charges are subject to revision at the company’s sole discretion subject to prior intimation to the clients or on revision in Depository charges.
• Any service not quoted above will be charged separately.
• Value of transaction will be in accordance with rates provided by the Depository or actual transaction value, whichever is higher.
• STT, GST and all other applicable regulatory and statutory charges will be charged as per current applicable rate,
• As per NSDL’s circular dated August 30, 2013, NSDL will levy Rs.500/- as Annual Maintenance Charges for Corporate Accounts, effective 1st October, 2013.
NSDL Charges would be levied to the respective account as regulatory charge and will be in addition to the DP charges levied by Kotak Securities Limited as per
the schedule of charges.
• For CAS Rs.0.75/- per transacted BO demat account for email, Rs.8/- per transacted BO demat account for physical CAS.

I/We have read and understood the “Schedule of Charges” prescribed above and agree to abide by the same.

Signature of account holders

Client Signature (1st Holder) Client Signature (2nd Holder) Client Signature (3rd Holder)
This This document
document is signed.
is digitally digitallyPlease
to Annexure A forrefer
Annexure A for digital
21312152957961 MANDATORY
Charges for Other Services
I, hereby, consent to the following charges:

Schedule of Charges for Other Services

No Services Charges
1 Auction Charges On actuals (subject to minimum of ` 20 per auction)
2 Cheque Bounce Charges ` 350 + Bank Charges
3 Research Call on SMS As per website
4 Password Printing and Dispatch Charges ` 100 per request + ` 50 courier charges
5 Product Change Charges ` 100
6 Contract Note (Digital) Free
7 Duplicate Hard Copy Contract Note on Client Request ` 20 per contract note + ` 50 courier charges
8 Digital Copy (Email) Contract Note for Current/Previous Free
Financial Year
9 Digital Copy (Email) Contract Note for years prior to Previous ` 200 per year per request
Financial Year
10 Inter-Settlement Charges 0.04% of transaction value (subject to minimum of ` 20)
11 Statement Request
a Hard Copy ` 200 per statement per year + ` 50 courier charges
b Digital Copy/Email for Previous/Current Financial Year Free
c Digital Copy for prior to Previous Financial Year ` 200 per statement per year
12 Fund Transfers through Payment Gateway
a Kotak 3-in-1 Account (Trinity a/c) Free
b via Bank Payment Gateway `9
GST and all other applicable statutory taxes will be charged as per prevailing applicable rates, over and above the charges mentioned in the table.

Client Signature (1st Holder)

This document is digitally signed.
Please refer to Annexure A for digital

21312152957961 VOLUNTARY

Running Account Authorisation (strike off if not applicable)

Date 2D 4D / M0 M7 /Y 2Y 0 Y 2 Y2
To, Query ID

Kotak Securities limited

Client code: _____________________
Dear Sir,
In order to facilitate operations of my/our trading account opened under the aforesaid client code, I/we would like to authorise
Kotak Securities Ltd. (“KSL”) to maintain a running account, instead of settlement-to-settlement clearance of funds due to me/
us. In this regard I/we hereby authorize KSL to maintain a running account in accordance with circulars/guidelines issued by
SEBI/Exchanges from time to time.
Periodic settlement as indicated by me/us below (hereinafter referred as ‘settlement period’), will be done by KSL on any day at
its discretion in 30 or 90 days, as the case may be. I/We agree that l/we shall be liable to pay the debit standing to my account
on the settlement date or any other date.
I/We agree that KSL may, at the time of periodic settlement retain funds as may be allowed by the Exchanges/SEBI, towards
margin obligations on current and future transactions and such funds towards any other unbilled services/charges for services
availed from KSL.
I/We agree that KSL shall not be liable for any claim for loss, loss of profit, loss of interest or for any consequential, incidental,
special or exemplary damages, caused by retention/settlement of such funds under aforesaid arrangement or otherwise.
I/We am/are aware that the authorization will be in force till the same is revoked by me/us. Further I/we may revoke the
authorization any time making a valid request for revocation. KSL may release the funds to me/us on my/our on settlement
date or on request or on revocation of authority, if sufficient margins in respect of my/our trading, across the Stock Exchange(s)
and across the segment of the Stock Exchange(s) are available with KSL.
I/We am/are aware that for the purpose of settlement of funds, the mode of transfer of funds shall be only by way of electronic
transfer viz NEFT, RTGS etc.
I/We shall prefer settlement of fund at such frequency as ticked below.

Frequency Tick (ü) - any one

Once in a 30 days for Cash, F&O, CDS and Commodities c

Once in a 90 days for Cash, F&O, CDS and Commodities c

On Settlement to Settlement basis in Cash and once in 30 days in F&O and CDS and Commodities c

On Settlement to Settlement basis in Cash and one in 90 days in F&O and CDS and Commodities ✔

Once in 30 Days for Cash and Once in 90 Days in F&O, CDS and Commodities c

Signature of Account Holder

This document is digitally signed. Please
refer to Annexure A for digital signature

21312152957961 216119 MARGIN TRADING FACILITY
216119 (MTF) Activation VOLUNTARY
Applicable for Online Clients.
Manually Allocate To Margin Trading Automatically Allocate To Margin Trading
TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR AVAILING MARGIN TRADING 12) The MTF shall be provided only in respect of Shares permitted
FACILITY (MTF) by the SEBI/ Exchanges / KSL from time to time.
The terms and conditions prescribed hereunder form part of account 13) KSL to retain and / or pledge the securities and its corporate
opening form, shall be read in conjunction with the rights and benefits, if any, with KSL utilized for availing MTF till the amount
obligations as prescribed under SEBI circular no. CIR/ MIRSD/ 16/2011 due in respect of the said transaction including the dues to KSL
dated August 22, 2011 and the Rules, Regulations, Bye laws, Rights is paid in full by the Client.
and Obligation, Guidelines, circulars issued by SEBI and 14) KSL to hold and / or to appropriate the credit lying in the Client
Exchanges from time to time. account and/or any unutilized/ unpledged shares/ securities
lying in demat account along with all other demat accounts /
A) The Client undertakes, authorizes, confirms and agrees to/that: Mutual Funds / IPO account of the Client towards the repayment
1) Avail MTF in accordance with the terms and conditions of MTF of the outstanding dues thereof under MTF.
offered by Kotak Securities Limited (KSL). 15) Treat the securities available in demat account/s linked to
2) Give consent to the Terms and Conditions herein through email the trading account of the Client as margin towards the MTF
/ SMS from his email id / mobile number registered with KSL or availed.
by online mode by logging-in on the website of KSL in a secured 16) Ensure required margin is maintained for MTF at all point of
manner or by physical mode. time as specified by SEBI / Exchanges / KSL from time to time.
3) KSL at all times shall have the liberty to exercise its right in its 17) KSL at its sole and absolute discretion may increase / revise
sole discretion to determine the extent to which the MTF to be the limit of initial margin and maintenance margin, minimum
made to the Client. transaction amount from time to time, subject to SEBI /
4) Pay interest at the rate agreed under the voluntary terms and Exchange / KSL requirements in this respect. The client shall
conditions at the time of opening the client’s account and/or abide by such revision, and where there is an upward revision
modified and communicated from time to time by KSL. of such margin amount, the client agrees to make up the
5) If the transaction is entered under MTF, there will not be any revised margin immediately, failing which KSL may exercise its
further confirmation that it is margin trading transaction other discretion / right to liquidate the security / collateral and / or
than contract note. close out the position within 5 trading days from the day of
margin call. However, in case of shortfall in margin required for
6) Transaction/s to be considered for exposure to MTF shall be MTF positions up to Rs. 10,000, KSL may allow such shortfall to
informed to KSL in writing or in any other irrefutable mode of continue beyond 5 trading days at its absolute discretion.
communication not later than T+1 day, else the same shall be
considered under normal trading facility. Additional exposure 18) Make good deficient margin / margin call by placing the
over debit balance (arising out of trade executed under normal further margin immediately, failing which KSL may exercise its
trading facility), beyond fifth trading day reckoned from pay- discretion / right to liquidate the security / collateral and / or
in date, may be granted under MTF to the extent the Client is close out the position immediately depending upon the market
eligible and subject to availability of required margin. In such conditions and / or the volatility.
event, KSL in its discretion may identify the eligible/excess 19) Notwithstanding anything contained in clauses 17 and 18
securities available with the client and mark as collateral above, KSL may, in its sole discretion, determine the time of sell
towards MTF. All credit arising out of sale transaction under MTF / securities to be liquidated, and / or which contract(s) is / are to
shall be first adjusted towards the debit under normal trading be closed.
facility, if any and subject to adequate margin being maintained 20) All losses and financial charges on account of such liquidation/
for the outstanding MTF debit. closing out shall be charged to and borne by the client.
7) KSL shall not be bound to grant MTF to the Client (which decision 21) KSL may immediately without any notice liquidate the security /
shall be at the sole and exclusive discretion of KSL) and KSL collateral and or close out the position in the happening of the
shall not be required to provide any reasons thereof nor shall following events:
KSL be liable for any damages (whether direct or consequential i. if any instrument for payment of Margin Money
or whether financial or non-financial) to the Client by reason of / Monies is / are dishonoured;
KSL refusal to grant MTF to the Client. ii. if the Client violates/breach any provision of this Ar
8) Client includes Individual, Company, Partnership firm, Trust, rangement or provides any incorrect or misleading
Hindu Undivided Family, Association of Person and Body of information;
Individuals etc. iii. if the Client has voluntarily or compulsorily become
9) The dues, wherever mentioned herein, includes but not limited the subject of any proceedings under any bankruptcy
to outstanding balances, interest, statutory taxes, duties, or insolvency law or winding up or liquidation
charges, penalties etc. in respect of MTF availed by the Client. proceed ings or has a receiver or liquidator appointed
in respect of itself or its assets or makes an application
10) The terms / conditions / Obligations of the Client as amended or refers itself to any authority for being declared as
from time to time shall be irrevocable and shall not be revoked a“sick company”, relief undertaking, bankrupt or in
by the death/dissolution/ winding up of the Client. solvent or seeking financial reconstruction or any other
11) Accept all types of communications including order / trade like scheme (by whatever name called) or is dissolved
Ver 3/18-19/271119

