Case Analysis Yellow Cab Pizza Group 3
Case Analysis Yellow Cab Pizza Group 3
Case Analysis Yellow Cab Pizza Group 3
Point of View
Yellow Cab Pizza Co. is a local fast-food chain that was founded by Albert Tan, Eric
Puno, and Henry Lee way back in 2001. But this specific business is now under by
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the Max’s Group, and it has more than 130 stores nationwide. It is usually mistaken
as an international brand as its stores capture the New Yorker vibe and its menu
consists of New York-style cuisines. The company’s vision is customer engagement,
and its pursuit is customer loyalty. Towards this, the company as a whole produce
concerted effort to attain the business goal. Yellow Cab makes products that embody
innovation and value for money as well as their employees are taught to be customer
By accomplishing this case analysis to its extent, the marketing consultant must be
able to:
Areas of Consideration
Numerous stores nationwide Lack of company promotion
which increases visibility to which can be detrimental to
accessible people. sustain its visibility towards
Brand power that the company consumers.
has earned throughout its years Rarely produces a new product
in the field of business. in the menu which can get loyal
Customer-oriented workers that customers to be displeased with
ensures light and friendly its consistent menu.
approach to their customers. Prioritize the value for money for
Wide range of foods for the their products instead of
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consumers to try. customer’s liking.
Innovative workplace that helps Several stores nationwide
workers to serve in fast-paced. occupy minimal space which can
High quality pizza that breaks accommodate limited customers.
stereotype of locally made
products to be of low quality.
Value customers’ demands or Rising numbers of competitors.
liking when coming up for a new Workers might be drained in
product. solely exerting effort without the
Stores that are planned to be presence of passion.
establish can occupy much larger Possibility of losing customers
space to accommodate more due to repetitive menu.
Produce in-demand products to
acquire new customers.
Promote in depth to enhance
majority’s knowledge that Yellow
Cab is a local business.
Hiring workers that are
passionate to serve people or
have the willingness to be patient
in this field.
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Conducting team building activities can enhance workers relationship
towards each other for the company to sustain their workers and ignite
their passion for their jobs. Acknowledging customer’s feedback can
increase customer’s engagement and loyalty as it can be visible that
the company is considering and valuing their opinions too.
Disadvantage: Hiring endorsers with huge fanbase can cost a lot for
the company as customer acquisition is really an expensive investment
however it will be worthwhile too. To conduct a team building activity, it
would cost the company and its workers time, and we need to consider
time restrictions. Asking customers their feedback might be unpleasant
for some since there are people who don’t really prefer to have long
talks and might be introverted.
2. Practice being active on social media to promote the business in its various
social media platforms by posting the products or even reposts customers’
pictures/blog. Implement a “Worker of the Month” to boost workers’
determination by praising their hard works. Observing the trend or in-demand
products in which correlates the company’s forte and apply it to the menu.
Advantage: Since the company itself is the one who will promote the
business, there will be little costs considered for this kind of promotion.
Implementing respect and acknowledging worker’s effort will drive them
to be more hardworking. There’s possibility in gaining customer’s and
sustaining customers when producing marketable menu.
Disadvantage: The hiring of social media manager in order for the
social media accounts to be manage in a more organized manner
which can be a risk for a company but lesser cost than hiring
endorsers. Some workers might possess enviousness towards other
workers if they get to feel they are less appreciated because of the
“Worker of the Month” board. Some trends might not equate the
company’s style and other competitors might offer it better so it would
be hard to approach customers with the trendy menu.
3. Advertising through Youtube advertisement as Youtube is patronized by
myriad of people. There is enough duration for the advertisements for the
company to showcase its products efficiently. Hire people that suits the
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company’s approach and are committed to this field. Giving discounts to
regular customers.
Advantage: There will be countless of viewers for the Youtube
advertisement which indicates that it will rise the exposure of the
business. People that are committed and passionate make good
employees/employers that will put the business into a good impact in
the long run. Providing discounts can increase customer’s engagement
and loyalty as it will become more affordable to dine at Yellow Cab
rather than trying other restaurants.
Disadvantage: The price for a Youtube Advertisement will require a lot
of investment as it is expensive. If the company hires more people, it
will result to firing some people to balance the workplace. Discounts
will be a loss for the company if ever as it is giving more rather than
making more profit.
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