BEd Prospectus 26 08 22
BEd Prospectus 26 08 22
BEd Prospectus 26 08 22
Quantity...................................................................... 6500+50
Vice-Chancellor’s Message
Dear Student,
Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) is one of the mega universities of the world and it occupies a
unique position in the education sector of Pakistan. Because of its affordability and high-quality
distance and online academic programs. AIOU has now turned into the most favorite university of the
country with high international of repute. The university made a landmark progress by ensuring access
to quality education rural areas under-privileged students for the people of all ages particularly the
females can now select and join the programs of their choice while sitting at their residence and along
with continuing their jobs. After assessing the success of many degree programs in Pakistan, AIOU is
now going to offer a ranges programs for the students in UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, USA and many other
countries currently. More than 1.3 million students are getting benefits from the high-quality educational services of AIOU in all
regions of the country through more than fifty regional offices of the university. It offers-suggests many undergraduate and Post
Graduate programs at rural and remote areas providing an unparalleled opportunity to all the poor and deprived sections of the
society at an affordable cost. The university has recently digitalized all its student-support services for facilitating its students on
priority basis. This digitization of the system, it is hoped, will enable AIOU students to get all kinds of educational using their
Learning Management system (LMS) portal support online.
From To From To
Admission 1st September 15th October Admission 1st March 15th April
Mailing 16th October 15th December Mailing 16th April 15th June
Study Period 16th December 15th April Study Period 16th June 15th October
Examination 16th April 31st May Examination 16th October 30th November
(Conduct) (Conduct)
Note: Contact concerned Regional office for exact schedule of activities. Continuing Students are sent
information for all activities by LMS/SMS. Simultaneously information is placed on website
(, students can download if not received by post.
Minimum and Maximum Duration/Semesters for each Programme
Revised Policy for Assessment for B.Ed Programs
As per revised formula securing passing marks in assignment/practical and other components is not
compulsory w.e.f. Autumn, 2021 onwards, however, passing marks i.e. 50% in final exams will be
mandatory. If a student gets 50 marks out of 100 in the final exam and does not score 50% aggregate
marks, he/she will be declared Fail in the respective course and he/she will have to re-register/re-admit
in the respective course, whenever the said course (s) are offered in any of the subsequent semester
Assignments Workshop Final Exam Passing Marks
(attendance/quizzes, etc.)
20% 30% 50% 50% (in aggregate) however 50% marks
in final exams is mandatory
There is no change in formula for Teaching Practice 1 & 2, Research Projects, Long Term Internship
and such courses where grading formula/scheme of studies is different and workshops/projects are
having weightage of marks, students will have clear/pass them too.
Page #
ALLAMA IQBAL OPEN UNIVERSITY .......................................................................................................... 1
FACULTY OF EDUCATION............................................................................................................................. 2
DEPARTMENTS OF THE FACULTY ............................................................................................................. 2
PROGRAMMES OF FACULTY OF EDUCATION ....................................................................................... 3
B.Ed (1.5 Years) Programme .............................................................................................................................. 4
Scheme of Studies .................................................................................................................................................. 5
B.Ed (2.5 Years) Programmes Elementary Teacher Education ...................................................................... 7
Scheme of Studies .................................................................................................................................................. 7
B.Ed (2.5 Years) Programmes Science Education............................................................................................. 10
Scheme of Studies .................................................................................................................................................. 10
B.Ed (4 Years) ADE Based (Secondary Teacher Education) ........................................................................... 12
Scheme of Studies .................................................................................................................................................. 13
B.Ed (4 Years) Secondary Teacher Education .................................................................................................. 15
Scheme of Studies .................................................................................................................................................. 15
B.Ed (4 Years) ADE-Based Science Education ................................................................................................. 18
Scheme of Studies .................................................................................................................................................. 18
B.Ed (4 Years) Science Education ...................................................................................................................... 20
Scheme of Studies .................................................................................................................................................. 21
B.Ed (4 Years) School Leadership and Management (SLM) ........................................................................... 22
Scheme of Studies .................................................................................................................................................. 23
B.Ed (4 Years) Elementary Teacher Education (ADE Based) ........................................................................................ 25
Scheme of Studies .................................................................................................................................................. 25
B.Ed (4 Years) Elementary Teacher Education................................................................................................................ 27
Scheme of Studies .................................................................................................................................................. 27
General Information ............................................................................................................................................... 29
Procedure of Depositing Fee .................................................................................................................................. 30
Regulation for refund of Admission fee................................................................................................................. 31
Procedure of fee deposit through TELECOS ......................................................................................................... 32
Important Telephone Numbers............................................................................................................................... 36
All fresh and continue students can submit their admission using any one option on the following way:
i. Apply on hard form ((printed form)
ii. Apply using online admission system
Follow these instructions to apply:
1. Visit website:
2. Press link “OAS For Fresh Admission”
3. Get register by entering your email or mobile phone number
4. Login into your registered account
5. Fill all the requisite fields of admission form
6. After filling the admission form, print out your “Challan Form”.
7. Using printed challan form and submit your fee in any branch of FWBL, ABL, MCB or UBL.
8. You can also deposit fee through Upaisa, Jazzcash & Easypaisa.
1. Visit website:
2. Press link “CMS for Continuing Students”;
3. Enter your “User ID & Password
4. Select courses and print challan form.
5. Using printed challan form submit your fee in any branch of FWBL, UBL, MCB or ABL. Keep save copy of your challan form after
submission of fee. You do not need to send paid challan form to the University, but University can ask for copy of challan form at
any time, if required.
6. You can also deposit fee through Upaisa, Jazzcash & Easypaisa
After submission of fee you need to deliver your admission form to university using following way:
1. Separate the address label attached with bottom of the first page of admission form.
2. Attach original copy of fee submitted challan (university copy) with your admission form.
3. Now pack this form in an envelope.
4. Now paste address label (already separated from form) on envelope.
5. Visit any nearest branch of Post Office and post it as registered parcel and get the receipt. (Keep save the receipt).
Note: Keep in mind that you don’t have to pay any amount to Post Office to post your admission. University have paid your postage charges
to Post Office in advance.
Allama Iqbal Open University, a mega university was established in and Finance), BS (CS), MSc/BS Chemistry, MSc/BS Microbiology
1974 under an Act of Parliament. The main campus of the etc. are being provided instruction, guidance and counselling
university is situated in sector H-8, Islamabad. It was the second through face-to-face education. AIOU is offering four years under
open university of the world and the first of its kind in Asia. The graduate degrees.
aim of establishing AIOU was to provide affordable and accessible
education through distance learning at the door-steps to those people Apart from curricular activities during the academic year, the
who could not continue their educational journey through formal AIOU and its regional centres actively participate in the co-
system of education. The University (AIOU) operates on semester curricular activities by arranging educational and literary
system and admits students in Autumn and Spring semesters. Under seminars, workshops and conferences, attended not only by the
graduate admissions are offered in both the semesters whereas post students and faculties of the university but also by the renowned
graduates are offered once a year. The enrolled students are given dignitaries and scholars. For the science students and research
course books specially prepared by the university on self- scholars, a science complex has been built where they use the
instructional principles. However, at post graduate level reprints of latest equipment of international standard for experimentation and
foreign books, allied material with university prepared study guides research. To meet the present-day challenges, internet facility is
help students to polish their skills. also available in the student's hostel and the Central Library where
computers have been provided to enable students to access latest
At present, the AIOU is offering programmes from Matric to PhD information available through open source databases.
level in diverse disciplines comprising four faculties. The university
has established study centres across the country, where distance
education students are provided necessary guidance by their
respective tutors. Moreover, the university has established full time
study centres, wherein the students of MBA (IT), MBA (Banking
B. Ed 1.5 Year Dr. Syed Nasir Hussain The origin of the Faculty of Education pre-dates the university
Assistant Professor itself. The National Institute of Education was established in
ECE & ETED 1973 under the Federal Ministry of Education. It became part of
Phone: 051-9574275 the university in June, 1975 as Institute of Education in the
B. Ed 2.5 Years Dr. Mubeshera Tufail Faculty of Social Sciences. The progressively extending
Lecturer functions of the Institute brought the needs for structural change
ECE & ETED and in 1984 it got the status of Faculty of Education.
Ph: 051-9057716,
B. Ed 4 Years Dr. Muhammad Samiullah
ETE Assistant Professor Faculty of Education comprises of the following six
ECE & ETED departments:
Ph: 051-9574274 1. Distance, Non-Formal and Continuing Education
B. Ed 4 Years Dr. Sidra Rizwan 2. Educational Planning, Policy Studies and Leadership
(Secondary Teacher Assistant Professor, STED 3. Early Childhood Education and Elementary Teacher
Education) Education
Ph: 051-9574424
4. Secondary Teacher Education
B. Ed 2.5 Years Mr. Arshad Mehmood Qamar
5. Science Education
(Science Education) Lecturer
6. Special Education
Science Education Department
Faculty of Education Distance, Non Formal & Continuing Education
Allama Iqbal Open University
H-8, Islamabad.
The department was established in 1984 and was renamed as
Ph: 051-90557168
Distance, Non Formal and Continuing Education in 2008. It
B. Ed 4 Years Mr. Arshad Mehmood Qamar
offers specialized degree programmes/courses in Distance Non-
(Science Education) Lecturer
Formal and Continuing Education, Adult Education and
Science Education Department
Educational Technology at MA Education, MEd, MPhil and PhD
Ph: 051-9057168
(MS/MPhil Based) level. It also offers courses at BA level.
Educational Planning, Policy Studies & Leadership Science Education
(EPPSL) The Department of Science Education was established in
The department was established in 1976 was renamed as EPPSL 1988.The programmes and courses of the department are mainly
in 2008. It offers programmes in educational planning and focused on education and training of science teachers. Presently
management. These programmes are aimed at producing a cadre the department offers specialized courses in science at BEd, MA,
of professionals for the educational institutions and organizations MEd, MPhil and PhD level. Specialization courses provide
in the country. Programmes of EPPSL include Postgraduate conceptual framework and in depth insight into the teaching of
Diploma, MA (EPM), MPhil and PhD (MS/MPhil Based). The science effectively.
courses of these programmes are attained to the field Special Education
requirements of target personnel in the areas of educational The Department was established in 1985. The department
planning and management. imparts education and training to teachers for the special
Early Childhood Education and children in four specializations namely Visual impairment,
Elementary Teacher Education Hearing impairment, Physical disabilities and Mental retardation
The Department of Elementary Teacher Education was with particular emphasis to facilitate mainstreaming of special
established in 2003. In April 2008, the name of Elementary children. Parents of the special children are also admitted to these
Teacher Education Department was changed as Early Childhood programmes. Present programmes/courses of this department
Education and Elementary Teacher Education Department. The comprised of Postgraduate Diploma, MEd, MA, MPhil and PhD
Early Childhood Education and Elementary Teacher Education (MS/MPhil Based) in Special Education.
