Chapter 9
Chapter 9
Chapter 9
2. a) Copper and aluminium are better conductors than iron, so the energy is more
easily transferred to the food.
b) Air is a good insulator, and the fur traps air bubbles better if worn with the fur on
the inside.
e) The air in the carpet makes it a better insulator, so that thermal energy is lost
more slowly from the feet.
Reason: the saving each year is £200 (£250 − £50). Insulation costs £400, so paid
back in 2 years.
Reason: the saving each year is £250 (£350 − £100). Insulation costs £750, so paid
back in 3 years.
4. a) Warm air is less dense than cold air, and so it rises upwards.
b) The warm air rises up the chimney and so fresh air must enter the room to
replace it.
c) The smoke, like the warm air, will rise to the ceiling. So, the air near the floor is
d) The hotter water rises and is replaced by colder water, which is then heated by
the element, so eventually it is all heated. An element at the top of the kettle
would only heat the top layer of water.
e) The colder air falls, and is replaced by warmer air, to be cooled by the freezer,
so eventually it is all cooled. A freezer at the bottom would only cool the bottom
layer of air.
g) See page 45; force of the upward convection current on the wings must be at
least equal to the weight of a mass of 500 kg.
b) The shiny material reflects the radiation better, so the person inside will not get
as hot.
c) The dull-black would absorb more of the radiation from the Sun, and the
astronaut might over-heat.
d) When there are clouds overhead they reflect some of the radiation that the Earth
emits back to Earth. Whereas on a clear night the radiation is lost into space, so
it is more likely to be frosty.
e) The back of a refrigerator is warm (see page 56), and the fridge works better if
this energy is lost into the room. Painting it black helps it to radiate the energy
f) The black paper will absorb more energy from the Sun than the white paper. So,
the black paper will melt the snow quicker and sink into the snow.
g) Because the black soot would absorb energy from the Sun faster, it would
increase the melting of the polar ice-caps.
b) The large fins help to transfer the thermal energy to the air by convection
currents. The larger area of the fins also helps to radiate away more energy.
c) The black surface makes it a better radiator, so it loses energy more quickly by
radiation transfer.