confirmation, revision in margin, margin calls / decision to or here is a change in the constitution whether on
liquidate the position / security / collateral, Margin statements, account of the admission of a new partner or the retire
margin policies on haircuts / VAR margin, Risk management ment, death or insolvency of any partner or otherwise;
policies, Rights & obligations, allowable exposure, specific stock iv. the death, lunacy or other disability of the Client;
exposure etc. through the Client’s E-mail / SMS at the email id v. if there is reasonable apprehension that the Client is
/ mobile number of the Client registered with KSL or by way of unable to pay its outstanding dues or has admitted its
logging-in on website of KSL in a secured manner or physical inability to pay its dues, as they become payable;
mode, based on client’s preference.
216119 21312152957961
vi. if the Client is convicted under any criminal law in force; 3) KSL shall monitor and review on a continuous basis the client’s
vii. if any Asset or any Security is seized or made subject positions with regard to MTF.
to any distress, execution, attachment, injunction or 4) Additional exposure over debit balance (arising out of trade
other process order or proceeding or is detained or taken executed under normal trading facility), beyond fifth trading
into custody for any reason; day reckoned from pay-in date, may be granted under MTF to
viii.default under any other arrangement or facility with any the extent the Client is eligible and subject to availability of
Stock Broker is made by the Client. required margin. In such event, KSL in its discretion may identify
the eligible/excess securities available with the client and
ix. there exists any other circumstance, which in the sole mark as collateral towards MTF. All credit arising out of sale
opinion of KSL, is prejudicial to the interests of KSL; transaction under MTF shall be first adjusted towards the debit
x. Order passed by any regulatory, courts, statutory bodies under normal trading facility, if any and subject to adequate
etc. margin being maintained for the outstanding MTF debit.
22) The MTF facility may be withdrawn by KSL, in the event of client 5) In case the client determines to convert a normal trade into MTFe
committing any breach of any terms or conditions herein or at after the issuance of contract note, KSL shall issue appropriate
any time after due intimation to the client allowing such time to records to communicate to the Client, the change in status of
liquidate the MTF position as agreed herein, without assigning transaction from Normal to Margin trading and should include
any reason. information like the original contract number and the margin
statement and the changed data.
23) In the event of termination of this arrangement, the client
shall forthwith settle the dues of KSL. KSL shall be entitled to 6) KSL when makes a ‘margin call’ to the client, shall clearly
immediately adjust the Margin Amount against the dues of indicate the additional / deficient margin to be made good.
the client, and the client hereby authorizes KSL to make such 7) Whenever securities are liquidated by KSL, the contract note
adjustment. After such adjustment, if any further amount is due issued for such margin call related transactions shall carry
from the client to KSL, the client shall settle the same forthwith. an asterisk or identifier that the transaction has arisen out of
Upon full settlement of all the dues of the client to KSL, KSL margin call.
shall release the balance amount to the client.
8) The daily margin statements sent by KSL to the client shall
24) KSL may release/ unpledged / transfer the securities utilized for identify the margin/collateral for Margin Trading separately.
MTF within 5 working days from the date of clearing the dues
to KSL. 9) Margin Trading Account where there is no transaction for 90
days and no dues outstanding from the client shall be settled
25) Lodge protest or disagreement with any transaction done under immediately.
MTF within 24 hours from the date of receipt of such document
/ statements / contract notes/ any other communications. 10) The stocks deposited as collateral with KSL for availing MTF
(Collaterals) and the stocks purchased under the MTF (Funded
26) Close / terminate the MTF at any time after clearing the dues of stocks) shall be identifiable separately and there shall not be
KSL. any commingling for the purpose of computing funding amount.
27) Any dispute arising between the client and KSL in connection 11) KSL shall close/terminate the account of the client forthwith
with the MTF, shall be referred to the investor grievance upon receipt of request from the client subject to the condition
redressal mechanism, arbitration mechanism of the respective that the client has paid the dues under MTF.
stock exchange”
12) The margin trading arrangement between KSL and the client
28) In case the securities to be deposited and / or purchased for shall be terminated; if the Stock Exchange, for any reason,
availing MTF belong to the promoter / promoter group, the withdraws the MTF provided to KSL or KSL surrenders the
client shall intimate KSL before such deposit and or purchase, facility or KSL ceases to be a member of the stock exchange.
else the same shall be treated as non-promoter holding.
13) The Client may opt to terminate the MTF in the event of KSL
29) I/ We authorize Kotak Securities Ltd (KSL) to obtain my/our credit committing any breach of any terms or conditions herein or for
report through a credit bureau chosen by KSL using my /our any other reason.
information available in their record like PAN number, date of
birth, address etc and further consents to sharing such reports 14) If the client opts to terminate the MTF, KSL shall return to the
to its affiliates and its group companies. I / We confirm that client all the collaterals provided and funded securities retained
my above consent is unconditional and shall not contravene forthwith, but not later than 5 working days from the date of
any Acts, Rules and Regulations and amendments issued by termination, on payment of all the dues by the client.
Regulator / Legislature from time to time. I /We understand 15) KSL shall not use the funds of one client to provide MTF to
and agree that KSL intends to use the credit report to evaluate another client, even if the same is authorized by the first client.
my credit history and risk related information. I / We shall not 16) Investor Protection Fund (IPF) shall not be available for
hold KSL responsible or liable for, any actions, claims, demands, transactions done on the Stock Exchange, through MTF, in case
losses damages, costs, charges and expenses etc in this regard. of any losses suffered in connection with the MTF availed by the
30) The terms and conditions and amendments made by KSL client.
from time to time is available on companies website www.
Client Signature

B) KSL undertakes, authorizes, confirms and agrees to/that:

Ver 3/18-19/271119

1) Client shall be free to take the delivery of the securities at any

time by repaying the amounts that was paid by KSL to the
Exchange towards securities after paying all dues.
2) Client has a right to change the securities collateral offered
for MTF at any time so long as the securities so offered are
approved for margin trading facility.

21312152957961 VOLUNTARY
VOLUNTARY TERMS & CONDITIONS Acts, Rules and Regulations and amendments issued by Regulator /
I/We, ___________________________________________
SUDARSHAN SUDHAKAR AHER Legislature from time to time.
(hereinafter referred to as “the Client”) am availing/going to avail your 5. The Client is aware that the Member has an option to tape-
security trading services. In pursuance thereof, I/we, hereby voluntarily record the conversations between the Client’s representative and
and unconditionally state and declare that I/we have read and the Member, either personally or over the telephone, and hereby
understood the terms and conditions mentioned hereinafter governing specifically permits the Member to do so. Such recordings may be
securities trading and broking services of Member i.e. Kotak Securities relied upon by the Member as and when required to resolve disputes
Limited: in connection with the trading transactions.
1. The Client agrees to keep the Member updated of his financial 6. The Client consents to sharing Information relating to his trading
status by providing net-worth certificate/ copy of IT returns / account with the Banks /Financial Institutions from which the
Balance Sheet and other financial statements / Demat statement, Member has borrowed funds to meet the pay in obligations of the
at regular intervals as may be required by Member from time to Client, in case of delayed payment.
time and in any event at the end of each financial year failing
7. The Client agrees and authorizes the Member to transfer the credit
which the Member has the right to take such action as it deems fit
lying in any segments/exchange of the Client’s ledger to another
including termination of the service.
ledger of the said client maintained by the Member for different
2. The Client understands that the Member carries out fundamental segments/ exchanges as per requirement of funds. Further, the
and trading research/notes/trading calls/technical calls, particularly Member may consider the credit lying in ledger of any segment/
on companies, industry, stock markets, and economy from exchange of the Client as margin towards any position/exposure
time to time (collectively hereinafter referred to as “material”). taken by the Client in other segment /exchange.
Further, the Client confirms that said material is not an offer or
8. The Client confirms, agrees and authorizes the Member to send
the solicitation of an offer to buy any security and by sending this
the contract note/trade confirmations of the trades executed, bills,
material on request, the Member or any of its officers, directors,
margin statements, and account statements or such other data
personnel and employees shall not be liable for any loss, damage
relating to his trading account with the Member and also authorises
of any nature, including but not limited to direct, indirect, punitive,
the Member in its capacity as Depository Participant to send all bills
special, exemplary, consequential, as also any loss of profit in any
and/or transactions statements, client master report, schedule of
way arising from the use of this material in any manner. The Client
charges, communication and information through electronic mail to
is aware that the investments discussed in the said material are
his/her/its e-mail address as may be intimated by the Client to the
general recommendations and may not be suitable for all investors.
Member. The Client agrees that the Member fulfils its legal obligation
The Client shall, therefore, before dealing and/or transacting in any
to deliver to the Client any such document if sent via electronic
of the products referred to in the said material, make his/her/its
delivery. The Client agrees that the log report generated by the system
own investigation, seek appropriate professional advice. The Client
at the time of sending of the contract notes or other documents shall
shall be fully responsible/ liable for all decisions on investments /
be treated as the acknowledgment and confirmation of receipt of
disinvestments taken by him/her/it on the basis of the said material.
contract notes and such other documents by the Client. The client
The Client understands, confirms and agrees that the Member may
understands that it is his/her/its responsibility to review, upon first
discontinue providing such material and that Member shall have no
receipt, whether delivered to the client by mail, by e-mail (including
responsibility to update any information provided to the Client nor
any auto replies from the system of the Member), or other electronic
does the Member represents that the information provided in the
means, all confirmations, statements, notices, bills and other
said material is complete. Further by providing such material, the
communications. The client shall bring any dispute arising from such
Member is not acting as a portfolio or financial advisor nor does the
documents/statements to the notice of the Member within 7 working
Member assumes any fiduciary duties.
days from the date of receipt of such document/ statement, as the
3. The Client confirms that if any transaction(s) through the Member case may be. The Member may on request by the Client, send hard
has/have been executed on behalf of the Client by any other person, copies of the contract notes or such other documents. Further non-
not intimated to the Member and the same has/have been accepted receipt of bounced mail notification by the Member shall amount
by the Client from time to time on the basis of the contract note(s)/ to delivery of all communication at the e-mail ID of the Client. I/We
bills/any other correspondence dispatched/ communicated to undertake to inform the member in case there is a change in my/
the Client by the Member and/or by part or full settlement of the our e-mail ID registered with the member, by filling up the necessary
said transaction(s) by the Client, then such transaction(s) shall be forms as required by the member and further confirm and declare
deemed to be executed by the person authorised by the Client and that member shall not be held liable for any non-receipt of Electronic
the Client hereby agrees to ratify and accept all such or other actions Communication due to change in e-mail address at my/our end
of such persons and undertakes to meet all obligations arising from without intimating the member as above. I/We further understand
such transaction(s). and agree that Member shall not take cognizance of Out of Office/
4. The Client agrees and confirms that the Member may appoint Out of Station replies and I/we shall be deemed to have received all
agents, credit bureau for carrying out the acts mentioned in or in such mails.
Ver 3/18-19/271119

relation to rendering its services. The client also agrees and confirms 9. The Client is aware that as per the RBI guidelines the Foreign
that the Member may have different types of arrangements with Institutional Investors (Flls), Non-Resident Indians (NRIs), and Persons
various partners, group entities, vendors, agencies, affiliates, agents, of Indian Origin (PIOs) are allowed to invest in the secondary capital
regulators etc., and the Client consents to share his/its account markets in India through the portfolio investment scheme (PIS).
related information, reports issued by such credit bureau to any such Under this scheme, Flls/NRIs can acquire shares/ debenture of indian
parties for various Regulatory and other purposes. I / We confirm companies through the stock exchanges in India. These investments
that my above consent is unconditional and shall not contravene any are governed and monitored on daily basis by the Reserve Bank of

