BS Face To Face Spring 2024
BS Face To Face Spring 2024
BS Face To Face Spring 2024
BS (Face to Face) Programmes
SEMESTER: Spring, 2024
Vice-Chancellor’s Message
Dear Student,
Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) is one of the mega universities of the
world and it occupies a unique position in the education sector of Pakistan,
because of its affordability and high quality distance and online academic
programs. AIOU has now turned into the most favorite university of the country
with high international repute. The university made a landmark progress by
ensuring access to quality education for rural areas under-privileged students and
the people of all ages particularly the females can now select and join the
programs of their choice, while sitting at their residence and simultaneously with
continuing their jobs. After assessing the success of many degree programs in Pakistan, AIOU is now going to offer a
variety of range programs for the students residing worldwide. More than 1.3 million students are getting benefits from
the high quality educational services of AIOU in all regions of the country through more than fifty regional offices of
the university. It offers-suggests many undergraduate and postgraduate programs at rural and remote areas providing an
unparalleled opportunity to all the poor and deprived segments of the society at an affordable cost. The university has
recently digitalized all its student-support services for facilitating its students on priority basis. This digitization of the
system, it is hoped, will enable AIOU students to get all discipline of educational programmes using their Learning
Management system (LMS) portal support online.
Note: Contact concerned Regional office for exact schedule of activities. Continuing students are sent
information for all activities by LMS/SMS. Simultaneously information is placed on website (,
students can download if not received by post.
All fresh and continue students can submit their admission using online system.
BS Statistics (2.5 Years) .............................................................................................................................................................. 51
BS Statistics (2 Years) ................................................................................................................................................................. 53
Department of Computer Science ............................................................................................................................................ 56
BS Computer Science .................................................................................................................................................................. 57
Faculty of Education .................................................................................................................................................................. 63
BS Instructional Design and Technology .................................................................................................................................... 64
GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................................... 67
Procedure for Depositing Fee ...................................................................................................................................................... 68
Regulation for refund of fee ........................................................................................................................................................ 72
Important Telephone Numbers .................................................................................................................................................... 73
Part Time Regional Coordinators ................................................................................................................................................ 74
ALLAMA IQBAL OPEN UNIVERSITY only by the students and faculties of the university, but also by the
renowned dignitaries and scholars. For the science students and the
Allama Iqbal Open University, a mega university was
research scholars, a science complex has been constructed, where
established in 1974 under an Act of Parliament. The main
they use the latest equipment of international standard for
campus of the university is situated in sector H-8, Islamabad.
experiments and research. To meet the present-day challenges,
It was the second open university of the world and the first of
internet facility is also available in the student hostel and the Central
its kind in Asia and Africa. The aim of establishing AIOU
Library, where computers have been provided to enable students to
was to provide affordable and accessible education through
access the latest information available through open source
distance learning at the doorsteps to those people who could
not continue their educational journey through formal system
of education. The University (AIOU) operates on semester
system and admits students in Autumn and Spring semesters,
Undergraduate admissions are being offered in both the Faculty of Sciences form an integral part of the University, Since
semesters, whereas postgraduates are being offered once a its establishment in 1982 with five teaching departments, it has
year. The enrolled students are given course books specially undergone major development changes. It now comprises nine
prepared by the university on self instructional principles. teaching and research departments which are offering courses at
However, at post graduate level reprints of foreign books the undergraduate and postgraduate levels to more than ten
alongwith allied material and university prepared study thousand students. The Faculty operates under the basic guidelines
guides help students to polish their skills. of the University Act and on “Education for All as Convenient”
basis so that maximum students get benefit from its academic
At present, the AIOU is offering programmes from Matric to programs and educational facilities. This principle has necessitated
PhD level in diverse disciplines comprised four faculties. The some structural changes in the non-formal mode, particularly at the
university has established study centres across the country postgraduate level, in the offering of theory courses and practical
where distance education students are provided necessary lab work. This conceptual adjustment has been quite successful and
guidance by their respective tutors. AIOU is also offering many in-service students are benefiting from postgraduate study
four years under-graduate degrees. programs. Improvement in qualification for a better life is a right of
Apart from curricular and extra-curricular activities during the everyone and the faculty’s programs meet this challenge by
academic year, the AIOU and its regional centres actively offering opportunities to all. In particular, a significant number of
participate in the co-curricular activities by arranging educational beneficiaries are those who cannot afford education in formal
and literary seminars, workshops and conferences, attended not institution due to a variety of reasons.
The department is enriched with highly qualified regular
The approval for the establishment of the Department of Biology faculty to fulfill teaching and research requirements. Well
Science was granted by the Executive Council in February 1998. equipped labs and Biology are available to cater practical and
The objective of its establishment is to provide human research requirements.
resources/skilled personnel in various areas of Biology. BS Biochemistry
Furthermore, the purpose is to educate future generation and 1. Introduction
improvement in quality of life and welfare of human being through Biochemistry can be considered as chemistry of life and is
research for the environmentally sustainable and socially equitable central to all areas of the biological or life sciences. It deals
use of the natural resources. The Department is imparting face-to- with chemical processes taking place in all living organisms
face education in Pakistan in different disciplines of Biological from viruses and bacteria to plants and animals. It specifically
Sciences. focuses on the study of biomolecules and vital processes that
give rise to complexities of life. It comprehensively
The mission of Department of Biology is to educate students in demonstrates human biochemical aspects pertaining to the
various disciplines of Life Sciences including those who could not wellbeing and in the pathological state.
continue their education due to economic or job constraints. The
purpose of its establishment is to educate future generation and BS Biochemistry has an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary
improvement in quality of life and welfare of human being through approach enabling students to understand the core principles
research and self-sufficiency. and experimental basis of Biochemistry. The scope of the
discipline is extremely broad and graduates in Biochemistry
The Department is striving to uplift the teaching standards can progress to a wide range of careers. They can work in
and provide a congenial environment for research in the field national and international organization in either public or
of Biology. The Department always seeks to introduce more private sectors, biochemical industries, food production
disciplines at graduate and postgraduate levels as per demand companies, hospitals and diagnostic laboratories,
of the society, so as to keep the undergraduate and pharmaceutical industries and research institutes etc.
postgraduate scholars well informed with the recent advances Biochemists may emerge as Genetic counselor, Forensic
in the field. This will help produce well-trained manpower to scientists, Healthcare officials, Sequencing data analyst,
Research scientists, Project officers, Quality control officers,
serve science both at national and International levels. Genetic engineers etc.
The Department is offering following programmes: The programme aims at developing human resources in the field of
i. BS Botany Biochemistry through appropriate education and research.
ii. BS Biochemistry
2. Objectives Comprehension
Objectives of this programme are
i. To equip students with the in-depth knowledge and skills BIO 3501 Cell Biology, Genetics and
necessary for understanding basic as well as advanced Evolution
and recent trends in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Total Credits 18
ii. To impart skills to carry out independent scientific and Semester-2
technical research in key areas of Biochemistry
iii. To equip students with laboratory procedures and techniques Course Code Course Title CH
necessary to understand the life processes and enable them to BIO 3504 Diversity of Plants 4(3+1)
serve in diagnostics and research labs CHEM 3502 Organic Chemistry 4(3+1)
iv. To inculcate confidence among students to pursue higher
education in their specialized areas of interest MATH 3502 Calculus-I 3(3+0)
3. Eligibility Criteria ENGL 3503 English II: Technical and
F.Sc (Pre-medical) OR Equivalent “A” Level Business Writing
qualification with Biology as major subject.
Foreign certificate holders will need to produce BIO 3505 Plant Biochemistry 3(3+0)
equivalence certificate from IBCC to seek admission in 4 Total Credits 17
years BS Biochemistry. Semester-3
4. Duration of the Programme
In order to be eligible for the award of BS in Course Code Course Title CH
Biochemistry, the student will have to earn a total of 133 ENVS 3505 Diversity of Animals 4(3+1)
credit hours including Research Project of six credit
hours within a minimum period of 4 years (8 semesters) BIO 3502 Fundamentals of Microbiology 4(3+1)
failing which, a student can be given an extension of upto PKST 3501 Pakistan Studies
2 years in maximum after completion of initial period. 2(2+0)
5. Scheme of Studies ENGL 3502 English III: Communication
Semester 1 Skills
BIO 3502 Environmental Chemistry 4(3+1)
Course Code Course CH
Total Credits 17
BIO 3503 Introductory Biochemistry 4(3+1)
CHEM 3501 Inorganic Chemistry 4(3+1)
MATH 3501 Pre-Calculus Course
3 (3+0) Course Title CH
ENGL 3501 English I: Composition and 3(3+0) BIO 4502 Human Physiology 4(3+1)
BIO 4501 Biotechnology 4(3+1) BIO 6515 Clinical Biochemistry 4(3+1)
CS 3501 Introduction to Computer 3(3+0) Total Credits 16
HADH 3501 Islamic Studies / Ethics 2(2+0) Semester-8
MCM 3502 Public Relations 3(3+0) Course
Course Title CH
Total Credits 16 Code
Semester-5 BIO 6507 Research Project 6
BIO 6505 Genetic Engineering 4(3+1)
Course Code Course Title CH
BIO 5515 Nutritional Biochemistry 4(3+1) BIO 6517 Bioinformatics 3(2+1)
STAT 3506 Biostatistics 3(3+0) BIO 6516 Bio-Membranes and cell 3(3+0)
BIO 5610 Genetics-1 3(3+0) Total Credits 16
BIO 6503 Immunology 4(3+1) Total Credits= 18+17+17+16+17+16+16+16=133
BIO6518 Metabolism 3(3+0) 6. Fee Tariff for 1st Semester
Total Credits 17 Item Rates
Semester 6 Registration Fee (Once at time of Rs.550/-
Course Code Course Title CH admission)
BIO 5516 Genomics 4(3+1) Admission Fee (Once at time of admission) Rs.1100/-
BIO 5517 Protein Biochemistry 4(3+1)
Technology Fee Rs.550/-
BIO 5507 Molecular Biology 4(3+1)
ENVS 3507 Scientific Researchs 4(3+1) Per 4 Credit hours course fee: Rs. 8800 Rs. 26400
Total Credits 16 Per 3 Credit hours course fee: Rs. 6600 Rs.13200/-
Semester-7 LAB CHARGES Rs.3300/-
Course Title CH Total Rs. 45100/-
BIO 6514 Enzymology 4(3+1) The fee structure for remaining semesters will be provided
in due course of time.
BIO 6502 Medical Microbiology 4(3+1)
BIO 5501 Microbial Genetics 4(3+1)
1. Mode of Study: b) Final Examination
i. Medium of Instruction Final written examination of 100 marks will be
The Medium of Instructions for BS Bio chemistry will be conducted. Pass percentage in final examination will be
English. The weightage of final exam will be 70% in final result.
ii. Study Material If a student fails to pass in any assessment component of a
Lecture handouts will be provided by the department. course, he/she will have to re- enroll in that course.
The students are also advised to consult other
reference books recommended by the department. 1. Guidelines for Online Application (see page-vi)
iii. Mode of Teaching i. Visit AIOU Website:
a) University will provide face to face teaching to the ii. Click on OAS (Online Admission System) for Fresh
students. Admission
b) The schedule of classes and dates of submission of iii. Click 'Register'& fill details
iv. Upon successful registration please click on login
assignments will be announced by the department.
v. Fill login details and login to the portal
iv. Assessment and Evaluation vi. After login click on Step-1 and complete your profile.
For each course the student progress will be assessed on Note: All tabs should be filled before applying for
the basis of the followings: admissions.
a) Continuous Assessment vii. After completion of Step-1, click on Step-2 then click on
i. Continuous assessment of practical courses will be "Download Challan" against programme (s) you wish to
based on assignments/class tests of 200 marks and apply.
practical of 100 marks. Student has to obtain 50% i. Pay the admission form fee as per AIOU prescribed criteria
marks in theory and practical individually to pass through selected bank branches or online payment methods.
this component. ii. After admission fee confirmation, you will be called on
ii. For non-practical courses, student has to obtain 50% through SMS to visit the department for the verification of
marks assignments/class test in theory component your credentials.
only. The weightage of internal assessment in final iii. After the verification, you will be informed whether you are
result will be 30%. eligible for the admission in BS Programme or not.
1.2 Scheme of Studies (AD Based) BS Biochemistry 4414 Genetic Engineering 4(3+1) F2F
Program code 5532 7487 Bioinformatics 3(2+1) F2F
Semester 1 (Bridging Semester) Total Credit Hours= 62
Course Code Course Title Cr. Hrs Mode 1.3 Fee Tariff for 1st Semester
7481 Nutritional 4(3+1) F2F Item
Biochemistry Registration Fee (Once at time of Rs.550/-
4482 Biostatistics 3(3+0) F2F admission)
7412 Principles of Genetics 3 (3+0) F2F Admission Fee (Once at time of Rs.1100/-
4415 Immunology 4(3+1) F2F admission)
7482 Bio-membranes and 3(3+0) F2F Technology Fee Rs.550/-
call Signaling Per 4 Credit hours course fee: Rs. 8800 Rs. 26400/-
Semester 2 Per 3 Credit hours course fee: Rs. 6600 Rs.13200/-
Course Title Cr.Hrs LAB CHARGES Rs.3300/-
7483 Fundamentals of 4(3+1) F2F Total Rs. 45100/-
Genomics 3. Contact Details
7484 Protein Biochemistry 4(3+1) F2F Incharge
4419 Molecular Biology 4(3+1) F2F Department of Biology
7413 Scientific Research 4(3+1) F2F Research Complex, 1st Floor, AIOU, H-8, Islamabad
Semester 3 Tel: 051-9057726; Email:
Course Title Cr. Hrs
Coordinator BS-Biochemistry
7485 Enzymology 4(3+1) F2F
Department of Biology
4413 Medical Microbiology 4(3+1) F2F
4407 Microbial Genetics 4(3+1) F2F Research Complex, 1st Floor, AIOU, H-8, Islamabad
7486 Principles of Clinical 4(3+1) F2F Tel: 051 9575273; Email:
Course Code Course Title Cr. Hrs
4418 Research Project 6 F2F
BS BOTANY 3. BS Botany (4 Year)
1. Introduction Eligibility Criteria for admission in BS Programs(4 years) is:
The study of plants is vital because they underpin almost all life 1. Students holding FSC (Pre Medical) or equivalent/ ‘A’
forms on Earth by generating a large proportion of oxygen and lavel with Biology as a major subject shall be eligible
food that allow humans and other organisms to subsist. Plants are for admission.
one of the major groups of organisms that carry out BS BOTANY(4 Years)
photosynthesis, a process that absorbs carbon dioxide, a
greenhouse gas that is a small but important variable that Sr. Course
influences global climate. Plants are crucial to the future of Course Title Cr. Hrs
No Code
human society as they provide food, oxygen, medicine, and
products for people, as well as creating and preserving soil. 1. Cell Biology, BIO3501 4(3+1)
Genetics and Evolution
This programme has an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary 2. Inorganic Chemistry CNEM3501 4(3+1)
scope enabling students to understand the concepts of Botany. It 3. Env. Sci EHVS3501 4(3+1)
covers a wide range of scientific disciplines including the study of 4. Pre-Calculus MATH3501 3
plant structure, growth, reproduction, metabolism, development, 5. English I: Composition
diseases, chemical properties, evolutionary relationships, and plant ENGL3501 3
and Comprehension
taxonomy. Graduates with Botany can work in national and Total Credits 18
international organization in public and private sectors as
Biodiversity Researchers, Environmental Scientists, Nature
Reserve Managers, Wildlife Management Advisors, Ecological Sr. Course
Course Title Cr. Hrs
Consultants and Conservation Officers, Quality Control Officers, No Code
Salesperson etc. 1. Diversity of Plants BIO3504 4(3+1)
2. Objectives 2. Organic Chemistry CHEM3502 4(3+1)
On accomplishing the course, the students will be able to: 3. Calculus-I MATH3502 3
i. Demonstrate comprehensive understanding of Botany as 4. Environmental Biology ENVS3506 4(3+1)
an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary subject. 5 English II Technical and ENGL3503 3
ii. Achieve awareness about the evolutionary trends and Business Writing
plants systematic in pursuit of nature conservation. Total Credits 18
iii. Understand the relationship between economic growth
and importance of indigenous plant resources.
Semester-3 Conservation
Sr. Course 2. Diversity of Vascular BIO 5509 3(2+1)
Course Title Cr. Hrs
No Code Plants
1. Diversity of Animals ENVS 4(3+1) 3. Plant Anatomy BIO 5509 3(2+1)
3505 4. Introductory Biochemistry BIO 3503 4(3+1)
2. Fundamentals of Microbiology BIO 4(3+1)
3502 5. Phycology and Bryology BIO 5511 3(3+0)
3. Intro to Sociology SOC 3 Total Credits 17
3501 Semester-6
4. Pakistan Studies PKST 2 Sr. No Course Title Course Code Cr. Hrs
3501 1. Plant Ecology -I BIO 5512 3(2+1)
5. English III: Communication ENGL 3 2. Plant Physiology - I BIO 5513 3(2+1)
Skills 3502
Total Credits 16 3. Plant Biochemistry BIO 3505 3(2+0)
Semester-4 4. Mycology and Plant BIO 5514 3(2+1)
Sr. Course Pathology
Course Title Cr. Hrs 5. Molecular Biology BIO 5507 3(2+1)
No Code
1. Biotechnology BIO 4501 4(3+1) Total Credits 16
2 Plant Systematic anatomy BIO 4503 4(3+1) Semester-7
department Sr. No Course Title Course Code Cr. Hrs
3. Introduction to Computer CS 3501 3(3+0) 1. Plant Ecology -II BIO 6508 3(2+1)
4. Islamic Studies / Ethics ITHE 3501 2 2. Plant Physiology - II BIO 6509 3(2+1)
HADH 3501 3. Genetics - I BIO 6510 3(3+0)
5. Public Relations MCM 3502 3
4. Biostatistics STAT 3506 3(3+0)
Total Credits 16
5. Scientific Research ENVS 3507 4(3+1)
Total Credits 20
Course Title Course Code Cr. Hrs
1. Biodiversity and BIO 5508 4(3+1)
Semester-8 5. Mycology and Plant 7408 3(2+1) F2F
Sr. No Course Title Course Code Cr. Hrs 6. Scientific Research 7413 4 (3+1) F2F
1. Research Project BIO 6507 6
Total Credits 17
2. Genetics - II BIO 6511 3(3+0)
3. Ethnobotany BIO 6512 3 Semester-3
4. Plant systematics BIO 6513 4(3+1) Sr. Course Title Course Cr. Hrs Mode
No Code
Total Credits 16 1. Plant Ecology -II 7409 3(2+1) F2F
Total Credit Hours: 132 2. Plant Systematics 7410 4(3+1) F2F
Scheme of Study (AD Based 2 years) Bs Botany Program 3. Plant Physiology - II 7411 3(2+1) F2F
Sr. Course Title Course Cr. Mode 4. Genetics - I 7412 3(3+0) F2F
No Code Hrs 5. Biostatistics 4482 3(3+0) F2F
1. Diversity of Vascular 7401 3(2+1) F2F
Total Credits 16
2. Plant Anatomy 7402 3(2+1) F2F Semester-4
3. Introductory 4481 4(3+1) F2F Sr. Course Cr.
Course Title Mode
Biochemistry No Code Hrs
4. Phycology and 7403 3(3+0) F2F 1. Research Project 4418 6 F2F
Bryology 2. Genetics - II 7414 3(3+0) F2F
5. Biodiversity and 4452 4(3+1) F2F 3. Ethnobotany 4439 3 F2F
Conservation 4. Environmental 4446 4(3+1) F2F
Total Credits 17 Biology
Semester-2 Total Credits 16
Sr. Course Cr. Total Credits: 60
Course Title Mode
No Code Hrs
1. Plant Ecology -I 7405 3(2+1) F2F
2. Plant Physiology - I 7406 3(2+1) F2F
3. Molecular Biology 4419 3(2+1) F2F
4. Plant Biochemistry 7407 3(3+0) F2F
3.4 Fee Tariff for 1st Semester Eligibility for BS (AD Assessment and Evaluation:
Based 2 years) Student progress will be assessed based on the
Item followings:
Registration Fee (Once at time of admission) Rs.550/- Assessment Continuous Assessment Final
Admission Fee (Once at time of admission) Rs.1100/- Assessment
Technology Fee Rs.550/-
Assignment Practical Final
Per 4 Credit hours course fee: Rs. 8800 Rs. 26400/-
Per 3 Credit hours course fee: Rs. 6600 Rs.13200/-
Course with 20% 10% 70%
Total Rs. 45100/- Practical
4. Mode of Study Course 30% 70%
4.1 Medium of Instruction without X
The Medium of Instructions for BS Botany will be English. Practical
4.2 Study Material Pass Marks 50% 50% 50%
Reprinted or compiled course books/lecture handouts will be
provided by the University however, the students are Final Examinations
advised to consult other reference books recommended A written examination will be conducted for each
by the department. course with 50% passing marks.
