MA Education
MA Education / M.Ed
Dear Student,
Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) is one of the mega universities of the world and it occupies
a unique position in the education sector of Pakistan. Because of its affordability and high-quality
distance and online academic programs. AIOU has now turned into the most favorite university of
the country with high international repute. The university made a landmark progress by ensuring
access to quality education rural areas under-privileged students for the people of all ages
particularly the females can now select and join the programs of their choice while sitting at their
residence and along with continuing their jobs. More than 1.3 million students are getting benefits
from the high-quality educational services of AIOU in all regions of the country through more than
fifty regional offices of the university. AIOU offers many undergraduate and Post Graduate
programs at rural and remote areas providing an unparalleled opportunity to all the poor and
deprived sections of the society at an affordable cost. After assessing the success of many degree
programs in Pakistan, AIOU is successfully offering multiple degree programs for International/overseas students. AIOU values
the presence of International/Overseas students and recognizes the important role they play in the life of AIOU. In recent years
we have established cross institutional cooperation’s with many countries across the globe. The university has recently digitalized
all its student-support services for facilitating its students on priority basis. This digitization of the system, it is hoped, will enable
AIOU students to get all kinds of educational support online by using their Learning Management system (LMS) portal.
Minimum and Maximum Duration/Semesters for each Programme
International & Overseas Students Shall Submit Their Admission Using Online System.
Here we will share/guide you how to fill up the online admission form for Post Graduate Diploma(s):
• First open our website in any Browser WWW.AIOU.EDU.PK you will be at this page/window.
• On next window you will find following Four Options.
1. Admissions for Fresh Students
2. Enrolment for Continuing Students (will start from 16 August 2021)
3. Download Prospectus (For National Students)
4. Download Prospectus (For International and Overseas Students)
Please click option 4 if you want to read or download the prospectus otherwise click on option 1 to fill-up online admission form Click
on Admission for Fresh Applicants.
On clicking Admission for Fresh Applicants, you can view the window as shown in picture. Here you will have to create your account with your
email (Phone number option is not available for international and overseas students).
• Please click on Create Account.
On creating account with email, you will receive a CODE through your email. Write down that code at this page and proceed further.
• On successful creation of your account with AIOU you will have to sign in with your email and password as per shown example:
After Clicking the Login Button you will sign in to your University Account.
• Click on Apply for New Program. You will see two options Face to face Programs and Open Distance Learning Programs.
• Click Open Distance Learning Program.
All International and Overseas Students filling the Program of Study Portion shall select INTERNATIONAL in their Program Type as shown in
the picture:
On Next Window you will find an option to choose your degree program in which you want to get admission.
Students wishful to apply for B. ED (1.5-Year) Program shall select Option-4 ODL-BED1.5 as shown in the above picture.
While all those students who are applying for other 2.5Years and 4-Years B.E.D programs shall select Option-5 ODL-BA/BS/AD/BED4 as
shown in the picture below:
• After selecting your desired degree program; you will be at the new window there you will have to fill up the required information.
• For Post Graduate Diploma’s fill-up, the information on this page, i. e. your last degree information. Under Degree Type click Degree
and under Degree Level click 12 years of education. Under DEGREE click relevant option. Then your Preference/Major click
relevant option and then under Board/university select your university from which you passed your last degree.
• After this you will have to provide INFORMATION about your MARKS. Under Starting Year and Passing Year select the year you
started and passed your degree.
• Under Roll Number type your roll number or registration no of that degree.
• In Exam type Annual or Semester and Grading.
• Then fill up Total Marks and Obtained Marks. Then Division will be auto filled by the system.
• Click one by one on the given options Program of Study, Personal information, Academic Record, Professional Experience, Course
Information, Photographs & Documents and fill up accurately all the requisite information under these headings.
• Applicants of BS(4-Years), Associate degree Programs, B.E.D Programs, Online Certificates and Post Graduate Diplomas will pay their fee
online after filling up their online admission form.
• In Professional Experience students who don’t have any work experience shall click as shown in the picture and click on the save &
continue Section:
• Please upload all required documents in the requisite format in the Photograph & Documents Section:
• At the last step ACCEPT ALL UNDERTAKINGS by clicking on the empty boxes placed on left side of the window and click on the
Submit Application Button:
ALLAMA IQBAL OPEN UNIVERSITY been provided to enable students to access latest information
available through open-source databases.
Allama Iqbal Open University, a mega university was The Directorate of International Collaboration & Exchange is
established in 1974 under an Act of Parliament. The main offering programmes from Secondary School Level to the
campus of the university is situated in sector H-8, Islamabad. Masters’ Degree Programmes to International and Overseas
It was the second open university of the world and the first of Students in diverse disciplines comprised of four faculties i.e
its kind in Asia and Africa. The aim of establishing AIOU was Social Sciences & Humanities, Education, Science, Arabic &
to provide affordable and accessible education through Islamic Studies. AIOU aims to enhance the coverage of quality
distance learning at the doorsteps to those people who could higher education by providing opportunities to those who
not continue their education journey through formal system of cannot attend universities because of inflexible timings, cost,
education. The University (AIOU) operates on semester or cultural barriers. AIOU is delivering online classes to its
system and admits students in Autumn and Spring semesters. International/overseas students. AIOU runs web-based
Undergraduate admissions are offered in both the semesters students, Learning Management System (LMS) namely
where-as postgraduates are offered once a year. The university AAGHI portal, accessible anywhere anytime to deal with
has established study centers across the country where distance academic tasks of its International/overseas students besides
education students are provided necessary guidance by their the National level students. LMS supports a live collaborative
respective tutors. Moreover, the university has established full- platform which adds value to online learning/online
time study centers wherein the students of MBA (IT), MBA examinations of our International/overseas students through
(Banking and Finance), MBA (Marketing), MBA (HRM), BS interactive virtual classrooms and virtual examinations.
