Bs Prospectus
Bs Prospectus
Bs Prospectus
BS Programmes
(Face to Face) 4-Years & 2.5 Years
Agricultural Technology (4-Years)
Botany (4-Years)
Bio-Chemistry (4-Years)
Micro Biology (4-Years)
Chemistry (4-Years & 2.5 Years)
Environmental Sciences (4-Years)
Mathematics (4-Years & 2.5 Years)
Statistics (4-Years)
Physics (4-Years & 2.5 Years)
BS (Face to Face) Programmes
SEMESTER: Spring, 2023
Vice-Chancellor’s Message
Dear Student,
Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) is one of the mega universities of the
world and it occupies a unique position in the education sector of Pakistan,
because of its affordability and high quality distance and online academic
programs. AIOU has now turned into the most favorite university of the country
with high international repute. The university made a landmark progress by
ensuring access to quality education for rural areas under-privileged students and
the people of all ages particularly the females can now select and join the
programs of their choice, while sitting at their residence and simultaneously with
continuing their jobs. After assessing the success of many degree programs in Pakistan, AIOU is now going to offer a
variety of range programs for the students residing worldwide. More than 1.3 million students are getting benefits from
the high quality educational services of AIOU in all regions of the country through more than fifty regional offices of
the university. It offers-suggests many undergraduate and postgraduate programs at rural and remote areas providing an
unparalleled opportunity to all the poor and deprived segments of the society at an affordable cost. The university has
recently digitalized all its student-support services for facilitating its students on priority basis. This digitization of the
system, it is hoped, will enable AIOU students to get all discipline of educational programmes using their Learning
Management system (LMS) portal support online.
All fresh and continue students can submit their admission using online system.
ALLAMA IQBAL OPEN UNIVERSITY conferences, attended not only by the students and faculties of
the university, but also by the renowned dignitaries and
Allama Iqbal Open University, a mega university was
scholars. For the science students and the research scholars, a
established in 1974 under an Act of Parliament. The main
science complex has been constructed, where they use the latest
campus of the university is situated in sector H-8, Islamabad.
equipment of international standard for experiments and research.
It was the second open university of the world and the first of
To meet the present-day challenges, internet facility is also
its kind in Asia and Africa. The aim of establishing AIOU
available in the student hostel and the Central Library, where
was to provide affordable and accessible education through
computers have been provided to enable students to access the
distance learning at the doorsteps to those people who could
latest information available through open source databases.
not continue their educational journey through formal system
of education. The University (AIOU) operates on semester
system and admits students in Autumn and Spring semesters, FACULTY OF SCIENCES
Undergraduate admissions are being offered in both the Faculty of Sciences form an integral part of the University, Since
semesters, whereas postgraduates are being offered once a its establishment in 1982 with five teaching departments, it has
year. The enrolled students are given course books specially undergone major development changes. It now comprises nine
prepared by the university on self instructional principles. teaching and research departments which are offering courses at
However, at post graduate level reprints of foreign books the undergraduate and postgraduate levels to more than ten
alongwith allied material and university prepared study thousand students. The Faculty operates under the basic guidelines
guides help students to polish their skills. of the University Act and on “Education for All as Convenient”
At present, the AIOU is offering programmes from Matric to basis so that maximum students get benefit from its academic
PhD level in diverse disciplines comprised four faculties. The programs and educational facilities. This principle has necessitated
university has established study centres across the country some structural changes in the non-formal mode, particularly at the
postgraduate level, in the offering of theory courses and practical
where distance education students are provided necessary
lab work. This conceptual adjustment has been quite successful and
guidance by their respective tutors. AIOU is also offering
many in-service students are benefiting from postgraduate study
four years under-graduate degrees.
programs. Improvement in qualification for a better life is a right of
Apart from curricular and extra-curricular activities during everyone and the faculty’s programs meet this challenge by
the academic year, the AIOU and its regional centres actively offering opportunities to all. In particular, a significant number of
participate in the co-curricular activities by arranging beneficiaries are those who cannot afford education in formal
educational and literary seminars, workshops and institution due to a variety of reasons.
All the departments (Agricultural Sciences, Biology, Research is an integral part of postgraduate study programs
Chemistry, Environmental Sciences, Environmental Design, leading to MSc, MPhil, and PhD degrees in Agricultural
Health and Nutritional Sciences, Computer Science, Physics, Sciences, Chemistry, Computer Science, Environmental
Mathematics, Statistics & Engineering & Technology of Design, Health and Nutritional Sciences, Mathematics,
Faculty of Sciences are running a variety of postgraduate Statistics and Physics. Rules and regulations for governing the
technical, scientific and professional programs successfully. postgraduate study programs are those approved by the Higher
The departments are equipped with computer lab, internet, Education Commissions (HEC).
on-line library, seminar room, lecture hall and a library. In
addition, there are many labs for practical work, teaching, For MS and MPhil degree, 24 credit hours of course work and
research and instrumentation labs for analysis. The a minimum of one year of research work in a specialized area
University is developing these labs through its own of the disciplines is required. A candidate for PhD degree has
resources. The Faculty of Sciences is thankful to the Vice-
to take additional 18 credit hours of specialized courses in the
Chancellor, for giving personal attention to the development
field of research. The dissertation will comprise original
of the Faculty of Sciences by allocating generous amount of
funds and valuable guidance. research on a topic in the discipline and shall be evaluated by
three foreign referees, who are expert in the field. At least one
Two model labs have also been developed in the Research publication in international journal is also necessary before the
Complex, with the assistance of the Higher Education degree is awarded.
Commission to meet the training needs of science teachers.
The faculty has launched four years BS Program in Sciences in
Around 80 highly qualified full-time faculty members are on various disciplines comprising 124-140 credits. This four-year BS
the role of the Faculty of Sciences. Their role in the planning, program is structured according to the recent policies of the Higher
designing and development of different courses, to meet Education Commission for the improvement of standard of
students’ needs is vital. Faculty members also being engaged education to bring it at par with the international standards.
in imparting and supervision so that high standards are
maintained. In addition, highly qualified and experienced Under the dynamic and visionary leadership of the Vice
Professors are also being engaged on contract or as part time Chancellor, the faculty has already initiated many new PhD,
instructors, for postgraduate study programs. The university MPhil, MSc and BS Programs. Research is the basic emphasis
faculty is also offering academic positions under tenure track of the new leadership and the faculty has been strengthened by
system to attract the best minds in scientific and the induction of new faculty members and providing truly
technological fields, as a full time employee of the academic atmosphere at campus. Moreover, Matric-tech.
University. program has been initiated for the benefit of the masses.
Department of Agricultural Sciences (DAS) was established in 1. Introduction
1975. Previously, the DAS was focusing to strengthen the The BS Agricultural Technology (4-year programme) will
agriculture sector and rural communities through teaching & provide a solid foundation to the students in agricultural
bridging social gaps. Now DAS is trying to transform the business practices, and expanding their career options in agro-
conventional agriculture to most resilient and sustainable based industries. It could be a first core initiative in securing a
farming in the country. To achieve the set goals, DAS has advanced level degree in the field of Agri-Tech.
already functioned with full capacity in providing bioproducts
(biofertilizers & biopesticides), advisory services to grow The degree program of BS Agricultural Technology will acquire
vegetables and crops with resource efficient means, and shifted popularity for two reasons. First, the challenges to current
core degree courses from ODL mode to F2F mode. agriculture production system can be eliminated by adopting the
new and advanced farm technologies and innovative post-harvest
State of the art labs equipped with latest tools have been strategies, and this degree program will develop required capacity
established in order to promote cutting edge technologies in students. Second, the food sovereignty in the country needs
among farming communities after successful evaluation & skillful manpower that can apply the decision tools in developing
verification. The DAS aims to impart skills and build site-specific production technology of different crops, managing
capacity in agri. graduate to explore opportunity in private stressful environment effectively and promoting climate smart
approaches in the country.
public entrepreneurship. The DAS has redefined his mission
& vision in changing world scenarios. State of the art
Department of Agricultural Sciences is very confident that
knowledge and trained manpower are dire need of the hour to graduates produced under the curriculum of BS Agricultural
bring resilience in food systems & feed the population with Technology will become competitive professionals to run their
safe and quality foods. own agro-based industries, provide technical skills to the
progressive and small holdings farmers, generate awareness
Currently, DAS is offering following programs;
among common farmers regarding the value addition in
i. BS Agricultural Technology agricultural produces. At completion of this degree program,
ii. MPhil Agricultural Technology the students will have enough knowledge and skills that will
iii. M. Sc. (Hons.) Agricultural Extension help them to develop site-specific production technologies for
iv. M. Sc. (Hons.) Livestock Management the farmers by using ICT-based crop models and softwares.
v. M. Sc. (Hons.) Rural Development This program will develop the capacity of students to work out
vi. PhD Agricultural Extension
for on-farm climate smart practices which will ensure will be six years from the date of first registration of the student
agricultural resilience and higher farm productivity. in the program.
Admission Fee (at the time of 1 admission) 1,000/- Mid-term/
Lab work/
Technology Fee (per semester) 500/- 1 50 20 -- -- --
Lab Fee (per semester) 2500/- exam
Fee of 1st semester (Rs. 2000 per credit hour) 34,000/- Report &
-- -- -- 1 100 30
Total 38,500/- presentation
The fee structure for remaining semesters will be provided in Evaluation -- -- -- 1 100 20
due course of time.
/written 1 100 70 1 50 25
7. Mode of Study Exam
i. Medium of Instructions: Viva Voce -- -- -- 1 50 25
The medium of instructions & examinations will be in Total -- 170 100 -- 300 100
ii. Study Material: Class lectures and other reading Note: Minimum 70% attendance is mandatory as per AIOU
materials will be provided by the course instructor. In rules. A student must secure minimum 50% marks in each
addition, the student will be advised to consult other component to pass out a particular subject.
reference books for further readings.
iii. Mode of Teaching 8. Guideline for Online Application (see page-v)
a) University will provide face to face teaching to the Students can apply for BS Agricultural Technology by
students follow the below steps;
b) The schedule of classes and dates of submission of i. Visit:
assignments will be announced by the department ii. Click on OAS (Online Admission System) for Fresh
iv. Assessments and Evaluation: Students will be Admission
assessed through criteria given in below-table for each iii. Click 'Register'& fill details
discipline specific face to face course. iv. Upon successful registration please click on login
v. Fill login details and login to the portal Faculty Members
vi. After login click on Step-1 and complete your 1. Prof. Dr. Sher Muhammad
profile. Note: All tabs should be filled before Chairman
applying for admissions. Phone # 051-9575450
vii. After completion of Step-1, click on Step-2 then 2. Dr. Shafique Qadir Memon
click on "Download Challan" against program (s) Assistant Professor
you wish to apply. Phone # 051-9575475
viii. Pay the admission form fee as per AIOU prescribed
criteria through selected bank branches or online 3. Dr. Farhat Ullah Khan
payment methods. Assistant Professor
ix. After admission fee confirmation, you will be called Phone # 051-9575473
on through SMS to visit the department for the 4. Dr. Muhammad Tarique Tunio
verification of your credentials.
Assistant Professor
x. After the verification, you will be informed whether you
Phone # 051-9575474
are eligible for the admission in BS Program or not.