4.3 Mode of Teaching 5. Contact Details
a) University will provide face to face teaching Incharge
a) The schedule of classes and dates of submission of Department of Biology
assignments will be handed over along with study Research Complex, 1st Floor, AIOU, H-8, Islamabad
material. Tel: 051-9057726; Email:
Coordinator BS Botany
Department of Biology, Research Complex, 1st Floor,
AIOU, H-8, Islamabad, Tel: 051 905 7185; Email:
BS MICROBIOLOGY iii. To create awareness about application of Microbiology for
public benefit.
2. Introduction 4. Eligibility Criteria (BS Microbiology 4 years)
The Department of Biology is well aware of the fact that this is F.Sc (Pre-medical) OR Equivalent A Level qualification with
an era of scientific revolutions. Microbiology, which is parallel Biology as major subject.
to molecular biology as well as biotechnology, is an emerging
scientific field. Lots of work is being done at international level 5. Duration of Programme
but Pakistan is still behind in this field. The trained manpower In order to be eligible for the award of BS in Microbiology, the
well versed with laboratory techniques and disease diagnostic student will have to earn a total of 133 credit hours including
facilities is limited in the country. six credit hours for research within a minimum period of 4
years (8 semesters) failing which, a student can be given an
Keeping this in view, the Department of Biology has launched
extension of 2 years (4 semesters) in maximum, after
four years BS Programme in Microbiology from the semester completion of initial period.
Spring, 2009. 6. Scheme of Studies:
This programme is designed to: Semester 1
i. Provide skilled laboratory personnel for catering Course Code Course Title CH
general public needs. BIO 3501 Cell Biology, Genetics and 4(3+1)
ii. Provide research atmosphere for the support of Evolution
laboratory facilities. CHEM3501 Inorganic Chemistry 4(3+1)
3. Objectives BIO 3502 Fundamentals of Microbiology 4(3+1)
After completing this programme, students will acquire the MATH 3501 Pre-Calculus 3(3+0)
necessary knowledge based in the area of Bio-medical ENGL 3501 English I: Composition and 3(3+0)
sciences, which is very important to diagnose the infectious Comprehension
diseases as well as epidemics. Total Credits 18
The overall objectives of this programme is to promote
education of Applied/Life Sciences in the country. Semester 2
i. To provide human resources/skilled Microbiologist for Course
catering the needs of medical laboratories in hospitals Course Title CH
and research institutes. BIO 3506 Environmental Microbiology 4(3+1)
ii. To provide foundation for higher studies in BIO 3504 Diversity of Plants 4(3+1)
CHEM 3502 Organic Chemistry 4(3+1) STAT 3506 Biostatistics 3(3+0)
MATH 3502 Calculus-I 3(3+0) BIO 5501 Microbial Genetics 4(3+1)
ENGL 3503 English II: Technical and 3(3+0) BIO 5502 Virology 4(3+1)
Business Writing Total credits 15
Total credits 18 Semester 6
Semester 3 Course Course Title CH
Course Title CH BIO 5507 Molecular Biology 4(3+1)
BIO 5506 Molecular Mechanism of 4(3+1)
ENVS 3505 Diversity of Animals 4(3+1)
Antimicrobial Drugs
ENVS 3501 Introduction to Environmental 4(3+1)
BIO 5505 Food and Dairy Microbiology 4(3+1)
BK 5504 Microbial Anatomy and Physiology 4(3+1)
PKST 3501 Pakistan Studies 2(2+0)
EV 3504 Scientific Research 4(3+1)
ENGL 3502 English III: Communication 3(3+0)
Skills Total credits 20
SOC 3501 Introduction to Sociology 3(3+0) Semester 7
Total Credits 16 Course Code Course Title CH
Semester 4 BIO 6503 Immunology 4(3+1)
Course BIO 6502 Medical Microbiology 4(3+1)
Course Title CH BIO 6504 Industrial Microbiology 4(3+1)
BIO 4501 Biotechnology 4(3+1) BIO 6501 Soil Microbiology 4(3+1)
BIO 4502 Human Physiology 4(3+1) Total credits 16
MCM 3502 Public Relations 3(3+0) Semester 8
ITHC 3501/ Islamic Studies/Ethics 2(2+0) Course
HADH 3501 Code Course Title CH
CS 3501 Introduction to Computer 3(3+0) BIO 6506 Epidemiology 4(3+1)
Total Credits 16 BIO 6507 Research Project 6
Semester 5 BIO 6503 Genetic Engineering 4(3+1)
Course Code Course Title CH Total credits 14
BIO 3503 Introductory Biochemistry 4(3+1) Total Credits =18+18+16+16+15+20+16+14= 133
7. Fee Tariff For 1st Semester BS MICROBIOLOGY
Item Rates
Registration Fee (Once at time of Introduction
admission) Rs.550/-
This is an era of scientific revolutions. Microbiology, which is
Admission Fee (Once at time of Rs.1100/-
admission) parallel to molecular biology as well as biotechnology, is an
Technology Fee Rs.550/- emerging scientific field. Lots of work is being done at
international level but Pakistan is still behind in this field. The
Per 4 Credit hours course fee: Rs. 8800 Rs. 26400 trained manpower well versed with laboratory techniques and
Per 3 Credit hours course fee: Rs. 6600 Rs.13200/- disease diagnostic facilities is limited in the country. Keeping
this in view, the Department of Biology has launched four
years BS Programme in Microbiology from the semester
Total Rs. 45100/- Spring, 2009.
The fee structure for remaining semesters will be This programme is designed to:
provided in due course of time. iii. Provide skilled laboratory personnel for catering to
public needs.
iv. Provide research atmosphere for the support of
laboratory facilities.
After completing this programme, students will acquire the
necessary knowledge based in Bio-medical sciences, which is
very important to diagnose the infectious diseases as well as
epidemics. The overall objective of this programme is to promote
education of Applied/Life Sciences in the country.
iv. To provide human resources/skilled Microbiologist for
catering the needs of medical laboratories in hospitals and
research institutes.
v. To provide a foundation for higher studies in
3 BS Microbiology (2-Year) Semester 3
3.1 Eligibility for admission Course
Course Title
Students having 50% marks in Associate Degree in Code Hour
relevant field passed with at least 60 credit hours. 4415 Immunology 4(3+1)
3.2 Duration of Programme 4413 Medical Microbiology 4(3+1)
4420 Industrial Microbiology 4(3+1)
The student will have to earn a total of 65 credit hours
4410 Soil Microbiology 4(3+1)
within a minimum of 2 years (4 semester) and maximum
Total credits 16
period for completion is years.
Semester 4
4.1 Scheme of Studies
Course Credit
Semester 1 Course Title
Code Hour
Course Credit 4417 Epidemiology 4(3+1)
Course Title
Code Hour 4418 Research Project 6
4481 Introductory Biochemistry 4(3+1) 4414 Genetic Engineering 4(3+1)
4482 Biostatistics 3(3+0) Total credits 14
4407 Microbial Genetics 4(3+1) Total Credits = 65
4408 Virology 4(3+1) 4.2 Fee Tariff For 1st Semester
Total credits 15 Item
Semester 2 Registration Fee Rs.550/-
Course Credit (Once at time of admission)
Course Title Admission Fee (Once at time of admission) Rs.1100/-
Code Hour
4419 Molecular Biology 4(3+1) Technology Fee Rs.550/-
4416 Molecular Mechanism of Antimicrobial 4(3+1) Per 4 Credit hours course fee: Rs. 8800 Rs. 26400
Drugs Per 3 Credit hours course fee: Rs. 6600 Rs.6600/-
4411 Food and Dairy Microbiology 4(3+1) LAB CHARGES Rs.3300/-
4405 Microbial Anatomy and Physiology 4(3+1) Total Rs. 38500/-
7413 Scientific Research 4(3+1)
Total credits 20
5. Mode of Study 4. Contact Details
4.3 Medium of Instruction Incharge
The Medium of Instructions for BS Microbiology Department of Biology
will be English. Research Complex, 1st Floor, AIOU, H-8, Islamabad
4.4 Study Material Tel: 051-9057726; Email:
Lecture handouts will be provided by the department. Coordinator BS-Microbiology
Department of Biology
The students are also advised to consult other
Research Complex, 1st Floor, AIOU, H-8, Islamabad
reference books recommended by the department.
Tel: 051 9057730; Email:
4.5 Mode of Teaching 5. Faculty Members
a) University will provide face to face teaching to the 1. Dr. Hina Fatimah
students. Incharge, Department of Biology
b) The schedule of classes and dates of submission of Ph. 051-9575271
assignments will be announced by the department. 2. Dr. Muhammad Waseem
4.6 Assessment and Evaluation Assistant Professor, Ph. 051-9575274
For each course the student progress will be assessed 3. Dr. Rizwana Kousar
on the basis of the followings: Assistant Professor, Ph. 051-9575273
Continuous Assessment 4. Dr. Sobia Kanwal,
i. For each course the marks obtained by each Assistant Professor, Ph. 051-9575275
student in written assignments will constitute 2/3 5. Dr. Saba Farooq
of the continuous assessment. A student must Lecturer, Ph. 051-9575284
obtain a minimum of 50% marks in assignments to 6. Ms. Samar Naseer
pass this component. Lecturer, Ph. 051-9057185
ii. For each practical based course, the marks 7. Ms. Zainab Syed
obtained in the practical workshop will constitute Lecturer, Ph. 051-9575283
1/3 part of the continuous assessment. A student 8. Dr. Sadia Latif
must obtain a minimum of 50% marks in the Research Associate, Ph. 051-9575286
practical workshop individually in order to pass
this component.
Final Examinations
A written examination will be conducted for each
course with 50% passing marks.
DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL questions the safety and stability of life on earth. Though is
developing labs and faculty, the Department of Environmental
SCIENCE Science promises to develop a holistic educational approach for
the students to deal with challenges of the modern era.
The approval for the establishment of the Department of
The Department is offering undergraduate programs:
Environmental Science was granted by the Executive
i. BS Environmental Science 4- Year Program
Council in February 1998. The department was initiated with
the aim of creating awareness and understanding of ii. BS Environmental Science 2.5- Year Program
knowledge and skills required for sustainable environmental iii. BS Environmental Science 2- Year Program
management. The purpose of its establishment is to educate iv. M.Phil. Environmental Science 2-Year Program
future generation and improvement of quality of life and
welfare of human being through research for the The Department has well established lab facilities to
environmentally sustainable and socially equitable use of the foster the developing research ideas of the enrolled
natural resources. The department is determined to provide students, with competent faculty to guide them.
quality education to its wards through scientific and project-
based learning curriculum. BS ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE
pollution and natural resource degradation with the aim to Duration of Program
train students to combat pollution and ensure sustainable
development in the country. To be eligible for the award of BS in Environmental Science,
the student will have to complete 133 credit hours including six
Graduates from the Department of Environmental Science can credit hours for research project, within a minimum period of 4
find potential opportunities and career in a national and years (8 semester) failing which a student can be given an
international organization working for sustainable development. extension of two years(4 semester) in minimum, after
Objectives completion of initial period.
The 4 years’ degree program will enable the students to apply Scheme of Studies
interdisciplinary skills, systems approaches and perspectives Semester 1
to understand and analyze environmental issues and policies Course Code Course Title Cr. hours
of global and local concerns. It aims at producing dynamic BIO 3501 Cell Biology, Genetics and 4(3+1)
young environmentalists by developing academic foundation, Evolution
technical skills, communication abilities and professionalism CHEM 3501 Inorganic Chemistry 4(3+1)
enabling them to compete in both the governmental and non- ENVS 3501 Introduction to 4(3+1)
governmental sectors. Environmental Science
On accomplishing the course, the students will be able to: MATH 3501 Pre-Calculus 3(3+0)
i. Deal with local and global environmental challenges, both ENGL 3501 English I: Composition 3(3+0)
academically and practically and Comprehension
ii. Contribute in informed decision making, strategic planning Total Credit hours 18
and leadership in the society through interdisciplinary Semester 2
understanding and problem-solving abilities Course Code Course Title Credit
BS Environmental Science (4-Year Program) BIO 3504 Diversity of Plants 4(3+1)
Eligibility Criteria CHEM 3502 Organic Chemistry 4(3+1)
ENVS 3504 Environmental Pollution 4(3+1)
i. F. Sc (pre-Medical) or (pre-Engineering) or
MATH 3502 Calculus-I 3(3+0)
equivalent qualification. ENGL 3503 English II: Technical and 3(3+0)
ii. Foreign certificate/ degree holders will need to Business Writing
produce equivalence certificate from IBCC. Total Credit hours 18
Semester 3 Total Credit hours 14
Credit Semester 6
Course Code Course Title
hours Credit
SOC 3501 Introduction to Sociology 3(3+0) Course Code Course Title
BIO 3502 Fundamentals of 4(3+1) ENVS 3506 Environmental Biology 4(3+1)
Microbiology BIO 5506 Energy and Environment 3(3+0)
PKST 3501 Pakistan Studies 2
ENVS 5505 Intro of Environmental 3(3+0)
ENL 3502 English III: Communication 3(3+0)
Skills Economics
ENVS 5504 Natural Resource 3(3+0)
SOC 3501 Introduction to Sociology 3(3+0) Management
ENVS 3507 Scientific Research 4(3+ 1)
Total Credit hours 16
Total Credit hours 17
Semester 4
Course Code Course Title Semester 7
BIO 4501 Biotechnology 4(3+1) Course Credit
Course Title
BIO 3506 Environmental Microbiology 4(3+1) Code hours
CS 3501 Introduction to Computers 3(3+0) BIO 5508 Biodiversity and Conservation 4(3+1)
MCM 3502 Public Relations 3(3+0) ENVS 6503 Health, Safety & 4(3+1)
ITHC 3501/ Islamic Studies / Ethics* 2 EnvironmentalManagement
HADH 3501 Systems
Total Credit hours 16 ENVS 6501 Environmental Impact 4(3+1)
Semester 5 Assessment
Credit ENVS 6502 Sustainable Development 3(3+0)
Course Code Course Title
hours ENVS 6504 Environmental Toxicology 3(3+0)
ENVS 5503 Physics of the Environment 4(3+1) Total Credit hours 18
ENVS 5501 Environmental Chemistry 4(3+1) Semester 8
STAT 3506 Biostatistics 3(3+0) Course Credit
ENVS 5502 Environmental Policies and 3(3+0) Course Title
Code hours
Regulations BIO 6507 Research Project 6
ENVS 6505 Project Management 3(3+0) Duration
ENVS 6506 GIS and Remote Sensing 4(3+1) To be eligible for the award of BS in Environmental Science, the
ENVS 6507 Disaster Risk and Management 3(3+0) student will have to complete minimum 83 credit hours including
Total Credit hours 16 six credit hours for research project, within a minimum period of
Total Credits = 133 2.5 years (5 semesters including bridging semester).
Scheme of Studies
Fee Tariff
Semester 1 (Bridging Semester)
Course Course Title Credit
Registration Fee (Once at time of Rs.550/-
Code hours
4441 Introduntion to Environmental Science 4(3+1)
Admission Fee (Once at time of Rs.1100/-
admission) 4442 Environmental Pollution 4(3+1)
Technology Fee Rs.550/- 4412 Biotechnology 4(3+1)
Per 4 Credit hours course fee: Rs. 8800 Rs. 26400 5468 Introduction to Computers 3(2+1)
9467 Pre-Calculus 3 (3+0)
Per 3 Credit hours course fee: Rs. 6600 Rs.13200/- Total Credit hours 18
Lab Charges Rs.3300/- Semester 2
Total Rs. 45100/- Course
Course Title Credit hours
BS Environmental Science BA/ BSc Based 4467 Physics of the Environment 4(3+1)
Program 4443 Environmental Chemistry 4(3+1)
Eligibility Criteria 4482 Biostatistics 3(3+0)
4458 Environmental Policies and 3(3+0)
• Students with 45% marks in BA/ BSC Regulations
preferably with any of botany, zoology, Total credits 14
chemistry, Physics, geography, microbiology, Semester 3
biochemistry, food technology, GIS, or geology, Course
Course Title Credit hours
are eligibility for admission. Code
4446 Environmental Biology 4(3+1)
• Student with 50% marks associate Degree in
4448 Energy and Environment 3(3+0)
relevant field with have the 60 credit hours.