(CS), MSc/BS Chemistry, MSc/BS Microbiology etc. are
being provided instructions, guidance, and counselling through Directorate of international Collaboration &
face-to-face education. Exchange
Apart from curricular and extra-curricular activities during the Allama Iqbal Open University is one of the first few
academic year, the AIOU and its regional centers actively universities of the country that has a formal International
participate in the co-curricular activities by arranging Office setup to look after academic linkages and ties with
educational and literary seminars, workshops, and conferences, International Universities.
attended not only by the students and faculties of the university Directorate of International Collaboration & Exchange is
but also by the renowned dignitaries and scholars. For the the first point of contact for International/overseas
science students and the research scholars, a science complex students which handles all international/overseas
has been built where they use the latest equipment of applications as well as provides support services for
international standard for experiments and research. To meet the students at all AIOU regional campuses.
present-day challenges, internet facility is also available in the
student hostels and the Central Library where computers have
FACULTY OF EDUCATION of EPPSL include Postgraduate Diploma, MA (EPM),
The origin of the Faculty of Education pre-dates the university
MPhil and PhD in Education. The courses of these
itself. The National Institute of Education was established in
programmes are attained to the field requirements of
1973 under the Federal Ministry of Education. It became part
target personnel in the areas of educational planning and
of the university in June 1975 as Institute of Education in the
then Faculty of Social Sciences. The progressively extending
Secondary Teacher Education
functions of the Institute brought the needs for structural
The Department of Teacher Education was established in
change and in 1984 it got the status of Faculty of Education.
1985 and was bifurcated into Secondary and Elementary
Teacher Education Departments in July 2003. Its
Departments of Faculty of Education programmes aim at imparting academic and professional
Faculty of Education comprises of the following six knowledge and training to in-services and pre-service
departments: teachers and scholars.
1. Distance, Non-Formal and Continuing Education The programmes/courses of this department comprise
2. Educational Planning, Policy Studies and Leadership MA, MEd & BEd as professional degree programmes.
3. Early Childhood Education & Elementary Teacher The department also offers MPhil and PhD in Education,
Education which are aimed to prepare highly skilled leaderships in
4. Secondary Teacher Education the field of teacher education.
5. Science Education Early Childhood Education & Elementary
6. Special Education Teacher Education
The department was established in 1984 and was renamed as The Department of Elementary Teacher Education was
Distance, Non-Formal and Continuing Education in 2008. established in 2003. In April 2008, the name of Elementary
It offers specialized degree programmes/courses in Teacher Education Department was changed as Early
Distance Non-Formal and Continuing Education, Adult Childhood Education and Elementary Teacher Education
Education and Educational Technology at MA Department.
Education, MEd, MPhil, and PhD in Education. It also The Department offers Associate Degree in Education,
offers courses at BA level.
Educational Planning, Policy Studies and Leadership Postgraduate Diploma in ECE, BEd (1-½ year), BEd (2-
(EPPSL) ½), BEd (4 year), MEd, MPhil and PhD programmes. It
The department was established in 1976 was renamed as also offers “Education” as subject at Matric, Intermediate
EPPSL in 2008. It offers programmes in educational & Graduate level. The department plans to offer non-
planning and management. These programmes are aimed credit research courses and postgraduate diploma for
at producing a cadre of professionals for the educational teaching in higher education.
institutions and organizations in the country. Programmes
Science Education PhD in Education with following specializations:
The Department of Science Education was established in Distance and Non-Formal Education
1988. The programmes and courses of the department are Educational Planning and Management
mainly focused on education and training of mathematics Teacher Education
Special Education
and science teachers. Presently the department offers
Science Education
specialized courses in science education at undergraduate
and postgraduate level. Specialized courses provide MPhil Education with following specializations:
conceptual framework and insight into the teaching of Distance and Non-Formal Education
science. The department also offers MEd, MPhil and PhD Educational Planning & Management
programmes in science education. Elementar
Special Education y Teacher Education
The Department was established in 1985. The department Teacher Education
imparts education and training to teachers for the special children Special Education
in four specialization namely visual impairment, hearing Science Education
impairment, physical disabilities and mental retardation with
particular emphasis to facilitate mainstreaming of special MEd Education with following specializations:
children. Parents of the special children are also admitted to these MEd Distance and Non-Formal Education
programmes. Present programmes/courses of this department MEd Elementary Teacher Education
comprise MEd, MA, MPhil and PhD in the field of Special
MEd Teacher Education
MEd Science Education
MEd Special Education
Programmes of Faculty of Education
The faculty has developed and launched more than 275 courses (up
to Spring 2015 Semester) in various disciplines from SSC to PhD
level programmes. It is now fully recognized by both the
government of Pakistan and International agencies as the prime
national provider of professional education and training at all
International/Overseas Programmes: M.A Educational Planning and Management (M.A - EPM)
Faculty of Education is offering following degree The programme of Educational Planning and Management
programmes for International/Overseas Students at (EPM) is the first master’s degree venture of the Allama Iqbal
Masters’ level: Open University. The early courses of the EPM were launched
in 1976 under the Institute of Education. In 1984, when the
MA Education with following specializations: status of the Institute of Education was raised to the Faculty of
Education the Department of Educational Planning and
MA Educational Planning and Management
Management was created within the Faculty of Education to
MA Teacher Education organize the EPM programmes. The Department of EPM
MA Special Education offers courses of study in the professional areas of Educational
MA EDUCATION PROGRAMMES Planning and Management which are aimed at producing a
MA (Distance and Non-Formal Education) cadre of professionals for educational institutions and
MA (Educational Planning and Management) organizations of the country for all levels of planning and
MA (Education) Teacher Education management jobs.