Department offers ADE, PGD in ECE, BEd, MEd, MPhil and Programmes of Faculty of Education
PhD programmes, it also offers “Education” as subject at Matric, All academic programmes of the Faculty of Education are
Intermediate and Graduate level. Early Childhood Education and recognized by HEC and accreditation is under process with
Elementary Teacher Education Department is one of the largest NACTE.
departments of this institution in terms of its enrollment of The faculty is offering the following academic programmes:
students and the number of courses offered by this department. PhD Education with following specializations:
Secondary Teacher Education • Distance and Non-Formal Education
The Department of Teacher Education was established in 1985 • Educational Planning and Management
and was bifurcated into Secondary and Elementary Teacher • Elementary Teacher Education
Education Departments in July 2003. Its programmes aim at • Teacher Education
imparting academic and professional knowledge and training to • Special Education
in-services and pre service teachers and scholars. • Science Education
MPhil Education with following specializations: BED (1.5 YEARS) PROGRAMME
• Distance and Non Formal Education
• Educational Planning and Management Duration 1.5 Year (3 Semesters)
• Elementary Teacher Education Total credits 54
• Teacher Education Maximum load 18 Credit Hours (per semester)
Medium of Instruction English/Urdu
• Special Education
Mode of Delivery Open Distance Learning
• Science Education
Passing Marks As per new policy on page vi
MEd/MA Education with following specializations:
Maximum Duration: 03 Years
• MEd Distance and Non Formal Education
• MEd Elementary Teacher Education Introduction:
• MEd Science Education The emerging needs and shortage of human development resources
• MEd Special Education mixed with higher qualities of leadership in the field of education at
• MEd Teacher Education national level demand personnel who have sound professional and
• MA Distance and Non Formal Education academic background in the field of teacher education. This
• MA Educational Planning and Management programme provides such academic opportunities to teachers. It
aims at providing education and training facilities to teachers,
• MA Teacher Education
administrators and master graduates in the country.
• MA Special Education
Following are the objectives of this programme:
1. To acquaint the prospective teachers with latest teaching
BEd/PGD/ADE/SSC/HSSC/BA level Educational programmes: techniques and methodologies.
• BEd (1.5 year, 2.5 years, 4 years) 2. To enable teachers to use instructional technology in the
• PGD Educational Planning and Management classroom.
• PGD Early Childhood Education 3. To enable the prospective teachers to manage classroom
• Associate Degree in Education (2 years) environment.
• Courses of Education at SSC, HSSC and BA level 4. To meet country’s increasing demand for trained personnel.
Eligibility Criteria: 16 Years of Education (Academic
Disciplines Other than Education) MA/MSc/BA (4-year)/ BS(4
years) with minimum second division or equivalent
5. Maximum Duration: Maximum Duration to complete
the degree will be 03 Years.
Semester-Wise Breakup of Scheme of Studies 3rd Semester
1 Semester S.# Courses Code Cr. Hrs
S.# Courses Code Cr.Hrs 1 Teaching Practice II (Professional) 8608 3(3+0)
1 General Methods of Teaching 2 Philosophy of Education (Foundation) 8609 3(3+0)
8601 3(3+0) 3 Human Development and Learning 8610 3(3+0)
2 Educational Assessment and Evaluation (Foundation)
8602 3(3+0) 4 Professionalism in Teaching 8612 3(3+0)
3 Curriculum Development (Foundation) 8603 3(3+0) (Professional)
4 Research Methods in Education 5 Research Project (Content Embedded) 8613 3(3+0)
8604 3(3+0) (Professional)
5 Educational Leadership and 6 Educational Statistics (Professional) 8614 3(3+0)
8605 3(3+0)
Management (Professional) Total Credit Hours=18
6 Citizenship Education and Community Specialization Courses:
8606 3(3+0)
Area 1: Leadership and Management
Total Credit Hours=18
2nd Semester S.# Courses Code Cr. Hrs
1 Management Strategies in Educational 8615 3(3+0)
S.# Courses Code Cr. Hrs
1 Teaching Practice I (Professional) 8607 3(3+0) 2 School Administration and Supervision 8616 3(3+0)
2 Critical Thinking and Reflective Practices 8611 3 Plan Implementation and Educational 8617 3(3+0)
(Professional) Management
3 Area of Specialization (Course-I) 3(3+0) 4 School Leadership 8618 3(3+0)
4 Area of Specialization (Course-II) 3(3+0)
5 Area of Specialization (Course-III) 3(3+0) Area 2: Educational Technology and Evaluation
6 Area of Specialization (Course-IV) 3(3+0) S.# Courses Code Cr. Hrs
Total Credit Hours=18 1 Educational Technology 8619 3(3+0)
2 Computers in Education 8620 3(3+0)
3 Broadcast Media 8621 3(3+0)
4 Non Broadcast Media 8622 3(3+0)
Area 3: Teacher Education Fee Structure BEd(1.5 year)
S.# Courses Code Cr. Hrs Registration Fee: (At the time of 1st admission) Rs.500/-
1 Elementary Education 8623 3(3+0) Admission Fee:(At the time of 1st admission) Rs.1000/-
2 Secondary Education 8624 3(3+0) Technology Fee + Courier Charges: (per semester) Rs.500/-
3 Higher Education 8625 3(3+0) Per 3 Credit Hours Fee: Rs.3300/- (Rs.3300×6) = Rs.19800/-
4 Teacher Education in Pakistan 8626 3(3+0)
First Semester Fee: Rs.21800/-
Area 4: Science Education Teaching Practice-I Fee: Rs.1100/- Per one credit Hour
S.# Courses Code Cr. Hrs Teaching Practice-II Fee: Rs.1100/- Per one credit Hour
1 Foundation of Science Education 8627 3(3+0) Research Project Fee: Rs.1100/- Per one credit Hour
2 Assessment in Science Education 8628 3(3+0)
3 Laboratory Organization, Management 8629 3(3+0) For any academic assistance contact:
and Safety Methods Dr. Fazal-ur-Rehman
4 General Science in Schools 8638 3(3+0) Chairman, ECE & ETED
Phone: 051-9250167, PA to Chairman: 051-9057718, 9574250
Area 6: Reading E-mail:
S.# Courses Code Cr. Hrs
1 Foundations of Reading 8634 3(3+0)
2 Teaching Reading 8635 3(3+0)
3 Reading Difficulties 8636 3(3+0)
4 Reading Assessment 8637 3(3+0)
Note: The department may change offering of courses as per
availability of the courses.
Specialization: Elementary Teacher Education S. Courses Code Credit
Duration: No Hours
2.5 year (5 Semesters) 1 General Methods of Teaching 8601 3
Total Credits: 90 2 Educational Assessment and Evaluation 8602 3
Maximum Load per Semester: 18 Credit Hours
3 Curriculum Development 8603 3
Medium of Instruction: English/Urdu
4 Philosophy of Education 8609 3
Delivery Mode: Open Distance Learning
5 Academic content- Course I (Cluster I*) 3
Passing Marks (Assignment/Exam) As per new policy on
page vi 6 Academic content- Course I (Cluster II*) 3
Entry Qualification: 14 year of education Total credits 18
*Cluster I & Cluster II refers to any two clusters of academic content
(BA/BSc or equivalent
courses selected by the student in the second semester. Please see
with minimum 2nd
clusters of academic content courses below.
Note: Maximum duration to complete the degree will be 05 years. Clusters of Academic Content Courses
For academic content courses, the student can select only two
SEMESTER I (Bridging SEMESTER) clusters in the second semester. Student will study the academic
content courses in subsequent semesters related to the clusters
S. Courses Code Credit
selected in the second semester. During B.Ed. (2.5 years
No Hours
programme), a student will complete 06 courses of each of these
1 Basics of Technical English 6465 3
two clusters which s/he had selected in the second semester.
2 General Mathematics & Statistics 6401 3
3 Critical Thinking and Reflective Practices 8611 3 Cluster 1 Cluster 2
4 Basic of Information and communication 5403 3 Islamic Studies-I Urdu-I (Course code:6478)
Technology (Course code: 6473)
5 Educational Leadership and Management 8605 3 Cluster 3 Cluster 4
6 Citizenship Education and Community 8606 3 English-I (Course code:6468) Home Economics-I (Course
Engagement code:6483)
Total credits 18 Cluster 5
Pakistan Studies-I (Course code:6488)
SEMESTER V Note: (i) A student has to complete 06 courses for each of two
S. Courses Code Credit clusters in B.Ed. (2.5 years) programme. (ii) If a student is
No Hours required to change a cluster, then he/she will pass 06 courses of
3 Research Project (Content 8613 3 one cluster (for example, English or Urdu etc.) to successfully
Embedded) (Professional) complete the requirements of the programme. (iii)There will be a
compulsory workshop for each course in every semester.
6 Teaching Practice II (Professional) 8608 3
(iv)Attending the workshop is compulsory to pass the course.
1 Academic content- Course IV 3
(v)The department may change the sequence of course(s)
(Cluster I)
offering as per availability of course(s).
2 Academic content- Course IV 3
(Cluster II)
4 Academic content- Course V 3 Fee Structure BEd (2.5 years)
(Cluster I) Registration Fee:(At the time of 1st admission) Rs.500/-
5 Academic content- Course V 3 Admission Fee:(At the time of 1st admission) Rs.1000/-
(Cluster II) Technology Fee + Courier Charges: (per semester) Rs.500/-
Total Credit Hours 18 Per 3 Credit Hours Fee:Rs.3300/- (Rs.3300×6) = Rs.19800/-
Clusters of Academic Content Courses First Semester Fee: Rs.21800/-
Students will study the courses from the same clusters which Teaching Practice I Fee: Rs. 1100/- Per one credit Hour
were selected in the second semester. Teaching Practice II Fee: Rs. 1100/- Per one credit Hour
Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Research Project
Fee: Rs. 1100/- Per one credit Hour
Islamic Studies-IV (Course Urdu-IV (Course code: 6481) For any academic assistance contact:
code: 6476) Urdu-V (Course code: 6482) Dr. Mubeshera Tufail
Islamic Studies-V (Course code: Lecturer, ECE & ETED
6477) Ph: 051-9057716,Email:
Cluster 3 Cluster 4
English-IV (Course code: 6471) Home Economics-IV (Course
English-V (Course code: 6472) code: 6486)
Home Economics-V (Course
code: 6487)
Cluster 5
Pakistan Studies-IV (Course code: 6491)
Pakistan Studies-V (Course code: 6492)
BEd (2.5 YEARS) PROGRAMME Following are the objectives of BEd 2.5 Years with
Specialization in Science Education
Specialization: Science Education After completing this programme, prospective teachers will be
Duration: 2.5 Years (5 Semesters) able to:
Total Credits: 90 credit hours 1. Describe the concepts, foundations and perspectives of
Science Education
Maximum Load per Semester: 18 Credit Hours
2. Present the pedagogical and content knowledge by using
Medium of Instruction: English/Urdu latest information communication system (ICT) in an
Delivery Mode: ODL effective manner.