5. Dr. Sabir Hussain Shah
Assistant Professor
9. For Further Queries Contact: Phone # 051-9575476
Chairman 6. Dr. Muhammad Yasin
Department of Agricultural Sciences Assistant Professor
Block # 06, 1st Floor, AIOU, H-8, Islamabad, Pakistan 7. Dr. Mahwish Siraj
Tel: 051-9575450: Lecturer
Email: Phone # 051-9575482
Coordinator BS Agricultural Technology 8. Dr. Zaid Mustafa
Department of Agricultural Sciences Lecturer
Block # 06, 1st Floor, AIOU, H-8, Islamabad, Pakistan Phone # 051-9575481
Tel: 051-9575483 9. Dr. Muhammad Shaukat
Phone # 051-9575483
ii. BS Biochemistry
The approval for the establishment of the Department of iii. BS Microbiology
Biology Science was granted by the Executive Council in The department is enriched with highly qualified regular
February 1998. The objective of its establishment is to faculty to fulfill teaching and research requirements. Well
provide human resources/skilled personnel in various areas equipped labs and Biology are available to cater practical and
of Biology. Furthermore, the purpose is to educate future research requirements.
generation and improvement in quality of life and welfare of
human being through research for the environmentally BS BOTANY
sustainable and socially equitable use of the natural 1. Introduction
resources. The Department is imparting face-to-face The study of plants is vital because they underpin almost all
education in Pakistan in different disciplines of Biological life forms on the Earth by generating a large proportion of
Sciences. oxygen and food that allow humans and other organisms to
subsist. Plants are one of the major groups of organisms that
The mission of Department of Biology is to educate students carry out photosynthesis, a process that absorbs carbon dioxide,
in various disciplines of Life Sciences including those who a greenhouse gas that is a small but important variable that
could not continue their education due to economic or job influences global climate. Plants are crucial to the future of
constraints. The purpose of its establishment is to educate human society as they provide food, oxygen, medicine, and
future generation and improvement in quality of life and products for people, as well as creating and preserving soil.
welfare of human being through research and self-
sufficiency. This programme has an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary
scope enabling students to understand the significance and
The Department is striving to uplift the teaching standards concepts of Botany. It covers a wide range of scientific
and provide a congenial environment for research in the field disciplines including the study of plant structure, growth,
of Biology. The Department always seeks to introduce more reproduction, metabolism, development, diseases, chemical
disciplines at graduate and postgraduate levels as per demand properties, evolutionary relationships and plant taxonomy.
of the society, so as to keep the undergraduate and Graduates with Botany can work in national and international
postgraduate scholars well informed with the recent advances organization in public and private sectors as Biodiversity
in the field. This will help produce well-trained manpower to Researchers, Environmental Scientists, Nature Reserve
serve science both at national and International levels. Managers, Wildlife Management Advisors, Ecological
The Department is offering following programmes:
Consultants and Conservation Officers, Quality Control Semester-2
Officers, Salesperson etc. Course
2. Objectives Course Title CH
On accomplishing the course, the students will be able to: 4402 Diversity of Plants 4(3+1)
i. Demonstrate comprehensive understanding of Botany as
an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary subject. 4422 Organic Chemistry 4(3+1)
ii. Achieve awareness about the evolutionary trends and 4432 Calculus-I 3
plants systematics in pursuit of nature conservation. 5454 English II: Technical and Business
iii. Understand the relationship between economic growth 3
and importance of indigenous plant resource 4446 Environmental Biology 4(3+1)
3. Eligibility/ Criteria
F. Sc. (Pre-medical) OR Equivalent A Level qualification Total Credits 18
with Biology as major subject. Semester-3
4. Duration of Programme Course
In order to be eligible for the award of BS in Botany, the student Course Title CH
will have to earn a total of 132 credit hours including six credit 4469 Diversity of Animals 4(3+1)
hours for research within a minimum period of 04 years (08
4403 Fundamentals of Microbiology 4(3+1)
semesters) failing which, a student can be given an extension of
02 Years in maximum, after completion of initial period. 5469 Introduction to Sociology 3
5. Scheme of Studies 5465 Pakistan Studies 2
Semester 1
5458 English III: Communication Skills 3
Course CH Total Credits 16
4441 Introduction to Environmental Sci. 4(3+1) Semester-4
4421 Inorganic Chemistry 4(3+1) Course
Course Title CH
9467 Pre-Calculus 3 Code
5451 English I: Composition and 4412 Biotechnology 4(3+1)
Comprehension 7416 Plant Systematic Anatomy and
4401 Cell Biology, Genetics and Evolution 4(3+1) 4(3+1)
Total Credits 18 5468 Introduction to Computer 3(3+0)
5466/ Islamic Studies / Ethics Semester-7
5467 Course
9468 Public Relations 3 Course Title CH
Total Credits 16 7409 Plant Ecology -II 3(2+1)
Semester-5 7411 Plant Physiology – II 3 (2+1)
Course Course Title CH 7412 Genetics – I 3(3+0)
Code 7413 Scientific Research 4(3+1)
7401 Diversity of Vascular Plants 3(2+1) 4482 Biostatistics 3(3+0)
7402 Plant Anatomy 3(2+1) Total Credits 16
4481 Introductory Biochemistry 4(3+1) Semester-8
7403 Phycology and Bryology 3(3+0)
Code Course CH
4452 Biodiversity and Conservation 4(3+1) 4418 Research Project 6
Total Credits 17 7414 Genetics - II 3(3+0)
Semester-6 4439 Ethnobotany 3(3+0)
Course 7410 Plant Systematics
Course Title CH 3(2+1)
Total Credits 15
7405 Plant Ecology -I 3(2+1)
Total Credits= 18+18+16+16+17+16+16+15=132
7406 Plant Physiology – I 3(2+1)
4419 Molecular Biology 4(3+1) 6. Fee Tariff for 1st Semester
Item Rates
7407 Plant Biochemistry 3(3+0) Registration Fee (Once at time of admission) Rs.500/-
7408 Mycology and Plant Pathology 3 (2+1) Admission Fee (Once at time of admission) Rs.1000/-
Total Credits 16 Technology Fee Rs.500/-
Per 4 Credit hours course fee: Rs. 8000 Rs. 24000
Per 3 Credit hours course fee: Rs. 6000 Rs.12000/-
Total Rs. 41000/-
The fee structure for remaining semesters will be If a student fails to pass in any assessment component of a
provided in due course of time. course, he/she will have to re- enroll in that course.
10. Guidelines for Online Application (see page-v)
7. Mode of Study i. Visit AIOU Website:
i. Medium of Instruction ii. Click OAS (Online Admission System) for Fresh
The Medium of Instructions for BS Botany will be English. Admission
ii. Study Material iii. Click 'Register'& fill details
Lecture handouts will be provided by the department. iv. Upon successful registration please click on login
The students are also advised to consult other reference v. Fill login details and login to the portal
books recommended by the department. vi. After login click on Step-1 and complete your profile.
iii. Mode of Teaching a. Note: All tabs should be filled before applying
a) University will provide face to face teaching to the for admissions.
students. vii. After completion of Step-1, click on Step-2 then click
b) The schedule of classes and dates of submission of on "Download Challan" against program (s) you wish
assignments will be announced by the department. to apply.
iv. Assessment and Evaluation viii. Pay the admission form fee as per AIOU prescribed
For each course the student progress will be assessed on criteria through selected bank branches or online
the basis of the followings: payment methods.
a) Continuous Assessment ix. After admission fee confirmation, you will be called
i. Continuous assessment of practical courses will be through SMS to visit the department for verification of
based on assignments/class tests of 200 marks and your credentials.
practical of 100 marks. Student has to obtain 50% x. After document verification, you will be informed
marks in theory and practical individually to pass whether you are eligible for the admission in BS
this component. Program or not.
ii. For non-practical courses, student has to obtain 50% In case a selected candidate fails to submit fee in time, the
department may reserve the right to invite a candidate in
marks assignments/class test in theory component waiting list for admission against vacant seat.
only. The weightage of internal assessment in final For Further Queries Contact:
result will be 30%. Coordinator BS Botany
b) Final Examination Department of Biology
Final written examination of 100 marks will be Research Complex, 1st Floor, AIOU, H-8, Islamabad
conducted. Pass percentage in final examination will be Tel: 051 9057185; Email:
The weightage of final exam will be 70% in final result.
BS Biochemistry iii. To equip students with laboratory procedures and
techniques necessary to understand the life processes and enable
1. Introduction them to serve in diagnostics and research labs
Biochemistry can be considered as chemistry of life and is iv. To inculcate confidence among students to pursue higher
central to all areas of the biological or life sciences. It deals education in their specialized areas of interest
with chemical processes taking place in all living organisms 3. Eligibility Criteria
from viruses and bacteria to plants and animals. It F.Sc (Pre-medical) OR Equivalent A Level qualification with
specifically focuses on the study of biomolecules and vital Biology as major subject.
processes that give rise to complexities of life. It Foreign certificate holders will need to produce equivalence
comprehensively demonstrates human biochemical aspects certificate from IBCC to seek admission in 4 years BS
pertaining to the wellbeing and in the pathological state. Biochemistry.
4413 Medical Microbiology 4(3+1) The fee structure for remaining semesters will be provided
4407 Microbial Genetics 4(3+1) in due course of time.
7486 Clinical Biochemistry 4(3+1) 7. Mode of Study
Total Credits 16 University will provide face to face teaching to the students,
Semester-8 however online mode of teaching can be adopted, if required.
Course i. Medium of Instruction
Course Title CH
Code The Medium of Instructions for BS Biochemistry will
4418 Research Project 6 be English.
4414 Genetic Engineering 4(3+1) ii. Study Material
7487 Bioinformatics 3(2+1) Lecture handouts will be provided by the department.
7482 Bio-Membranes and cell signaling 3(3+0) The students are also advised to consult other reference
Total Credits 16 books recommended by the department.
iii. Mode of Teaching
Total Credits= 18+17+17+16+17+16+16+16=133 a) University will provide face to face teaching to the
6. Fee Tariff for 1st Semester students.
Item Rates b) The schedule of classes and dates of submission of
Registration Fee (Once at time of Rs.500/- assignments will be announced by the department.
admission) iv. Assessment and Evaluation
Admission Fee (Once at time of admission) Rs.1000/- For each course the student progress will be assessed
Technology Fee Rs.500/- on the basis of the followings:
Per 4 Credit hours course fee: Rs. 8000 Rs. 24000 a) Continuous Assessment
Per 3 Credit hours course fee: Rs. 6000 Rs.12000/-
i. Continuous assessment of practical courses will be
based on assignments/class tests of 200 marks and
LAB CHARGES Rs.3000/- practical of 100 marks. Student has to obtain 50%
marks in theory and practical individually to pass this
Total Rs. 41000/-
ii. For non-practical courses, student has to obtain 50% vii. After completion of Step-1, click on Step-2 then click on
marks assignments/class test "Download Challan" against programme (s) you wish to
in theory component only. The weightage of internal apply.
assessment in final result will be 30%. viii. Pay the admission form fee as per AIOU prescribed
b) Final Examination criteria through selected bank branches or online
Final written examination of 100 marks will be payment methods.
conducted. Pass percentage in final examination will be ix. After admission fee confirmation, you will be called on
50%. through SMS to visit the department for the verification
The weightage of final exam will be 70% in final result. of your credentials.
If a student fails to pass in any assessment component of
a course, he/she will have to re- enroll in that course. x. After the verification, you will be informed whether you
are eligible for the admission in BS Programme (s) or
a) Final Examinations
Written examination will be conducted for each course
with 50% passing marks. For Further Queries Contact
Note: If a student fails to pass in any of assessment i. Coordinator BS-Biochemistry
component of a particular course, he / she will have to re- Department of Biology
enroll in that course Research Complex, 1st Floor, AIOU, H-8, Islamabad
Tel: 051 9057293; Email:
11. Guidelines for Online Application (see page-v)
BS MICROBIOLOGY ii. To provide foundation for higher studies in Microbiology.
iii. To create awareness about application of Microbiology for
1. Introduction public benefit.
The Department of Biology is well aware of the fact that this is
an era of scientific revolutions. Microbiology, which is parallel 3. Eligibility Criteria
to molecular biology as well as biotechnology, is an emerging F.Sc (Pre-medical) OR Equivalent A Level qualification with
scientific field. Lots of work is being done at international level Biology as major subject.
but Pakistan is still behind in this field. The trained manpower
well versed with laboratory techniques and disease diagnostic 4. Duration of Programme
facilities is limited in the country. In order to be eligible for the award of BS in Microbiology, the
Keeping this in view, the Department of Biology has launched student will have to earn a total of 133 credit hours including
four years BS Programme in Microbiology from the semester six credit hours for research within a minimum period of 4
years (8 semesters) failing which, a student can be given an
Spring, 2009.
extension of 2 years (4 semesters) in maximum, after
This programme is designed to: completion of initial period.
i. Provide skilled laboratory personnel for catering
general public needs. 5. Scheme of Studies:
ii. Provide research atmosphere for the support of Semester 1
laboratory facilities. Course Course Title CH
2. Objectives 4401 Cell Biology, Genetics and 4(3+1)
After completing this programme, students will acquire the Evolution
necessary knowledge based in the area of Bio-medical 4421 Inorganic Chemistry 4(3+1)
sciences, which is very important to diagnose the infectious 4403 Fundamentals of Microbiology 4(3+1)
diseases as well as epidemics. 9467 Pre-Calculus 3(3+0)
5451 English I: Composition and 3(3+0)
The overall objectives of this programme is to promote Comprehension
education of Applied/Life Sciences in the country. Total Credits 18
i. To provide human resources/skilled Microbiologist for
catering the needs of medical laboratories in hospitals
and research institutes.