MA (Special Education)
1) Objectives of Program
All programmes of Faculty of Education are recognized To produce a cadre of professionals for educational institutions
by HEC and accreditation is under process with and other organizations of the country for all levels of
NACTE. managerial and administrative jobs by equipping them with the
knowledge and skills of educational planning and management
4) Semester-wise scheme of study with credit hours 6572 Project Implementation, Monitoring &
1st Semester 3
Evaluation -II
Course 6573 Population Education-I 3
Course title Cr.Hrs
6574 Population Education-II 3
6557 Basic Concept of Education Planning-I 3
510 Research Thesis 12
Basic Concept of Education Planning-
6558 3 826 Elementary Education 3
Plan Implementation and 827 Secondary Education 3
6561 3 828 Higher Education 3
Plan Implementation and 829 Teacher Education 3
6562 3
3rd Semester
2nd Semester
Student can take maximum 06 courses (Courses code 6559, Student can take maximum six courses (Student must complete
6560, 6563, 6564 are compulsory) Student can take maximum EPM (6569, 6560 courses before enrolling in Research Thesis
4 collateral area courses through the programme (Autumn and 510
Course Course Course title Cr.Hrs
Course title Cr.Hrs Code
6559 Processes of Educational Planning-I 3 Basic Concept of Education
6557 3
6560 Processes of Educational Planning-II 3
6558 Basic Concept of Education Planning-II 3
6563 Curriculum Planning and Evaluation-I 3
6561 Plan Implementation and 3
6564 Curriculum Planning & Evaluation-II 3 Management-I
6567 Development Education-I 3 6562 Plan Implementation and 3
6568 Development Education-II 3 Management-II
6565 Economics and Financing of 3
6571 Project Implementation, Monitoring &
3 Education-I
Evaluation -I
6566 Economics and Financing of 3 6574 Population Education-II 3
510 Research Thesis 12
6569 Educational Research and Statistics-I 3
826 Elementary Education 3
6570 Educational Research and Statistics-II 3 827 Secondary Education 3
831 Foundation of Education 3 828 Higher Education 3
837 Educational Research 3 829 Teacher Education 3
4. A student can apply for award of Diploma in EPM after iii. Presentation
completing 30 credit hours courses work required for PGD Nil
iv. Final/mid-term examination
6. A student must opt courses in pair (I & II) (e.g., Process of
Educational Planning-I also take Process of Educational International/overseas students will have to appear in their
Planning-II) online Examinations for one hundred (100) marks final written
7. Student may opt maximum four collateral area courses paper of each course.
(Spring/Autumn) for completion of MA-EPM iv. Application Procedure/Merit Lists/Fee Payment
All International/overseas students shall submit their
5) Award of degree applications online for MA-EPM after submission of the
Master’s degree in educational planning and Management can applications students shall wait for the display of departmental
be awarded only when the students have completed 60 credit merit lists. Students are required to submit their online
hours. admission form with all the relevant attested documents
6) Method of instructions including experience certificates online.
Medium of instructions for MA (EPM) is English. Successful candidates will be informed through email about
International /Overseas students will attend their classes only
online through our Online Learning Management System their merit after that they will have to pay their fee online as
(LMS) and they will submit their assignments online in the per guided method in earlier pages of the prospectus. within
typed form only. stipulate time period.
Fee Tariff of MA EPM
7) Evaluation scheme Registration Fee: (at 1st Admission in 50 US$
Admission Fee: (at 1st Admission in 50US$
i. Assignments University)
Two assignments for each course (100+100 marks) shall be Per 3 credit hours fee: 400US$
submitted online through LMS. 100US$ (100×4) =400US$/-
Total Fee of 1st Semester 500US$
ii. Workshops 9) Research work/thesis project (if Applicable)
Course code 510, Research Thesis 12 credit hours is available
A weeklong online workshop for each course will be held at as an optional course. To take admission in Course Code 510,
the end of each semester. Participation in the workshop is Courses 6569 & 6570 are pre-requisite.
MA (Education) Teacher Education
1st Semester 18 Credits Hours
Eligibility S. Code Course Credit
Applicant having Bachelor’s degree with minimum 45% No. Title Hours
marks (2nd division) from any well recognized institution. 1 6500 Foundations of Education 3
2 837 Educational Research 3
Objectives 3 6501 Educational Psychology & Guidance 3
The programme intends to achieve the following specific 4 6503 Curriculum and Instruction 3
objectives: 5 6505 Islamic System of Education 3
1. To produce highly skilled, proficient, and competent 6 6507 Educational Measurement and 3
professionals who can positively influence and motivate Evaluation
the vast majority of classroom teachers at all levels.
2. To inculcate research skills to initiate research at grass root 2nd Semester 18 Credits Hours
1 6508 Teaching of English 3
3. To enable educators with professional vision through the 2 827 Secondary Education 3
intensive study of new developments, trends, and 3 828 Higher Education 3
directions in the field of education in the light of modern 4 829 Teacher Education in Pakistan 3
scientific and technical advancement. AND
4. To produce teachers who can make positive contribution Please select any one cluster from the following two clusters.
1 6509 Teaching of Urdu 3
to the wholesome growth and development of the
2 6511 Teaching of Pakistan Studies 3
individual by enabling him/her to understand how to learn,
how to live together and how to work cooperatively as
members of the group in team spirit. 1 6515 Teaching of Mathematics 3
5. To produce teachers who can play the role of effective 2 6516 Teaching of Physics 3
organizers of teaching and learning activities.