Passing Marks (Assignment/Exam) As per new policy on 3. Demonstrate science related attitudes in Science Education.
page vi 4. Apply Practical Skills (Science Process Skills) for science
Entry Qualification: Having BSc Degree/ AD Science with at teaching.
least 45% marks or equivalent. 5. Develop lesson plans and assessment tools for science
teaching and learning.
(Maximum duration to complete the
degree is five years. 1st Semester
Introduction: Bridging Semester
BEd (2.5 Years) programme with specialization in Science Sr. Course Title Code Cr. Hrs
Education will not only provide a direction to general education 1 Basics of Information and 5403 3(3+0)
but will also ensure that only those who intend to opt for Science Communication Technology
Teaching as a profession will join the program. It will enable the 2 General Math and Statistics 6401 3(3+0)
Science Teachers to apply their knowledge and skills in real 3 English-III (Basics of Technical 6465 3(3+0)
class situation more effectively. Teacher will be enabled to English)
transform the provisions of policy and curriculum in the 4 Educational Leadership and 8605 3(3+0)
classroom. Teacher Students will be able to adopt innovative Management
Science Teaching Methods and Science Assessment Models to 5 Citizenship Education and Community 8606 3(3+0)
get maximum outcomes from teaching and learning. Engagement
6 Critical Thinking and Reflective 8611 3(3+0)
The teachers trained through this program will be able to teach Practices
Science at different levels of schooling. Total Credit Hours=18
Note: All courses in first semester are compulsory.
2nd Semester Group II
Sr. Course Title Code Cr. Hrs 1 Teaching of Biology 6455 3(3+0)
1 Curriculum Development 6406 3(3+0) 2 Teaching of Chemistry 6460 3(3+0)
2 Foundation of Science Education 6435 3(3+0) *On the basis of course combination selected in Semester II
4th Semester
3 Assessment in Science Education 6436 3(3+0) S.# Courses Code Cr. Hrs
4 Teaching Strategies in Science Education 6437 3(3+0) 1 Comparative Education 6466 3(3+0)
Research Methods in Education 3(3+0)
Cluster-I 2 8604
1 Physics-I 6441 3(3+0) 3 Educational Statistics (Professional) 8614 3(3+0)
2 Mathematics-I 6446 3(3+0) Research Project Science Education 3(3+0)
4 8675
Cluster-II (Professional)
3 Biology-I 6451 3(3+0) Note: Select any One group from the following*
4 Chemistry-I 6456 3(3+0) Group I
1 Physics-III 6443 3(3+0)
rd 2 Mathematics-III 6448 3(3+0)
3 Semester Total Cr. Hours 18
Group II
Sr. Course Title Code Cr. Hrs 1 Biology-III 6453 3(3+0)
Laboratory Organization, 3(3+0) 2 Chemistry-III 6458 3(3+0)
1 Management and Safety 6438 *On the basis of course combination selected in Semester I
Methods (Foundation)
5th Semester
2 Teaching Practice-I 6498 3(3+0) S.# Courses Code Cr. Hrs
Note: Select any One group from the following*
Group I 1 Teaching Practice-II 6499 3(3+0)
1 Physics-II 6442 3(3+0) 2 Professionalism in Teaching 8612 3(3+0)
2 Mathematics-II 6447 3(3+0) Note: Select any One group from the following*
Group II Group I
1 Biology-II 6452 3(3+0) 1 Physics-IV 6444 3(3+0)
2 Chemistry –II 6457 3(3+0) 2 Mathematics-IV 6449 3(3+0)
Note: Select any One group from the following* Group II
Group I 1 Biology-IV 6454 3(3+0)
1 Teaching of Physics 6445 3(3+0) 2 Chemistry-IV 6459 3(3+0)
2 Teaching of Mathematics 6450 3(3+0) *On the basis of course combination selected in Semester I
Note: Select any One group from the following B.Ed (4 YEARS) ADE Based
Group I
1 Physics-V (Practical) 8671 3(1+2) (Secondary Teacher Education)
2 Chemistry -V (Practical) 8672 3(1+2)
Group II Specialization: Secondary Teacher Education
1 Biology-V (Practical) 8673 3(1+2)
2 Mathematics -V 6459 3(3+0) Duration: 2 Years (4–Semesters)
Total Credit Hours=18 Semester Duration: 16-18 weeks
Note: There will be six days’ online workshop for one course in Course Load per Semester: 18 Credit Hours
every semester. The workshop for each course comprises six Total Credit Hours: 72 Credit Hours
days. The workshop is compulsory to pass the course. Medium of instruction: English /Urdu
Delivery Mode: ODL
Fee Structure (BEd2.5Years) Pass Marks (Assignment /Exams): As per new policy on
Registration Fee: (At the time of 1st admission) Rs.500/- page vi
Admission Fee:(At the time of 1st admission) Rs.1000/-
Technology Fee: (per semester) Rs.500/- Introduction
Per 3 Credit Hours Fee (Rs.3300/-)(Rs.3300×6)=Rs.19800/-
First Semester Fee: Rs.21,800/- BEd (4 Years) programme focus on education and training of
Teaching Practice-I Fee: 1100/- Per one credit Hour prospective teachers which grows out of a profound belief in the
Teaching Practice-II Fee: 1100/- Per one credit Hour transformative power of education. Our mission is to promote
Research Project Fee: 1100/- Per one credit Hour the development of highly qualified and efficient teaching
professionals who are prepared to creatively contribute to the
For any Academic Assistance: social, cultural, and educational development of a globally
Mr. Arshad Mehmood Qamar oriented, pluralistic, and diverse society. B.Ed (4 Years)
Lecturer programme will be a composite programme with a blend of Core
Science Education Department
Courses, Foundation Courses, Professional Courses, and
Faculty of Education
Allama Iqbal Open University, H-8, Islamabad Specialization Courses. The teacher trained through new
Ph: 051-9057168 programme will be able to teach at Secondary and Higher
Secondary Levels. The degree will be an equivalent of the
existing master's degree.
Following are the objectives of this programme: B.Ed 4 Years Secondary Teacher Education aligned with ADE
1 To equip the prospective teachers with adequate knowledge
5thSemester18-Credit Hours
of subject matter, contemporary pedagogy techniques,
Code Course Credit
communication skills, critical thinking and dispositions to be Hours
secondary and higher secondary school teacher. 6465 English III Basics of Technical English 3(3+0)
2 To develop creative aptitude and research mindedness in the M1C1 3(3+0)
prospective teachers. M2C1 3(3+0)
M1C2 3(3+0)
3 To improve the linguistic skills of the prospective teachers.
M2C2 3(3+0)
4 To strengthen the ideological perspectives of the students 6466 Comparative Education 3(3+0)
adequately and properly.
KEY: M1C1 = Major 1 Content 1 M2C1= Major 2 Content 1
Prospective Students/Career: These are content courses of two major areas of Science or
This programme is designed for those prospective students who arts.
wish to join school as teachers. The programme will also cater for
6th Semester18-Credit Hours
the existing elementary school teachers as at present their promotion Code Course Credit
is linked with ADE and BEd (4 Years) degree. Thus this Hours
programme will open up new windows for the promotion of school 8653 Adolescent Psychology 3(3+0)
teachers. 6461 Education Research & Statistics 3(3+0)
M1C3 3(3+0)
Eligibility Criteria: M2C3 3(3+0)
For Secondary Teacher Education: M1C4 3(3+0)
➢ Candidates with ADE degree can join in the fifth semester of M2C4 3(3+0)
BEd 4 Years(2ADE + 2) programme. KEY: M1C3=Major 1 Content 3, M2C3= Major 2 Content 3,
M1C4= Major 1 Content 4, M2C4=Major 2 Content 4
(These are content courses from two major areas of either
science or arts).
7th Semester18-Credit Hours Cluster 1 Major (M)
Code Course Credit Islamic Studies
Hours C1:Code 8667 Islamiat -I To be taken in
Pedagogy 1(Related to major 1 from the given 3(3+0) C2: Code 8669 Serat e Tayyaba-I Semester 5
list) C3: Code 8668 Islamiat-II To be taken in
Pedagogy II (Related to major 2 from the 3(3+0) C4: Code 8670 Serat e Tayyaba-II Semester 6
given list) Pedagogy 6497 Pedagogy Teaching of To be taken in
8655 Curriculum and Instruction 3(3+0) Islamic Studies Semester 7
6467 Educational Management and Leadership 3(3+0) Cluster 2 Major (M)
8654 Teaching and Learning Strategies 3(3+0) Pakistan
8657 Research project 3(3+0) Studies
C1:Code 8663 Geography of Pakistan-I To be taken in
8th Semester18-Credit Hours
C2: Code 8664 Geography of Pakistan-II Semester 5
Code Course Credit
C3: Code 8665 Ideological Foundations of To be taken in
Hours Pakistan Semester 6
8656 Future Challenges in Education (Faculty 3(3+0) C4: Code 8666 Foreign Policy of
Foundation Course) Pakistan-I
6462 Test Development and Evaluation 3(3+0) Pedagogy 8640 Teaching of Pakistan To be taken in
8658 Long Term Internship/Teaching Practice 12 Studies Semester 7
Note: Cluster 3 Major (M)
• The candidates of 5th semester may select any two majors Urdu
from the clusters given below. First selected cluster will be C1:Code 8659 Urdu I To be taken in
considered M1 and second will be M2. C2: Code 8660 Pakistani Adab I Semester 5
C3: Code 8661 Tareekh e Adab e Urdu I To be taken in
• The candidates of 6th semester will select C3 and C4 of the
C4: Code 8662 Tareekh e Adab Urdu II Semester 6
two majors already selected in 5th Semester. Pedagogy 8639 Tadreeseat-e-Urdu To be taken in
• The pedagogy courses of the same two majors selected in Semester 7
semester 5 will be taken in semester 7 as Pedagogy I and For any Academic Assistance:
Pedagogy II. Secondary Teacher Education
Dr. Sidra Rizwan
Assistant Professor, STED, Ph: 051-9054424
B.Ed (4 YEARS) Secondary Teacher Education communication skills, critical thinking and dispositions to be
secondary and higher secondary school teacher.