Semester 2 Semester 5
Course Course Code Course Title CH
Course Title CH
Code 4481 Introductory Biochemistry 4(3+1)
4445 Environmental Microbiology 4(3+1) 4482 Biostatistics 3(3+0)
4402 Diversity of Plants 4(3+1) 4407 Microbial Genetics 4(3+1)
4422 Organic Chemistry 4(3+1) 4408 Virology 4(3+1)
4432 Calculus-I 3(3+0) Total credits 15
5454 English II: Technical and Business 3(3+0) Semester 6
Writing Course
Course Title CH
Total credits 18 Code
Semester 3 4419 Molecular Biology 4(3+1)
Course 4416 Molecular Mechanism of 4(3+1)
Course Title CH Antimicrobial Drugs
4469 Diversity of Animals 4(3+1) 4411 Food and Dairy Microbiology 4(3+1)
4441 Introduction to Environmental 4(3+1) 4405 Microbial Anatomy and Physiology 4(3+1)
Science 7413 Scientific Research 4(3+1)
5465 Pakistan Studies 2(2+0) Total credits 20
5458 English III: Communication Skills 3(3+0)
5469 Introduction to Sociology 3(3+0) Semester 7
Total Credits 16 Course
Course Title CH
Semester 4 Code
Course 4415 Immunology 4(3+1)
Course Title CH
Code 4413 Medical Microbiology 4(3+1)
4412 Biotechnology 4(3+1) 4420 Industrial Microbiology 4(3+1)
4409 Human Physiology 4(3+1) 4410 Soil Microbiology 4(3+1)
9468 Public Relations 3(3+0) Total credits 16
5466/5467 Islamic Studies/Ethics 2(2+0)
5468 Introduction to Computer 3(3+0)
Total Credits 16
Semester 8 ii. Study Material
Course Lecture handouts will be provided by the department.
Course Title CH The students are also advised to consult other reference
4417 Epidemiology 4(3+1) books recommended by the department.
4418 Research Project 6 iii. Mode of Teaching
4414 Genetic Engineering 4(3+1) a) University will provide face to face teaching to the
Total credits 14 students.
Total Credits =18+18+16+16+15+20+16+14= 133 b) The schedule of classes and dates of submission of
assignments will be announced by the department.
6. Fee Tariff For 1st Semester iv. Assessment and Evaluation
Item Rates For each course the student progress will be assessed based
Registration Fee (Once at time of Rs.500/-
admission) on the followings:
Admission Fee (Once at time of a) Continuous Assessment
Rs.1000/- i. Continuous assessment of practical courses will be
Technology Fee Rs.500/- based on assignments/class tests of 200 marks and
practical of 100 marks. Student has to obtain 50%
Per 4 Credit hours course fee: Rs. 8000 Rs. 24000
marks in theory and practical individually to pass this
Per 3 Credit hours course fee: Rs. 6000 Rs.12000/- component.
ii. For non-practical courses, student has to obtain 50%
marks assignments/class test
Total Rs. 41000/- in theory component only. The weightage of internal
The fee structure for remaining semesters will be assessment in final result will be 30%.
provided in due course of time. b) Final Examination
Final written examination of 100 marks will be
conducted. Pass percentage in final examination will be
7. Mode of Study: 50%.
i. Medium of Instruction The weightage of final exam will be 70% in final result.
The Medium of Instructions for BS Microbiology will be If a student fails to pass in any assessment component of a
English. course, he/she will have to re- enroll in that course.
12. Guidelines for Online Application (see page-v) Faculty Members
i. Visit AIOU Website: 1. Dr. Hina Fatimah
ii. Click on OAS (Online Admission System) for Fresh Incharge, Department of Biology,
Admission Ph. 051-9575271
iii. Click 'Register'& fill details 2. Dr. Muhammad Waseem
iv. Upon successful registration please click on login Assistant Professor
v. Fill login details and login to the portal Ph. 051-9575274
vi. After login click on Step-1 and complete your profile. 3. Dr. Rizwana Kousar
Note: All tabs should be filled before applying for Assistant Professor
admissions. Ph. 051-9575273
vii. After completion of Step-1, click on Step-2 then click on 4. Dr. Sobia Kanwal
"Download Challan" against programme (s) you wish to Assistant Professor
apply. Ph. 051-9575275
i. Pay the admission form fee as per AIOU prescribed criteria 5. Dr. Saba Farooq
through selected bank branches or online payment methods. Lecturer
ii. After admission fee confirmation, you will be called on Ph. 051-9575284
through SMS to visit the department for the verification of 6. Ms. Samar Naseer
your credentials. Lecturer (On study leave)
iii. After the verification, you will be informed whether you are Ph. 051-9057185
eligible for the admission in BS Programme or not. 7. Ms. Zainab Syed
8. For Further Queries Contact: Lecturer
Incharge Ph. 051-9575283
Department of Biology 8. Dr. Sadia Latif
Research Complex, 1st Floor, AIOU, H-8, Islamabad Research Associate
Tel: 051-9057726; Email: Ph. 051-9575286
Coordinator BS-Microbiology
Department of Biology
Research Complex, 1st Floor, AIOU, H-8, Islamabad
Tel: 051 9057730; Email:
DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY Chemistry is an experimental science. Students learn basic
techniques in the labs. Therefore, it is essential to provide best
Department of Chemistry is a major department of the Faculty lab facilities to students of various levels. The chemistry
of Sciences. It was established in 1998 to offer postgraduate department takes pride in offering the most modern lab
programmes in Chemistry. In the beginning only MSc facilities in the country to its students in all branches of
programme was started, which was later on extended to chemistry. Its research labs are equipped with CHNS Analyzer,
include MPhil and PhD programmes. The faculty of the Thermal Analyzer, UV-Visible, Fluorescence and FTIR
department comprises one Professor, three Associate Spectrophotometer, GC-MS, Flash Column Chromatography
Professors, four Assistant Professor and three Lecturers. In and HPLC units, Atomic Absorption Spectrometer, and
addition, the department also hire the services of experienced Electrochemical work stations. Teaching labs are well
professors as visiting faculty members. equipped with routine apparatus and basic instruments.
These lab facilities make us one of the leading teaching and
The department is situated in S c i e n c e B l o c k on the research departments of the country.
main campus where it occupies the ground floor and a
portion of the lower floor. With the expansion of lab The department firmly believes in the promotion of chemistry as a
facilities, the department has extended its academic science and in maintaining the highest standards. The department is
activities by launching the BS programme from Spring, in mission to promote chemistry as a science and provide
2009. BS programme is visualized in the new scheme of opportunities of professional growth and updating knowledge
higher education as a fundamental step in improving the to chemistry graduates.
standard of graduate and postgraduate studies.
BS Chemistry
The study programmes in chemistry have been developed by 1) Introduction
the Faculty according to the guidelines provided by the There has been a continuous effort at the national level to
Higher Education Commission (HEC). Necessary changes upgrade the standard of college education. It is realized that our
have been made from time to time to suit our students, but existing BSc programme does not meet international standards.
without deviating fundamentally from the principles set by The Higher Education Commission has recommended a four
the HEC. The Committee of Courses of the department year BS programme to be followed by a two-year MS
comprising distinguished professors and scientists of the programme. The BS degree is considered equivalent to MSc
country thoroughly screened the proposed syllabi. Chemistry, however, BS degree holders are given preference
for the relevant job over MSc graduates as their knowledge is
more focused on chemistry. It is a major structural change in 5) Scheme of Studies
our existing educational system. The country will enormously The BS programme is minimum of four years duration, split
benefit from the fruits of this change in terms of improved into eight semesters. In the first four semesters, the main
and balanced knowledge and skill. emphasis will be on basic chemistry, general and compulsory
The department of chemistry offers the best facilities for subjects. In the 5th and 6th semesters, Physical, Inorganic,
this programme in the country. Its new labs and modern Organic and Analytical Chemistry will be offered as core
equipment together with qualified faculty makes it place to courses. The specialized courses will be dealt in the 7th and 8th
which students would like to be a part of it. semester with specialization in Organic, Inorganic/Analytical
2) Objectives and Physical Chemistry.
The objectives of this programme are:
i) To provide a nurturing environment that facilitates and
stimulate the active and explorative learning of (Total Credit Hours – 132)
Chemistry for the students. Semester 1
ii) To provide chemical knowledge and laboratory skills Course Course Title Credit
required for professional chemist. Code Hours
iii) To contribute to national effort in human resource 5465 Pakistan Studies 2(2+0)
development. 5451 English-1: Composition and 3(3+0)
3) Eligibility Criteria Comprehension
i) FSc (at least 2nd division with 45% marks) with 4401 Cell biology, Genetics, and 4(3+1)
Chemistry as one of the major subject. Evolution
ii) DAE (Diploma Holders) in Chemical Engineering / 9467 Pre-Calculus 3(3+0)
Chemical Technology from a Polytechnic Institute. 4421 Inorganic Chemistry 4(3+1)
iii) A-Level with Chemistry or Equivalent from IBCC. Total Credits 16
4) Duration of Prgramme Semester 2
The minimum duration of BS Chemistry Programme is Course Course Title Credit
four years (8 Semesters) and maximum duration to Code Hours
complete BS Chemistry Programme is six Years (12 5466/5467 Islamic Studies/Ethics 2(2+0)
Semesters). 5454 English-II: Technical and 3(3+0)
Business writing
4402 Diversity of Plants 4(3+1)
4432 Calculus-I 3(3+0) 2594 Mathematics for Chemists 2(2+0)
4422 Organic Chemistry 4(3+1) 2595 Chemistry Lab-I 4(0+4)
5468 Introduction to Computers 3(2+1) Total Credits 18
Total Credits 19 Semester 6
Semester 3 Course Course Title Credit
Course Course Title Credit Code Hours
Code Hours 2574 Analytical Chemistry-1I 3(3+0)
5458 English-III: Communication and 3(3+0) 2580 Physical Chemistry-1I 3(3+0)
skill 2581 Organic Chemistry-1I 3(3+0)
4425 Basic Biochemistry 4(3+1) 2582 Inorganic Chemistry-1I 3(3+0)
4443 Environmental Chemistry 4(3+1) 2596 Chemistry Lab-II 4(0+4)
4423 Physical Chemistry 4(3+1) Total Credits 16
Total Credits 15 Specialization (Organic Chemistry)
Semester 4 Semester 7
Course Course Title Credit Course Course Title Credit
Code Hours Code Hours
4426 Statistics for Chemist 4(3+1) 2585 Heterocyclic Chemistry 3(3+0)
4442 Environmental Pollution 4(3+1) 2586 Stereochemistry of Organic 3(3+0)
4424 General Chemistry 4(3+1) Compounds
9430 Analytical Chemistry 3(2+1) 2589 Spectroscopic Methods in Organic 3(3+0)
9480 Public Relations 3(3+0) Chemistry
Total Credits 18 2597 Advanced Organic Chemistry Lab- 3(0+3)
Semester 5 I
Course Course Title Credit 2598 Advanced Organic Chemistry Lab- 3(0+3)
Code Hours II
2573 Analytical Chemistry-1 3(3+0) Total Credits 15
2575 Physical Chemistry-1 3(3+0)
2576 Organic Chemistry -1 3(3+0)
2577 Inorganic Chemistry-1 3(3+0)
Semester 8 Semester 8
Course Course Title Credit Course Course Title Credit
Code Hours Code Hours
2587 Chemistry of Natural Products 3(3+0) 2544 Organometallic Chemistry 3(3+0)
2590 Special Organic Reactions 3(3+0) 2545 Group Theory for Chemist and Its 3(3+0)
2591 Organic Synthesis 3(3+0) Applications
2537 Advanced Organic Chemistry 3(0+3) 2547 Advanced Environmental 3(3+0)
Lab-III Chemistry
2538 Advanced Organic Chemistry 3(0+3) 3561 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry 3(0+3)
Lab-IV Lab-III
Total Credits 15 3562 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry 3(0+3)
Specialization (Inorganic Chemistry / Analytical Lab-IV
Chemistry) Total Credits 15
Semester 7
Course Course Title Credit Specialization (Physical Chemistry)
Code Hours Semester 7
2539 Coordination Chemistry 3(3+0) Course Course Title Credit
2540 Non-Spectroscopic Instrumental 3(3+0) Code Hours
Methods of Analysis 2548 Chemical Kinetics 3(3+0)
2541 Basic Instrumental Methods of 3(3+0) 2549 Quantum Chemistry 3(3+0)
Analysis 2550 Electrochemistry 3(3+0)
2542 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry 3(0+3) 2568 Advanced Physical Chemistry Lab-I 3(0+3)
Lab-I 2569 Advanced Physical Chemistry Lab- 3(0+3)
2543 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry 3(0+3) II
Lab-II Total Credits 15
Total Credits 15
Semester 8 ii) Study Material
Course Course Title Credit The Class Teacher will provide the study material however the