Breakup of Programme
MA Education (Specialization in Teacher Education)
Programme comprises of 20 courses (60 credit hours)
with the following details:
3rd Semester 12 Credits Hours upon availability. The students will be informed about it
1 6502 Educational Management and Supervision 3 in the continuing student form/letter at the beginning of
2 6506 Education in Pakistan 3 each semester.
3 6554 Workshop and Teaching Practice-I 3 3. The department may change the course or their sequence.
4 6555 Workshop and Teaching Practice-II 3 4. A student can obtain MA Education specialization in
Student cannot take the course 6555 before 6554. Enrollment Teacher Education after completing course work
in 6554 is prerequisite for course 6555. equivalent to 60 credits.
1. The department will provide detail of online workshops
2. Courses offering in the pedagogical/ collaterals
specialization and alternate courses of thesis will depend
MA Special Education 2nd Semester
(Students can take any specialization area of 12 credit
Objectives of the MA Special Education programmes are as: A. VISUAL IMPAIRMENT
1. To acquaint the teachers of special children with latest 3601 Braille Practical Course—Urdu 3
curricula, teaching techniques and methodologies. 3602 Braille Practical Course—English 3
2. To meet country’s increasing demand of trained 677 Independence Training for Visually 3
specialized manpower in Special Education at all levels. Handicapped.
3. To develop attitude and behavior appropriate for special 678 Special Education for Visually Handicapped 3
educational personnel enabling them to meet individual Note: Students enrolled in courses 3601 and 3602 will
students and group needs. arrange Slate/Braille Frame and Braille papers by
Applicant having Bachelor’s degree or 14 years of education 680 General Introduction to the Hearing impairment 3
with minimum 45% marks (second division) from any 681 Psychology of Deafness & Child Development 3
HEC/Internationally recognized university/institute. 682 Speech and Hearing 3
683 Audiology and Audiometry 3
Breakup of Programme: C. MENTAL RETARDATION
MA Special Education Programme comprises 60 credit 3603 Introduction and Assessment of Mentally 3
hours with the following details. Retarded Children-I
3604 Introduction and Assessment of Mentally 3
1st Semester 18 Credits Hours Retarded Children-II
S. Course Credit 3605 Education of Mentally Retarded Children-I 3
No. Title Hours 3606 Education of Mentally Retarded Children-II 3
1 671 Educational Psychology 3 D. PHYSICAL DISABILITY
2 672 Perspectives of Special Education 3 3607 Physical Handicaps-I 3
3 673 Handicapped Person in the Community 3 3608 Physical Handicaps-II 3
4 831 Foundations of Education 3 3609 Educational Adaptations for Children with 3
5 837 Educational Research 3 Physical Disabilities-I
6 838 Curriculum Development & Instruction 3 3610 Educational Adaptations for Children with 3
Physical Disabilities-II
3rd Semester 18 Credit hours 3602 Braille Practical Course English 03
S.# Code Course Cr.Hrs. 677 Independence Training for the visually 03
Title Handicapped
1 3611 Organization and Management of 3 678 Special Education for the Visually 03
Special Schools-I Handicapped Children
2 3612 Organization and Management of 3 b. Hearing Impairment
Special Schools-II 680 General Introducing to the Hearing 03
3 3613 Community Based Rehabilitation of 3 Impairment
People with Disabilities-I 681 Psychology of Deafness and Child 03
4 3614 Community Based Rehabilitation of 3 Development
People with Disabilities-II 682 Speech and Hearing 03
5 3600 Face to Face Component 3 683 Audiology and Audiometry 03
6 846 Teaching Strategies 3 c. Mental Retardation
3603 Introduction and Assessment of Mentally 03
Note: - Course code 3600 comprises three components: Retarded Children-I
i) 6 days online workshops 3604 Introducing and Assessment of Mentally 03
ii) teaching practice of 40 lessons in special schools/centers Retarded Children –II
3605 Education of the Mentally Retarded 03
iii) Final lessons.
Children –I
Student who fails or absents in any one component 3606 Education of the Mentally Retarded 03
will be declared fail in the course and must take fresh Children –II
admission in this course. d. Physical Disabilities
4th Semester 3607 Physical Handicaps-I 03
694 Thesis 12
3608 Physical Handicaps-II 03
OR 3609 Education Adaptation for Children with 03
Any 12 credit hours master level courses from the Physical Disabilities-I
courses offered by Faculty of Education and not 3610 Education Adaptation for Children with 03
attempted previously by the student. Physical Disabilities-II
a. Visual Impairment
3601 Braille Practical Course Urdu 03
e. Other Courses Offered by the Faculty Fee Tariff of MA Education
826 Elementary Education 03 Fee Tariff of MA SPECIAL EDUCATION
827 Secondary Education 03
828 Higher Education 03 Registration Fee: (at 1st Admission in 50 US$
829 Teacher Education in Pakistan 03 Admission Fee: (at 1st Admission in 50US$
833 Students Support Services 03 University)
834 Educational Technology 03 Per 3 credit hours fee: 600US$
835 Foundations of Adult Education 03 100US$ (100×6) =600US$/-
Total Fee of 1st Semester 700US$
841 Educational Measurement and Evaluation 03
842 Concepts and Method of Distance 03
Programme Coordinators (MA/PGD Education) Specialization
843 Educational Guidance & Counseling 03
851 The System of Distance Education 03 1. Distance and Non-Formal Education
852 Broadcast Media in Distance Education 03 Dr. Aftab Ahmed Ph: 051-9057720
853 Non-Broadcast Media in Distance 03 Email: aftab.ahmed@aiou.edu.pk
Education 2. Educational Planning and Management
854 Development Material for Distance and 03 Ms. Tahira Bibi
Non Formal Education Ph: 051-9057715 / 051-9057717
Email: tahira.naushahi@aiou.edu.pk
Chairperson 3. Secondary Teacher Education
Department of Special Education Dr. Tooba Saleem
AIOU, Sector H – 8, Islamabad.