Specialization: Secondary Teacher Education 2. To develop creative aptitude and research mindedness in the
prospective teachers.
Duration: 4 Years (8 –Semesters) 3. To improve the linguistic skills of the prospective teachers.
Semester Duration: 16-18 weeks 4. To strengthen the ideological perspectives of the students
Course Load per Semester: 18 Credit Hours adequately and properly.
Total Credit Hours: 144 Credit Hours Prospective Students/Career:
Medium of instruction: English /Urdu This programme is designed for those prospective students who
Delivery Mode: ODL wish to join school as teachers. The programme will also cater for
Pass Marks (Assignment /Exams): As per new policy on the existing elementary school teachers as at present their promotion
page vi is linked with ADE and BEd (4 Years) degree. Thus this
Introduction programme will open up new windows for the promotion of school
B.Ed (4 Years) programme focus on education and training of teachers.
prospective teachers which grows out of a profound belief in the
transformative power of education. Our mission is to promote Eligibility Criteria:
the development of highly qualified and efficient teaching For Secondary Teacher Education:
professionals who are prepared to creatively contribute to the ➢ Intermediate/A levels or equivalent with at least 45% marks
social, cultural, and educational development of a globally or minimum 2nd Division.
oriented, pluralistic, and diverse society. B.Ed (4 Years)
programme will be a composite programme with a blend of Core 1st Semester 18 Credit Hours
Courses, Foundation Courses, Professional Courses, and Sr. Code Course Cr.
Specialization Courses. The teacher trained through new No. Hrs
programme will be able to teach at Secondary and Higher 1 5404 English Compulsory-I 3(3+0)
Secondary Levels. The degree will be an equivalent of the 2 5436/ Islamic Studies OR 3(3+0)
existing master's degree. 5437 Ethics (for Non-Muslim students only)
3 5438 Pakistan Studies 3(3+0)
Following are the objectives of this programme: 4 6400 General Methods of Teaching 3(3+0)
1. To equip the prospective teachers with adequate knowledge 5 6416 Urdu 3(3+0)
of subject matter, contemporary pedagogy techniques, 6 5403 Basics of Information &
Communication Technology 3(3+0)
2nd Semester 18 Credit Hours 5th Semester 18 Credit Hours
Sr. Code Course Cr. Sr. Code Course Cr.
No. Hrs No. Hrs
1 5411 English Compulsory-II 3(3+0) 1 6465 English III (Basics of Technical English) 3(3+0)
2 6401 General Math and Statistics 3(3+0) 2 MIC1 3(3+0)
3 6402 Educational Psychology and Guidance 3(3+0) 3 M2C1 3(3+0)
4 6403 Classroom Management 3(3+0) 4 MIC2 3(3+0)
5 1659 Teaching of Urdu 3(3+0) 5 M2C2 3(3+0)
6 1655 Teaching of English 3(3+0) 6 6466 Comparative Education 3(3+0)
3rd Semester 18 Credit Hours KEY: M1C1 = Major 1 Content 1, M2C1 = Major 2 Content 1
Sr. Code Course Cr. These are content courses of two major areas of science or arts
No. Hrs
1 6404 General Science 3(3+0) 6th Semester 18 Credit Hours
2 6405 Education in Pakistan 3(3+0) Sr. Code Course Cr.
3 6406 Curriculum Development 3(3+0) No. Hrs
4 6407 Classroom Assessment 3(3+0) 1 8653 Adolescent Psychology 3(3+0)
5 6408 Teaching of Islamic Studies & Pakistan 3(3+0) 2 6461 Educational Research & Statistics 3(3+0)
Studies 3 M1C3 3(3+0)
6 6409 Teaching of Mathematics 3(3+0) 4 M2C3 3(3+0)
th 5 M1C4 3(3+0)
4 Semester 18 Credit Hours 6 M2C4 3(3+0)
Sr. Code Course Cr. Hrs
No. KEY: M1C3=Major 1 Content 3, M2C3 =Major 2 Content 3
1 6410 Arts Craft & Calligraphy 3(3+0) M1C4=Major 1 Content 4, M2C4 =Major 2 Content 4
2 6411 Foundation in Education 3(3+0) These are content courses from two major area of either
3 6412 School, Society and Teacher 3(3+0) science or arts
4 6413 Introduction to Inclusive Education 3(3+0)
5 6414 Teaching of General Science 3(3+0)
6 6415 Short Term Teaching Practice 3(3+0)
Note: In fifth semester specialized courses are offered. Student
should select their courses carefully.
7th Semester 18 Credit Hours Clusters 2Major (M)
Sr. Code Course Cr. Pak Studies
No. Hrs C1: Code 8663 Geography of Pakistan - I To be taken in
1 Pedagogy I 3(3+0)
(Related to major 1 from the given list) C2: Code 8664 Geography of Pakistan - II semester 5
2 Pedagogy II 3(3+0) C3: Code 8665 Ideological Foundations of To be taken in
(Related to major 2 from the given list) Pakistan semester 6
3 8655 Curriculum and Instruction 3(3+0)
4 6467 Educational Management and 3(3+0) C4: Code 8666 Foreign Policy of Pakistan– I
Leadership Pedagogy 8640 Teaching of Pakistan Studies To be taken in
5 8654 Teaching and Learning Strategies 3(3+0) Semester 7
6 8657 Research Project 3(3+0)
8th Semester 18-Credit Hours
Code Course Credit Cluster 3Major (M)
hours Urdu
8656 Future Challenges in Education (Faculty 3(3+0)
Foundation Course) C1: Code 8659 Urdu – I To be taken in
6462 Test Development and Evaluation 3(3+0) C2: Code 8660 Pakistani Adab – I semester 5
8658 Long Term Internship/Teaching Practice 12 C3: Code 8661 Tareekh-e-Adabe Urdu – I To be taken in
Note: C4: Code 8662 Tareekh-e-Adabe Urdu – II semester 6
• The candidates of 5th semester may select any two majors
from the clusters given below. First selected cluster will be To be taken in
Pedagogy 8639 Tadreeseat-e-Urdu
considered M1 and second will be M2. Semester 7
• The candidates of 6th semester will select C3 and C4 of the For any Academic Assistance:
two majors already selected in 5th Semester.
• The pedagogy courses of the same two majors selected in Secondary Teacher Education
semester 5 will be taken in semester 7 as Pedagogy I and Dr. Sidra Rizwan
Pedagogy II. Assistant Professor, STED
Ph: 051-9574424
Cluster 1 Major (M)
Islamic Studies Fee Structure BEd (4 years)
C1:Code 8667 Islamiat -I To be taken in Registration Fee: (At the time of 1st admission) Rs.500/-
C2: Code 8669 Seerat e Tayyaba-I Semester 5 Admission Fee: (At the time of 1st admission) Rs.1000/-
C3: Code 8668 Islamiat-II To be taken in Technology Fee + Courier Charges: (per semester) Rs.500/-
C4: Code 8670 Serat e Tayyaba-II Semester 6
Pedagogy 6497 Pedagogy Teaching of To be taken in Per 3 Credit Hours Fee: Rs.3300/- (Rs.3300×6) = Rs.19800/-
Islamic Studies Semester 7 First Semester Fee: Rs.21800/-
B.Ed (4 YEARS) ADE-Based (Science Education) 4. To strengthen the ideological perspectives of the students
adequately and properly.
Specialization: Science Education Eligibility Criteria:
Duration: 2 Years (4 –Semesters) Candidates with ADE (2 years) degree can join in the fifth
Semester Duration: 16-18 weeks semester of BEd-4 year (2 ADE +2) programme.
Course Load per Semester: 18 credit Hours
Total Credit Hours: 72 Credit Hours, 5thSemester
S.# Courses Code Cr. Hrs
Medium of instruction: English /Urdu English-III (Basics of Technical 3(3+0)
Delivery Mode: ODL 1 6465
Pass Marks (Assignment /Exams): As per new policy on 2 Comparative Education 6466 3(3+0)
page vi Note: Select any One group from the following
Introduction Group I
1 Physics-I 6441 3(3+0)
B.Ed (4 Years) ADE-Based is extension of ADE. In ADE Students 2 Physics-II 6442 3(3+0)
will be enrolled who want to go for higher level professions. This 3 Mathematics-I 6446 3(3+0)
programme focuses on education and training of prospective teachers 4 Mathematics-II 6447 3(3+0)
which grows out of a profound belief in the transformative power of Group II
education. Our mission is to promote the development of highly 1 Biology-I 6451 3(3+0)
qualified and efficient teaching professionals who are prepared to 2 Biology-II 6452 3(3+0)
creatively contribute to the social, cultural, and educational 3 Chemistry-I 6456 3(3+0)
development of a globally oriented, pluralistic, and diverse society. 4 Chemistry-II 6457 3(3+0)
BEd (4 Years) programme will be a composite programme blending
Core Courses, Foundation Courses, Professional Courses, and 6thSemester
Specialization Courses. The teacher trained through new programme S.# Courses Code Cr. Hrs
will be able to teach at Secondary and Higher Secondary Levels and 1 Educational Research & Statistics 6461 3(3+0)
will be an equivalent of the existing master's degree. 2 Foundation of Science Education 6435 3(3+0)
Following are the objectives of this programme: Note: Select any One group from the following*
1. To equip the prospective teachers with adequate knowledge Group I
of subject matter, contemporary pedagogy techniques, 1 Physics-III 6443 3(3+0)
communication skills, critical thinking and dispositions to be 2 Physics-IV 6444 3(3+0)
an elementary school teacher. 3 Mathematics-III 6448 3(3+0)
4 Mathematics-IV 6449 3(3+0)
2. To develop creative aptitude and research mindedness to the Group II
prospective teachers. 1 Biology-III 6453 3(3+0)