21312152957961 VOLUNTARY
India (RBI), On reaching the aggregate ceiling limit as fixed by RBI where the Client makes an order for sale of securities the Member
from time to time, the RBI advises all designated bank branches to would credit the account of the Client with the Relationship Bank
stop purchases on behalf of their Flls/NRIs/PIOs clients. The Reserve by means of a fund transfer on the pay-out date of the relevant
Bank also informs the general public about the ‘caution’ and the exchange on which the sale transaction is carried out. The Member
`stop purchase’ in these companies through a press release. If the expressly states that the payment gateway mechanism is a service
Client is an FII/NRI/ PIO, the Client hereby acknowledges that he/she offered by the Banks with whom the Member has established
is aware of the RBI guidelines in relation to his investments in the relations for facilitating the transfer of funds between the Client’s
secondary market in India. The Client hereby agrees to keep himself/ account and the Member’s account. The Member expressly excludes
herself abreast of the ceiling limits on investments as published by liability for consequential loss or damage or loss of profit, business,
RBI from time to time and also agrees that he/she shall immediately revenue, goodwill or anticipated savings which may arise in respect
reverse his/her transaction, if such transaction breaches the ceiling of (i) the payment gateway services offered by such Banks and (ii)
limits as imposed by RBI. In case the Client does not/ is unable the Payment Mechanism;
to reverse such transaction immediately, the Client authorizes the
14. The Client hereby acknowledges that it/he/she is availing the
Member to do so under intimation to the Client.
Payment Instruction Service at it/his/her risk. These risks would
10. The Client agrees and confirms that though orders are generally include but not be limited to the following risks:
routed to the market place immediately after the time the order is
(a) Misuse of Password: The Client acknowledges that if any third person
placed by the Client on the system there may be a delay in the
obtains access to their password of the Client, such third person
execution of the order due to any link/system failure at the Client/
would be able to provide Payment Instructions to the Member. They
Member/Exchange’s. The Client hereby specifically indemnifies and
shall ensure that the terms and conditions applicable to the use of
holds the Member harmless from any and all claims, and agrees
the password as contained in the Electronic Payment Gateway for
that the Member shall not be liable for any loss, loss of profit, actual
Net Banking Terms and Conditions are complied with at all times.
or perceived, caused directly or indirectly by government restriction,
exchange or market regulation, suspension of trading, war, strike, (b) Internet Frauds: The Internet per se is susceptible to a number
equipment failure, communication line failure, system failure, of frauds, misuse, hacking and other actions, which could affect
security failure on the Internet, shut down of systems for any reason Payment Instructions to the Member. Whilst the Member shail
(including on account of computer viruses), unauthorised access, aim to provide security to prevent the same, there cannot be any
theft or otherwise or any problem, technological or otherwise, that guarantee from such Internet frauds, hacking and other actions,
might prevent the Client from contacting. which could affect Payment Instructions to the Member. The Client
shall separately evolve/evaluate all risks arising out of the same.
11. The Client further confirms and agrees that Client will not be
compensated by the Member for any “lost opportunity” viz. notional (c) Mistakes and Errors: The filling in of applicable data for transfer
profits on buy/ sell orders which could not be executed due to any would require proper, accurate and complete details. For instance,
reason whatsoever, including but not limited due to time lag in the the Client is aware that they would be required to fill in the account
execution of the order or the speed at which the system of the number of the Member to whom the funds are to be transferred.
Member or of the Exchanges is operating, any shutting down by In the event of any inaccuracy in this regard, the funds could be
the Member of his/her/its system for any reason or the Member transferred to incorrect accounts and there is no guarantee of
disabling the Client from trading on its system for any reason recovery thereafter. The Client shall therefore take all care to ensure
whatsoever. that there are no mistakes and errors and that the information given
by the Client to the Member in this regard is error free, accurate,
12. The Member does not guarantee, and shall not be deemed to have
proper and complete at all points of time. On the other hand in the
guaranteed, the timeliness, sequence, accuracy, completeness,
event of account receiving an incorrect credit by reason of a mistake
reliability or content of market information, or message
committed by some other person, the Member or the bank shall be
disseminated to the Client or the execution of the orders placed
entitled to reverse the incorrect credit at any time whatsoever without
by the Client. The Member shall not be liable for any inaccuracy,
the consent of the Client. The Client shall be liable and responsible to
error or delay in, or omissions of, 1) any such data, information
the Member and accede to accept the Member’s instructions for any
or messages, or 2) the transmission or delivery of any such data,
unfair or unjust gain obtained by the client as a result of the same.
information or messages, due either to any act or omission by the
Member or to any “Force Majeure” event (e.g. flood, extraordinary 15. The Member may suspend or terminate Electronic Payment Gateway
weather condition, earthquake or other any act of God, fire, war, for Net banking facilities without prior notice.
insurrection, riot, labour dispute, accident, action of government,
16. For the purposes of these Terms, it is presumed that the Client has
communication, power failure, shut down of the systems for any
all the necessary and compatible infrastructure ready at its end for
reason (including on account of computer viruses), equipment or
the purpose of accessing the website of the Member or availing
software malfunction); or otherwise or any cause within beyond the
Wireless technology/Internet/ smart order services provided of
reasonable control of the Member 3) cancellation or non execution
the Member (prior to accessing the services provided pursuant
of the order placed by the Client with the Member.
to these Terms). The Member will not (and shall not be under any
13. The Client understands that the Member has relationship with obligation to) assist the Client in installing the required infrastructure
one or more banks (the “Relationship Banks”). The website of the or obtaining the necessary equipment, permits and clearances to
Member has a payment window through a link to the website of the establish connectivity or linkages to the website of the Member.
Relationship Bank, which provides the facility. In such a case, the
17. The Client acknowledges that the software and hardware underlying
Client would make the payment for securities purchased by him/
the Member’s Wireless technology/ Internet/ smart order relate
her/it by crediting the purchase amount (along with the indicated
software which are required for accessing the aforesaid services
brokerage amount) directly to the account of the Member with the
of the Member are the legal property of the respective Vendors /
Relationship Bank by means of a fund transfer. Similarly in the case
Member. The permission given by the Member to access its website consent can be revoked by giving a written instruction to KSL and the
will not convey any proprietory or ownership rights in the above revocation shall be effective within seven (7) working days from the
software hardware. The Client agrees not to attempt to modify date of receipt of such written instruction by KSL. The Client agrees
translate, disassemble, decompile or reverse engineer the software / and consents for the receipt of any communications including but
hardware underlying the Member’s website or create any derivative not limited to promotional communications through any means, for
product based on the software /hardware. instance in the form of messages, voice calls, through any digital
means, any over-the-top communication services etc.
18. The Client agrees and confirms that Member owns (or has a
licence for) all copyrights, database rights and all similar rights 24. The client hereby authorises the member to obtain his Bank account
for this website and all trademarks and other materials used on statement from Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd, in case his bank account
this website. The information may not be reproduced, distributed, is linked with Kotak Securities Limited, on a periodic basis for the
transmitted to any person or incorporated into any other document purpose of updating financial details and confirms that he has no
without Member’s prior written consent. The Client agrees that objection to Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd for sharing his Bank account
each participating Exchange or association or agency asserts a statement with Kotak Securities Limited.
proprietory interest in all of the market data it furnishes to parties
25. The client confirms, agrees and authorizes the member to make
that disseminate the said data. The Client shall use real-time quotes
available the details of Demat and Trading account with member
received on the website of the Member only for the Client’s individual
on Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited’s digital platforms after due
use and shall not furnish such data to any other person or entity. The
authentication in case my/our bank account with Kotak Mahindra
Client is authorized to use materials which are made available by the
Bank Limited has been linked at the time of account opening or
Member’s website for the Client’s own needs only, and the Client
otherwise. The client further understands that all demat and trading
is not authorized to resell access to any such materials or to make
account details displayed on digital platforms of Kotak Mahindra
copies of any such materials for sale or use to and by others. The
Bank’s are updated as provided by KSL. The client is aware that
Client shall not delete copyright or other intellectual property rights
in case of any discrepancy in the information/transaction in Kotak
notices from printouts of electronically accessed materials from the
Securities’s Demat and Trading account(s), the client needs to
Member’s website.
contact member only and not Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd.
19. The Client acknowledge that Member has the right to suspend
26. Notwithstanding anything contained in this arrangement or any other
operation of the website and online systems at any time (including
document / arrangement, the client agrees and confirms; in respect
in the opinion of the Member, some threat is poses to any system or
of individual Client’s - himself and in respect of non-individual client’s
part of any system). The Client also acknowledges that Member will
– itself, its directors and assignees, (collectively “Client”), present
be able to suspend the operation of website and online systems at
and future liability/ies to the Member, its affiliates, group entities,
regular intervals for periodic maintenance and administration tasks.
associate entities, parent entities, subsidiaries (Collectively “Kotak
If online system is unavailable through a technical fault Client can
Group”), whether under this document or under any other obligation/
avail Call-And-Trade facility during normal trading hours.
loan/facilities/borrowings/document, whether such liabilities are/be
20. The Client understands and accepts that the Member has the crystallized, actual or contingent, primary or collateral or several or
absolute discretion to amend or supplement any of Wireless jointly with others, whether as principal debtor and/or as guarantor
technology/ Internet/smart order usage terms at any time and will and/or any liability/ demand arising out of regulatory directions /
give prior notice of 15 days for such changes. Changed Terms and orders or otherwise howsoever (collectively “Liabilities”), each of the
Conditions shall be communicated to the Client on the Member’s Kotak Group Entities shall in addition to any general lien or similar
website and by other acceptable modes of communication. By right (to which any of them as intermediary or bankers or financial
using the services, the Client shall be deemed to have accepted the institutions may be entitled by law, practice, custom or otherwise),
changed terms of usage of trading through Wireless Technology / have a specific and special lien on all the Client’s present and future
Internet / Smart Order Routing as the case may be. stocks, shares, mutual fund units, securities, property, book debts, all
moneys in all accounts whether trading, current, savings, overdraft,
21. The Client may terminate this confirmation/ document at any time by
fixed or other deposits, loan accounts, held with or in custody, legal or
giving a prior notice of 30 days to Member. Provided however that
constructive, with the Kotak Group Entities, now or in future, whether
all the obligations of the Client prior to the Termination of Voluntary
in same or different capacity of the Client, and whether severally or
Terms shall continue to subsist.
jointly with others, whether for any Broking relationship, Borrower
22. The Client confirms and agrees that in case anyone or more of the relationship, safe custody, collection, or otherwise; and separately,
terms and conditions confirmed by the Client becomes invalid, illegal each of the Kotak Group Entities shall have the specific and express
or unenforceable in any respect under any law, the validity, legality right, without giving notice to and without additional consent of the
and enforceability of the remaining provisions contained herein shall Client, to set-off, transfer, sell, realize, adjust, appropriate all such
not in any way be affected or impaired thereto. amounts in all such accounts and deposits, shares, mutual fund,
securities, amounts and property as aforesaid, for the purpose of
23. The Client is aware that KSL communicates various research reports,
realizing or against any of dues in respect of any of the Liabilities
recommendations, trade related information, etc. vide SMS, Calls or
whether ear-marked for any particular Liability or not, to combine
any other mode of communications to it’s Clients with respect to
or consolidate all or any of accounts of any of the Client and set-off
trading/demat account, which are transactional in nature, which may
any monies, whether of same type or nature or not and whether
also qualify as commercial/promotional communication as per TRAI
held in same capacity or not including upon happening of any of the
Regulations. The Client hereby consents to receive all such calls and
events of default mentioned in any of the documents pertaining to
/or SMS from KSL. The Client agrees and confirms that such consent
the respective Liabilities or upon any default in payment of any part
to receive all such calls and /or SMS from KSL overrides the DNCR
of any of the Liabilities.
(Do Not Call Register) registration which may have been opted by
the Client at any point of time. The client is also aware that the said Kotak Group Entities shall be deemed to have and hold and continue
to have first charge on any assets including any deposit on which my/our registered email id or from the email id of my/our authorized
security has been/will be created in respect of the Loan, as security representative as updated from time to time.
also for any of the other Liabilities; and all the rights and powers
b) Order placement request will be sent in the prescribed format.
vested in one Kotak Group Entities in terms of any security or charge
created for the Loan shall be available to the other Kotak Group c) Unclear, incomplete, ambiguous instructions shall not be acted
Entities also in respect of such other Liabilities, irrespective of the upon.
fact whether the Loan is at any time outstanding, repaid or satisfied
d) I/We understand the risks associated with transmission of information
or not and even after the Loan has been repaid or prepaid.
through email which are including but not limited to: unauthorized
27. Notwithstanding anything contained herein above, the Client agrees access, tampering, being fraudulently or mistakenly written, altered
and confirms that any liability arising out of a demand / Order / or sent, not be received in whole or in part by the intended recipient,
Direction from the Exchange / Depositories / Regulator / Government sent/received in jumbled state or manner and misunderstood by
/ Law enforcement agency or otherwise with respect to any trades recipient’s system, may be unattended, other risks associated with
/investigation /enquiry or otherwise whether such liabilities are/be internet usage like delays disruptions of services and connectivity
present /future, crystallized, actual or contingent, shall be considered etc.
as payable by the Client and the Member has absolute authority to
e) I/We shall be solely liable and shall not hold KSL liable for any and
recover such liability like any other trade dues payable by the client
all losses, damages arising out of order placement / non-placement
by selling/pledging the Client’s securities or by debiting the Client’s
of order by way of email instructions.
Bank account.
33. The client understands, agrees and confirms that upon Aadhar
28. The Client agrees and confirms that charges mentioned in the Tariff
authentication/sharing the share code, the client’s photo/kyc /
Sheet / Schedule of Charges / Charges for Other Services or any
demographic details shall be extracted/converted in readable format
such charges may be revised at the sole discretion of KSL. The
for the purpose of opening the accounts with Kotak securities Ltd
Client will be duly informed prior to implementation of any upward
and be forwarded to all Regulators including KRA’s and CKYCR and
revision in charges.
stored by KSL for record purpose.
29. The client confirms and agrees that the securities lying in his / her /
34. I/We am/are aware about the requirement to allocate margin at
its demat account with POA to Kotak securities may be considered
Exchange-segment level on an upfront basis. Hence, in order
for Early Pay-In (EPI) of securities in order to meet the margin
to facilitate seamless allocation of any of my/our un-allocated
requirements and settlement obligations etc. The client shall be
collaterals for margin purposes, I/we authorize KSL to allocate
solely liable for all the losses / penalties/ charges etc. levied by
any and all of my/our un-allocated margins based on my/our past,
the Exchange/s, on account of non-execution/delay in execution
present or anticipated trading pattern and computed depending on
of the EPI transactions and also in case of any increase in margin
the metrics, perception and at the sole discretion of KSL. I/We am/
requirements in either leg of trade, due to various factors which are
are aware that KSL may re-allocate the margins and I/We give our
beyond the reasonable control of the Broker.
consent for the said re-allocation. I/We further understand that I/we
30. I/We am/are aware, agree and confirm to abide by the various may re-allocate the margins by following the prescribed process.
circulars, notifications issued by the authorities with respect to I/We shall not raise any dispute and shall not hold KSL liable for
my/our Permanent Account Number (PAN) including linking of my/ any losses or damages arising out of the allocation/un-allocation/
our PAN to Aadhar. I/We confirm to keep KSL apprised about any re-allocation etc. of margin as mentioned above.
changes to my/our PAN including any change to the status of the
35. The Client confirms and agrees that he shall not have recourse to
PAN. I/We confirm and declare that I/we shall be solely responsible
dispute redressal mechanism / arbitration mechanism/ investor
for any liabilities, losses, damages, penalties etc. arising out of any
protection schemes of the Stock Exchanges / SEBI in case the
changes to the PAN or to the status of the PAN, which affects my/
client avails services under any schemes / leagues / competitions
our accounts and dealings with KSL.
etc offered by any third party / our group company / our associate
31. The client hereby authorizes and instructs KSL to act upon and company.
execute any and all documents on receipt of complete details/
36. The Client agrees and confirms that except for the claims/disputes
information including updation/modification requests received from
which are subject to the Rules and Regulations of the respective
the client in any form or manner through any digital/ electronic mode
exchanges on which the trades have been executed, any and
which is registered with KSL. The client also further agrees and
all claims and disputes arising out of or in connection with this
confirms that the receipt of any such instruction/(s) in electronic/
Arrangement or its performance shall be settled by arbitration by a
digital mode would be considered sufficient for all purposes
single arbitrator to be appointed by the Member. The parties agree
that the arbitration shall be held at Mumbai and the courts at Mumbai
32. I/We am/are aware that order placement through any legally shall have exclusive jurisdiction in relation to these present and issue
verifiable mode is permissible as per regulations and under Indian ancillary to these present. The arbitration shall be governed by the
Laws. I/We am/are further aware that communicating order provisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996.
instructions from my/our registered email id or from the email id
of my/our authorized representative to the designated email id of
KSL as informed from time to time, is one of the legally acceptable
modes of order placement. I/We hereby declare, agree, accept Client Signature
and shall abide by the following conditions with respect to email c