Ph: 051-9057890
Ph: 051-9057853
Email: tooba.saleem@aiou.edu.pk
MA-DISTANCE AND NON-FORMAL following details:
EDUCATION (DNFE) 1st Semester 18 Credits Hours
S. Course Credit
Eligibility Course Title
No. Code Hours
(Applicant having Bachelor degree with minimum 45% marks 1 831 Foundations of Education 3
(second division) from any HEC recognized institution. 2 837 Educational Research 3
3 838 Curriculum Development & 3
Objectives Instruction
Objectives of the programme are: 4 840 Educational Psychology 3
1. To provide insight of education and meet the present and 5 846 Teaching Strategies 3
future needs and challenges involved in teaching and 6 855 Computer in Education 3
learning process.
2. To produce educators/ teachers with professional vision
2nd Semester 18 Credits Hours
and update their knowledge about new developments and
S. Course Credit
trends in the field of Distance and Non-Formal Education. Course Title
No. Code Hours
3. To keep the students abreast with latest curricula, teaching 1 833 Student Support Services in
techniques, strategies and methodologies. Distance Education
3rd Semester 12 Credits Hours
S. Course Credit Fee Tariff of MA Education
Course Title Fee Tariff of MA DNFE
No. Code Hours
1 844 Non-Formal Education 3
2 845 Educational Administration & Registration Fee: (at 1st Admission in 50 US$
3 University)
Supervision Admission Fee: (at 1st Admission in 50US$
3 847 Adult Education in Comparative University)
Perspective Per 3 credit hours fee: 600US$
4 851 System of Distance Education 3 100US$ (100×6) =600US$/-
Total Fee of 1st Semester 700US$
5 857 Thesis 12
MEd PROGRAMME 3 854 Developing Material for DNFE 3
SPECIALIZATION IN 4 834 Educational Technology 3
EDUCATION) 5 841 Educational Measurement and Evaluation 3
6 846 Teaching Strategies 3
Applicant having Bachelor’s degree and BEd/BSEd with OR
minimum 45% marks (2nd division) in both degrees from any 1 852 Broadcast Media in DNFE 3
HEC recognized institution.
2 854 Developing Material for DNFE 3
of Studies 3 839 Thesis 12
1 Semester: 18 Credit Hours
S. Code Course Title Credit
No. Hours For any information, please contact:
Chairman Distance, Non-Formal & Continuing Education
1 831 Foundations of Education 3 Department AIOU, Sector H-8, Islamabad
2 837 Educational Research 3 Ph: 9057706
MEd Programme 5 629 Guidance & Counselling in 3
Elementary School
Specialization in (Elementary Teacher Education) 6 626 Elementary Teacher Education 3
Eligibility OR
i. Applicant having bachelor’s degree and BEd/BSEd with 1 625 Perspective of Elementary Education 3
minimum 45% marks (2nd division) in both degrees from 2 627 ICT in Education 3
any HEC/Internationally recognized institution. 3 699 Thesis 12
ii. According to AIOU Rules overseas graduates of B.Ed
(Arabic) have to pass 651 and all compulsory courses of Note: Course offering will depend on its availability. The
B.Ed (General) along with- BA (with English) to be department may change the sequence of courses’ offering. For
eligible for M.Ed Admission in Next offering it will be each 3-credit course there will be an online workshop for two
also mentioned in prospectus. days. There will be one week workshop for thesis. The
1st Semester: 18 Credit Hours workshop will be organized according to the guidelines of the
S. Credit department. Instead of thesis, the student may take courses of
Code Course Title 12 credit hours.
No. Hours
1 840 Educational Psychology 3
2 826 Elementary Education 3 For any information, please contact:
3 838 Curriculum Development and 3
Instruction Chairman
4 1627 Classroom Assessment 3 Early Childhood Education & Elementary Teacher
5 837 Educational Research 3 Education Department, AIOU, Islamabad.
6 622 Elementary School Management 3
Ph: 051-9057718, 051-9057719
2nd Semester: 18 Credit Hours
S. Cod Credit
Course Title
No. e Hours
1 625 Perspective of Elementary Education 3
2 627 ICT in Education 3
3 831 Foundations of Education 3
4 623 Teaching Strategies at Elementary 3
MEd Programme M.Ed Programme
Specialization in (Teacher Education) Specialization in (Science Education)
Eligibility Eligibility
Applicant having bachelor’s degree and BEd/BSEd with BSc with BEd (at least 2nd Div) OR BS ED (2nd Div) OR BSCS
minimum 45% marks (2nd division) in both degrees from any with BEd, BS Engineering / Medical / all science related areas
HEC/Internationally recognized institution. with BEd (Science).