Code Hours students are advised to consult books from the list of
2570 Molecular Spectroscopy 3(3+0) recommended books for further reading.
2571 Chemical Thermodynamics 3(3+0) iii) Mode of Teaching
2599 Surface Chemistry 3(3+0) In this programme, regular classes for all courses / practical
3563 Advanced Physical Chemistry Lab- 3(0+3) work will be conducted at AIOU Main Campus in Face to
III Face mode. Minimum 70% attendance is required for all
3564 Advanced Physical Chemistry Lab- 3(0+3) subjects as per AIOU rules.
IV iii) Assessment System
Total Credits 15 AIOU has adopted GPA/CGPA system from Spring Semester
6) Fee Tariff 2009 in all its four years Bachelor Degree programmes.
Registration Fee: Rs.500/- iv) Method of Assessment for Theory and Laboratory
Admission Fee: Rs.1000/- Courses
Technology Fee (per semester) Rs.500/- a) Continuous Assessment
Course Code / Lab Fee Continuous assessment will be based on assignments and class
4401 Rs.8000/- tests. The pass percentage in assignment(s)/test(s) will be
4421 Rs.8000/- 50%. Assessment for all laboratory courses will be totally
9467 Rs.6000/- based on continuous assessment. A specific number of
experiments will be conducted in each lab. Each experiment
5451 Rs.6000/-
will be assessed separately. Minimum pass marks for each
5465 Rs.4000/-
laboratory course will be 50%. The weightage of
Lab fee (per semester) Rs.6000/- assignment / class test & practical workshop in the final
First Semester Fee Rs.40,000/- result will be 30%.
b. Final Examination
7) Mode of Study Final examination of 100 marks for theory course will
i) Medium of Instruction be conducted at the end of semester. The pass
The Medium of Instructions for BS Chemistry will be percentage in final examination will be 50% and its
English. weightage in the final result will be 70%. Student will
have to successfully complete each component vi) After login click on Step-1 and complete your profile.
independently to pass a course. Note: All tabs should be filled before applying for
c. Method of Assessment for Laboratory Courses admissions.
Assessment for all laboratory courses will be totally vii) After completion of Step-1, click on Step-2 then click on
based on continuous assessment, Lab Quiz and Viva- "Download Challan" against program (s) you wish to
voce. As already mentioned, the laboratory courses will apply.
be offered in the form of workshops. A specific viii) Pay the admission form fee as per AIOU prescribed
number of experiments will be conducted in each criteria through selected bank branches or online
workshop. Each experiment will be assessed separately, payment methods.
and attendance in these workshops will be compulsory ix) After admission fee confirmation, you will be called on
for every student. Minimum required marks to pass through SMS to visit the department for the verification
each laboratory course will be 50%. of your credentials.
v) Degree Requirements x) After the verification, you will be informed whether you
In order to become eligible for the award of degree of are eligible for the admission in BS Program or not.
BS Chemistry, the student will have to successfully xi) Incomplete forms shall not be entertained.
complete all the courses within a minimum period of xii) Only selected candidates will be asked to deposit
four years (8 semesters) and maximum period of six years semester after verification of original documents.
(12 semesters). xiii) The fee should not be submitted before the confirmation
Note: If a student fails to achieve the required aggregate of admission.
in any of the assessment component of a particular course xiv) The deposited fee will not be refundable or adjustable for
he/she will have to re-enroll in that course. future admission.
13. Guidelines for Online Application(see page-v) B.Sc based BS Chemistry Programme
i) Visit AIOU Website: i) Introduction
ii) Click on OAS (Online Admission System) for Fresh The Department of Chemistry is going to offer B.Sc based BS
Admission Chemistry programme from Spring 2023 semester. The
iii) Click 'Register'& fill details selected students will first go through the bridging semester of
iv) Upon successful registration please click on login 18 credit hours and after successful completion they can join
v) Fill login details and login to the portal the 5th semester of BS Chemistry programme and will
complete the required credit hours for the completion of SEMESTER WISE COURSE OFFERING
degree. Semester-I (Bridging Semester)
ii) Eligibility Criteria (for B.Sc Degree holders) Course Course Title Credit
A person holding B.Sc (at least 2nd division with 45 % Code Hours
marks) with Chemistry as one of the major subject is 4421 Inorganic Chemistry 4(3+1)
eligible to apply for admission, however as seats are 4422 Organic Chemistry 4(3+1)
limited, admission will be on merit. Admission process will 4423 Physical Chemistry 4(3+1)
be same as given for regular BS progromm at section 8. 9430 Analytical Chemistry 3(2+1)
9467 Pre-Calculus 3(3+0)
Total Credits 18
iii) Duration of Programme
The minimum duration of the B.Sc based BS Chemistry
Course Course Title Credit
programmme is 2.5 years (one Bridiging semester and four
Code Hours
regular semesters) and the maximum duration is 4 years (8
semesters). 2573 Analytical Chemistry-1 3(3+0)
iv) Scheme of Study 2575 Physical Chemistry-1 3(3+0)
The B.Sc based BS Chemistry programme is divided into five 2576 Organic Chemistry -1 3(3+0)
semesters including bridging semester. After successfully 2577 Inorganic Chemistry-1 3(3+0)
completion of bridging semester, core courses of Physical, 2594 Mathematics for Chemists 2(2+0)
Inorganic, Organic and Analytical Chemistry will be offered in 2595 Chemistry Lab-I 4(0+4)
2nd and 3rd semesters. The specialized courses will be dealt in the Total Credits 18
4th and 5th semester with specialization in Organic, Semester-III
Inorganic/Analytical and Physical Chemistry. The semester wise Course Course Title Credit
course offering is given below. Code Hours
2574 Analytical Chemistry-1I 3(3+0)
2580 Physical Chemistry-1I 3(3+0)
2581 Organic Chemistry-1I 3(3+0)
2582 Inorganic Chemistry-1I 3(3+0)
2596 Chemistry Lab-II 4(0+4)
Total Credits 16
Specialization (Organic Chemistry) Semester-V
Semester-IV Course Course Title Credit
Course Course Title Credit Code Hours
Code Hours 2544 Organometallic Chemistry 3(3+0)
2585 Heterocyclic Chemistry 3(3+0) 2545 Group Theory for Chemist and Its 3(3+0)
2586 Stereochemistry of Organic 3(3+0) Applications
Compounds 2547 Advanced Environmental Chemistry 3(3+0)
2589 Spectroscopic Methods in Organic 3(3+0) 3561 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Lab-III 3(3+0)
Chemistry 3562 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Lab-IV 3(3+0)
2597 Advanced Organic Chemistry Lab-I 3(3+0)
2598 Advanced Organic Chemistry Lab-II 3(3+0) Total Credits 15
Total Credits 15 Specialization (Physical Chemistry)
Semester- V Semester-IV
Course Course Title Credit Course Course Title Credit
Code Hours Code Hours
2587 Chemistry of Natural Products 3(3+0) 2548 Chemical Kinetics 3(3+0)
2590 Special Organic Reactions 3(3+0) 2549 Quantum Chemistry 3(3+0)
2591 Organic Synthesis 3(3+0) 2550 Electrochemistry 3(3+0)
2537 Advanced Organic Chemistry Lab-III 3(3+0) 2568 Advanced Physical Chemistry Lab-I 3(3+0)
2538 Advanced Organic Chemistry Lab-IV 3(3+0) 2569 Advanced Physical Chemistry Lab-II 3(3+0)
Total Credits 15 Total Credits 15
Specialization (Inorganic Chemistry / Analytical Chemistry) Semester-V
Semester- IV Course Course Title Credit
Course Course Title Credit Code Hours
Code Hours 2570 Molecular Spectroscopy 3(3+0)
2539 Coordination Chemistry 3(3+0) 2571 Chemical Thermodynamics 3(3+0)
2540 Non-Spectroscopic Instrumental 3(3+0) 2599 Surface Chemistry 3(3+0)
Methods of Analysis
3563 Advanced Physical Chemistry Lab-III 3(3+0)
2541 Basic Instrumental Methods of Analysis 3(3+0)
3564 Advanced Physical Chemistry Lab-IV 3(3+0)
2542 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Lab-I 3(3+0)
2543 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Lab-II 3(3+0) Total Credits 15
Total Credits 15
Fee Tariff e) Method of Assessment for Theory and Laboratory
Registration Fee: Rs.500/- Courses
Admission Fee: Rs.1000/-
Technology Fee (per semester) Rs.500/- Continuous Assessment for theory courses
4421 Rs.8000/- Continuous assessment for theory courses will be based on
4422 Rs.8000/- assignments and class tests. The pass percentage in
4423 Rs.8000/- assignment(s)/test(s) will be 50%. The weight age of
9430 Rs.6000/- assignment / class test in the final result will be 30%.
9467 Rs.6000/-
Final Examination
Lab fee (per semester) Rs.6000/-
Final examination of 100 marks for theory course will be
First Semester Fee Rs.44,000/-
conducted at the end of semester. The pass percentage in
final examination will be 50% and its weight age in the final
v) Mode of Study result will be 70%. Student will have to successfully
a) Medium of Instruction complete each component independently to pass a course.
The Medium of Instructions for B.Sc based BS Chemistry
programme will be English. Method of Assessment for Laboratory Courses
Assessment for all laboratory courses will be totally based on
b) Study Material continuous assessment, Lab Quiz and Viva-voce. Each
The Class Teacher will provide the study material however experiment will be assessed separately, and attendance in
the students are advised to consult books from the list of these labs will be compulsory for every student. Minimum
recommended books for further reading. required marks to pass each laboratory course will be 50%.
c) Mode of Teaching f) Degree Requirements
In this programme, regular classes for all courses / practical In order to become eligible for the award of degree of
work will be conducted at AIOU Main Campus in Face to B.Sc based BS Chemistry programme, the student will have
Face mode. Minimum 70% attendance is required for all to successfully complete all the courses within a minimum
subjects as per AIOU rules. period of 2.5 years (5 semesters) and maximum period of 4
d) Assessment System years (8 semesters).
AIOU has adopted GPA/CGPA system from Spring
Semester 2009 in all its four years Bachelor Degree
10) Contact Details 5. Dr. Muhammad Zaman Ashraf
For further detail about Online admission please visit the Assistant Professor
University Website at Ph: 051-957 5224
OR 6. Dr. Iqbal Ahmed
Chairperson Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry, Ph: 051-9575223
Science Block 7. Dr. Muhammad Naeem Khan
Allama Iqbal Open University, H-8, Islamabad. Assistant Professor
Contact Ph: 051-9575200 Ph: 051-9575225
8. Dr. Muhammad Saleem
BS Programme Coordinator Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry, Ph: 051-9575226
Science Block 9. Dr. Mehwash Zia
Allama Iqbal Open University, H-8, Islamabad. Lecturer
Contact Ph: 051-9575217 Ph: 051-9575231
10. Dr. Farzana Shaheen
1. Dr. Uzma Yunus Ph: 051-9575232
Associate 11. Dr. Erum Jabeen
Professor/Chairperson Lecturer
Ph: 051–9575200 Ph: 051-9575234
2. Dr. Moazzam H. Bhatti
Ph: 051–9575217
3. Dr. Nasima Arshad
Associate Professor
Ph: 051–9575218
4. Dr. Muhammad Sher
Associate Professor
Ph: 051-9575219
DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE educational approach for the students to deal with challenges of
the modern era.