3. To improve the linguistic skills of the prospective teachers.
2 Biology- IV 6454 3(3+0) Department/Contacts for Information:
3 Chemistry-III 6458 3(3+0)
4 Chemistry- IV 6459 3(3+0) Early Childhood Education &
7 Semester 18 credit Hours Elementary Teacher Education
S.# Courses Code Cr. Hrs Prof. Dr. Fazal-ul-Rahman
1 Assessment in Science Education 6436 3(3+0) Chairman
Teaching Strategies in Science 3(3+0) Ph: 051-9250167, PA to Chairman: Ph:051-9057718, 051-9574250
2 6437
Lab Organization, Management & 3(3+0) Secondary Teacher Education
3 6438
Safety Methods Dr. Naveed Sultana
4 Research Project 8681 3(3+0) Chairperson
Note: Select any One group from the following*
Group I Ph: 051-9574400, Email:
1 Teaching of Physics 6445 3(3+0) Science Education
2 Teaching of Mathematics 6450 3(3+0)
Group II
Prof. Dr. Nasir Mahmood
1 Teaching of Biology 6455 3(3+0) Chairman
2 Teaching of Chemistry 6460 3(3+0) Ph: 051-9057719, 051-9057854, 051-9574100
8th Semester Special Education
S.# Courses Code Cr. Hrs Dr. Tanzila Nabil
1 Uses of ICTs in Science Education 6439 3(3+0)
2 Future Challenges in Education 8656 3(3+0) Chairperson
Long Term Internship/ Teaching 3(3+0) Ph: 051-9057853, Email:
3 8682
Note: Select any One group from the following* Distance, Non-Formal &
Group I Continuing Education (DNFCE)
1 Physics-V (Practical) 8671 3(3+0) Dr. Muhammad Ajmal
2 Mathematics-V 8674 3(3+0) Chairman
Group II
1 Biology-V(Practical) 8673 3(3+0)
Ph: 051-9057707, 051-9574200, Email:
2 Chemistry-V(Practical) 8672 3(3+0) Educational Planning Policy Studies and Leadership
*On the basis of course group selected in Semester-I Dr. Afshan Huma
For any Academic Assistance:
Science Education Incharge,
Mr. Arshad Mehmood Qamar Ph: 051-9057714, 9574350
Lecturer, Science Education Department
Ph: 051-9057168
B.Ed (4 YEARS) Science Education Following are the objectives of this programme:
1 To equip the prospective teachers with adequate knowledge
Specialization: Science Education of subject matter, contemporary pedagogy techniques,
Duration: 4 Years (8 –Semesters) communication skills, critical thinking and dispositions to be
Semester Duration: 16-18 weeks an elementary school teacher.
Course Load per Semester: 18 credit Hours 2 To develop creative aptitude and research mindedness to the
Total Credit Hours: 144 Credit Hours, prospective teachers.
Medium of instruction: English /Urdu 3 To improve the linguistic skills of the prospective teachers.
Delivery Mode: ODL 4 To strengthen the ideological perspectives of the students
Pass Marks (Assignment /Exams): As per new policy on adequately and properly.
page vi
Introduction Prospective Students/Career:
B.Ed (4 Years) programme focus on education and training of This programme is designed for those prospective students who
prospective teachers which grows out of a profound belief in the wish to join school as teachers. The programme will also cater for
transformative power of education. Our mission is to promote the existing elementary school Science teachers and Secondary
the development of highly qualified and efficient teaching School Science Teacher as at present their promotion is linked with
professionals who are prepared to creatively contribute to the ADE and BEd (4 Years) degree. Thus this programme will open up
social, cultural, and educational development of a globally new windows for the promotion of school teachers.
oriented, pluralistic, and diverse society. BEd (4 Years)
Eligibility Criteria:
programme will be a composite programme blending Core
Courses, Foundation Courses, Professional Courses, and
For Science Education:
Specialization Courses. The teacher trained through new
➢ FSc/ICS/A levels with at least 45% marks or minimum 2nd
programme will be able to teach at Secondary and Higher
Secondary Levels and will be an equivalent of the existing
➢ (Applicants with A levels will submit equivalence
master's degree. Further teachers will be elighble to seek
admission in M.Phil Science Education or Ph.D as per policy of
the HEC & University.
1st Semester 18 Credit Hours 4th Semester 18 Credit Hours
Sr. Code Course Cr. Sr. Code Course Cr. Hrs
No. Hrs 1 6410 Arts Craft & Calligraphy 3(3+0)
1 5404 English Compulsory-I 3(3+0) 2 6411 Foundation in Education 3(3+0)
2 5436/ Islamic Studies OR 3 6412 School Society and Teacher 3(3+0)
4 6413 Introduction to Inclusive Education 3(3+0)
3 5437 Ethics (for Non-Muslims student only) 3(3+0) 5 6414 Teaching of General Science 3(3+0)
4 5438 Pakistan Studies 3(3+0) 6 6415 Short Term Teaching Practice 3(3+0)
5 6400 General Methods of Teaching 3(3+0) th
5 Semester 18 credit Hours
6 6416 Urdu 3(3+0)
7 5403 Basics of Information & Code Course Cr. Hrs
Communication Technology 3(3+0) 6465 English III 3(3+0)
2nd Semester 18 Credit Hours 6466 Comparative Education 3(3+0)
Sr. Code Course Cr. 6441 Physics-I Cluster-A Select any 3(3+0)
6446 Mathematics-I (M-1) one cluster/ 3(3+0)
No. Hrs 6451 Biology-I Cluster-B two courses 3(3+0)
1 5411 English Compulsory-II 3(3+0) 6456 Chemistry-I (M-1) 3(3+0)
2 6401 General Math and Statistics 3(3+0) 6442 Physics-II Cluster-A Select any 3(3+0)
3 6402 Educational Psychology and Guidance 3(3+0) 6447 Mathematics-II (M-2) one cluster/ 3(3+0)
6452 Biology-II Cluster-B two 3(3+0)
4 6403 Classroom Management 3(3+0) 6457 Chemistry-II (M-2) courses* 3(3+0)
5 1659 Teaching of Urdu 3(3+0) 6thSemester 18 credit Hours
6 1655 Teaching of English 3(3+0)
rd Code Course Cr. Hrs
3 Semester 18 Credit Hours
Sr. Code Course Cr. 6461 Educational Research & Statistics 3(3+0)
6435 Foundation of Science Education 3(3+0)
No. Hrs
6443 Physics-III Cluster-A Select any 3(3+0)
1 6404 General Science 3(3+0) 6448 Mathematics-III (M-3) one cluster/ 3(3+0)
2 6405 Education in Pakistan 3(3+0) 6453 Biology-III Cluster-B two courses* 3(3+0)
3 6406 Curriculum Development 3(3+0) 6458 Chemistry-III (M-3) 3(3+0)
4 6407 Classroom Assessment 3(3+0) 6444 Physics-IV Cluster-A Select any 3(3+0)
5 6408 Teaching of Islamic Studies & Pakistan 3(3+0) 6449 Mathematics-IV (M-4) one cluster/ 3(3+0)
Studies 6454 Biology-IV Cluster-B two courses* 3(3+0)
6 6409 Teaching of Mathematic 3(3+0) 6459 Chemistry-IV (M-4) 3(3+0)
KEY: M1C3=Major 1 Content 3, M2C3= Major 2 Content 3,
M1C4= Major 1 Content 4, M2C4=Major 2 Content 4
(These are content courses from two major areas of science subjects). B.Ed (4 YEARS)
7th Semester 18 credit Hours Specialization: School Leadership and
Code Course Cr. Hrs Management (SLM)
6445 Teaching of Physics Select any 3(3+0) Duration: Minimum 4 Years
Cluster A one
6450 Teaching of Math 3(3+0) (8-semesters- aligned with ADE)
6455 Teaching of Biology cluster/two 3(3+0) Total Credit Hours: 144 (72ADE +72)
6460 Teaching of Chemistry Cluster B courses* 3(3+0)
Credit Hours
6437 Teaching Strategies in Science Education 3(3+0) (72 credit hours ADE)
6438 Laboratory Organization, Management and 3(3+0)
Safety Methods Eligibility Criteria for Admission:
6436 Assessment in Science Education 3(3+0) 1. FA/FSC/A Level with minimum 2nd division.
2. Applicants with A-Level will submit equivalence
8681 Research Project (Science Education) 3(3+0) certificate.
Professional Medium of instruction: English /Urdu
8th Semester 18 credit Hours Pass Marks (Assignment /Exams): As per new policy on
Code Course Cr. Hrs page vi
6439 Use of ICT in Science Education 3(3+0) Introduction:
8656 Future Challenges in Education 3(3+0) Our mission is to promote the development of highly qualified
8682 Long Term Internship / Teaching Practice 6 and efficient teaching professionals who are prepared to
Cluster-A-M5* contribute to the social, cultural, and educational development of
8671 Physics-V * 3(3+0) society. B.Ed (4 years with Specialization School Leadership and
Cluster A Management) program is a composite program blending Core
8674 Mathematics-V 3(3+0)
Cluster-B-M5* Courses, Foundation Courses, Professional Courses and
8673 Biology-V * 3(3+0) Specialization Courses. B.Ed-SLM not only provides a direction
Cluster B to general teacher education but will also provide chance to those
8672 Chemistry-V 3(3+0)
who intend to opt for leadership and management positions at
*On the basis of course combination selected in Semester-V school level. It requires extraordinary knowledge, commitment
For any Academic Assistance: and skills to become effective leaders in education. The
Science Education prospective teachers after completing this course work and its
Mr. Arshad Mehmood Qamar practical components will learn to teach, lead, manage and
Lecturer, Science Education Department supervise schools. It will enable the learner’s/future leaders to
Ph: 051-9057168 apply their knowledge and skills in real classroom and school
situations more effectively. The teacher trained through this
program will be able to teach, plan and manage school upto
Higher Secondary Level.