instructions : This document is digitally signed. Please

refer to Annexure A for digital signature
a) KSL shall only act upon valid email order instructions received from

This Power of Attorney is made at ___________________ directors and/or its dulyauthorised officers to be my/our true
and lawful Attorney for and on behalf of, to do all or any of
at this the 24/07
______day of 2____
0 2 2 by __________________
the acts, matters and things and to exercise all or any of the
TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENT SHALL COME,I/we powers and authorities hereby specifically conferred upon KS
(hereinafter referred to as “the Client” which expression Under these Presents KS is empowered to do as under:
shall, unless it be repugnant to meaning or context thereof, 1. To transfer the securities held in the beneficial owner account
be deemed to mean and include, where the Client is an of the Client as specified in the Schedule I to this POA, towards
individual or a proprietorship firm, his/her heirs, executors Exchange related settlement /delivery obligations arising out
and administrators, where the Client is a partnership firm, of trade executed in the Client’s account on the Exchange
the partners or partner for the time being of the said firm, through KS.
the survivors or survivor of them and the heirs, executors 2. To initiate pledge in favour of KS for the limited purpose
and administrators of the last surviving partner, their or his of meeting the margin obligations / settlement / delivery
assigns, where the Client is the Karta of a Hindu Undivided obligations of the Client in connection with the trades executed
Family, themember or members for the time being of the said by the Client on the Exchanges through KS and to further
Hindu Undivided Family, and their respective heirs, executors, repledge the securities in favour of Clearing Members (CM)
administrators and assigns, where the Client is a company, and /or Clearing Corporations (CC) for the limited purpose of
its successors in title and permitted assigns, where the Client meeting the margin obligations.
is the Board of Trustees of a Trust, its successors and where
the Client is the Governing Body of a Society, the respective 3. To invest and or subscribe in various products like Mutual
successors of the members of the Governing Body and any Fund,Public Issued (shares as well as debentures) rights, offer
new members elected, appointed or co-opted), DO SEND of shares, tendering shares in open offers etc. and to redeem
GREETINGS: (please give residence address for individuals, the same pursuant to the Instructions of the Client.
office address for proprietorship and partnership and HUF and 4. To transfer funds from the bank account of the Client as
registered office for companies, trusts and societies). specified in the Schedule II to this POA,
WHEREAS. a. For meeting the settlement obligations of the Client and
A. KOTAK SECURITIES LIMITED, (hereinafter referredto as or margin requirements of the Client in connection with the
“KS”), a company incorporated under the Companies Act, trades executed by the Client on the Exchange through KS.
1956 and having its registered office at 27 BKC, C27, G b. For recovering any outstanding amount due from the
Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, bandra (E) Mumbai 400051. trading activities of the Client through KS on the Stock
is inter alia registered as a trading and clearing member Exchanges.
with Bombay Stock Exchange Limited, Metropolitan Stock c. For meeting obligations arising out of the Client subscribing
Exchange and National Stock Exchange of India Limited, to such other products/ facilities/services through KS like
Multi Commodity Exchange and National Commodity Mutual Funds, Public Issues (shares as well as debentures),
and Derivatives Exchange (hereinafter referred to as the rights, offer of shares.
Exchanges), Depository Participant with National Securities d. Towards monies/ fees/ charges due from the Client to KS
Depository Limited and Central Depository Services (India) (in its capacity as a stock broker and/or depository
Limited is registered with Association of Mutual Funds of participant) arising out of the services availed by the Client
India as a Distributor for distributing the schemes of various relating to stock broking and depository services.
mutual funds. 5. To transfer securities and/or funds to the Demat account and
B. The Client is desirous of investing in securities ( as defined Bank account as specified in Schedule III and IV to this POA.
under Securities Contracts (Regulations) Act, 1956) and other 6. To return to the Client the Securities and/or funds that may
financial product and has entered/is in the process of entering have been received erroneously.
into a arrangement with KS for purpose of participating in 7. To send to the Client consolidated summary of Client’s scrip
the brokerage facilities and/or other services including but wise buy and sell positions taken with average rates by way of
not limited to trading through phone broking services, being SMS/e-mail on a daily basis.
offered by KS, through its website www.kotaksecurities.com 8. To do all such acts and things as KS may in its discretion
(or through any other website as launched by KS for offering considers necessary or desirable in order to exercise its
the said services). powers hereunder or to comply with any laws, orders, rules,
C. The Client is also desirous of using his/its bank account regulations or directions of any government or regulatory
and/or Demat account with respect to the purposes stated or other authorities. AND I/WE DO HEREBY CONFIRM AND
hereinabove. DECLARE THAT this Power of Attorney shall be valid, effective
D. For the purpose of availing the above mentioned service, the and operative till the termination of the Arrangement or any
Client is desirous of appointing KS through their directors and/ arrangement(s) that I/we have entered into with KS and
or their duly authorized officers as its constituted attorney(s), satisfaction in full of all the obligations under the same. The
powers and authorities vested in Attorney by this Power

for carrying out acts, matters and thing as required for the

purpose of meeting the settlement obligations and margin of Attorney can be revoked at any time, even prior to the
requirements of the Client in connection with the trades termination of arrangement, by written revocation request/
executed by Client on the Stock Exchanges through KS. instruction to the Attorney subject to the fulfillment of all my/

NOW KNOW YE ALL MEN AND THESE PRESENTS our obligations arising under the arrangement. The cessation
WITNESSETH that I/we the Client do hereby nominate, of this authority shall not affect or impair any act done in
constitute and appoint KS, as my/our Attorney, (hereinafter exercise of these presents. AND The Client and the Attorney
referred to as “the Attorney”) acting through any of its can amend Schedule I and II of these.

presentby mutual consent in writing. The Client can amend AND it is hereby clarified and declared that the Attorney being
Schedule III by prior written intimation to the Attorney or amending a body corporate the powers hereinbefore granted, may be
the same on the website of the Attorney www. kotaksecurities. exercised by any of its employee/authorized representative to
com through his/ her/ it secured login. Similarly the Attorney whom the Attorney may delegate any of the powers aforesaid and
can amend Shedule IV by prior written intimation to the Client accordingly the Attorney may appoint and remove any sub-agent
or amending the same on its website www.kotaksecurities.com or attorney from time to time as it may consider.
available to the client through his/ her/ it secured login.

Detail of demat account of the client which the
Attorney can operate.
Demat A/c DP ID NSE-NSDL-Stock Broker
26098835/IN300214 KSL
Demat account to be opened through Collateral A/c
21312152957961 NSE-CDSL-Stock Broker
Application/Form No: KSL
Collateral A/c
Client ID
BSE-NSDL-Stock Broker
with DP ID IN 300214 26113645/IN300214 KSL Collateral A/c


1202510000009591 KSL Collateral A/c
Bank Account of the Client which the attorney can operate.
NSDL-Client Margin
Saving Bank A/C: 30849082736 With STATE BANK OF INDIA 26098520/IN300214 KSL Trading Securities A/c
Saving account to CDSL-Client Margin Trading
be opened through 21312152957961
With 1202510000009572 KSL Securities A/c
Application No:
KSL NSDL A/c - Pledging of
25898262/IN300214 KSL Client Securities
Bank and Demat account where funds and securities can be moved. KSL CDSL A/c - Pledging of
Saving Bank A/C: Client ID 1202510000009587 KSL Client Securities
Demat A/c DP ID: With
26528649/ IN300214 KSL Securities Margin
SCHEDULE IV Pledge Account
Bank and Demat account of the Attorney where funds and TM- Client Securities
securities can be moved. 26528657/IN300214 KSL under Margin Funding
Note : KSL-Kotak Securites Ltd. Account
ICCL-Indian Clearing Corporation Ltd.
NCL-NSE Clearing Ltd. Corporate
1202510000009781 KSL
Details of Demat Accounts
Client Securities
CM BP ID/DP ID DP Name Description 1202510000009777 KSL Margin Funding
IN550379 KSL NSE-CM-Pool A/c Account
IN606738 KSL BSE-CM-Pool A/c Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited - Bank A/c No.
IN473531 KSL MSE-CM-Pool A/c 09582540000851 5313986959
14804236/IN300214 KSL Client Margin A/c 09582000000777 5012861243
IN620031 ICCL BSE-Star MF CLG Pool 09582650000173 5012861267
IN565576 NCL NSE MFSS CLG Pool 09582650000160
1202510000000041 KSL NSE-CDSL-CM-Pool A/c
1202510000000016 KSL BSE-CDSL-CM-Pool A/c
IN530824/26089554/IN300214 KSL NSE-NSDL-CUSA A/c
IN610833/26093149/IN300214 KSL BSE-NSDL-CUSA A/c
1202510000009549 KSL KSL-CDSL-CUSA A/c

We accept Kotak Securities

Client Signature (1st Holder) Client Signature (2nd Holder) Client Signature (3rd Holder) Limited (The Attorney)
c c c

216119 21312152957961
FATCA / CRS Declaration for Individual Accounts
The information in this section is being collected because of enhancements to Co’s new account on-boarding procedures in
order to fully comply with Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) requirements and the Common Reporting Standards (CRS) requirements pursuant
to amendments made to Income-tax Act,1961 read with Income-tax Rules, 1962. For more information refer: http://bit.ly/29F0475 & http://bit.ly/1pXp8Bg
(We are unable to provide advice about your tax residency. If you have any questions about your tax residency, please contact your tax advisor)
1st Holder - Section I (All fields are mandatory) (Please fill in BLOCK LETTERS)
1 Trading code:
Client ID (To be provided only if demat account is with KSL)
2 Name of Account Holder SUDARSHAN SUDHAKAR AHER
3 Flat No-2, Sai Sneh Heights, Shankar Patil Nagar, Untwadi,
a. Address for Tax Residence _________________________________________________________________________________
Nashik Maharashtra
City _____________________ State __________________ India
Country _____________________ Pin Code 4 2 2 0 0 8
(Please use this space in case you are Tax Resident of more than one country)
b. Address for Tax Residence _________________________________________________________________________________
City _____________________ State __________________ Country _____________________ Pin Code
4 Address Type (Tick whichever applicable) ✔Residential
F FBusiness FRegistered Office FResidential/ Business
5 Do you satisfy any of the criteria mentioned below? Yes No
a. Citizen of any country other than India F ✔
(dual/multiple) [including Green card]
b. Country of birth is any country other than India F ✔

c. Tax resident of ANY country / ies other than India F ✔


d. POA or a mandate holder who has an address outside India F ✔


e. Address or telephone number outside India F ✔


If your answer to any of the above questions is a ‘YES’, please fill Section II of the form,else go to declaration & acknowledgment

1st Holder - Section II (All fields are mandatory)