4444 Intro of Environmental 3(3+0) Per 3 Credit hours course fee: Rs. 6600 Rs.13200/-
4438 Natural Resource Management 3(3+0) Lab Charges Rs.3300/-
7413 Scientific Research 4(3+ 1) Total Rs. 36300/-
Total Credit hours 17
Semester 4 BS Environmental Science (2-Year Program)
Course Credit Eligibility Criteria
Course Title Students having 4 associate degree in relevant field with at
Code hours
4452 Biodiversity and Conservation 4(3+1) least 60% credit hours
4455 Health, Safety & Environmental 4(3+1) 1. Students with an Associate degree in the relevant field with
Management Systems at least 60 credit hours shall be eligible for admission, for
4450 Environmental Impact Assessment 4(3+1) the award of BS degree in Environmental Science, the
4453 Sustainable Development 3(3+0) student will have to complete minimum 65 credit hours
4456 Environmental Toxicology 3(3+0) including six credit hours for research project.
Total Credit hours 18 Scheme of Studies
Semester 5
Semester 1
Course Credit
Course Title Course Credit
Code hours Course Title
4418 Research Project 6 Code hours
4467 Physics of the Environment 4(3+1)
4460 Project Management 3(3+0)
4443 Environmental Chemistry 4(3+1)
4483 GIS and Remote Sensing 4(3+1)
4482 Biostatistics 3(3+0)
Total Credit hours 16
4458 Environmental Policies and 3(3+0)
Total Credit Hours= 83
Fee Tariff Total Credit hours 14
Item Semester 2
Registration Fee (Once at time of admission) Rs.550/- Course Credit
Admission Fee (Once at time of admission) Rs.1100/- Course Title
Code hours
Technology Fee Rs.550/- 4446 Environmental Biology 4(3+1)
Per 4 Credit hours course fee: Rs. 8800 Rs. 17600 4448 Energy and Environment 3(3+0)
4444 Intro of Environmental Economics 3(3+0) Per 3 Credit hours course fee: Rs. 6600 Rs.13200/-
4438 Natural Resource Management 3(3+0)
Lab Charges Rs.3300/-
7413 Scientific Research 4(3+ 1)
Total Credit hours 17 Total Rs. 45100/-
Semester 3 6.1 Medium of Instruction
Course Credit The Medium of Instructions for BS Environmental Science will
Course Title
Code hours be English.
4452 Biodiversity and Conservation 4(3+1) 6.2 Study Material
4455 Health, Safety & Environmental 4(3+1) Reprinted or compiled course books/lecture handouts will be
Management Systems
4450 Environmental Impact Assessment 4(3+1) provided by the University as per AIOU policy.
4453 Sustainable Development 3(3+0) 6.3 Mode of Teaching
4456 Environmental Toxicology 3(3+0) a) University will provide face to face teaching to the
Total Credit hours 18 students.
Semester 4 b) The schedule of classes and dates of submission of
Course Credit assignments will be handed over along with study material.
Course Title
Code hours Assessment and Evaluation:
4418 Research Project 6 1) The assessment comprises two components i.e.i.
4460 Project Management 3(3+0) continuous assessment component.
4483 GIS and Remote Sensing 4(3+1)
2) Find Examinations weightage of both component
Total Credit hours 16
Total Credit Hours: 65
is elaborated by the table (Page 11) as per the
Fee Tariff mentioned on page 11
Item Student progress will be assessed based on the
Registration Fee (Once at time of admission) Rs.550/- followings:
Admission Fee (Once at time of admission) Rs.1100/- i. Chairperson,
Technology Fee Rs.550/- Department of Environmental Science
Per 4 Credit hours course fee: Rs. 8800 Rs. 26400 Faculty of Sciences, Research Complex (First Floor)
Allama Iqbal Open University
ii. Dr. Samia Qadeer
Program Coordinator (BS 4 Year) Department of Chemistry is a major department of the
Department of Environmental Science Faculty of Science. It was established in 1998 to offer
Faculty of Sciences, Research Complex (First Floor) postgraduate programs in Chemistry. In the beginning only
Allama Iqbal Open University MSc programme was started, which was later extended to
Phone: 051-9057726 /051-9575674 include MPhil and PhD programs. The faculty of the
Faculty Members department comprises of one Professor, three Associate
i. Dr. Sofia Khalid, Professors, four Assistant Professor and three Lecturers. In
Associate Professor/Chairperson addition, the department also uses services of experienced
Ph: 051 9057185 professors as visiting faculty.
ii. Dr. Zahid Ullah
Assistant Professor The department is situated in S c i e n c e B l o c k on the main
Ph. 051-9057735 campus where it occupies the ground floor and a portion of
iii. Dr. Samia Qadeer the lower floor. With the expansion of lab facilities, the
Assistant Professor department has extended its academic activities by
Ph: 051-9575674 launching the BS programme from Spring, 2009. BS
programme is visualized in the new scheme of higher
education as a fundamental step in improving the standard of
graduate and postgraduate studies.
Chemistry is an experimental science. Students learn basic their knowledge is more focused on Chemistry. It is a major
techniques in the labs. Therefore, it is essential to provide best structural change in our existing educational system. The country
lab facilities to students of various levels. The chemistry will enormously benefit from the fruits of this change in terms of
department takes pride in offering the most modern lab facilities improved and balanced knowledge and skill.
in the country to its students in all branches of chemistry. Its The department of Chemistry offers the best facilities for
research labs are equipped with CHNS Analyzer, Thermal this programme in the country. Its new labs and modern
Analyzer, UV-Visible, Fluorescence and FTIR equipment together with qualified faculty makes it place to
Spectrophotometer, GC-MS, Flash Column Chromatography which students would like to be a part of it.
and HPLC units, Atomic Absorption Spectrometer, and 2 Objectives
Electrochemical work stations. Teaching labs are well equipped The objectives of this programme are:
with routine apparatus and basic instruments. These lab facilities i) To provide a nurturing environment that facilitates and
make us one of the leading teaching and research departments stimulate the active and explorative learning of Chemistry
of the country. for the students.
ii) To provide chemical knowledge and laboratory skills
The department firmly believes in the promotion of chemistry as required for professional chemist.
a science and in maintaining the highest standards. The iii) To contribute to national effort in human resource
department is in mission to promote chemistry as a science development. Currently department of Chemistry is
and provide opportunities of professional growth and offering following programs.
updating knowledge to chemistry graduates.
3 BS Chemistry (4-year program)
BS CHEMISTRY 3.1 Eligibility Criteria
i) FSc pass certificate with Chemistry as one of the major
1 Introduction subject.
There has been a continuous effort at the national level to ii) DAE (Diploma Holders) in Chemical Engineering /
upgrade the standard of college education. It is realized that Chemical Technology from a Polytechnic Institute.
our existing BSc programme does not meet international iii) A-Level with Chemistry or Equivalent.
standards. The Higher Education Commission has 3.2 Duration of Program
recommended a four year BS programme to be followed by a The minimum duration of BS Chemistry Programme is
two-year MS programme. The BS degree is considered four years (8 Semesters) and maximum duration to
equivalent to MSc Chemistry. However, BS degree holders are
given preference for the relevant job over MSc graduates as
complete BS Chemistry Programme is six years (12 3501
Semesters). ENGL 3503 English-II: Technical and 3(3+0)
3.3 Scheme of Studies Business writing
The BS program is minimum of four years duration, split BIO 3504 Diversity of Plants 4(3+1)
into eight semesters. In the first four semesters, the main MATH 3502 Calculus-I 3(3+0)
emphasis will be on basic chemistry, general and compulsory CHEM 3501 Inorganic Chemistry 4(3+1)
subjects. In the 5th and 6th semesters, Physical, Inorganic, CS 3501 Introduction to Computers 3(2+1)
Organic and Analytical Chemistry will be offered as core Total Credits 19
courses. The specialized courses will be dealt in the 7th and Semester-3
8th semester with specialization in Organic, Course Course Title Credit
Inorganic/Analytical and Physical Chemistry. Code Hours
ENGL 3502 English-III: Communication skills 3(3+0)
SEMESTER WISE COURSE OFFERING CHEM 4501 Basic Biochemistry 4(3+1)
Semester-1 ENVS 5501 Environmental Chemistry 4(3+1)
Course Course Title Credit CHEM3502 Organic Chemistry 4(3+1)
Code Hours Total Credits 15
PKST3501 Pakistan Studies 2(2+0) Semester-4
ENGL3501 English-1: Composition and 3(3+0) Course Course Title Credit
Comprehension Code Hours
BIO3501 Cell biology, Genetics, and 4(3+1) STAT 3507 Statistics for Chemist 4(3+1)
Evolution ENVS 3504 Environmental Pollution 4(3+1)
MATH3501 Pre-Calculus 3(3+0) CHEM3503 Physical Chemistry 4(3+1)
CHEM3505 Fundamentals of Chemistry 4(3+1) CHEM3504 Analytical Chemistry 3(2+1)
Total Credits 16 MCM 3502 Public Relations 3(3+0)
Semester-2 Total Credits 18
Course Course Title Credit Semester-5
Code Hours Course Code Course Title Credit
ITHC Islamic Studies/Ethics 2(2+0) Hours
3501/HADH CHEM 3506 Analytical Chemistry-1 3(3+0)
CHEM 3507 Physical Chemistry-1 3(3+0) Semester-8 (Specialization for Organic Chemistry)
CHEM 3508 Organic Chemistry -1 3(3+0) Course Code Course Title Credit
CHEM 3509 Inorganic Chemistry-1 3(3+0) Hours
CHEM 3510 Mathematics for Chemists 2(2+0) CHEM 6516 Chemistry of Natural Products 3(3+0)
CHEM 3511 Chemistry Lab-I 4(0+4) CHEM 6517 Special Organic Reactions 3(3+0)
Total Credits 18 CHEM 6518 Organic Synthesis 3(3+0)
Semester-6 CHEM 6519 Advanced Organic Chemistry 3(0+3)
Course Code Course Title Credit Lab-III
Hours CHEM 6520 Advanced Organic Chemistry 3(0+3)
CHEM 5501 Analytical Chemistry-1I 3(3+0) Lab-IV
CHEM 5502 Physical Chemistry-1I 3(3+0) Total Credits 15
CHEM 5503 Organic Chemistry-1I 3(3+0) Specialization (Inorganic Chemistry / Analytical
CHEM 5504 Inorganic Chemistry-1I 3(3+0) Chemistry)
CHEM 5505 Chemistry Lab-II 4(0+4) Semester-7
Total Credits 16 Course Code Course Title Credit
Specialization (Organic Chemistry) Hours
Semester-7 CHEM 6506 Coordination Chemistry 3(3+0)
Course Code Course Title Credit CHEM 6507 Non-Spectroscopic 3(3+0)
Hours Instrumental Methods of
CHEM 6501 Heterocyclic Chemistry 3(3+0) Analysis
CHEM 6502 Stereochemistry of Organic 3(3+0) CHEM 6508 Basic Instrumental Methods of 3(3+0)
Compounds Analysis
CHEM 6503 Spectroscopic Methods in 3(3+0) CHEM 6509 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry 3(0+3)
Organic Chemistry Lab-I
CHEM 6504 Advanced Organic Chemistry 3(0+3) CHEM 6510 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry 3(0+3)
Lab-I Lab-II
CHEM 6505 Advanced Organic Chemistry 3(0+3) Total Credits 15
Total Credits 15
Semester-8 (Specialization in Organic/ analytic CHEM 6526 Molecular Spectroscopy 3(3+0)
Chemistry) CHEM 6527 Chemical Thermodynamics 3(3+0)
Course Code Course Title Credit CHEM 6528 Surface Chemistry 3(3+0)
Hours CHEM 6529 Advanced Physical Chemistry 3(0+3)
CHEM 6521 Organometallic Chemistry 3(3+0) Lab-III
CHEM 6522 Group Theory for Chemist and 3(3+0) CHEM 6530 Advanced Physical Chemistry 3(0+3)
its Applications Lab-IV
CHEM 6523 Advanced Environmental 3(3+0) Total Credits 15
Chemistry Total Credit Hours=132
CHEM 6524 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry 3(0+3) 3.4 Fee Tariff
Lab-III Item
CHEM 6525 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry 3(0+3) Registration Fee: Rs.550/-
Lab-IV Admission Fee: Rs.1100/-
Total Credits 15 Technology Fee (per semester) Rs.550/-
Specialization (Physical Chemistry) Course Code / Lab Fee
Semester-7 BIO3501 Rs.8800/-
Course Course Title Credit CHEM3505 Rs.8800/-
Code Hours MATH3501 Rs.6600/-
CHEM 6511 Chemical Kinetics 3(3+0) ENGL3501 Rs.6600/-
CHEM 6512 Quantum Chemistry 3(3+0) PKST3501 Rs.4400/-
CHEM 6513 Electrochemistry 3(3+0) Lab fee (per semester) Rs.6600/-
CHEM 6514 Advanced Physical Chemistry 3(0+3) First Semester Fee Rs.43950/-
4 BS Chemistry (BSC Based )
CHEM 6515 Advanced Physical Chemistry 3(0+3) Eligibility Criteria for BS Programs (BSc/AD Based with less
Lab-II than 60 credit hours) with Bridging Semester:
Total Credits 15 1. Students holding a BSc degree with 45% marks shall
Semester-8 (Specialization in Physical Chemistry) be eligible for admission.( Chemistry as Major)
Course Course Title Credit
Code Hours
2. Students with an Associate degree with 50% marks MATH3501 Pre-Calculus 3(3+0)
(Chemistry as major) (14 years of education) having Total Credits 18
less than 60 credit hours shall be eligible for Semester-2
admission. Course Course Title Credit
3. Students with a discipline-specific Associate degree Code Hours
with 50% marks who wish to switch to another CHEM3506 Analytical Chemistry-1 3(3+0)
discipline shall also be eligible for admission. CHEM3507 Physical Chemistry-1 3(3+0)
CHEM3508 Organic Chemistry -1 3(3+0)
4.2 Duration of Prgramme CHEM3509 Inorganic Chemistry-1 3(3+0)
The minimum duration of BS Chemistry Programme CHEM3510 Mathematics for Chemists 2(2+0)
is 2.5 years (5 Semesters) maximum duration to CHEM3511 Chemistry Lab-I 4(0+4)
complete BS program 4 years (Ist Semesters) Total Credits 18
4.3 Scheme of Studies Semester-3
The BS programme is minimum of 2.5 years duration, split into Course Course Title Credit
five semesters. In the bridging semester, the main emphasis will Code Hours
be on basic chemistry courses with one mathematic course. In the CHEM5501 Analytical Chemistry-1I 3(3+0)
2nd and 3rd semesters, Physical, Inorganic, Organic and CHEM5502 Physical Chemistry-1I 3(3+0)
Analytical Chemistry will be offered as core courses. The
CHEM5503 Organic Chemistry-1I 3(3+0)
specialized courses will be dealt in the 4th and 5th semester with
CHEM5504 Inorganic Chemistry-1I 3(3+0)
specialization in Organic, Inorganic/Analytical and Physical
CHEM5505 Chemistry Lab-II 4(0+4)
Total Credits 16
SEMESTER WISE COURSE OFFERING Specialization (Organic Chemistry)
Semester-1 (Bridging Semester)
Course Course Title Credit
Course Course Title Credit Code Hours
Code Hours
CHEM6501 Heterocyclic Chemistry 3(3+0)
CHEM3501 Inorganic Chemistry 4(3+1)
CHEM6502 Stereochemistry of Organic 3(3+0)
CHEM3502 Organic Chemistry 4(3+1) Compounds
CHEM3503 Physical Chemistry 4(3+1) CHEM6503 Spectroscopic Methods in Organic 3(3+0)
CHEM3504 Analytical Chemistry 3(2+1)
Chemistry Semester-5 (Specialization (Inorganic Chemistry /
CHEM6504 Advanced Organic Chemistry Lab-I 3(0+3) Analytical Chemistry)
CHEM6505 Advanced Organic Chemistry Lab-II 3(0+3) Course Course Title Credit
Total Credits 15 Code Hours
Semester- 5 (Specialization in Organic Chemistry) CHEM6521 Organometallic Chemistry 3(3+0)
Course Course Title Credit CHEM6522 Group Theory for Chemist and Its 3(3+0)
Code Hours Applications
CHEM6516 Chemistry of Natural Products 3(3+0) CHEM6523 Advanced Environmental Chemistry 3(3+0)
CHEM6517 Special Organic Reactions 3(3+0) CHEM6524 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Lab- 3(0+3)
CHEM6518 Organic Synthesis 3(3+0) III
CHEM6519 Advanced Organic Chemistry 3(0+3) CHEM6525 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Lab- 3(0+3)
CHEM6520 Advanced Organic Chemistry 3(0+3) Total Credits 15
Lab-IV Specialization (Physical Chemistry)
Total Credits 15 Semester-4
Semester- 4 (Specialization in Organic/ analytic Course Course Title Credit
Chemistry) Code Hours
Course Course Title Credit CHEM6511 Chemical Kinetics 3(3+0)
Code Hours CHEM6512 Quantum Chemistry 3(3+0)
CHEM6506 Coordination Chemistry 3(3+0) CHEM6513 Electrochemistry 3(3+0)
CHEM6507 Non-Spectroscopic Instrumental 3(3+0) CHEM6514 Advanced Physical Chemistry 3(0+3)
Methods of Analysis Lab-I
CHEM6508 Basic Instrumental Methods of 3(3+0) CHEM6515 Advanced Physical Chemistry 3(0+3)
Analysis Lab-II
CHEM6509 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry 30+3) Total Credits 15
Lab-I Semester-5 (Specialization in Physical Chemistry)
CHEM6510 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry 3(0+3) Course Course Title Credit
Lab-II Code Hours
Total Credits 15 CHEM6526 Molecular Spectroscopy 3(3+0)
CHEM6527 Chemical Thermodynamics 3(3+0) complete BS Chemistry (AD Based)program is 4 years
CHEM6528 Surface Chemistry 3(3+0) (8 semester)
CHEM6529 Advanced Physical Chemistry Lab- 3(0+3) SEMESTER WISE COURSE OFFERING
III Semester-1
CHEM6530 Advanced Physical Chemistry Lab- 3(0+3) Course Course Title Credit
IV Code Hours
Total Credits 15 2573 Analytical Chemistry-1 3(3+0)
4.4 Fee Tariff 2575 Physical Chemistry-1 3(3+0)
Item 2576 Organic Chemistry -1 3(3+0)
Registration Fee: Rs.550/- 2577 Inorganic Chemistry-1 3(3+0)
Admission Fee: Rs.1100/- 2594 Mathematics for Chemists 2(2+0)
Technology Fee (per semester) Rs.550/- 2595 Chemistry Lab-I 4(0+4)
Course Code / Lab Fee Total Credits 18
CHEM3501 Rs.8800/- Semester-2
CHEM3502 Rs.8800/- Course Course Title Credit
CHEM3503 Rs.8800/- Code Hours
CHEM3504 Rs.6600/- 2574 Analytical Chemistry-1I 3(3+0)
MATH3501 Rs.6600/- 2580 Physical Chemistry-1I 3(3+0)
Lab fee (per semester) Rs.6600/- 2581 Organic Chemistry-1I 3(3+0)
First Semester Fee Rs.484,00/- 2582 Inorganic Chemistry-1I 3(3+0)
5 BS Chemistry (AD Based year program) 2596 Chemistry Lab-II 4(0+4)
Eligibility Criteria for BS Programs (AD Based in Total Credits 16
relevant field with at least 60 credit hours) Specialization (Organic Chemistry)
1. Students with an Associate degree in the
Course Course Title Credit
relevant field with at least 60 credit hours shall Code Hours
be eligible for admission. 2585 Heterocyclic Chemistry 3(3+0)
5.2 Duration of Prgram 2586 Stereochemistry of Organic 3(3+0)
The minimum duration of BS Chemistry Program is Compounds
2 years (4 Semesters) and maximum duration to
2589 Spectroscopic Methods in Organic 3(3+0) Semester-4 (Specialization in organic/Analytical Chemistry)
Chemistry Course Course Title Credit
2597 Advanced Organic Chemistry Lab-I 3(0+3) Code Hours
2598 Advanced Organic Chemistry Lab-II 3(0+3) 2544 Organometallic Chemistry 3(3+0)
Total Credits 15 2545 Group Theory for Chemist and Its 3(3+0)
Semester- 4 (Specialization in Organic Chemistry) Applications
Course Course Title Credit 2547 Advanced Environmental Chemistry 3(3+0)
Code Hours 3561 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Lab-III 3(0+3)
2587 Chemistry of Natural Products 3(3+0) 3562 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Lab-IV 3(0+3)
2590 Special Organic Reactions 3(3+0) Total Credits 15
2591 Organic Synthesis 3(3+0) Semester-3 (Physical Chemistry)
2537 Advanced Organic Chemistry Lab-III 3(0+3) Course Course Title Credit
2538 Advanced Organic Chemistry Lab-IV 3(0+3) Code Hours
Total Credits 15 2548 Chemical Kinetics 3(3+0)
Specialization (Inorganic Chemistry / Analytical 2549 Quantum Chemistry 3(3+0)
Chemistry) 2550 Electrochemistry 3(3+0)
Semester- 3 2568 Advanced Physical Chemistry Lab-I 3(0+3)
Course Course Title Credit 2569 Advanced Physical Chemistry Lab-II 3(0+3)
Code Hours Total Credits 15
2539 Coordination Chemistry 3(3+0) Specialization (Physical Chemistry)
2540 Non-Spectroscopic Instrumental 3(3+0) Semester-4
Methods of Analysis Course Course Title Credit
2541 Basic Instrumental Methods of 3(3+0) Code Hours
Analysis 2570 Molecular Spectroscopy 3(3+0)
2542 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Lab-I 3(0+3) 2571 Chemical Thermodynamics 3(3+0)
2543 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Lab-II 3(0+3) 2599 Surface Chemistry 3(3+0)
Total Credits 15 3563 Advanced Physical Chemistry Lab-III 3(3+0)
3564 Advanced Physical Chemistry Lab-IV 3(3+0)
Total Credits 15
5.4 Fee Tariff 6.4 Assessment and Evaluation
Item Student progress will be assessed based on the followings:
Registration Fee: Rs.550/- Method of Assessment for Laboratory Courses.