The approval for the establishment of the Department of
Environmental Science was granted by the Executive The Department is offering undergraduate programme:
Council in February 1998. The department was initiated with i. BS Environmental Science 4- Years
the aim of creating awareness and understanding of The Department has well established lab facilities to
knowledge and skills required for sustainable environmental foster the developing research ideas of the enrolled
management. The purpose of its establishment is to educate students, with competent faculty to guide them.
future generation and improvement of quality of life and
welfare of human being through research for the BS ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 4 YEARS
environmentally sustainable and socially equitable use of the
natural resources. The department is determined to provide 1. Introduction
quality educations to its wards through scientific and project- The increasing environmental degradation due to urbanization
based learning curriculum. The Department was developed in has highlighted the need of Environmental Sciences. It is an
2005 with addition of two foreign professors. integrated discipline designed to provide a comprehensive
The Department of Environmental Science committed to knowledge of the fundamentals of biological and natural sciences
educate its students for sustainable development of society, in solving environmental problems. The Environmental Sciences
ensuring economic stability with eco-centric approach of department is currently running BS and MSc Environmental
development. The students from different fields can opt Sciences Programmes under the Faculty of Sciences at AIOU.
environmental sciences not only as a degree of substantial Where currently offers undergraduate programme of BS
market values but also for their personal development on Environmental Science. The courses being offered in the
important moral values of environmental stewardship, so department are designed considering the multidisciplinary nature
they can contribute significantly in achievement of better and of the discipline and focus on understanding of the fundamental
sustainable society. processes that contribute to environmental pollution and natural
The Department is continuously growing and flourishing resource degradation with the aim to train students to combat
both on quality teaching and research facilities to facilitate its pollution and ensure sustainable development in the country.
students in better learning. Undoubtedly the current era is
modern new world of environmental challenges that Graduates from the Department of Environmental Science can
questions the safety and stability of life on earth. Through its find potential opportunities and career in a national and
developing labs and faculty the Department of international organization working for sustainable development.
Environmental Science promises to develop holistic
2. Objectives: Scheme of Studies:
The 4 years’ degree programme will enable the students to Semester 1
apply interdisciplinary skills, systems approaches and Course Course Title CH
perspectives to understand and analyze environmental issues Code
and policies of global and local concerns. It aims at 4401 Cell Biology, Genetics and Evolution 4(3+1)
producing dynamic young environmentalists by developing 4421 Inorganic Chemistry 4(3+1)
academic foundation, technical skills, communication 4441 Introduction to Environmental 4(3+1)
abilities and professionalism enabling them to compete in Science
both the governmental and non- governmental sectors. 9467 Pre-Calculus 3(3+0)
On accomplishing the course, the students will be able to: 5451 English I: Composition and 3(3+0)
i. Deal with local and global environmental challenges, Comprehension
both academically and practically Total Credits 18
ii. Contribute in informed decision making, strategic Semester 2
planning and leadership in the society through Course
Course Title CH
interdisciplinary understanding and problem-solving Code
abilities 4402 Diversity of Plants 4(3+1)
3. Eligibility Criteria 4422 Organic Chemistry 4(3+1)
i. F.Sc (premedical or pre-engineering) / DAE or 4442 Environmental Pollution 4(3+1)
equivalent qualification with minimum second division 4432 Calculus-I 3(3+0)
(at least 45% marks) is the pre-requisite for admission in 5454 English II: Technical and Business 3(3+0)
BS Environmental Science. Writing
ii. Foreign certificate/degree holders will need to produce Total credits 18
equivalence certificate from IBCC. Semester 3
4. Duration of Programme Course
Course Title CH
To be eligible for the award of BS in Environmental Science, Code
the student will have to complete 130 credit hours including 4469 Diversity of Animals 4(3+1)
six credit hours for research project, within a minimum 4403 Fundamentals of Microbiology 4(3+1)
period of 4 years (8 semesters) failing which, a student can 5465 Pakistan Studies 2
be given an extension of 2 years (4 semesters) in maximum, 5458 English III: Communication Skills 3(3+0)
after completion of initial period. 5469 Introduction to Sociology 3(3+0)
Total Credits 16
Semester 4 Semester 7
Course Course
Course Title CH Course Title CH
Code Code
4412 Biotechnology 4(3+1) 4452 Biodiversity and Conservation 4(3+1)
4445 Environmental Microbiology 4(3+1) 4455 Health, Safety & Environmental 4(3+1)
5468 Introduction to Computer 3(3+0) Management Systems
9468 Public Relations 3(3+0) 4450 Environmental Impact Assessment 4(3+1)
5466/5467 Islamic Studies / Ethics* 2 4453 Sustainable Development 3(3+0)
Total credits 16 4456 Environmental Toxicology 3(3+0)
Total credits 18
Semester 5
Semester 8
Course Title CH Course
Code Course Title CH
4467 Physics of the Environment 4(3+1)
4418 Research Project 6
4443 Environmental Chemistry 4(3+1)
4460 Project Management 3(3+0)
4482 Biostatistics 3(3+0)
4483 GIS and Remote Sensing 4(3+1)
4458 Environmental Policies and 3(3+0)
4440 Disaster: Risk and Management 3
Total Credits 16
Total credits 14
Total Credits =18+18+13+16+14+17+18+13= 130
Semester 6 5. Fee Tariff For 1st Semester
Course Item Rates
Course Title CH Registration Fee (Once at time of admission) Rs.500/-
4446 Environmental Biology 4(3+1) Admission Fee (Once at time of admission) Rs.1000/-
4448 Energy and Environment 3(3+0) Technology Fee Rs.500/-
4444 Intro of Environmental Economics 3(3+0) Per 4 Credit hours course fee: Rs. 8000 Rs. 24000
4438 Natural Resource Management 3(3+0) Per 3 Credit hours course fee: Rs. 6000 Rs.12000/-
7413 Scientific Research 4(3+ 1) LAB CHARGES Rs.3000/-
Total credits 17 Total Rs. 41000/-
The fee structure for remaining semesters will be marks in theory and practical individually to pass this
provided in due course of time. component.
6. Mode of Study: ii. For non-practical courses, student has to obtain 50%
i. Medium of Instruction marks assignments/class test
The Medium of Instructions for BS Environmental in theory component only. The weightage of internal
Science will be English. assessment in final result will be 30%.
ii. Study Material d) Final Examination
iii. Lecture handouts will be provided by the department. Final written examination of 100 marks will be
The students are also advised to consult other conducted. Pass percentage in final examination will be
reference books recommended by the department. 50%.
iv. Mode of Teaching The weightage of final exam will be 70% in final result.
a) University will provide face to face teaching to If a student fails to pass in any assessment component
the students. of a course, he/she will have to re- enroll in that course.
b) The schedule of classes and dates of submission 14. Guidelines for Online Application (see page-v)
of assignments will be announced by the i. Visit AIOU Website:
department. ii. Click on OAS (Online Admission System) for Fresh
v. Assessment and Evaluation Admission
For each course the student progress will be assessed iii. Click 'Register'& fill details
based on the followings: iv. Upon successful registration please click on login
c) Continuous Assessment v. Fill login details and login to the portal
i. Continuous assessment of practical courses will be vi. After login click on Step-1 and complete your profile. Note:
based on assignments/class tests of 200 marks and All tabs should be filled before applying for admissions.
practical of 100 marks. Student has to obtain 50%
vii. After completion of Step-1, click on Step-2 then click on Faculty Members
"Download Challan" against programme (s) you wish to
apply. 1. Dr. Sofia Khalid,
viii. Pay the admission form fee as per AIOU prescribed Associate Professor/Chairperson
criteria through selected bank branches or online payment Ph: 051 9575650
ix. After admission fee confirmation, you will be called on 2. Dr. Zahid Ullah
through SMS to visit the department for the Assistant Professor
verification of your credentials. Ph. 051-9575675
x. After the verification, you will be informed whether you
are eligible for the admission in BS Programme or not. 3. Dr. Samia Qadeer
Assistant Professor
7. Contact Details Ph. 051-9575674
For further information, contact:
Department of Environmental Science
Faculty of Sciences, Research Complex (First Floor),
Allama Iqbal Open University
Phone: 051 9057185
Department of Environmental Science Faculty of Sciences,
Research Complex (First Floor), Allama Iqbal Open
University Phone: 051-9057726
The department provides instructional support to all the faculties
Our vision is to be among the leading Mathematics departments of the University in the teaching of courses related to
of the country, which provides quality education in Mathematics Mathematical sciences. Presently, the Department is offering
and is the center of active and innovative research. The courses of Mathematics at Secondary School Certificate (SSC),
department aspires to promote understanding of Mathematics Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC) and Bachelor levels.
through teaching and research and inculcate in students the The graduate and undergraduate programs are carefully designed
attributes of logical and critical thinking. The Department of with a thoughtful selection of courses from applied, pure, financial
Mathematics has been established in June 2014. In June 2014, and computational domains of mathematics in the light of
the Department of Mathematics & Statistics has been bifurcated guidelines provided by the HEC.
as two independent departments.
The Department offers programmes in various specializations
Mathematical life at AIOU is very active. It comprises which include Pure, Applied, Computational and Financial
original investigations, discussions, lectures and teaching at Mathematics. Academia and students frequently participate in
many levels. We are deeply committed to superior research national, regional and international conferences. The research
in mathematics and the scientific excellence of our faculty is interests of the Department of Mathematical Sciences range
well recognized in the mathematical community. from abstract to applied aspects of the discipline. Building on
our current strength, our goal is to strengthen areas related to
The following degree programmes are being offered in the Pure and Applied Mathematics. We believe that it will help
Department of Mathematics. All these programmes are students keep pace with the latest trends in mathematics on the
approved by Higher Education Commission (HEC), Islamabad. one hand and contribute to society at large on the other. A
i. PhD Mathematics clearer idea of the exact areas engaging the Department's
ii. MPhil Mathematics current interest can be formed from the list of the faculty and
iii. BS Mathematics their individual areas of research.
a) Continuous Assessment iii. After admission fee confirmation, you will be called
A student has to obtain a minimum of 50% marks in through SMS to visit the department for verification of
the two assignments/sessionals collectively in order your credentials.
to pass this component. iv. After document verification, you will be informed whether
b) Final Examinations you are eligible for the admission in BS Programme or not.
In case a selected candidate fails to submit fee in time, the
Written examination will be conducted for each
department may reserve the right to invite a candidate in
course with 50% passing marks. waiting list for admission against vacant seat.
c) Weightage For Further Queries Contact:
30% weightage will be given to
Coordinator BS Mathematics
assignments/sessionals and 70% weightage will
be given to final exam. Department of Mathematics
Note: If a student fails to pass in any of assessment Block #7, AIOU, H-8, Islamabad
component of a particular course, he / she will have to re- Tel: 051 9575746; Email:
enroll in that course 14. Contact Details
For further information, contact:
13. Guidelines for Online Application (see page-v) i. Chairman
i. Visit AIOU Website: Department of Mathematics
ii. Click OAS (Online Admission System) for Fresh Faculty of Sciences, Block # 7,
Admission Allama Iqbal Open University
iii. Click 'Register'& fill details Phone: 051-9575700
iv. Upon successful registration please click on login ii. Coordinator BS-Mathematics
v. Fill login details and login to the portal Department of Mathematics,
vi. After login click on Step-1 and complete your profile. Faculty of Sciences, Block # 7
Note: All tabs should be filled before applying for Allama Iqbal Open University, Phone: 051-9575732
i. After completion of Step-1, click on Step-2 then click on
"Download Challan" against programme (s) you wish to
ii. Pay the admission form fee as per AIOU prescribed
criteria through selected bank branches or online
payment methods.