1 Semester 18 Credit Hours S.# Courses Code Cr. Hrs
S.# Courses Code Cr. Hrs 1 Arts Craft & Calligraphy 6410 3(3+0)
1 Compulsory English-I 5404 3(3+0) 2 Foundations of Education 6411 3(3+0)
Basics of Information & Communication 3(3+0) 3 School Society & Teacher 6412 3(3+0)
2 5403 4 Introduction to Inclusive Education 6413 3(3+0)
Islamiyat 5436 3(3+0) 5 Teaching of General Science 6414 3(3+0)
3 OR 6 Short Term Teaching (practice) 6415 3(3+0)
Ethics (For Non-Muslim) 5437
4 Pakistan Studies 5438 3(3+0) 5th Semester 18 credit Hours
5 General Methods of Teaching 6400 3(3+0) S.# Courses Code Cr. Hrs
6 Urdu 6416 3(3+0) 1 Basics of Technical English 6465 3(3+0)
2 Comparative Education 6466 3(3+0)
2nd Semester 18 credit Hours School Administration and 3(3+0)
3 8616
S.# Courses Code Cr. Hrs Supervision
1 Teaching of English 1655 3(3+0) 4 School Leadership 8618 3(3+0)
2 Teaching of Urdu 1659 3(3+0) Management Strategies in 3(3+0)
5 8615
3 Compulsory English-II 5411 3(3+0) Educational Institutions
4 General Math and Statistics 6401 3(3+0) Critical Thinking and Reflective 3(3+0)
6 8611
5 Educational Psychology & Guidance 6402 3(3+0) Practices
6 Classroom Management 6403 3(3+0)
6th Semester 18 credit Hours
rd S.# Courses Code Cr. Hrs
3 Semester 18 credit Hours
S.# Courses Code Cr. Hrs 1 Organizational Leadership 1646 3(3+0)
1 General Science (HEC) 6404 3(3+0) 2 Curriculum Development 8603 3(3+0)
2 Education in Pakistan 6405 3(3+0) 3 Educational Policy Planning 8683 3(3+0)
3 Curriculum Development 6406 3(3+0) 4 Educational Research and Statistics 8684 3(3+0)
4 Classroom Assessment 6407 3(3+0) 5 Economics and Financing of Education 8685 3(3+0)
5 Teaching of Islamic Studies & Pak Studies 6408 3(3+0) 6 Educational Planning and Management 8686 3(3+0)
6 Teaching of Math 6409 3(3+0)
7th Semester 18 credit Hours Teaching Practice:
S.# Courses Code Cr. Hrs All the students enrolled in this program are required to
1 School Community Relations 1691 3(3+0)
2 Educational Laws and Procedures 8690 3(3+0)
complete the teaching practice/s (to be completed in
3 Quality Educational Management 8691 3(3+0) field/schools) components. The duration of teaching
4 Research Project 8692 3(3+0) practices varies from 2 weeks(in 4th semester) to 8 weeks
Select any two from the following four courses (in 8th semester). The students are required to attend
1 Instructional Supervision 1647 3(3+0) mandatory workshops organized for these courses to join
2 Financial Management in Education 8687 3(3+0) teaching practice/practicum.
3 Educational Human Resource Management 8688 3(3+0)
4 Institutional Facilities Management 8689 3(3+0)
Fee structure: As approved by the University for B.Ed (4-
8th Semester Years) program
S.# Courses Code Cr. Hrs
1 ICT in School Management 8693 3(3+0) Registration Fee: (At the time of 1st admission) Rs.500/-
2 Governance in Education 8694 3(3+0) Admission Fee: (At the time of 1stadmission) Rs.1000/-
3 Teaching practice/ Internship 8695 Technology Fee: (per semester) Rs.500/-
Per 3 Credit Hours Fee: Rs.3300/- (Rs.3300×6) Rs.19800/-
Workshop/Classes: First Semester Fee: Rs.21800/-
Students are required to attend 15 hours workshop for each
3 Credit Hours course (online or face to face as per Contact Person:
University policy) Mr. Hamid Ali Nadeem
Assessment: Lecturer/Program Coordinator
Each course has continuous assessment via written Department of EPPSL
assignments, workshop. Final exam is conducted at the end Email:
of semester for each course. Examination Centers are Ph: 051-9057709, 9057717, 9574982
allotted by the university.
3 To improve the linguistic skills of the prospective teachers.
B.Ed (4 YEAR) PROGRAMME 4. To strengthen the ideological perspectives of the students
adequately and properly.
Specialization: Prospective Students/Career:
Elementary Teacher Education (ADE Based) This programme is designed for those prospective students who
Duration: 4-Year (8-Semesters) wish to join elementary school as teachers. The programme will
Semester Duration: 16-18 Weeks also cater for the existing elementary school teachers as at
Course Load per Semester: 18-Credit/Hours present their promotion is linked with ADE and BEd(4 year)
Total Credit Hours: 72 Credit Hours degree. Thus this programme will open up new windows for the
promotion of elementary school teachers.
Medium of Instruction: English/Urdu Eligibility Criteria:
Delivery Mode: Distance Learning Candidates with ADE (2 years) degree can join in the fifth
Passing Marks semester of BEd-4 year (2 ADE +2) programme.
(Assignment/Exam) 50%
Semester-Wise Breakup of Scheme of Studies
Introduction: 5th Semester 18 credit Hours
BEd (4 year) programme focus on education and training of Courses Code Cr. Hrs
prospective teachers which grows out of a profound belief in the
Basic of Technical English 6465 3(3+0)
transformative power of education. Our mission is to promote the
development of highly qualified and efficient teaching professionals Comparative Education 6466 3(3+0)
who are prepared to creatively contribute to the social, cultural, and Select any two Clusters from following five Clusters
educational development of a globally oriented, pluralistic, and English-I (Content Major) 6468 3(3+0)
diverse society. BEd (4 year) programme will be a composite Cluster-1
English-II (Content Major) 6469 3(3+0)
programme blending Core Courses, Foundation Courses,
Professional Courses, and Specialization Courses. The teacher Islamic Studies-I (Content Major) 6473 3(3+0)
trained through new programme will be able to teach at Secondary Islamic Studies-II (Content Major) 6474 3(3+0)
and Higher Secondary Levels and will be an equivalent of the Urdu-I (Content Major) 6478 3(3+0)
existing master's degree. Cluster-3
Urdu-II (Content Major) 6479 3(3+0)
Following are the objectives of this programme:
1. To equip the prospective teachers with adequate knowledge Pakistan Studies-I (Content Major) 6488 3(3+0)
of subject matter, contemporary pedagogy techniques, Pakistan Studies-II (Content Major) 6489 3(3+0)
communication skills, critical thinking and dispositions to Cluster-5 Home Economics-I 6483 3(3+0)
be an elementary school teacher. Home Economics-II 6484 3(3+0)
2. To develop creative aptitude and research mindedness to Total Credit Hours=18
the prospective teachers.
6th Semester 18 credit Hours 8th Semester
Courses Code Cr. Hrs S.# Courses Code Cr. Hrs
Perspective of Elementary Education 625 3(3+0) 1 Elementary School Management 622 3(3+0)
Educational Research and Statistics 6461 3(3+0) 2 Test Development and Evaluation 6462 3(3+0)
Select any two Clusters from following five Clusters on the basis of 3 Long Term Internship 6463 06
semester 5 content courses studied. 4 Philosophy of Education 8609 3(3+0)
English-III (Content Major) 6470 3(3+0) 5 Critical Thinking & Reflective Practices 8611 3(3+0)
English-IV (Content Major) 6471 3(3+0)
Islamic Studies-III (Content Major) 6475 3(3+0) Total Credit Hours=18
Islamic Studies-IV (Content Major) 6476 3(3+0) Note: Courses will be offered as per availability. The existing
Urdu-III (Content Major) 6480 3(3+0) course/s will be adopted/adapted as per requirement. The
Cluster-3 department may change the sequence of the course/s offering as
Urdu-IV (Content Major) 6481 3(3+0)
Pakistan Studies-III (Content Major) 6490 3(3+0) per availability of course/s.
Pakistan Studies-IV (Content Major) 6491 3(3+0)
Cluster-5 Home Economics-III 6485 3(3+0) For any academic assistance:
Home Economics-IV 6486 3(3+0) Dr. Muhammad Sami Ullah
Total Credit Hours=18 Assistant Professor
7th Semester ECE & ETED, Ph: 051-9057851, 9574274
S.# Courses Code Cr. Hrs
Fee Structure BEd (4 years)
1 Teaching Strategies at Elementary Level 623 3(3+0)
Registration Fee: (At the time of 1st admission) Rs.500/-
2 Child Development 1626 3(3+0)
3 Teaching Practice – I 8607 3(3+0)
Admission Fee: (At the time of 1st admission) Rs.1000/-
4 Research Project 6464 3(3+0) Technology Fee + Courier Charges: (per semester) Rs.500/-
Select any Two Courses from the following on Per 3 Credit Hours Fee: Rs.3300/- (Rs.3300×6) = Rs.19800/-
the basis of Cluster selected in the 5th Semester First Semester Fee: Rs.21800/-
1 Pedagogy-I: Teaching of English 6493 3(3+0)
2 Pedagogy-III: Teaching of Urdu 6494 3(3+0)
3 Pedagogy-IV: Teaching of Pakistan Studies 6495 3(3+0)
4 Teaching of Home Economics 6496 3(3+0)
5 Pedagogy-II: Teaching of Islamic Studies 6497 3(3+0)
B.Ed (4 YEAR) PROGRAMME 3. To improve the linguistic skills of the prospective teachers.
4. To strengthen the ideological perspectives of the students
Specialization: adequately and properly.
Elementary Teacher Education
Prospective Students/Career:
Duration: 4-Year (8-Semesters)
Semester Duration: 16-18 Weeks This programme is designed for those prospective students who
Course Load per Semester: 18-Credit/Hours wish to join elementary school as teachers. The programme will
Total Credit Hours: 144 Credit Hours also cater for the existing elementary school teachers as at
Medium of Instruction: English/Urdu present their promotion is linked with ADE and B.Ed (4 year)
Delivery Mode: Distance Learning degree. Thus this programme will open up new windows for the
Passing Marks promotion of elementary school teachers.
(Assignment/Exam) 50% Semester-Wise Breakup of Scheme of Studies
Entry Qualification: Intermediate or Equivalence 1st Semester 18 credit Hours
(45 % marks) S.# Courses Code Cr. Hrs
Introduction: Islamiyat 5436 3(3+0)
BEd (4 year) programme focus on education and training of 1 OR
prospective teachers which grows out of a profound belief in the Ethics (for Non-Muslim) 5437
transformative power of education. Our mission is to promote the 2 Pakistan Studies 5438 3(3+0)
development of highly qualified and efficient teaching professionals Basics of Information & Communication 3(3+0)
3 5403
who are prepared to creatively contribute to the social, cultural, and Technology
educational development of a globally oriented, pluralistic, and 4 Compulsory English-I 5404 3(3+0)
diverse society. BEd (4 year) programme will be a composite 5 General Methods of Teaching 6400 3(3+0)
programme blending Core Courses, Foundation Courses, 6 Urdu 6416 3(3+0)
Professional Courses, and Specialization Courses. The teacher
trained through new programme will be able to teach at Secondary 2nd Semester 18 credit Hours
and Higher Secondary Levels and will be an equivalent of the S.# Courses Code Cr. Hrs
existing master's degree. 1 Compulsory English-II 5411 3(3+0)
Following are the objectives of this programme: 2 General Math and Statistics 6401 3(3+0)
1. To equip the prospective teachers with adequate knowledge 3 Educational Psychology & Guidance 6402 3(3+0)
of subject matter, contemporary pedagogy techniques, 4 Classroom Management 6403 3(3+0)
communication skills, critical thinking and dispositions to 5 Teaching of English 1655 3(3+0)
be an elementary school teacher. 6 Teaching of Urdu 1659 3(3+0)
2. To develop creative aptitude and research mindedness to
the prospective teachers.