Admission Fee: Rs.1100/- Assessment for all laboratory courses will be totally
Technology Fee (per semester) Rs.550/- based on continuous assessment, Lab Quiz and Viva-voce
Course Code / Lab Fee as already mentioned, the laboratory courses will be offered
Analytical Chemistry-1 Rs.6600/- in the form of workshops. A specific number of experiments
Physical Chemistry-1 Rs.6600/- will be conducted in each workshop. Each experiment will
Organic Chemistry -1 Rs.6600/- be assessed separately, and attendance in these workshops
Inorganic Chemistry-1 Rs.6600/- will be compulsory for every student. The minimum
Mathematics for Chemists Rs.4400/- required marks to pass each laboratory course will be 50%.
Lab fee (per semester) Rs.6600/- 8 Contact Details
First Semester Fee Rs.39,600/-
Department of Chemistry,
6.1 Medium of Instruction
Science Block
The Medium of Instructions for BS Chemistry will
Allama Iqbal Open University, H-8, Islamabad.
be English.
Contact Ph: 051-9057818
6.2 Study Material
BS Programme Coordinator
The Class Teacher will provide the study material as
Department of Chemistry,
per AIOU policy and will suggest reference books
Science Block
for further reading.
Allama Iqbal Open University, H-8, Islamabad.
6.3 Mode of Teaching
Contact Ph: 051-9057262
In this programme, regular classes for all courses /
9. Faculty Members
practical work will be conducted at AIOU Main
1. Dr. Uzma Yunus
Campus in Face to Face mode. Minimum 70%
Associate Professor /Chairperson
attendance is required for all subjects as per AIOU
Ph: 051–9575200
rules. AIOU has adopted GPA/CGPA system from
2. Dr. Moazzam H. Bhatti
Spring Semester 2009 in all its four years Bachelor
Degree programs.
Ph: 051–9575217
3. Dr. Nasima Arshad
Ph: 051–9575218
4. Dr. Muhammad Sher Our vision is to be among the leading Mathematics departments of
Associate Professor the country, which provides quality education in Mathematics and
Ph: 051-9575219 is the center of active and innovative research. The department
5. Dr. Muhammad Zaman Ashraf aspires to promote understanding of Mathematics through teaching
Assistant Professor and research and inculcate in students the attributes of logical and
Ph: 051-9575224 critical thinking. The Department of Mathematics has been
6. Dr. Iqbal Ahmed established in June 2014. In June 2014, the Department of
Assistant Professor Mathematics & Statistics has been bifurcated as two independent
Ph: 051-9575223 departments.
7. Dr. Muhammad Naeem Khan
Assistant Professor Mathematical life at AIOU is very active. It comprises original
Ph: 051-9575225 investigations, discussions, lectures, and teaching at many
8. Dr. Muhammad Saleem levels. We are deeply committed to superior research in
Assistant Professor mathematics and the scientific excellence of our faculty is well
Ph: 051-9575226 recognized in the mathematical community.
9. Dr. Mehwash Zia
Lecturer The following degree programs are being offered in the
Ph: 051-9575231 Department of Mathematics. All these programs are approved by
10. Dr. Farzana Shaheen Higher Education Commission (HEC), Islamabad.
Lecturer i. PhD Mathematics
Ph: 051-9575232 ii. MPhil Mathematics
11. Dr. Erum Jabeen iii. BS Mathematics
Ph: 051-9575234 Presently, these degree programs are offered at main campus
only. However, in near future, the Department intends to offer
these degree programs at main regional headquarters.
The Department provides instructional support to all the concepts of the candidate and will enhance their logical
faculties of the University in the teaching of courses related thinking. This program caters the needs of information
to Mathematical sciences. Presently, the Department is Technology and other sciences disciplines.
offering courses for post-graduate and graduate programs
which are carefully designed with a thoughtful selection of To meet the challenging requirements of today’s fast
courses from applied, pure, financial, and computational growing world, the department of Mathematics has planned
domains of mathematics in the light of guidelines provided to launch BS Mathematics Program. The BS degree is
by the HEC. deemed equivalent to MSc Mathematics. BS degree
holders are being preferred throughout the world as their
The Department offers programs in various specializations knowledge is more focused on Mathematics. Our BS
which include Pure, Applied, Computational and Financial Mathematics program will produce well trained, highly
Mathematics. Academia and students frequently participate numerate and computer literate graduates.
in national, regional and international conferences. The 2. Objectives
research interests of the Department of Mathematical After completing this program, students will acquire the
Sciences range from abstract to applied aspects of the necessary knowledge based in the area of Mathematics.
discipline. Building on our current strength, our goal is to The overall objective of this program is
strengthen areas related to Pure and Applied Mathematics. i. To enhance the qualification of those who could
We believe that it will help students keep pace with the latest not continue their education after F. Sc. through
trends in mathematics on the one hand and contribute to formal universities.
society at large on the other. A clearer idea of the exact areas ii. To provide an opportunity to in service persons to
engaging the Department's current interest can be formed improve their qualification and get promotion in
from the list of the faculty and their individual areas of their respective departments.
research. iii. To provide in-depth understanding of Mathematics
and apply them in real life projects.
BS MATHEMATICS iv. To produce quality teacher/researchers of
Mathematics at all levels.
1. Introduction There are three types of BS-Mathematics program being
BS Mathematics has been designed after consulting offered depending upon their eligibility criteria and
syllabi of national and international universities. BS duration of the program.
Mathematics program will strengthen the mathematical
3. BS Mathematics (4-Year Program) Writing
▪ Eligibility Criteria MATH3509 Calculus-II 3(3+0)
Candidate must have FSc/HSSC FSc certificate in ITHC3501 Islamic Studies/Ethics 2(2+0)
HSSC major in Mathematics or equivalent exams /HADH3501
approved/verified by Inter Board Committee of MATH3505 Discrete Mathematics-I 3(3+0)
Chairmen (IBCC). ENVS3502 Fundamentals of Environmental 3(3+0)
▪ Duration of Program SOC3501 Introduction to Sociology 3(3+0)
For the award of BS degree in Mathematics, the student Total credits 17
will have to earn a total of 130 credit hours within a Semester 3
minimum period of 4 years (8 semesters). The Course Credit
maximum period to complete program is 6 years (12 Course Title
Code Hours
semesters). ENGL3502 English-III: Communication Skills 3(3+0)
▪ Scheme of Study (BS math 4years) PHY3509 Waves and Oscillations 3(3+0)
Semester 1 MATH4501 Algebra-I 3(3+0)
Course Course Title Credit MATH4502 Analytical Geometry 3(3+0)
Code Hours MATH4503 Vector and Tensor Analysis 3(3+0)
ENGL3501 English-I: Composition and 3(3+0) URD3501 Pakistani Adab-I 3(3+0)
Comprehension Total Credits 18
MATH3502 Calculus-I 3(3+0) Semester 4
PKST3501 Pakistan Studies 2(2+0) Credit
CS3501 Introduction to Computer 3(3+0) Course Code Course Title
STAT3501 Introductory Statistics 3(3+0) STAT3503 Introduction to Probability and 3(3+0)
MATH3507 Set Theory and Logic 3(3+0) Probability Distributions
Total Credits 17 PHY3507 Heat and Thermodynamics 3(3+0)
Semester 2 MATH4504 Mathematical Methods 3(3+0)
Course Course Title Credit ITHC3502/ Language Arabic/French Level -I 3(3+0)
Code Hours FREN3501
ENGL3503 English-II: Technical and Business 3(3+0) MATH3506 Computing Tools 3(2+1)
Total Credits 15 Total Credits 15
Semester 5 Semester 8
Course Credit Course Credit
Course Title Course Title
Code Hours Code Hours
MATH3510 Computer and Scientific 3(3+0) Optional-I 3(3+0)
Applications C++ Optional-II 3(3+0)
MATH3511 Topology 3(3+0) Optional-III 3(3+0)
MATH3512 Linear Algebra 3(3+0) Optional-IV 3(3+0)
MATH3513 Real Analysis-I 3(3+0) Optional-V 3(3+0)
MATH3514 Ordinary Differential Equations 3(3+0) Total credits 15
Total Credits 15 Total Credits =130
Semester 6 List of Optional Courses
Course Credit Sr. Course Credit
Course Title Title of the Course
Code Hours No. Code Hours
MATH5501 Differential Geometry 3(3+0) 1. Fluid Mechanics MATH 6506 3(3+0)
MATH5502 Complex Analysis 3(3+0) 2. Relativistic Mechanics MATH 6507 3(3+0)
MATH5503 Group Theory 3(3+0) 3. Operation Research MATH 6508 3(3+0)
MATH5504 Analytical Mechanics 3(3+0) 4. Combinatorics MATH 6509 3(3+0)
MATH5505 Real Analysis-II 3(3+0) 5. Applied Number Theory MATH 6510 3(3+0)
MATH5506 Algebra-II 3(3+0) 6. Galois Theory MATH 6511 3(3+0)
Total Credits 18 7. Mathematical Statistics-II MATH 6512 3(3+0)
Semester 7 8. Optimization MATH 6513 3(3+0)
Course Credit 9. Analytical Dynamics MATH 6514 3(3+0)
Course Title
Code Hours 10 Mathematical Modeling MATH 6515 3(3+0)
MATH6501 Numerical Methods 3(3+0)
11. Graph Theory MATH 6516 3(3+0)
MATH6502 Partial Differential Equations 3(3+0)
MATH6503 Functional Analysis 3(3+0) 12. Algebraic Topology MATH 6517 3(3+0)
MATH6504 Theory of Rings 3(3+0) 13. Research Report MATH 6518 3(3+0)
STAT3504 Mathematical Statistics-I 3(3+0) 14. Mathematical Finance-I MATH 6519 3(3+0)
15. Theory of Racks and MATH 6520 3(3+0) semester which comprises of 18 credit hours of foundation
Quandles courses. The Student will have to earn a total of 78 credit hours
16. Research Project MATH 6521 3(0+3)
within a minimum period of 2.5 years and maximum of 4
17. History of Mathematics MATH 6505 3(3+0) years.
▪ Fee Tariff Scheme of Study
Registration Fee (Once at time of admission) Rs.550/- Semester-1 (Bridging Semester)
Admission Fee (Once at time of admission) Rs.1100/- Course Course Title Credit Hours
Technology Fee Rs.550/- Code
Per 3 Credit hours course fee: Rs. 6000 Rs. 33000
CS3501 Introduction to Computers 3(3+0)
Per 2 Credit hours course fee: Rs. 4000 Rs.4400/- STAT3501 Introductory Statistics 3(3+0)
Lab Fee (Per Semester) Rs.850/- MATH3507 Set Theory and Logic 3(3+0)
Total Rs. 40450/- MATH3505 Discrete Mathematics-I 3(3+0)
MATH3506 Computing Tools 3(3+0)
4. BS Mathematics BA/ BSC Based
Eligibility Criteria for BS Programs (BA/BSc/AD Based with PHY3507 Heat and Thermodynamics 3(3+0)
less than 60 credit hours) with Bridging Semester: Total Credits 18
1. Students holding a BSc degree with 54% marks shall Semester 2
be eligible for admission. Course
Course Title Credit Hours
2. Students with an Associate degree (14 years of Code
education) having less than 60 credit hours shall be MATH3510 Computer and Scientific 3(3+0)
eligible for admission. Applications C++
3. Students with a discipline-specific Associate degree MATH3511 Topology 3(3+0)
who wish to switch to another discipline shall also be MATH3512 Linear Algebra 3(3+0)
eligible for admission. MATH3513 Real Analysis-I 3(3+0)
MATH3514 Ordinary Differential 3(3+0)
▪ Duration of Program Equations
The students would be allowed to continue with BS- Total Credits 15
Mathematics in 5th semester after completing bridging
Semester 3 List of Optional Courses
Course Sr. Course Credit
Course Title Credit Hours Title of the Course
Code No. Code Hours
MATH5501 Differential Geometry 3(3+0) 1. Fluid Mechanics MATH 6506 3(3+0)
MATH5502 Complex Analysis 3(3+0) 2. Relativistic Mechanics MATH 6507 3(3+0)
MATH5503 Group Theory 3(3+0) 3. Operation Research MATH 6508 3(3+0)
MATH5504 Analytical Mechanics 3(3+0)
4. Combinatorics MATH 6509 3(3+0)
MATH5505 Real Analysis-II 3(3+0)
5. Applied Number Theory MATH 6510 3(3+0)
6. Galois Theory MATH 6511 3(3+0)
Total Credits 15
7. Mathematical Statistics-II MATH 6512 3(3+0)
Semester 4 8. Optimization MATH 6513 3(3+0)
Course Credit 9. Analytical Dynamics MATH 6514 3(3+0)
Course Title
Code Hours
10 Mathematical Modeling MATH 6515 3(3+0)
MATH6501 Numerical Methods 3(3+0)
MATH6502 Partial Differential Equations 3(3+0) 11. Graph Theory MATH 6516 3(3+0)
MATH6503 Functional Analysis 3(3+0) 12. Algebraic Topology MATH 6517 3(3+0)
MATH6504 Theory of Rings 3(3+0) 13. Research Report MATH 6518 3(3+0)
STAT3504 Mathematical Statistics-I 3(3+0)
14. Mathematical Finance-I MATH 6519 3(3+0)
Total Credits 15
15. Theory of Racks and MATH 6520 3(3+0)
Semester 5
Course Title Credit Hours 16. Research Project MATH 6521 3(0+3)
Optional-I 3(3+0) 17. History of Mathematics MATH 6505 3(3+0)
Optional-II 3(3+0) ▪ Fee Tariff
Optional-III 3(3+0) Item
Optional-IV 3(3+0) Registration Fee (Once at time of admission) Rs.550/-
Optional-V 3(3+0) Admission Fee (Once at time of admission) Rs.1100/-
Total credits 15
Technology Fee Rs.550/-
Total Credits =78
Per 3 Credit hours course fee: Rs. 6000 Rs. 37400
Lab Fee (Per Semester) Rs.850/- Semester 2
Course Credit
Total Rs. 40450/- Course Title
Code Hours
5. BS Mathematics AD mased (2-Year Program) 1524 Differential Geometry 3(3+0)
Eligibility Criteria for BS Programs (AD Based) in 1527 Complex Analysis 3(3+0)
relevant field with at least 60 credit hours. 1528 Group Theory 3(3+0)
1. Students with an Associate degree with 50% 1529 Analytical Mechanics 3(3+0)
marks in the relevant field with at least 60 credit 1530 Real Analysis-II 3(3+0)
hours shall be eligible for admission.
Total Credits 15
▪ Duration Degree award of Program Semester 3
In order to be eligible for the award of BS in Mathematics, Course Credit
the student will have to earn a total 120 (60+60) credit hours Course Title
Code Hours
with a minimum period of 2 years (4 Semester) and 1531 Numerical Methods 3(3+0)
maximum period of 4 years (8 semester). 1532 Partial Differential Equations 3(3+0)
1533 Functional Analysis 3(3+0)
▪ Scheme of Study 1534 Theory of Rings 3(3+0)
Semester 1 1538 Mathematical Statistics-I 3(3+0)
Course Credit Total Credits 15
Course Title
Code Hours Semester 4
1520 Computer and Scientific 3(3+0) Course Credit
Applications C++ Course Title
Code Hours
1521 Topology 3(3+0) Optional-I 3(3+0)
1522 Linear Algebra 3(3+0) Optional-II 3(3+0)
1523 Real Analysis-I 3(3+0) Optional-III 3(3+0)
1525 Ordinary Differential Equations 3(3+0) Optional-IV 3(3+0)
Total Credits 15 Optional-V 3(3+0)
Total credits 15
Total Credits =60
List of Optional Courses Lab Fee (Per Semester) Rs.850/-
Sr. Course Credit
Title of the Course Total Rs. 36050/-
No. Code Hours
1. Fluid Mechanics MATH 6506 3(3+0) 6. Mode of Study
Medium of Instruction
2. Relativistic Mechanics MATH 6507 3(3+0)
The Medium of Instructions for BS Mathematics will
3. Operation Research MATH 6508 3(3+0)
be English.