1. Dr. Nasir Rehman The Department of Statistics was established in 1988 in the faculty
Associate Professor of Sciences, Allama Iqbal Open University. Since then, the faculty
Chairman, Department of Mathematics
Ph. 051-9575700 and students have shared a common goal of maturing the
2. Dr. Zahid Iqbal Department with sheer hard work and constant struggle. Statistical
Associate Professor sciences have significant impact on our lives and are a key to
Ph. 051-9575712 discoveries and innovation. Over the time, with concerted efforts,
3. Dr. Irfan Mustafa
the Department has grown to its full potential and is vigorously
Assistant Professor
Ph. 051-9575723 involved in participating towards global efforts of driving a new era
4. Dr. Muhammad Nazam of growth, development and productivity. Since, our world is
Lecturer becoming more quantitative and data focused, job opportunities in
Ph. 051-9575731 statistics are plentiful and projected to increase worldwide.
5. Dr. Bismah Jamil
Lecturer Therefore, the alumni of the department of statistics have been
Ph. 051-957 5732 working in various government departments and private sector.
6. Mr. Muhammad Faisal Iqbal
Lecturer The vision of Department is to impart quality education that focuses
Ph. 051-9575746 on collaborative learning through innovative teaching and research
methodologies. It aims to create an environment that enables
7. Mr. Rizwan Salim Badar
students to effectively engage in making lasting contributions in
Ph. 051-9575746 diverse fields according to rapidly changing demands of not only
8. Dr. Irfan Younas the home country, but also the entire globe. The Department is
Research Associate determined to further develop a state of the art model of learning
Ph. 051-9575735 and research, which will benefit the masses across the board.
9. Ms. Fouzia Rehman
The following degree programmes are being offered in the
Research Associate
Department of Statistics. All these programmes are approved
Ph. 051-9575736
by Higher Education Commission, Islamabad.
i. PhD Statistics
ii. MPhil Statistics 2. Objectives
iii. BS (4 years) Statistics i. To enhance and upgradation of qualification of those
potential candidates who have/do not have sufficient
All the courses and contents of these programmes are resources or due to other reasons to continue their studies
designed to meet the challenging statistical needs in life after intermediate.
sciences, information technology, social sciences and other ii. To enable the students to get a better insight regarding in
allied disciplines. The course outlines of all level courses depth knowledge of Statistics.
have been designed and updated recently, after consulting iii. To produce quality teacher/researchers of Statistics at all
syllabi of national and international universities. It helps to levels.
strengthen the statistical concepts and logical thinking among iv. To prepare well trained and skilled graduates to cater the
our students. future needs in the field of Statistics.
Presently, these degree programmes are being offered at v. To produce young and energetic minds in the field of
main campus only. However, in near future, the Department Statistics in order to promote innovative research and
also intends to offer these degree programmes at main critical thinking.
regional headquarters.
3. Eligibility
BS STATISTICS Candidate must have at least 2nd division or 45% marks in
HSSC or equivalent exams approved/verified by Inter Board
1. Introduction Committee of Chairmen (IBCC).
With the passage of time in the new era of globalization,
significant changes have been made in almost all walks of 4. Duration of Programme
life to keep in pace with the growing world. Among many For the award of BS Statistics degree, the student will have to
other fields, improvement in existing education system has qualify the 130 credit hours consisting 44 courses within a
become the top most priority of many nations across the
minimum period of eight semesters (4 years) and maximum
globe. Therefore, it is the need of time to modify our current
period of 12 semesters (6 years).
education system in order to meet the international standards.
Having a vision of brighter future with compatible educated
5. Scheme of Studies
youth, the Department of Statistics is launching BS Statistics
programme from spring 2017. The BS Statistics would be The full programme of BS Statistics comprises eight semesters.
sixteen years education equivalent to MSc Statistics and All the courses are compulsory to qualify for the award of BS
fulfilling the international standards of graduate degree. Statistics degree. The semester wise course offering is as under.
Scheme of Studies BS Statistics, Spring 2023 Semester 3
Semester 1 Course
Course Title CH
Course Course Title CH Code
Code 5458 English-III: Communication Skills 3(3+0)
5451 English-I: Composition and 3(3+0) 5471 Mass Communication 3(3+0)
Comprehension 9466 Pakistani Adab-I 3(3+0)
5465 Pakistan Studies 2(2+0) 9469 Population Studies 3(3+0)
5468 Introduction to Computer 3(3+0) 4472 Algebra-I 3(3+0)
4432 Calculus-I 3(3+0) 4491 Basic Statistical Inference 3(3+0)
4434 Introductory Statistics 3(3+0) Total Credits 18
9424 Quantitative Reasoning 3(3+0) Semester 4
Total Credits 17 Course
Course Title CH
Semester 2 Code
4477 Computing Tools 3(3+0)
Course Course Title CH
4489 Introduction to Probability & 3(3+0)
Probability Distributions.
5454 English-II: Technical and Business 3(3+0) 4492 Official Statistics 3(3+0)
Writing 4493 Basics Design of Experiments 3(3+0)
5466/5467 Islamic Studies/Ethics (Non-Muslims) 2(2+0) 9471 Human Resource Management 3(3+0)
5469 Introduction to Sociology 3(3+0) 9473 Arabic Language 3(3+0)
5474 Fundamentals of Environmental 3(3+0) Total Credits 18
Sciences Semester 5
4433 Calculus-II 3(3+0) Course
4486 Introduction to Regression and Time 3(3+0) Course Title CH
Series Analysis 1551 Statistical Methods 3(3+0)
Total Credits 17 1552 Sampling Techniques-I 3(3+0)
1553 Design and Analysis of Experiments-I 3(3+0)
1554 Probability & Probability 3(3+0)
1555 Advanced Calculus 3(3+0)
Total Credits 15
Semester 6 The list of elective courses for BS Statistics programme:
Course Sr. Course Title Course Credit
Course Title CH No. Code Hours
1 Reliability Analysis 1571 3(3+0)
1556 Probability & Probability 3(3+0) 2 Data Mining 1572 3(3+0)
Distributions-II 3 Bayesian Statistics 1573 3(3+0)
1557 Regression Analysis 3(3+0) 4 Biostatistics 1574 3(3+0)
1558 Sampling Techniques-II 3(3+0) 5 Operations Research 1568 3(3+0)
1559 Design and Analysis of Experiments-II 3(3+0) 6 Research Methodology 1570 3(3+0)
1513 Non Parametric Methods 3(3+0)
Total Credits 15 6. Fee Tariff for 1st semester
Registration Fee: Rs.500/-
Semester 7 Admission Fee: Rs.1000/-
Course Technology Fee (per semester): Rs.500/-
Course Title CH
Code Course Code Fee
1561 Statistical Inference-Estimation 3(3+0) 5468 Rs.6000/-
1562 Econometrics 3(3+0) 4432 Rs.6000/-
1563 Total Quality Management 3(3+0) 4434 Rs.6000/-
1564 Computer Programming (C & C++) 3(3+0) 5465 Rs.4000/-
5451 Rs.6000/-
1514 Mathematical Methods for Statistics 3(3+0) 9242 Rs.6000/-
Total Credits 15 Lab fee (per semester) Rs.750/-
Semester 8 Total Semester Fee Rs.36,750/-
Course Course Title CH The BS Statistics Programme which is designed according to the
Code latest guidelines of HEC curriculum of BS Statistics 2017-18.
1566 Statistical Inference-Testing of 3(3+0) 7. Mode of Study
Hypothesis i. Method of Instruction
1567 Applied Multivariate Analysis 3(3+0) For each course, there would be 48 hours face to face teaching
1569 Data Analysis and Statistical Packages 3(3+0) support to the students. Three-hour class/week for (3+0) credit
Elective-I 3(3+0) hour course for a semester of sixteen weeks. The distribution of
Elective-II 3(3+0) the lectures will be provided to the students in
Total Credits 15 classes/workshop by the consultation with the teachers/resource
persons. The classes will be supplemented by the computers
where required. Overall 70%, attendance would be v. Fill login details and login to the portal
compulsory to appear in sessional tests and final vi. After login click on Step-1 and complete your profile.
examination. a. Note: All tabs should be filled before applying for
ii. Study Material: admissions.
Books (soft copies) will be provided to the students, along with vii. After completion of Step-1, click on Step-2 then click on
the list of recommended books for further readings. Two "Download Challan" against programme (s) you wish to
assignments for each course will be given. Mode of Teaching: apply.
For each course, 45 hours face to face teaching at main campus viii. Pay the admission form fee as per AIOU prescribed
Islamabad will be required. In this regard, classes will be arranged criteria through selected bank branches or online
by the Department at AIOU main campus Islamabad. The payment methods.
schedule of the lectures will be distributed to students at the start ix. After admission fee confirmation, you will be called on
of classes during each semester at AIOU, Islamabad. Minimum through SMS to visit the department for the verification
70% attendance is necessary in all subjects as per AIOU rules. of your credentials.
iii. Assignment/Test: x. After the verification, you will be informed whether you are
Two assignments for each course will be given in a semester eligible for the admission in BS Programme or not.
for practice only, having no weightage. 30% weightage of the 8. Contact details
aggregate marks will be given to the sessional tests. a. Chairman office
iv. Final Examination: Chairman, Department of Statistics,
Final Examination will be held at Main Campus, AIOU, Lower Ground Floor, Science Block, Sector H-8,
Islamabad at the end of each semester. 70% weightage of the AIOU Islamabad
aggregate marks will be given to the final exam. Minimum Ph. No. 051-9057266, 9250062 Email:
Passing Marks: Assignments/Sessionals 50%
Final Examination 50% b. BS Programme Coordinator
Aggregate 50% Dr. Zahid Iqbal
Note: The student has to qualify each component of a course Associate Professor
separately. Ph: 051-9575617
8. Guidelines for Online Application (see page-v)
i. Visit AIOU Website
ii. Click on OAS (Online Admission System) for Fresh
iii. Click 'Register'& fill details
iv. Upon successful registration please click on login
1. Prof. Dr. Irshad Ahmad Arshad Chairman
Ph: 051-9057163, 9250062 Realizing the need of technology and scientific education in
Email: Pakistan, the Department of Physics at AIOU began in 1998
2. Dr. Muhammad Zakria with technological needs in areas like Energy, Energy
Associate Professor Efficiency, Climate, Energy for Sustainable Development,
Ph: 051-9057372 Renewable Energy, Hydrogen Energy, Environment,
Email: Astronomy, Nanotechnology, Materials Science, Plasma
3. Dr. Zahid Iqbal Physics, Medical Physics, Cosmology, Geo Physics, Density
Associate Professor Functional Theory (DFT), and Nuclear fields. A major
Ph: 051-9057446 emphasis of current research activities is on promotion in
Email: renewable energy and related areas in which the Department
4. Dr. Tauqir Ahmed Mughal has led to innovations.
Assistant Professor
Ph: 051-9057266 The Department is presently running BS, MPhil and PhD
Email: degree programme with specialization in various disciplines.
5. Dr. Muhammad Yameen Danish Assistant Professor New fields of specialization and programme of studies are
Ph: 051-9057266 approved and be operational from the next academic year.
Email: Apart from capacity development activities, the Department of
6. Mr. Mustansar Aaitazaz Amjad Physics has been involved in several international, national and
Lecturer regional research projects. The Physics Department has
Email: developed research linkage with other National and
7. Mr. Sajid Hassan Shah International Universities and research organizations of repute
Research Associate to ensure two-way flow of knowledge.
Ph: 051-9057209
Email: BS Physics
8. Ms. Lubna Naz
Research Assistant 1. Introduction
Ph: 051-9057287 The Department of Physics offers a four-year BS Physics
Email: degree program. The program is designed according to the
Staff Phone: Ph: 051-9057266 scheme of studies approved by the Higher Education
Commission (HEC) of Pakistan to meet the national and vi. To enhance our students’ skills in scientific communication
international standards. and the ability to clearly present Physics and science in
simple and clear language.