Scheme of Studies
1st Semester: 18 Credit Hours Scheme of Studies
Code Course Title Cr. Hrs 1st Semester:
831 Foundations of Education 3 18 Credit Hours
837 Educational Research 3 Code Course Cr. Hrs
838 Curriculum Development and instruction 3 Title
840 Educational Psychology 3 831 Foundations of Education 3
6507 Educational Measurement & Evaluation 3 837 Educational Research 3
6505 Islamic System of Education 3 838 Curriculum Development & Instruction 3
2nd Semester: 18 Credit Hours 840 Educational Psychology 3
826 Elementary Education 3 695 Foundations of Science Education 3
827 Secondary Education 3 696 Teaching Strategies in Science Education 3
828 Higher Education 3 2nd Semester 18 Credit Hours
829 Teacher Education in Pakistan 3 697 Assessment in Science Education 3
6552 Textbook Development-I 3 698 Laboratory Organization, Management 3
6553 Textbook Development-II 3 And Safety Methods
848 Thesis 12
OR in lieu of Thesis
For any information, please contact: 846 Teaching Strategies 3
Chairperson 855 Computers in Education 3
6506 Education in Pakistan 3
Department of Secondary Teacher Education 6507 Educational Measurement & Evaluation 3
AIOU, H-8, Islamabad, Ph: 051-9057705 For any information, please contact:
Incharge/Head of Department Department of Science
Education, Ph: 051-9057249
MEd Programme Specialization Areas:
Specialization in (Special Education) (Any one of the following four specialization)
Applicant having Bachelor’s Degree 2nd Division and 3601 Braille Practical Course-Urdu 3
BEd/BS.Ed with minimum (2nd division) from any 3602 Braille Practical Course-English 3
HEC/Internationally recognized institution. 677 Independence Training for the Visually 3
1st Semester: 18 Credit Hours 678 Special Education for the Visually Handicapped 3
Core Courses Note: Students enrolled in course 3601 & 3602 will
Code Course Credit arrange Slate/ Braille Frame and Braille paper by
Title Hours themselves.
671 Educational Psychology 3 B. HEARING IMPAIRMENT
672 Perspectives of Special Education 3
673 Handicapped Person in the Community 3 680 General Introduction to the Hearing 3
831 Foundations of Education 3 Impairment
837 Educational Research 3 681 Psychology of Deafness & Child 3
838 Curriculum Development and Instruction 3 Development
682 Speech and Hearing 3
2nd Semester: 18 Credit Hours, Specialization
683 Audiology and Audiometry 3
846 Teaching Strategies 3
3603 Introduction and Assessment of 3
3600 Face to Face Component
i. Workshop, 3 Retarded Children-I
ii. Teaching Practice in Special School/ 3604 Introduction and Assessment of Mentally 3
Centers Retarded Children-II
iii. Final Lessons 3605 Education of Mentally Retarded Children-I 3
Note: Student fail or absent in any one of the 3 components 3606 Education of Mentally Retarded Children-II 3
mentioned above will be declared fail in the course. He/she D. PHYSICAL DISABILITIES
will be get enrolled as fresh student in the course. No re-
appear chance. 3607 Physical Handicaps-I 3
3608 Physical Handicaps-II 3
3609 Educational Adaptations for Children 3 Email: farkhanda.rasheed@aiou.edu.pk
with Physical Disabilities-I 3. Secondary Teacher Education
3610 Educational Adaptations for Children 3 Dr. Tooba Saleem
with Physical Disabilities-II
Ph: 051-9057890
Email: tooba.saleem@aiou.edu.pk
Department of Special Education 4. Special Education
Ph: 051-9057859, 051-9250078 Dr. Zahid Majeed
Ph: 051-9057294, 051-9250078
Email: zahid_majeed@aiou.edu.pk
Fee Tarif for First Semester of M. Ed Programmes:
5. Early Childhood Education & Elementary Teacher
st Dr. Muhammad Athar Hussain
Registration Fee: (at 1 Admission in 50 US$ Ph: 051-9057703
University) Email: muhammad.athar@aiou.edu.pk
Admission Fee: (at 1st Admission in 50US$
University) Scheme of Studies
Per 3 credit hours fee: 600US$ Method of Instruction
100US$ (100×6) =600US$/-
Total Fee of 1st Semester In online learning system, the courses are taught through
self- instructional materials, media component (where
Fee Depositing Procedure: applicable), tutorial meetings and workshops.
Eligible candidates for (OPEN MERIT PROGRAMMES) are i) Self-Instructional Material
required to deposit their fee online as per prescribed method The study materials include study guides, allied
given in starting pages of the prospectus. materials, and media support (if any)
ii) Tutorials (if applicable)
Programme Coordinators Tutorials provide useful guidance in the form of
Please contact to concern coordinators, if need, any help lectures, discussions, questions answer sessions and
Specialization in: general clarification of any course related issues if
1. Distance and Non-Formal Education iii) Workshops (Compulsory)
Dr. Amtul Hafeez Ph: 051-9057706 At the end of each semester there will be a
Email: amtulhafeezch@yahoo.com compulsory workshop for each three-credit course.
2. Science Education These may be organized online. The workshops are
Dr. Farkhunda Rasheed Chaudhry compulsory component of each course.
Evaluation Procedure deposit the required fee as intimated by the Directorate of
Procedure to prepare the result of a course is given as under: International Collaboration & Exchange/Admissions
a) Weightage for course assignments and final examination Department.
is 30:70 respectively.
b) Minimum required marks to pass the assignments and 4. At the end of each semester there will be compulsory
final examination are 40% workshops. Each session of the workshop is compulsory.
Aggregate of components should be 40% Students who earn at least 40% marks in assignment
Weightage (30%) of the marks secured 40 x 30 = 12% component will be eligible for workshop. Only those
in course assignments (40%) 100 students who qualify the assignments components and
Weightage (70%) of the marks secured 70 x 40 = 28% workshop will be eligible to take final examination.
in final examination (40%) 100
Total = 40% Attainment of Certificate/Degree
On successful completion of the programme the student
Grading System will have to apply to the Controller of Examinations for
Fail Below 40 % the issuance of diploma/degree. The student may apply
Grade D 40% to 49%
Grade C 50 % to 59% for a single course certificate in case he/she wants to
Grade B 60 % to 69 % discontinue the studies.