4. Combinatorics MATH 6509 3(3+0)
▪ Study Material
5. Applied Number Theory MATH 6510 3(3+0) Lecture handouts will be provided by the concerned resource
6. Galois Theory MATH 6511 3(3+0) person/department however, the students are advised to consult
7. Mathematical Statistics-II MATH 6512 3(3+0) the other reference books recommended by the resource
8. Optimization MATH 6513 3(3+0) person.
9. Analytical Dynamics MATH 6514 3(3+0) ▪ Mode of Teaching
10 Mathematical Modeling MATH 6515 3(3+0) The classes will be conducted face-to-face in the main campus
11. Graph Theory MATH 6516 3(3+0) of AIOU.
Student progress will be assessed based on the followings:
12. Algebraic Topology MATH 6517 3(3+0)
Continuous Assessment
13. Research Report MATH 6518 3(3+0) i. For each course the marks obtained by each student in
14. Mathematical Finance-I MATH 6519 3(3+0) written assignments will be minimum of 50% to pass
15. Theory of Racks and MATH 6520 3(3+0) this component.
Quandles ii. For each practical based course, the marks obtained in
16. Research Project MATH 6521 3(0+3) the practical workshop will be minimum of 50%
17. History of Mathematics MATH 6505 3(3+0) individually in order to pass this component.
▪ Fee Tariff Final Examinations
Item A written examination will be conducted for each course
Registration Fee (Once at time of admission) Rs.550/- with 50% passing marks.
Note: it is mandatory to pass in each assessment component.
Admission Fee (Once at time of admission) Rs.1100/-
Note: If a student fails to pass in any of assessment
Technology Fee Rs.550/- component of a particular course, he / she will have to re-
Per 3 Credit hours course fee: Rs. 6000 Rs. 33000 enroll in that course.
Contact Details 5. Dr. Bismah Jamil
For further information, contact: Lecturer
i. Chairman Ph. 051-957 5732
Department of Mathematics 6. Dr. Muhammad Faisal Iqbal
Faculty of Sciences, Block # 7, Lecturer
Allama Iqbal Open University Ph. 051-9575746
Phone: 051-9575700 7. Mr. Rizwan Salim Badar
ii. Coordinator BS-Mathematics Lecturer
Department of Mathematics, Ph. 051-9575746
Faculty of Sciences, Block # 7 8. Dr. Irfan Younas
Allama Iqbal Open University Research Associate
Phone: 051-9575732 Ph. 051-9575735
Email: 9. Ms. Fouzia Rehman
9. Faculty Members Research Associate
1. Dr. Nasir Rehman Ph. 051-9575736
Associate Professor
Chairman, Department of Mathematics
Ph. 051-9575700
2. Dr. Zahid Iqbal
Associate Professor
Ph. 051-957571
3. Dr. Irfan Mustafa
Assistant Professor
Ph. 051-9575723
4. Dr. Muhammad Nazam
Ph. 051-9575731
DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS It covers all aspects of Physics ranging from its foundations to
modern research. The offered courses have a flexible
Realizing the need of technology and scientific education in curriculum that is capable of preparing students for advanced
Pakistan Department of Physics at AIOU was established in 1998 studies in Physics as well as careers in teaching and research
with technological needs in areas like Energy, Energy Efficiency, institutes. The Department encourages the students to
Climate, and Energy for Sustainable Development, Renewable participate in research projects and provides them with possible
Energy, Hydrogen Energy, Environment, Astronomy, facilities and guidance. In addition, students could participate
Nanotechnology, Materials Science, Plasma Physics, Medical in the activities of different university societies, attend
Physics, Cosmology, Geo Physics, Density Functional Theory departmental seminars, workshops and conferences.
(DFT), and Nuclear fields. A major emphasis of current research
activities is on promotion of renewable energy and related areas Objectives
in which the Department has led to innovations. The main educational objectives of BS degree programs are:
i. To impart students with a conceptual understanding of
The Department is presently running BS 2-year, BS 2.5-year, BS the fundamental principles of Physics, natural laws,
4- year, MPhil, and PhD degree programs with specialization in and their interpretation, as well as mathematical
various disciplines. Apart from capacity development, activities formulation of the physical phenomena in nature.
Department of Physics has been involved in several international, ii. To develop critical skills necessary for solving
national, and regional research projects. The Physics Department unknown problems from our physical surroundings.
has developed research linkage with other National and iii. To develop the capability of analyzing, addressing, and
International Universities and research organizations of repute to posing solutions to problems of natural importance and
ensure two-way flow of knowledge. to instill a deep appreciation of the need for optimum
utilization of natural resources and environment.
iv. To instill in students the habit of independent thinking,
BS PHYSICS deep inquiry, and motivation for self-education.
Introduction v. To sharpen our students' mathematical prowess making
The Department of Physics offer 2-year, 2.5-year and 4- year them capable of modeling, analyzing, and predicting
BS Physics degree programs. These programs are designed the behavior of physical processes.
according to the scheme of studies approved by the Higher vi. To enhance our students’ skills in scientific
Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan to meet the communication and the ability to clearly present
national and international standards. Physics and science in simple and clear language.
vii. To introduce students with the spirit of working in PKST 3501 Pakistan Studies 2(2+0)
interactive groups with the necessary requirements of PHY3503 Basic Calculus–I 3(3+0)
scientific and professional ethics. CS3501 Introduction to Computers 3(3+0)
viii. To develop hands-on experience in different PHY3501 Mechanics 4(3+1)
laboratory techniques and modern instrumentation.
PHY3502 Laboratory for Mechanics &
ix. To enhance students’ competence in the design and 1(0+1)
conduct of experiments as well as analysis and
presentation of experimental data and results. SOC3501 Introduction to Sociology 3(3+0)
x. To provide an in-depth understanding of some Total Credit hours 19
specialized areas of Physics through the option of Semester-2
elective courses. Course Course Credit
xi. To equip students with the necessary skill set for Code Hours
pursuing careers in Physics education, research and PHY3510 Basic Calculus–II 3(3+0)
industry in government or private organizations. ENGL3503 English-II: Technical & Business 3(3+0)
BS Physics (4-year) Writing
PHY3505 Electricity & Magnetism 4(3+1)
3.1. Eligibility Criteria PHY3508 Laboratory for Electricity & 1(0+1)
FSc. (Pre-Engineering/Pre-Medical), ICS (Physics, Mathematics Magnetism
combination) / DAE . PHY3509 Waves & Oscillations 3(3+0)
ITHC3501/H Islamic Studies or 2(2+0)
3.2. Duration of Program ADH3501 Ethics (for non-Muslim students
The minimum duration of BS Physics Program is four years only)
(8 Semesters) and maximum duration to complete BS
PHY3511 Laboratory Techniques and Error 3(3+0)
Physics Program is six years (12 semesters).
3.3. Scheme of Studies Total Credit hours 19
Semester-1 Semester-3
Course Course Credit Course Course Credit
Code Hours Code Hours
ENGL3501 English-I: Composition & 3(3+0) MATH3504 Algebra in Physics 3(3+0)
Comprehension ENG3502 English-III: Communication 3(3+0)
STAT3505 Fundamentals of Statistics 3(3+0) Semester-6
PHY3507 Heat and Thermodynamics 3(3+0) Course Course Credit
MCM3501 Mass Communication 3(3+0) Code Hours
PHY4501 Laboratory for Thermodynamics 1(0+1) PHY5501 Mathematical Methods in 3(3+0)
Total Credit hours 16 Physics-II
Semester-4 PHY 5502 Quantum Mechanics-I 3(3+0)
Course Course Credit PHY5503 Electromagnetic Theory-I 3(3+0)
Code Hours PHY5506 Thermal & Statistical Physics 3(3+0)
PHY3504 Modern Physics 3(3+0) PHY5505 Computational Physics 3(3+0)
MATH3503 Differential Equations 3(3+0) PHY5504 Laboratory for Electronics 2(0+2)
PHY4502 Probability & Statistics 3(3+0) Total Credit hours 17
PHY3506 Optics 3(3+0) Semester-7
PHY4503 Laboratory for Optics & 1(0+1) Course Course Credit
Spectroscopy Code Hours
ENVS3502 Fundamentals of Environmental 3(3+0) PHY6501 Electromagnetic Theory-II 3(3+0)
Sciences PHY6502 Quantum Mechanics-II 3(3+0)
Total Credit hours 16 PHY6503 Solid State Physics-I 3(3+0)
Semester-5 PHY6504 Lasers & Optics 3(3+0)
Course Course Credit PHY6505 Digital & Computer Hardware 3(3+0)
Code Hours Electronics
PHY3512 Mathematical Methods in 3(3+0) PHY6506 Laboratory for Digital & 3(0+3)
Physics-1 Computer
PHY3513 Classical Mechanics & Relativity 3(3+0) Hardware Electronics
PHY3516 Electronics 3(3+0) Total Credit hours 18
PHY3515 Atomic & Molecular Physics 3(3+0) Semester-8
PHY3514 Laboratory for General & 2(0+2) Course Course Credit
Nuclear Code Hours
Physics PHY6507 Research Techniques 3(3+0)
Total Credit hours 14 PHY6508 Nuclear Physics 3(3+0)
PHY6509 Advanced Digital & Computer 3(3+0) 3. Students with a discipline-specific Associate degree
Hardware Electronics who wish to switch to this discipline shall also be
PHY6510 Laboratory for Advanced Digital 4(0+4) eligible for admission.
& Computer Hardware 4.2. Duration of Program
Electronics The minimum duration of BS Physics (2.5- year) Program
PHY6511 Electronic Communication 3(3+0) is 2.5 years/ (5 Semesters) and maximum duration to
System complete BS Physics (2.5 year) program is five years (10
Total Credit hours 16 semesters).
Total Credit Hours = 135 4.3. Scheme of Studies for BS Physics (2.5- year)
3.4. Fee Tariff for 1st Semester of BS Physics (4-Year) Semester-1 (Bridging Semester)
Item Course Course Credit
Registration Fee (Once at time of admission) Rs.550/- Code Hours
Admission Fee (Once at time of admission) Rs.1100/- MATH 3504 Algebra in Physics 3(3+0)
Technology Fee Rs.550/- ENGL3502 English-III: Communication 3(3+0)
Tuition Fee (Rs. 2200/- per credit hour) Rs.41800/- Skills
PHY3504 Modern Physics 3(3+0)
Total Rs.43950/-
MATH3503 Differential Equations 3(3+0)
4. BS Physics (BSc Based)
The bridging semester (1st Semester) or comprising (18 credit PHY3506 Optics 3(3+0)
hours) of foundation courses will be offered. ENVS3502 Fundamentals of 3(3+0)
4.1. Eligibility Criteria Environmental Sciences
Eligibility Criteria for BS Programs (BSc/AD Based with Total Credit Hours 18
less than 60 credit hours) with Bridging Semester: Semester-2
1. Students holding a BSc degree with Maths and Course Course Credit
Physics having 45% marks shall be eligible for Code Hours
admission. PHY3512 Mathematical Methods in 3(3+0)
2. Students with an Associate degree (14 years of Physics-1
education) having less than 60 credit hours shall be PHY3513 Classical Mechanics & 3(3+0)
eligible for admission. Relativity
PHY3516 Electronics 3(3+0)
PHY3515 Atomic & Molecular Physics 3(3+0) Semester-5
PHY3514 Laboratory for General & 2(0+2) Course Course Credit
Nuclear Code Hours
Physics PHY6507 Research Techniques 3(3+0)
Total Credit Hours 14 PHY6508 Nuclear Physics 3(3+0)
Semester-3 PHY6509 Advanced Digital & 3(3+0)
Course Course Credit Computer
Code Hours Hardware Electronics
PHY5501 Mathematical Methods in 3(3+0) PHY6510 Laboratory for Advanced 4(0+4)
Physics-II Digital &
PHY5502 Quantum Mechanics-I 3(3+0) Computer Hardware
PHY5503 Electromagnetic Theory-I 3(3+0)
PHY6511 Electronic Communication 3(3+0)
PHY5506 Thermal & Statistical Physics 3(3+0)
PHY5505 Computational Physics 3(3+0)
Total Credit Hours 16
PHY5504 Laboratory for Electronics 2(0+2)
Total Credit Hours 17 Total Credit Hours = 83
Semester-4 4.4. Fee Tariff for 1st Semester (Bridging Semester)
Course Course Credit Item
Code Hours Registration Fee (Once at time of admission) Rs.550/-
PHY6501 Electromagnetic Theory – II 3(3+0) Admission Fee (Once at time of admission) Rs.1100/-
PHY6502 Quantum Mechanics-II 3(3+0) Technology Fee Rs.550/-
PHY6503 Solid State Physics -I 3(3+0) Tuition Fee (Rs. 2000/- per credit hour) Rs.39600/-
PHY6504 Lasers & Optics 3(3+0) Total Rs. 41800/-
PHY6505 Digital & Computer 3(3+0) The fee structure for remaining semesters will be provided
Hardware in due course of time.
PHY6506 Laboratory for Digital & 3(0+3)
Hardware Electronics
Total Credit Hours 18
5. BS Physics (2-year) 769 Computational Physics 3(3+0)
5.1. Eligibility Criteria 762 Laboratory for Electronics 2(0+2)
1. Students with an Associate degree with (50%
Total Credit Hours 17
marks) in the relevant field with at least 60 credit
hours shall be eligible for admission.
Course Course Credit
5.2. Duration of Program
Code Hours
The minimum duration of BS Physics (2- year) program is
2565 Electromagnetic Theory-II 3(3+0)
two years (4 semesters) and maximum duration to complete
759 Quantum Mechanics-II 3(3+0)
BS Physics (2-year) program is four years (8 semesters)
761 Solid State Physics-I 3(3+0)
5.3. Scheme of Studies for BS Physics (2- year)
758 Lasers & Optics 3(3+0)
2553 Digital & Computer Hardware 3(3+0)
Course Course Cr.Hrs Electronics
Code 2556 Laboratory for Digital & Computer 3(0+3)
751 Mathematical Methods in Physics-1 3(3+0) Hardware Electronics
752 Classical Mechanics & Relativity 3(3+0) Total Credit Hours 18
2564 Electronics 3(3+0) Semester-4
2551 Atomic & Molecular Physics 3(3+0) Course Course Credit
766 Laboratory for General & Nuclear 2(0+2) Code Hours
Physics 5464 Research Techniques 3(3+0)
Total Credit Hours 14 760 Nuclear Physics 3(3+0)
Semester-2 2560 Advanced Digital & Computer 3(3+0)
Course Course Credit Hardware Electronics
Code Hours 2561 Laboratory for Advanced Digital & 4(0+4)
755 Mathematical Methods in Physics-II 3(3+0) Computer Hardware Electronics
2559 Electronic Communication System 3(3+0)
756 Quantum Mechanics-I 3(3+0)
Total Credit Hours 16
765 Electromagnetic Theory-I 3(3+0)
Total Credit Hours = 65
2566 Thermal & Statistical Physics 3(3+0)
5.4. Fee Tariff for 1st Semester i) Class assignment through quiz/sessional
test/assignmentweightage is 20%
The pass percentage in quiz/sessional test/assignment
Registration Fee (Once at time of Rs.550/- will be 50%. Laboratory courses will purely be
admission) evaluated based on continuous assessment.
Admission Fee (Once at time of admission) Rs.1100/- 70% of attendance for all Theory Courses and 80%
for laboratory courses is compulsory.
Technology Fee Rs.550/-
ii) Weightage of attendance for theory courses = 10%
Tuition Fee (Rs. 2000/- per credit hour) Rs.20800/- 6.4.2 Final Examinations
Total Rs. 33000/- i) Final Paper weightage = 70%
A written examination will be conducted for each
The fee structure for remaining semesters will be course with 50% passing marks.
provided in due course of time. Note: If a student fails to pass in any of assessment
6.1 Medium of Instruction component of a particular course, he / she will have to re-
enroll in that course
The Medium of Instructions for BS Physics will be 7 Contact Details
English. Chairperson
6.2 Study Material Department of Physics,
The Department will provide course books New Science Block
6.3 Mode of Teaching Allama Iqbal Open University, H-8, Islamabad.
a) University will provide opportunities face to face Contact Ph: 051-9057728
teaching to the students. BS Program Coordinator
b) The schedule of classes and dates of submission of Department of Physics,
assignments/tests/quizzes/presentations will be New Science Block
announced by the department. Allama Iqbal Open University, H-8, Islamabad.
6.4 Assessment and Evaluation Contact Ph: 051-9575426
For each course the student’s progress will be Email:
assessed based on the following: 8 Faculty Members
1. Dr. Syed Raza Ali Raza
6.4.1 Continuous Assessment Associate Professor / Chairman
Student performance is evaluated / assessed as under: Ph: 051–9575418
Assistant Professor
Ph: 051–9575423 The Department of Statistics was established in 1988 in the
3. Mr. Ather Hassan faculty of Sciences, Allama Iqbal Open University. Since then,
Assistant Professor the faculty and students have shared a common goal of
Ph: 051-9575425
4. Dr. Muhammad Tariq Jan maturing the Department with sheer hard work and constant
Assistant Professor struggle. Statistical sciences have a significant impact on our
Ph: 051-9575426 lives and are a key to discoveries and innovation. Over time,
5. Dr. Abdul Jalil with concerted efforts, the Department has grown to its full
Assistant Professor potential and is vigorously involved in participating in global
Ph: 051-9575424 efforts to drive a new era of growth, development, and
6. Dr. Zulfiqar Ali Shah productivity. Since, our world is becoming more quantitative
Assistant Professor
Ph: 051-9575427 and data focused, job opportunities in statistics are plentiful and
7. Ms. Hareem Mufti projected to increase worldwide. Therefore, the alumni of the
Lecturer department of statistics have been working in various
Ph: 051-9575433 government departments and private sector.
8. Dr. Uzma Nosheen
Lecturer The vision of the Department is to impart quality education that
Ph: 051-9057225 focuses on collaborative learning through innovative teaching
9. Dr. Tayyaba Aftab and research methodologies. It aims to create an environment
Lecturer that enables students to effectively engage in making lasting
Ph: 051-9575431
contributions in diverse fields according to rapidly changing
demands of not only the home country but the entire globe. The
Department is determined to further develop a state-of-the-art
model of learning and research, which will benefit the masses
across the board.
2. Students with an Associate degree (14 years of HADH 3501 Muslims)
education) having less than 60 credit hours shall MATH 3509 Calculus-II 3(3+0)
be eligible for admission. STAT 3502 Introduction to Regression and 3(3+0)
3. Students with a discipline-specific Associate Time Series Analysis
degree who wish to switch to another discipline ENVS 3502 Fundamentals of Environmental
shall also be eligible for admission this. Sciences 3(3+0)
Eligibility Criteria (ADS Students only) SOC 3501 Introduction to Sociology 3(3+0)
1. Students with an Associate degree with 50% 17
marks in the relevant field with at least 60 credit Semester 3
hours shall be eligible for admission.
Scheme of Studies Course Code Course Title Cr. Hrs
The full programme of BS Statistics comprises eight ENGL 3502 English-III: 3(3+0)
semesters. The all courses are compulsory to qualify for the SOC 3502 Communication Skills
award of BS Statistics degree. The semester wise course URD 3501 Pakistani Adab-I 3(3+0)
offering is as under. SOC 3502 Population Studies 3(3+0)
Scheme of studies BS Statistics, (4 years) MATH 4501 Algebra-I 3(3+0)
Semester 1 MCM 3501 Mass Communication 3(3+0)
Course Code Course Title Cr. Hrs STAT 4501 Basic Statistical Inference 3(3+0)
ENGL3501 English-I: Composition and 3(3+0) 18
Comprehension Semester 4
PKST3501 Pakistan Studies 2(2+0) Course Course Title Cr. Hrs
MATH3502 Calculus-I 3(3+0) Code
CS 3501 Introduction to computers 3(3+0)
STAT 3503 Introduction to Probability & 3(3+0)
STAT 3501 Introductory Statistics 3(3+0)
MATH 3508 Quantitative Reasoning 3(3+0) Probability Distributions.