Father’s name ____________________________________________________ (If PAN not availabe, then mandatory)
Country of Birth ______________________ Place within the country of birth ____________________________________
`(If USA, however nationality and/or country of tax residency is not USA, Please provide documentary evidence as mentioned in instruction 1)
Source of Wealth _____________________________ Nationality _________________________
Please list below the details, confirming ALL countries of tax residency/ permanent residency/ citizenship and ALL Tax Identification Numbers
Country of Tax residency Tax identification no s Tax identification document (TIN or functional equivalent)

It is mandatory to supply a TIN or functional equivalent (in case TIN not available )if the country in which you are tax resident issues such identifiers. If no
TIN /functional equivalent is yet available or has not yet been issued, please provide an explanation ____________________________________
2nd Holder - Section I (All fields are mandatory) (Please fill in BLOCK LETTERS)
1 Trading code:
Client ID (To be provided only if demat account is with KSL)
2 Name of Account Holder
3 a. Address for Tax Residence ___________________________________________________________________________________
City _____________________ State __________________ Country _______________________ Pin Code
(Please use this space in case you are Tax Resident of more than one country)
b. Address for Tax Residence ___________________________________________________________________________________
City _____________________ State __________________ Country _______________________ Pin Code
4 Address Type (Tick whichever applicable) F Residential FBusiness FRegistered Office FResidential/ Business
5 Do you satisfy any of the criteria mentioned below? Yes No
a. Citizen of any country other than India F F
(dual/multiple) [including Green card]
Ver 3/18-19/271119

b. Country of birth is any country other than India F F

c. Tax resident of ANY country / ies other than India F F

d. POA or a mandate holder who has an address outside India F F

e. Address or telephone number outside India F F

If your answer to any of the above questions is a ‘YES’, please fill Section II of the form,else go to declaration & acknowledgment
216119 21312152957961
2nd Holder - Section II (All fields are mandatory)
Father’s name ____________________________________________________(If PAN not availabe, then mandatory)
Country of Birth ______________________ Place within the country of birth ____________________________________
`(If USA, however nationality and/or country of tax residency is not USA, Please provide documentary evidence as mentioned in instruction 1)
Source of Wealth _____________________________ Nationality _________________________
Please list below the details, confirming ALL countries of tax residency/ permanent residency/ citizenship and ALL Tax Identification Numbers
Country of Tax residency Tax identification no s Tax identification document (TIN or functional equivalent)

It is mandatory to supply a TIN or functional equivalent (in case TIN not available) if the country in which you are tax resident issues such identifiers. If no TIN
/functional equivalent is yet available or has not yet been issued, please provide an explanation ________________________________________
3rd Holder - Section I (All fields are mandatory) (Please fill in BLOCK LETTERS)
1 Trading code:
Client ID (To be provided only if demat account is with KSL)
2 Name of Account Holder
3 a. Address for Tax Residence ______________________________________________________________________________________
City _____________________ State __________________ Country ________________________ Pin Code
(Please use this space in case you are Tax Resident of more than one country)
b. Address for Tax Residence ______________________________________________________________________________________
City _____________________ State __________________ Country ________________________ Pin Code
4 Address Type (Tick whichever applicable) F Residential FBusiness FRegistered Office FResidential/ Business
5 Do you satisfy any of the criteria mentioned below? Yes No
a. Citizen of any country other than India F F
(dual/multiple) [including Green card]
b. Country of birth is any country other than India F F

c. Tax resident of ANY country / ies other than India F F

d. POA or a mandate holder who has an address outside India F F

e. Address or telephone number outside India F F

If your answer to any of the above questions is a ‘YES’, please fill Section II of the form,else go to declaration & acknowledgment

3rd Holder - Section II (All fields are mandatory)

Father’s name ____________________________________________________ (If PAN not availabe, then mandatory)
Country of Birth ______________________ Place within the country of birth ____________________________________
`(If USA, however nationality and/or country of tax residency is not USA, Please provide documentary evidence as mentioned in instruction 1)
Source of Wealth _____________________________ Nationality _________________________
Please list below the details, confirming ALL countries of tax residency/ permanent residency/ citizenship and ALL Tax Identification Numbers
Country of Tax residency Tax identification no s Tax identification document (TIN or functional equivalent)

It is mandatory to supply a TIN or functional equivalent (in case TIN not available )if the country in which you are tax resident issues such identifiers. If no TIN
/functional equivalent is yet available or has not yet been issued, please provide an explanation ________________________________________
Declaration & Acknowledgment
I/We being the beneficial owner of the account opened / to be opened with Kotak Securities Limited(KSL) and the income credited therein, declare that
the above information and information in the submitted documents to be true, correct and updated, and the submitted documents are genuine and duly
executed. I/We acknowledge that towards compliance with tax information sharing laws, such as FATCA/CRS, the KSL may be required to seek additional
personal, tax and beneficial owner information and certain certifications and documentation from the account holder. Such information may be sought
either at the time of account opening or any time subsequently. In certain circumstances (including if the KSL does not receive a valid selfcertification
from me) KSL may be obliged to share information on my account with relevant tax authorities. Should there be any change in any information provided
by me I/We ensure that I/We will advise KSL promptly, i.e., within 30 days. Towards compliance with such laws, the KSL may also be required to provide
information to any institutions such as withholding agents for the purpose of ensuring appropriate withholding from the account or any proceeds in relation
Ver 3/18-19/271119

thereto. As may be required by domestic or overseas regulators/ tax authorities, the KSL may also be constrained to withhold and pay out any sums from
my account or close or suspend my account(s). I/We further agree that the information provided above will be updated in all my trading/demat accounts,
if any at PAN level.I/We also understand that the account will be reported if any one of the aforesaid FATCA / CRS criteria for any of the account holders
i.e. primary or joint (in case of demat account) are met.
Client Signature (1st Holder) Client Signature (2nd Holder) Client Signature (3rd Holder)
c 13 c 9 c 9
This document is digitally signed. 9 9

Please refer to Annexure A for digital


216119 21312152957961
Instructions to the Form
In case customer has the following Indicia pertaining to a foreign country and yet declares self to be non-tax resident in the respective country, customer
to provide relevant Curing Documents as mentioned below:

FATCA/ CRS Indicia observed (ticked) Documentation required for Cure of FATCA/ CRS indicia

U.S. place of birth Self-certification that the account holder is neither a citizen of United States of
America nor a resident for tax purposes;
Non-US passport or any non-US government issued document evidencing
nationality or citizenship (refer list below);AND
Any one of the following documents:
Certified Copy of Certificate of Loss of Nationality or
Reasonable explanation of why the customer does not have such a certificate
despite renouncing US citizenship; or
Reason the customer did not obtain U.S. citizenship at birth

Residence/mailing address in a country other than India 1. Self-certification that the account holder is neither a citizen of United States
of America nor a tax resident of any country other than India; and
Telephone number in a country other than India 2. Documentary evidence (refer list below)

Standing instructions to transfer funds to an account maintained 1. Self-certification that the account holder is neither a citizen of United States
in a country other than India (other than depository accounts) of America nor a tax resident of any country other than India; and

2. Documentary evidence (refer list below)

POA granted to a person with an address in a country outside 1. Self-certification that the account holder is neither a citizen of United States of
India America nor a tax resident for tax purposesof any country other than India; OR

2. Documentary evidence (refer list below)

A. List of acceptable documentary evidence needed to establish the residence(s) for tax purposes:
1. Certificate of residence issued by an authorized government body*
2. Valid identification issued by an authorized government body* (e.g. Passport, National Identity card, etc.)
* Government or agency thereof or a municipality of the country or territory in which the payee claims to be a resident.

B. Clarification / Guidelines on filling details if applicant residence for tax purposes in jurisdiction(s) outside India
1 Tax identification Number (TIN): TIN need not be reported if it has not been issued by the jurisdiction. However, if the said jurisdiction has
issued a high integrity number with an equivalent level of identification (a “Functional equivalent”), the same may be reported. Examples
of that type of number for individual include, a social security/insurance number, citizen/personal identification/services code/number, and
resident registration number)

Office Use Section:

Signature Verified
Name of the Employee
Employee Code
Designation of Employee
Ver 3/18-19/271119

216119 21312152957961

Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited
Dear Sirs,
Sub: Registration of Power of Attorney and Linking of my account(s) with Trading Account
This is to inform you that I/We _____________________________________________________________________________
Residing at / having our office at ___________________________________________________________________________
and holding/desirous of opening banking and/or demat account(s) with Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited
I/We have issued a Power of Attorney dated in favour of Kotak Securities Limited (KSL) granting authorities to them, for doing the acts, deeds and things
as stated therein respectively through their authorized officials, more particularly for operating my/our selected account(s) as under for facilitating my/
our securities transactions through KSL.
I/We hereby revoke all or any POA earlier given by us and registered with you if any (Strike off if not applicable).
Bank Account No. ___________________________________________________ CRN No.:__________________________________
(Required only for Direct Access and not for Gateway Access).
DP Client ID: ______________________________________
A copy of the said Power of Attorney is enclosed for your records. You are requested to register the said Power of Attorney for operation of the aforesaid
Further, I/We hereby request you to link my said Bank and/or Demat account with trading account maintained by me/us with Kotak Securities Ltd
bearing trading Client ID. I/We confirm that I/We am/are aware that on linking my Demat Account with Trading Account,
all the unused Delivery Instruction Slips stand cancelled.
I authorize the Bank to execute instructions received by me/us in the form and manner prescribed by the Bank from time to time including but not
limited to Net banking, Payment Gateway, Phone Banking, Electronic mails, Fascimile and further Bank is entitled to transfer funds in any from and
manner including but not limited to by way of debit/credit of my/our account(s), and issue pay-orders/demand drafts/bankers cheques, from my/our
account to honour all my/our instructions given by me/us directly or by KSL by virtue of the powers conferred to it by me/us against my/our Trading
Account maintained with it and all actions by you shall be permitted by RBI and/or relevant regulators as applicable from time to time.
Debit Authorization
I/We authorize you to debit my/our Saving/Current account No.
Towards - Trading Account opening charges ` ________________________________________________________
and margin money ` ________________________________ and pay to Kotak Securities Ltd.
In case the initial attempt to debit my/our Savings/Current account for account opening charges and margin money fails due to any reason, I/We
authorize you to continue the attempt to debit my/our Savings/Current account for the next 365 days or till successful debit of the said charges from
my/our Savings/Current account whichever is earlier.”
I/We hereby authorize Kotak Securities Ltd to obtain my/our Bank account from Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd bank account linked with Kotak Securities
Limited on a periodic basis for the purpose of updating my/our financial details and I/We have no objection to Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd for sharing my/
our Bank account statement with Kotak Securities Limited. FYes FNo

Thanking You

Yours Faithfully,
Ver 3/18-19/271119

Name and Signature of sole / (1st Holder) Name and Signature (2nd Holder) Name and Signature (3rd Holder)
Name _____________________ Name _____________________ Name _____________________

This document is digitally signed.

Please refer to Annexure A for digital

216119 21312152957961

Consent Letter

Dated: _____________________


Kotak Securities Limited


Dear Sir,

1. I/We confirm, agree and authorize the Kotak Securities Limited (“KSL”) to make available details of my/our Demat account(s) in Kotak
Securities Limited on Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited’s net banking page after due authentication in case my/our bank account with Kotak
Mahindra Bank Limited has been linked at the time of account opening or otherwise.
2. I/We understand that all demat details displayed on Kotak Mahindra Bank’s net banking page are updated as provided by KSL.
3. I/We am/are aware that in case of any discrepancy in information/transaction in Kotak Securities Demat account(s), I/we need to contact
KSL only and not Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd.
4. I/We confirm and agree that that I/we shall not have recourse to dispute redressal mechanism / arbitration mechanism / investor
protection schemes of the Stock Exchanges/SEBI in case I/we avail services under any schemes/leagues/competitions etc. offered by
any third party or Kotak Securities Limited’ s group company/associate company.

Name and Signature of sole / (1st Holder) Name and Signature (2nd Holder) Name and Signature (3rd Holder)
Name _____________________ Name _____________________ Name _____________________

This document is digitally signed.

Please refer to Annexure A for digital

Self Declaration VOLUNTARY

Kotak Securities Ltd.,
I Mr. /Mrs. /Ms. _____________________________________________________do hereby confirm, declare and undertake that my
name has been misspelt in following document pertains to me.

Name as it appears on the Income Tax website is____________________________________________________________

Name as it appears on Address proof is ___________________________________________________________________
Name as it appears on PAN/Aadhar Card is ________________________________________________________________
Name as it appears on Bank Proof is ______________________________________________________________________
I hereby agree and confirm that what is stated above is true and correct information. I hereby agree to indemnify and keep Kotak Securities
Limited. indemnified at all times from and against all costs, charges, damages, penalties (including reasonable attorneys fees) suffered and/or
incurred by Kotak Securities Limited for any act done or omitted to be done based on the above declaration.

I hereby confirm that my account will be opened as per name appearing on Income Tax website.
Client Signature
Ver 3/18-19/271119

This document is digitally signed.
Please refer to Annexure A for digital

216119 21312152957961

Declaration of Open Position

Date D2 4D / M
0 M
7 / Y2 Y
0 Y
2 Y

Sub : My request for trading in commodity forward contracts/commodity derivatives on

NCDEX, MCX, BSE and NSE as your client

I/We the undersigned, have taken cognizance of circulars issued by Exchanges/SEBI from time to time on the guidelines for calculation of
net open positions permitted in any commodity and l/we hereby undertake to comply with the same. I/we hereby declare and undertake that
I/we will not exceed the position limits prescribed from time to time by Exchanges or FMC or SEBI and such position limits will be calculated
in accordance with the circulars on position limits as modified from time to time. I/we undertake to inform you and keep you informed if I/
any of our partners/directors/karta/trustee or any of the partnership firms/companies/HUFs/ Trusts in which I or any of above such person is
a partner/director/karta/trustee, takes or holds any position in any commodity forward contract/commodity derivative on Exchanges through
you or through any other member(s) of Exchanges to enable you to restrict our position limit as prescribed by the applicable circular of Ex-
changes/SEBI as modified from time to time. I/we confirm that you have agreed to enter orders in commodity forward contracts/commodity
derivatives for me/us as your clients on Exchanges only on the basis of our above assurances and undertaking. I/We further undertake to
bear any liable/penalty/charges levied by Exchanges / SEBI.

In this connection I hereby submit the details of the entities with which I am related

Sr. No. Name Client Code Related As

Yours faithfully,

Client Signature
This document is digitally
signed. Please refer to
Annexure A for digital signature
Ver 3/18-19/271119

216119 21312152957961


To be filled by Relationship Manager and Back Office Staff
Lead ID No : 20853369
KSEC Sourcing Person Code : Name :
KSEC Relationship Manager Code : Name :
10 Digit Location Code : KNMUMK67MI
Margin /Account opening fee cheque details
FA/C Processing Cheque FRecover from Margin FApproval
Bank name Cheque No. Account No.
Margin Amt App Fee Total Amount
Drawn bank city name Cheque Date MICR

FOTC Voucher No./ Insta Kit No. _________________________________________________________________________

Applicable for Authorized person/DSA

Main Code
Applicable for Alternate Channel
Bank RM Code
Bank RM Name
Bank Branch Code
Bank Branch Name
LOB Code
Declaration from Employee / Authorised Person
Declaration: “I hereby declare that I have met the client personally and verified the person with the photo provided in account opening form
(In person verification) and have verified all the proofs with original (OSV). I am aware of Civil and Criminal liability that may devolve upon me
(irrespective of whether I remain in employment or not) as per law and Company policies, in the event of false declaration to this effect.”I/
We undertake that we have made the client aware of ‘Policy and Procedures’, tariff sheet and all the non-mandatory documents. I/ We have
also made the client aware of ’Rights and Obligations’ document(s), RDD and Guidance Note. I/We have given/sent him a copy of all the
KYC documents. I/We undertake that any change in the ‘Policy and Procedures’, tariff sheet and all the non-mandatory documents would
be duly intimated to the clients. I/We also undertake that any change in the ‘Rights and Obligations’ and RDD would be made available on
my/our website, if any, for the information of the clients.

Date:___________ Employee / Authorised Person Name & Signature


Approver Name For A/C Opening / Margin Fee :

Approver Name For Brokerage :

Dp Rate Code : OV

Brokerage Product Code : MI

Ver 3/18-19/271119


Ver 2/17-18/180818

Name and Signature of sole / (1st Holder) Name and Signature (2nd Holder) Name and Signature (3rd Holder)
Name _____________________ Name _____________________ Name _____________________

This refer to is
document MITC document
digitally signed.for
Please refer to Annexure A for digital
Client Signature




IndusInd Bank Limited

Dear Sir,

Sub: Registration of Power of Attorney and Linking of my account(s) with Trading Account

This is to inform you that I/We

Residing at/having our office at

and holding/desirous of opening banking and/or demat account(s) with IndusInd Bank Limited.

I/We have issued a Power of Attorney in favour of Kotak Securities Limited (KSL) granting authorities to them, for doing the
acts, deeds and things as stated therein respectively through their authorized officials, more particularly for operating
my/our selected account(s) as under for facilitating my/our securities transactions through KSL.

I/We hereby revoke all or any POA earlier given by us and registered with you if any (Strike off if not applicable).

Bank Account No. CRN No.:

(Required only for Direct Access and not for Gateway Access)

DP Client Id:

A copy of the said Power of Attorney is enclosed for your records. You are requested to register the said Power of Attorney
for operation of the aforesaid account(s).

Further, I/We hereby request you to link my said Bank and/or Demat account with trading account maintained by me/us
with Kotak Securities Ltd bearing trading Client ID. I/We confirm that I/We am/are aware that on
linking my Demat Account with Trading Account, all the unused Delivery Instruction Slips stand Cancelled.

I authorize the Bank to execute instructions received by me/us in the form and manner prescribed by the Bank from time
to time including but not limited to Net banking, Payment Gateway, Phone Banking, Electronic mails, Fascimile and further
Bank is entitled to transfer funds in any form and manner including but not limited to by way of debit/credit of my/our
account(s), and issue pay-orders/demand drafts/bankers cheques, from my/our account to honour all my/our instructions
given by me/us directly or by KSL by virtue of the powers conferred to it by me/us against my/our Trading Account
maintained with it and all actions by you shall be permitted by RBI and/or relevant regulators as applicable from time to
Ver 2/17-18/180818

Name and Signature of sole / (1st Holder) Name and Signature (2nd Holder) Name and Signature (3rd Holder)
Name _____________________ Name _____________________ Name _____________________

This document
Please is digitally
refer to MITC signed.
document for
Please refer to Annexure A for digital
Client Signature

Date Place Date Place Date Place

Kotak Securities Limited
Annexure A
Consent Letter
Kotak Securities Limited, Mumbai
Dear Sir,
1. I/We confirm and agree that I/we have applied to open Trading and/or Demat Account with Kotak Securities Limited (“KSL”)
vide application reference number _________________________.
2. I/we hereby agree and confirm that everything stated above in Application form and all other documents are true and correct.
I/we will be solely responsible for any consequences/liability arising out of the points stated above or in AOF/other documents
or in any other supporting documents provided by me at the time of opening the account. Further, I/we also undertake to
submit the requisite documents and evidence(s) as required, if required to do so. I further agree to indemnify and keep KSL
indemnified at all times, from and against all costs, charges, damages, Penalties/fines, suffered and/or incurred by KSL for
any act done or omitted to be done based on this/above declaration & AOF data and documents.
3. I/We confirm and agree that all the information captured in the application form has been displayed to me and agreed by
me. I/we have been informed that the KYC application forms containing various sections including mandatory and non-
mandatory sections shall be digitally signed as one document using my/our Aadhaar by means of OTP/Biometric
authentication as facilitated by UIDAI.
4. I/We understand that the digital signature shall be valid/applicable for following set of documents wherever applicable and
I/We hereby confirm and agree that the said list of documents have been read, understood and consented by me.
 KRA | Aadhaar based A/c Opening
 Rights and Obligations Stock Brokers, Sub-Brokers and Clients, Risk Disclosure Document and Guidance Note
 Rights and Obligations of Clearing Member/Participant and its Client in relation to SLBM.
 Rights and Obligations of Beneficial Owner and Depository Participant.
 Commodity – RDD, Additional RDD for Options Trading, Rights and Obligation, DO’s & Don’ts
 Commodity - Rights & Obligations of Stock Broker, Sub-Broker & Client (Available in 15 Regional Languages),
Commodity - Uniform Risk Disclosure Document (Available in 15 Regional Languages)
 Commodity - Do’s And Don’ts for Trading on Exchanges (Available in 15 Regional Languages)
 Additional Risk Through Wireless Technology / SOR / Mutual Funds On Exchange Platform.
 FAQs on Anti Money Laundering (AML), Policies and Procedures For Client Dealings.
 Voluntary Terms and Conditions, Tariff sheet, Schedule of Charges/ Charges for Other Services.
 Running Account Authorization, Power of Attorney, FATCA/CRS Declaration.
 Demat Debit Pledge Instruction (DDPI).
 Self-Attestation of Documents Submitted for A/c Opening, Disclosure declaration.
 Declaration on Commodity Categorization, Open Position Declaration, All supporting documents.
 Addendum to various clauses of account opening form.
5. I/We confirm that scanned copy of the signature provided by me/us on plain paper/account opening documents shall be
treated as a specimen signature and will be retained for record purpose by KSL.
6. I/We confirm and agree that I/we shall not have recourse to dispute redressal mechanism / arbitration mechanism / investor
protection schemes of the Stock Exchanges/SEBI in case I/we avail services under any schemes/leagues/competitions etc.
offered by any third party or Kotak Securities Limited’ s group company/associate company.
7. In case of any change/updation in the above mentioned / provided details or documents, I/we will inform you in writing.


Name of First Holder

Digitally signed by
Signature Date: 2022.07.24 03:27:55 +05:30
Reason: Kotak Securities Ltd. Demat and Trading
Account Opening
Location: Nashik India

This document is digitally signed. Please refer to Annexure A for digital signature.

PAN Card

This document is digitally signed. Please refer to Annexure A for digital signature.


This document is digitally signed. Please refer to Annexure A for digital signature.


This document is digitally signed. Please refer to Annexure A for digital signature.

Financial Document

This document is digitally signed. Please refer to Annexure A for digital signature.

Signature proof

This document is digitally signed. Please refer to Annexure A for digital signature.



I hereby accept, agree, confirm and acknowledge the following changes to terms & conditions for Margin Trading Facility, Policies
and Procedure for client dealing, Voluntary terms & conditions.
1. Margin Trading Facility Terms and Conditions: -

Changes are carried out to clause A) and the revised terms shall be read as under: -

2 - ‘Give consent to the Terms and Conditions herein through email / SMS from his email id / mobile number registered with
KSL or by online mode by logging-in on the website of KSL in a secured manner or by physical mode or through any legally
verifiable mode/manner.’

4 – ‘Pay interest as per clause “D” of mandatory policies and procedure for client dealing executed at the time of opening the
account and/or modified and communicated from time to time by KSL.’

11 - ‘Accept all types of communications including order / trade confirmation, revision in margin, margin calls / decision to
liquidate the position / security / collateral, Margin statements, margin policies on haircuts / VAR margin, Risk management
policies, Rights & obligations, allowable exposure, specific stock exposure etc. through the Client's E-mail / SMS at the email id
/ mobile number of the Client registered with KSL or by way of logging-in on website of KSL in a secured manner or physical
mode, or any other legally verifiable mode.’

15 - ‘Treat those securities available in demat account/s linked to the trading account of the client, which are pledged in favour
of KSL as margin.’

29 - ‘I/We agree and confirm that Kotak Securities Limited(KSL) may appoint agents, credit bureau for carrying out the acts
mentioned in or in relation to rendering its services. I/We also agree and confirm that KSL may have different types of
arrangements with various partners, group entities, vendors, agencies, affiliates, agents, regulators etc and I/We consent to
share my/our account related information, reports issued by such credit bureau to any such parties for various Regulatory and
other purposes. I / We confirm that my above consent is unconditional and shall not contravene any Acts, Rules and
Regulations and amendments issued by Regulator / Legislature from time to time.’

2. Policies and Procedure for client dealing: -

Clause C- ‘’ Applicable brokerage rate” shall be read as- ‘Brokerage will be charged to the client based on the brokerage rates
specified at the time of account opening or as per the product/scheme opted by the client from time to time. KSL may reduce
the brokerage rate at its sole discretion, which will be communicated through the relationship manager/e-mail communication
and / or reflection of amount in the contract notes for further trades. However, any increase in brokerage rate will either be
done with the consent of the client or at the discretion of KSL by giving 15 days advance notice to the client. The brokerage
rate shall be within the permissible limit set by SEBI/Exchanges.’