3rd Semester 18 credit Hours Cluster-5 Home Economics-I 6483 3(3+0)
S.# Courses Code Cr. Hrs Home Economics-II 6484 3(3+0)
1 General Science 6404 3(3+0) Total Credit Hours=18
2 Education in Pakistan 6405 3(3+0)
3 Curriculum Development 6406 3(3+0)
6th Semester 18 credit Hours
4 Classroom Assessment 6407 3(3+0)
Courses Code Cr. Hrs
5 Teaching of Islamic Studies & Pak Studies 6408 3(3+0)
Perspective of Elementary Education 625 3(3+0)
6 Teaching of Mathematics 6409 3(3+0)
Educational Research and Statistics 6461 3(3+0)
Select any two Clusters from following five Clusters on the basis of
4th Semester 18 credit Hours semester 5 content courses studied.
S.# Courses Code Cr. Hrs
English-III (Content Major) 6470 3(3+0)
1 Arts Craft & Calligraphy 6410 3(3+0) Cluster-1
English-IV (Content Major) 6471 3(3+0)
2 Foundations of Education 6411 3(3+0)
Islamic Studies-III (Content Major) 6475 3(3+0)
3 School Society & Teacher 6412 3(3+0) Cluster-2
Islamic Studies-IV (Content Major) 6476 3(3+0)
4 Introduction to Inclusive Education 6413 3(3+0)
Urdu-III (Content Major) 6480 3(3+0)
5 Teaching of General Science 6414 3(3+0) Cluster-3
Urdu-IV (Content Major) 6481 3(3+0)
6 Teaching Practice-II 8608 3(3+0)
Pakistan Studies-III (Content Major) 6490 3(3+0)
Pakistan Studies-IV (Content Major) 6491 3(3+0)
5th Semester 18 credit Hours
Cluster-5 Home Economics-III 6485 3(3+0)
Courses Code Cr. Hrs
Home Economics-IV 6486 3(3+0)
Basic of Technical English 6465 3(3+0)
Total Credit Hours=18
Comparative education 6466 3(3+0)
Select any two Clusters from following five Clusters 7th Semester 18 credit Hours
English-I (Content Major) 6468 3(3+0) S.# Courses Code Cr. Hrs
English-II (Content Major) 6469 3(3+0) 1 Pedagogy: Teaching of English 6493 03
Islamic Studies-I (Content Major) 6473 3(3+0) 2 Pedagogy: Teaching of Urdu 6494 03
Islamic Studies-II (Content Major) 6474 3(3+0) 3 Pedagogy: Teaching of Pakistan Studies 6495 03
Urdu-I (Content Major) 6478 3(3+0) 4 Pedagogy: Teaching of Islamic Studies 6497 03
Cluster-3 5 Pedagogy: Teaching of Home Economics 6496 03
Urdu-II (Content Major) 6479 3(3+0)
Pakistan Studies-I (Content Major) 6488 3(3+0)
Pakistan Studies-II (Content Major) 6489 3(3+0)
On the basis of selected clusters in semester 5 and 6, opt any GENERAL INFORMATION
two courses from the above 5 pedagogy courses
1 Teaching Practice – I 8607 03 i. The certificates/degrees of AIOU are equivalent to any
2 Child Development 1626 03 other recognized Board/University.
3 Teaching Strategies at Elementary level 623 03 ii. A candidate is required to send complete admission form
4 Research Project 6464 03 along with attested copies of all educational and
Total Credit Hours=18 experience certificates to Admission Department as
mentioned in the prospectus before or on the closing date.
8th Semester 18 credit Hours iii. A course taken by any student cannot be changed during
S.# Courses Code Cr. Hrs the semester. However, in real hardship cases, the change
1 Elemenatry School Management 622 03 in courses will be allowed within fifteen days after deposit
2 Test Development and Evaluation 6462 03 of prescribed fee.
3 Long Term Internship 6463 06 iv. The address of a student will not be changed during the
4 Critical Thinking & Reflective Practices 8611 03 semester.
5 Philosophy of Education 8609 03 v. Admission to courses for both the Spring and Autumn
semesters are generally offered in the months of
Total Credit Hours=18
Note: Courses will be offered as per availability. The existing January and July, respectively, whereas, examinations
course/s will be adopted/adapted as per requirement. The commenced in November and May respectively. The
department may change the sequence of the course/s offering as continuing students will download their Enrolment
per availability of course/s. Form (Continue Admission Form) from the AIOU
For any academic assistance: website and send it to the University within due date.
Dr. Muhammad Sami Ullah vi. Admission Fee will be refunded (in case of applicant
Assistant Professor request) as per AIOU policy.
ECE & ETED, Ph: 051-9057851, 9574274 vii. On payment of the registration fee, each student will be
Fee Structure BEd (4 years) issued AIOU Student ID number. This number must be
Registration Fee: (At the time of 1st admission) Rs.500/- quoted in all the future correspondence.
Admission Fee: (At the time of 1st admission) Rs.1000/- viii. The students are usually intimated about the tutors through
Technology Fee + Courier Charges: (per semester) Rs.500/- LMS of each course for guidance.
Per 3 Credit Hours Fee: Rs.3300/- (Rs.3300×6) = Rs.19800/- ix. Rules and regulations framed, enhanced and changed from
First Semester Fee: Rs.21800/- time to time by the authorities, bodies of the university
will be effective as deemed necessary. The student will
have to abide by all such rules and regulations from the
date of their implementation.
x. A student who fails in continuous assessment component issue certificate/ degree on the said name.
is not eligible to reappear but will be allowed to re-register xix. In case provision of forged documents for admission, not
for the same course at its next offering semester by the only the admission will be refused to the applicant but the
university. fee deposited by him/her will also be forfeited. The
xi. It is the responsibility of the student to remain in touch university may proceed further in the matter.
with the department regarding the selected programme.
xii. A student already admitted to a programme or a PROCEDURE FOR DEPOSITING FEE
specialization of a programme shall not be allowed to Eligible candidates for (Open Merit Programmes) are required to
transfer or to get admission to another programme unless deposit fee in any branch of the following banks:
he/she formally postpones it till the completion of the new (1) Allied Bank Limited (ABL)
programme or withdraws from the previous programme. (2) First Women Bank (FWB)
xiii. After completion of a programme successfully, a student (3) Muslim Commercial Bank (MCB)
has to apply to Controller of Examinations for issuance of (4) United Bank Limited (UBL)
xiv. The university reserves the right to change the contents of
Fee can also be deposited through Jazz Cash, Easy Paisa and
this prospectus without any prior notice as per university
policy. Upaisa Mobile App/USSD String *786#, Retailer Agent,
xv. The student must inform the Admission Department in Franchise and Branches of Mobilink, Telenor and Ubank. For
writing within the period of 15 days about the information more detail please visit university website.
which is not according to the admission form/ check list or The Banks/Mobile App/Retailer Agents/Franchise/Branches will
mistake in name and address. No request for any change provide Transaction ID of deposited fee.
will be entertained after the stipulated period.
xvi. Admission forms incomplete in any respect will not be Note: Beware that University has not authorized any person or
entertained and will be returned after close of semester to private institute to collect payment/forms. All the students are
the students indicating the deficiency in clear terms with instructed to deposit fee by themselves in designated bank
advise to request for refund of fee. branches. In case of any discrepancy in admission fee/admission
xvii. Admission form received without prescribed fee less fee form the University will not be responsible and the student will
or fee deposited after due date will not be considered. have to face the consequences.
xviii. In case of discrepancies in the name of student/ Father’s
name of the student or difference in name mentioned in
his/her other educational certificates, the name on the
Matric certificate of the student will be considered as
correct name. The Examination Department shall also
REGULATIONS FOR REFUND (v) The cheque will be issued to the candidate
by the Campus Payment Section (CPS),
OF ADMISSION FEE Treasurer’s Department.
(vi) In the case of death, the full fee will be
(i) The Applicant/candidate/student who have refunded through crossed cheque in favour
submitted his/her fee for Admissions but do of the Blood Relative of deceased student,
not wish to continue and applied for refund after fulfilling all the codal formalities. The
of fee before the start of his/her study period refund case must be submitted within one
as per Academic Calendar available on the year of fee deposit.
AIOU website corresponding to his/her
respective semester i.e Autumn or Spring,
(vii) In case the students who are not
the fees will be refunded after the deduction
allowed/granted admission to a program
@ 10% of the total fee.
offered by the University due to less
enrollment/non formation of viable
(ii) The Applicant/Candidate who was not group/non offering of courses, full fee will
eligible but deposited the fee for admission be refunded to them.
and applied for refund within one year from
the date of fee deposit, the fee shall be
(viii) If the admission of an Applicant/Candidate
refunded after deduction @15% of total fee.
is not matured due to any reason beyond the
control of the University or due to
(iii) The student who has deposited his/her fee in unforeseen issues, the whole paid fee,
excess of due fee that total excess amount without any deductions shall be refunded to
shall be refunded or adjusted as the case may the respective applicant/candidate. The
be. refund case must be submitted within one
(iv) The Treasurer Department shall verify the year of fee deposit.
fee of students and shall send the case to the
Audit Department for pre-audit.
THROUGH TELECOS The Easypaisa mobile wallet account may be created by dialing
Easypaisa *786#.For using this mode, student must have balance equal to
Through Easypaisa App his/her payable fee in Easypaisa mobile account. There are no
The account may be created after downloading the Easypaisa transactions charges, if student use this mode to pay his/her fee.