17 STAT 4502 Official Statistics 3(3+0)
Semester 2 STAT 4503 Basics Designs of 3(3+0)
Course Course Title Cr. Hrs Experiments 3(3+0)
Code MGT 3502 Human Resource 3(3+0)
ENGL 3503 English-II: Technical and 3(3+0) Management 3(3+0)
Business Writing ITHC 3502 Arabic Language 18
ITHC 3501/ Islamic Studies/ Ethics (Non- 2(2+0) MATH 3506 Computing Tools
Semester 5 Semester 8
Course Course Title Cr. Hrs Course Code Course Title Cr. Hrs
Code STAT 6505 Statistical Inference-Testing 3(3+0)
STAT 5501 Statistical Methods 3(3+0) of Hypothesis
STAT 5502 Sampling Techniques-I 3(3+0) STAT 6506 Applied Multivariate 3(3+0)
STAT 5503 Design and Analysis of 3(3+0) STAT 6508 Analysis 3(3+0)
STAT 5504 Experiments-I Data Analysis and Statistical
Probability & Probability 3(3+0) Packages 3(3+0)
MATH 5507 Distributions-I Elective-I 3(3+0)
Advanced Calculus 3(3+0) Elective-II 15
15 List of Elective Courses
Semester 6 Sr. No. Course Title Course Cr.
Course Code Course Title Cr. Hrs Code Hrs
STAT 5505 Non-Parametric Methods 3(3+0) STAT 6510 Reliability Analysis 1571 3(3+0)
STAT 5506 Probability & Probability 3(3+0) STAT 6511 Data Mining 1572 3(3+0)
Distributions -II STAT 6512 Bayesian Statistics 1573 3(3+0)
STAT 5507 Regression Analysis 3(3+0) STAT 6513 Biostatistics 1574 3(3+0)
STAT 5508 Sampling Techniques -II 3(3+0)
STAT 6507 Operations Research 1568 3(3+0)
STAT 5509 Design and Analysis of 3(3+0)
Experiments-II 15 STAT 6509 Research 1570 3(3+0)
Semester 7 Methodology
Course Code Course Title Cr. Hrs Scheme of studies BS Statistics, (BA/BSc Based)
MTM 6522 Mathematical Methods for 3(3+0) Bridging Semester
Statistics 3(3+0) Code Course CH Mode
STAT 6501 Statistical Inference-Estimation 9472 Business Communication 3 (3+0) F2F
STAT 6502 Econometrics 3(3+0) 1417 Statistics-I 3 (3+0) F2F
STAT 6503 Total Quality Management 3(3+0) 1418 Statistics-II 3 (3+0) F2F
CS 6505 Computer Programming (C & 3(3+0) 1419 Statistics-III 3 (3+0) F2F
C++) 1420 General Mathematics 3 (3+0) F2F
15 5468 Introduction to Computer 3 (3+0) F2F
Total Credits 18 1563 Total Quality 3(3+0) F2F
2nd Semester Management
Code Course CH Mode 1564 Computer 3(3+0) F2F
1551 Statistical Methods 3 (3+0) F2F Programming (C &
1552 Sampling Techniques-I 3 (3+0) F2F C++)
1553 Design and Analysis of F2F 5th Semester
Experiments - I Sr. No. Course Title CH Mode
1554 Probability & Probability 3 (3+0) F2F
Distributions-I Statistical Inference- 3(3+0) F2F
Testing of Hypothesis
1555 Advanced Calculus 3 (3+0) F2F Applied Multivariate 3(3+0) F2F
3nd Semester Analysis
Code Course CH Mode 1569 Data analysis and 3(3+0) F2F
1513 Non-Parametric Methods 3 (3+0) F2F Statistical Packages
1568 Operations Research 3(3+0) F2F
1556 Probability & Probability 3 (3+0) F2F 1570 Research Report 3(3+0) F2F
Distributions -II Note: After completing bridging semester, students will
1557 Regression Analysis F2F continue their studies with BS Statics 5th semesters.
1558 Sampling Techniques -II 3 (3+0) F2F 3.4 Fee Tariff for 1st semester
1559 Design and Analysis of 3 (3+0) F2F Item
Experiments-II Registration Fee: Rs.550/-
4th Semester Admission Fee: Rs.1100/-
Sr. No. Course CH Mode Technology Fee (per semester): Rs.550/-
Mathematical Methods 3(3+0) F2F Course Code Fee
for Statistics 5468 Rs.6600/-
1561 Statistical 3(3+0) F2F 4432 Rs.6600/-
Inference-Estimation 4434 Rs.6600/-
1562 Econometrics 3(3+0) F2F 5465 Rs.4400/-
5451 Rs.6600/-
9424 Rs.6600/- 1561 Statistical 3(3+0) F2F
Lab fee (per semester) Rs.850/- Inference-Estimation
Total Semester Fee Rs.40450/- 1562 Econometrics 3(3+0) F2F
The fee structure for remaining semesters will be provided in 1563 Total Quality 3(3+0) F2F
due course of time. Management
Scheme of Studies BS Statistics (2 Years) AD Based 1564 Computer 3(3+0) F2F
1st Semester Programming (C &
Code Course CH Mode C++)
1551 Statistical Methods 3 (3+0) F2F 4th Semester
1552 Sampling Techniques-I 3 (3+0) F2F Sr. No. Course Title CH Mode
1553 Design and Analysis of F2F
Experiments - I Statistical Inference- 3(3+0) F2F
1554 Probability & Probability 3 (3+0) F2F Testing of Hypothesis
Distributions-I Applied Multivariate 3(3+0) F2F
1555 Advanced Calculus 3 (3+0) F2F Analysis
2 Semester 1569 Data analysis and 3(3+0) F2F
Code Course CH Mode Statistical Packages
1513 Non-Parametric Methods 3 (3+0) F2F 1568 Operations Research 3(3+0) F2F
1556 Probability & Probability 3 (3+0) F2F 1570 Research Report 3(3+0) F2F
Distributions -II 6. Mode of Study
1557 Regression Analysis F2F 6.1 Medium of Instruction
1558 Sampling Techniques -II 3 (3+0) F2F For each course, there would be 48 hours face to face
1559 Design and Analysis of 3 (3+0) F2F teaching support to the students. Three-hour class/week for
Experiments-II (3+0) credit hour course for a semester of sixteen weeks. The
3h Semester distribution of the lectures will be provided to the students in
Sr. No. Course CH Mode classes/workshop by consultation with the teachers/resource
persons. The classes will be supplemented by computers
Mathematical Methods where required. Over all 70% attendance would be
1514 3(3+0) F2F
for Statistics
compulsory to appear in sessional tests and final aggregate marks will be given to the final exam. Minimum
examinations. Passing Marks over 50%.
6.2 Study Material Note: The student must qualify each component of a course
Books (soft copies) will be provided to the students, along separately.
with the list of recommended books for further reading. Two
assignments for each course will be given. 7. Guidelines for online Application
Mode of Teaching: For each course, 45 hours face to face
teaching at the main campus Islamabad will be required. In • Visit AIOU Website
this regard, classes will be arranged by the Department at • Click on OAS (Online Admission. System) for Fresh
AIOU main campus Islamabad. The schedule of the lectures Admission.
will be distributed to students at the start of classes during • Click 'Register'& fill details.
each semester at AIOU, Islamabad. A minimum of 70% • Upon successful registration please click on login.
attendance is necessary in all subjects as per AIOU rules. • Fill login details and login to the portal
6.3.1 Assessment and Evaluation • After login click on Step-1 and complete your profile.
a. Continuous Assessment Note: All tabs should be filled in before applying for
Classes/Workshops Schedule: admissions.
The classes/workshops will be arranged at Main Campus, • After completion of Step-1, click on Step-2 then click on
AIOU, Islamabad only. However, the schedule is prepared "Download Challan" against program (s) you wish to apply.
according to the availability of qualified teaching faculty • Pay the admission form fee as per AIOU prescribed criteria
and convenience of the students. through selected bank branches or online payment methods.
Continuous Assessment: • After admission fee confirmation, you will be called on through
− Two home-assignments for each course will be given to SMS to visit the department for the verification of your
the students. credentials.
− Two sessional exams assignments (as a continuous • After the verification, you will be informed whether you are
30% weightage of the aggregate marks will be given to the eligible for the admission in BS Program or not.
sessional tests. Note: Please use your own mobile no. in login so that you receive
b. Final Examination the SMS from university and updates throughout 4 years.
Final Examination will be held at Main Campus, AIOU,
Islamabad at the end of each semester. 70% weightage of the
8. Contact details Ph: 051-9575332
Chairman office 5. Mr. Sajid Hassan Shah
Chairman, Research Associate
Department of Statistics, Ph: 051-9057209
Lower Ground Floor, Science Block, Sector H-8, Email:
AIOU Islamabad 6. Ms. Lubna Naz
Ph. No. 051-9057266, 9250062 Email: Research Assistant Ph: 051-9575641
BS Program Coordinator Email:
Dr. Muhammad Yameen Danish
Assistant Professor
Ph: 051-9575631
9. Faculty Members
1. Prof. Dr. Irshad Ahmad Arshad
Chairman /Dean
Ph: 051-9057163, 9250062
2. Dr. Zahid Iqbal
Associate Professor
Ph: 051-9575617
3. Dr. Muhammad Yameen Danish
Assistant Professor
Ph: 051-9575631
4. Mr. Mustansar Aaitazaz Amjad
DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER has successfully developed multimedia courseware for more than
20 courses, whereas OLIVE provided a framework for electronic
SCIENCE delivery of these courses in online mode. In addition to research
activities in the area of software engineering communication,
The Department of Computer Science (DCS) was established in
networking, and multimedia, the department focuses on the
the year 2000. The Department has received recognition nation-
eLearning research in instruction design, communication, course
wide due to its quality education. The department had developed
management, e-assessment, mobile learning and web technologies
curricula of the academic programs at various levels to meet the
integration. The University has also developed linkages with San
national and international standards as defined by Higher
Jose' State University (SJSU) USA and Kent State University,
Education Commission. The curricula include Ph. D (computer
USA. KSU is located in the heart of Silicon Valley and Kent State
Science), MS (Computer Science), BS (Computer Science) and
has strong education college with Technology Research Centers.
Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) in Computer Science. The
department is equipped with computing facilities and services
The principal aim of the Department of Computer Science is to
including a digital class room and multimedia courseware
produce graduates with a professional education and to
development lab. The department has its own library in addition
undertake quality research in Computer Science and Related
to central library of the university. The Department of Computer
Information Technology areas. The specific objectives are to:
Science practices the multi-method teaching methodology i.e.
i. Maintain an excellent reputation and professional
face-to-face regular classes for BS (Computer Science) and MS
accreditation for its taught degree programs.
(Computer Science). The online methodology is practiced for
ii. Disseminate an appreciation of the current state
PGD (Computer Science) and Foreign Language (French). The
and future directions of technological advances in
facilities of Video/Teleconferencing are also in use for
the areas of Computer Science, Information
lectures/consultations in research-oriented degree of MS/PhD
Technology and e-learning.
(Computer Science). In addition, the department also has a
iii. Equip students with computer science knowledge
flavor of distance teaching in selected courses of BS (Computer
and skills so as to cope with the social, economic,
Science) program like English, Pakistan Studies, and Islamic
scientific, and technological challenges of the
Studies etc. Besides graduate and undergraduate teaching, the
world outside.
department is actively involved in research and development.
iv. Develop platform and systems for e-
For this purpose, Multimedia Centre and Open Learning
learning/mechanism for electronic delivery of
Institute of Virtual Education (OLIVE) have been established
courses to increase outreach to rural and remote
under the umbrella of the department. The Multimedia center is
equipped with technology related to Audio/Video production. It
v. Conduct research in areas of e-learning, ii. Provide high quality education at low cost.
multimedia instructional design, web-based iii. Provide knowledge to individuals seeking computer skills
education, mobile learning and related areas in to increase their job opportunities in their current careers or
software engineering, information technology, to pursue new careers.
and computer science. iv. Learn in-depth knowledge of computer languages, software
vi. Assist other departments and individuals to engineering, computer architecture, large-scale system
implement modern ICT in educational delivery. software and multimedia in the design.
vii. Provide a leadership support in ICT based v. Provide sufficient conceptual and skill based know how so
education in Pakistan. that successful graduates could initiate IT career in industry
and academia.
3. Eligibility
1. Introduction The minimum requirements for admission in a Bachelor degree
The BS (CS) program is offered by the Department of program in Computer Science is at least 50% marks in
Computer Science, AIOU. It is a four- years degree program, Intermediate (HSSC) examination with mathematics or
covering the recent trends in hardware, software and equivalent qualification with mathematics certified by IBCC.
communication technologies. The program provides an
understanding of the field through concepts, theory and 4. Duration of Program
techniques. The curriculum of the program has been i. The BS (CS) is 133 credit hours’ program and may be
developed and regularly updated to meet the national, completed in minimum four years (eight semesters).
international, social and economic needs. The curriculum ii. Two semesters are offered in a year as Spring and
revision is normally based on need of fast changing Autumn.
disciplines, emerging technologies and international iii. Duration of each semester is 16 weeks.
standards. The structure and other details of the program are iv. The maximum time limit to complete the BS (CS)
confined to HEC with focus on ACM and IEEE-CS recent Program is Six Years from the date of first registration
development. of the student in this program.
2. Objectives
The objectives of the program are to:
i. Develop professionals in the field of computer science.
5. Scheme of Study Semester-3
Semester-1 Code Title Credit
Code Title Credit Hours
Hours 5458 English-III: Communication 3(3 + 0)
5451 English-I: Composition and 3(3 + 0) Skills
Comprehension 6903 Discrete Mathematics 3(3 + 0)
5465 Pakistan Studies 2(2 + 0)
5468 Introduction to Computers 3(3 + 0) 6904 Data Structures and Algorithms 4(3 + 1)
6900 Computer Programming 4(3 + 1) 6905 Comp. Organization & Assembly 4(3 + 1)
6901 Applied Physics 3(3 + 0) 6906 Software Engineering 3(3 + 0)
4432 Calculus-I 3(3 + 0) Total Credit Hours 17
Total Credit Hours 18 Semester-4
Semester-2 Code Title Credit
Code Title Credit Hours
Hours 9473/ Foreign Language 3(3 + 0)
5466/ Islamic Studies / Ethics 2(2 + 0) 9474 (Arabic)/(French)
5467 1522 Linear Algebra 3(3 + 0)
5454 English-II: Technical and Business 3(3+ 0) 3438 Computer Communications & 4(3 + 1)
Writing Networks
6902 Object-Oriented Programming 4(3 + 1) 6907 Database Systems 4(3 + 1)
3409 Digital Logic Design 4(3 + 1) 6908 E-Commerce 3(3 + 0)
3447 Statistics and Probability 3(3 + 0) Total Credit Hours 17
Total Credit Hours 16 Code Title Credit
6909 Artificial Intelligence 4(3 + 1)
6910 Operating System 4(3+1)
3466 Analysis & Design of Algorithms 3(3 + 0)
- CS Elective 1 3
1525 Ordinary Differential Equations 3(3 + 0)
Total Credit Hours 17
Semester-6 Major Areas of Specialization (BS (CS) Elective Courses):
Code Title Credit General Computing
Hours Code Title Cr. Hrs.
3452 Theory of Automata 3(3 + 0) 6915 Visual Programming 3(2 + 1)
- CS Elective 2 3 6916 Web Technologies 3(2 + 1)
- CS Elective 3 3 6917 Computer Vision 3(2 + 1)
6911 Parallel and Distributed Computing 3(3 + 0) 3499 Mobile Application 3(2 + 1)
3472 IT Services Management 3(3 + 0) Development
4433 Calculus-II 3(3 + 0) 6918 Data Analytics 3(2 + 1)
Total Credit Hours 18
Semester-7 3449 Human-Computer 3(3 + 0)
Code Title Credit Interaction
Hours Software Engineering
3468 Compiler Construction 3(3 + 0) Code Title Cr. Hrs.
- CS Elective 4 3 3465 Software Engineering–II 3(3 + 0)
- CS Elective 5 3 3467 Database-II 3(3 + 0)
6912 Professional Practices 3(3 + 0) 3464 Object-Oriented Analysis & 3(3 + 0)
6913 Project-I 3(0 + 3) Design
Total Credit Hours 15 3481 Design Patterns 3(3 + 0)
Semester-8 6920 Software Architecture 3(3 + 0)
Code Title Credit 6919 Software Quality & Testing 3(3 + 0)
Hours Artificial Intelligence
3497 Information Security 3(3 + 0) Code Title Cr. Hrs.
- CS Elective 6 3 6921 Machine Learning 3(3 + 0)
3442 IT Marketing Concepts 3(3 + 0) 6922 Deep Learning 3(3 + 0)
3448 Numerical Computing 3(2 + 1) 6923 Artificial Neural Networks 3(3 + 0)
6914 Project-II 3(0 + 3) 6924 Natural Language 3(3 + 0)
Total Credit Hours 15 Processing
The student can select six courses from the list of elective courses. 6917 Computer Vision 3(2 + 1)
6918 Data Analytics 3(2 + 1)
Cyber Security Fee for 4 Credit Hour Courses Rs. 8800/-
Code Title Cr. Hrs. (01 course in First Semester with 04 Credit
Hours)01 x 8800 = 8800
3484 Data & Network Security 3(3 + 0)
Lab Fee Rs. 5500/-
6927 Cryptography 3(2 + 1)
Total Fee for First Semester Rs. 47300/-
6928 Digital Forensics 3(2 + 1)
6929 Vulnerability Assessment & 3(2 + 1) 7. Mode of Study
Reverse Engineering 7.1 Medium of Instruction
6930 Secure Software 3(2 + 1) The medium of instruction for BS (CS) Program is English.
Design/Database Security 7.2 Study Material
6931 Cloud Architecture Security 3(3 + 0) The class teacher will provide the study material. However,
The Department of Computer Science reserves the right to the students are advised to consult books from the list of
offer or may not offer listed specialization area or a particular recommended books.
course depending upon the available faculty/laboratory 7.3 Mode of Teaching
resources and viable student’s enrollment. The department i. The BS (CS) program is a merit-based program which is
may add other specialized areas or may add elective courses offered in Face-to-Face Mode.
to any specialized defined area. ii. The Department of Computer Science is offering BS (CS)
6. Fee Tariff Program at Main Campus, Islamabad.
Item iii. The BS (CS) Program is also being offered at selected
Registration Fee: Rs. 550/- Regional Centers of AIOU by using modern technologies.