It covers all aspects of Physics ranging from its foundations vii. To introduce students with the spirit of working in
to modern research. The offered courses have a flexible interactive groups with the necessary requirements of
curriculum that is capable of preparing students for advanced
scientific and professional ethics.
studies in Physics as well as careers in teaching and research
institutes. The Department encourages the students to viii. To develop hands-on experience in different laboratory
participate in research projects and provides them with techniques and modern instrumentation.
possible facilities and guidance. In addition, students could ix. To enhance students’ competence in the design and
participate in the activities of different university societies, conduct of experiments as well as analysis and presentation
attend departmental seminars, workshops and conferences. of experimental data and results.
x. To provide an in-depth understanding of some specialized
2. Objectives areas of Physics through the option of elective courses.
The main educational objectives of BS (4-year) degree xi. To equip students with the necessary skill set for pursuing
programme are: careers in Physics education, research and industry in
i. To impart students with a conceptual understanding of government or private organizations.
the fundamental principles of Physics, natural laws, and
their interpretation, as well as mathematical formulation 3. Eligibility Criteria for BS Physics (04 years)
of the physical phenomena in nature.
ii. To develop critical skills necessary for solving unknown FSc (Pre-Engineering/Pre-Medical)/ICS (Physics, Mathematics
problems from our physical surroundings. combination) / DAE with 45% marks or 2nd division.
iii. To develop the capability of analyzing, addressing, and 4. Duration of Programme
posing solutions to problems of natural importance and
to instill a deep appreciation of the need for optimum The minimum duration of BS Physics Programme is four
utilization of natural resources and environment. years (8 Semesters) and maximum duration to complete BS
iv. To instill in students the habit of independent thinking, Physics Programme is six years (12 Semesters).
deep inquiry, and motivation for self-education.
v. To sharpen our students' mathematical prowess making
them capable of modeling, analyzing, and predicting the
behavior of physical processes.
5. Access to B.Sc students in BS 4 years Physics Program Semester-2
(5th Semester) Code Course CH
The bridging semester will be offered for B.Sc (14 years of 5476 Basic Calculus–II 3(3+0)
education) students, so that they may be allowed to continue 5454 English-II: Technical & Business 3(3+0)
with students of BS Physics 4 years program in 5th semester
5455 Electricity & Magnetism 4(3+1)
after completing a bridging semester comprising (18 credit
5456 Laboratory for Electricity & 1(0+1)
hours) of foundation courses. Magnetism
6. Eligibility Criteria (for BSc Students only) 5459 Waves & Oscillations 3(3+0)
B.Sc degree (Physics & Mathematics combination) with 5466/ Islamic Studies or 2(2+0)
45% marks or 2nd division. 5467 Ethics (for non-Muslim students
7. Scheme of Studies for BS Physics (04 years)
Semester-1 754 Laboratory Techniques and Error 3(3+0)
Code Course CH Propagation
5451 English-I: Composition & 3(3+0) Total Credits 19
Comprehension Semester-3
5465 Pakistan Studies 2(2+0) Code Course CH
5475 Basic Calculus–I 3(3+0) 5477 Algebra in Physics 3(3+0)
5468 Introduction to Computers 3(3+0) 5458 English-III: Communication Skills 3(3+0)
5452 Mechanics 4(3+1) 5470 Fundamentals of Statistics 3(3+0)
5453 Laboratory for Mechanics & 5461 Heat and Thermodynamics 3(3+0)
1(0+1) 5471 Mass Communication Skills 3(3+0)
5469 Introduction to Sociology 3(3+0) 5460 Laboratory for Thermodynamics 1(0+1)
Total Credits 19 Total Credits 16
Code Course CH
5457 Modern Physics 3(3+0)
5472 Differential Equations 3(3+0)
5473 Probability & Statistics 3(3+0)
5462 Optics 3(3+0) 758 Lasers & Optics 3(3+0)
5463 Laboratory for Optics & 1(0+1) 2553 Digital & Computer Hardware 3(3+0)
Spectroscopy Electronics
5474 Fundamentals of Environmental 3(3+0) 2556 Laboratory for Digital & Computer 3(0+3)
Sciences Hardware Electronics
Total Credits 16 Total Credits 18
Semester-5 Semester-8
Code Course CH Code Course CH
751 Mathematical Methods in Physics -1 3(3+0) 5464 Research Techniques 3(3+0)
752 Classical Mechanics & Relativity 3(3+0) 760 Nuclear Physics 3(3+0)
2564 Electronics 3(3+0) 2560 Advanced Digital & Computer 3(3+0)
2551 Atomic & Molecular Physics 3(3+0) Hardware Electronics
766 Laboratory for General & Nuclear 2(0+2) 2561 Laboratory for Advanced Digital & 4(0+4)
Physics Computer Hardware Electronics
Total Credits 14 2559 Electronic Communication System 3(3+0)
Semester-6 Total Credits 16
Code Course CH Total Credits= 19+19+16+16+14+17+18+16=135
755 Mathematical Methods in Physics -II 3(3+0)
756 Quantum Mechanics-I 3(3+0) 8. Bridging semester for BSc
765 Electromagnetic Theory – I 3(3+0) Bridging Semester
2566 Thermal & Statistical Physics 3(3+0) Code Course CH
769 Computational Physics 3(3+0) 5462 Optics 3(3+0)
762 Laboratory for Electronics 2(0+2) 5457 Modern Physics 3(3+0)
Total Credits 17 5477 Algebra in Physics 3(3+0)
Semester-7 5472 Differential Equations 3(3+0)
Code Course CH 5458 English-III: Communication Skills 3(3+0)
2565 Electromagnetic Theory – II 3(3+0) 5474 Fundamentals of Environmental 3(3+0)
759 Quantum Mechanics-II 3(3+0) Sciences
761 Solid State Physics -I 3(3+0) Total Credits 18
Note: After completing bridging semester, students will 11. Mode of Study
continue their studies with BS Physics 5th semester i. Medium of Instruction
students. The Medium of Instructions for BS Physics will be
9. Fee Tariff for 1st Semester BS Physics (04 years)
Item Rates
ii. Study Material
Registration Fee (Once at time of Rs.500/- The Department will provide soft copies of course
admission) books and lecture handouts.
Admission Fee (Once at time of admission) Rs.1000/- iii. Mode of Teaching
Technology Fee Rs.500/- a) University will provide face to face teaching to the
Per 4 Credit hours course fee: Rs. 8000*1 Rs. 8000 students.
Per 3 Credit hours course fee: Rs. 6000*4 Rs.24000/- b) The schedule of classes and dates of submission of
Per 2 Credit hours course fee: Rs. 4000*1 Rs.4000/- assignments/tests/quizzes/presentations will be announced
Per 1 Credit hours course fee: Rs. 2000*1 Rs.2000/- by the department.
Total Rs. 40000/- iv. Assessment and Evaluation
10. Fee Tariff for bridging Semester For each course the student’s progress will be assessed
Item Rates on the basis of the following:
Registration Fee (Once at time of Rs.500/- a) Continuous Assessment through written
admission) assignments/tests or Workshop or practical
Admission Fee (Once at time of admission) Rs.1000/- activities.
Technology Fee Rs.500/- Student performance is evaluated / assessed as under:
Class assignment through quiz/sessional test/assignment
Per 3 Credit hours course fee: Rs. 6000*6 Rs.36000/- weightage is 20%
Total Rs. 38000/- The pass percentage in quiz/sessional test/assignment will be 50%.
The fee structure for remaining semesters will be 70% of attendance for all Theory Courses and 80% for
provided in due course of time. laboratory courses is compulsory.
Weightage of attendance for theory courses = 10%
b) Final Examinations: iv. After document verification, you will be informed whether
Final Paper weightage = 70% you are eligible for the admission in BS Program or not.
v. In case a selected candidate fails to submit fee in time, the
A written examination will be conducted for each course
department may reserve the right to invite a candidate in
with 50% passing marks.
waiting list for admission against vacant seat.
Note: If a student fails to pass in any of assessment
component of a particular course, he / she will have to re- 12. Contact Details
enroll in that course For further detail about Online admission please visit the
University Website at
12. Guidelines for Online Application (see page-v) OR
i. Visit AIOU Website: Department of Physics,
ii. Click OAS (Online Admission System) for Fresh New Science Block
Admission Allama Iqbal Open University, H-8, Islamabad.
iii. Click 'Register'& fill details Contact Ph: 051-9575400
iv. Upon successful registration please click on login
v. Fill login details and login to the portal BS Programme Coordinator
vi. After login click on Step-1 and complete your profile. Department of Physics,
Note: All tabs should be filled before applying for New Science Block
admissions. Allama Iqbal Open University, H-8, Islamabad.
i. After completion of Step-1, click on Step-2 then click on Contact Ph: 051-9575426
"Download Challan" against program (s) you wish to
ii. Pay the admission form fee as per AIOU prescribed
1. Prof. Dr. Syed Zafar Ilyas
criteria through selected bank branches or online
payment methods. Professor / Chairman
iii. After admission fee confirmation, you will be called Ph: 051–9575400
through SMS to visit the department for verification of 2. Dr. Syed Raza Ali Raza
your credentials. Associate Professor
Ph: 051–9575418
3. Dr. Surayya Mukhtar GENERAL INFORMATION
Assistant Professor i. The certificates/degrees of AIOU are equivalent to any
Ph: 051–9575423 other recognized Board/University.
4. Dr. Ather Hassan ii. A candidate is required to submit complete admission
form and upload scan documents through online system
Assistant Professor before or on the closing date.
Ph: 051-9575425 iii. If an applicant of post-graduate/research level programme
5. Dr. Muhammad Tariq Jan does not receive any information regarding admission
within three months from submission of application, he/she
Assistant Professor should presume non-selected.
Ph: 051-9575426 iv. A course taken by any student cannot be changed during
the semester.
6. Dr. Abdul Jalil v. The address of a student will not be changed during the
Assistant Professor semester.
Ph: 051-9575424 vi. Admission to courses for both the Spring and Autumn
semesters are generally being offered in the months of
7. Dr. Zulfiqar Ali Shah January and July, respectively, whereas, examinations
Assistant Professor commenced in November and May respectively. The
Ph: 051-9575427 continuing students will enroll online on AIOU website
and deposit fee within due date.
8. Ms. Hareem Mufti vii. On payment of the registration fee, each student will be
Lecturer issued a student ID. This number must be quoted in all
Ph: 051-9575433 the future correspondence along with the Student,
course(s), code numbers and semester.
9. Ms. Uzma Nosheen viii. Study material shall be available on university website.
Lecturer University will not provide hard copy of books.
ix. Rules and regulations framed, enhanced and changed
Ph: 051-9057225 from time to time by the authorities, bodies of the
10. Dr. Tayyaba Aftab university will be effective as deemed necessary. The
Lecturer student will have to abide by all such rules and
regulations from the date of their implementation.
Ph: 051-9575431 x. A student who fails in continuous assessment component
is not eligible to reappear but will be allowed to re-enroll
for the same course at its next offering semester by the xix. If found that candidate submitted forged/fake illegal
university. documents(s) in the University at any stage.
xi. It is the responsibility of the student to remain in touch Note: Withdrawal/ Invalid/ Revoke/ Quash of degree/ diploma/
with the department regarding the selected certificate for the reasons listed above (xvii-xix) shall be made
programme. any time with no legal restriction of time period. This action
xii. A student already admitted to a programme or a shall not be challengeable in the court(s) or at any legal forum.
specialization of a programme shall not be allowed to
transfer or to get admission to another programme PROCEDURE FOR DEPOSITING FEE
unless he/she formally postpones, it till the completion • Applicants will deposit admission processing fee (Rs.500)
of the new programme or withdraw from the previous in designated banks or through Telcos.
programme. • Eligible candidates for (Merit Based Programmes) are
xiii. After completion of a programme successfully, a required to deposit admission fee in any branch of the
student has to apply to Controller of Examinations for following banks:
issuance of certificate/degree. 1. First Women Bank Limited (FWBL)
xiv. The university reserves the right to change contents of this 2. Allied Bank Limited (ABL)
prospectus without any prior notice as per university policy. 3. Muslim Commercial Bank (MCB)
xv. In case of discrepancies in the name of student/ Father’s 4. United Bank Limited (UBL)
name of the student or difference in name mentioned in • Fee can also be Deposited through Jazz Cash, Easy Paisa
his/her other educational certificates, the name on the and Upaisa Mobile App/USSD String *786#, Retailer
Matric certificate of the student will be considered as Agent, Franchise and Branches of Mobilink, Telenor and
correct name. The Examination Department shall also Ubank. For more detail please visit university website.
issue certificate/ degree on the said name. • The Banks/Mobile App/Retailer Agents/Franchise/Branches
xvi. In case provision of forged documents for admission, will provide Transaction ID of deposited fee.
not only the admission will be refused to the applicant
but the fee deposited by him/her will also be forfeited. Note: Beware that University has not authorized any person or
The university may proceed further in the matter. private institute to collect payment/forms. All the students are
xvii. If any mistake found in compilation or declaration of instructed to deposit fee by themselves in designated bank
result at any stage. branches. In case of any discrepancy in admission
xviii. If any candidate found ineligible for a fee/admission form the University will not be responsible and
degree/diploma/certificate during the cross verification the student will have to face the consequences.
process of result and documents at any stage.