Grade A 70% to 79 %
Grade A + (Distinction) 80 % or more
Specific Information
1. The student shall be allowed to pursue only one
programme at a time at AIOU and shall not be allowed to
enroll or appear in a programme of some other recognized
institution during that period.
2. The copyright of the thesis will rest with the university.
However, the student who completed the thesis will be
allowed to publish it after written permission from the
Vice Chancellor.
3. Fee structure of any course/thesis/seminars programme
may be changed without prior information. Student must
FACULTY MEMBERS Associate Professor
Chairpersons of Departments Dr. Muhammad Athar Hussain
1. Dean /Professor Dr. Nasir Mahmood Distance, Non-Formal & Continuing Education
Science Education Department Department, Ph: 051-9057268
Ph: 051-9057719, 051-9057718 Email: Muhammad.athar@aiou.edu.pk
Email: Nasir.mahmood@aiou.edu.pk
Assistant Professors
2. Dr. Tanzila Nabeel 1. Dr. Munazza Ambreen
Special Education Department Secondary Teacher Education Department
Ph: 051-9057853, 051-9250078 Ph: 051-9057713
Email: tanzilanabeel@gmail.com Email: munazza.ambreen@aiou.edu.pk
3. Dr. Naveed Sultana 2. Dr. Azhar Mumtaz Saadi
Secondary Teacher Education Department Educational Planning, Policy Studies & Leadership
Ph: 051-9057890 Department Ph: 051-9057709
Email: drnaveeda@gmail.com Email: azhar.mumtaz@aiou.edu.pk
4. Dr. Muhammad Ajmal Chaudhary 3. Dr. Muhammad Tanveer Afzal
Distance, Non-Formal & Continuing Education Secondary Teacher Education Department
Department Ph: 051-9250055 Ph: 051-9057711
Email: drajmal@aiou.edu.pk Email: tanveer.afzal@aiou.edu.pk
5. Dr. Fazal ur Rehman 4. Dr. Rehmatullah Bhatti
Early Childhood Education & Elementary Teacher Distance, Non-Formal & Continuing Education
Education Department Department Ph: 051-9057706
Ph: 051-9250167 Email: rehmat.ullah@aiou.edu.pk
Email: fazalaiou@yahoo.com
5. Dr. Hafiz Tahir Jameel
6. Dr. Afshan Huma Special Education Department
Educational Planning, Policy Studies & Leadership
Department Ph: 051-9250059 6. Dr. Muhammad Samiullah
Email: afhsan.hum@aiou.edu.pk Early Childhood Education & Elementary Teacher
Education Department
Ph: 051-9057851
7. Dr. Zafar Iqbal Lilla 2. Dr. Zaheer Ahmad
Distance, Non-Formal & Continuing Education Distance, Non-Formal & Continuing Education
Department Ph: 051-9057720 Deptt. Ph: 051-9057720
Email: zafarar72@yahoo.com Email: zaheer.ahmad@aiou.edu.pk
8. Dr. Amtul Hafeez 3. Mr. Arshad Mehmood Qamar
Distance, Non-Formal & Continuing Education Science Education Department Ph: 051-9057168
Department Ph: 051-9057706 Email: arshad.mehmood@aiou.edu.pk
Email: amtulhafeezch@yahoo.com
4. Ms. Tahira Bibi
9. Dr. Sidra Rizwan Educational Planning, Policy Studies & Leadership
Secondary Teacher Education Department Deptt. Ph: 051-9057715 / 051-9057717
Ph: 051-9057707 Email: tahira.naushahi@aiou.edu.pk
Email: sidra.rizwan@aiou.edu.pk
5. Dr. Sarwat Maqbool
10. Dr. Farkhunda Rasheed Ch. Educational Planning, Policy Studies & Leadership
Science Education Department Ph: 051-9057797 Deptt. Ph: 051-9057704
Email: farkhunda.rasheed@aiou.edu.pk Email: sarwatmaqbool@gmail.com
11. Dr. Hina Noor 6. Mr. Hamid Ali Nadeem
Special Education Department Educational Planning, Policy Studies & Leadership
Deptt. Ph: 051-9057709
12. Dr. Naila Naseer Email: hamid.ali@aiou.edu.pk
Distance, Non-Formal & Continuing Education
Deptt. Ph: 051-9057194 7. Dr. Rukhsana Durrani
Email: naila.naseer@aiou.edu.pk Early Childhood Education and Elementary
1. Dr. Aftab Ahmed 8. Ms. Mubeshera Tufail
Distance, Non-Formal & Continuing Education Early Childhood Education and Elementary
Deptt. Ph: 051-9057249 Education
Email: aftab.ahmed@aiou.edu.pk
GENERAL INFORMATION x. A student already admitted to a programme or a
specialization of a programme shall not be allowed to
i. The certificates/degrees of AIOU are equivalent to any transfer or to get admission to another programme unless
other recognized Board/University. he/she formally postpones it till the completion of the new
ii. A course taken by any student cannot change during the programme or withdraws from the previous programme.
semester. However, in real hardship cases, the change in xi. After completion of a programme successfully, a student
courses will be allowed by Director Admission within has to apply to Controller of Examinations for issuance of
fifteen days after deposit of prescribed fee. certificate/degree as per guided process by the Directorate
iii. The address of a student will not be changed during the of International Collaboration & Exchange.
semester. xii. The university reserves the right to change contents of this
iv. Admission to courses for both the Spring and Autumn prospectus without any prior notice as per university policy.
semesters are generally offered in the months of March xiii. Online admission forms incomplete in any respect will not
and September, respectively, whereas, examinations be entertained and after closure of admissions students
commenced in November and May respectively. would be informed about the deficiency in clear terms with
Admission schedule is announced on University website advice to request for refund of fee.
https://aiou.edu.pk during this period. The students are xiv. Online admission form received without prescribed fee less
required to submit their online application for admission fee or fee deposited after due date will not be considered.
as per schedule. xv. In case of discrepancies in the name of student/ Father’s
v. Fee cannot be refunded once paid for admission nor can it name of the student or difference in name mentioned in
be adjusted for any other programme. his/her other educational certificates, the name on the
vi. On payment of the registration fee, each student will be Matric certificate of the student will be considered as
issued a registration number. The registration number correct name. The Examination Department shall also issue
must be quoted in all the future correspondence along with certificate/ degree on the said name.
the roll number, course(s), code numbers and semester. xvi. In case provision of forged documents for admission, not
vii. Rules and regulations framed, enhanced and changed only the admission will be refused to the applicant but the
from time to time by the authorities, bodies of the fee deposited by him/her will also be forfeited. The
university will be effective as applicable. The student university may proceed further in the matter.
must abide by all such rules and regulations from the date xvii. International students having international degree
of their implementation. equivalent to SSC/HSSC degree are required to get it
viii. A student who fails in continuous assessment component verified by the IBCC and provide the equivalence
is not eligible to reappear but will be allowed to re-register certificate to AIOU.
for the same course at its next offering semester by the
ix. It would be responsibility of the student to remain in touch
with the department regarding the selected programme.
Availability of Learning Material 8. Save the Order ID in your record till confirmation of your
i. Learning material can be downloaded from university
ii. All learning material would be available online for The students who have submitted their fees
international/overseas students after the commencement of for Admission but do not wish to continue
classes. and have applied for refund of fee will be
iii. Student shall download the learning material and tally with refunded after deduction @ 10% of total fee.
the course codes for which he/she had been registered in The student who was not eligible but deposited fee for
the semester. Admission, the fee shall be refunded after deduction @
iv. Students can get their learning material through AAGHI 15% of total fee.
LMS portal.
The students who have deposited their fee in excess of
due fee the total excess amount shall be refunded
Procedure for Fee Payment adjusted as the case may be.
International and Overseas Students will have to pay their fee The Treasurer Department shall verify the fee
Online as per Guided Procedure: of students and shall send the case to the audit
1. Go to olpay.aiou.edu.pk for pre-audit.
2. Enter challan number and click on "search" button.
3. Check & tally your challan details with the generated challan Cheque will be issued to the candidate by the
then click on "submit fee" button. campus payment section, Treasurer
4. Enter credit/debit card number, card holder name, expiry and Department.
CVV code (mentioned on back side of card). Admission fee will be refunded/ adjusted
5. Click on "pay now" button. maximum up to one year.
6. A successful payment notification will be appeared with an Refund of Fee for all international and
Order ID. overseas students is subject to the University
7. Write Order ID and Transaction Date on the space given policy time to time.
1. The University must have received the fees in its bank 6. If the University makes an offer on the basis of
account. incorrect or incomplete information, misstatements,
concealment of facts, fake certificates or use of any
2. All refund requests must be submitted on the Fee Refund other unfair means by the applicant/ student, the
Application form.Deposit Slip, any other record of fee and admission will be cancelled, and refund will not be
ID Card copy must be attached to it. allowed. Department reserves the right to take
disciplinary action also.
3. All applications shall be addressed to the Treasurer and
will be received directly in the Treasurer Department with 7. Any type of Processing Fee will not be refunded.
full particulars. The Treasurer Department will get report
from concerned Department and verify the amount from 8. In the case of death or physical incapacity, the full
system as the case may be and will process the case refund will be made only in instances of sever
accordingly. unavoidable and incapacitating circumstances.
4. The refund will be made after deduction of any 9. In case the students who are not
recoverable amount. allowed/granted admission to a program offered by
the University due to less enrolment/non formation
5. The refund will be made to the same person or firm from whom of viable group/ non-offering of courses, full fee
the payment was received, though cross cheque. will be refunded to them.
1. All kind of other fee including but not limited to Degree fee, Sr. # Name Telephone Nos.
Re-appear exams fee, change off name / father name, 051-9057298
examiner registration fee, tutor registration fee, late assignment 1. Director Admissions 051-9250043
051-9250162 (Fax)
evaluation fee, analysis fee, rechecking of answer scripts fee,
NOC fee, subject/group change fee, thesis evaluation fee, thesis Assistant Registrar
2. 051-9250185,
extension fee, job fee, tender fee tec. will not be refunded. (Mailing)
Only excess fee deposited will be refunded/ adjusted. 051-9057310
3. Controller of Examinations 051-9057328
2. The extension in thesis fee in excess shall be refunded on 051-9250012
approval of concerned Dean with certificate that fee was 4. Director Students Affairs 051-9250174
deposited in excess. Dy. Registrar 051-9057428
(Teachers Education) 051-9057299
1. The amount deposited in University accounts by any
person/firm (other than student), by mistake or in excess shall Directorate of International Collaboration & Exchange
be refunded after verification of the amount deposited.
Dr. Zahid Majeed
1. Director +92-51-9057294
Sehrish Khan
2. Assistant Director +92-51-9057811