(At the time of 01st admission)
Under this program, the course work will be conducted
Admission Fee: Rs. 1100/-
(At the time of 01st admission) through video-conferencing/internet. Distance Education
Technology Fee Rs. 550/- will be delivered by faculty members from Department of
(Each semester) Computer Science, Main Campus. A local faculty
Fee for 2 Credit Hour Courses Rs. 4400/- member/staff will be provided to assist in administrative
(01 course in First Semester with 02 Credit and lab assignments. All assessments will be performed as
Hours) 01 x 4400 = 4400 per rules of the University.
Fee for 3 Credit Hour Courses Rs.26400/-
(04 courses in First Semester with 03 Credit
Hours)04 x 6600 = 26400
7.4 Assessment and Evaluation Selection Criteria
Continuous Final i. Once your eligibility is confirmed by the Computer
(Pass percentage is 50%) (Pass Science Department, you can select your first semester
Assignment/ Midterm/Presentation/ percentage is courses form the online portal.
Quizzes Semester Project 50%) ii. After selection of first semester courses, a fee challan
10% 20% 70% will be generated by the system.
Note: The 70% percent attendance is mandatory in each course. iii. You will pay the requisite fee as per AIOU prescribed
criteria through selected bank branches or online
8. Guidelines for Online Applications payment methods.
i. Visit AIOU Website: iv. After fee verification by the concerned AIOU
ii. Click on “Admission (OAS)” department, your admission will be confirmed.
iii. Click on “Application for New Admission” v. You can check the status of your application at any
iv. Click 'Register'& fill details stage through your account from AIOU portal, i.e.
v. Upon successful registration please click on login
vi. Fill login details and login to the portal
vii. After login click on Step-1 and complete your profile. 9. Contact Details
Note: All tabs should be filled before applying for 1. Program Coordinator
admissions. Chaudhary Muhammad Shahbaz Anjum
viii. After completion of Step-1, click on Step-2 then click Lecturer
on "Download Challan" against program (s) you wish Phone # 051-9575382
to apply. 2. Admission Cell at DCS
ix. Pay the admission form fee as per AIOU prescribed For further information, please feel free to contact:
criteria through selected bank branches or online Dealing Official: Mr. Nadir Khan
payment methods. Cell # 051-9250091
x. After admission fee confirmation, you will be called on 10. Faculty Members
through SMS to visit the department for the 1. Dr. Saleem Iqbal
verification of your credentials. Chairman (Department of Computer Science)
xi. After the verification, you will be informed whether Email Address:
you are eligible for the admission in BS (CS) or not. Contact # 051-9575351, 051-9057809 & 051-9250091.
2. Dr. Aftab Khan Email Address:
Assistant Professor Contact # 051-9575381
Email Address: 10. Ms. Yusra Rehmat
Contact # 051-9575361 Research Assistant
3. Dr. Moiz Uddin Ahmed Email Address:
Assistant Professor Contact # 051-9250091
Email Address:
Contact # 051-9575376
4. Mr. Mohammad Qasim Khan
Assistant Professor
Email Address:
Contact # 051-9575373
5. Dr. Muhammad Arshad Awan
Assistant Professor
Email Address:
Contact # 051-9575375
6. Chaudhary Muhammad Shahbaz Anjum
Email Address:
Contact # 051-9575382
7. Mr. Tahir Javed
Email Address:
Contact # 051-9575383
8. Ms. Sana Naseem Karam
Lecturer (on leave)
Email Address:
Contact # 051-9250091
9. Mr. Muhammad Basit Ismail
courses in B.Ed 1.5 program. The department also offers
FACULTY OF EDUCATION certificate courses in literacy and non-formal education.
Educational Planning, Policy Studies and Leadership
The origin of the Faculty of Education pre-dates the The department was established in 1976 was renamed as
university itself. The National Institute of Education was EPPSL in 2008. It offers programs in educational planning
established in 1973 under the Federal Ministry of Education. management and leadership. These programs are aimed at
It became part of the university in June, 1975 as Institute of producing a managerial cadre of professionals for the
Education in the then Faculty of Social Sciences. The educational institutions and organizations in the country.
progressively extending functions of the institute brought the Programs of EPPSL include B.Ed, Postgraduate Diploma, MA
needs for structural change and in 1984 it got the status of (EPM), MPhil and PhD in Educational Planning and
Management as well as online courses. The courses of these
Faculty of Education.
programs are in accordanance with the field requirements of
target personnel in the areas of educational planning,
DEPARTMENTS OF THE FACULTY management and leadership.
Secondary Teacher Education
Faculty of Education Comprises of the following Six The Departmentt of Teacher Education was established in 1985
Departments: and was bifurcated into Secondary and Elementary Teacher
1. Distance, Non-Formal and Continuing Education Education Departments in July 2003. Its programmes aim at
2. Educational Planning, Policy Studies and Leadership imparting academic and professional knowledge and training to
3. Early Childhood Education and Elementary Teacher in-services and pre service teachers and scholars.
Education The programs/courses of this department comprise MA, MEd
4. Secondary Teacher Education BEd (4 years) and BS Instructional Design and Technology as
5. Science Education professional degree programs. The department also offers
6. Special Education MPhil and PhD in Education, which are aimed to prepare
highly skilled professionals and leaderships in the field of
Distance, Non Formal Education and Continuing
teacher education.
Education Early Childhood Education and Elementary Teacher
The department was established in 1984 and was later Education
renamed as Distance, Non Formal and Continuing Education The Department of Elementary Teacher Education was
This department offers PhD, MPhil, Masters and specialized established in 2003. In April 2008, the name of Elementary
Teacher Education Department was changed as Early B.S Instructional Design and Technology
Childhood Education and Elementary Teacher Education
Department. The Department offers Associate Degree in Secondary Teacher Education Department
Education, Post Graduate Diploma in ECE, BEd (1.5 year), (STED)
BEd (2.5), BEd (4 years), MPhil and PhD program, it also Introduction
offers “Education” as subject at Matric, Intermediate and
Graduate level. The department is planning to launch, BS In increasingly technology-driven educational landscape, it is
(ECCE) and Certificate of Entrepreneurship in ECCE. The imperative that 21st century learners upgrade their skills and
department also plans to offer non-credit research courses and become proficient in the use of technology in every walk of life
postgraduate diploma for teaching in higher education. and to effectively facilitate the learning process. This overall,
program focuses on instructional design process, learning theories,
Science Education models, strategies, media, communication delivery models and
The Department of Science Education was established in interactive technologies, web designing and programming etc.
1988. The programs and courses of the department are mainly This program concentrates on following three areas:
focused on education and training of mathematics and science • Building a foundation and conceptual framework for
teachers. Presently the department offers specialized courses educational and instructional design process.
in science education at undergraduate and postgraduate level. • Developing instructional strategies and skills to facilitate
Specialized courses provide conceptual framework and insight adult learning.
into the teaching of science. The department offers BEd (4 year) • Using media, web and other ICTs to support learning.
BEd (2.5 year) and specialization of Science Education in Program Name: B.S Instructional Design and Technology
BEd (1.5 year) and MEd. MPhil and PhD programs; in Programme Duration: 4 years (8 Semesters)
science education are also offered at the department.
Special Education Admission Criteria: FA/F.Sc or equivalent with at least 33%
The Department was established in 1985. The department marks
imparts education and training to teachers for the special Semester Duration: 16-18 weeks
children in four specializations namely visual impairment, Total Programme Credit Hours 132 Credit Hours
hearing impairment, intellectual disabilities, physical Total Number of Courses: 42 Credit Hours
disabilities and mental retardation with particular emphasis to including Internship,
facilitate inclusive education. Parents of the special children Practicum and
are also admitted to these programs. Present programs/courses Research Project
of this department comprise B.Ed (4 years), MEd, MA, MPhil Medium of Instruction: English
and PhD in the field of Special Education. Delivery Mode: Face to Face
Pass Marks: 50% 5. 8248 Technology and F1 3(3+0)
Semester-wise Break-up: Scheme of Study for BS Learning
Instructional Design 6. 8249 Applications of C8 3(2+1)
Face to Face Offering Information and
SEMESTER 1 Communication
Sr. Course Courses Nature of Credit Technology
No Code Course Hours
(Theory SEMESTER 2
+ 1. 5454 English C4 (3+0)
Practical) Compulsory –II
2. 8250 Programming M2 (3+1)
1. 5458 Basics of Technical English C7 (3+0) Fundamentals
(English-III)+ 3. 5466/5467 Islamic C6 2(2+0)
2. 8254 Classroom Management+ G2 (3+0) Studies/Ethics
3. 8255 Organizational Behavior+ G5 (3+0) 4. 8251 Calculus and G3 (3+0)
4. 8256 General Science+ G6 (3+0) Analytic
5. 8257 Introduction to Instructional F3 (3+0) Geometry
Design+ 5. 8252 Learning Styles F2 (3+0)
6. 6902 Object Oriented M5 (3+1) and Learning
Programming Environment
Total Credit Hours (Theory + Practical) 18+01=19 6. 8253 Curriculum and G4 (3+0)
Total Credit Hours (Theory + Practical) 18+01 =19
1. 5451 English C1 3(3+0)
Compulsory -I SEMESTER 4
2. 5465 Pakistan Studies C2 2(2+0) 1. 8258 Foundations in Education C9 (3+0)
3. 8246 General Math and C3 3(3+0) 2. 5904 Introduction to Web Based F4 (3+0)
Statistic Instructions
4. 8247 Educational G1 3(3+0) 3. 5916 Introduction to Open F5 (3+0)
Psychology & Educational Resources
Guidance 4. 8259 Educational Measurement G7 (3+0)
and Evaluation 3. 5913 Visual and Verbal F9 3+0
5. 8260 School, Society & Teacher G8 (3+0) Communication in
6. 5912 Learning Management F6 (3+0) Instructional Design
Systems and Organizations 4. 8264 Ethical use of E3 3+0
Total Credit Hours (Theory + Practical) 18+0=18 Instructional
SEMESTER 5 Material (proper
Sr. Course Courses Nature Credit usage of resources)
No Code of Hours 5. 8265 Internship F10 0+3
Course (Theory + (Institution)
Practical) Total Credit Hours (Theory + Practical) 12+04=16
1. 8261 Educational Research M1 (3+0) SEMESTER 7
and Statistics Sr. Course Courses Nature Credit
2. 8262 Education in Pakistan C5 (3+0) No Code of Hours
3. 5908 Web Design-I M3 (3+1)
Course (Theory +
(website design &
development) Practical)
4. 8263 Instructional F7 (3+0) 1. 8266 Instructional Designs: M7 3+0
Strategies and Theories and Models
Assessment Methods 2. 3499 Mobile Application E1 3+0
5. 5910 Developing F8 (3+0) Development
Instructional Media 3. 5909 Systems Approach to M10 3+0
Total Credit Hours (Theory + Practical) 15+ 01=16 Designing
SEMESTER 6 Instructional
Sr. Course Courses Nature Credit Materials
No Code of Hours 4. 5907 Multi-media M8 3+1
Course (Theory + Applications in
Practical) Education
1. 5914 Web Design-II M4 3+1 5. 5915 Internship (Software M9 0+3
2. 5917 Trends and Issues in M6 3+0 house)
Instructional Design Total Credit Hours (Theory + Practical) 12+04=16
Sr. Course Courses Nature Credit i. The certificates/degrees of AIOU are equivalent to any
other recognized Board/University.
No Code of Hours ii. A candidate is required to submit complete admission form
Course (Theory + and upload scan documents through online system before
or on the closing date.
Practical) iii. If an applicant of post-graduate/research level programme
1. 8267 Higher Education E4 3+0 does not receive any information regarding admission
within three months from submission of application, he/she
2. 8268 Future Challenges in E2 3+0 should presume non-selected.
Education iv. A course taken by any student cannot be changed during
the semester.
3. 5918 Research Project M11 0+6 v. The address of a student will not be changed during the
Total Credit Hours (Theory + Practical) 06+06=12
vi. Admission to courses for both the Spring and Autumn
semesters are generally being offered in the months of
Fee Tariff for 1st Semester January and July, respectively, whereas, examinations
commenced in November and May respectively. The and
deposit fee within due date.
Registration Fee (Once at time of vii. On payment of the registration fee, each student will be
Rs. 550/- issued a student ID. This number must be quoted in all the
future correspondence along with the Student, course(s),
Admission Fee (Once at time of code numbers and semester.
Rs. 1100/-
admission) viii. Study material shall be available on university website.
University will not provide hard copy of books.
Technology Fee (per semester) Rs. 550/- ix. Rules and regulations framed, enhanced and changed from
Per 3 Credit hours course fee: Rs. 6600 Rs. 39600/- time to time by the authorities, bodies of the university will
be effective as deemed necessary. The student will have to
Total 41800/- abide by all such rules and regulations from the date of
their implementation.
x. A student who fails in continuous assessment component xix. If found that candidate submitted forged/fake illegal
is not eligible to reappear but will be allowed to re-enroll documents(s) in the University at any stage.
for the same course at its next offering semester by the Note: Withdrawal/ Invalid/ Revoke/ Quash of degree/ diploma/
university. certificate for the reasons listed above (xvii-xix) shall be made
xi. It is the responsibility of the student to remain in touch any time with no legal restriction of time period. This action
with the department regarding the selected programme. shall not be challengeable in the court(s) or at any legal forum.
xii. A student already admitted to a programme or a PROCEDURE FOR DEPOSITING FEE
specialization of a programme shall not be allowed to • Applicants will deposit admission processing fee (Rs.500)
transfer or to get admission to another programme unless in designated banks or through Telcos.
he/she formally postpones, it till the completion of the • Eligible candidates for (Merit Based Programmes) are
new programme or withdraw from the previous required to deposit admission fee in any branch of the
programme. following banks:
xiii. After completion of a programme successfully, a student 1. First Women Bank Limited (FWBL)
has to apply to Controller of Examinations for issuance 2. Allied Bank Limited (ABL)
of certificate/degree. 3. Muslim Commercial Bank (MCB)
xiv. The university reserves the right to change contents of this 4. United Bank Limited (UBL)
prospectus without any prior notice as per university policy. 5. National Bank of Pakistan (NBP)
xv. In case of discrepancies in the name of student/ Father’s • Fee can also be Deposited through Jazz Cash, Easy Paisa
name of the student or difference in name mentioned in and Upaisa Mobile App/USSD String *786#, Retailer
his/her other educational certificates, the name on the Agent, Franchise and Branches of Mobilink, Telenor and
Matric certificate of the student will be considered as Ubank. For more detail please visit university website.
correct name. The Examination Department shall also • The Banks/Mobile App/Retailer Agents/Franchise/Branches
issue certificate/ degree on the said name. will provide Transaction ID of deposited fee.
xvi. In case provision of forged documents for admission,
not only the admission will be refused to the applicant Note: Beware that University has not authorized any person or
but the fee deposited by him/her will also be forfeited. private institute to collect payment/forms. All the students are
The university may proceed further in the matter. instructed to deposit fee by themselves in designated bank
xvii. If any mistake found in compilation or declaration of branches. In case of any discrepancy in admission
result at any stage.
fee/admission form the University will not be responsible and
xviii. If any candidate found ineligible for a
the student will have to face the consequences.
degree/diploma/certificate during the cross verification
process of result and documents at any stage.
PROCEDURE OF FEE DEPOSIT account. There are no transactions charges, if student use this
mode to pay his/her fee. Following is the procedure of fee
THROUGH TELECOS payment through USSD string *786#
1. Dial *786#
Through Easypaisa App
2. Select “4” (Payments)
The account may be created after downloading the Easypaisa 3. Select “7” (Fee Collections)
Mobile App from Playstore. For using this mode, student 4. Select “99” (Next)
must have balance equal to his/her payable fee in Easypaisa 5. Select “AIOU”
mobile account. There are no transactions charges, if 6. Enter Challan No.
student use this mode to pay his/her fee. Following is the 7. Screen will show the payable amount & due date
procedure of fee payment through Easypaisa App. 8. Enter Mobile Account PIN
1. Login to Easypaisa App 9. Fee will be Paid and student will receive confirmation SMS
2. Press “View All” from 3737
3. In “Payment” Section, select “Fee Collection” 10. Student will write Transaction ID and “Paid via
4. Select “AIOU” Easypaisa786 String” on the challan and admission form.
5. Enter “Challan Number” Further, students are advised to keep the confirmation SMS
6. Easypaisa App will show the payable amount & due date save in phone until the receipt of intimation of admission
7. Press “Pay Now” confirmation from AIOU.
8. Fee will be Paid and student will receive confirmation Through Easypaisa Retailer (Agent) Shop/Telenor
SMS from 3737 Franchise / Telenor Bank Branches
9. Student will write Transaction ID and “Paid via
Easypaisa App” on the challan and admission form. Fee can also be paid by visiting any Easypaisa Agent shop,
Students are advised to keep the confirmation SMS save Telenor franchise and Telenor Microfinance Bank branch. For
in phone until the receipt of intimation of admission using this mode, student has to pay Rs.15 per transaction in
confirmation from AIOU. addition to the payable fee. Following is the fee payment
Through USSD String *786# procedure through this mode:
1. Student may visit any nearest Easypaisa Retailer (Agent) Shop,
The Easypaisa mobile wallet account may be created by Telenor franchise or Telenor Microfinance Bank branch
dialing *786#. For using this mode, student must have 2. Student will inform the retailer/franchisee/teller that he/she
balance equal to his/her payable fee in Easypaisa mobile wish to pay fee of AIOU
3. Retailer/Franchisee/Teller will ask the student to share 3. Click on “AIOU”
CNIC number, Mobile Number & Challan Number 4. Enter “Challan Number”
4. Retailer/Franchisee/Teller will enter the Challan Number 5. Upaisa App will show the payable amount
in his Easypaisa Tab/system 6. Press “Pay Now”
5. Tab/System will show the payable amount & due date 7. Fee will be Paid and student will receive confirmation SMS
6. Student will hand-over the fee amount to retailer/ 8. Student will write Transaction ID and “Paid via Upaisa
franchisee/teller App” on the challan and admission form. Students are advised
7. Once the fee amount is handed over, the retailer/ to keep the confirmation SMS save in phone until the receipt of
franchisee/teller will process the fee transaction intimation of admission confirmation from AIOU.
8. Fee will be paid and student will receive confirmation
SMS from 3737 on mobile number. Transaction charges Through USSD String *786#
will be mentioned in the confirmation SMS The Upaisa mobile wallet account may be created by dialing
9. Student will write Transaction ID and “Paid via *786#. For using this mode, student must have balance equal to
Easypaisa Agent/Franchisee/Teller” on the challan and his/her payable fee in Upaisa mobile account. There are no
admission form. Bank stamp will be embossed only in transactions charges, if student use this mode to pay his/her
case the fee is paid through Telenor Microfinance Bank fee. Following is the procedure of fee payment through USSD
branches. Further students are advised to keep the string *786#
confirmation SMS save in phone until the receipt of 1. Dial *786#
intimation of admission confirmation from AIOU. 2. Select “Payments”
3. Select “AIOU”
Upaisa 4. Enter Challan No.