PROCEDURE OF FEE DEPOSIT account. There are no transactions charges, if student use this
THROUGH TELECOS mode to pay his/her fee. Following is the procedure of fee
Easypaisa payment through USSD string *786#
Through Easypaisa App 1. Dial *786#
2. Select “4” (Payments)
The account may be created after downloading the Easypaisa 3. Select “7” (Fee Collections)
Mobile App from Playstore. For using this mode, student 4. Select “99” (Next)
must have balance equal to his/her payable fee in Easypaisa 5. Select “AIOU”
mobile account. There are no transactions charges, if 6. Enter Challan No.
student use this mode to pay his/her fee. Following is the 7. Screen will show the payable amount & due date
procedure of fee payment through Easypaisa App. 8. Enter Mobile Account PIN
1. Login to Easypaisa App 9. Fee will be Paid and student will receive confirmation SMS
2. Press “View All” from 3737
3. In “Payment” Section, select “Fee Collection” 10. Student will write Transaction ID and “Paid via
4. Select “AIOU” Easypaisa786 String” on the challan and admission form.
5. Enter “Challan Number” Further, students are advised to keep the confirmation SMS
6. Easypaisa App will show the payable amount & due date save in phone until the receipt of intimation of admission
7. Press “Pay Now” confirmation from AIOU.
8. Fee will be Paid and student will receive confirmation
SMS from 3737 Through Easypaisa Retailer (Agent) Shop/Telenor
9. Student will write Transaction ID and “Paid via Franchise / Telenor Bank Branches
Easypaisa App” on the challan and admission form.
Students are advised to keep the confirmation SMS save Fee can also be paid by visiting any Easypaisa Agent shop,
in phone until the receipt of intimation of admission Telenor franchise and Telenor Microfinance Bank branch. For
confirmation from AIOU. using this mode, student has to pay Rs.15 per transaction in
addition to the payable fee. Following is the fee payment
Through USSD String *786#
procedure through this mode:
The Easypaisa mobile wallet account may be created by 1. Student may visit any nearest Easypaisa Retailer (Agent)
dialing *786#. For using this mode, student must have Shop, Telenor franchise or Telenor Microfinance Bank
balance equal to his/her payable fee in Easypaisa mobile branch
2. Student will inform the retailer/franchisee/teller that 1. Login to Upaisa App
he/she wish to pay fee of AIOU 2. Please click on “Payments”
3. Retailer/Franchisee/Teller will ask the student to share 3. Click on “AIOU”
CNIC number, Mobile Number & Challan Number 4. Enter “Challan Number”
4. Retailer/Franchisee/Teller will enter the Challan Number 5. Upaisa App will show the payable amount
in his Easypaisa Tab/system 6. Press “Pay Now”
5. Tab/System will show the payable amount & due date 7. Fee will be Paid and student will receive confirmation SMS
6. Student will hand-over the fee amount to retailer/ 8. Student will write Transaction ID and “Paid via Upaisa
franchisee/teller App” on the challan and admission form. Students are advised
7. Once the fee amount is handed over, the retailer/ to keep the confirmation SMS save in phone until the receipt of
franchisee/teller will process the fee transaction intimation of admission confirmation from AIOU.
8. Fee will be paid and student will receive confirmation
SMS from 3737 on mobile number. Transaction charges Through USSD String *786#
will be mentioned in the confirmation SMS The Upaisa mobile wallet account may be created by dialing
9. Student will write Transaction ID and “Paid via *786#. For using this mode, student must have balance equal to
Easypaisa Agent/Franchisee/Teller” on the challan and his/her payable fee in Upaisa mobile account. There are no
admission form. Bank stamp will be embossed only in transactions charges, if student use this mode to pay his/her
case the fee is paid through Telenor Microfinance Bank fee. Following is the procedure of fee payment through USSD
branches. Further students are advised to keep the string *786#
confirmation SMS save in phone until the receipt of 1. Dial *786#
intimation of admission confirmation from AIOU. 2. Select “Payments”
3. Select “AIOU”
Upaisa 4. Enter Challan No.
Through Upaisa App 5. Screen will show the payable amount
6. Student will enter his/her Mobile Number and PIN
The account may be created after downloading the Upaisa 7. Fee will be Paid &student will receive confirmation SMS
Mobile App from Playstore. For using this mode, student 8. Student will write Transaction ID and “Paid via
must have balance equal to his/her payable fee in Upaisa Upaisa786 String” on the challan and admission form.
mobile account. There are no transactions charges, if Students are advised to keep the confirmation SMS save in
student use this mode to pay his/her fee. Following is the phone until the receipt of intimation of admission
procedure of fee payment through Upaisa App. confirmation from AIOU
Through Upaisa Agent Shop/Ufone Franchise /PTCS the receipt of intimation of admission confirmation from
OSS/U Microfinance Bank Branches AIOU.
Fee can also be paid by visiting any Upaisa Agent shop, Jazz Cash (Through Jazzcash App)
Ufone franchise, PTCL One stop shop (OSS) and U The account may be created after downloading the Jazzcash
Microfinance Bank branch. For using this mode, student has Mobile App from Playstore. For using this mode, student must
to pay Rs.15 per transaction in addition to the payable fee. have balance equal to his/her payable fee in Jazzcash mobile
Following is the fee payment procedure through this mode. account. There are no transactions charges, if student use this
1. Student may visit any nearest Upaisa Retailer (Agent) mode to pay his/her fee. Following is the procedure of fee
Shop, Ufone Franchise, PTCL OSS or U Microfinance payment through Jazzcash App.
Bank branch 1. Login to Jazzcash App
2. Student will inform the retailer/franchisee/teller that 2. Please click on “Education Fee”
he/she wish to pay fee of AIOU 3. Select “Universities” from the Menu
3. Retailer/Franchisee/Teller will ask the student to share 4. Select “AIOU” from the Sub Menu
CNIC number, Mobile Number & Challan Number 5. Enter “Challan Number”
4. Retailer/Franchisee/Teller will enter the Challan Number 6. Jazzcash App will show the payable amount and due date
in his Upaisa Tab/system 7. Enter MPIN
5. Tab/System will show the payable amount & due date 8. Fee will be Paid &student will receive confirmation SMS
6. Student will hand-over the fee amount to retailer/ 9. Student will write Transaction ID and “Paid via Jazzcash
App” on the challan and admission form. Students are
franchisee/ teller advised to keep the confirmation SMS save in phone until the
7. Once the fee amount is handed over, the retailer/ receipt of intimation of admission confirmation from AIOU.
franchisee/teller will process the fee transaction
8. Fee will be paid and student will receive confirmation Through USSD String *786#
SMS on mobile number. Transaction charges will be
mentioned in the confirmation SMS. The Jazzcash mobile wallet account may be created by dialing
9. Student will write Transaction ID and “Paid via Upaisa *786#. For using this mode, student must have balance equal to
his/her payable fee in Jazzcash mobile account. There are no
Agent/Franchisee/Teller” on the challan and admission transactions charges, if student use this mode to pay his/her
form. Bank stamp will be embossed only in case the fee is fee. Following is the procedure of fee payment through
paid through U Microfinance Bank branches. Students are USSD string *786#
advised to keep the confirmation SMS save in phone until 1. Dial *786#
2. Select “Payments” 7. Once the fee amount is handed over, the retailer/
3. Select “Education Payments” franchisee/teller will process the fee transaction
4. Select “AIOU” 8. Fee will be paid and student will receive confirmation SMS
on mobile number. Transaction charges will be mentioned
5. Enter Challan No. in the confirmation SMS
6. Screen will show the payable amount 9. Student will write Transaction ID and “Paid via Jazzcash
7. Enter MPIN Agent/Franchisee/Teller” on the challan and admission
8. Fee will be Paid &student will receive confirmation SMS form. Bank stamp will be embossed only in case the fee is
9. Student will write Transaction ID and “Paid via paid through Mobilink Microfinance Bank branches.
Jazzcash786 String” on the challan and admission form. Students are advised to keep the confirmation SMS save in
Students are advised to keep the confirmation SMS save phone until the receipt of intimation of admission
confirmation from AIOU.
in phone until the receipt of intimation of admission
confirmation from AIOU. Admission form (Original) to be sent to Directorate of
Through Jazzcash Agent Shop/Jazz Franchise /Mobilink Admission and Mailing through Post Office or any other
Microfinance Bank Branches courier service.
Note: Beware that University has not authorized any person or
Fee can also be paid by visiting any Jazzcash Agent shop, private institute to collect payment/forms. All the students are
Jazz franchise and Mobilink Microfinance Bank branch. For instructed to deposit fee by themselves in designated bank
using this mode, student has to pay Rs.20 per transaction in branches. In case of any discrepancy in admission fee/
addition to the payable fee. Following is the fee payment
procedure through this mode. admission form the University will not be responsible and the
1. Student may visit any nearest Jazzcash Retailer (Agent) student will have to face the consequences.
Shop, Jazz Franchise or Mobilink Microfinance Bank
2. Student will inform the retailer/franchisee/teller that
he/she wish to pay fee of AIOU i. The Applicant/candidate/student who has submitted his/her
3. Retailer/Franchisee/Teller will ask the student to share fee for Admissions but does not wish to continue and
CNIC number, Mobile Number & Challan Number applied for refund of fee before the start of his/her study
4. Retailer/Franchisee/Teller will enter the Challan Number period as per Academic Calendar available on the AIOU
in his Jazzcash Tab/system website corresponding to his/her respective semester i.e
5. Tab/System will show the payable amount & due date Autumn or Spring, the fees will be refunded after the
6. Student will hand-over the fee amount to retailer/ deduction @ 10% of the total fee.
ii. The Applicant/Candidate who was not eligible but DISABILITY COORDINATORS:
deposited the fee for admission and applied for refund
within one year from the date of fee deposit, the fee shall In compliance with Higher Education Commission
be refunded after deduction @15% of total fee. (HEC) revised policy i.e., “Policy for students with
iii. The student who has deposited his/her fee in excess of disabilities at HEIs in Pakistan 2021”, the following
due fee that total excess amount shall be refunded or Officers have been appointed as Disability Coordinators
adjusted as the case may be. to facilitate the students with disabilities at AIOU.
iv. The Treasurer Department shall verify the fee of students
and shall send the case to the Audit Department for pre-
Sr.# Name of the Officer Telephone Nos.
v. The cheque will be issued to the candidate by the Campus Dr. Hira Ibrahim
1. 051-9571110
Payment Section (CPS), Treasurer’s Department. Medical Officer
vi. In the case of death, the full fee will be refunded through Mr. Umair Bin Nadeem, Assistant
crossed cheque in favour of the Blood Relative of deceased 2. Director Press & Media, Directorate of 051-9571372
student, after fulfilling all the codal formalities. The refund Public Relations
case must be submitted within one year of fee deposit.
vii. In case the students who are not allowed/granted IMPORTANT TELEPHONE NUMBERS
admission to a program offered by the University due to Sr.# Name Telephone Nos.
less enrollment/non formation of viable group/non 051-9250043
1. Director Admissions
offering of courses, full fee will be refunded to them. 051-9250162 (Fax)
viii. If the admission of an Applicant/Candidate is not 2. Controller of Examinations 051-9250012
matured due to any reason beyond the control of the 3. Director Students Affairs 051-9250174
ix. University or due to unforeseen issues, the whole paid 4. Admission (Postgraduate) 051-9571547
fee, without any deductions shall be refunded to the Helpline: (051) 111 112 468
respective applicant/candidate. The refund case must be Help Desk:
submitted within one year of fee deposit.
Note: This service is not intended for secure transactions such as banking, social media, email, or purchasing. Use at your own risk. We assume no liability whatsoever for broken pages.
Alternative Proxies: