EAPP Midterms Reviewer
EAPP Midterms Reviewer
EAPP Midterms Reviewer
- to highlight a particular point or
- Using the author’s words as a Quoting Summari
support your argument zing
- to disagree with the author’s Exact Include
argument in-text Shorter than
- Author + quotation marks + marks citationUsethe original
passage + page number your
Paraphras own
ing words
Same length
as original
- presents an overview of an article
or report in condensed form.
- a well-developed write up that
highlights the major findings and
purpose of the article or research
- Usually done for research
- A type of summary
- Done after doing the research
- Found at the beginning of the ● 20 nos. for multiple choice
research article ● 2 nos. in making a summary (1
- < 300 words sentence)
- Uses compound and complex ● 4 nos. in paraphrasing essays
sentences ● 2 nos. direct quoting essays
- summary of an article or book
that uses the language
(particularly the key terms,
phrases) and overall structure of
the original source.
- Focuses on every detail and
analyzes a particular situation
- you must use your own words as
much as possible, focusing on the
main idea/s of the text.
- Main points
Components of an abstract:
1. Research problem
2. Methodology
3. Findings
4. conclusion/ implication
Kinds of Abstract:
- Descriptive: piques the interest of
the audience (do not give away
the actual content of the
- Summative: readily present the
key ideas and major finding of the
study, preferred in an academic