Through Upaisa App 5. Screen will show the payable amount
6. Student will enter his/her Mobile Number and PIN
The account may be created after downloading the Upaisa 7. Fee will be Paid &student will receive confirmation SMS
Mobile App from Playstore. For using this mode, student 8. Student will write Transaction ID and “Paid via
must have balance equal to his/her payable fee in Upaisa Upaisa786 String” on the challan and admission form.
mobile account. There are no transactions charges, if Students are advised to keep the confirmation SMS save in
student use this mode to pay his/her fee. Following is the phone until the receipt of intimation of admission
procedure of fee payment through Upaisa App. confirmation from AIOU
1. Login to Upaisa App
2. Please click on “Payments”
Through Upaisa Agent Shop/Ufone Franchise /PTCS advised to keep the confirmation SMS save in phone until the
OSS/U Microfinance Bank Branches receipt of intimation of admission confirmation from AIOU.
Fee can also be paid by visiting any Upaisa Agent shop, Jazz Cash (Through Jazzcash App)
Ufone franchise, PTCL One stop shop (OSS) and U The account may be created after downloading the Jazzcash
Microfinance Bank branch. For using this mode, student has Mobile App from Playstore. For using this mode, student must
to pay Rs.15 per transaction in addition to the payable fee. have balance equal to his/her payable fee in Jazzcash mobile
Following is the fee payment procedure through this mode. account. There are no transactions charges, if student use this
1. Student may visit any nearest Upaisa Retailer (Agent) mode to pay his/her fee. Following is the procedure of fee
Shop, Ufone Franchise, PTCL OSS or U Microfinance payment through Jazzcash App.
Bank branch 1. Login to Jazzcash App
2. Student will inform the retailer/franchisee/teller that 2. Please click on “Education Fee”
he/she wish to pay fee of AIOU 3. Select “Universities” from the Menu
3. Retailer/Franchisee/Teller will ask the student to share 4. Select “AIOU” from the Sub Menu
CNIC number, Mobile Number & Challan Number 5. Enter “Challan Number”
4. Retailer/Franchisee/Teller will enter the Challan Number 6. Jazzcash App will show the payable amount and due date
in his Upaisa Tab/system 7. Enter MPIN
5. Tab/System will show the payable amount & due date 8. Fee will be Paid &student will receive confirmation SMS
6. Student will hand-over the fee amount to retailer/ 9. Student will write Transaction ID and “Paid via Jazzcash
App” on the challan and admission form. Students are advised
franchisee/ teller to keep the confirmation SMS save in phone until the receipt of
7. Once the fee amount is handed over, the retailer/ intimation of admission confirmation from AIOU.
franchisee/teller will process the fee transaction
8. Fee will be paid and student will receive confirmation Through USSD String *786#
SMS on mobile number. Transaction charges will be
mentioned in the confirmation SMS. The Jazzcash mobile wallet account may be created by dialing
9. Student will write Transaction ID and “Paid via Upaisa *786#. For using this mode, student must have balance equal to
his/her payable fee in Jazzcash mobile account. There are no
Agent/Franchisee/Teller” on the challan and admission transactions charges, if student use this mode to pay his/her
form. Bank stamp will be embossed only in case the fee is fee. Following is the procedure of fee payment through
paid through U Microfinance Bank branches. Students are USSD string *786#
1. Dial *786#
2. Select “Payments” 6. Student will hand-over the fee amount to retailer/
3. Select “Education Payments” franchisee/teller
4. Select “AIOU” 7. Once the fee amount is handed over, the retailer/
5. Enter Challan No. franchisee/teller will process the fee transaction
6. Screen will show the payable amount
8. Fee will be paid and student will receive confirmation SMS
7. Enter MPIN
8. Fee will be Paid &student will receive confirmation SMS on mobile number. Transaction charges will be mentioned
9. Student will write Transaction ID and “Paid via in the confirmation SMS
Jazzcash786 String” on the challan and admission form. 9. Student will write Transaction ID and “Paid via Jazzcash
Students are advised to keep the confirmation SMS save Agent/Franchisee/Teller” on the challan and admission
in phone until the receipt of intimation of admission form. Bank stamp will be embossed only in case the fee is
confirmation from AIOU. paid through Mobilink Microfinance Bank branches.
Through Jazzcash Agent Shop/Jazz Franchise /Mobilink Students are advised to keep the confirmation SMS save in
Microfinance Bank Branches phone until the receipt of intimation of admission
Fee can also be paid by visiting any Jazzcash Agent shop, confirmation from AIOU.
Jazz franchise and Mobilink Microfinance Bank branch. For REGULATIONS FOR REFUND OF ADMISSION
using this mode, student has to pay Rs.20 per transaction in FEE
addition to the payable fee. Following is the fee payment
procedure through this mode. i. The Applicant/candidate/student who has submitted his/her
1. Student may visit any nearest Jazzcash Retailer (Agent) fee for Admissions but does not wish to continue and
Shop, Jazz Franchise or Mobilink Microfinance Bank applied for refund of fee before the start of his/her study
branch period as per Academic Calendar available on the AIOU
2. Student will inform the retailer/franchisee/teller that website corresponding to his/her respective semester i.e
he/she wish to pay fee of AIOU Autumn or Spring, the fees will be refunded after the
3. Retailer/Franchisee/Teller will ask the student to share deduction @ 10% of the total fee.
CNIC number, Mobile Number & Challan Number ii. The Applicant/Candidate who was not eligible but deposited
4. Retailer/Franchisee/Teller will enter the Challan Number the fee for admission and applied for refund within one year
in his Jazzcash Tab/system from the date of fee deposit, the fee shall be refunded after
5. Tab/System will show the payable amount & due date deduction @15% of total fee.
iii. The student who has deposited his/her fee in excess of due Sr.# Name of the Officer Telephone Nos.
fee that total excess amount shall be refunded or adjusted as Dr. Hira Ibrahim
1. 051-9571110
the case may be. Medical Officer
Mr. Umair Bin Nadeem, Assistant
iv. The Treasurer Department shall verify the fee of students and
2. Director Press & Media, Directorate of 051-9571372
shall send the case to the Audit Department for pre-audit. Public Relations
v. The cheque will be issued to the candidate by the Campus IMPORTANT TELEPHONE NUMBERS
Payment Section (CPS), Treasurer’s Department. Sr.# Name Telephone Nos.
vi. In the case of death, the full fee will be refunded through 051-9250043
crossed cheque in favour of the Blood Relative of deceased 1. Director Admissions
051-9250162 (Fax)
student, after fulfilling all the codal formalities. The refund 2. Controller of Examinations 051-9250012
case must be submitted within one year of fee deposit. 3. Director Students Affairs 051-9250174
vii. In case the students who are not allowed/granted admission 4. Admission (Postgraduate) 051-9571547
to a program offered by the University due to less Helpline: (051) 111 112 468
enrollment/non formation of viable group/non offering of Help Desk:
courses, full fee will be refunded to them.
viii. If the admission of an Applicant/Candidate is not matured
due to any reason beyond the control of the
ix. University or due to unforeseen issues, the whole paid fee,
without any deductions shall be refunded to the respective
applicant/candidate. The refund case must be submitted
within one year of fee deposit.
In compliance with Higher Education Commission (HEC)
revised policy i.e., “Policy for students with disabilities at
HEIs in Pakistan 2021”, the following Officers have been
appointed as Disability Coordinators to facilitate the students
with disabilities at AIOU.
Region Regional Coordinators Mobile #
Dera Ghazi Mr. Tahir Hussain, Regional Coordinator, Allama Iqbal Open University, Assistant Professor,
1 0300-9542050
Khan Govt. Graduate College, Tehsil & District Layyah
Dera Ghazi Mr. Mohammad Ishaq, Regional Coordinator, Allama Iqbal Open University, Associate Professor
2 0300-6765338
Khan (Rtd), Ward No.13,Tehsil Karo Lal Easan District Layyah
Dera Ghazi Mrs. Naseem Akhtar Qureshi, Regional Coordinator, Allama Iqbal Open University, Principal
3 0334-6211614
Khan (Rtd), Ward No.14/C, Kakkay Wala,Tehsil Kot Adu District Muzaffargarh
Dera Ghazi Mr. Muhammad Adnan Saeed, Regional Coordinator, Allama Iqbal Open University, Lecturer,
4 0321-7800009
Khan Govt. Graduate College Tehsil & District Muzaffargarh
Dera Ghazi Mr. Muhammad Imran Khan, Regional Coordinator, Allama Iqbal Open University, Lecturer,
5 0332-5278846
Khan Govt. Kaura Khan Associate Degree College for Boys Tehsil Jotai District Muzaffargarh
Mr. Imtiaz Hussain, Reional Coordinator, Allama Iqbal Open University, SST, Govt. Boys High
6 Gilgit 0346-5260815
School Tehsil Danyor District Gilgit
Mr. Niamatullah, Regional Coordinator, Allama Iqbal Open University, SST, Govt. Boys High
7 Gilgit 0315-7331152
School Tehsil & District Astore
Mr. Mahfuzullah, Regional Coordinator, Allama Iqbal Open University, Principal, Govt.Higher
8 Gilgit 0355-5355009
Secondary School, Tehsil Darel, District Diamir
Mr. Ahmad Raza, Regional Coordinator, Allama Iqbal Open University, SST, Govt.Girls High
9 Gilgit 0346-9239995
School, Tehsil Chalt, District Nagar
Mr. Mahboob Ali Shah, Regional Coordinator, Allama Iqbal Open University, SST, Govt Boys
10 Gilgit 0355-5297902
High School, Rawoshan Tehsil Gupis, District Ghizar
Mr. Khalid Nadeem, Regional Coordinator, Allama Iqbal Open University, HST, Govt. Boys High
11 Hyderabad 0333-2911690
School Sanghar Tehsil Sanghar
Mr. Rasheed Ahmad, Regional Coordinator, Allama Iqbal Open University, HST, Govt. Shah
12 Hyderabad 0333-2881340
Abdul Latif High School Tando Adam Tehsil Tando Adam
Mr. Muhammad Mobin, Regional Coordinator, Allama Iqbal Open University, Head Master (R),
13 Hyderabad 0331-3891884
House No.B546, Qaim Khani Mohallah, Ward No. 06, Jhudo Tehsil Jhudo
Mr. Abdul Baqi, Regional Coordinator, Allama Iqbal Open University, HST, Govt. (P), Smam High
14 Larkana 0333-7341353
School, Tehsil & District Jacobabad.
Mr. Shabir Ahmed Mahar, Regioanl Coordinator, Allama Iqbal Open University, Headmaster,
15 Larkana 0333-7270558
Govt. Qazi Habibullah Higher Secondary School, Tehsil & District Shikarpur
Mr. Imdad Ali, Regional Coordinator, Allama Iqbal Open University, HST (Rtd.) Vilage Jado
16 Larkana 0302-3467511
Kalhore, Post Office Gari Yasin, Gari Yasin/Khanpur Tehsil Khanpur District Shikarpur
Mr. Ali Nawaz, Regional Coordinator, Allama Iqbal Open University, Lecturer, Ustad Bukhari
17 Moro 0311-2237536
Govt. Degree College, Tehsil & District Dadu
Mr. Shahd Pisand Chandio, Regional Coordinator, Allama Iqbal Open University, Assistant
18 Moro 0300-3255377
Professor, Govt.Degree College, Tehsil Khairpur Nathan Shah District Dadu
Pir Muhammad Rind, Regional Coordiantor, Allama Iqbal Open University,HST, Govt. Boys High
19 Moro 0300-3213824
School,Tehsil Sehawan District Jamshoro
Mr. Shakeel Ahmed, Regional Coordinator, Allama Iqbal Open University, HST, Govt. High
20 Moro School Nya Madrasa Ghulam Rasool Shah Colony, Tehsil Nawab Shah District Shaheed 0300-3223288
Benazir Abad
Mr. Ghulam Rasool, Regional Coordinator, Allama Iqbal Open University, Headmaster,
21 Moro 0300-3003060
Govt.Boys Primary School, Mari Jalbni, Tehsil Sakrand District Shaheed Benazir Abad
Mr. Rahim Bux, Regional Coordinator, Allama Iqbal Open University, HST, Govt.High Shool,
22 Moro 0300-3214071
Morath Tehsil Kandiaro District Nausharo Feroze
Mr. Bashir Ahmed Malik, Regional Coordinator, Allama Iqbal Open University, Principal (Rtd) C/O
23 Muzaffarabad 0310-1232355
Boys Degree College, Tehsil Patikka District Muzaffarabad
Mr. Zia Arif Awan, Regional Coordinator, Allama Iqbal Open University, SST, C/O Hamdani Book
24 Muzaffarabad 0345-5594444
Dept. Main Bazar, Tehsil Hattian, Distt. Jhelum Vallery, Hattian
Malik Mushtaq Ahmed, Regional Coordinator, Allama Iqbal Open University, Principal, Govt. Girls
25 Muzaffarabad 0355-8155551
Degree College, Tehsil Leepa, District Jhelum Valley, Leepa
Mr. Khurshid Hassan Awan, Regional Coordinator, Allama Iqbal Open University, SST, Govt.
26 Muzaffarabad 0345-9582405
Boys Pilot High School, Tehsil Chikkar
Mr. Mushtaq Ahmed Mughal, Regional Coordinator, Allama Iqbal Open University, Librarian, C/O
27 Muzaffarabad 0355-8153705
Govt. Girls Degree College, Tehsil Authmuqam
Mr. Shahjahan, Regional Coordinator, Allama Iqbal Open University, SST, Govt. Boys Degree
28 Muzaffarabad 0355-6601010
College, Tehsil Sharda
Mr. Gohar Khan, Regional Coordinator, Allama Iqbal Open University, Principal Govt. High
29 Peshawar 0333-9330321
School No. 02, Jamrud Tehsil Khyber
Mr. Khalil Ur Rehamn, Regional Coordinator, Allama Iqbal Open University, Headmaster (Rtd),
30 Timergara Govt. High School, Dheri Kot Village & Post Office Kot Malakand Tehsil Dargai District 0334-9311036
Mr. Zia Ul Haq, Regional Coordinator, Allama Iqbal Open University, Assistant Professor, Govt.
31 Timergara 0307-8566671
Post Graduate College, Tehsil Khas District Bajaur
Mr. Arshad Mehmood, Regional Coordinator, Allama Iqbal Open University, Principal, Govt. MC
32 Rawalpindi 0336-5355163
Boys Higher Secondary School, Tehsil Gujar Khan District Rawalpindi
Mr. Muhammad Raza Vaince, Regional Coordinator, Allama Iqbal Open University, Senior
33 Rawalpindi 0300-9700563
Headmaster (Rtd.), Rakh Printing Press, Pindi Road, Tehsil Kallar Syedan, District Rawalpindi.
Mr. Rashid Shahzad, Regional Coordinator, Allama Iqbal Open University, S.S.S., KRL Model
34 Rawalpindi 0300-9143860
College for Boys Tehsil Kahuta District Rawalpindi
Mr. Muhammad Javed Akbar Satti, Regional Coordinator, Allama Iqbal Open University, SST,
35 Rawalpindi 0336-5372081
Govt. High School, Tehsil Kotli Sattian District
Mr. Ayaz Qureshi, Regional Coordinator, Allama Iqbal Open University, Incharge/Headmaster,
36 Rawalpindi 0314-9517902
Govt. High School PAF Base Lower Topa, Tehsil Muree District Muree.
Dr. Muhammad Anwar, Regional Coordinator, Allama Iqbal Open University, Headmaster, Govt.
37 Rawalpindi 0300-5363883
High School, Bhabra Tehsil Wah Cantt District Rawalpindi.
Mr. Shakeel Ahmed, Regional Coordinator, Allama Iqbal Open University, EST, Village & Post
38 Rawalpindi 0334-5290864
Office Rupper Kalan, Sub Tehsil Chakbeli Khan, District Rawalpindi.
Mr. Muhammad Jan, Regioanl Coordinator, Allama Iqbal Open Univseristy, C/O Zia Tailor
39 Kalat 0334-2364835
Master, Mian Bazar Tehsil Kharan District Kharan
Dera Ismail Mr. Muhammad Iqbal, Regioanl Coordinator, Allama Iqbal Open Univseristy, SST(Rtd), Village
40 0303-8489801
Khan Dabkot, Wana South Wiaziristan Tribal District (SWTD)
Malik Riaz Hussain, Regional Coordiantor, Allama Iqbal Open Unviversity, SSS, Govt Higher
41 Chakwal
Secondary School, Tehsil Kallar Kahar, District Chakwal 0333-5918350
42 Chakwal Mr. Muhammad Siddique, Regional Coordinator, Allama Iqbal Open Unviversity, Sr. Headmaster,
Govt. Higher School, Dalwal, Tehsil, Choa Saidan Shah, District Chakwal 0334-8743874
Syed Akhtar Abbas, Regional Coordinator, Allama Iqbal Open University, Headmaster, Govt.
43 Chakwal
Higher Scondary School, Pachnand, Tehsil Talagang, District Chakwal 0333-6605312
Mr. Hassan Imran, Regional Coordinator, Allama Iqbal Open University, Govt. High School,
44 Chakwal
Dhoke Noushehri, Tehsil Talagang, District Chakwal 0300-9188198
Mr. Juma Khan, Regional Coordinator, Allama Iqbal Open University, SST, Govt. Boys Middle
45 Zhob
school, Tehsil & District Loralai 0301-2261722
Mr. Muslim Yar, Regional Coordinator, Allama Iqbal Open University, Headmaster, Govt. Boys
46 Zhob
High School, Chachobi, Tehsil & District Sherani 0331-8965423
Mr. Rozi Khan, Regional Coordinator, Allama Iqbal Open University, SST, C/O Insaf Medical
47 Zhob
Store Kahoor Chowk Nana Sab Road, Tehsil & District Duki 0335-6353252
Mr. Nazar Muhammad, Regional Coordinator, Allama Iqbal Open University, SST, Govt. Higher
48 Zhob
Secondary School, Rakhni, Tehisl & District Barkhan 0333-3853054
Mr. Muhammad Ismaiel, Regional Coordinator, Allama Iqbal Open University, SST, Govt.Boys
49 Attock
High Schoo,Sirka,Tehsil Hazro, District Attock 0345-5873222
Mr. Mubashir Hussain, Regional Coordinator, Allama Iqbal Open University, Instructer,
50 Attock
Govt.Associate College of Commerce, Tehsil Jand, District Attock 0345-5800508
Mr. Abdul Ghaffar, Regional Coordiantor, Allama Iqbal Open University, Assistant Professor,
51 Attock
Govt. Associate College, Tehsil Pindi Gheb, District Attock 0333-9535710
52 Attock Mr. Mukhtar Ahmed, Regional Coordiantor, Allama Iqbal Open University, SS,Govt.Boys Higher
Secondary School, Tehsil Hassan Abdal, District, Attock 0312-5609715
Mr.Naseeb Ullah, Regional Coordiantor, Allama Iqbal Open University, SST, Govt.Boys High
53 Quetta
School,Pachan,Tehsil & District Pishan 0334-2385260
Mr. Muhammad Qasim Durani, Regional Coordiantor, Allama Iqbal Open University, SST,
54 Quetta
Govt.Boys High School, Piralizai, District Killa Abdullah 0313-0645217