Mobile App from Playstore. For using this mode, student must Following is the procedure of fee payment through USSD string
have balance equal to his/her payable fee in Easypaisa mobile *786#
account. There are no transactions charges, if student use this 1. Dial *786#
mode to pay his/her fee. Following is the procedure of fee 2. Select “4” (Payments)
payment through Easypaisa App. 3. Select “7” (Fee Collections)
1. Login to Easypaisa App 4. Select “99” (Next)
2. Press “View All” 5. Select “AIOU”
3. In “Payment” Section, select “Fee Collection” 6. Enter Challan No.
4. Select “AIOU” 7. Screen will show the payable amount & due date
5. Enter “Challan Number” 8. Enter Mobile Account PIN
6. Easypaisa App will show the payable amount & due date 9. Fee will be Paid and student will receive confirmation SMS
7. Press “Pay Now” from 3737
8. Fee will be Paid and student will receive confirmation SMS 10. Student will write Transaction ID and “Paid via
from 3737 Easypaisa786 String” on the challan and admission form.
9. Student will write Transaction ID and “Paid via Easypaisa Further, students are advised to keep the confirmation SMS
App” on the challan and admission form. Students are save in phone until the receipt of intimation of admission
advised to keep the confirmation SMS save in phone until confirmation from AIOU
the receipt of intimation of admission confirmation from
AIOU Through Easypaisa Retailer (Agent) Shop/Telenor
Franchise / Telenor Bank Branches
Fee can also be paid by visiting any Easypaisa Agent shop, Telenor
franchise and Telenor Microfinance Bank branch. For using this phone until the receipt of intimation of admission
mode, student has to pay Rs.15 per transaction in addition to the confirmation from AIOU
payable fee. Following is the fee payment procedure through this
mode. Upaisa
1. Student may visit any nearest Easypaisa Retailer (Agent) Shop, Through Upaisa App
Telenor franchise or Telenor Microfinance Bank branch The account may be created after downloading the Upaisa
2. Student will inform the retailer/franchisee/teller that he/she Mobile App from Playstore. For using this mode, student must
wish to pay fee of AIOU have balance equal to his/her payable fee in Upaisa mobile
3. Retailer/Franchisee/Teller will ask the student to share CNIC account. There are no transactions charges, if student use this
number, Mobile Number & Challan Number mode to pay his/her fee. Following is the procedure of fee
4. Retailer/Franchisee/Teller will enter the Challan Number in payment through Upaisa App.
his Easypaisa Tab/system 1. Login to Upaisa App
5. Tab/System will show the payable amount & due date 2. Please click on “Payments”
6. Student will hand-over the fee amount to 3. Click on “AIOU”
retailer/franchisee/teller 4. Enter “Challan Number”
7. Once the fee amount is handed over, the retailer/ 5. Upaisa App will show the payable amount
franchisee/teller will process the fee transaction 6. Press “Pay Now”
8. Fee will be paid and student will receive confirmation SMS 7. Fee will be Paid and student will receive confirmation SMS
from 3737 on mobile number. Transaction charges will be 8. Student will write Transaction ID and “Paid via Upaisa
mentioned in the confirmation SMS App” on the challan and admission form. Students are advised
9. Student will write Transaction ID and “Paid via Easypaisa to keep the confirmation SMS save in phone until the receipt of
Agent/Franchisee/Teller” on the challan and admission intimation of admission confirmation from AIOU.
form. Bank stamp will be embossed only in case the fee is
paid through Telenor Microfinance Bank branches. Further Through USSD String *786#
students are advised to keep the confirmation SMS save in The Upaisa mobile wallet account may be created by dialing
*786#.For using this mode, student must have balance equal to
his/her payable fee in Upaisa mobile account. There are no 1. Student may visit any nearest Upaisa Retailer (Agent) Shop,
transactions charges, if student use this mode to pay his/her fee. Ufone Franchise, PTCL OSS or U Microfinance Bank
Following is the procedure of fee payment through USSD string branch
*786# 2. Student will inform the retailer/franchisee/teller that he/she
1. Dial *786# wish to pay fee of AIOU
2. Select “Payments” 3. Retailer/Franchisee/Teller will ask the student to share CNIC
3. Select “AIOU” number, Mobile Number & Challan Number
4. Enter Challan No. 4. Retailer/Franchisee/Teller will enter the Challan Number in
5. Screen will show the payable amount his Upaisa Tab/system
6. Student will enter his/her Mobile Number and PIN 5. Tab/System will show the payable amount & due date
7. Fee will be Paid &student will receive confirmation SMS 6. Student will hand-over the fee amount to retailer/ franchisee/
8. Student will write Transaction ID and “Paid via teller
Upaisa786 String” on the challan and admission form. 7. Once the fee amount is handed over, the
Students are advised to keep the confirmation SMS save in retailer/franchisee/teller will process the fee transaction
phone until the receipt of intimation of admission 8. Fee will be paid and student will receive confirmation SMS
confirmation from AIOU on mobile number. Transaction charges will be mentioned in
the confirmation SMS
Through Upaisa Agent Shop/Ufone Franchise /PTCS OSS/U 9. Student will write Transaction ID and “Paid via Upaisa
Microfinance Bank Branches Agent/Franchisee/Teller” on the challan and admission form.
Fee can also be paid by visiting any Upaisa Agent shop, Ufone Bank stamp will be embossed only in case the fee is paid
franchise, PTCL One stop shop (OSS) and U Microfinance Bank through U Microfinance Bank branches. Students are advised to
branch. For using this mode, student has to pay Rs.15 per keep the confirmation SMS save in phone until the receipt of
transaction in addition to the payable fee. Following is the fee intimation of admission confirmation from AIOU
payment procedure through this mode.
Jazz Cash Following is the procedure of fee payment through USSD string
Through Jazzcash App *786#
The account may be created after downloading the Jazzcash 1. Dial *786#
Mobile App from Playstore. For using this mode, student must 2. Select “Payments”
have balance equal to his/her payable fee in Jazzcash mobile 3. Select “Education Payments”
account. There are no transactions charges, if student use this 4. Select “AIOU”
mode to pay his/her fee. Following is the procedure of fee 5. Enter Challan No.
payment through Jazzcash App. 6. Screen will show the payable amount
1. Login to Jazzcash App 7. Enter MPIN
2. Please click on “Education Fee” 8. Fee will be Paid &student will receive confirmation SMS
3. Select “Universities” from the Menu 9. Student will write Transaction ID and “Paid via
4. Select “AIOU” from the Sub Menu Jazzcash786 String” on the challan and admission form.
5. Enter “Challan Number” Students are advised to keep the confirmation SMS save in
6. Jazzcash App will show the payable amount and due date phone until the receipt of intimation of admission
7. Enter MPIN confirmation from AIOU
8. Fee will be Paid &student will receive confirmation SMS
9. Student will write Transaction ID and “Paid via Jazzcash Through Jazzcash Agent Shop/Jazz Franchise /Mobilink
App” on the challan and admission form. Students are advised to Microfinance Bank Branches
keep the confirmation SMS save in phone until the receipt of Fee can also be paid by visiting any Jazzcash Agent shop, Jazz
intimation of admission confirmation from AIOU franchise and Mobilink Microfinance Bank branch. For using this
mode, student has to pay Rs.20 per transaction in addition to the
Through USSD String *786# payable fee. Following is the fee payment procedure through this
The Jazzcash mobile wallet account may be created by dialing mode.
*786#.For using this mode, student must have balance equal to 1. Student may visit any nearest Jazzcash Retailer (Agent) Shop,
his/her payable fee in Jazzcash mobile account. There are no Jazz Franchise or Mobilink Microfinance Bank branch
transactions charges, if student use this mode to pay his/her fee.
2. Student will inform the retailer/franchisee/teller that he/she Note: Beware that University has not authorized any person or
wish to pay fee of AIOU private institute to collect payment/forms. All the students are
3. Retailer/Franchisee/Teller will ask the student to share CNIC instructed to deposit fee by themselves in designated bank
branches. In case of any discrepancy in admission fee/admission
number, Mobile Number & Challan Number
form the University will not be responsible and the student will
4. Retailer/Franchisee/Teller will enter the Challan Number in have to face the consequences.
his Jazzcash Tab/system
5. Tab/System will show the payable amount & due date IMPORTANT TELEPHONE NUMBERS
6. Student will hand-over the fee amount to retailer/
franchisee/teller Sr.# Name Telephone Nos.
7. Once the fee amount is handed over, the retailer/
1. Director Admissions 051-9250043
franchisee/teller will process the fee transaction 051-9250162 (Fax)
8. Fee will be paid and student will receive confirmation SMS
2. Assistant Registrar (Mailing) 051-9250185
on mobile number. Transaction charges will be mentioned in
the confirmation SMS 3. Controller of Examinations 051-9250012
9. Student will write Transaction ID and “Paid via Jazzcash
Agent/Franchisee/Teller” on the challan and admission 4. Director Students Affairs 051-9250174
form. Bank stamp will be embossed only in case the fee is
5. Superintendent (Postgraduate) 051-9057422
paid through Mobilink Microfinance Bank branches.
Students are advised to keep the confirmation SMS save in Helpline: (051) 111 112 468
Help Desk:
phone until the receipt of intimation of admission
confirmation from AIOU.
Fee Rates for
Sr.# Programme
Ordinary Urgent Duplicate
Course Certificate of SSC/HSSC/Bachelor programme/
1. Rs.400/- Rs.800/- Rs.1600/-
Elementary Arabic/Non Credit
2. SSC(Matric)/HSSC(Intermediate)/PTC/CT/ATTC Rs.500/- Rs.1000/- Rs.2000/-
BA/B.Com/BBA(old)/BLIS/BCS/AssociateDegree (2 years)/
3. Rs.800/- Rs.1600/- Rs.3200/-
Undergraduate Diploma/Certificate
4. BS / BBA (4 years) Associate Degree (4 years) etc. Rs.1200/- Rs.2400/- Rs.4800/-
5. B. Ed. (old programme) Rs.1000/- Rs.2000/- Rs.4000/-
6. B.Ed. (1.5 years / 2.5 years / 4 years) Rs.1200/- Rs.2400/- Rs.4800/-
7. MA/M.Sc/M.Ed/MBA/M.Com/MBA & MPA Executive Rs.1200/- Rs.2400/- Rs.4800/-
8. Postgraduate Diploma / Cer tificate Rs.1000/- Rs.2000/- Rs.4000/-
9. M.Phil/MS/LLM/M.Sc (Honors) Rs.2000/- Rs.4000/- Rs.8000/-
10. Ph.D Rs.3000/- Rs.6000/- Rs.12000/
800/- 400/-
800/- 400/- wukgð
1000/- 500/-
1000/- 500/-
1000/- 500/-
1000/- 500/-
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1000/- 500/-
1600/- 800/- ~¤
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2400/- 1200/-
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2000/- 1000/-
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2400/- 1200/-
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2000/- 1000/-
4000/- 2000/-
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