Clause D - “Imposition of penalty/interest on debit balance" shall be read as – ‘KSL requires all its clients to make the payment
towards outstanding arising out of trades and/ or ancillary services availed by the client on or before due date. In case of
outstanding in account, penal interest will be levied on the client to deter them from delaying the payment in future. The
company may determine the rate of interest to be charged, at its sole discretion and same will be communicated in debit note
sent to the clients. KSL may reduce the interest rate at its sole discretion and revised interest rate will be communicated
through e-mail and or SMS and will be reflected in the debit notes. However, any increase in rate of interest from the rate of
interest previously charged to the client will be done with advance notice of 15 days to the client. Interest will be calculated
considering balance lying across all exchange and segment on any given day. Margins provided by the client in the form of
funds and or securities shall be interest free and KSL shall not be liable to pay any interest on the same. Any amounts which
are overdue from the Client towards trading either in the cash or derivative segments or on account of any other services
availed by the client including depository services among the other services etc from KSL will be charged interest on debit
balance at the rate not higher than 0.066% per day compounded on monthly basis or other such rate as may be determined
by KSL and as communicated from time to time. KSL will directly debit the same to the account of the Client at the end of each
month. Further, KSL will also debit charges for depository services availed from it to the trading account of clients.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, in case of force majeure event, KSL reserves the right to revise the rate of interest at its
discretion with prior intimation to the client.’

Clause E- ‘‘The right to sell clients’ securities or close client’s positions, without giving notice to the client, on account of non-
payment of client’s dues (This shall be limited to settlement/ margin obligation/debit balance of client).” The first three
paragraphs shall be replaced with the following:

“As per KSL’s Risk Management System (RMS) policy and regulatory guidelines, in case the client has not paid the amount
towards the securities purchased, KSL may transfer those securities in “Client Unpaid Securities Account (CUSA)”. Once the
dues in the client’s account are cleared, the securities will be transferred to the client’s demat account. In case of non-payment
of dues, securities may be disposed-off within 5 trading days from the date of pay-out and any excess securities, would be
transferred to the client’s demat account.

KSL shall accept securities as collateral by way of margin pledge / re-pledge only, in accordance with the company’s RMS policy
and prevalent regulations. In case the client has securities lying in the Demat account, it shall not be treated as margin unless
client marks margin pledge in favour of KSL against the same.

Further, KSL reserves the right to liquidate all or any of the securities lying in the Demat account of the client in case of any
margin requirement / to settle the dues arising from time to time. Clients are required to keep themselves updated with the
RMS policy which may be published and as updated by KSL on it’s website from time to time.”

Apart from the above, all the remaining paragraphs starting with “The liquidation of securities would be based on…..” remain
the same

Clause J- ‘’ Policy on inactive (dormant) Account” shall be read as- In order to protect the account of customer, KSL will
deactivate the trading accounts of the client, which are identified as “Dormant” and report them as inactive in UCC.
A client will be marked as “Dormant” if there is no trading activity in the account in the last 12 months across all exchanges in
secondary market.

Clients will be given an advance notice before deactivation of the account. Once the account is deactivated, the customer will
not be able to place trades in any segments. Client can get his account re-activated by following the below process

Period Particulars IPV Declaration

12.01 months to 24 months Client comes for re-activation (any segment) No Yes
Beyond 24.01 months Transaction in IPO / MF or DP No Yes
No transaction in any segment from the date of Last Trade Yes Yes

IPO / MF investments will not be restricted during the dormancy period.

Further, in case details required for reactivation in UCC are not available, the same needs to be submitted by the client.
No Funds payout request will be entertained and client will be asked to activate the account. However, funds payout as
required by SEBI regulation, needs to be carried out even for dormant account.

Clause K- “Penal charges that may be debited to the Client’s account” shall be read as –

‘KSL reserves the right to debit client’s ledger for any penal charges that may be charged by the Exchanges/ depositories on
KSL on the client level for any default/ violation of Exchange rule/regulations/ bye laws/ circular/ guidelines / requirements
occurring due to omission or commission of any act on the part of the client. This may include penalty for short delivery of
securities, shortfall in margin payments, violation of client level position limits, client code modification etc. KSL shall have the
right to recover such charges / penalties like any other trade dues payable by the client and recover the same by selling the
client’s securities.’

From clause “L”- “Third party funds and securities” paragraph 2, the following line shall be deleted;

“Wherever, client gives POA on demat account to KSL, KSL treats the securities lying in the account as securities margin.”

3. Voluntary terms and conditions: -

Clause 4 shall be read as – ‘The Client agrees and confirms that the Member may appoint agents, credit bureau for carrying
out the acts mentioned in or in relation to rendering its services. The client also agrees and confirms that the Member may
have different types of arrangements with various partners, group entities, vendors, agencies, affiliates, agents, regulators
etc., and the Client consents to share his/its account related information, reports issued by such credit bureau to any such
parties for various Regulatory and other purposes. I / We confirm that my above consent is unconditional and shall not
contravene any Acts, Rules and Regulations and amendments issued by Regulator / Legislature from time to time.’

Clause 6 as below stands deleted-

‘The Client agrees that KSL reserves the right to debit the Client’s ledger for any penal charges that may be charged by the
Exchanges/depositories on the Member on the Client level for any default/violation of Exchange rule/regulations/ bye laws/
circular/ guidelines/requirements occurred due to omission or commission of any act on the part of the Client. This may include
penalty for short delivery of securities, violation of the client level position-limits, shortfall in margin payment, client code
modification, the Member shall have the right to recover such charges like any other trade dues payable by the client and
recover the same by selling the Client’s securities.’
Clause 23 shall be read as –‘The Client is aware that KSL communicates various research reports, recommendations, trade
related information, etc. vide SMS, Calls or any other mode of communications to it’s Clients with respect to trading/demat
account, which are transactional in nature, which may also qualify as commercial/promotional communication as per TRAI
Regulations. The Client hereby consents to receive all such calls and /or SMS from KSL. The Client agrees and confirms that
such consent to receive all such calls and /or SMS from KSL overrides the DNCR (Do Not Call Register) registration which may
have been opted by the Client at any point of time. The Client is also aware that the said consent can be revoked by giving a
written instruction to KSL and the revocation shall be effective within seven (7) working days from the date of receipt of such
written instruction by KSL. The Client agrees and consents for the receipt of any communications including but not limited to
promotional communications through any means, for instance in the form of messages, voice calls, through any digital means,
any over-the-top communication services etc.’

Clause 28 added as –‘The Client agrees and confirms that charges mentioned in the Tariff Sheet/ Schedule of Charges / Charges
for Other Services or any such charges may be revised at the sole discretion of KSL. The Client will be duly informed prior to
implementation of any upward revision in charges.’

Clause 29 added as – ‘The client confirms and agrees that the securities lying in his / her / its demat account with POA to Kotak
securities may be considered for Early Pay-In (EPI) of securities in order to meet the margin requirements and settlement
obligations etc. The client shall be solely liable for all the losses / penalties / charges etc. levied by the Exchange/s, on account
of non-execution/delay in execution of the EPI transactions and also in case of any increase in margin requirements in either
leg of trade, due to various factors which are beyond the reasonable control of the Broker.’

Clause 30 added as –‘ I/We am/are aware, agree and confirm to abide by the various circulars, notifications issued by the
authorities with respect to my/our Permanent Account Number (PAN) and all associated person’s PAN including linking of
my/our PAN, linking of all associated person’s PAN as applicable, to the respective Aadhar. I/We confirm to keep KSL apprised
about any changes to my/our PAN including any change to the status of my/our PAN, all associated PAN’s as applicable. I/We
confirm and declare that I/we shall be solely responsible for any liabilities, losses, damages, penalties etc. arising out of any
changes to the PAN or to the status of any such PAN’s, which affects my/our accounts and dealings with KSL.’

Clause 31 added as –‘ The client hereby authorizes and instructs KSL to act upon and execute any and all documents on receipt
of complete details/information including updation/modification requests received from the client in any form or manner
through any digital/ electronic mode which is registered with KSL. The client also further agrees and confirms that the receipt
of any such instruction/(s) in electronic/digital mode would be considered sufficient for all purposes whatsoever.’

Clause 32 added as-‘ I/We am/are aware that order placement through any legally verifiable mode is permissible as per
regulations and under Indian Laws. I/We am/are further aware that communicating order instructions from my/our registered
email id or from the email id of my/our authorized representative to the designated email id of KSL as informed from time to
time, is one of the legally acceptable modes of order placement. I/We hereby declare, agree, accept and shall abide by the
following conditions with respect to email instructions :

a) KSL shall only act upon valid email order instructions received from my/our registered email id or from the email id of my/our
authorized representative as updated from time to time.

b) Order placement request will be sent in the prescribed format.

c) Unclear, incomplete, ambiguous instructions shall not be acted upon.

d) I/We understand the risks associated with transmission of information through email which are including but not limited to:
unauthorized access, tampering, being fraudulently or mistakenly written, altered or sent, not be received in whole or in part
by the intended recipient, sent/received in jumbled state or manner and misunderstood by recipient’s system, may be
unattended, other risks associated with internet usage like delays disruptions of services and connectivity etc.

e) I/We shall be solely liable and shall not hold KSL liable for any and all losses, damages arising out of order placement / non-
placement of order by way of email instructions.’

Clause 33 added as- ‘The client understands, agrees and confirms that upon Aadhar authentication/sharing the share code,
the client’s photo/kyc / demographic details / Aadhaar data/ related passcode / XML data / QR code from Aadhaar image / e-
Aadhaar etc shall be extracted/converted in readable format for the purpose of opening the accounts with Kotak securities
Ltd and stored by KSL for record purpose. The client also agrees and confirm to share any and all such Aadhaar related data as
described above with all Regulators including KRA’s including but not limited to for the purpose of validation of KYC by KRA
and also with CKYCR’.

Clause 34 added as-‘ I/We am/are aware about the requirement to allocate margin at Exchange-segment level on an upfront
basis. Hence, in order to facilitate seamless allocation of any of my/our un-allocated collaterals for margin purposes, I/we
authorize KSL to allocate any and all of my/our un-allocated margins based on my/our past, present or anticipated trading
pattern and computed depending on the metrics, perception and at the sole discretion of KSL. I/We am/are aware that KSL
may re-allocate the margins and I/We give our consent for the said re-allocation. I/We further understand that I/we may re-
allocate the margins by following the prescribed process. I/We shall not raise any dispute and shall not hold KSL liable for any
losses or damages arising out of the allocation/un-allocation/re-allocation etc. of margin as mentioned above.’

The numbering of the existing clauses in this document is changed due to addition/ deletion of clauses. The updated document
is given at the below https://www.kotaksecurities.com/ksweb/Important-Policies

4. Other notes: -

 New Single Registration Number of Kotak Securities Limited as DP of NSDL and CDSL is IN-DP-629-2021
 There is change in compliance officer, hence the below lines shall read as:-
Compliance Officer Name: Sanjayu Nair; Phone No. +91 (022) 42858484; E-mail ID: ks.compliance@kotak.com
 Under I a* - KRA/ Aadhar Based Account Opening, below stands revised:
2) Do you wish to provide consent for authenticating with Aadhar based system for account opening: □ Yes □ No
(Currently not applicable)
If Yes, I understand that I have alternatives against Aadhaar. I further understand that upon Aadhar
authentication/sharing the share code my photo/kyc/ demographic details / Aadhaar data/ related passcode / XML
data / QR code from Aadhaar image / e-Aadhaar etc. shall be extracted/converted in readable format for the purpose
of opening the accounts with Kotak securities Ltd. and stored by KSL for record purpose. I also agree and confirm to
share any and all such Aadhaar related data as described above with all Regulators including KRA’s including but not
limited to for the purpose of validation of KYC by KRA and also with CKYCR.

 The clause for activation of derivative segment stands revised: ‘In case I have opted for derivatives segment, I
hereby confirm and understand that said segment will be activated as and when the demat holdings value/
payments made by client in the form of cheque/funds transfer or ledger balance in the trading account exceeds
threshold as decided by KSL and updated on website from time to time. Further, same will be treated as
Supporting document along self-declaration for financial proof in order to activate derivatives segment. I am
aware that same will be treated as Supporting document along with my self-declaration for financial proof in
order to activate derivatives segment. You can also submit the documents at the nearest KSL branch.’

 Vide SEBI circular no. SEBI/HO/MIRSD/DoP/CIR/P/2018/117 dated Aug 3,2018, the concept of Sub-Brokers (‘SB’)
has been discontinued by SEBI, hence the word ‘sub brokers’ has been replaced with the word ‘Authorized
person’ in account opening form.

The following clause have been added under Trading preference for activation of mutual fund segment. The
existing page ‘Terms and Conditions for placing ‘Execution only’ order by clients stands replaced.
Kotak Securities Limited: AMFI-registered Mutual Fund Distributor .
I/we have read and understood the T&C, details, rules and regulations governing the scheme and content of the
Scheme Information Document (SID) / Statement of Additional information (SAI), Key Information Memorandum
(KIM) etc. of the mutual fund schemes. I/we understand that KSL is a distributor of MF’s of various Asset
Management Companies (AMC’s) including Kotak Asset Management Company Ltd which is a group company
and is entitled to receive commission for the schemes of various MF’s as distributor from various AMC’s. I/We
shall abide and ensure compliance to all the T&C, circulars / notices issued by the Exchanges, AMC, SEBI, AMFI
and any other laws in force from time to time. I/We understand the risks involved in investing in MF Schemes
and also confirm that order for the purchase /sale of units of MF scheme(s) shall be on the basis of my/our own
analysis and I/we shall be wholly responsible for all my/our investment decisions. Details of AMC’s for whom KSL

is a distributor are given below on our website under the link https://www.kotaksecurities.com/ksweb/mutual-
fundsI/We hereby give you my/our consent to share/provide the transactions data feed/portfolio holdings/NAV
etc. in respect of my/our investments as required.in respect of my/our investments as required. I/we understand
and acknowledge that Riskometer is a self-assessment of risk by the respective AMC and the needle of the
riskometer points to the level of risk associated with the Mutual Fund. Investors can use the riskometer to choose
schemes which are in sync with their risk appetite. However, it is essential to note that although the riskometer
can give an overall idea of the risk level, there are many factors involved that should be considered while selecting
a fund and a riskometer should not be the sole indicator. I/we understand that Investors should consult their
financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them. KSL shall not be liable for any loss
incurred pursuant to financial decisions taken by me/us. I/We will be solely responsible for the investment plans
chosen by me/us which may have varying levels of risk like low, low to moderate, moderate, moderately high,
very high etc. and I/we shall independently evaluate all risks arising out of the same keeping my/our investment
objectives in mind.

 The risk profiler questionnaire stands deleted.

 The below clauses of declaration stands modified as:
‘I/We further confirm having received/read and understood the contents of the ‘Policies & Procedure For Client
Dealings’, Rights and Obligations’ document(s), of stock broker/ Authorised person & clients and Rights And
Obligations of beneficial owner and depository participant, ‘Risk Disclosure Document’ ‘Additional risk disclosure
documents’ for options and ‘Guidance Note’ including commodities, ‘Rights And Obligations of the Clearing
Member/Participant and its client in relation to the Securities Lending And Borrowing Scheme’, ‘Additional
risk/obligation/liability statement in case of trading through wireless technology/Smart Order Routing/Mutual
Funds on Exchange platform’, ‘FAQ on Anti Money laundering (AML)’ , and nomination and Investor Charters .
I/We do hereby agree to be bound by such provisions as outlined in these documents. I/We have also been
informed that the standard set of documents has been displayed for Information on Company’s designated
website www.kotaksecurities.com at http:// kotaksecurities.com/ksweb/Important-Policies and Investor
Charters have been displayed at https://www.kotaksecurities.com/ksweb/investor-charter.

 The ECN declaration as below stands deleted:

- I am aware that the Member has to provide physical contract note in respect of all the trades placed by me
unless I myself want the same in the electronic form.
- I am aware that the Member has to provide electronic contract note for my convenience on my request only.
- Though the Member is required to deliver physical contract note, I find that it is inconvenient for me to receive
physical contract notes.
Therefore, I am voluntarily requesting for delivery of electronic contract note pertaining to all the trades carried
out/ ordered by me.
- I have access to a computer and am a regular internet user, having sufficient knowledge of handling the email
- My email id is * Same as mentioned in Part A . This has been created by me and not by someone else.
- I am aware that this declaration form should be in English or in any other language known to me.
- I am aware that non-receipt of bounced mail notification by the member shall amount to delivery of the contract
note at the above e-mail ID.
 Clause 37 under Additional rights and obligations should be read as:-
‘The stock broker / stock broker and depository participant shall not directly /
indirectly compel the clients to execute Power of Attorney (PoA) or Demat Debit
and Pledge Instruction (DDPI) or deny services to the client if the client refuses to
execute PoA or DDPI.’

I/we understand, acknowledge and accept the above.

Client Signature
This document is digitally signed.
Please refer to Annexure A for digital

Letter of Authorisation

Kotak Securities Limited,
27 BKC, C27,
G Block,
Bandra Kurla Complex,
Bandra (E)
Mumbai 400051


Flat No-2, Sai Sneh Heights, Shankar Patil Nagar, Untwadi, (address),
AOKPA4764M (PAN), have opened a trading account with Kotak Securities Limited

1. For the purpose of investing in securities (as defined under Securities Contracts
(Regulations) Act, 1956) and other financial products I have entered into an arrangement
with KSL for purpose of participating in the brokerage facilities and/or other services
including but not limited to trading through phone broking services, being offered by KSL,
through its website www.kotaksecurities.com (or through any other website as launched
by KSL for offering the said services).

2. For the said purpose, I wish to use my/our Demat account maintained with KSL/Kotak
Mahindra Bank Ltd.

3. For the purpose of availing the above-mentioned service, I hereby authorise KSL through
their directors and/ or their duly authorized officers to carry out the following acts, matters
and things as required for the purpose of meeting my settlement obligations in connection
with my trades executed on the Stock Exchanges through KSL.

a. To transfer securities held in my/our beneficial owner account with KSL/Kotak

Mahindra Bank Ltd. towards Exchange related delivery obligations arising out of
my/our trade executed on the Exchange through KSL and to transfer pay out of
securities to the said account.
b. To create a pledge in favour of the KSL for the limited purpose of meeting the margin
requirements in my/our account in connection with the trades executed by me/us on
the Exchange through KSL.
c. To invest and/or subscribe in various products like Mutual Funds, Public Issues
(shares as well as debentures) rights, offer of shares, tendering shares in open offers
etc. and to redeem the same pursuant to my/our instructions.
d. To transfer payout of funds to my/our Bank account. 30849082736
e. To transfer securities and/or funds to the Demat account and Bank account as
specified in this letter.
f. To return the Securities and/or funds that may have been received erroneously.

g. To send consolidated summary to me/us pertaining to my/our scrip wise buy and
sell positions taken with average rates by way of SMS/e-mail on a daily basis.

I further declare and confirm that this Authority Letter shall be valid, effective and operative until
the termination of the Arrangement or any arrangement(s) that I/we have entered into with KSL
and satisfaction in full of all the obligations under the same. I am aware that the authority vested
in KSL by this Authority letter can be revoked by giving 7 days notice, even prior to the
termination of arrangement, by written revocation request/ instruction to the KSL subject to the
fulfillment of all my/our obligations arising under the arrangement.

Client Signature

We accept Kotak Securities Limited (dated: 24 / 07 / 2022 )

Bank and Demat account of KSL where funds and securities can be moved

Details of Demat Accounts

CM BP ID/DP ID DP Name Description

IN550379 KSL NSE-CM-Pool A/c
IN606738 KSL BSE-CM-Pool A/c
IN473531 KSL MSE-CM-Pool A/c
14804236/IN300214 KSL Client Margin A/c
IN620031 KSL BSE-Star MF CLG Pool
1202510000000041 KSL NSE-CDSL-CM-Pool A/c
1202510000000016 KSL BSE-CDSL-CM-Pool A/c
IN530824/26089554/IN300214 KSL NSE-NSDL-CUSA A/c
IN610833/26093149/IN300214 KSL BSE-NSDL-CUSA A/c
1202510000009549 KSL KSL-CDSL-CUSA A/c
26098835/IN300214 KSL NSE-NSDL-Stock Broker
Collateral A/c
1202510000009553 KSL NSE-CDSL-Stock Broker
Collateral A/c
26113645/IN300214 KSL BSE-NSDL-Stock Broker
Collateral A/c
1202510000009591 KSL BSE-CDSL-Stock Broker
Collateral A/c

26098520/IN300214 KSL NSDL-Client Margin

Trading Securities A/c
1202510000009572 KSL CDSL-Client Margin Trading
Securities A/c
25898262/IN300214 KSL KSL NSDL A/c - Pledging of
Client Securities
1202510000009587 KSL KSL CDSL A/c - Pledging of
Client Securities
26528649/ IN300214 KSL TM/CM-Client
Securities Margin
Pledge Account
26528657/IN300214 KSL TM- Client Securities
under Margin Funding
1202510000009781 KSL Corporate
1202510000009777 KSL Client Securities
Margin Funding

Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited - Bank A/c No.

09582540000851 5313986959
09582000000777 5012861243
09582650000173 5012861267


Demat Debit and Pledge Instruction (DDPI) Date -

I/we hereby gives Demat Debit and Pledge Instruction to Kotak Securities Limited (KSL) for my/our demat accounts mentioned below:
Demat account of the client for which this DDPI is given
Demat account to be opened through Application/Form No:
Client ID with DP ID
Account holder name First Holder Second Holder Third Holder

Details of Demat accounts of KSL where securities can be transferred and/or pledged using below mentioned DDPI are provided under
Schedule I.
Sr. PURPOSE Signature of Client*
No. First Holder Second Holder Third holder
1 Transfer of securities held in the beneficial owner accounts of the
client towards Stock Exchange related deliveries / settlement
obligations arising out of trades executed by clients on the Stock
Exchange through the same stock broker.
2 Pledging / re-pledging of securities in favour of trading member (TM)
/ clearing member (CM) for the purpose of meeting margin
requirements of the clients in connection with the trades executed by
the clients on the Stock Exchange.
* the same may be eSigned or signed physically
Schedule I: Demat accounts where securities can be transferred / pledged
Note : KSL-Kotak Securities Ltd. ICCL-Indian Clearing Corporation Ltd. NCL-NSE Clearing Ltd.
CM BP ID/DP ID Name Description CM BP ID/DP ID Name Description
IN550379 KSL NSE-CM-Pool A/c 1202510000009553 KSL NSE-CDSL-Stock Broker
Collateral A/c
IN606738 KSL BSE-CM-Pool A/c 26113645/IN300214 KSL BSE-NSDL-Stock Broker
Collateral A/c
IN473531 KSL MSE-CM-Pool A/c 1202510000009591 KSL BSE-CDSL-Stock Broker
Collateral A/c
14804236/IN300214 KSL Client Margin A/c 26098520/IN300214 KSL NSDL-Client Margin
Trading Securities A/c
IN620031 ICCL BSE-Star MF CLG Pool 1202510000009572 KSL CDSL-Client Margin Trading
Securities A/c
IN565576 NCL NSE MFSS CLG Pool 25898262/IN300214 KSL KSL NSDL A/c - Pledging of
Client Securities
1202510000000041 KSL NSE-CDSL-CM-Pool A/c 1202510000009587 KSL KSL CDSL A/c - Pledging of
Client Securities
1202510000000016 KSL BSE-CDSL-CM-Pool A/c 26528649/ IN300214 KSL TM/CM-Client Securities
Margin Pledge Account
IN530824/26089554/IN300214 KSL NSE-NSDL-CUSA A/c 26528657/IN300214 KSL TM- Client Securities under
Margin Funding Account
IN610833/26093149/IN300214 KSL BSE-NSDL-CUSA A/c 1202510000009781 KSL Corporate TM/CM CMPA
1202510000009549 KSL KSL-CDSL-CUSA A/c 1202510000009777 KSL Client Securities Margin
Funding Account
26098835/IN300214 KSL NSE-NSDL-Stock Broker Collateral A/c

 We accept Kotak Securities Limited (Stock Broker)

Permanent Account Number

Gender MALE
DOB 07/08/1984
Verified On 24/07/2022 03:17:10

Digitally Signed On:

24/07/2022 03:17:10 IST


1. This PAN data is verified by DigiLocker (https://digilocker.gov.in) as per data provided

by the issuing authority, Income Tax Department, Govt. of India.
2. This digitally signed verification document is valid as per the IT Act 2000 when used

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